Method of preparation of liquid or dry concentrate or bifidobacteria ferment |
IPC classes for russian patent Method of preparation of liquid or dry concentrate or bifidobacteria ferment (RU 2326940):
Nutrient milk medium for preparation of bacteria-probiotics biomass / 2326939
Invention is related to preparation of nutrient mediums for cultivation of bifido and lactobacteria with the purpose of preparation of microorganisms biomass and its further utilisation in production of ferments for medicinal and prophylactic products, and also for production of dietary supplements (DS). Milk nutrient medium contains the basis in the form of non-fat milk with content of solid residual 13-14%, muriatic cysteine or ascorbic acid, lactopeptone, purified yeast extract with index of amine nitrogen 2.1-2.8%, total protein of at least 3-4%, sodium chloride, manganese sulphate heptahydrate and manganese sulphate tetrahydrate.
Consortium of lactobacteria strains and method of receiving preparation on its basis, which is used as dietary supplement or ferment for production of sour milk products / 2326938
Consortium of lactobacteria strains contains Lactobacillus acidophilus 57S ("ВКПМ В-5863"), Lactobacillus piantarum "П-75" ("ВКПМ В-3962"), Lactobacillus casei stilb ("ВКПМ В-5724"), which are taken in proportion of 2:0.5:0.5. The method includes preparation of milk nutrient medium, its sterilisation and cooling down to the temperature of fermentation, introduction of inoculation dose of lactobacteria strains consortium in the quantity of not more than 5.0 mass %. The product is fermented during time, which is sufficient for formation of clot and the ready product is cooled at the temperature of not more than +6°C. As milk nutrient medium non-fat milk is used, normalised in solid residual down to 13.5-15%, lactopeptone and lithium citrate with the following proportion of components, (mass %): lactopeptone - 3.5-4.5, lithium citrate - 0.15-0.25 and non-fat milk, normalised in solid residual down to 13.5-15% - the rest.
The invention may be used for producing dairy products with high quality factors. A nutritional broth comprising skimmed milk, gum arabic, lithium citrate, D-glucosamine, L-rhamnose, D-arabinose, tap water.
Bacteria strain lactococcus lactis subsp diacetilactis ТК-ОБЛ-Д5-5Ф, used for revealing lactococci bacteriophages / 2324733
Invention relates to diary industry, to production of fermented milk products in particular. Bacteria strain Lactococcus lactis subsp. diacetilactis "ТК-ОБЛ-Д5-5Ф" (Russian collection of lactate bacteria for production of cheese and bacteriophages for them at the "ВНИИМС") was obtained from self-sour cream and selected by the sensitivity spectrum for 250 known bacteriophages. It is used as an indicator strain for revealing the lactococci bacteriophages, ways and sources of their spreading at an enterprise. The invention enables one to prevent development of bacteriophages in production of milk produce, to improve its quality and safety for human health, as well as to increase efficiency of the production.
Process of nutrient medium production / 2324732
Lactoserum containing 10% of dry substances will be pasteurised at 90°C during 20 min, cooled to 45°C, reduced with ammonia solution to pH 7.0. Then the Streptococcus thermophilus barm will be introduced and the mixture will be ripened at 40°C during 5 hours, additive will be introduced in the form of milk protein hydrolysate, the mixture will be mixed and sterilised, cooled to 38°C and reduced with ammonia solution to pH 6.8. The nutrient medium thus obtained will enable one to shorten the process of cultivating bifido- and lactobacteria to 24 hours and to increase their concentration when obtaining liquid bacterial concentrate.
Biocatalyst is made on the base of immobilized cells of photosynthetic bacteria, includes to the matrix of criogel polyvenial alcohol, thanks to which it is produced the hydrogen production. Biocatalist has long time of service, obtain seriously modified productivity and can be used for hydrogen producing in reactors of different types.
Nutrient medium for securing streptococci / 2323969
Nutrient medium contains the pancreatic casein hydrolysate, enzymatic peptone, activator of hemophilic microorganisms' growth, bread yeast, lactose, bromocresol purple, glucose, L-cysteine, sodium sulfite, sodium citrate, sodium azide, crystal violet, agar-agar, distilled water.
Brevibacillus laterosporus bacterium strain inhibiting and preventing development of microphytic algae of various taxonomic types / 2323968
Brevibacillus laterosporus "ВКПМ" В-9405 bacterium strain is separated by means of multistage selection from the natural Brevibacillus laterosporus "ВКПМ" В-8287 strain. The algicide activity is estimated by the strain lytic action on microalgae defining residual optical density (OD). OD is 10.1%. The strain algistatic activity is estimated by defining optical density. The optical density is 1.950.
Preudomonas aureofaciens KR31 (pKS1) strain separated from the rhizosphere of alfalfa in Krasnodar Territory and deposited to the All-Russian collection ARC V-2390 D, is capable of inhibiting growth of a wide range of plant pathogenic fungi, stimulates plat growth, resistant to arsenic, dissolves phosphates. Preparation containing Preudomonas aureofaciens bacterium strain cells suspension may be used to clean the soil from arsenic and to protect the plants from the diseases, caused by plant pathogenic fungi.
Bioactive organomineral slow-release fertilizer / 2323918
Organomineral fertilizer, which contains rock phosphate (apatite), natural zeolite, oxidised brown coal in 1:0.15:2-1:0.2:5 ratio, is composted for 30-60 days, while exposed to phosphate-assimilating bacteria in amount of 105-106 cells/spores/ml, isolated from local soil using selection method. Content of labile phosphorus increases from 17.0 to 50.4 mg/kg of soil, and phosphatase activity in chestnut soil increases by 2.8-21.8 times.
Nutrient milk medium for preparation of bacteria-probiotics biomass / 2326939
Invention is related to preparation of nutrient mediums for cultivation of bifido and lactobacteria with the purpose of preparation of microorganisms biomass and its further utilisation in production of ferments for medicinal and prophylactic products, and also for production of dietary supplements (DS). Milk nutrient medium contains the basis in the form of non-fat milk with content of solid residual 13-14%, muriatic cysteine or ascorbic acid, lactopeptone, purified yeast extract with index of amine nitrogen 2.1-2.8%, total protein of at least 3-4%, sodium chloride, manganese sulphate heptahydrate and manganese sulphate tetrahydrate.
Consortium of lactobacteria strains and method of receiving preparation on its basis, which is used as dietary supplement or ferment for production of sour milk products / 2326938
Consortium of lactobacteria strains contains Lactobacillus acidophilus 57S ("ВКПМ В-5863"), Lactobacillus piantarum "П-75" ("ВКПМ В-3962"), Lactobacillus casei stilb ("ВКПМ В-5724"), which are taken in proportion of 2:0.5:0.5. The method includes preparation of milk nutrient medium, its sterilisation and cooling down to the temperature of fermentation, introduction of inoculation dose of lactobacteria strains consortium in the quantity of not more than 5.0 mass %. The product is fermented during time, which is sufficient for formation of clot and the ready product is cooled at the temperature of not more than +6°C. As milk nutrient medium non-fat milk is used, normalised in solid residual down to 13.5-15%, lactopeptone and lithium citrate with the following proportion of components, (mass %): lactopeptone - 3.5-4.5, lithium citrate - 0.15-0.25 and non-fat milk, normalised in solid residual down to 13.5-15% - the rest.
Method consists in: mixing the preparation of viable probiotic microorganisms with additional ingredients, drying till the water activity less than 0.3, mixture pressing under the pressure to receive granules with the volume at least 0.02 cm³, coating with the water-proof protective coat and simultaneously keeping the water less than 0.3 and introduction of granules into liquid, humid and semi-humid food product. The pressing stage may be before drying.
Wound-healing biopreparation as gel / 2322996
Invention relates to producing and using immunobiological preparations comprising Bacillus subtilis biomass. Biopreparation represents a wound-healing gel comprising biomass of antagonistically active strain of Bacillus subtilis 3H or Bacillus subtilis 11B and special additives additionally. Invention provides effective treatment of inflammatory processes on skin and mucosa. Invention can be used in dermatology, gynecology and surgery for topical using.
Immunobiological agent possessing ability for stimulation of human psychoemotional adaptation (variants), and bifidobacterium bifidum 1c strain / 2322252
Invention proposes agents (variants) possessing ability for stimulation of human psychoemotional adaptation. Agent comprises a dry strain of Bifidobacterium bifidum 1C deposited in the State collection of microorganisms representing microorganisms of the normal human microflora - FGUN MNIIEM named for G.N.Gabrichevsky at number 208 and taken in the amount 106 - 1010 CFU (colony-forming units), and pharmaceutically acceptable special additives taken in the amount 30.0-94.0 wt.-% of the agent mass. The proposed immunobiological agent can be represented as dry biomass, powder, tablet being among them as a tablet with an enteric-soluble cover, and capsule being among capsule with an enteric-soluble cover. The strain Bifidobacterium bifidum 1C is prepared by the successive multiple passages through the nutrient medium BS and selection of clones based on the presence and stabilization of a feature for stimulation of the human psychoemotional adaptation. Invention provides enhancing effectiveness of stimulation of human psychoemotional adaptation.
The present innovation deals with correcting intestinal dysbiosis due to the intake of probiotic and prebiotic products either within the scope of prophylactic procedures or in complex therapy. The innovation refers to combined peroral intake of liquid concentrated symbiotic lactic acid product of microbial origin "NARINE-FORTE" and Syrup "PHYTOLON" with chlorophyll which should be applied during meals or after meals. The innovation normalizes and protects human intestinal microflora against harmful impact of inadequate nutrition, contaminated environment, stress situations, infections, aftereffects of therapy with antibiotics and other chemopreparations, radiation therapy and other negative actions.
Invention relates to composition for inhibition or prevention of inflammatory processes associated with bacterium-mediated diseases or LTA/LPS-mediated disturbances in gastrointestinal tract in human or animal. Claimed composition contains as active ingredient lypoteichoic acid from lactic acid bacteria belonging to genus Lactobacillus wherein lypoteichoic acid was selected on the base of its capability of binding to CD 14 and disability of inducing the release of anti-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-8 or TNF-α from enteric epithelial cells. Disclosed is application of at least one lypoteichoic acid from lactic acid bacteria belonging to genus Lactobacillus, and/or lactic acid bacterium producing the same, and/or supernatant of its culture for composition production useful in inhibition or prevention of inflammatory processes associated with bacterium-mediated diseases or LTA/LPS-mediated disturbances in gastrointestinal tract, bones, skin, eyes, ears, lungs, and oral cavity in human or animal.
Method for production of biomass from liquid lactobacterium autostrain / 2320355
Claimed method includes sampling of native material, sample seeding on selective nutrient medium without dilution not later than 2 h after sampling; lactobacterium growing and pure culture isolation. Repeated passage is carried out. Obtained pure lactobacterium culture is grown in selective liquid medium followed by addition of conserving agent such as sucrose-gelatin medium in ratio of 1:1 and controlling of obtained liquid biomass.
Invention relates to genetically modified microorganism comprising the following components in its genomes that are expressed: (I) nucleotide sequence encoding at least one the tumor cell antigen epitope, and/or nucleotide sequence of at least one antigen epitope showing specificity to tissue cell generating tumor; (II) nucleotide sequence encoding protein that stimulates cell of the immune system; (IIIA) nucleotide sequence of the transport system providing expression of product of components (I) and (II) expression on external surface of microorganism, and/or secretion of product of component (I) and component (II) expression, and/or (IIIB) nucleotide sequence of protein for lysis of microorganism in mammal cells cytosol and for intracellular releasing plasmas containing in microorganisms to be lysed, and (IV) activating sequence activated in microorganism showing specificity to tissue cell but not specific to cell for expression of one or some components from (I) to (IIIB), and wherein each of components from (I) to (IV) can be represented once or many times. Proposed microorganism is useful for using as a drug as component of anti-tumor vaccine. Also, invention describes plasmid or the expression vector for preparing the genetically modified microorganism and a method for its preparing. Vaccine based on genetically modified microorganism represents the improved and overcome immune tolerance with respect to tumors in case for its using for prophylaxis and therapy of tumors.
Method for preventing puerperal complications in cows / 2319493
It is necessary to introduce culture liquid of bacterial strain "Bacillus subtilis TNP-3-DEP" at the dosage of 2 ml thrice at a 10-d-long interval. The innovation normalizes vaginal microbiocenosis and increases immunobiological reactivity.
Consortium of lactobacteria strains and method of receiving preparation on its basis, which is used as dietary supplement or ferment for production of sour milk products / 2326938
Consortium of lactobacteria strains contains Lactobacillus acidophilus 57S ("ВКПМ В-5863"), Lactobacillus piantarum "П-75" ("ВКПМ В-3962"), Lactobacillus casei stilb ("ВКПМ В-5724"), which are taken in proportion of 2:0.5:0.5. The method includes preparation of milk nutrient medium, its sterilisation and cooling down to the temperature of fermentation, introduction of inoculation dose of lactobacteria strains consortium in the quantity of not more than 5.0 mass %. The product is fermented during time, which is sufficient for formation of clot and the ready product is cooled at the temperature of not more than +6°C. As milk nutrient medium non-fat milk is used, normalised in solid residual down to 13.5-15%, lactopeptone and lithium citrate with the following proportion of components, (mass %): lactopeptone - 3.5-4.5, lithium citrate - 0.15-0.25 and non-fat milk, normalised in solid residual down to 13.5-15% - the rest.
FIELD: technological processes; medicine. SUBSTANCE: method of preparation of liquid or dry concentrate or Bifidobacteria ferment includes introduction of inoculation dose of Bifidobacteria culture Bifidobacterium bifidum 8-3 ("ВКПМ Ас- 1248"), Bifidobacterium longum "ЯЗ" ("ВКПМ Ас-1252"), Bifidobacterium adolescentis Bl ("ВКПМ Ас-1243") into nutrient medium. The medium contains, (mass %): lactopeptone 5.0-7.0; muriatic cysteine 0.001-0.005; autolysate or extract of bakery yeast 2.0-4.0; non-fat milk with content of non-fat milk solids of not more than 8.0% - the rest up to 100%. Biomass of bifidobacteria is grown at (37.0-38.0)±0.5°C until concentrate of bifidobacteria is obtained with at least 1011 CFU/ml. The product is cooled and packaged, or protective medium is introduced into it, and it is dried liophilically in sterile conditions. EFFECT: provides for the possibility of preparation of stable uniform biomass of bifidobacteria for production of preparations with high bifidobacteria titre. 5 cl, 5 tbl, 4 ex
The technical field The invention is a consortium of strains of bifidobacteria and the way to obtain on the basis of its liquid or dry concentrate or fermenting bifidobacteria, dry preparations of bifidobacteria and milk, nutritious diet products, bifidobacteria biologically active additives (BAA) and preparations of probiotics on the basis of the specified liquid concentrate of bifidobacteria and can be used in biotechnology, medical Microbiology and food industry. The function of the normal microflora in the body are vital and very extensive: synthesizing, regulatory, desensibiliziruyuschee, detoxification, enzyme, protective and immunostimulirutuyu. Preparations and products containing bifidobacteria, are widely used for the prevention and treatment of dysbacteriosis and normalization of the intestinal microflora of people undergoing stress, antibiotic and chemotherapy. Prior art Abroad widely used drugs probiotics and health food products based consortia strains of Bifidobacterium species B. bifidum, B. longum, B. adolescentis, B. breve, B. infantis in different combinations (U.S. Patent No. 5843922, IPC 12N 1/20, AK 31/715, publ. 01.12.1998; Application U.S. No. 2002015990, IPC 12N 1/20, publ. 07.02.2002; U.S. patent No. 6335040, IPC AS 9/32, publ. 01.01.2002), and also on the basis of consortia strains of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli (Application U.S. No. 20020090416, IPC A23L 1/00, publ. 11.07.2002; U.S. patent No. 5866385, IPC 12N 1/21, AS 9/123, publ. 02.02.1999). However, consortia strains of bifidobacteria and consortia strains of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli foreign firms-developers focused on creating mainly therapeutic and preventive drugs and SUPPLEMENTS in dry form (tablets, capsules). These consortia strains have significant shortcomings when used for cooking preparations and dairy products in liquid form: short term storage of these drugs and products, low organoleptic qualities that are irrelevant to drugs in the dry form. Known consortia strains of bifido - and lactic acid bacteria used for the production of fermented and non-fermented products in liquid form (RF Patent No. 2180348, IPC 12N 1/20, publ. 2002; RF patent №2180914, IPC 12N 1/20, publ. 2002; RF patent №2180915, IPC 12N 1/20, publ. 2002). The main disadvantage of dairy products manufactured on the basis of consortia strains of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, is the lack of retention period (not longer than 1 month) due to the fact that lactic acid bacteria during storage of the product contribute to rapid acidification. The titer of bifidobacteria in zakislenna prod is regarding subsection dropping fast that reduces treatment-and-prophylactic properties of this product. Known consortium of five strains of bifidobacteria (WO 98/44090, IPC 12N 1/20, publ. 08.10.1998 g), which is intended to prepare fermented, unfermented food and bacterial preparations. The consortium obtained by a combination of strains of bifidobacteria Century bifidum 791, B. longum, B379M, B. breve 79-119, B. infantis 73-15, B. adolescentis G with close cultural, physiological and biochemical properties, and also has skvashivaya activity. The consortium strains of five species of bifidobacteria actively propagated in nutrient media with the accumulation of biomass production in a short period of cultivation. Skachivat milk with the formation of the clot with good taste and organoleptic properties, has a specific activity. The consortium strains recommended composition of starter cultures for the preparation of fermented milk nutritious diet products, non-fermented food and bacterial preparations. The finished product contains 1 ml of 109live bacteria. 1 dose of not less than 107living cells of bifidobacteria. However, this consortium of strains of bifidobacteria are insufficiently resistant to the damaging factors of environments cultivation and aggressive environments gastrointestinal tract (acids, proteolytic which can be the storage and moving of bifidobacteria consortium in the gastrointestinal tract, consequently, the lack of viability and colonizing properties in case of the use of products on the basis of the consortium. A known method of obtaining a concentrate of bifidobacteria, including deep growing culture of bacteria in a nutrient medium, containing (wt.%): basis up to 100%; pancreatic hydrolysate of casein 1,5-2,0; Baker's yeast autolysate 0.3 to 0.5; glucose 0,25-0,95; potassium phosphate one-deputizing 0,1-0,2; ammonium citrate trehzameshchenny of 0.2-0.3; sodium chloride 0.3 to 0.4; magnesium sulfate as 0.1 to 0.2 and cystine of 0.025-0.03 in. Culture of bifidobacteria grown in stage 2 duration 19-24 hours to obtain a concentrate of biomass with subsequent dehydration in the presence of a protective environment and drying of the product (RF patent No. 2005119, IPC 12N 1/20, publ. 30.12.93). Based on the concentrate of bifidobacteria can be prepared, bifidobacteria dairy products. However, this method is difficult to implement, as it can be performed only under conditions of submerged cultivation in a fermenter in a stage 2 up to 24 hours with continuous mixing environment, instrument monitoring and periodic adjustments of some parameters of the culture medium. In addition, the concentrate of bifidobacteria obtained by this method is insufficient titer and maybe XP is Nitsa a long time only in a dry form. The liquid form of this product quickly loses its activity during storage. The closest analogue (prototype) of the proposed consortium is a consortium of three strains of bifidobacteria (RF Application No. 2003107387, IPC 12N 1/20, publ. 20.12.2004,). The consortium strains of bacteria: Bifidobacterium bifidum No. BEG (collection No.-686 Institute of collections of cultures of microorganisms SRC VB "Vector", Koltsovo), Bifidobacterium bifidum 8-3 (deposited in Vniigenetika in PMBC under No 5799), Bifidobacterium longum TWO-13 (deposited in Vniigenetika in PMBC under No 5894), used to obtain a liquid concentrate of bifidobacteria fermented, unfermented therapeutic products, biologically active additives and bacterial preparations. The consortium is resistant to the damaging factors of environments cultivation and aggressive environments gastrointestinal tract of man, provides recycling of a wide range of amino acids, i.e. has a high vitality and colonizing properties that provide products and products with a longer shelf life while maintaining high treatment-and-prophylactic properties. The closest way of obtaining a concentrate of a starter culture of bacteria, including the consortium of these bacteria is a process involving the introduction of sowing dose cult of the s bacteria Bifidobacterium bifidum in a nutrient medium, containing the nutrient medium with the addition of cysteine hydrochloric acid and Baker's yeast autolysate and the growing culture of Bifidobacterium bifidum in (37-38)±0,5°to obtain a concentrate of bifidobacteria, cooling and packing of the finished product (RF Patent No. 2104706, IPC AC 35/74, publ. 20.02.1998). The culture medium was further added D - (-)-lactose, ascorbic acid, pancreatic hydrolysate of milk, as the basis of the nutrient medium using sterile milk solids milk (SOMO) 11-14% in the following ratio of components of the nutrient medium, wt.%:
And sowing a dose of culture of the bacteria Bifidobacterium bifidum contribute in the amount of 5-7% of the volume of the nutrient medium with a title (5·107-5·108) CFU/ml, and the culturing is carried out for a time sufficient for obtaining a concentrate of bifidobacteria with the biological titer of not less than (0,8-1,0) 1010Coems and acidity 100-120° So This consortium is obtained using the growth medium, enriched in protein (12% dry milk residue with an excess of protein). However, along with the positive qualities of such a consortium providing long term storage it in liquid form, good organoleptic) there are negative properties. Low resistance to antibiotics. When production on the basis of this consortium of dry concentrate of bifidobacteria and dry bifidopreparatom observed instability and heterogeneity of biomass of bacteria in the process of drying (due to the high protein content) and, consequently, is not high enough concentration of bifidobacteria in the dry preparation. In addition, the production environment for the cultivation of this consortium requires the use of high quality skimmed milk powder. Disclosure of inventions The technical result of the invention is the higher stability of the proposed consortium strains of bacteria to antibiotics with species composition of the strains, expanding its probiotic treatment-and-prophylactic properties (colonization and antagonistic) and providing the ability to produce a stable homogeneous biomass of bifidobacteria in a relatively "poor" environment cultivation to obtain the which drugs with a high titer of bifidobacteria. This technical result is achieved by the fact that the consortium strains of bacteria: Bifidobacterium bifidum 8-3 (deposited in Vniigenetika in PMBC no AC 1248), Bifidobacterium longum A (deposited in Vniigenetika in ACIM # AC-1252), Bifidobacterium adolescentis B1 (deposited in Vniigenetika in ACIM # AC-1243), used to obtain liquid or dry concentrate of a starter culture of bacteria. This technical result is also achieved by the fact that in the method of producing a liquid or dry concentrate of a starter culture of bacteria, including the introduction of sowing dose of culture bacteria in a nutrient medium containing a nutrient medium with the addition of cysteine hydrochloric acid, Baker's yeast autolysate, and the cultivation of biomass of bifidobacteria in (37-38)±0,5°to obtain a concentrate of bifidobacteria, cooling and packing of finished liquid product or the introduction of a liquid product protective environment and lyophilic drying under sterile conditions, according to the invention, the culture medium was further added hydrolyzed skim milk milk bactopeptone, as basic nutritional environment of the use of milk products milk with low dry matter content of milk (SNF) - not more than 8,0% in the following ratio of components of the nutrient medium, wt.%:
As sowing dose of bifidobacteria using a consortium of strains of Bifidobacterium according to claim 1 of the present invention formula: Bifidobacterium bifidum 8-3, Bifidobacterium longum A, Bifidobacterium adolescentis B1. In sowing the dose of strains of Bifidobacterium bifidum 8-3, Bifidobacterium longum A, Bifidobacterium adolescentis B1 are in the ratio 3:1:1. Sowing dose of bifidobacteria contribute in the amount of 5.0-7.0% of the volume of the nutrient medium with the title of bifidobacteria not less than 109CFU/ml, culturing is carried out for a time sufficient for obtaining a concentrate of bifidobacteria with the biological titer of not less than (0,8-1,0) 1011CFU/ml and acidity 100-120°T, and protective environment contribute in the finished liquid product in an amount of not less than 40% by weight of the latter. Protective environment for drying biomass concentrate or yeast-based consortium of bifidobacteria contains sodium chloride, peptone, sucrose, gelatin, ascorbic acid in the following components (wt.%):
Before drying after making a protective environment correction of acidity biomass of bifidobacteria solutions of NaOH to pH 6,5-7,0. After drying the product he has the title of bifidobacteria not less than 1010CFU/ml Information on the Deposit of strains consortium of bifidobacteria: Strain Bifidobacterium bifidum 8-3. Obtained from the collection of PMBC. Isolated from the faeces of man and electrovan in Ukrmiasomolproma. Deposited in Vniigenetika in the collection ACIM # AC-1248. Designed for the production of fermented dairy products. Copy of ID attached. Strain Bifidobacterium longum A (deposited in Vniigenetika in the collection ACIM # AC-1252). Designed for the production of fermented dairy products. Copy of ID attached. Strain Bifidobacterium adolescentis B1 (deposited in Vniigenetika in the collection ACIM # AC-1243). Designed for the production of fermented dairy products. Copy of certificate attached Control cultures of bifidobacteria is conducted according to TORMENT 4.2.577-96 Methods of microbiological control of products for children, therapeutic foods and their components. Cultural-m is vologodskii signs of the consortium: the Cells are rod-shaped, V-shaped projection on one or two ends are extremely rare, immobile, in a form clusters of gram-positive. In hydrolysate-milk agar medium to form colonies in the form of a clear studs with a length of 5-10 mm, a thickness of 1-2 mm In liquid nutrient media is growing throughout the height of the volume, except for the zone of aerobiosis. Pigment does not form. Physiological and biochemical characteristics: obligate gone anaerobic, the optimum temperature of 37.5°C, pH of 7.2 to 7.4. Ferments lactose with the formation of acetic and lactic acids, sakissa environment growing up to pH 4.0. The arabinose, xylose, mannose, cellobiose, inulin, mannitol, sorbitol, salicin not fermented. Strains consortium fermented milk without growth factors with education for 16-18 h stable clot with acidity - 140-160°T, which practically does not increase even during the 5-month storage period. Gas-forming ability, catalanopolonesa ability, liquefaction of gelatin is missing. Acid-forming activity by 24 h 100° Turner, 72 h 150-200° Turner (hepatic environment), hydrolysate-dairy environment - 160° Turner, 250° Turner, respectively. The maximum titer of bacteria consortium in fat-free natural milk (8% SOM) with growth factors: hydrolyzed milk and yeast extract across the 24 h growth is (2-5)·1011through 90-120 days of storage in this environment - (2-5)×1010CFU/ml Thus, the claimed consortium has a longer shelf life compared with the consortium prototype 1.5 times. Antagonistic properties of the consortium The consortium is active against Shigella sonnei, Flexner, enteropathogenic enteric rods, staphylococci. Antagonistic activity of the consortium (table 1) strains of bifidobacteria was studied by the method of in vitro when the joint cultivation of pathogenic test strains in the zone of growth inhibition of the test microbes method barcodes
Research consortium on antibiotic resistance Claimed of the sustainability consortium is to kanamycin, the monomitsina. This allows you to easily select from a mixture of bifidobacteria them with lactobacilli. Sensitive to the antibiotics penicillin, kefzol, gentamycin. The ability of the proposed consortium of strains of bifidobacteria to build dense microbial mass in a relatively poor nutrient medium, skachivat milk in a short time, to show specific activity makes possible its use in the preparation of fermented, unfermented food and dry bacterial preparations (see table 2).
Thus, the consortium of strains less sensitive to the antibiotics kanamycin and monomitsin (than, for example, known consortium-the prototype strains of bifidobacteria) and products based on it can be used simultaneously with these antibiotics in the treatment of them, thus preventing the development of dysbiosis from antibiotic therapy. Example 1. The use of a consortium of strains of bifidobacteria to prepare a liquid concentrate of bifidobacteria (ICB). 1st passage Liquid cultures of strains: B. bifidum 8-3, B. longum A and B. adolescentis B1 in an amount of 1 ml make 2 tubes with 9 ml in the hepatic environment cultivation (for each strain separately). Increasing strains in test tubes 15-18 h at a 37.5 8° C. 2nd passage Grown culture of each strain separately in the amount of 5-10% contribute in 0.5 l of growth of dairy production environment cultivation and cultivate 16-18 h at 37,5-38° - to obtain lab starter cultures for each strain. Then the biomass of the cultures of each of the strains are mixed in the ratio (3:1:1, respectively): 6 pieces biomass of bifidobacteria B. bifldum 8-3, 2 portion of the biomass of B. Longum A and 2 parts of the biomass of B. adolescentis B1. 3rd passage. Received mixed biomass in the amount of 5-10% contribute in dairy production environment, in a volume of 10 liters and cultivate exceptions in glass bottles with a 37.5-38°without regulation process in acidity for 15-18 h until the formation of a clot. Get production leaven of the consortium in liquid form. The content of probiotic microorganisms in the biomass symbiotic Association is lg 9-10 in 1 ml. The method of producing a liquid concentrate of a starter of Bifidobacterium The method includes the introduction of sowing dose production of the leaven of the proposed consortium cultures of bifidobacteria with a titer of not less than 109CFU/ml in nutrient medium in the amount of 5.0-7.0.% from its volume. Nutrient medium contains, wt%:
The content of total amino nitrogen in the environment is 500 mg%. The hydrolysate of milk proteins provides enrichment of the nutrient medium with a mixture of high and low molecular weight peptides that are effective stimulants of growth of bifidobacteria. Yeast extract provides vitamins and stimulating factors in the growth of bifidobacteria, as well as a high content of amino nitrogen, ensuring the most favorable conditions for the growth of bifidobacteria. Amine nitrogen is a source of ready assimilation of nitrogen nucleotide bases, necessary for synthesis of nucleic acids of bifidobacteria in their intensive reproduction. Components, providing the reducing properties of the inventive environment are mainly cysteine, and amino acids glutamine and asparagine, has antioxidant properties, which are also rich yeast extract. Biomass of bifidobacteria grown in a volume of 10 liters and cultivate exceptions in glass bottles with a 37.5-38°without regulation process in acidity within 15-18 hours before the obrazovaniya clot. Liquid concentrate or the leaven of bifidobacteria has a biological titer not less than (0,8-1,0) 1011CFU/ml and acidity 100-120°So the resulting product is cooled and Packed in containers. The liquid product can be used as a dietary additive for independent use or to enrich them with dairy products for the correction of dysbacteriosis, and also for getting dry biomass method of freeze and spray drying. Example 2. The method of drying a liquid concentrate or fermenting bifidobacteria The liquid product obtained in accordance with example 1, enter the protective environment of at least 40% by weight of the latter. Protective environment for drying biomass concentrate or yeast-based consortium of bifidobacteria contains, wt%:
After making a protective environment correction of acidity biomass of bifidobacteria NaOH solution to a pH of 6.5 to 7.0. The resulting suspension is poured into 2 ml ampoules or 5 ml in the bottles, freeze at t= - 40 to 45°and lyophilizers from the frozen state in a vacuum drying apparatus. After drying the product it has a titer of living cells of bifidobacteria not less than 1010-1011CFU/ml and contains a number of moisture - not more than 0.1 to 0.2%. In addition, the liquid product can be dried in a standard spray dryer under sterile conditions. This liquid product is subjected to spray drying in the upstream heated to 50-55°With air. The obtained dry product contains not less than 1010-1011living cells of bifidobacteria in 1, the residual moisture content of 1-2%. Example 3. The use of liquid yeast for the preparation of symbiotic fermented milk products treatment of functional food Liquid yeast consortium, prepared according to example 1 (after the 3rd passage), in the amount of 0.2-0.3% make pasteurized milk with kefir, or acidophilus yeast in the amount of sourdough provided for the preparation of bifidokefir or upazila, mix and cultivate 4-18 h until the formation of a clot, then the product is cooled and Packed in consumer packaging. As a result of receiving treatment-and-prophylactic dairy products are with the content useful bifidoflora not less than lg 7-8 in 1 ml of symbiotic product. The resulting products have a pronounced of immunocard giraudon action. Example 4. Use dry yeast direct Deposit for preparation of symbiotic fermented milk products treatment of functional food Dry yeast consortium, in the amount of 0.005 to 0.05 wt.% directly contribute in pasteurized milk with kefir, or acidophilus yeast in the amount of sourdough provided for the preparation of bifidokefir or upazila, mix and cultivate 4-18 h until the formation of a clot, then the product is cooled and Packed in consumer packaging. As a result of receiving treatment-and-prophylactic dairy products containing live bacteria is not less than lg 6-7 in 1 ml of symbiotic product. The resulting products have a pronounced immunocorrective action. The amino acid composition of the liquid concentrate of bifidobacteria, prepared on the basis of the proposed consortium Table 3 shows the amino-acid analysis. td align="center"> 13.11
Thus, liquid concentrate bifidobacteria, prepared on the basis of the proposed consortium, has a high biological value and is a supplier of essential amino acids, which are easily digestible form. A rich set of essential amino acids, such as valine - 8.3%, leucine - 13.4%, lysine - 7.7%, and methionine - 3.1%, has important physiological significance, because the lack of valine mean is it the disorder of motor coordination, the lack of leucine causes changes in the kidneys and the thyroid gland, deficiency of lysine leads to disruption of processes krovoobrashseniya. In a liquid concentrate of bifidobacteria content of arginine could increase to 7.7% vs 2.0% in the liquid concentrate of bifidobacteria obtained on the basis of the consortium of the prototype and the production technology. The increase in the concentration of arginine is very important, because this amino acid stimulates the immune system, in addition, it has antioxidant properties, which helps to increase the shelf life of the product. Study of the retention of the consortium of strains of bifidobacteria in the liquid concentrate of bifidobacteria Investigated the duration of storage of the consortium of strains of bifidobacteria in the liquid concentrate of bifidobacteria (table 4). A considerable time (up to 3 months) storage of liquid concentrate of bifidobacteria with a titer of not less than 1010CFU/ml is associated with providing the initial acidity of the drug consortium of bifidobacteria (140-145)°T, obtaining the original title of bifidobacteria (not below 1011CFU/ml).
The research activity of the dry concentrate of bifidobacteria obtained on the basis of the proposed consortium (see table 5). The study is subjected to the dry concentrate of bifidobacteria obtained in accordance with example 2.
After freeze drying GCB (table 5) active dry ECB on the basis of the proposed consortium is five times higher, and after spray drying is two orders of magnitude compared to the prototype. Industrial applicability. These examples show that the proposed consortium of strains 3 species of bifidobacteria actively propagated in a relatively poor nutrient media with the accumulation of biomass production in a short period of cultivation. The product has a specification is a political activity. The consortium strains can be recommended as part of starter cultures for the preparation of liquid or dry concentrate of bifidobacteria fermented therapeutic and dietary products and bacterial preparations. Used culture media and reagents available to the public. Tools and techniques for getting and growing biomass consortium, and the tools and techniques that provide a drying liquid concentrate of a starter culture, traditionally used in the medical industry and biotechnology. 1. The method of producing a liquid or dry concentrate of a starter culture of bacteria, including the introduction of sowing dose of culture bacteria in a nutrient medium containing a nutrient medium with the addition of cysteine hydrochloric acid, autolysate or extract of Baker's yeast cultivation of biomass of bifidobacteria in (37-38)±0,5°to obtain a concentrate of bifidobacteria, cooling and packing of finished liquid product or the introduction of a liquid product protective environment and freeze drying it in a sterile environment, wherein the culture medium was further added bactopeptone, as the basis of nutrient use skim milk with the content of dry skim milk residue not more than 8% in the following ratio of components of the nutrient medium, wt.%:
and as sowing dose of bifidobacteria using a consortium of strains of Bifidobacterium Bifidobacterium bifidum 8-3, Bifidobacterium longum A, Bifidobacterium adolescentis B1. 2. The method according to claim 1, characterized in that the sowing dose of strains of Bifidobacterium bifidum 8-3, Bifidobacterium longum A, Bifidobacterium adolescentis B1 are in the ratio 3:1:1. 3. The method according to claim 1, characterized in that the sowing dose of bifidobacteria contribute in the amount of 5.0-7.0% of the volume of the nutrient medium with the title of bifidobacteria not less than 109CFU/ml, culturing is carried out for a time sufficient for obtaining a concentrate of bifidobacteria with the biological titer of not less than (0,8-1,0) 1011CFU/ml and acidity 100-120°T, and protective environment contribute in the finished liquid product in an amount of not less than 40% by weight of the latter. 4. The method according to claim 1, characterized in that the protective environment for drying biomass concentrate or yeast-based consortium bifidobak URI contains sodium chloride, peptone, sucrose, gelatin, ascorbic acid at the following content, wt.%:
5. The method according to claim 1, characterized in that before drying after making a protective environment correction of acidity biomass of bifidobacteria NaOH solution to pH 6,5-7,0.
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