Modular apparatus for investigating animals' capability in achievement of reinforcement |
IPC classes for russian patent Modular apparatus for investigating animals' capability in achievement of reinforcement (RU 2311763):
Calf rearing method / 2311024
Method involves taking colostral fore milk dose from each udder quarter for mastitis control immediately after calving; after examination, determining density of colostral milk taken from udder sound quarters; taking out colostral milk having density of 1.045-1.055 g/cm3 and higher; pumping colostral milk having density of 1.045-1.055 g/cm3 under pressure of 0.4-0.5 atm into calf's rennet bag during the first 30 min after delivery, said pumping of colostral milk being performed during 45-60 s in an amount of 10% by live weight of calf; pumping colostral milk having density higher than 1.055 g/cm3 in an amount of 8% by live weight of calf; using colostral milk having temperature of 37-38 C.
Method for increasing of egg hatching capacity and resistance of young farm birds / 2311023
Method involves providing triple treatment of eggs with glycin solution and succinic acid solution; spraying glycin solution and succinic acid solution onto egg shell surface; treating eggs before incubation and on 7th day of incubation with glycin solution; treating eggs on 19th day of incubation with succinic acid solution; using glycin in 0.5-1%-concentration and succinic acid in 0.3-0.5%-concentration; spraying said solutions onto 120-150 eggs during 6-12 hours before incubation at air temperature of 20-22 C within house.
Method for obtaining color-balanced karakul / 2310326
The present innovation deals with raising colored Karakul sheep and could be applied for obtaining qualitative, color-balanced, export-orientated karakul. It is necessary to select stud rams (lambs) aged 1-2 d to detect the peculiarities of distribution, the quantity and quantitative content of the pigment - melanin in hair. Additionally, it is important to carry out iridoscopy for the lambs aged 5-mo along with detection of color purity - the absence of stripes, lines, grooves, lacunes, spots and homogeneity - the absence of contrast distinctions in pigmentation of iris color. Then comes the selection of stud rams at steady distribution of pigment without any variations of color tone along the whole surface of iris and along its all projectional areas of the right and left eyes in 12.00-11.59 sector clockwise. Artificial insemination of females of the same color from these stud rams has been suggested followed by the analysis of the data obtained. The innovation enables to shorten the terms and cheapen the process for obtaining color-balanced karakul.
Method for obtaining color-balanced karakul / 2310326
The present innovation deals with raising colored Karakul sheep and could be applied for obtaining qualitative, color-balanced, export-orientated karakul. It is necessary to select stud rams (lambs) aged 1-2 d to detect the peculiarities of distribution, the quantity and quantitative content of the pigment - melanin in hair. Additionally, it is important to carry out iridoscopy for the lambs aged 5-mo along with detection of color purity - the absence of stripes, lines, grooves, lacunes, spots and homogeneity - the absence of contrast distinctions in pigmentation of iris color. Then comes the selection of stud rams at steady distribution of pigment without any variations of color tone along the whole surface of iris and along its all projectional areas of the right and left eyes in 12.00-11.59 sector clockwise. Artificial insemination of females of the same color from these stud rams has been suggested followed by the analysis of the data obtained. The innovation enables to shorten the terms and cheapen the process for obtaining color-balanced karakul.
Method for treatment of meat-type chicken eggs / 2308830
Method involves treating eggs with biologically active compositions, with organosilicon substances such as cresacin and meval being used as biologically active compositions. Said compositions are applied in the form of mixture of their solutions onto eggshell 6-12 hours before incubation.
Method for increasing the performance in replacement swines under conditions of kemerovo region / 2308201
During the period of growing and fattening the youngsters for the purpose of increasing the performance in youngsters in case of simultaneous deficiency of selenium and iodine it is necessary to supplement the diet with microadditives. According the technique mentioned one should apply potassium iodide introduced subcutaneously at the dosage of about 6-9 mg/swine on the 60-90th d of their life, and sodium selenite introduced perorally at the dosage of 0.5 mg/kg feedstuff during the whole period of raising. The innovation enables to increase average daily body weight gains by 20.5%, shorten the age to achieve body weight of 100 kg by 24 d and decrease the expenditure of feedstuff per 1 kg body weight gain by 17.2%.
Application of feedstuff treated with "hymizyme" polyenzymatic preparation in case of intoxication with heavy metals in animals and hens / 2308188
It is necessary to apply the feedstuff treated with "Hymizyme" polyenzymatic preparation by high-temperature fermentation technique in case of intoxication with cadmium and lead in animals and hens. The innovation enables to decrease the content of heavy metals in meat and poultry eggs.
Method for predicting viability and productive longevity in cows under conditions of monsoon climate / 2308187
In animals aged 8-10 mo one should determine the type of ceruloplasmin and haptohemoglobin in blood serum. Animal with the type of Cp BB Hp 2-2 should be referred to ones of higher viability and prolonged terms of practical use, animals with the type of Cp AA Hp-1 should be referred to ones of decreased viability and short terms of practical use, animals of other types of Cp and Hp should be referred to ones of intermediate position by viability and longevity of practical use. The innovation enables to predict viability and productive longevity in cows quickly and accurately in early age under conditions of monsoon climate.
The present innovation deals with daily collection of urine followed by detecting there the concentration of creatinine and 3-methylhistidine. According to the data of urinary secretion of creatinine of 3-methylhistidine one should determine the rate of deposition and degradation of proteins in skeletal muscles, moreover, the evaluation of the results obtained should be carried out according to relative degradation of muscular proteins (RDP) estimated by the following formula: RDP,%/d=100xrate of degradation/rate of protein deposition, g/d. Young bulls at RDP value being about 1.51-2.05%/d should be referred to animals of low potential of meat performance, and at values ranged 1.10-1.50%/d - to animals of high potential of meat performance. The innovation enables to predict meat qualities of stud bulls before obtaining the offspring and accelerate selection process.
Method for predicting pregnancy in cows / 2306701
The innovation deals with testing blood serum for the content of ceruloplasmin and at the value of its activity being above 0.095 U optic density it is possible to diagnose the pregnancy. The technique suggested is accurate, enables to diagnose the pregnancy in cows at early stage and, also, it enables to increase efficiency, decrease labor capacity and avoid the usage of expensive devices and reagents.
The present innovation deals with dynamic loading onto cardio-vascular system in animals. Selection should be carried out by the following parameters:
Method for protection of vegetative solanaceous plants from insect pests / 2244421
Method includes spraying of vegetative solanaceous plants with Steinermena feltiae suspension in combination as antidesiccant with agent obtained from biomass of Mortierella jenkinii micromycete according to claimed technology.
Method for protection of vegetative solanaceous plants from insect pests / 2244422
Method includes spraying of vegetative solanaceous plants with Steinermena feltiae suspension in combination as antidesiccant with agent obtained from biomass of Mortierella marburgansis micromycete according to claimed technology.
Method for protection of vegetative solanaceous plants from insect pests / 2244423
Method includes spraying of vegetative solanaceous plants with Steinermena feltiae suspension in combination as antidesiccant with agent obtained from biomass of Saprolegia parasitica micromycete according to claimed technology.
Method for protection of vegetative solanaceous plants from insect pests / 2244424
Method includes spraying of vegetative solanaceous plants with Steinermena feltiae suspension in combination as antidesiccant with agent obtained from biomass of Pythium insidodiosum micromycete according to claimed technology.
Method for protection of vegetative solanaceous plants from insect pests / 2244425
Method includes spraying of vegetative solanaceous plants with Steinermena feltiae suspension in combination as antidesiccant with agent obtained from biomass of Mortierella exigua micromycete according to claimed technology.
Apparatus has casing, horizontally positioned perforated member adapted for accommodation of wastes and vermiculite culture, and water receiving device. Casing is made in the form of cylindrical segment. Perforated member is spaced from cylindrical member axis by distance making 50-75% the radius of cylindrical segment. Water receiving device is made in the form of part of cylindrical segment arranged under perforated member. Apparatus is equipped with frame. Casing is mounted on frame for lifting to an angle of up to 45 deg and is furnished at its ends with gates for discharging contents therefrom and with water inlet and water outlet branch pipes. Method involves placing onto perforated member preliminarily prepared material to be processed and having pH=6-8 and basic amount of worms; wetting said material to predetermined moisture content at preliminarily selected temperature; providing composting while maintaining predetermined temperature and moisture content in layer of material under process. Said layer has thickness of from 20 to 50% the radius of cylindrical segment. Lower part of casing is filled with water, which is heated by means of heaters to temperature of 19-210C. Worms are introduced into said layer of material in an amount of from 50 to 400 species per 1 m3 of material under process. Composting process is provided at temperature of 20-230C and layer moisture content in the range of 60-85% for 1-3 months. Upon termination of composting process, ready compost is discharged from casing.
Method of removing lead level in blood and milk of cows in industrial zones / 2245030
Method comprises introducing glauconite into diet of milk cows in ecologically unfriendly zone in amount corresponding to 0.15-0.20 g per 1 kg cow's weight once a day over a 25-30 day period.
Method involves interpreting dynamic omega potential behavior pattern relative to its initial level during 6-7 min after applying artificial pain irritation. The method is applied beginning from animal age of 1 month. Omega potential is measured before and after pain irritation test. Omega potential level growing down, the animal is considered to be of low stress stability. Omega potential level growing high, the animal is considered to be of high stress stability.
Method for preventing traumatism caused by cerals husk of oviducal vagina in laying hens / 2247496
Poultry's diet during the first and second phases of egg yield should be supplemented with roxazym enzymatic complex at the ratio towards husk-bearing components being 0.007 - 0.009 : 20. The present innovation prevents inflammation of oviducal vagina in laying hens.
FIELD: experimental physiology, in particular, investigations in the field of higher nervous activity, more particular, determination of individual behavior characteristics of animals by extent of intensity of drive and operant response. SUBSTANCE: apparatus has rectangular starting and target modules. Inlet and outlet openings are cut through side walls of starting module. Outlet openings are closed with doors. Each of four target modules comprises partition walls, inlet tunnels with aversive obstacles, and outlet corridors. Pedal positioned in front of inlet tunnel is connected through lock with door. Reinforcement is positioned within target part. EFFECT: increased efficiency of apparatus allowing semi-functional testing of a number of animals to be carried out and simultaneously conditions for investigating animals' capability in achievement of reinforcement to be created. 2 dwg
The invention relates to experimental physiology and is intended for research in the field of higher nervous activity, in particular for determining individual behavior in the severity drive [1] and operant behavior [4]. The purpose of the invention: development of a device for simultaneous multifunctional testing of several animals and creating conditions for learning abilities to achieve reinforcement. The famous "Columbia" camera with a barrier, in which the rat overcomes the electrified grate between the starting cell and reinforcement. The design of the camera includes the starting and target separation and connecting the Department with electrified slatted floor. Connecting branch is blocked from the target branch of the sliding door and is covered with a transparent ceiling. In the target branch are food balls. In the experiments used a stimulator for applying current to the grid and the dispenser power supply so that the current can go to different bars in different moments [2]. The disadvantages of this device are: 1) the inability to determine the animal's instrumental abilities to overcome obstacles to the reinforcement; 2) in case the successful achievement of reinforcement architectonics the Colombian" camera not repeats pace towards the goal without human intervention of the experimenter; 3) using only the electric current as aversive stimulus; 4) lack of constructive opportunities simultaneous testing of multiple animals. The proposed device (2) includes the launch module 1 and four target module 2, 3, 4, 5. Starting module has the dimensions required for free hosting three experimental rats. The side walls of the starter module cut two holes: entrance 6 and exit 7. Outputs 7 is covered by a door 8, Windows that only inside the starting module 1. Target modules 2, 3, 4, 5 identical designs include the separating wall 9, the target portion 10, in which the reinforcement, the input tunnel 11 aversive obstacle and output 12 corridor. Before entering the tunnel in the starting module 1 is the pedal 13, brightly colored, coupled with the door 8. When the pedal 13 is the opening of the shutter 14 of the door 8. Door 8 opens into the start of module 1. The device works in the following way: In the starting module 1 is placed animal. In the target portion 10 is placed reinforcements. This can be depending on formed the animal motivation of food, water, sexual partner. In the input tunnel 11 is located aversive obstacle. This can be a water lattice under an electric current, a sharp object is. The animal sees (smell, hearing) reinforcement and tries to reach him through the inlet tunnel 11. Aversive an obstacle to him. Trying to achieve a reinforcement of the animal by the method of "trial and error" [3] pushes the pedal 13 (operant behavior [4]). Door 8 7 output falls inside the target module 2, 3, 4, 5, and provides access to the reinforcement. Animal output 12 corridor as a workaround gets to the reinforcement, bypassing aversive obstacle. Example 1 In the starting module 1 is placed animal. In the target portion 10 is placed reinforcements food. In the input tunnel 11 is located aversive obstacle is water. The animal sees and feels reinforcement and tries to reach him through the inlet tunnel 11. Aversive an obstacle to him. Trying to achieve a reinforcement of the animal by the method of "trial and error" [3] pushes the pedal 13 (operant behavior [4]). Door 8 7 output falls inside the target module 2, 3, 4, 5, and provides access to the reinforcement. Animal output 12 corridor as a workaround gets to the reinforcement, bypassing aversive obstacle. Example 2 The animal is guessed to press on the pedal and made the pace through the entrance tunnel 11 aversively the obstacle overcame him and reached for reinforcements. Then the animal on the output 12 corridor target module 2, 3, 4, 5, opening the door 8 is returned to the starting module 1. Literature 1. Bureš J., Buresova O., Houston D.P. Techniques and basic experiments for the study of brain and behavior. M.: Higher school. 1991. S. 2. Bureš J., Buresova O., Houston D.P. Techniques and basic experiments for the study of brain and behavior. M.: Higher school. 1991. S. 3. Zorina Z.A., Poletaeva I.I. Elementary thinking animals. M.: Aspect press. 2003. S. 4. Zorina Z.A., Poletaeva I.I. Elementary thinking animals. M.: Aspect press. 2003. P.76. The modular device to study the ability of animals to achieve the reinforcement, including the starting and target modules of rectangular shape, wherein the side walls of the starter module carved inlet and outlet openings, the outlet openings closed doors, and four target module includes a separating wall, entrance tunnels with aversive obstacles and output corridors, while in front of the entrance tunnel posted pedal, coupled with shutter door, and in the target part of the target module is located in reinforcements.
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