Radio engineering training device |
IPC classes for russian patent Radio engineering training device (RU 2260193):
Two different type metals are in the form of game members and they are connected with unit for displaying electric current. Game members provide generation of electric current in circuit of attraction when said circuit is closed at least by means of one human being that may be in contact with game members through exposed surface parts of its body. Game members are made of metals spaced one from other in electrochemical voltage row at least by 0.5 V.
In order to enhance identity of copy generation while retaining ability of controlling input radio signal replication process, proposed device is provided with newly introduced (N -1) fiber-optic four-terminal networks, each of them incorporating Y-type internal adding and separating fiber-optic directional couplers.
The mode is that the altitude HRA of the flight of a flying vehicle is measured with the help of installed on it a radio altimeter (RA), the altitude hr of an area above which a flying vehicle flies at the moment of the altitude measuring using for this purpose data about planned coordinates from the output of the receiver indicator of the satellite radio navigational system and digital map of an area, an absolute altitude Ha= HRA +hr, is calculated and compared with the altitude HRI, taking from the output of the receiver indicator and a signal of its working capacity is formed if |Ha- HRI| is smaller than the installed threshold Th.
The device has a control panel, memory unit, preliminary recording control unit, unit for formation of carrier relative coordinates, readout and synchronizing unit, on-line memory unit, unit for formation of video signal, unit for formation of carrier polar coordinates, noise formation unit.
The device having a control panel, storage unit, synchrosignal generator, first, second and third on-line memories, unit for formation of target relative coordinates, unit for formation of the maximum target signal intensity, first, second, third and fourth synchronizers, unit for formation of the current intensity of the target signal, digital-to-analog converter, noise generator, adder uses also a correlator, first and second detectors, first and second multiplier units, first and second random number generators, which provides for formation of amicably fluctuating and quickly fluctuating bursts of pulses reflected from the radar targets, internal noise of the receiver and synchronizing signals at the output of the radar receiver in the rate of radar functioning and with due account made for motion of the ship-carrier.
Viewfinder is disposed at specific distance from mechanical axis of aerial. Viewfinder is tightly connected with antenna aperture plane. Optical axis of viewfinder is directed in parallel to mechanical axis of aerial. Then electrical axis of aerial is guided to phase center of ancillary aerial which is disposed together with geodetic mark onto post. Optical axis of viewfinder is guided onto geodetic mark. Geodetic mark is tied to angular position detectors and stays apart from phase center of ancillary aerial for distance being equal to shift of viewfinder from mechanical axis of aerial to the plane of normal optical axis of viewfinder. Optical axis of viewfinder is guided onto center of aperture of ancillary aerial. Difference in coordinates is determined by angle of location of initial and final position of viewfinder optical axis. Sword is turned around axis being perpendicular to plane of sword and crossing center of ancillary aerial aperture by angle determined by the relation given in the description of the invention. Electrical axis of aerial is guided onto phase center of ancillary aerial and optical axis of viewfinder is guided onto geodetic mark.
Viewfinder is disposed at specific distance from mechanical axis of aerial. Viewfinder is tightly connected with antenna aperture plane. Optical axis of viewfinder is directed in parallel to mechanical axis of aerial. Then electrical axis of aerial is guided to phase center of ancillary aerial which is disposed together with geodetic mark onto post. Optical axis of viewfinder is guided onto geodetic mark. Geodetic mark is tied to angular position detectors and stays apart from phase center of ancillary aerial for distance being equal to shift of viewfinder from mechanical axis of aerial to the plane of normal optical axis of viewfinder. Optical axis of viewfinder is guided onto center of aperture of ancillary aerial. Difference in coordinates is determined by angle of location of initial and final position of viewfinder optical axis. Sword is turned around axis being perpendicular to plane of sword and crossing center of ancillary aerial aperture by angle determined by the relation given in the description of the invention. Electrical axis of aerial is guided onto phase center of ancillary aerial and optical axis of viewfinder is guided onto geodetic mark.
The device having a control panel, storage unit, synchrosignal generator, first, second and third on-line memories, unit for formation of target relative coordinates, unit for formation of the maximum target signal intensity, first, second, third and fourth synchronizers, unit for formation of the current intensity of the target signal, digital-to-analog converter, noise generator, adder uses also a correlator, first and second detectors, first and second multiplier units, first and second random number generators, which provides for formation of amicably fluctuating and quickly fluctuating bursts of pulses reflected from the radar targets, internal noise of the receiver and synchronizing signals at the output of the radar receiver in the rate of radar functioning and with due account made for motion of the ship-carrier.
The device has a control panel, memory unit, preliminary recording control unit, unit for formation of carrier relative coordinates, readout and synchronizing unit, on-line memory unit, unit for formation of video signal, unit for formation of carrier polar coordinates, noise formation unit.
The mode is that the altitude HRA of the flight of a flying vehicle is measured with the help of installed on it a radio altimeter (RA), the altitude hr of an area above which a flying vehicle flies at the moment of the altitude measuring using for this purpose data about planned coordinates from the output of the receiver indicator of the satellite radio navigational system and digital map of an area, an absolute altitude Ha= HRA +hr, is calculated and compared with the altitude HRI, taking from the output of the receiver indicator and a signal of its working capacity is formed if |Ha- HRI| is smaller than the installed threshold Th.
In order to enhance identity of copy generation while retaining ability of controlling input radio signal replication process, proposed device is provided with newly introduced (N -1) fiber-optic four-terminal networks, each of them incorporating Y-type internal adding and separating fiber-optic directional couplers.
Device has radio-location station, first high-frequency generator, modulator, first counter, scanning generator, second counter, heterodyne, first mixer, first intermediate frequency amplifier, first amplitude detector, video-amplifier, third counter, cathode-ray tube, second, third and fourth high-frequency generators, first and second adders, switches, phase-rotators and on 90°, second mixer, second intermediate frequency amplifier, multiplier, narrow-band filter, second amplitude detector, key and frequency converter.
Method includes using auxiliary antenna and geodesic mark, linked with indicators of angular position of target antenna, viewfinder is positioned near opening of subject antenna, rigidly linked to opening plane of subject antenna. Flat metallic screen is inserted, to which emission from auxiliary antenna is directed, auxiliary antenna and geodesic mark as light source are positioned behind subject antenna at remote zone distance. Electric axis of subject antenna is directed using its rotation gear according to one of minimum methods to phase center of auxiliary antenna, screen is mounted so, that beams, falling o it from auxiliary antenna and geodesic mark, were reflected respectively to whole plane of opening of target antenna and inlet eye of viewfinder. Angular deflection of optical axis of viewfinder from direction to center of image of geodesic mark on screen determines adjustment of target antenna.
The radar target simulator has a super high frequency module consisting of successively connected arrangements: an automatic regulator of power, an impulse modulator, an amplitude modulator, a switch of the power level and a digital attenuator, a communication line, a horn antenna, a group of keys, the first semiconductor storage, an interface of a multiplex bus, a synthesizer of Doppler frequencies, a second semiconductor storage and a multiplying digital-analogue converter. The increasing of the accuracy of the installation of the output power is provided due to possibility of its correction by way of changing the intensity of the amplitude modulation of the super high signal for each meaning of the value of fading.
It is also used for instruction and training of the operators of the surveillance facilities connected with an active response radars in the conditions of the presence of a great number of targets moving on complex trajectories. The essence of the invention is in that the arrangement holds an oscillator of the signals of the targets including the targets carrying responders. In it there is a control panel of the active response radar, a selector of characteristics of response signals, a synchronizer of response signals, an operating response signals storage device, a decoder of the characteristics of response signals, a counter of tact impulses, a former of identification markers and an adder unit with their connections that provides emulation of the operation of the active response radar connected with the surveillance radar at changing their modes of operations in the process of obtaining radar information about common and individual characteristics of the target carrying a responder in the zone of operations of the mentioned radar facilities with the purpose of verification of their terminal facilities of the secondary processing of radar information, instruction and training of the operators of the surveillance radar.
The essence is in that in the reference point of the bearer of the rocket or of the streamlined antenna cover a sound is installed. It is made in the shape of a half-wave antenna whose arms are linked up to a nonlinear element. At receiving the order «Control» the transmitter of the airborne mono pulse radar station forming super high frequency vibrations on the carrier frequency fc is connected with the power detector and its power is evaluated, vibrations on the super high frequency fo which is in n times less than the frequency fc are created and delayed in time relatively to the super high signals of the transmitter of the frequency fc and the sound reradiating the signal on the frequency fc is exposed to them. These signals are received and processed with standard facilities of the airborne mono impulse radar station, the imitated distance, the angle α of the azimuth and the place β are measured and compared with the specified parameters and decision about the efficiency of the airborne mono impulse radar station is accepted if the power of the transmitter is no less than admissible and the differences of the specified and the measured angles α and β do not exceed the admissible meanings.
Two different type metals are in the form of game members and they are connected with unit for displaying electric current. Game members provide generation of electric current in circuit of attraction when said circuit is closed at least by means of one human being that may be in contact with game members through exposed surface parts of its body. Game members are made of metals spaced one from other in electrochemical voltage row at least by 0.5 V.
Device has radio-location station, first high-frequency generator, modulator, first counter, scanning generator, second counter, heterodyne, first mixer, first intermediate frequency amplifier, first amplitude detector, video-amplifier, third counter, cathode-ray tube, second, third and fourth high-frequency generators, first and second adders, switches, phase-rotators and on 90°, second mixer, second intermediate frequency amplifier, multiplier, narrow-band filter, second amplitude detector, key and frequency converter.
Installation can be used at colleges and higher schools for profound studying of physics. Installation has long solenoid mounted in perpendicular onto plotting board and connected to harmonic voltage generator. Closed circle-shaped conductor with motionless terminal and closed circle-shaped scale with divisions are mounted onto plotting board; axes of conductor and scale coincide with axis of long solenoid. Motionless terminal is connected with first input of electro-motive force registrar. There is movable bushing onto long solenoid. One end of conducting pin with position pointer at closed circle-shaped scales with divisions in radians is fastened to the movable bushing. The second end of movable pin has to be the handle for rotation. The pin forms movable contact with closed circle-shaped conductor and it sis connected with second input of registrar.
The installation has in series connected: two flat induction coils, source of constant current, ammeter and rheostat. On a stand there are two fixed axles of rotating induction coils, on which two rigid brackets are pivotally suspended with their first ends and to their second ends are rigidly connected the induction coils placed in a vessel with liquid magnet installed on the stand provided with a scale with divisions in degrees.
Plant has inductiveness coil connected to alternating current generator and measuring coil. Inductiveness coil is mounted on plane-table. On inductiveness coil perpendicularly to its axis and to plane-table first rotation axis is held, on which first end of rod is held, onto second end of which mobile platform is applied. On measuring coil second rotation axis is mounted, rigidly held by first end at measuring coil, second rotation axis is positioned perpendicularly to axis of measuring coil, plane-table and mobile platform. Second rotation axis passes through mobile platform and on its other end a handle is held immobile. Measuring coil is provided with rounding indicator, positioned in parallel to axis of measuring coil. At axis of inductiveness coil symmetrically to first rotation axis immobile rod is mounted with balls at ends, modeling electric dipole.
FIELD: radio communications. SUBSTANCE: device has radio-location station, first high-frequency generator, modulator, first counter, scanning generator, second counter, heterodyne, first mixer, first intermediate frequency amplifier, first amplitude detector, video-amplifier, third counter, cathode-ray tube, second, third and fourth high-frequency generators, first and second adders, switches, phase-rotators and on 90°, second mixer, second intermediate frequency amplifier, multiplier, narrow-band filter, second amplitude detector, key and frequency converter. EFFECT: broader functional capabilities. 4 dwg
The invention relates to training devices and simulators for radio engineering and allows you to demonstrate the mode of the serial search pulse signals according to the frequency, the principles of education additional receiving channels in a panoramic receiver, and methods and means of their suppression. The known device used as training devices (ed. mon. The USSR No. 1495720, 1770974; RF patents №№2003181, 2051425 and others). Known devices closest to the proposed is a Training device for radio engineering" (patent RF №2003181, G 09 B 23/18, 1992), which is selected as a prototype. The specified device enables you to simulate the input radar signals with different timing parameters, to demonstrate the processes of the search signal by the frequency panoramic receiver and to investigate the mode of the serial signal search. However, the basis of the known device is a panoramic receiver, in which the same value of the intermediate frequency fCRcan be obtained as a result of receiving signals on two frequencies fcand fCi.e. fCR=fc-fgand fCR=fg-f3. Therefore, if the frequency fcto take over the main channel, along with it there is another (mirror) the receive channel frequency f3which is located on metecno (mirrored) relative to the frequency f glo (figure 2). Converting the image channel is the same conversion coefficient KCRthat and the basic receive channel. Therefore, it is most significantly affect the selectivity and robustness panoramic receiver. In addition to the mirror, there are other additional (Raman) receiving channels, the frequency of which is determined as follows: where fki- frequency of the i-th Raman channel; m, n, i is a positive integer. The most harmful combination receiving channels are channels formed by the interaction of the frequency of the received signal with harmonics of the lo frequency of small order (second, third, and so on), because the sensitivity of the panoramic receiver through these channels close to the sensitivity of the main receive channel. For example, if m=1 and n=2 two Raman channels correspond to the following frequencies: FK1=2fg-fCRand fK2=2f+fCR The presence of false signals (interference), taken in the mirror and Raman channels, leads to lower selectivity and noise immunity panoramic receiver. An object of the invention is to enhance the functionality of the device through demonstrations and suppress additional who's receiving channels in a panoramic receiver. The problem is solved in that a training device for radio engineering, containing series-connected first high-frequency generator, a modulator, and the first counter, cascaded sweep generator, an oscillator, a first mixer and a first intermediate frequency amplifier, cascaded first amplitude detector, amplifier and vertical deflecting plates of the cathode ray tube, the horizontal deflecting plate which is connected to the second output of the sweep generator, while the first output of the sweep generator is connected to the second counter, the output of the amplifier connected to the third counter, supplied with a second, third and fourth high-frequency generators, five switches, two phasers on 90°, the second mixer, the second intermediate frequency amplifier, two adders, multiplier, ascocentrum filter, the second amplitude detector and the key, and to the output of the modulator is connected in series to the first switch and the first adder, the second input is via a second switch coupled to the output of the second high-frequency generator, a third input via the third switch is connected to the output of the third high-frequency generator, the fourth entrance is through a fourth switch connected to the output of Thu is REGO high-frequency generator, and the output is connected to the second input of the first mixer, the second output of the local oscillator connected in series, the first phase shifter 90°, the second mixer, a second input connected to the output of the first adder, the second intermediate frequency amplifier, a second phase shifter 90°second adder, a second input connected to the output of the first intermediate frequency amplifier, a multiplier, a second input via a fifth switch coupled to the output of the first adder, a narrow-band filter, the second amplitude detector and the key, a second input connected to the output of the second adder, and the output is connected to the first input of the amplitude detector. A structural scheme of the device represented in figure 1 - frequency diagram illustrating the principle of formation of additional receiving channels is shown in figure 2. Frequency-time diagrams explaining the mode of the serial search pulse signals in terms of frequency, shown in figure 3 and 4. The device contains a model of the radar 1, consistently included the first high-frequency generator 2, a modulator 3, the first switch 18, the first adder 17, the second input is through the second switch 19 is connected to the output of the second high-frequency generator 14, the third entrance is through the third switch 20 is connected to the output of the third wysokosc the frequency generator 15, the fourth input via the fourth switch 21 is connected to the output of the fourth high-frequency generator 16, the first mixer 8, a second input connected to the first output of the local oscillator 7, and the first amplifier 9 intermediate frequency, sequentially connected to the first generator 5 sweep local oscillator 7, the first phase shifter 23 90°, the second mixer 24, a second input connected to the output of the first adder 17, the second amplifier 25 intermediate frequency, a second phase shifter 26 90°the second adder 27, a second input connected to the output of the first amplifier 9 intermediate frequency multiplier 28, the second input is via the fifth switch 22 is connected to the output of the first adder 17, escapology filter 29, the second amplitude detector 30, the key 31, a second input connected to the output of the second adder 27, the first amplitude detector 10, amplifier 11 and the vertically deflecting plates of the cathode ray tube (CRT) 13, the horizontal deflecting plate which is connected to the second output of the sweep generator 5. The device operates as follows. The device allows you to display three modes. In the first mode, the device allows to demonstrate the processes of the search signal by the frequency panoramic receiver and to investigate the mode of the serial signal search. <> In the second mode, the device allows to demonstrate the presence of additional receiving channels in a panoramic receiver.In the third mode, the device allows to demonstrate the methods and means of suppressing spurious signals (noise)received by the mirror and Raman channels. In the first mode, the device allows to reproduce the process of discovery series of the pulse signals radar of the circular panoramic overview. When switch 18 is closed. High-frequency signal Uc(t)=Uccos(2πfct+ϕc), where Ucfcthat ϕc- amplitude, carrier frequency, and initial phase high frequency signal; from the generator 2 is supplied to the modulator 3. Model radar 1, consisting of series-connected high-frequency generator 2 and modulator 3, allows to simulate three different orbital period T1T2T3Radar of the circular review and respectively three different duration of the impulse packs τ1thatτ2thatτ3entering the field of view of the receiving device. Next, the modulated signal is sent through the switch 18 and the adder 17 to the first inputs of mixers 8 and 24, the second inputs of which are served voltage of the local oscillator 7 linearly changing frequency: Ug(t)=Ug·cos(2πfgt+πγt2+&x003D5; g), Ug(t)=Ug·cos(2πfgt+πγt2+ϕg+900), 0≤t≤TA, where Ugfgthat ϕgthat Τp- amplitude, initial frequency, initial phase, and the repetition period of the voltage of the local oscillator;
Tpthe repetition period of the voltage of the local oscillator 7 (Fig). Changing the lo frequency is linear by using sweep generator 5, which is the generator shiroabyanga voltage. The sweep generator 5 generates a horizontal scan of the CRT 13. This voltage is fed to the counter 6 to register the number of rearrangements of the local oscillator 7. At the outputs of mixers 8 and 22 are formed voltage Raman frequencies. Amplifiers 9 and 25 are intermediate voltage (differential) frequency: UPR1(t)=UCR·cos(2πfCRt+πγt2+ϕCR), UAC2(t)=UCR·cos(2πfCRt+πγt2+ϕCR-90°), 0≤t≤TA, where UCR=1/2·1·Uc·Ug; K1- gain mixers; fCR=fc-fg- intermediate frequency; ϕCR=ϕwithϕ g. The voltage UAC2(t) from the output of the amplifier 25 intermediate frequency is fed to the input of phase shifter 26 90°, the output of which produces a voltage UAC3(t)=UCR·cos(2πfCRt+πγt2+ϕCR-90°+90°)=UCR·cos(2πfCRt+πγt2+ϕCR). Voltage UPR1(t) and UAC3(t) are fed to the two inputs of the adder 27, the output of which is formed by the total voltage UΣ(t)=UΣ·cos(2πfCRt+πγt2+ϕCR), where UΣ=2UCR. This voltage is applied to the second input of multiplier 28, at the first input of which through the closed switch 22 receives the high frequency signal Uc(t) from the output of the adder 17. At the output of the multiplier 28 is formed voltage U1(t)=U1·cos(2πfgt+πγt2+ϕg), where U1=1/2·K2·Uc·UΣ; To2- transfer coefficient multiplier, given a narrow-band filter 29, is detected by the amplitude detector 30 and is supplied to the control input key 31, opening it. In the initial state, the key 31 is always closed. The frequency fnnarrowband filter 29 is chosen equal to the initial frequency fglo 7(fn=fg ). The voltage UΣ(t) with the output of the adder 27 via public key 31 is fed to the input of the amplitude detector 10, which is allocated a modulating signal which after amplification in the amplifier 11 is supplied to vertical deflection plates of the CRT 13 and the counter 12. In the counter 12 are fixed pulses matches the input series of pulses falling within the bandwidth of the receiver with its periodic changes with a period of Tp. The repetition period of Tpyou can change by changing the scan mode of the generator 5, and consequently, it is possible to change the rate of change of the frequency of the local oscillator 7. Thus, at fixed values of Tpthat τ1and Dfyou can demonstrate the limits of fast and slow searches. Visually these boundaries are observed at the following coincidence counters on some interval TOBS(TOBS≫ Tp). Border quick search corresponds to the coincidence counters 4 and 12 (N4=N12where N4the number recorded by the counter 4; N12the number recorded by the counter 12) at TOBS. Border slow search corresponds to the coincidence counters 6 and 12 (N6=N12where N6the number recorded by the counter 6; N12the number recorded is Ketchikan 12) at T OBS. Between these boundaries is the area of probabilistic search (with an average speed). Provided in the instrument can be simulated radar signals with different timing parameters T1that τ1; T2that τ2; T3that τ3- allows you to demonstrate the change of borders reliable searches for a fixed search range Dfand bandwidth Δfpreceiver by passing to the analysis of the formation of pulses matches for input signals with different timing parameters. The second mode is ensured by the fact that the switches 18 and 22 are closed, the switches 19, 20 and 21 are sequentially closed and consistently visually observed effect of false signals (interference), taken in the mirror, the first and second Raman channels for the reception of the useful signal. At the same time on the screen of the CRT 13 (horizontal scan) are formed label frequency corresponding to the useful signal and spurious signals (noise)taken on additional channels. The third mode provides a demonstration of methods and means of suppressing spurious signals (noise)received by the mirror and Raman channels. When the switches 18, 20 and 21 open and the switches 19 and 22 are closed. Vyskocil the private signal U3(t)=U3·cos(2πf3t+ϕ3), generated by the generator 14 through the closed switch 19 and the adder 17 is supplied to the input of the Converter 32 frequency. Amplifiers 9 and 25 intermediate frequency in this case there are the following voltage: Up(t)=Up·cos(2πfCRt+πγt2+ϕp), UWP5(t)=Up·cos(2πfCRt+πγt2+ϕp+90°), where Up=1/2·1·UC·Ug; fCR=fg-fC- intermediate frequency; ϕCR=ϕg-ϕC. The voltage UWP5(t) from the output of the amplifier 25 intermediate frequency is fed to the input panoramically 26 90°, the output of which produces a voltage Up(t)=Up·cos(2πfCRt+πγt2+ϕp+90°+90°)=Up·cos(2πfCRt+πγt2+ϕp). The voltage Up(t) and Up(t)received at the two inputs of the adder 27, at its output out. Frequency label on the screen of the CRT 13 is missing. Therefore, a false signal (interferer)taken by the image channel at frequency f3suppressed. To do this, use the "outer ring"consisting of a local oscillator 7, mixer 8, and 24, amplifiers 9 and 25 Prohm is filling frequency, phasers 23 and 26 90°, adder 27, and implements photocomposition method. To demonstrate the suppression of the first Raman channel switch 19 is opened and the switch 20 is closed. When this high-frequency signal UK1(t)=UK1·cos(2πfK1t+ϕK1). From the output of the generator 15 via a closed switch 20 and the adder 17 is supplied to the input of the Converter 32 frequency. In this case, the amplifiers 9 and 25 of the intermediate frequency are the following voltage: Up(t)=Up·cos(2πfCRt+πγt2+ϕp), Up(t)=Up·cos(2πfCRt+πγt2+ϕp+90°), where Up=1/2·1·UK1·Ug; fCR=2fg-fK1- intermediate frequency; ϕp=ϕg-ϕK1. The voltage Up(t) the output of the amplifier 25 intermediate frequency is fed to the input of phase shifter 26 90°, the output of which is formed the following voltage Up(t)=Up·cos(2πfCRt+πγt2+ϕp+90°+90°)=-Up·cos(2πfCRt+πγt2+ϕp). The voltage Up(t) and Up(t)received at the two inputs of the adder 27, at its output out. Often the Naya blip on the screen of the CRT 13 is missing. Therefore, a false signal (interferer)taken by the first Raman channel at frequency fK1is suppressed. It also uses the "outer ring", implementing photocomposition method. To demonstrate the suppression of the second Raman channel switch 20 is opened and the switch 21 is closed. When this high-frequency signal UK2(t)=UK2·cos(2πfK2t+ϕK2) from the output of the generator 16 through the closed switch 21 and the adder 17 is supplied to the input of the Converter 32 frequency. In this case, the amplifiers 9 and 25 are the following voltage: U10% rhodium / platinum(t)=U10% rhodium / platinum·cos(2πfCRt+πγt2+ϕ10% rhodium / platinum), Up(t)=U10% rhodium / platinum·cos(2πfCRt+πγt2+ϕ10% rhodium / platinum+90°), where U10% rhodium / platinum=1/2·1·UK2·Ug; fCR=fK2-2fg- intermediate frequency; ϕ10% rhodium / platinum=ϕg-ϕK2. The voltage Up(t) from the output of the amplifier 25 intermediate frequency is fed to the input of phase shifter 26 90°, the output of which produces a voltage Up(t)=U10% rhodium / platinum·cos(2πfCRt+πγt2+ϕ10% rhodium / platinum-90°+90°)=U10% rhodium / platinum·cos(2πfCRt+πγt2+ϕ10% rhodium / platinum). Voltage U 10% rhodium / platinum(t) and Up(t) are fed to the two inputs of the adder 27, the output of which is formed by the total voltage UΣ1(t)=UΣ1·cos(2πfCRt+πγt2+ϕ10% rhodium / platinum), where UΣ1(t)=2U10% rhodium / platinum. This voltage is fed to the second input of multiplier 28, at the first entrance through the closed switch 22 receives the received signal Ck(1). At the output of the multiplier 28 is formed voltage U2(t)=U2·cos(2πf2t+πγt2+ϕg), where U2=1/2·1·UK2·UΣ1; which does not fall within the bandwidth of the narrowband filter 29. The key 31 is opened and a false signal (interferer)taken by the second Raman channel at frequency fK2suppressed. To do this, use the "inner ring"consisting of a multiplier 28, a narrow-band filter 29, the amplitude detector 30 and the key 31 and implements the method narrowband filtering. If closed switches 18-22, at the entrance of the panoramic receiver simultaneously receives the useful signal at frequency fwithfalse signals (interference)taken by the image channel at frequency fCthe first fK1and the second fK2Raman channels. False signals (interference), take on additional channels are suppressed, the horizontal scan of the CRT 13 is formed frequency tag, the corresponding useful signal received by the main channel at frequency fwith. Thus, the proposed training device for comparison with the prototype allows not only to simulate the input radar signals with different timing parameters, to demonstrate the processes of the search signal by the frequency panoramic receiver and to investigate the mode of the serial search signals, but also to demonstrate the formation of additional receiving channels in a panoramic receiver, and methods and means of their suppression. Thus the functionality of the training device according to Radiotehnika expanded. A training device for radio engineering, containing series-connected first high-frequency generator, a modulator, and the first counter, cascaded sweep generator, an oscillator, a first mixer and a first intermediate frequency amplifier, cascaded, the first amplitude detector, amplifier and vertical deflecting plates of the cathode ray tube, the horizontal deflecting plate which is connected to the second output of the sweep generator, while the first output of the sweep generator is connected to the second counter, the output of the amplifier connected to the third counter, characterized in that it is provided with a second, third and fourth high frequency the generators, five switches, two phasers 90°, the second mixer, the second intermediate frequency amplifier, two adders, multiplier, a narrow-band filter, the second amplitude detector and the key, and to the output of the modulator is connected in series to the first switch and the first adder, the second input is via a second switch coupled to the output of the second high-frequency generator, a third input via the third switch is connected to the output of the third high-frequency generator, the fourth input via the fourth switch is connected to the output of the fourth high-frequency generator, and the output connected to the second input of the first mixer to the second output of the local oscillator connected in series to the first Phaser 90°, the second mixer, a second input connected to the output of the first adder, the second intermediate frequency amplifier, a second phase shifter 90°second adder, a second input connected to the output of the first intermediate frequency amplifier, a multiplier, a second input via a fifth switch coupled to the output of the first adder, a narrow-band filter, the second amplitude detector and the key, a second input connected to the output of the second adder, and the output connected to the input of the first amplitude detector.
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