Method of increasing adaptive status of bee family |
IPC classes for russian patent Method of increasing adaptive status of bee family (RU 2511304):
Method for assessing stress resistance in pigs / 2510852
Invention refers to veterinary science and agriculture. The method provides pig's blood analysis for the following values: malondialdehyde MDA, antioxidant activity AOA, total oxidative activity of blood plasma TOA, catalase activity CT, superoxide dismutase SOD. The two-month pigs having MDA 6.02±0.13 absorption unit/ml and less, AOA 60.86±0.31% and more, TOA 71.64±0.16% and less, CT 57.30±1.05 absorption unit/ml min and more, SOD 14.57±0.44 absorption unit/ml and more are considered to be stress-resistant PSS "-"; the values of MDA 7.63±0.07 absorption unit/ml and more, AOA 50.22±0.42% and less, TOA 79.21±0.83% and more, CT 47.16±1.08 absorption unit/ml min and less, SOD 10.49±0.49 absorption unit/ml and less enables stating the pigs as stress-sensitive PSS "+". The six-month pigs having MDA 7.37±0.17 absorption unit/ml and less, AOA 61.93±0.25% and more, TOA 41.86±0.19% and less, CT 76.68±0.74 absorption unit/ml min and more, SOD 22.80±0.68 absorption unit/ml and more are considered to be stress-resistant PSS "-"; the values of MDA 8.05±0.09 absorption unit/ml and more, AOA 59.72±0.17% and less, TOA 46.21±0.09% and more, CT 71.76±0.51 absorption unit/ml min and less, SOD 19.91±0.59 absorption unit/ml and less enables stating the pigs as stress-sensitive PSS "+".
Invention relates to field of medicine, neurobiology and pharmacokinetics and deals with method of obtaining valid molecular-genetic model of human absence epilepsy. Claimed method consists in the following: parent individuals P with genotype A1/A1 of gene DRD2 are identified by means of genotyping of Taq 1A DRD2 locus in rats of WAG/Rij line, crossed with each other with obtaining offspring F1, which is grown to reproductive age, after that, nonaudiogenic individuals are identified among offspring F1, after which nonaudiogenic individuals of offspring F1 are crossed with each other to obtain offspring F2, which is then also grown to reproductive age with the following selection of nonaudiogenic individuals among them, crossing and selection being performed repeatedly to obtain homogeneous population of nonaudiogenic rats of WAG/Rij line with genotype A1/A1 of gene DRD2, control of "ПВР" type in selected individuals of offspring F1 for further crossing is carried out by means of encephalographic analysis, which includes morphological control.
Method of selection of cattle in kalmyk breed according to meat productivity / 2498569
Invention relates to the field of genetics and animal breeding. The method of selection of cattle of Kalmyk breed is that at the age of 6-month the presence in blood of erythrocytic antigens-markers of tall-growing type: G2 E'3 R2 are detected. In the presence in the genotype of animals of markers of productivity the selection of animals is carried out.
Invention relates to fur farming field, in particular, to young minks performance increase. The fur animals growing method envisages introduction of biologically active substances (physiological promoters) into the ration of young minks intended for pelt obtainment. The biologically active substances (physiological promoters) are represented by L-carnitine preparation and are introduced in an amount of 30 mg per 1 kg of live weight into the ration in seven days' courses with seven days' intervals between them, once a day in the period of active growth - from June to August inclusive.
Invention relates to the field of agriculture, namely, to selection, and can be used in breeding in poultry pedigree farms. Evaluation of broiler chickens is carried out according to the developed scale for fast and slow-fledging lines of broiler strains; the day-old chickens are distributed into three groups: 6-18 hours - late; 19-32 hours - average; 33 and above - early. The calculation of the duration of the embryonic development from laying to hatching chickens is carried out: the time is recorded from the start of incubation till evaluation of the chickens on development of fledging (T1), the age of chickens is subtracted from it, which is set according to a feather (T2), using the formula: T=T1-T2.
Invention relates to a velvet antler reindeer breeding and can be used to identify the productive qualities of Siberian red deers. The method is characterised in the fact that assessment is carried out according to the level of testosterone and/or estradiol secretion in blood serum in its sampling in any month from December to August inclusively, and Siberian red deers should be considered as highly productive with the following levels of secretion of testosterone in blood serum, nmol/l, and time period of its sampling: 1.67 - January, and/or 7.15 - March, and/or 5.41 - April, and/or 1.27 - June and/or 5.13 - August, not less and/or according to the level of estradiol secretion in blood serum, nmol/l, and time period of its sampling: 2.32 - December, and/or 2.91 - January, and/or 1.06 - March, and/or 1.50 - April, and/or 2.41 - June, and/or 2.68 - July, no more.
Undeveloped eggs are placed for 45-50 minutes in a four percent solution of sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl), and on the basis of the number of dissolved eggs they define the quantity of unfertilised eggs. The proposed method makes it possible to perform mass investigations of quite large samples, to detect specifics at the level of frequency of occurrence of unfertilised eggs, both of genetically dependent factors and stresses of the environment of various nature at the reproductive system of the drosophila. Besides, the proposed method of chorion removal makes it possible to detect a share of parthenogenetically developing eggs, which is specific for certain types of drosophila, and also disturbances in the reproductive system of drosophila males. The method makes it possible to process quite a high quantity (100-200 pcs.) of undeveloped eggs referred to early embryonal parts within a short period of time, makes it possible to identify sterility of males. With the help of this method both for parent and several next generations of drosophila, they determine a prolonging effect of biological exposure of a stress agent at ability to leave posterity.
Method to increase yield of pigs / 2483534
Invention relates to veterinary science and pig breeding. The invention makes it possible to increase yield of pigs by application of a biological agent "Geprim for pigs" and "Gamavit". For this purpose the agent "Geprim for pigs" is injected to pigs once intramuscularly in the dose of 0.19-0.21 ml/kg, and "Gamavit" in the dose of 0.1-0.15 ml/kg per head in the beginning of fattening - on the first, fourth and ninth days.
Invention relates to genetics and breeding of farm animals. The method provides for multiplex amplification of 13 loci of microsatellites of cattle (TGLA126, ILSTS005, ETH185, TGLA122, INRA023, ILSTS006, TGLA227, ETH225, ETH10, BM1818, BM1824, SPS115) using a test system for DNA-expertise of animals, building allelic profiles and subsequent calculation of similarity factor Q. At the same time for determination of genuineness of strain it is not required to previously determine allelic profiles of breeds and using reference populations. Those species are of genuine strain, which have similarity factor Q≥0.75.
Method of feeding farm animals / 2467568
Alleged invention relates to agriculture, namely to feeding farm animals. The method of feeding farm animals lies in adding into the animal diet of zeolites, coniferous flour, larvae of synanthropic flies, and the ingredients are added in the diet in the last 14 days of fattening in the amount of grams per head daily: zeolites 250-500, coniferous flour 50-100, larvae of synanthropic flies 20-50.
The present innovation deals with boiling an extract, cooling, centrifuging, dissolving a residue, cooling, centrifuging, dissolving a residue, adding sulfuric acid into a tube and 1%-condensate's solution followed by heating, cooling, photometry against the control at wave length being 315 nm, as a condensate one should apply resorcinol.
Method involves placing processed substrate with synanthropic fly larvae living thereon into reservoir by means of belt conveyor; setting velocity of belt conveyor so as to provide migration of larvae from substrate thickness into reservoir, onto its surface, said velocity depending on thickness of substrate layer: the greater is thickness of substrate layer , the lower is the velocity, and larvae concentration in upper part of reservoir being provided by making width of reservoir lower part exceeding width of its upper part; upon filling of reservoir, stopping feeding of substrate and removing larvae from upper part of reservoir by means of conveyor equipped with rectangular plates; removing substrate remained in reservoir by means of screw-type conveyor.
Method for producing of bird's gametes / 2294099
Method involves obtaining embryo stem cells from donor-kind birds and introducing stem cells in-ovo to recipient-kind birds, with recipient-kind birds differing from donor-kind birds; incubating recipient-kind cells to pecking stage; growing to sexual maturity phase and collecting gametes of donor-kind birds from recipient-kind birds.
Method for treatment of meat-type chicken eggs / 2308830
Method involves treating eggs with biologically active compositions, with organosilicon substances such as cresacin and meval being used as biologically active compositions. Said compositions are applied in the form of mixture of their solutions onto eggshell 6-12 hours before incubation.
Method for obtaining color-balanced karakul / 2310326
The present innovation deals with raising colored Karakul sheep and could be applied for obtaining qualitative, color-balanced, export-orientated karakul. It is necessary to select stud rams (lambs) aged 1-2 d to detect the peculiarities of distribution, the quantity and quantitative content of the pigment - melanin in hair. Additionally, it is important to carry out iridoscopy for the lambs aged 5-mo along with detection of color purity - the absence of stripes, lines, grooves, lacunes, spots and homogeneity - the absence of contrast distinctions in pigmentation of iris color. Then comes the selection of stud rams at steady distribution of pigment without any variations of color tone along the whole surface of iris and along its all projectional areas of the right and left eyes in 12.00-11.59 sector clockwise. Artificial insemination of females of the same color from these stud rams has been suggested followed by the analysis of the data obtained. The innovation enables to shorten the terms and cheapen the process for obtaining color-balanced karakul.
Method for increasing of egg hatching capacity and resistance of young farm birds / 2311023
Method involves providing triple treatment of eggs with glycin solution and succinic acid solution; spraying glycin solution and succinic acid solution onto egg shell surface; treating eggs before incubation and on 7th day of incubation with glycin solution; treating eggs on 19th day of incubation with succinic acid solution; using glycin in 0.5-1%-concentration and succinic acid in 0.3-0.5%-concentration; spraying said solutions onto 120-150 eggs during 6-12 hours before incubation at air temperature of 20-22 C within house.
Apparatus has rectangular starting and target modules. Inlet and outlet openings are cut through side walls of starting module. Outlet openings are closed with doors. Each of four target modules comprises partition walls, inlet tunnels with aversive obstacles, and outlet corridors. Pedal positioned in front of inlet tunnel is connected through lock with door. Reinforcement is positioned within target part.
Method for obtaining unisexual female offspring in sturgeon fish / 2312495
The present innovation deals with induction of embryonic gynogenetic development due to inseminating ovicells with genetically inactivated sperm. Moreover, induction should be applied for ovicells of the females in the hybrids of phylogenetically distant species. Such females are able to produce unreduced diploid ovicells which are genetically identical to maternal ones. The innovation enables to create clonally reproducing female lines of sturgeon fish, (unisexual female offspring) in fish with different mechanisms of sex detection, the case when the mechanism is unknown, among them. Also, it gives the chance to considerably reduce expenses at forming a spawning school.
Method for increasing productivity of fur-producing animals / 2322052
Method involves introducing Emicidin antioxidant into ration of feed mixture in an amount of 25 mg per animal per day in two courses: beginning from last week of April - during 15 days and from first week of June - during 10-12 days.
Method includes definition of a wool fineness of investigated animal with subsequent choice of selection direction on this indicator of wool productivity. In investigated wool in addition urea-bisulphite solubility is defined and estimation is made, defining graphically arrangement of crossing point of received results of a fineness (x, micron) and urea-bisulphite solubility of a wool (y, %) with the subsequent analysis of their placing concerning normed space limited by a line, formed on equation y = -ax+b, where y - urea-bisulphite solubility; a, b - factors calculated separately for each herd; x - fineness, received on average indexes of dependences for a wool of breeding and commodity animals, thus in case of received results finding on a line or above it, it is considered, that wool of investigated animal meets set requirements of quality on fineness and it is made decision to continue with this animal breeding work by an estimation wool production, otherwise - investigated animal is subject to a culling from a further breeding work in a wool productivity direction.
FIELD: agriculture. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to livestock husbandry, in particular, to beekeeping for increasing the adaptive status of the bee family. The microdoses of biologically active substance are administered in the body of bees with water or an aqueous solution of carbohydrates. Dihydroquercetin is used as the biologically active substance. EFFECT: reduction of lead and cadmium in the body of bees is provided, and fertility of queen bees is increased. 1 tbl, 1 ex
The invention relates to animal husbandry, in particular beekeeping. Know the use in livestock farming of biologically active substances. They are not a substitute feed, can intensify their use due to the stimulation of the digestive processes, affecting carbohydrate, protein, lipid and mineral metabolism. Activating physiological processes, biologically active substances can indirectly influence the recovery process violations, strengthen the functions of the body, thereby increasing its resistance to damage, the development of pathological processes. Unlike drugs that regulate physiological processes, biologically active substances intensify them (Bukin, 1976; Evdokimov, 1974). In beekeeping to increase the adaptive status of bee colonies known to use Malacrida, polisena (mixture of essential amino acids) and chitosan succinate (a derivative of chitin with succinic acid), which in microdoses add in carbohydrate feeding. Feeding with the addition of biologically active substances is carried out in a period of increasing bees to honey with 5-7 day intervals. Polisin ceteris paribus to a greater extent than Malakal and chitosan stimulates the reproductive function of females (Eskov, Yaroshevich, 2006, 2007). what this translates to a relatively high positive impact of polisena on the adaptive status of bee colonies. However, the known methods, affecting the reproductive activity of females, increase the intensity of accumulation in the body of the lead and cadmium contained in the feed and water (Eskov, 2006, 2008; Eskov, Yaroshevich, 2006). With accumulation of lead and cadmium in the body of bees as a result of the decrease in their viability (Eskov and others 2007). This is a particular threat to beekeeping in the conditions of steadily increasing in recent years, anthropogenic pollution of the natural environment. In particular, with a progressive increase of vehicles increases dramatically contamination of feeding sites used by the bees, lead and cadmium. The purpose of the present invention was to develop a way of increasing adaptive status of colonies, by introducing into the organism working individuals environmentally friendly preparation of dihydroquercetin (C15H12O7·1,5H2O). As indicators, contributing to the viability of honey bee colonies, such as falling in the body of bees such dangerous toxins, such as lead and cadmium, as well as increasing the fertility Queen bees. With the fecundity of females is due to the replenishment of the loss of bees that occur with particularly high intensity in spring and summer. Dihydroquercetin is bioflavanoids with a wide spectrum of biological actions: regulates metab the symbolic processes, has a positive effect on the functional state of the organism, creates mechanisms to protect healthy cells from the pathology caused by chemical poisoning by neutralizing radical activity. Dihydroquercetin is non-toxic, harmless, has a high activity at low concentrations, resistant to thermal and mechanical stress. In 1997 the European Parliament and the Council adopted a regulation on the use of Taxifolin (dihydroquercetin), obtained from the Dahurian larch in creating new food products and supplements with the date of enactment 9 August 2010 Technological result of the invention is achieved by a method of stimulation of reproductive activity Queen bees, including the introduction into the organism of worker bees with water or water (25-30%) solution of carbohydrate microdoses digidrokvertitsin. To do this, use newlive drinkers or nutrilife feeders. Water and low concentrated carbohydrate food the bees needed in the spring and early summer - at a time when there is a replacement bees weakened by winter. At this time, bees are actively consume water and provide them with low concentrated solutions of carbohydrates, which contributes to the introduction of the drug. Uterine receive the drug is mediated from the worker bees in% the SSE one of obligate interaction - trophallaxis (Eskov, 1992). The dose of the drug, stimulating the reproductive function of females, is 5-10 mg per day per 1 kg of live weight of worker bees. Increasing the dose of dihydroquercetin no threat to bees, because the drug is environmentally safe. The implementation of the method at low cost of labor and time is achieved using bee (nulewyh) drinkers. Waterers are arranged in the apiary in early spring, allowing you to develop bees reflex to the location of the trough. Increase attractively drinkers promotes the dissolution of buckets of salt (NaCl), particularly high demand in which bees have in the beginning of the spring-summer season in the annual cycle of life. The concentration of the drug in water is calculated on the daily quantity of water consumption all bee families and the mass contained in them bees. With high costs of labor and time is related to bees drug in carbohydrate solution wnoutrefresh feeders. But it is more accurate to calculate the daily dose of the drug. Example. Was formed two groups of bees (experimental and control) with Queen-sisters. Each group contained 10 bee families. They source and during the spring-summer season according to the standard method takes into account the fertility of females by the number of sealed the second brood. Bees from the experimental group were fed in natriuretic feeders 25%sucrose solution containing dihydroquercetin. Average daily consumption of dihydroquercetin was 7 mg per 1 kg body weight of bee colonies. A control group of bee colonies received a 25%sucrose solution without drug. These feeding bees received from 10.05 on 01.06.10, Along with the above, in the body of the worker bees atomic-absorption method controlled the content of lead and cadmium to the start of the experiment and after feeding. It was established that the original fertility of females in the experimental and control groups did not differ and was at the level of 1012-1234 eggs per day. After 2-3 weeks from the beginning of the experiments of the uterus treated in carbohydrate solution dihydroquercetin, was postponed for days on average in 1453±49 eggs in the control group - 1213±42 eggs. Thus, the fertility of females under the influence of consumption of dihydroquercetin has increased on average by 16% (P>≥0,95).
In the control group in different parts of the body and rectum content of lead and cadmium during the spring period had a tendency of a slight increase (ranging from 3 to 22%). In contrast, the bees from the experimental group the content of these pollutants decreased. At the head of the Department of the reduction of lead content in relation to the original level was on average 28%in breast - 27%, abdominal - 19% and rectum 24%, and cadmium, respectively, 17%, 21%, 19% and 20%. Stimulation of reproductive activity in mares, obviously, largely related to the fact that the drug intensifies the removal from the body of bees pollutants. In the trophic chain, the Queen bee this significantly reduces the content of lead and cadmium in Royal jelly, which is produced by hypopharyngeal glands of worker bees and is used for feeding bulirsh females. This reduces the toxic effect of lead and cadmium on physiological condition of females. Reportedly, the most effective used in beekeeping biostimulant - polisin (a mixture of amino acids) in contrast to dihydroquercetin contributes to the accumulation of lead in rectum bees (Eskov and others, 2007). Obviously, for this reason, it is significantly lower than the dihydroquercetin influence on reproductive activity of females (E is ikov, Yaroshevich, 2007). Sources of information Bukin VK Biochemical basis for the use of vitamins in animal husbandry: Vitamins - their production and use in agriculture. Krasnodar. 1976. - P.16-30. Evdokimov P.D., 'ev V.I. Vitamins, micronutrients, biostimulants and antibiotics in animal husbandry and veterinary medicine. Leningrad: Lenizdat. 1974. 74 C. Eskov E.K. Ecology of honey bees. Ryazan: Russian word. 1995. 392 C. Eskov HE Technogenic pollution of the natural environment and bees /beekeeping. 2006. No. 7. P.10-13. Eskov E.K., Yaroshevich G.S. of Polisin, chitosan and Malakal stimulants development of bees /beekeeping. 2006. No. 5. P.16-17. Eskov E.K., Yaroshevich G.S. Reproductive activity of the Queen bees of different fertility during stimulation of the chitosan // Agricultural biology. 2007. No. 2. S-118. Eskov E.K. and other Accumulation of heavy metals in the body of bees/beekeeping. 2008. No. 2. P.14-16. Eskov E.K., Yaroshevich G.S. Reproductive activity of the Queen bees of different fertility during stimulation of the chitosan // Agricultural biology. The biology of animals. 2007. No. 2. S-118. The way to increase the adaptive status of the bee family, including the introduction into the organism of bees with water or an aqueous solution of carbohydrates trace quantities of biologically active substances, characterized in that the biologically active substance ispolzuetsyaprintsip, contributing to the reduction of lead and cadmium in the body of bees and increase the fertility of ewes.
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