Antiphage nutritional broth for activating starter populations |
IPC classes for russian patent Antiphage nutritional broth for activating starter populations (RU 2326163):
Medical examination of women for campilobacteria in cervical canal fluids / 2325643
Cervical canal fluids are analysed in the following way: at first microscopy of cervical canal smear coloured under Gram's technique is carried out with Ziehl's solution 1:5. Then cervical canal fluids containing bacteria morphologically similar to campilobacteria are seed on to selective agar and inoculation plates are put into aerostat. After that air is evacuated to - 1 atm and charged with special gas mixture containing nitrogen 83-85%, carbon dioxide 15-13%, oxygen 2%. Evacuation and gas mixture charge are carried out twice, then it is incubated at temperature 37°C during 48 hours, followed by growth examination for specific campilobacteria clumps.
Suspension of Shigella, identified till species level, is added to the beef-extract broth at concentration of 100 million of CFUs/ml and the electric resistance of solution is determined in limits up to 2000 kOhm, in 1 and 6 hours of bacteria fermentation at 37°C. If the electric resistance of solution is increased 4.0-6.0 times, the isolated Shigella strain is considered as epidemic.
Nutrient medium for securing streptococci / 2323969
Nutrient medium contains the pancreatic casein hydrolysate, enzymatic peptone, activator of hemophilic microorganisms' growth, bread yeast, lactose, bromocresol purple, glucose, L-cysteine, sodium sulfite, sodium citrate, sodium azide, crystal violet, agar-agar, distilled water.
Method for bacteriological detection of nocardiomorphous actinomyces / 2321636
Method involves preparing pair samples from the pathological material sample. The first sample is poured with 0.5%, and the second sample - with 2.0% aqueous solution of the preparation "Leseptik" taken in the volume ratio 1:2 followed by their exposition for 3 h and 15 min, respectively, at room temperature. Then the "Leseptik" preparation solution is poured off, washed out twice with isotonic sodium chloride solution, and suspension is prepared that is inoculated on solid egg-containing media and grown at temperature +37°C. Invention provides accelerated primary indication and differentiation of positive reactions for PPD-tuberculin for mammals caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis from positive reactions for PPD-tuberculin for mammals caused by corynebacteria, rhodococci and nontuberculosis mycobacteria.
Method involves culturing petroleum-oxidizing microorganisms on solid medium in Petri dishes at room temperature. In termination of culturing morphotype of microorganism colonies is determined. Microorganism colonies of M-type are selected as producers of biosurfactants. Microorganism colonies of R- and S-type are washed out with phosphate buffer, pH 6.8, and a prepared suspension is diluted to optical value density 0.1-0.3 at wavelength 670 nm followed by assay of emulsifying activity and index of cell hydrophobicity. Microorganisms as producers of biosurfactants are selected at hydrophobicity index value above 20% and the positive emulsifying activity. Method is simple in realization and allows carrying out selection of petroleum-oxidizing microorganisms as producers of extracellular and cell-bound biosurfactants.
Method for detection of candida albicans by biorhythms / 2319747
Invention relates to a method for microbiological laboratory identification of fungi of Candida genus. Detection of Candida albicans is carried out by biorhythms of fungus. Analyzed culture of fungi is cultured for 24 h and then suspension of fungi is applied on the surface of solid nutrient medium in the concentration 300 CFU/ml in the amount 0.1 ml, and amount of grown colonies is determined for 24 h with a break for 4 h. At index of mesor from 90 to 113 and at ultradiane rhythm the isolated strain is identified as C. albicans. Method doesn't require large material consumptions for equipment and nutrient media and allows carrying out identification of pathogens for 24 h and with high reliability.
Invention relates to an accelerated method for assay of sensitivity of burkcholderiae to chemopreparations. Accelerated assay method is based on using a solid nutrient medium with an indicator. Medium contains tryptone and glucose with indicator bromothymol blue, pH 6.0-7.6 (acid - yellow color, alkaline - blue color), the parent pH of medium is 6.8, and method involves preliminary preparing burkcholderiae to be analyzed before their inoculation. For carrying out the assay a medium is prepared of the following composition, g/l: tryptone, 2.0; NaCl, 5.0; K2HPO4, 0.3; bromothymol blue, 0.08; agar, 15.0, and distilled water, up to 1 l, pH 6.8. Sterile glucose solution (10 g/l) is added to medium before pouring plates at temperature 45°C and poured by a layer of thickness 4.0 ± 0.5 mm before 24 h for carrying out the assay. Analyzed culture of microorganisms is diluted to the concentration 108 cells/ml in 0.85% NaCl heated to 37°C and maintained this temperature up to inoculation moment. Then suspension of analyzed strain of burkcholderiae is applied on heated plates with medium in the amount 108 cells in volume of 0.2 ml of water. Then disks impregnated with antibiotics are places on agar surface. After 3-5 h of incubation (depending on the pathogen species) result is recorded: microorganisms retention zone growth around disks remain of green-like color but in zones of cultures growth without antibiotics medium turn yellow based on acidification of medium as result of glucose destruction by multiplying microorganisms. Method provides accelerating assay of sensitivity of burkcholderiae to chemopreparations, significant decrease for recording results on solid nutrient medium with indicator as compared with using the standard medium (3-5 h and 18-24 h, respectively).
Method for predicting tuberculous pleuritis / 2318209
The present innovation refers to bacteriological diagnostics of tuberculous pleuritis. It is necessary to apply fibrin deposit obtained from the surface of pleural cavity pouches to be inoculated onto nutritive medium for subsequent bacteriological survey. Inoculation should be fulfilled onto nutritive medium called "Novaya". The innovation provides the chance to diagnose tuberculous pleuritis at earlier stages of its development.
Invention proposes a medium consisting of two layers - backing agar and covering agar. Backing agar comprises agar "Difko" and physiological solution. Covering agar comprises agar "Difko", yeast extract, dithiothreitol rabbit fibrin-free blood, sodium chloride, and beef-extract broth or Hottinger broth as a nutrient base. Invention provides study the listeriolysin expression level, to carry out total screening and differentiation of Listeria strains population based on feature of their hemolytic activity. Invention can be used in bacteriological diagnosis of listeriosis in research aims for characterization of strains by their biological activity.
Method for differentiating human olfactory mucosa staphylococcus microflora / 2318021
Method involves isolation of staphylococcus pure cultures from olfactory mucosa microflora, their identification and capacity of pure culture for inactivating natural dipeptide carnosine is determined. Microorganism S. aureus is related to normal human olfactory mucosa microflora that is not able for activating carnosine (anti-carnosine activity - ACaA), and other species of staphylococci possessing ACaA in the level of expression of this feature 0.7 mcg/ml or less. Also, S. aureus showing the expression level of ACaA above zero is related also, and other species of staphylococci in the expression level of this feature above 0.7 mcg/ml. Invention provides the information content in assay of the presence and expression level of ACaA in staphylococci. Invention can be used in practice work of bacteriology laboratories for differentiation of human olfactory mucosa microflora for normal staphylococcus microflora and staphylococcus microflora able to induce development of local suppurative-inflammatory diseases.
Bacteria strain lactococcus lactis subsp diacetilactis ТК-ОБЛ-Д5-5Ф, used for revealing lactococci bacteriophages / 2324733
Invention relates to diary industry, to production of fermented milk products in particular. Bacteria strain Lactococcus lactis subsp. diacetilactis "ТК-ОБЛ-Д5-5Ф" (Russian collection of lactate bacteria for production of cheese and bacteriophages for them at the "ВНИИМС") was obtained from self-sour cream and selected by the sensitivity spectrum for 250 known bacteriophages. It is used as an indicator strain for revealing the lactococci bacteriophages, ways and sources of their spreading at an enterprise. The invention enables one to prevent development of bacteriophages in production of milk produce, to improve its quality and safety for human health, as well as to increase efficiency of the production.
Process of nutrient medium production / 2324732
Lactoserum containing 10% of dry substances will be pasteurised at 90°C during 20 min, cooled to 45°C, reduced with ammonia solution to pH 7.0. Then the Streptococcus thermophilus barm will be introduced and the mixture will be ripened at 40°C during 5 hours, additive will be introduced in the form of milk protein hydrolysate, the mixture will be mixed and sterilised, cooled to 38°C and reduced with ammonia solution to pH 6.8. The nutrient medium thus obtained will enable one to shorten the process of cultivating bifido- and lactobacteria to 24 hours and to increase their concentration when obtaining liquid bacterial concentrate.
Biocatalyst is made on the base of immobilized cells of photosynthetic bacteria, includes to the matrix of criogel polyvenial alcohol, thanks to which it is produced the hydrogen production. Biocatalist has long time of service, obtain seriously modified productivity and can be used for hydrogen producing in reactors of different types.
Nutrient medium for securing streptococci / 2323969
Nutrient medium contains the pancreatic casein hydrolysate, enzymatic peptone, activator of hemophilic microorganisms' growth, bread yeast, lactose, bromocresol purple, glucose, L-cysteine, sodium sulfite, sodium citrate, sodium azide, crystal violet, agar-agar, distilled water.
Brevibacillus laterosporus bacterium strain inhibiting and preventing development of microphytic algae of various taxonomic types / 2323968
Brevibacillus laterosporus "ВКПМ" В-9405 bacterium strain is separated by means of multistage selection from the natural Brevibacillus laterosporus "ВКПМ" В-8287 strain. The algicide activity is estimated by the strain lytic action on microalgae defining residual optical density (OD). OD is 10.1%. The strain algistatic activity is estimated by defining optical density. The optical density is 1.950.
Preudomonas aureofaciens KR31 (pKS1) strain separated from the rhizosphere of alfalfa in Krasnodar Territory and deposited to the All-Russian collection ARC V-2390 D, is capable of inhibiting growth of a wide range of plant pathogenic fungi, stimulates plat growth, resistant to arsenic, dissolves phosphates. Preparation containing Preudomonas aureofaciens bacterium strain cells suspension may be used to clean the soil from arsenic and to protect the plants from the diseases, caused by plant pathogenic fungi.
Bioactive organomineral slow-release fertilizer / 2323918
Organomineral fertilizer, which contains rock phosphate (apatite), natural zeolite, oxidised brown coal in 1:0.15:2-1:0.2:5 ratio, is composted for 30-60 days, while exposed to phosphate-assimilating bacteria in amount of 105-106 cells/spores/ml, isolated from local soil using selection method. Content of labile phosphorus increases from 17.0 to 50.4 mg/kg of soil, and phosphatase activity in chestnut soil increases by 2.8-21.8 times.
Method for preparing halophilic bacterium biomass / 2323251
Method involves culturing halophilic microorganisms in the presence of encapsulated adsorbent and/or antioxidant up to the stationary growth phase in preparing the seeding material. Then in submerged culturing fresh medium is added by portions in the amount 1/3 of the final volume of cultural fluid followed by contacting cultural fluid with an encapsulated adsorbent and/or antioxidant, and additional feeding with dry or concentrated medium is carried out. The amount of dissolved oxygen is maintained at the level 5-10% of the equilibrium level. Invention provides increasing the level of accumulation of biomass, to enhance the specific content of bacteriorhodopsin in halophilic microorganisms biomass and the total yield of bacteriorhodopsin at the minimal content of carotinoids in biomass, and to reduce consumption of nutrient medium also.
Method for preparing halophilic bacterium biomass / 2323226
Method involves using an encapsulated adsorbent and/or antioxidant in preparing seeding material and submerged culturing. In preparing seeding material the culturing process is carried out in freshly prepared nutrient medium up to the stationary growth phase. Submerged culturing is carried out by simultaneous inoculation of bioreactor with seeding material and contacting the content of bioreactor with encapsulated adsorbent and/or antioxidant. The oxygen content in bioreactor is maintained at the level 5-10% of the equilibrium level. Invention provides increasing yield of halophilic microorganisms biomass up to 42 g/l and with the content of bacteriorhodopsin up to 1.6 g/l and in practically absent of carotinoids in biomass. Invention provides reducing time for preparing the unit mass of the end product and to decrease consumptions for production of bacteriorhodopsin.
Nutrient medium for culturing mycobacterium and nocardioformous actinomyces / 2322495
Invention proposes a nutrient medium comprising potassium hydrogen phosphate, magnesium sulfate, L-asparagine, glycerol, citric acid, ferrous ammonium citrate, agar, humivite and distilled water. Invention provides enhancing growth properties of the nutrient medium.
Invention relates to the strain Lactobacillus paracasei CNCM I-2116 used for diarrhea prophylaxis causing by pathogenic microorganisms. Supernatant of this strain culture elicits ability to prevent colonization of intestine with pathogenic microorganisms causing diarrhea also and this strain is designated for preparing agent used for prophylaxis and/or treatment of disorders associated with diarrhea. Agent for oral administration represents therapeutically effective dose of the strain L. paracasei CNCM I-2116 or supernatant of its culture and acceptable foodstuff. Invention provides the enhanced viability of the strain in its applying and effectiveness in prophylaxis of adhesion to intestine cells and invasion to intestine cells of pathogenic microorganisms causing diarrhea.
FIELD: biotechnologies. SUBSTANCE: the invention may be used for producing dairy products with high quality factors. A nutritional broth comprising skimmed milk, gum arabic, lithium citrate, D-glucosamine, L-rhamnose, D-arabinose, tap water. EFFECT: improving the activation of 'direct inoculation' starter cultures, producing quality bulk starters; improving the quality and characteristics of dairy products; decreasing material losses at dairy products manufacturing facilities.
The invention relates to biotechnology, in particular the dairy industry, and can be used to produce dairy products with high quality indicators. Due to the difficult environmental conditions currently obtaining a quality product is a rather difficult task. It is found that, more than in the original raw milk contains foreign substances, the more it bacterial inseminated, the harder it is to obtain a product with the required quality and safety. Infection starter microflora viruses-bacteriophages is one of the main reasons of obtaining non-standard dairy products. Defeat the bacteriophage may at any stage of production and leads to inhibition of the process of ripening or complete termination of the fermentation, the violation of consistency, loss of aroma, appearance blemish swelling later cheeses or deterioration of other indicators of quality dairy products. In addition, violation of the lactic acid process when receiving fermented products leads to material losses; increase the possibility of food-borne infections due to more active development of the residual microflora and secondary contamination, as well as creating the most favorable conditions for the development of pathoge the Noi or conditionally pathogenic microflora. To prevent paralysis lactic cultures use different tools and methods: compliance with sanitary and hygienic conditions; maintaining a fully aseptic receive mode of production of starter cultures; creating aseptic production conditions; the rotation starter cultures; use favoritestest crops; the use of culture media, the braking effect of the phage. Due to the fact that the use of equipment for the production of products under aseptic conditions require large expenditures of producers and dairy products anyway flows in the presence of bacteriophages (dairy and non-dairy raw materials, lysogeny culture), it is necessary to ensure a steady flow of technological process, which can be achieved by creating conditions unfavourable for the development of phage, and by making a variety of supplements that stimulate the growth of beneficial microflora. Information concerning antirakovyh environments, based mostly on the fact that the infectivity of phages depends on the presence of calcium. Through the use of free calcium or poor calcium nutrient media can significantly reduce the present adsorption of bacteriophages on the host cell. Removal of calcium ions from milk using ammonium salts, phosphates, titration in production environments, the use of synthetic environments in large volumes to activate the starter microflora and obtain production of starter cultures is not widely applied because of the great complexity and the cost of the environments, complexities and possible further reduction in the activity of starter cultures in milk as less favourable nutrient medium. Currently abroad known antirakovye nutrient medium on the basis of skim milk or whey or whey with dry skim milk [1, 2]. In domestic and foreign sources of information there is information about enhance the useful microflora using different additives. As activators starter microflora scientists recommend the use of potato extract, extract of bran; corn extract; hydrolysates; activator consisting of beta-lactoglobulin, albumin, alpha-milk albumin, casein and its derivatives, such as milk casein, rennet casein and Caseinates, Kappa-casein, beta-casein, yeast extract. In U.S. patent [2], the nutrient medium in which suppression action of phages. The main components of the environments are whey and yeast extract. As tagoimurodov encouraged to use diammonium succinate (DAS), diammonium phosphate (DAP), diammonium adipate (DAA). The disadvantages of this invention should include that in the nutrient environments that use salts of phosphates as inhibitors of phages, can not develop all kinds of starter cultures [3]. The reason for this is the high energy of the CFU content of phosphates, which contribute to the suppression of beta-galactosidase activity of cultures, especially lactic acid bacteria Streptococcus thermophilus, the most widely used nowadays in the production of fermented products. Closest to the proposed invention, the essential features include a U.S. patent [4], which describes the nutrient medium, simultaneously stimulating the development of bacteria and inhibiting the growth of bacteriophages. In the present invention as agents, stabilizing the fermentation of milk, it is recommended to use: growth promoters (casein is cleaved by enzymes, dextrose, yeast extract); pugongying (monoammonium phosphate, diammonium phosphate), neutralizing substances (magnesium phosphate, ammonium phosphate, calcium carbonate), and to improve the consistency of the products hydrocolloid stabilizers (gum Arabic, tragacanth, xanthan gum, or other). The disadvantages of this invention should include multicomponent composition of the nutrient medium, which increases the cost of its production, and that in the presence of phosphate decreases the activity of development of some species of lactic acid bacteria. The analysis of literature data and results of own researches allow to make a conclusion about expediency of application in sostojatelnogo environment of monosaccharides (table 1), which contribute to the suppression of infection of cells of lactic acid microorganisms bacteriophage.
Such action on the phage due to the fact that some sacharine residues involved in the adsorption of the phage to the cell wall. Carbohydrate composition of cell fractions phagostable and pagosasprings cells differs. A clear difference is observed for lactococcal in the content of L-ramnose, D-galactose, D-glucuronic acid, etc. D-glucosamine, D-galactosamine, L-rhamnose, D-arabinose form a connection with phages and have on of lactococcal bacteriophages, thermophilic Streptococcus lactic acid Bacillus species Lactobacillus casei inhibitory effect. From foreign sources of information it is known that natural polysaccharides (xanthan, alginate, guar gum, carragenan, cellulose gels, fibregum) can be used in the preparation of nutrient media as a stabilizer consistency. Gum Arabic (brand Fibregum) is one of the well known natural compounds, which is used as a food additive as a source of dietary fiber to enhance the functional properties of products, and to improve consistency formatiruem dairy products. When making fermented beverages gum Arabic allows to enrich the product fibers, to improve organoleptic characteristics, get more on OneNote taste, i.e. the best texture. Gum Arabic is widely used in various fields of food technology as an effective stabilizer of disperse systems. Some authors reported that gum Arabic comes in synergistic interaction with exogenous bacteria, called probiotics, helping to increase their survival in the product, and during the passage through the body before entering the colon. High functional properties of gum Arabic due to the peculiarities of its structure. Abroad there are works in which gum Arabic is recommended to contribute in the production of starter culture for cheese to improve system stability. It is important that the gum Arabic stable in acidic media and at temperature processing. The aim of the present invention is to provide antifirewall medium, simultaneously performs multiple functions for the activation of the starter cultures for direct Deposit and receive industrial starter at release formatiruem dairy products. The essence of the proposed solution lies in the fact that for the first time it is proposed to use in the composition of the nutrient medium gum Arabic in the amount of 10-30 g/l as paingiver and activator starter lactic acid microflora, while providing ignoreme is but the stabilization of the system. This can be explained by the fact that the chemical structure of gum Arabic belongs to the class of glycoproteins, i.e. biopolymers, the molecule of which contains fragments of both polysaccharide and protein nature. The constituent elements of polysaccharide fragments are such monomers as galactose, arabinose, rhamnose, glucuronic acid, which, apparently, have paingivers effect. In addition, to reduce the effects of shock factors (adulteration of raw milk, raw milk extraneous chemical and inhibiting substances), as well as attacks of phages on bacterial cells are offered in a nutrient medium also have to add sugar. The results of these studies indicate that sugar such as D-glucosamine, L-rhamnose and L-arabinose have the above functions. In the drawing shown on the ordinate axis the change in titratable acidity (°T) under cultivation sensitive starter microflora with bacteriophage time (h) on the horizontal axis (-◆- - skim milk with gum Arabic and phages; In connection with wishare is raised by the material of this invention anciferova environment on the basis of skim milk with components that enhance development of cells of lactic acid bacteria, increasing their resistance to the action of unfavorable factors and the decrease of the adsorption activity of bacteriophages has the following structure. Anciferova nutrient medium for the activation of starter lactic acid microflora, including to obtain production of starter cultures containing skim milk, activator development starter microflora, pugongying and water, characterized in that as paingiver and activator of development of lactic acid bacteria it contains gum Arabic, D-glucosamine, L-rhamnose, D-arabinose, further comprises sodium citrate, and water quality - water tap in the following components (g/100 cm3:
The invention is illustrated by the following examples. Prima is 1. Prepare a nutrient medium (1 liter): 100 g of skim milk powder; 0.3 g sodium citrate; 10 g of gum Arabic; 2 g of D-glucosamine; 1.4 g L-ramnose; 1.2 g of D-arabinose; tap water (1 l). Skimmed milk powder dissolved in tap water at a temperature of 40-45°C, incubated for 20 minutes to swell proteins. Then add sodium citrate and gum Arabic, mixed well, filtered, poured into containers and sterilized at t=121°C (1,1 bar) for 15 minutes (to achieve sterility of the environment), then cooled to a temperature of (20±5)°C. In prepared nutrient medium contribute mentioned previously, the mixture of sugars, pre-dissolved in a small amount of distilled water and subjected to cold sterilization device "Steefel 250" company Millipore or equivalent system. Example 2. Prepare a nutrient medium (1 l): 120 g of skim milk powder; 0.4 g sodium citrate; 20 g of gum Arabic; 2.3 g of D-glucosamine; 1.6 g L-ramnose; 1.5 g of D-arabinose; tap water (1 l). Skimmed milk powder dissolved in tap water at a temperature of 40-45°C, incubated for 20 minutes to swell proteins. Then add sodium citrate and gum Arabic, mixed well, filtered, poured into containers and sterilized at t=121°With (1.1 ATM) for 15 minutes (to achieve sterility of the environment), then cooled to a temperature of (20±5)°C. In prepared nutrient medium contribute mentioned previously, the mixture of sugars, pre-dissolved in a small amount of distilled water and subjected to cold sterilization device "Steefel 250" company Millipore or equivalent system. Example 3. Prepare a nutrient medium (1 l): 140 g of skim milk powder; 0.5 g sodium citrate; 30 g of gum Arabic; 2.5 g of D-glucosamine; 1.8 g L-ramnose; 1.7 g of D-arabinose; tap water (1 l). Skimmed milk powder dissolved in tap water at a temperature of 40-45°C, incubated for 20 minutes to swell proteins. Then add sodium citrate and gum Arabic, mixed well, filtered, poured into containers and sterilized at t=121°With (1.1 ATM) for 15 minutes (to achieve sterility of the environment), then cooled to a temperature of (20±5)°C. In prepared nutrient medium contribute mentioned previously, the mixture of sugars, pre-dissolved in a small amount of distilled water and subjected to cold sterilization device "Steefel 250" company Millipore or equivalent system. Literature 1. Patent 4851347 USA, Iit: C12N 001/20; Bulk starter medium. Willrett and other Publ. 25.07.1989, http://uspto.gov/. 2. Patent 4282255 USA, Iit: A23C 009/12; Method and starter compositions for the growth of acid producing bacteria and bacterial comositions produced thereby. Sandine and other Publ. 04.08.1981, http://uspto.gov/. 3. Daire Stokes, R. Paul Ross, Gerald F. Fitzgerald, Aidan Coffey. Application of Streptococcus thermophilus DPC1842 as an adjunct to counteract bacteriophage disruption in a predominantly lactococcal Cheddar cheese starter: use in bulk starter culture systems. // EDP Sciences, 81, 2001, p.327-334. 4. Patent 4806479 USA, Iit: C12N 001/38; Use of stabilizing agents in culture media for growing acid producing bacteria. Kegel and other Publ. 21.02.1989, http://uspto.gov/. Anciferova nutrient medium for the activation of starter lactic acid microflora, including to obtain production of starter cultures containing skim milk, activator development starter microflora, pugongying and water, characterized in that as paingiver and activator of development of lactic acid bacteria it contains gum Arabic, D-glucosamine, L-rhamnose, D-arabinose, further comprises citric acid sodium and water quality - water tap in the following components (g/100 cm3:
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