Method comprises treatment of soil with simultaneous formation of soil ridges. After summer deep tillage before planting herbs the levelling and compacting is carried out in a single pass with smooth water-filled rollers. Planting is carried out with a mixture of stand of grass growing naturally on sod-podzol sandy loam soils with band stripes. Overseeding of tall-stem cultivated crop of corn is carried out with simultaneous formation of the ridges between the bands, and inter-row processing is not carried out. The tall-stem cultivated crop of corn, which has not reached its complete ripeness, is left for winter. The harvesting is carried out on the second year in spring before the vegetation of grass with grinding and removal of the stems with leaves from the field for dry feed with the subsequent feed additive. In addition, overseeding grass between the band stripes is carried out into mechanically damaged ridges, and top dressing of grass is carried out, which is harvested during the complete vegetation season. The distance between the stripes is taken as 20-25 m, and the row spacing of corn is 70 cm. |
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Method of application of material in agricultural field Group of inventions relates to agriculture. The method comprises application of material in the field by the machine having a plurality of devices for dispensing the material. The dispensers of material are arranged to form rows when the machine moves along the field. The machine has a control system for selective stopping for dispensing the material by one or more dispensers while continuing to dispense the material by remaining dispensers. The machine has the means of translational motion and the means of automated determining of position and direction. The method comprises determining the perimeter of the field, identifying the areas of passage of headlands, determining the remaining central region of the field inside the passages of the headlands, the choice of a starting place to begin application of the material. The method also comprises determining a travel route for application of the material starting from the passages in both sides in the central area and turning the machine in the areas, and determining a route plan for the subsequent application of the material in the areas of the headlands. Each headland created around the field is equal to the full width of the machine. The area of passage of the first headland in the perimeter is adjacent to the outer edge of the field. All areas of the passages of the additional headlands are created inside the area of passage of the headland around the perimeter. According to the second embodiment, the method also comprises the use seeds as the material. |
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Method of cultivation of wide row arable crops Method comprises the basic tillage, sowing, care and harvesting. And the soil tillage is carried out with chisel tool with the formation of ridge bottom of the furrow, and sowing the crop is carried out over the deepening of the furrow bottom in every second deepening in the first year of sowing. In the second year the sowing is carried out over the unused deepening of the furrow bottom of the first year, and the width of row-spacing after tillage is equal to half the distance between the rows. The direction of sowing the crop is oriented perpendicular to the motion of the dominant wind. Sowing the crop over the deepening of the furrow bottom alternates with the steam bands, which are loosened during the growing season to the depth of 0.08-0.12 m at least 2 times. After harvesting the crops the plant residues are treated with biomineral preparation of nitrogenous fertilizers, complex humic concentrate and water taken in the ratio of 5:0.2:94.8 based on 310-320 kg per hectare. |
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Method of sowing seeds of alfalfa and leban for pasture forage in arid zones Method comprises planting grass mixtures of legume crops. The tillage to a depth of 20-25 cm, surface levelling and sowing seeds is carried out with inter-row spacing of 15 cm under the scheme leban-alfalfa-alfalfa-leban. In the first year of life in May, in the budding phase - the beginning of flowering, the alfalfa is harvested together with leban for hay. On the second year in spring leban is used for hay, and in winter it is grazed off by sheep or cattle. In other years leban is grazed off at the grassroots alternatively - in summer and in winter, with seeding rate of leban of 5 kg/ha, alfalfa - 6 kg/ha of seeds. Two-component mixtures of leban and alfalfa are sown in winter. For self-sowing of leban every two years grazing of leban is alternated in summer and the following year in winter. |
Method of accelerated determining smallest soil moisture capacity in field Invention relates to the field of agriculture and soil science. The method comprises cutting a groove along the site for determining the soil moisture capacity with the length of 0.5-0.7 m, width of 0.25-0.30 m to the depth of the estimated soil layer. Then, the groove is filled with water, water is supplied to the site from the grooves with infiltration for 7-14 cm, the water is discharged from the groove 30 minutes after pouring water. The groove is closed with boards or metal sheet, and the surrounding area within a radius of 1.0 m from the centre of the groove - with polyethylene film, 20 cm layer of straw and 20 cm layer of soil. The soil moisture capacity in the walls of the groove is determined on layers on the investigated depth in three, five, seven days in four-fold replications to establish a constant humidity, which will be considered its lowest moisture capacity (HB). Water to moisten the soil is fed from the groove, cut on the side of the experimental site, infiltration simultaneously in all layers. |
Method of rice cultivation on saline lands Method comprises watering using the system of mole drainage, flooding rice checks, mowing rice in rolls with two-three-fold threshing of rolls while leaving rice straw on the surface of the check. In autumn before fall ploughing the chemical ameliorant phosphogypsum is applied along with 60 t/ha manure on the surface in the dry state by spreading on the surface using spreaders. The ameliorant dose depends on the degree of soil salinisation: in case of the exchangeable sodium content of less than 15% 3-5 t/ha is applied, in case of 15-20% - 8-10 t/ha, and if it is greater than 20% - 10-15 t/ha. In spring the mole drainage of subsurface layer is carried out, the disease-treated rice seeds are sown in ordinary way. Then flooding of rice checks is carried out with water layer of 10-12 cm. In case of a very strong degree of soil salinity the originally created layer is drained after 2-3 days, and the checks are flooded again with fresh water, in the initial period of development of rice plants - from seed germination till emergence of 2-3 leaves, for the period of germination and seedling emergence (23-27 days) the water is drained and during this period dressing with fertilisers and growth stimulants is carried out, treatment with herbicides using aircraft is carried out. After the mass seedling emergence in phase of 2-3 leaves on the rice field layer of water of 10-12 cm is created again and supported up to tillering period, and then reduced to a level of 5-10 cm. If increase in mineralisation of water to 2 g/l in the check is recorded, its drainage and replacement with fresh water is required. In the early phase of booting the water layer is increased to 15 cm and kept to the end of the milk stage. In case of increasing of mineralisation of water its systematic replacement is carried out, then the water supply is stopped and by the beginning of full ripeness of grain the water is completely drained. |
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Method of improvement of growing hop Invention relates to the field of agriculture. The method comprises processing soil in row spacing and care of plants using tillage tools in the unit with wheel-type tractors. At that the wheel-type tractors move along permanent artificial tracks with hard coating in the root zone of hop plants. Supports for placement of race tracks are made in the form of a metal pipe embedded in soil, which is welded to two brackets, and two race tracks with hard coating are placed on them. |
Invention relates to the field of agriculture. The method includes the harvesting of the previous culture, adding of phosphoric fertilisings, skimming, application of organic fertilisings. Tillage is performed with a complete turnover of the layer, relief leveling, early spring harrowing, pre-plant tilling, sowing, inter-row care, vegetation waterings and harvesting. Meanwhile for intensifying of photosynthetic activity of its culture during its growth and the decrease of the growing season, just before the amaranth sowing a nanostructure water-phosphatic suspension consisting from nanoparticles with the dimensions below 100 nm and obtained from connatural phosphorites is applied into the soil, at the rate of 1.0-2.0 kg per 1 ha of the sowing area. |
Method of buckwheat cultivation Method includes pre-plant processing of soil with sowing of seeds. Sowing of seeds in soil is performed periodically every two years. In the first year the sowing of seeds is performed in the late period and late harvesting by direct combine operation is performed. In the second year the over-stocked drop plantlets are harrowed away down to the density 2.0-3.0 mln plants per 1 ha. Harvesting is performed by separating method with the maturing of buckwheat. Seeding in the first year of cultivation buckwheat is performed on stubble field at the depth 5-6 cm using standard method, with the norm 3.0-3.5 mln. fertile grains per 1 ha, with simultaneous use of mineral fertilizings with the dose N30P30K30. Late sowing of seeds in the first year of buckwheat cultivation is performed in the second half of June. Late harvesting by direct combine operation is performed in the first year of buckwheat cultivation is performed with cutting of plants at height 20-25 cm from the soil surface. Harvesting by direct combine operation in the first year of buckwheat cultivation is performed 5-7 days after first autumn frost, playing a role of desiccation - drying of cormophyte mass and grain on the root. The blooming buckwheat are fertilized by bees - 2-4 honey-bee colonies per 1 ha. |
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Method for application of leaf fertilisers and herbicides Invention relates to the field of mechanisation of agricultural production. The method is characterised in that spraying of leaves of cultivated crops with fertiliser solutions is carried out and herbicides are applied with the tape. Spraying of leaves of cultivated crops is carried out in portions with a solution of mineral fertilisers, and application of the herbicides - on both sides symmetrically with respect to the row of plants within the protection zone with overlapping. To prevent the contact of the solution of the herbicide with the leaves of cultivated crops they are raised, and devices for application of fertilisers and herbicides are brought to the action zone of protective shields. |
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Method of crop irrigation in rice crop rotation Method of crop irrigation in rice crop rotation comprises formation on the surface of the check of the ridge surface and the furrows, laying of drainage elements, planting upland rice or other crops of rice crop rotation, supply into the furrow of irrigation water and drainage loss. The novelty of the invention is that prior to the formation of ridges and furrows the chemical ameliorant is applied on the surface of the check, improving the properties of alkaline soils, and along the central part of the ridges parallel to furrows at a depth of 0.5-0.7 m mole drains are laid. |
Method to protect slope lands from natural and anthropogenic disasters Method includes formation of trenches. Trenches are cut every 10-12 meters with depth of 60-70 cm and width of 50-60 cm. The bottom of trenches is filled with a mixture of zeolyte-containing clays and barite. Coniferous and deciduous trees are planted between trenches. Permanent grasses with high sorption capacity are sown along the lower edge of the trench along the slope, being used as biological indicators during assessment and monitoring of the area. After detection of pollution with heavy metals and radio nuclides they mow ground biomass, shovelling them into trenches for complete neutralisation. |
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Method comprises autumn pre-sowing soil treatment, planting seed tubers in the ridges, inter-row treatments, mowing the stalks for fodder and harvesting the tubers. At that artichoke is places by predecessors, which are used as green manure - winter legume-grass mixtures. In the first year in spring on shoots of green manure artichoke tubers are planted in two to four rows with the width between the rows of 20-40 cm to form after the emergence of the ridge with the width of 120 cm, alternating with the technological gap with the width of 60-120 cm for the passage of harvesting and transport machines. After harvesting of artichoke on the harvested rows the formation of two to four rows on each ridge is carried out by the cultivator. On the second year in spring period prior to the emergence of plants of artichoke the cultivation and the formation of ridges is carried out, harrowing weeds and rows with small tubers. After sprouting of artichoke the thinning or bunching of rows is carried out with bringing the distance between the remaining slots of plants up to 60-80 cm. |
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Method and device for cultivation of high-protein fodder crops in small areas Method of cultivation of high-protein fodder crops in small areas consists in that the preparing, processing, levelling of soil, strip sowing, post-sowing compacting is carried out. Soil preparation is carried out in a single pass as paring. Before sowing the seed disinfection is carried out by wetting them with anode water with acidity of 2-4 pH. Then the seeds are dried in a stream of air to the normal amount of moisture for 10-12 hours. Sowing is carried out on stubble pre-loosened to mulch, with irrigation seeds with catholyte with pH 9-11. The grains of corn or sunflower for grain-haylage are seeded with row spacing of 90-120 cm to form a corridor, in which the seeds of two varieties of high-protein crops are simultaneously seeded with alternation of strips, with a width of rows up to 15 cm. In subsequent years the cross alternation of crops is carried out. The method is carried out using the device which comprises a power unit, a rotary cultivator, a compacting roller, seed hoppers, a drill tube and an opener. The device is also equipped with a hoe blade placed in front of the opener, and a valve mechanism for opening and closing the seed channel located at the end of the opener. The ripper is made in the form of a rotary grinder with knives of mowing type attached perpendicular to its teeth, and is placed over the runner boot. In addition, the device is equipped with a tank for catholyte, mounted on the frame in front of the power unit, and dispensers with nozzles mounted under the sub-frame and connected to the tank by pipelines. |
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Method comprises cutting bands of sod with the width of 1-10 cm with their subsequent undercutting, grinding and dispersion in the form of mulch on the surface of the undisturbed sod. In addition, the milling of sod-free soil bands is carried out with vertical mills, mineral fertilisers are locally applied in soil in the treated soil bands, the soil bed is formed, and sowing of seeds is carried out with covering them with soil ridge. Additionally loosening the soil in a horizontal plane under the undisturbed sod layer is carried out at a depth of 4-8 cm from the surface of the sod and with the width of 8-15 cm on the left and right from the edges of the soil bands treated with vertical mills. The device comprises vertical milling section with casings located on the frame with gear drive, flat circular knives, grinders of sod bands, the fertiliser and seed hoppers with seeding mechanisms, coulters with fertiliser and seed guides, rollers for forming a seed bed, and skids for covering seeds with soil ridges. The device is additionally provided with horizontal milling sections with vertical axes to loosen the soil under the layer of undisturbed sod on the left and right from the edges of the soil band treated with vertical mills. |
Method of recovery of degraded slope grounds Method includes the application of clay deposits and consequent mechanical treatment. At mowing of grass stand in the period of its maturing across the slope, and forming from it of mulching wings with the intervals between them 5-6 m the site is covered with fine zeolite-containing clay - irlit. In inter-rows of wings a capsulated seed material consisting of mix of perennial cereal-fabaceous grasses and irlit in the ratio 1:2 is seeded. |
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Method of automatic control of crop condition Invention relates to the field of agriculture. The method comprises the procedures to obtain information about the physical properties, chemical composition of the soil and weather conditions on the agricultural field, as well as information about the actual yield of the previous year on each part of the agricultural field, compared to the signals of the system of determining the spatial coordinates at the time of harvesting, the use of mathematical models of the influence of soil and climatic factors on the final yield, production of calculations on the parameters of main technologies before sowing plants and carrying out of technological impacts in real time in accordance with these calculations for each part of the agricultural field. Before the start of the vegetation period the optimal program of changes of the plant development indicators average in the field and the parameters of the soil environment is determined by finding the maximum of the parameters of technological operations of the optimality criterion, taking into account the difference between the cost of the crop and the cost of its preparation. In real time at the working pass of the agricultural machine with tools its spatial coordinates are measured, the signals from the meteorological station on the ambient temperature, the level of solar radiation, the precipitation intensity is periodically recorded. According to the measured information the parameters of models of plants and the soil environment are precised, the measured values of the parameters of the plant development and the parameters of soil environment are compared for each part of the field to their optimal average values, according to the results of comparing the corrections to the average optimal values of parameters of technological impacts are formed. For each fragment of the field the size of the overall technological impact is determined, which is created from the optimal average and local correction, which is transmitted by the modem connection in the form of the task to the on-board controller of the machine tool, which carries out the technological impact. The information about the physical properties, chemical composition of the soil and plants is received by periodic sampling on test sites located next to the main field, on which the same culture is cultivated as on the main field, and which differ from each other by different fixed levels of irrigation and doses of mineral fertilizer applications and regulators of growth and development of plants. Simultaneously with the sampling on the test sites by means of aircraft remote sensing the multispectral images of the test sites and the main field are formed, according to the resulting spectral information and the selected samples the mathematical model of the optical measurements is precised, which reflect the connection of condition of the crops and the soil environment on the test sites with the parameters of reflection in all the used spectra, on the spectral information obtained over the entire area of the main field, the condition of the crops and the soil environment on the main field is assessed using the mathematical model of the optical measurements for each time of measurement, according to the obtained estimates and signals from the meteorological station on the ambient temperature, the level of solar radiation and the precipitation intensity the parameters of mathematical models of conditions of crop and soil environment are precised, on which the optimal program of changes of the plant development indicators and soil environment parameters mean in the field are then precised in real time. When working passes of the technological machines simultaneously with the measurement of the spatial coordinates the multispectral pattern of the entire area of the main field is repeatedly formed, on which with the predetermined pitch the condition of the crops and the soil environment is assessed, the resulting estimates on individual parts of the field are compared to their optimal average values obtained during the formation of an optimal program of change of the plant development indicators and soil environment parameters mean in the field. By comparing the results the corrections are formed to the average optimal values of parameters of technological impacts, and for each part of the field the amount of the overall technological impact is determined, created from the optimal average and local corrections in a given spatial coordinate. |
Method of growing forage crops Invention relates to the field of agriculture. In the method pre-sowing treatment of a field, sowing grass and its harvesting are carried out. In the first year solid mixed sowing o annual legume and grain fodder crops is carried out with undersowing into stubble of legumes (green manure) crops with their subsequent embedding into soil. In the second year the mixed sowing of perennial legumes and grain crops is carried out, in the 3th, 4th and 5th year the care for crops and harvesting grass is carried out. In the sixth year the mixed sowing of legumes, grain and grain fodder crops is carried out, and in the seventh year the grain crops are sown or potato or Jerusalem artichoke are planted. |
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Method includes the undercut of bases and simultaneous milling of vegetative and ground knolls. In addition a turfy layer is cut and milled, and undercut of bases of knolls and turfy layer is performed to the depth 5 cm from the soil surface on the width strip 1.2 m. After that the milled particles of knolls and turfy layer are separated into fine particles with the size no more than 5 cm and into coarse particles, with the size above 5 cm, with laying of fine particles above coarse ones, and grading of the soil surface. Grass seeds are sown to the depth 1-1.5 cm with application of starting dose of mineral fertilizings and after-sown rolling down, leaving unsown 10 cm edge strips along the strip to be sawn. The device includes the vertical milling drums installed on the basic frame at equal intermediate space with a possibility of rotation. The working members of milling drums are designed with the shape of spherical disks with shaped cuts with a cutting edge as convex curve along their edge, milling drums installed on shafts layer-by-layer equally spaced, and with a convex surface facing towards the basic frame. Meanwhile the basic frame is installed at the angle to the direction of the machine motion, ensuring overlapping of trajectories of motion of spherical disks. In addition, the device is equipped with series-installed raking grating and sowing section with raning roller behind the milling drums on the additional frame. Meanwhile the additional frame is rigidly connected with basic one and is installed towards the machine motion. Besides, the raking grating, teeth of which are installed with equal spacing interval 5 cm, is connected articulately to the additional frame, and milling drums are installed on the basic frame with a possibility of rotation towards each other. |
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Method comprises preparation of seeding the nutrient mixture, forming briquettes from it, placing seeds to them, furrow formation, application of briquettes to them, covering the furrows. The nutrient medium is used as an ultrasonicated mixture containing glauconite, diatomite, sapropel and peat. The mixture is mixed with the water soluble adhesive. The briquettes are made in the form of hollow ball halves with a hydraulic press in a mould, they are glued and the loading opening is made in them. The seeds and the mixture containing glauconite, diatomite, sapropel and peat, are placed through the loading opening into the briquettes. Then the loading opening is closed and the briquettes are placed into the hopper of the device for application of briquettes from the nutrient mixture with the seeds. The application of briquettes into preliminary prepared furrows is carried out simultaneously with their irrigation. The application of briquettes with seeds is carried out using the device comprising a frame on which a hopper is mounted, in which bottom the outlets are made. Under the bottom the device with the actuator is mounted for conveying briquettes into furrows. The hopper is made removable for placement of the spherical briquettes into it. Device for conveying the briquettes into the furrows is made in the form of conveyor belts with separating planks for metering. |
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Method of strip deep tillage and tool for its implementation Method comprises cutting of slot, raking to the sides of field residues while simultaneous loosening at a predetermined width, fertiliser application to the controlled depth and compacting of the treated strip. Loosening is carried out to the desired depth with the restriction of zone of deformation expansion in the longitudinal and vertical plane to the width of the treatment. The tool comprises working sections mounted on the frame using the parallelogram mechanism. Each section comprises a height-adjustable chisel ripper with fertiliser guide. In front of the chisel ripper the central circular knife with flanged and a pair of disc cleaners are mounted. Behind the chisel ripper, a pair of circular knives and a compactor is mounted. A pair of height-adjustable circular knives is mounted at a depth with overlapping with its plane of the deformation zone from the chisel ripper. The width of arrangement of the pair of circular knives in cross-vertical plane is equal to the width of the treated strip. |
Method of reclaiming degraded lands under far north conditions Invention relates to the field of agriculture, in particular to biological reclamation and can be applied in agriculture in the Far North. The method includes the formation of a soil and vegetative cover with the application of grass seeds. The grass seeds immediately after sowing are watered with the Saraxan-ANP (ammonium nitrate phosphate) water solution, with the following component ratio, wt %: Saraxan (dry) - 0.2-0.6, ANP- 0.4-1.0, water - the remaining part. |
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Method of preparing fallow field Invention relates to the field of agriculture and land reclamation. The method comprises the addition of organic and/or mineral fertilisers and herbicides, under-winter and surface tillage. Additionally, the fertiliser-ameliorants are used, which are applied in the form of mulch layer after under-winter tillage. At that the fertiliser-ameliorants are used as sludge deposit after its treatment by enzyme-cavitation method in the process of sewage treatment with the addition of bulk natural minerals-ion-exchangers. The under-winter tillage is carried out by chisel-mouldboard implement with a depth of chisel ploughing of 30-45 cm and turnover of topsoil to the depth of 10-20 cm. The sludge deposit is applied with its humidity of 30-45% and the ratio of components, wt %: sludge deposit 75-85, bulk natural minerals-ion-exchangers 15-25. |
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Method of management of vineyard soil Method comprises initially-single seeding in a row of vines on 3-year agrotechnological cycles in the row spacing of winter triticale unsown in the previous cycle of varieties alternating in cycles. Every year in the cycles the green mass is mowed when appearance of tube of triticale plant of in spring, in summer the ripe plant biomass of triticale with ears of grain is embedded in soil of row spacing. Together with ripe biomass and ears of grain of triticale the 2-year compost of equal share mixture of pulp and chopped vine the chips of vines are embedded in soil with their ratio 1:1 by weight at a rate of 500 kg/ha, enriched in the process of preparing with the solution of agro-biological stimulant of effective microorganisms "Baikal EM-1" on the basis of the nutrient medium "EM-molasses" with the application rate of 200 l/t compost mixture of pulp and chopped vine. |
Method of sowing introduced grain legume crops In this method the local recognized varieties are sown in wide rows, 2-3 weeks earlier than introducers. After emergence of seedlings leaf fertilizing is carried out with 0.3-0.5% solution of para-aminobenzoic acid, followed by inter-row loosening and sowing in them of the introduced varieties. |
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Invention relates to production of mixtures of annual cereal and legume forage crops when they are used for hay. The method consists in the fact that multi-component mixtures of peas + oats + barley are used in optimal ratios of forage crops, respectively (20:50:30), or vetch + oats + barley (20:50:30). |
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Method of cultivation of vegetable crops under drip irrigation Method comprises the layout of irrigation piping, transplanting the agricultural crops in points of placement of water outlets and vegetative irrigations. Irrigation piping layout is carried out with a unit for transplanting and laying the irrigation piping, equipped with a drum with irrigation piping placed on it, the length of which should correspond to the distance between the headlands of the irrigated field. For vegetative irrigation the drip irrigation system is used, comprising the water source, the unit of water purification from impurities and electric actuator connected hydraulically through locking and regulating device with distribution manifold having drain pipes for connection of irrigation pipelines. The distribution pipe is placed at the front edge of the headland of the irrigated field. The electric actuator of water is equipped with DC generator with adjustable parameters and switch potential, the activating part of the electric actuator of water comprises a cylindrical housing made of stainless steel or titanium with threaded tips, and performing the function of the outer electrode. In the inner cavity of the cylindrical housing separated by a semipermeable diaphragm microporous plastic, the internal electrode is mounted with the possibility of mounting and dismantling, formed of undulated plates of stainless steel, mounted in the inner cavity of the housing crosswise. The distance between the plates is taken from the condition to ensure the necessary flow passage section, providing the desired flow rate through the electric actuator. Supply of electric potential to the inner electrode is performed through the terminal insulated from the housing by the dielectric sleeve, and the supply of potential to the housing is performed through the terminal fixed to the housing outer surface. The vegetative irrigations are carried out in the following sequence: first irrigation with catholyte with the potential -300÷-400 mV at pH of 7.5-8 and the rate of irrigation of 2-3 litres per the plant. After a day the irrigation with the anolyte is carried out - electric actuated water with potential +500÷+600 mV with bringing soil moisture to the minimum field capacity (MFC). Then, irrigation is carried out periodically to maintain soil moisture within 80-85% of the MFC with the catholyte with the potential -200÷-300 mV. Irrigation with anolyte with a potential of +600÷+700 mV is carried out at the appearance of pathogens or pests with bringing soil moisture within 80-85% of the MFC. After harvesting laying the irrigation piping on drums is carried out from the front hitch device of the tractor, provided with brackets for hinging the drums. |
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Method of multiple uses of tops in growing several crops according to devyatkin vd In the method the seed potato tubers are planted in the soil, grown until buds formation. Then the tops of stems of the tops are dug into the soil with processing them with the stimulants of growth and rooting, after formation of roots and stolons on the tops dug in the soil the tops stems are separated from the primary tubers, treated with stimulants of fruit formation and the primary tubers are maintained in the soil, dug out of the soil, the secondary tubers are grown on the tops of the tops. Then the tops of the tops are dug in the soil with their processing with stimulants of growth and rooting, and the process is repeated until the frosts. The stimulant of growth is used as young chopped grass. Before backfilling the tops of the stems of tops with soil the buds and flowers are removed. Prior to cutting off the stem of the tops its base is deformed. |
Method of soil management of vineyards Method comprises initially-single sowing in a row of vines on 3-year agro-technological cycles in inter-rows unsown in the previous cycle of the winter triticale alternating in the cycles of varieties of selection of Krasnodar Research Institute of Agriculture n.a. PP Lukyanenko. Annually in the cycles when the plant is entering in a tube in spring the green mass is mowed, the green mass of triticale with ears of corn ripened in summer is embedded in the inter-row soil. Together with the biomass of triticale in the soil the solution of agro-biological stimulator of effective microorganisms EM is embedded, prepared on the basis of electrochemically activated water, with a flow rate of 350 l/ha. |
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Method of land reclamation, disturbed by dredging works In the river valley the dams of embankment are constructed for creation of fields of filtration and prevention of spreading of sewage water from the reclamated plot. At that the sewage water from the dredging water reservoir with a high content of suspended clay particles is fed through the hoses on the planned surface of the reclamated plot, and the place of pulp supply is periodically changed on the area of the reclamated plot. |
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Method of protection of soil from erosion on slopes in gardens and forest plantations Method comprises sowing of perennial grasses and embedding of the grown mass into the soil. At that sowing with simultaneous fertiliser application is carried out in every third aisle preserving the growing mass during 3 years. Sowing in neighbouring aisles is carried out respectively on the second and third years. Plowing with embedding of the grown mass in the aisle is carried out on the third year after sowing. |
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Method of growing grain-haylage of high-protein crops in small spaces Invention relates to the field of agriculture. The method comprises sowing with minimum tillage. At that the band sowing seeds is carried out in stubble simultaneously with performing for one pass of technological operations of paring and preparing the soil, cutting weeds, harrowing, post-sowing compacting and levelling in extreme weather conditions. For optimisation of the ratio of high-protein crops as part of the grain-haylage the plants are grown at the same sowing rate, but at different stages of development and ratio of species within this rate, namely for the early-maturing grain-haylage, legumes - lupins, sorghum and base silage crops - sunflower or corn, they correspond to ratio of 40:40:20, for middle-maturing grain-haylage - lupine- sorghum-corn, they correspond to the ratio of 60:20:20, and for late-maturing grain-haylage - lupine-sorghum-corn, they correspond to the ratio of 50:40:10. |
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Method of vegetable crop cultivation under drip irrigation Method comprises preplant tillage, layout and fixing flexible irrigation pipes with droppers built in their cavities, planting of sprouts of vegetable crops, weed suppression, application of herbicides and mineral fertilisers, harvesting and fall plowing. Before processing of the array the base station of the satellite navigation system is permanently mounted at a distance of not more than 50 km from the processed array. The boundaries of processed array are determined using the satellite navigation system. Size of the array is divided into parallel bands with the width of 1.40±0.02 m and their conventional boundaries are determined. At that the alternating bands are annually assigned for intensive use and fallow. On the bands for intensive use two irrigation pipelines are placed at a distance for each of 0.35±0.02 m from the conventional boundaries of the bands. The following year, before processing the array the conventional boundaries of the array and bands are restored using the satellite navigation system; the last year assignment of bands is changed, and the alternation of bands in years is carried out with biennial cycles. |
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Invention relates to production of mixtures of annual cereal and leguminous crops to be used as green mass. The method is as follows: one uses multicomponent mixtures of peas + oats + barley + wheat, at optimal ratio of feed crops being (10:30:30:30) respectively, or vetch + oats + barley + wheat (10:30:30:30) or peas + oats + barley (20:50:30). |
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Method of growing linen flax comprises the main autumn and spring presowing treatment of soil, seed treatment, planting and treatment of crops. The crops are treated in phase "herringbone" at the plant height of 3-12 cm with the aqueous solution of the biologically active substance "Floravit ®" in an amount of 1·10-4 g/l with a flow rate of working fluid of 200-400 l/ha. |
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Method of reclamation of fallow lands for hayfields and pastures and device for its implementation Group of inventions relates to the field of agriculture. The method comprises pasturing by animals, destroying of not eaten, harmful and poisonous plants, levelling animal excrement, and removal of uneaten residues by harrows and rakes, fertiliser application, as well as creation of tree and shrub shelterbelts. At that on the area intended for hayfields and pastures area after pasturing by animals the fertilisers are initially applied, and then the uneaten plants are destroyed, tilting them and applying herbicide by method of smearing it on their biomass, including stems and lower surface of leaves. Harrowing and treatment the grass with rake is carried out after the start of regrowth of plants eaten by animals. The device comprises a reservoir for the herbicide, as well as a pump for feeding it to the tubular perforated rods with means for application of the herbicide to the plants. The perforated rods are mounted behind each other in parallel with the ability of horizontal and vertical displacement, and the device for application of the herbicide to the plants is made in the form of capillary cloth located between the pressure plates and attached on the perforated parts of the said rods which are connected and framed with the cloth and placed in the tubular casings with longitudinal slots through which the cloth is passed, compressed by the pressure plates fixed on the edges of the slots. And the perforated tubular rods are communicated with each other by the hose, at that the inlet end of the front tubular rod is connected to the pump and the outlet end of the rear rod through the drainage tube with the valve - with a reservoir for the herbicide to form a flow regulated system. Furthermore, the perforated tubular rods and their casings are attached to the frame, mounted on the propellers, with freedom of vertical and horizontal displacement. |
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Method of control fertility of season-frozen arable soils Method comprises creation of deep vertical cavities, which enable to connect thawed zone of soil with the atmosphere during the period of its thawing, soil treatment, sowing Raphanus sativus subsp. acanthiformis. At that the grown harvest of the culture is left in the soil under the snowpack. |
Invention relates to the field of agriculture. The method comprises application in autumn of organic and phosphorus-potassium fertilisers, deep autumn ploughing, application of nitrogen fertiliser in spring and carrying out cultivation. In that artichoke is cultivated on the southern lit slope. In autumn organic fertilisers are applied at the rate of 30-60 t/ha, also phosphorus-potassium fertilisers are applied at a dose of P40-90K60-120 on soils with high acidity - lime. After 1-2 days deep autumn ploughing of the site is carried out. In spring to accelerate the melting of snow the darkening agents are thrown on it - ash, phosphorus-potassium fertilisers, peat or loose soil. After snow melting, the nitrogen fertiliser at a dose of rate of application of 60-90 kg/ha are applied, and harrowing soil is carried out twice cross-diagonally to a depth of 5-7 cm with the help of tooth harrows on the hitches. After 2-5 days cultivation is carried out at a depth of 10-15 cm. The presowing treatment of seeding material of early varieties of artichoke of tuber purpose is carried out in advance, the healthy not affected by disease tubers are selected, they are decontaminated against infection in an aqueous solution of potassium permanganate in a concentration of 1:10000, germinated in the nutrient medium of humus half with sawdust or peat. The seed tubers are laid in one layer inside the nutrient substrate placed a layer of 6-10 cm, and kept moistened constantly at 15-20°C for 1-2 weeks until emergence of buds and start of emergence of sprouts, then the temperature is lowered to 8-10°C for formation of 1-2 cm sprouts and roots. The identified diseased tubers are removed, then the germinated tubers with the nutrient medium are transplanted into the soil warmed up to 3-5°C in wells and covered with the opaque film. Small tubers weighing 20-30 g are placed on the scheme 40×40 cm, the middle - weighing 40-60 g - on the scheme 50×50 cm, and the tubers are located in chequered order. Over the tubers location the cross-shaped cuts are made with the size of 5×5 cm. |
Method of sowing spring spiked cereals Method comprises soil treatment, pre-sowing treatment of seeds and sowing in spring. The pre-sowing treatment of seeds is carried out by their moisture, bringing the moisture content of the seeds to 45-50% of their mass. The seeds are kept at a temperature of +5°÷+10°C for 20 days, then the seeds are packed and stored till sowing at a temperature below 0°C, and sowing is carried out at the seeding rate of 100-150 kg/ha. The pre-sowing treatment of seeds is started with selection of germinable seeds. |
Method of sowing winter spiked cereals Method of sowing seeds of winter spiked cereals comprises pre-sowing treatment of seeds, for which the viable seeds are selected first. Then the seeds are moisturised, bringing the moisture content of seeds to 45-50% of their weight. Then the seeds are kept at a temperature of +4°…+6°C for 2.5-3 days. Then the seeds are kept at a temperature in the range of -3°…-5°C for 35-50 days, allowing short-term periods to 12 hours of temperature fluctuation in the range of +5° … to -30°C. Then the seeds are kept before sowing at a temperature below 0°C. Sowing is carried out in spring in time of sowing spring spiked cereals on the area of the fields, allotted for the winter and spring spiked cereals with a seeding rate of 100-200 kg/ha. |
Method of increasing efficiency of spring one- and multicomponent phytocenoses Invention relates to the field of agriculture, in particular irrigated agriculture. The method comprises ploughing soil, levelling its surface and watering. Ploughing is carried out in spring upon the occurrence of physical maturity of soil, the soil levelling is carried out, followed by grooving of the irrigation network and pre-sowing water-charging irrigation. Then two post-irrigation cultivations and levelling soil with low leveller is carried out. After sowing, pre-sprouting and post-sprouting harrowing is carried out with toothed harrows, the furrows are cut for irrigation with simultaneous top dressing. The terms of carrying out of methods of the main soil tillage and water-charging irrigation are transferred from autumn to spring at the time of onset of physical maturity of soil for reduction of weed infestation and increase in crop yield. |
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Method of meliorative soil treatment Invention relates to the field of agriculture and land reclamation. The method comprises the cutting of the arable layer and its shifting to the side, the simultaneous and layerwise application of ameliorant doses in the arable and subsurface layers and mixing them with structural constituents of the respective layers. At that the subsurface layer is treated simultaneously with two instruments: the first - for the depth exceeding the thickness of the subsurface layer, and the second, following the first in the direction of travel for the depth of subsurface layer for destruction of layering of the intermittent horizon and the development of the root system of the plants. The width of the treatment area of the first instrument is less than the width of the treatment area of the second instrument. Then the ameliorant is applied in the subsurface layer and the intensive mixing to the depth of the subsurface layer is carried out. |
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Method of basic soil conservation treatment on catena Method comprises ploughing soil as enclosures across the slope to form back ridges and detached intermittent furrows - furrows with jumpers intercepting runoff flow. At that upwards the direct slope having incline not less than 0.015, the width of each previous enclosure Bi is smaller than the width of each subsequent Bi+1, such as Bi-1<Bi<Bi+1, where i is the number of enclosure, growing up the slope, and the width of the ith enclosure is determined by the formula Bi≈B ki, where B is the width of the enclosure that is set from the maximum performance condition of the applicable unit that takes into account the length of the pass, the width of the grip of one plough body, the number of bodies and the minimum turning radius of the unit; ki is the correction factor taking into account inequality of solid and liquid precipitation on the slope and its exposure, absorption and water runoff and defined by the formula k i ≈ 2,3 K n K e ( е 0,1 i − 0,7 е 0,06 i ) [ 1,4 + 24 ( J − 0,031 ) ] ln ( 0,025 L ) , where Kn is the coefficient taking into account the soil dry-weight percentage and equal for light soils Kn=1.0, for medium soils - 0.87 and for heavy - 0.7; Ke is the coefficient taking into account the exposure of the slope and location of the enclosure on the slope: in case of the normal precipitation for the flat surface of 600 mm/yr for the upper and middle parts of the slope at its north and south orientation Ke=0.86; north- west, north- east and south- west Ke=0.88; west Ke=0.9, south-east Ke=0.91 and east Ke=1.0. It is taken into account that under the conditions of Nonchernozem belt the lower part of the slope, as a rule, needs drainage; J is the incline of the slope equal to or greater 0.015, but not greater than 0.05; L is the length of the slope equal to or less than 400 m; n is the number of enclosures on a slope (1≤i≤n) defined by the formula n ≈ L B K n К e [ 1,4 + 24 ( J − 0,031 ) ] . |
Method of sowing varieties-alternates of spiked crops Method comprises soil treatment, the use of crop rotation of spring spiked crops, presowing treatment of seeds and sowing in spring in time of sowing the spring spiked crops. The seeds are moistened, bringing the moisture content of the seeds to 45-50% of their mass, held at a temperature of +5°÷15°C for 1.5-2.0 days. Then, at a temperature in the range of -3°÷5°C for 20 days, allowing for short-term periods of up to 12 hours of fluctuations in temperature in the range of +5° to -30°C. Then, the seeds are stored prior to planting at a temperature of 0°÷5°C, and planted with a decreased seeding rate in the range of 100-200 kg/ha. The presowing treatment of seeds is started with the selection of germinable seeds. |
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Method of growing adaptive systems of wheat varieties (versions) Method comprises the sowing on fields of complex of wheat varieties, co-located in the region. At that the field is preliminary divided by dividing bands at portions each of which is sown with one of the varieties from the complex. And one variety of the complex of wheat varieties is susceptible to the most aggressive pathogen race in this region, and the dividing bands are sown in spring with spring spiked crops. According to the method the seed mixture of complex of wheat varieties is also sown on each field. At that one variety of the complex of wheat varieties is susceptible to the most aggressive pathogen race in this region and is taken in an amount of not more than 20% of the total amount of seeds of wheat varieties, and around the field the spring spiked cultures are sown. The mixture of seeds of complex of wheat varieties is made of early ripening and late ripening varieties, and the early ripening varieties are used in the amount of not more than 50% of the total amount of seeds of wheat varieties. |
Method of reclamation of agricultural lands Invention relates to the field of agriculture, ecology and land reclamation. The method comprises application into the soil of soil-fertilising material which is used as organo-mineral compost containing pig manure and cattle manure, sewage sludge, and phosphogypsum with the following component ratio (wt %): phosphogypsum with pH 5.0-5.5 - 10-13, pig manure - 11-13, sewage sludge - 6-8, cattle manure - the rest, that are composted in the summer period for 3 months under conditions of high average daily temperatures of compost from 35 to 45 °C, stirring every month till ripening. Then, the resulting compost is applied to the soil on one occasion for 5 years at a dose of 60 t/ha, embedding it in the late summer - early autumn at a depth of 14-18 cm. |
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Method of winter planting potatoes of devyatkin vd In the method in autumn the soil is covered with insulating layer of dried mowed grass. Then deep planting holes with sealed walls are made, the holes are filled with fertile soil or fertilisers. The notched potatoes are planted in the holes, which surface is covered with fertilisers and repellent rodent agents. The potatoes are covered with dry layer of fertile soil, and the openings over the hole - with dry grass. Rain-protective cover is placed over the hole, which is removed after the sustained period of frost. Spring watering with warm water and biological growth stimulator and removal of individual weeds is carried out. Potato sprouts are protected against frost with a film, spread out in the aisle and filled with water. In the aisle the aromatic herbs are planted, in summer the flowers are removed, and in autumn after drying stems of potato the tubers are harvested from the soil surface. |
System of maintenance of vineyards aisles System comprises spring loosening the soil to a depth of 12-15 cm, compacting, inter-bush processing, autumn ploughing and fertilising once every 3 years. The roots of growing weeds for the spring and summer period are pruned 2-3 times, and their aerial part is compacted, creating a compacted thick grass layer. The inter-bush processing of soil is carried out without breaking the compacted grass layer. After harvesting grapes the soil is processed with a combined unit, enabling to mix the entire grass layer accumulated over the spring and summer period, with the entire thickness of the ploughed horizon. Mineral fertilisers are applied once every 3 years in the root zone of the vine. |
Method of growing sweet pepper in drip irrigation system on flood embedded sandy loam soils Method comprises application of macrofertilisers, plowing with soil overturning, early spring harrowing, preplant cultivation, equiplanation, sowing seedlings in soil layer, vegetation irrigation, inter-row treatments, additional fertilising, protection of plants and fruits from agricultural pests and diseases, and harvesting. Sweet pepper is grown on flood embedded sandy loam soils. The macrofertilisers N120P80K120 are applied once before plowing. Sowing seedlings in soil layer with temperature of 15-18°C is carried out, with the planting density of 71 thousand units per hectare, the arrangement diagram of 90+30×25 cm. The macrofertilisers N120P80K120 are applied in fractional manner with the irrigation water: in the stage of the third and fourth true leaf 18-22% N, 10-14% P, 14-18% K, in the budding stage 30-38% N, 28-38% P, 30-32% K, in the flowering stage 12-20% N, 16-22% P, 36-48% K, in the fruiting stage 20-40% N, 26-46% P, 6-16% K, while maintaining in the soil layer of 0-0.8 m of 80% moisture content of field moisture capacity during the whole growing period. In total 16 irrigations are carried out with the total flow rate of 260 m3/ha, while the nitrate content in biologically ripe fruit up is no greater than 16 mg/kg. |
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Method for recultivation of tailing dumps Invention relates to mining and may be used for recultivation of anthropogenic structures and strengthening of dust-producing surfaces. The method includes treatment of stored tailings with a binding compound, sowing of perennial herbs and compaction of the surface layer. At the same time previously, for formation of a pedogenic layer, they treat the surface of the tailing dump with a zeolite hydraulic mix at the ratio of zeolite-water equal to 1:2 and perform tillage of the surface layer. And treatment of soil with a binding compound, sowing of perennial herbs and compaction of the surface layer is carried out simultaneously, at the same time binding compounds are water-soluble polymers. |
Another patent 2551222.
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