IPC classes for russian patent Installation for researching on liquid magnet (RU 2272325):
Another patents in same IPC classes:
Installation for testing vorticity electric field / 2269823
Installation can be used at colleges and higher schools for profound studying of physics. Installation has long solenoid mounted in perpendicular onto plotting board and connected to harmonic voltage generator. Closed circle-shaped conductor with motionless terminal and closed circle-shaped scale with divisions are mounted onto plotting board; axes of conductor and scale coincide with axis of long solenoid. Motionless terminal is connected with first input of electro-motive force registrar. There is movable bushing onto long solenoid. One end of conducting pin with position pointer at closed circle-shaped scales with divisions in radians is fastened to the movable bushing. The second end of movable pin has to be the handle for rotation. The pin forms movable contact with closed circle-shaped conductor and it sis connected with second input of registrar.
Radio engineering training device / 2260193
Device has radio-location station, first high-frequency generator, modulator, first counter, scanning generator, second counter, heterodyne, first mixer, first intermediate frequency amplifier, first amplitude detector, video-amplifier, third counter, cathode-ray tube, second, third and fourth high-frequency generators, first and second adders, switches, phase-rotators and on 90°, second mixer, second intermediate frequency amplifier, multiplier, narrow-band filter, second amplitude detector, key and frequency converter.
Teaching amusing attraction / 2254157
Two different type metals are in the form of game members and they are connected with unit for displaying electric current. Game members provide generation of electric current in circuit of attraction when said circuit is closed at least by means of one human being that may be in contact with game members through exposed surface parts of its body. Game members are made of metals spaced one from other in electrochemical voltage row at least by 0.5 V.
Teaching amusing attraction / 2254157
Two different type metals are in the form of game members and they are connected with unit for displaying electric current. Game members provide generation of electric current in circuit of attraction when said circuit is closed at least by means of one human being that may be in contact with game members through exposed surface parts of its body. Game members are made of metals spaced one from other in electrochemical voltage row at least by 0.5 V.
Radio engineering training device / 2260193
Device has radio-location station, first high-frequency generator, modulator, first counter, scanning generator, second counter, heterodyne, first mixer, first intermediate frequency amplifier, first amplitude detector, video-amplifier, third counter, cathode-ray tube, second, third and fourth high-frequency generators, first and second adders, switches, phase-rotators and on 90°, second mixer, second intermediate frequency amplifier, multiplier, narrow-band filter, second amplitude detector, key and frequency converter.
Installation for testing vorticity electric field / 2269823
Installation can be used at colleges and higher schools for profound studying of physics. Installation has long solenoid mounted in perpendicular onto plotting board and connected to harmonic voltage generator. Closed circle-shaped conductor with motionless terminal and closed circle-shaped scale with divisions are mounted onto plotting board; axes of conductor and scale coincide with axis of long solenoid. Motionless terminal is connected with first input of electro-motive force registrar. There is movable bushing onto long solenoid. One end of conducting pin with position pointer at closed circle-shaped scales with divisions in radians is fastened to the movable bushing. The second end of movable pin has to be the handle for rotation. The pin forms movable contact with closed circle-shaped conductor and it sis connected with second input of registrar.
Installation for researching on liquid magnet / 2272325
The installation has in series connected: two flat induction coils, source of constant current, ammeter and rheostat. On a stand there are two fixed axles of rotating induction coils, on which two rigid brackets are pivotally suspended with their first ends and to their second ends are rigidly connected the induction coils placed in a vessel with liquid magnet installed on the stand provided with a scale with divisions in degrees.
Plant for studying field of electric and magnetic dipoles / 2273056
Plant has inductiveness coil connected to alternating current generator and measuring coil. Inductiveness coil is mounted on plane-table. On inductiveness coil perpendicularly to its axis and to plane-table first rotation axis is held, on which first end of rod is held, onto second end of which mobile platform is applied. On measuring coil second rotation axis is mounted, rigidly held by first end at measuring coil, second rotation axis is positioned perpendicularly to axis of measuring coil, plane-table and mobile platform. Second rotation axis passes through mobile platform and on its other end a handle is held immobile. Measuring coil is provided with rounding indicator, positioned in parallel to axis of measuring coil. At axis of inductiveness coil symmetrically to first rotation axis immobile rod is mounted with balls at ends, modeling electric dipole.
Stand for studying electronic automation means / 2279718
Stand for studying electronic automation means contains counter 1, decoder of binary code to positional code 4, register 6, block of switches 7, analog adder 9, block of triggers 10, six commutators 2,3,5,8,11,12, indication block 13, input-output block 14, logical elements block 15, set of diodes 16, set of resistors 17, set of capacitors 18, set of comparators 19, control block 20, voltage adjuster 21, generator 22, voltage meter 23 and type-setting field 24 with a set of connector links 25. by means of stand it is possible to study both elementary logical elements and complex electronic circuits in static and dynamic operation modes. Possible automatic construction of temporal diagrams, performing of computerized measurements and printing of results of operation all increase didactic capabilities of device.
/ 2284059
Device for emitting vortical electric field / 2284580
Device contains a toroid, mounted perpendicularly to table covered by foil, while its first half is above the table, and other half - below it. Winding of toroid is connected to output clamps of sound frequency generator, double probe is mounted in points of electric field on foil being studied, its clamps are connected to inputs of voltmeter, moving bushing is pinned on toroid and abuts during movement against aforementioned table with foil. Moving platform is held on support and pinned onto the rod. Rotation axis passes through moving platform. Handle is fastened immovably to other end of rotation axis. Arrow is mounted on double probe on same line with needles of probe. Spring is supported by handle and moveable platform. Device is provided with device for measuring difference of phases, first input of which is connected to outputs of binary probe, and additional double probe, mounted immovably in point of electric field on foil being studied, while its clamps are connected to second input of device for measuring phase difference.
Device for researching stationary electric field / 2284581
Device contains direct current source, double probe with arrow, voltmeter with large input resistance, inputs of which are connected to outputs of double probe with arrow, table with electro-conductive paper, a pair of detachable conductive buses, mounted on electro-conductive paper and connected to clamps of direct current source by means of screws with nuts, curve made of dielectric having working edge, appropriate for profile of walk contour. Curve is held on table with electro-conductive paper in the middle between a pair of detachable conductive buses by means of central screw with nut. Device also contains a set of detachable varying pairs of conductive buses, modeling different flat electric fields, and a set of detachable various curves made of dielectric, for modeling various walk contours.
Training device for demonstration of second maxwell equation / 2285960
Device contains two even toroids, positioned oppositely and in parallel to one another at distance of their radius. Outputs of windings of toroids are connected to output clamps of sound frequency generator. Both toroids are mounted on substrate, on which scale with points is installed. Moveable platform is positioned on substrate between toroids along the scale with points. Measuring coil is mounted on moveable platform at the level of axis of toroids and at even distance from them so, that its axis coincides with direction of strength vector of magnetic field, created by electric field of toroids. Position pointer of measuring coil is positioned on moveable platform and coincides with axis of measuring coil. Input clamps of EMF registrar are connected to outputs of measuring coil. Drive with belt transmission is held on substrate and is used for moving moveable platform between aforementioned toroids along the scale with points for counting distance from axis of toroids to measuring coil with position pointer. Supporting coil is mounted on the substrate between toroids at the level of their axis and in parallel to measuring coil at distance from axis of toroids, equal to their radius. Device contains device for measuring phase difference, first input of which is connected to outputs of measuring coil, and second output - to outputs of supporting coil. Device allows measuring dependence of shift current from frequency and strength of electric field. On basis of indications of phase difference meter it is possible to demonstrate right-handed screw system between vectors of shift current density and magnetic field strength.
FIELD: the invention refers to training aids and may be used in practical work in physics course.
SUBSTANCE: the installation has in series connected: two flat induction coils, source of constant current, ammeter and rheostat. On a stand there are two fixed axles of rotating induction coils, on which two rigid brackets are pivotally suspended with their first ends and to their second ends are rigidly connected the induction coils placed in a vessel with liquid magnet installed on the stand provided with a scale with divisions in degrees.
EFFECT: the installation allows to take off dependence of Ampere force arising at interacting of the coils with current in liquid magnet from the value of this current and determine value of magnetic penetrability of liquid magnet and expands the field of researching.
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The invention relates to educational devices and can be used in the laboratory in higher and secondary special educational institutions on physics course for exploring and deepening the knowledge of physical laws and phenomena.
The known device Kolbe to demonstrate the interaction of two coils with current, suspended by a flexible cord on a tripod. (Gen and other Physical experiment at school, volume 4. Uchpedgiz, 1954, str, RES). It allows you to show only the interaction of two coils with electric current, without measuring the power amp and considering the influence of the magnetic permeability of the environment on the strength of the interaction.
Also known training device for the study of electromagnetic fields (RU patent No. 2210815, 20.08.2003, bull. No. 23. Author: Kownacki VK), containing two toroid iron core (hard magnetic material). This device allows you to measure the characteristics of the electromagnetic field, but it is impossible to measure the magnetic permeability of the toroid cores.
Closest to the proposed installation is to install (figure 4) to demonstrate the interaction of two coils with current, suspended by two thin wires, (Oferation. Physics. Reference materials. M: Education 1991, p.184, RES.) The installation includes two planar inductor and the DC source. When connecting the coils to a source of constant the CSOs current observed deviation of one coil to the other. When making one of the coils of the iron rod, the other coil is deflected at a greater angle. However, this setup does not allow to measure the power amp at the interaction between the coils and the magnetic permeability of the liquid environment in which these coils can interact with.
The aim of the invention is to expand the functional capabilities of this facility. This goal is achieved by the fact that it introduced: stand; two rotation axes of the flat coils mounted on the stand; two hard suspension, first ends of which are pivotally suspended on the axis of rotation of the planar inductors, and the second ends rigidly connected with these coils and are the first inputs of flat coils, and the second inputs are thin insulated conductors are wound on both of the hard suspension; ammeter and rheostat, which form a sequentially closed circuit with two series-connected flat coils and a source of direct current; a vessel with a liquid magnetic material mounted on the stand, in which there are two flat coils in the same plane perpendicular to the axes of the coils and the axes of rotation of these coils; a graduated scale in degrees, mounted on the stand.
Figure 1 and figure 2 depict what aulani drawings, explaining the principle of the proposed facility. Figure 3 shows a General view of this installation figure 4 - the prototype.
In the proposed installation includes: 1 - flat inductor; 2 - hard suspension; 3 - axis planar inductor; 4 - stand; 5 - a vessel with liquid magnet; 6 - ammeter; 7 - rheostat; 8 - constant current source; 9 - graduated scale in degrees.
When conducting research with artificially created liquid magnetic material (for example, ferric chloride in water) each time it is necessary to measure the magnetic permeability of the medium. It is also important to determine the power amp at the interaction of the coils with electric current in such an environment. Existing devices for measuring magnetic permeability (Manual for laboratory exercises in physics, edited by Lin. M.: Nauka. 1973. str-334; Pavlunin. Measurement in communications technology. M: Swazi. str-495) do not allow this. Consider how this is achieved in the proposed installation.
Let two circular coil with current I1and I2and radius R0(1) suspended on two hard same suspensions of length 1 on the axes O1and O2. Coils are in their initial position at a distance r0liquid magnet with magnetic insight μ and a density of ρ. Circular coils are located in PLoS one the spine, perpendicular to the axes of rotation of the coils O1and O2and the axes of the coils O3and O4. Under the force of ampere these turns will go to the corner α from the original position. In liquid magnetic material on the circular coil with current I1(1) there are four forces: ampere , the tension of the thread , gravity and buoyancy Archimedes where VB- the amount of circular orbits, ρ - plane liquid magnet, mB- weight of round and g is the acceleration of free fall.
The equilibrium condition for each coil has the form:

or projections on the x axis:
on the y axis:
From expressions (1) and (2) we find:

We define the power amp which circular coil with current I2acts on the coil with current I1. Let's first find the force with which the magnetic field with induction created by a current I2operating on the belonging to the contour of the l1with the current I1(Fig 2):

Magnetic induction in accordance with the law of Biot-Savart-Laplace

moreover, the observation point And is the (2) the first round, and consequently, R is the distance between the elements and both vectors and vector sent from .
Combining (4) and (5) find the force:

The force with which a circular coil with current I2acts on the coil with current I1.

With the same force and circular coil with current I1acts on the coil with current I2.
Analytical calculation of the double integral in the formula (6) is impossible, so is it found by the authors method of numerical integration:

where R0is the radius of turns, r is the distance between the centers of the circular orbits, which is found from figure 1:

Equating expressions (3) and (7) and taking into account the equality of the currents in circular orbits I1=I2and the expression (8) find the formula for determining the magnetic permeability of liquid magnetic.

To reduce the consumed current is rokovymi coils replaced them flat coils of mass m, each of which contains N turns. Then the current I1in the expression (9) replace the I1=NI, where I is the current flowing through one coil of the coil. In this case, the Archimedes buoyancy force FA=ρgV, where V is the volume of the coil.
Taking into account the introduced notations will get the final expression for determining the magnetic permeability of liquid magnetic:

The experimental setup for the study of liquid magnetic material presented on figure 3. It contains two planar inductor 1. Both coils 1 are suspended hard suspension 2. The first ends of the rigid suspensions 2 still connected to the inductor 1, and the second their ends pivotally suspended on the axis of rotation 3 of the coils mounted on the stand 4. Flat coils 1 are connected in series with each other, are located in the vessel with liquid magnetic material 5 in the same plane perpendicular to the axes of the coils 1 and the axes of rotation 3 of these coils. The first input of each of the inductor 1 is a rigid support 2, and the second input - thin insulated conductor wound upon a rigid support 2. Consistently connected planar inductor 1 is connected also in series with the ammeter 6, the resistor 7 and the constant current source 8. The vessel with liquid magnet 5 is mounted on the stand 4, which has a graduated scale in degrees 9. The pointer position on the dial 9 is rigid hanger 2.
Changing the amount of current in the circuit through the rheostat 7, inductors diverge at different angles α, the values of which are measured on a scale in degrees 9. The amount of current measured with the ammeter 6. The measured values of the angle α and current I is substituted into the formula (10) to determine the magnetic permeability of liquid magnetic material. Other values included in the formula (10)shown in the laboratory setting.
The dependence of the strength of ampere F in the interaction of the coils with a current of the magnitude of this current can be calculated by the formula (7).
Technical and economic efficiency of the proposed facility for the study of liquid magnetic material is that it provides improved quality of mastering the fundamental laws and phenomena of physics students.
The proposed installation is implemented at the Department of physics and used in the classroom laboratory exercises in electromagnetism.
The setup for studying liquid of magnetic substance containing two planar inductor and a constant current source, characterized in that it introduced the stand, two rotation axes of the coils mounted on the stand, the VA hard suspension, the first ends of which are pivotally suspended on the axis of rotation of the coils, and the second ends rigidly connected with the flat coils and are the first inputs of flat coils, and the second inputs are thin insulated conductors are wound on both of the hard suspension, ammeter and rheostat, which form a series loop circuit with two series-connected flat coils and a constant current source, a vessel with a liquid magnetic material, mounted on a stand, in which two flat coils in the same plane perpendicular to the axes of the coils and the axes of rotation of these coils, the graduated scale in degrees mounted on the stand.