Installation for testing vorticity electric field |
IPC classes for russian patent Installation for testing vorticity electric field (RU 2269823):
FIELD: educational devices. SUBSTANCE: installation can be used at colleges and higher schools for profound studying of physics. Installation has long solenoid mounted in perpendicular onto plotting board and connected to harmonic voltage generator. Closed circle-shaped conductor with motionless terminal and closed circle-shaped scale with divisions are mounted onto plotting board; axes of conductor and scale coincide with axis of long solenoid. Motionless terminal is connected with first input of electro-motive force registrar. There is movable bushing onto long solenoid. One end of conducting pin with position pointer at closed circle-shaped scales with divisions in radians is fastened to the movable bushing. The second end of movable pin has to be the handle for rotation. The pin forms movable contact with closed circle-shaped conductor and it sis connected with second input of registrar. EFFECT: widened functional capabilities. 4 dwg
The invention relates to educational devices and can be used in the laboratory in higher and secondary special educational institutions on physics course for exploring and deepening the knowledge of physical laws. Known solenoid connected to the constant current source and designed to create a constant magnetic field (Del, M. Jaworski, the physics Course. M.: Higher school, 1999, s, RES). Also known training device for the study of electromagnetic fields (RU patent No. 2210815, 20.08.2003, bull. No. 23. The author of Kownacki VK). It contains two of the donut between them creates a homogeneous vortex electric field. With this device it is impossible to demonstrate a parallel-plate electric field and to take the necessary characteristics. Closest to the proposed installation is a training device physics (RU patent No. 2133505, 20.07.1999, bull. No. 20. The author of Kownacki VK). It contains (figure 4), the Registrar EMF 4 and the solenoid 1, is connected to the generator of the harmonic voltage 2. This device allows you to create a plane-parallel vortex electric field. However, it is not possible to build a grid of electrical and isopotential surfaces of this field, to demonstrate the ambiguity of its potential. It is impossible for this device to experimentally verify theorem of qi is in the course of circulation of the vector The aim of the invention is to enhance the functionality of this device. This goal is achieved by the fact that it introduced: the tablet on which is perpendicularly fixed to the solenoid; a closed circular guide that covers the solenoid and attached to the tablet; a closed circular graduated scale in radians, which is also attached to the tablet and covers closed circular conductor; a fixed contact mounted on a closed ring conductor and is connected to the first input of the Registrar EMF; a movable sleeve which is attached to the solenoid; a conductive rod with a positioner on a closed circular scale, anchored at one end on the movable sleeve, and a second end that is configured as a handle for rotating forms a sliding contact with a closed circular conductor and is connected with the second input of the Registrar EDS. It should be noted that the axis of the solenoid, closed circular conductor and a closed circular scale with tick marks are the same and perpendicular to the plate. Figure 1 and figure 2 presents the drawings illustrating the principle of operation of the proposed facility. Figure 3 shows a General view of the proposed facility, and figure 4 is the prototype. PR is degema system includes: 1 - a long solenoid; 2 - harmonic generator voltage, 3 - closed circular conductor; 4 tablet; 5 - the sliding sleeve; 6 - conductive rod; 7 - position indicator; 8 - closed circular graduated scale; 9 - stationary contact; 10 - Registrar EMF. Maxwell argued that any alternating magnetic field generates in the surrounding space vortex electric field. Consider the vortex electric field created by an alternating magnetic field in a long solenoid. It is a plane (flat). Figure 1 shows the lines of force of a flat vortex electric field. Here r0is the radius of the solenoid, perpendicular to the plane in which are located the power line. Considers the case when the magnetic induction vector directed towards us and growing. If a closed circular conductor of radius R and length l=2πR placed in a vortex electric field From figure 1 it is seen that napryajenno the ΓΌ vortex electric field is the same at all points of a closed circular conductor, and the vector E is directed along the tangent to the circle with center at the point O and the same vector Comparing expressions (1) and (2), we obtain that the electric field inside a circular conductor (radius R)and outside (distance r) Knowing the value of E in a closed ring conductor, you can calculate the current density j, which is determined by Ohm's law in differential form as well as the power density of the current of Pbeatsdefined by the Joule-Lenz law in differential form Here σ - electrical conductivity of a closed circular Explorer. For a sinusoidally varying electric field with frequency νE(t)=Emsin2πνt the current density value of the bias current in the conductor and beyond where ε0- electric constant. To characterize the vortex electric field does not apply the concept of potential. However, if you hold a conditional partition OA (figure 1) in the meridional plane, originating on the surface of the solenoid and going to infinity, the vortex system is the resource field can be described using a single-valued potential. Isopotential surface will represent the meridional plane. Taking the zero value of the potential on one side of the partition, will be on the other side of the maximum potential Connect a voltmeter with high input resistance of the first terminal to the fixed contact (NC) (arbitrarily chosen zero point on a closed ring conductor), and the second terminal to the rolling contact (PC). Moving a PC in a closed circular conductor in one direction (counterclockwise), we will see an increase in capacity at the ϕ=El=ERθ. Substituting here the expression (3) for R=r, we get Beating around the long solenoid (θ=2π), we find that the potential of the zero point is different from zero, because at this point both contacts NC and PC touch each other and connecting wires form a vicious spiral, coupled with a long solenoid (figure 2). The resulting potential will be equal to the circulation of the vector E along the contour, outside a long solenoid Thus, by the formulas (3) and (8) can be build in the same plane as the electric grid and the isopotential lines of a parallel-plate electric field (figure 1). When moving a PC in the same direction Hara is Ter change of potential is maintained, moreover, the connecting wire coils on a long solenoid. Making two full turns, find the zero point of the potential 2ε (connecting wires at this point form the secondary winding of the two coils), etc. Experience leads to the following dependencies: where n is the number of revolutions of the PC. Thus we can observe the ambiguity of potential. Consider the operation of the proposed facility for the study of vortex electric field (figure 3). It contains a long solenoid 1, is connected to the generator of the harmonic voltage 2. According to the harmonic law will change the magnetic field of a long solenoid 1, which, in turn, excites in the surrounding space vortex electric field. Indicator this field is a closed circular conductor 3, which covers a long solenoid so that the axis of a long solenoid 1 and the closed circular conductor 3 are the same. Closed circular conductor attached to the tablet 4, installed perpendicular to the long solenoid 1. A long solenoid 1 is wearing a movable sleeve 5, to which is fixed one end of a conductive rod 6 with a position indicator rod 7. The second end of the conductive rod 6 acts as a handle for rotation and forms a sliding contact with a closed circular conductor 3. the index position 7 allows you to measure on a closed circular scale with tick marks 8 values of angle in radians. Closed circular graduated scale installed on the tablet 4 and also covers the solenoid 1 and the closed circular conductor 3. The long axis of the solenoid 1, the closed circular conductor 3 and the closed circular scale with tick marks 8 are the same. To the stationary contact 9 that is located on a closed ring conductor 3, as well as conducting rod 6 is connected Registrar EMF 10. Rotating conductive rod 6 counterclockwise observed by Registrar EMF 10 increase capacity, defined by the formula (8). Largest capacity ϕ and the corner θ in radians, shot with a closed circular scale with tick marks 8 can be calculated by the formula (8) the magnitude of the EMF. The magnitude of the EMF can be measured with the Registrar EMF 10, if the position of the conductive rod 6 coincides with the stationary contact 9. The measured EMF can be calculated by the formula (3) dependence of E on the distance r to the axis of the solenoid 1 and plot the function E=f(r). Changing the value of the voltage produced by the generator of the harmonic voltage 2, changing the current in a long solenoid 1, there is a change in magnetic induction in it. Accordingly, the tension of the vortex electric field and EMF measured by Registrar EMF 10. By the formula (3) calculate the electric field strength E, and the formula (4), (5) and (6) respectively tightly the th conduction current, power density-current density and displacement current in a closed conductor 3, which radius R. According to the measurement and calculation of the graph of the function j=f(E)Pbeats=f(E) and jcm=f(E). According to the formula Aarticle=|e|ε planning the work of external forces on the movement, for example, a single electron in a closed circular conductor 3, as well as third-party force Farticle=|e|E. Technical and economic efficiency of the proposed facility is that it provides improved quality of mastering the fundamental laws and phenomena of physics students. The proposed installation is implemented at the Department of physics and used in the classroom laboratory exercises in electromagnetism. The setting for the study of vortex electric field that contains the Registrar EMF and a long solenoid, connected to the generator of the harmonic voltage, characterized in that it introduced a tablet on which is fixed perpendicular to the long solenoid, closed circular conductor covering a long solenoid and attached to the tablet, the closed circular graduated scale, which is fixed on the tablet and covers closed circular conductor, a stationary contact mounted on a closed ring conductor and coupled to the first input of the Registrar EMF, movable bushing, worn on the length of the hydrated solenoid, conductive rod with a positioner on a closed circular graduated scale, anchored at one end on the movable sleeve, and a second end that is configured as a handle for rotation, forms a sliding contact with a closed circular conductor and is connected with the second input of the Registrar EMF.
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