Strain of bacteria vibrio cholerae - producer of choleraic toxin of ii type |
IPC classes for russian patent Strain of bacteria vibrio cholerae - producer of choleraic toxin of ii type (RU 2326941):
Method of preparation of liquid or dry concentrate or bifidobacteria ferment / 2326940
Method of preparation of liquid or dry concentrate or Bifidobacteria ferment includes introduction of inoculation dose of Bifidobacteria culture Bifidobacterium bifidum 8-3 ("ВКПМ Ас- 1248"), Bifidobacterium longum "ЯЗ" ("ВКПМ Ас-1252"), Bifidobacterium adolescentis Bl ("ВКПМ Ас-1243") into nutrient medium. The medium contains, (mass %): lactopeptone 5.0-7.0; muriatic cysteine 0.001-0.005; autolysate or extract of bakery yeast 2.0-4.0; non-fat milk with content of non-fat milk solids of not more than 8.0% - the rest up to 100%. Biomass of bifidobacteria is grown at (37.0-38.0)±0.5°C until concentrate of bifidobacteria is obtained with at least 1011 CFU/ml. The product is cooled and packaged, or protective medium is introduced into it, and it is dried liophilically in sterile conditions.
Nutrient milk medium for preparation of bacteria-probiotics biomass / 2326939
Invention is related to preparation of nutrient mediums for cultivation of bifido and lactobacteria with the purpose of preparation of microorganisms biomass and its further utilisation in production of ferments for medicinal and prophylactic products, and also for production of dietary supplements (DS). Milk nutrient medium contains the basis in the form of non-fat milk with content of solid residual 13-14%, muriatic cysteine or ascorbic acid, lactopeptone, purified yeast extract with index of amine nitrogen 2.1-2.8%, total protein of at least 3-4%, sodium chloride, manganese sulphate heptahydrate and manganese sulphate tetrahydrate.
Consortium of lactobacteria strains and method of receiving preparation on its basis, which is used as dietary supplement or ferment for production of sour milk products / 2326938
Consortium of lactobacteria strains contains Lactobacillus acidophilus 57S ("ВКПМ В-5863"), Lactobacillus piantarum "П-75" ("ВКПМ В-3962"), Lactobacillus casei stilb ("ВКПМ В-5724"), which are taken in proportion of 2:0.5:0.5. The method includes preparation of milk nutrient medium, its sterilisation and cooling down to the temperature of fermentation, introduction of inoculation dose of lactobacteria strains consortium in the quantity of not more than 5.0 mass %. The product is fermented during time, which is sufficient for formation of clot and the ready product is cooled at the temperature of not more than +6°C. As milk nutrient medium non-fat milk is used, normalised in solid residual down to 13.5-15%, lactopeptone and lithium citrate with the following proportion of components, (mass %): lactopeptone - 3.5-4.5, lithium citrate - 0.15-0.25 and non-fat milk, normalised in solid residual down to 13.5-15% - the rest.
The invention may be used for producing dairy products with high quality factors. A nutritional broth comprising skimmed milk, gum arabic, lithium citrate, D-glucosamine, L-rhamnose, D-arabinose, tap water.
Bacteria strain lactococcus lactis subsp diacetilactis ТК-ОБЛ-Д5-5Ф, used for revealing lactococci bacteriophages / 2324733
Invention relates to diary industry, to production of fermented milk products in particular. Bacteria strain Lactococcus lactis subsp. diacetilactis "ТК-ОБЛ-Д5-5Ф" (Russian collection of lactate bacteria for production of cheese and bacteriophages for them at the "ВНИИМС") was obtained from self-sour cream and selected by the sensitivity spectrum for 250 known bacteriophages. It is used as an indicator strain for revealing the lactococci bacteriophages, ways and sources of their spreading at an enterprise. The invention enables one to prevent development of bacteriophages in production of milk produce, to improve its quality and safety for human health, as well as to increase efficiency of the production.
Process of nutrient medium production / 2324732
Lactoserum containing 10% of dry substances will be pasteurised at 90°C during 20 min, cooled to 45°C, reduced with ammonia solution to pH 7.0. Then the Streptococcus thermophilus barm will be introduced and the mixture will be ripened at 40°C during 5 hours, additive will be introduced in the form of milk protein hydrolysate, the mixture will be mixed and sterilised, cooled to 38°C and reduced with ammonia solution to pH 6.8. The nutrient medium thus obtained will enable one to shorten the process of cultivating bifido- and lactobacteria to 24 hours and to increase their concentration when obtaining liquid bacterial concentrate.
Biocatalyst is made on the base of immobilized cells of photosynthetic bacteria, includes to the matrix of criogel polyvenial alcohol, thanks to which it is produced the hydrogen production. Biocatalist has long time of service, obtain seriously modified productivity and can be used for hydrogen producing in reactors of different types.
Nutrient medium for securing streptococci / 2323969
Nutrient medium contains the pancreatic casein hydrolysate, enzymatic peptone, activator of hemophilic microorganisms' growth, bread yeast, lactose, bromocresol purple, glucose, L-cysteine, sodium sulfite, sodium citrate, sodium azide, crystal violet, agar-agar, distilled water.
Brevibacillus laterosporus bacterium strain inhibiting and preventing development of microphytic algae of various taxonomic types / 2323968
Brevibacillus laterosporus "ВКПМ" В-9405 bacterium strain is separated by means of multistage selection from the natural Brevibacillus laterosporus "ВКПМ" В-8287 strain. The algicide activity is estimated by the strain lytic action on microalgae defining residual optical density (OD). OD is 10.1%. The strain algistatic activity is estimated by defining optical density. The optical density is 1.950.
Preudomonas aureofaciens KR31 (pKS1) strain separated from the rhizosphere of alfalfa in Krasnodar Territory and deposited to the All-Russian collection ARC V-2390 D, is capable of inhibiting growth of a wide range of plant pathogenic fungi, stimulates plat growth, resistant to arsenic, dissolves phosphates. Preparation containing Preudomonas aureofaciens bacterium strain cells suspension may be used to clean the soil from arsenic and to protect the plants from the diseases, caused by plant pathogenic fungi.
Invention relates to the strain Lactobacillus paracasei CNCM I-2116 used for diarrhea prophylaxis causing by pathogenic microorganisms. Supernatant of this strain culture elicits ability to prevent colonization of intestine with pathogenic microorganisms causing diarrhea also and this strain is designated for preparing agent used for prophylaxis and/or treatment of disorders associated with diarrhea. Agent for oral administration represents therapeutically effective dose of the strain L. paracasei CNCM I-2116 or supernatant of its culture and acceptable foodstuff. Invention provides the enhanced viability of the strain in its applying and effectiveness in prophylaxis of adhesion to intestine cells and invasion to intestine cells of pathogenic microorganisms causing diarrhea.
Strain of microorganism lactobacillus buchneri 66 for ensilage of maize green mass and preserving flattened grain / 2243999
The strain Lactobacillus buchneri 600 is isolated from barley grains at milkwax stage of ripeness. The strain Lactobacillus buchneri 600 is registered in 05. 08. 2002 year in the All-Russian State collection of microorganism strains used in veterinary science and animal husbandry at number Lactobacillus buchneri VGNKI 02.08.04-DEP and deposited in the collection 000 "Biotrof". Invention provides the more effective multiplication of the strain in maize ensilaging green mass and preserving flattened grains with enhanced formation of lactic acid, inhibition of putrid microflora that allows preparing fodder from vegetable raw with enhanced quality. Invention can be used in fodder production for ensilage maize green mass and preserving flattened grains.
Strain lactobacillus acidophilus as producer of fodder protein / 2244000
Invention relates to a new isolated strain of Lactobacillus acidophilus 1660/08 as a producer of the protein fodder. The strain Lactobacillus acidophilus 1660/08 is obtained by the selection method and selected by its ability to form significant amount of crude protein and to accumulate the biomass. The strain is deposited in the VGNKI collection at number VGNKI-03.04.10.-DEP. Invention provides eliminating the environment pollution in producing the protein fodder, to enhance the specific protein yield, to reduce energy consumptions in preparing protein fodder, to simplify and to accelerate the process in its preparing, to simplify equipment fitting out and to utilize waste in manufactures using natural raw.
Strain lactobacillus plantarum as producer of fodder protein / 2244001
The strain Lactobacillus plantarum 578/25 is obtained by method of step-by-step selection and selected by its ability to produce significant amount of crude protein and to accumulate the biomass. The strain is deposited in the VGNKI collection at number VGNKI-03.04.09.-DEP. Invention provides eliminating the pollution of environment in producing the protein fodder, to elevate the protein specific yield, to reduce energy consumptions in preparing protein fodder, to simplify and to accelerate the process of its preparing, to simplify apparatus equipment, to utilize waste in manufacturing using the natural raw.
The strain of microorganism Lactobacillus lactis VKPM B-8354 is prepared without using mutagens and genetic methods and shows resistance against broad spectrum of lactophages. The strain ferments effectively milk from different trading sorts, with broad range of fatness and different methods of thermal treatment. Individual specific properties of the strain allows its applying as a monostrain ferment. Curd obtained with applying the strain L. lactis VKPM B-8354 shows good organoleptic qualities, nonacid taste and homogenous consistence. The strain is suitable especially for plants with small volume of manufacture but with varied assortment.
Method for isolation and selection of microorganisms as producers of cyclodextrin glucanotrasnferase, strain of microorganism bacillus circulans b-65 ncaim (p) 001277 (b-65) as producer of extracellular cyclodextrin transferase, cyclodextrin glucanotransferase obtained from its and its applying for preparing cyclodextrin / 2244742
The strain Bacillus circulans B-65 a producer of cyclodextrin glucanotransferase is isolated and selected form the soil sample by culturing in nutrient medium with amylolytic activity 12.17 U/ml and cyclodextrinogenic activity up to 0.530 U/ml. Cyclodextrin glucanotransferase isolated from B. circulans B-65 shows the high degree for conversion of starch to cyclodextrins and this enzyme is specific for formation of β-cyclodextrin. Invention can be used in food industry for preparing cyclodextrins and cyclodextrin glucanotransferase used in different branches of industry.
Bacterial preparation, method for its producing, nutrient medium for culturing cells escherichia coli vkm cr-322d and method for prophylaxis and treatment of gastroenteric disease in agricultural and domestic animal and poultry / 2244743
For preparing a preparation cells of microorganism Escherichia coli VKM CR-322D is cultured in nutrient medium containing Hottinger's broth, glucose, yeast extract, manganese sulfate, potassium hydrophosphate, sodium chloride and tap water in the content of amine nitrogen 125-155 mg%. Glucose is added by batch portions in the process of culturing cells that is carried out at temperature 30-31oC at stirring and aeration for 10-12 h. Prepared cultural fluid containing 3 x 109 bacterial cells/ml is mixed with protective sucrose-gelatin medium and subjected for lyophilic drying. Dried mass is stored under nitrogen that enhances safety of viable cells in the preparation. Applying the preparation for prophylaxis and treatment of agricultural and domestic animals and poultries with gastroenteric diseases provides its effectiveness.
Method for preparing liquid lactobacterin / 2244744
Method for preparing liquid lactobacterin involves regeneration, culturing passages of lyophilized culture and culturing ferment of lactobacilli in liquid lyophilized nutrient medium containing dry defatted milk enzymatic hydrolyzate with the content of amine nitrogen 1 485 mg%, 30.0 ± 3.0 g/l; yeast concentrated autolyzate, 110.0 ± 10 g/l; food agar, 0.8 g/l, and distilled water, up to 1 l. Culturing ferment is carried out up to accumulation of biomass of lactobacilli 109-1010 CFU/ml. Then 10-30% of supernatant liquid is removed from the ready product and replaced it with equal volume of fresh nutrient medium. Invention provides simplifying technology in preparing liquid lactobacterin and to elevate the storage period of viable lactobacilli. Invention can be used in producing probiotic preparations.
Strain bifidobacterium longum 379-in used for preparing bacterial preparations, biologically active supplements for food, ferments, fermented-dairy and nonfermented dairy foodstuffs, hygienic and cosmetic agents / 2244745
The strain Bifidobacterium longum 379-IN is obtained by selection without using methods of genetic modification of the strain Bifidobacterium longum B379M and distinct by ability to utilize insulin. The strain is deposited in GKNM GU "MNIIEM named for G. N. Gabrichevskiy Russia Ministry of Public Health" at № 172. The strain shows high technological effectiveness, accumulates biomass with substrates of vegetable origin and artificial nutrient media for short periods with concentration of bifidobacteria, it elicits acid-forming and antagonistic properties with respect to pathogenic and putrid microflora. This allows its using in manufacturing bacterial preparations, biologically active supplements for food, fermented-dairy and nonfermented-dairy foodstuffs, ferments, hygienic and cosmetic agents providing probiotic effect and normalization of microbiocenosis in human body, among them in gastroenteric and urogenital tracts, cutaneous and mucosa integuments. Invention can be used in manufacturing bacterial preparations, biologically active supplements for food, fermented-dairy and nonfermented-dairy foodstuffs, hygienic and cosmetic agents.
Nutrient medium for culturing plague microorganism vaccine strain / 2245362
Invention relates, in particular, to preparing nutrient media used for culturing the plague microorganism vaccine strain and can be used in medicinal microbiology. The nutrient medium for culturing the plague microorganism vaccine strain comprises additionally as a stimulating additive sodium sulfite and as a nutrient base - soybean fruits enzymatic hydrolyzate in the following ratio of components, g/l: microbiological agar, 11.0-13.0; soybean fruits enzymatic hydrolyzate, 250.0-350.0; sodium chloride, 4.5-5.5; sodium hydrogen phosphate, 3.5-4.5; sodium sulfite, 0.0003-0.0005; distilled water, the balance. Invention provides enhancing the growth property of nutrient medium.
FIELD: technological processes. SUBSTANCE: strain of bacteria Vibrio cholerae, which is deposited in State collection of pathogenic bacteria of "ФГУЗ РосНИПЧИ" "Microbe" under number "КМ234" produces choleraic toxin of II type. Strain of V.cholerae possesses high production of choleraic toxin of II type, which forms antitoxic immunity in case of cholera. EFFECT: preparation of choleraic chemical vaccines for prophylactics of cholera. 3 ex
The invention relates to the field of biotechnology, namely, to construct a strain with increased production of cholera toxin type II, and can be used to create chemical vaccines of new generation, as well as when designing immunoassay diagnostic test kits. In addition, this invention can be used in molecular genetic studies aimed at learning a new mechanism of gene expression regulation of virulence and immunogenicity in pathogenic bacteria. Cholera toxin type II, produced holonymy vibrios biovars El tor circulation and different antigenic properties from the cholera toxin type I, which synthesize V. cholerae classical biovars, is a necessary component of multivalent chemical cholera vaccines forming antitoxic immunity in cholera. This immunogenic protein is also a member of immunodiagnostics test systems designed to differentiate between toxigenic and nontoxigenic strains of V. cholerae biovars El tor circulation. A known strain of Vibrio cholerae 2414 classical biovars of serovar Ogawa - producer of the cholera toxin and the toxin-coregulatory pilej adhesion (RF patent No. 2169187, 12N 1/20), effectively producing a growing cholera toxin type I and II - 48-60 mg/ml, according to enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay is GM 1ELISA. Natural V.cholerae strains of biovars El tor circulation, used in the production of cholera vaccine in vitro to form a small number of cholera toxin type II is less than 0.1 μg/ml (Mekalanos J.J., Duplikation and amplifikation of toxin genes in Vibrio cholerae // Cell. - 1983. - V. - 253-263), therefore their use in an industrial environment is unlikely. Among the experimentally obtained strains known V.cholerae strains of biovars El tor circulation of serovar Ogawa KM/RCO-2, described in the author's certificate of the USSR No. 1412306, 12N 15/00 and synthesizing 5 μg/ml cholera toxin. The relatively high level of production of this protein due to the presence in the cells of recombinant plasmids RSA-2, carrying the cloned genes for cholera toxin (ctxAB) and the gene for resistance to kanamycin (kan). At the same time, in the absence of selective pressure (kanamycin in the medium of cultivation), the stability of inheritance of recombinant plasmids is 70-80%, which leads to lower production XT. The need to add in an environment of growing antibiotic complicates the technology of cultivation of the strain in a production environment. Closest to the claimed strain is a strain of V.cholerae KM195 producing cholera toxin type II (patent RF №2172776, MKI: 12N 1/20, 1/21, AT 39/106). The strain obtained experimentally, the infection of cells V.cholerae biovars El tor circulation moderate x is lernen phage 139. Received lysogeny cells were produced in the environment of the cultivation of 7.0 μg/ml (according to GM1ELISA). However, this strain contains the chromosome temperate phage 139, able to induce secondary genetic changes in the genome, which can lead to the emergence of nontoxigenic options. The invention consists in the construction of strain V. cholerae biovars El tor circulation with high and stable production of cholera toxin type II. To create a strain with the desired properties was used transposon mutagenesis of propaga CTXϕcontaining genes ACE, zot and ctxAB, resulting in increased expression of structural genes for cholera toxin (ctxAB). Strain constructed by introducing into the cells of the natural strains of V.cholerae MAK757 biovars El tor circulation conjugative plasmids pSUP5011 (ApRCmR)carrying the transposon Tn5-Mob (KmR). Subsequent cultivation plasmid strain at 4°in the broth with the addition of kanamycin to select transconjugants KmRApSCmSthat have lost the plasmid, but kept transposon embedded in the zot gene of propaga CTXϕ. As a result of reorganization of the genome of propaga in the resulting strain MAK757 zot::TnMob (KmRTox+) there is a significant increase in gene expression of cholera toxin. The strain deposited in the Public collections of pathogenic the bacteria "Microbe" in Russian research anti-plague Institute "Microbe" (Saratov) number KM. The claimed strain is characterized by the following features: - has a high level of production of the cholera toxin type II - 45,0 µg/ml (according to enzyme immunoassay GM1ELISA); - genetically labelled due to the introduction of transposon Tn5-mob in gene zot; - stable - maintains these properties during storage and cultivation on nutrient media. Cultural and morphological characteristics. Laboudigue, slightly curved sticks that do not form capsules and spores. On solid nutrient media after 18-24 hour growth at 37°To form a round grayish-blue translucent colonies with smooth edges; in broth form a uniform turbidity. The strain grows on simple nutrient media and on media with addition of kanamycin (50 mg/ml). Prototroph. Physiological properties. Not analyzes sheep erythrocytes, agglutinate chicken erythrocytes, grows on alkaline agar with the addition of 50 μg/ml polymyxin b. Not ferments lactose and arabinose, ferments mannose, sucrose, mannitol, maltose to acid without gas. Agglutinated to titers of specific diagnostic sera and Ogawa. Sensitive to cholerea diagnostic phage "El tor circulation". The strain stored in a lyophilized state at least one year. Example 1, indicating the high productivity of the strain. About what the definition of products of the cholera toxin. The products of the cholera toxin is determined using radial passive hemolysis (BIG) on a dense environment and by ELISA GM1ELISA. BIG, whose sensitivity is 0.2 µg/ml, bet method Bramucei M.G., Holmes R.K. (1978), modified by Shahinian, I.A., Markusa BM (Shahinian I.A., Markusa BM // Ukr. Microbiol. - 1983. No. 7. - Pp.92-96). Colonies of the studied strains by the method of the replicas carry the Cup with 1.0% sensaslim agar containing 1.0% of laundered in shinkasen broth sheep erythrocytes. Crops incubated for 18 h at 30°, pour a layer of 0.5% sinkang agar containing sodium azide, in the presence of complement Guinea pigs and anoreceptive antitoxic serum (ATS) and placed in the incubator for 1-2 h at 37°C. Upon expiration of the specified period around microcolony created strain CM formed a clear zone of immune hemolysis size 2-2 .5 mm, whereas around microcolony original strain MAC this zone is absent. For the quantitative determination of the cholera toxin used immunoassay method GM1ELISA (Svennerholm, A.-M., Wikland G., 1983). As a control and to determine the sensitivity of the method using purified product cholera toxin. The original culture of the strain KM grown in Kazarinova broth (Kazarinova acid 30 g/l, yeast extract 5 g/l, pH 7,6) for 16-18 hours in the conditions of the intensive aeration. Cells precipitated by centrifugation at 4000 g for 15 minutes and the supernatant determine the content of the cholera toxin as follows. Samples incubated for two hours at 37°With holes in the blade, pre-blocking nonspecific sorption of inert protein (bovine serum albumin). Incubation with rabbit anti-toxic cholera serum, diluted 1:200, hold for 1 h at 37°C. After washing the wells 0.05 M phosphate buffer pH 7,2-7,4 add working dilution enzyme conjugates, which are a peroxidase labeled goat diagnostic antibodies against rabbit immunoglobulins. The reaction account for 15 minutes after addition of the substrate and 0.03% hydrogen peroxide in citrate buffer pH 4.0 with 0.1% ABTS (2.2 azino-di-(3-ethylbenzthiazoline sulphonate). The sensitivity of ELISA method is in this series of experiments 1 ng/ml Quantity produced cholera toxin in the tested strain CM calculated in accordance with the required sensitivity and counting the number of grown microbial cells. According to the immunoassay method GM1ELISA stated the strain produces at 2250 times the cholera toxin (45 µg/ml) compared to baseline (0.02 μg/ml). In comparison with the known strain producer of the cholera toxin type II V.cholerae eitor KM195 on Putin is the Russian Federation No. 2172776 (7 ág/ml) level of production of the cholera toxin has declared strain 6.4 times higher. Example 2, indicating the presence in the genome of propaga CTXϕ transposon TP5-mob. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with specific primers for the genes ctxA, ctxB, ACE, zot, included in propaga CTXϕ. Cells 18-hour culture grown on LB agar, resuspension in 1 ml of saline to a concentration of 109cells in 1 ml, followed by titration in distilled water adjusted to a final concentration of 107cells in 1 ml of the cells are lysed by boiling for 30 minutes and after centrifugation at 12000 g for 5 min the supernatant in an amount of 10 μl is used for research in PCR. To the sample add solutions of oligonucleotide primers synthesized based on the nucleotide sequences of genes ctxA, ctxB, ACE, zot - 0.4 µl of each, and 2.5 µl of 10x PCR buffer, and 2.5 μl of a solution dNTP, 1 μl of 50 mm solution of magnesium chloride, and 0.25 μl of Tag polymerase and 7,95 ál of deionized water. As a positive control, using DNA from a typical toxigenic strain 0139-serogroup V. cholerae PI 6064, as well as the original strain of V. cholerae MAK. In the negative control was made 10 ál of deionized water. PCR is carried out at the following temperature conditions: 1 cycle of 95°C - 5 min; 2-35-th cycles including denaturation at 95°C - 30 sec, annealing at 60°C - 30 sec, and synthesis at 72B0; C - 30 sec; 36th cycle - a synthesis for 7 minutes at 72°C. The results take into account PCR by electrophoresis at 80 V for 35 minutes in 1.5% agarose gel containing 0.5 µl/ml ethidium bromide, followed by viewing the gel under UV light. According to PCR analysis in the genome of the original strain MAC are all tested genes propaga ACE, zot, ctxA and ctxB. In the generated strain CM in the presence of genes ctxA, ctxB, ACE specific amplificat zot gene is absent, indicating that the introduction of transposon Tn5-mob. Example 3, indicating the stability of the products of the cholera toxin. Strain V. cholerae KM234 cultured for 18 hours in broth without antibiotics, and then scatter on dense medium to obtain isolated colonies. Subsequent checking 700 colonies on the production of toxin by the method of BIG shows that all studied clones were KmRand this protein is synthesized in a considerable amount of the area of immune hemolysis around microcolony was 2-2,5 mm These data confirm the stability of the products of the toxin and the stability of inheritance of the transposon Tn5-mob strain KM234. ELISA analysis of 100 randomly selected clones confirmed the high level of production XT (45-48 µg/ml). During production testing of the generated strains were also characterized by stable production of toxin and stable inheritance of the genetic marker Km R. Thus, the claimed strain of Vibrio cholerae KM234 has a high and stable level of production of cholera toxin type II. The strain can be used in production for chemical vaccines of new generation, which contains a more complete set of protective antigens and used for the prevention of cholera caused by Vibrio cholerae classical and El tor circulation vibrios. In addition, the strain can be used for separation of purified cholera toxin type II, used to obtain antitoxic sera included in immunodiagnostics test systems, which are designed to detect natural toxigenic strains of Vibrio cholerae biovars El tor circulation. Moreover, the strain is recommended when conducting genetic research to study a new mechanism of gene expression regulation of virulence and immunogenicity of V. cholerae. Bacterial strain Vibrio cholerae, deposited in the Public collections of pathogenic bacteria FGUZ antiplague research Institute "Microbe" number CM producing cholera toxin type II.
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