Generator of reflected radar signals from disturbed sea surface |
IPC classes for russian patent Generator of reflected radar signals from disturbed sea surface (RU 2253130):
The device having a control panel, storage unit, synchrosignal generator, first, second and third on-line memories, unit for formation of target relative coordinates, unit for formation of the maximum target signal intensity, first, second, third and fourth synchronizers, unit for formation of the current intensity of the target signal, digital-to-analog converter, noise generator, adder uses also a correlator, first and second detectors, first and second multiplier units, first and second random number generators, which provides for formation of amicably fluctuating and quickly fluctuating bursts of pulses reflected from the radar targets, internal noise of the receiver and synchronizing signals at the output of the radar receiver in the rate of radar functioning and with due account made for motion of the ship-carrier.
Viewfinder is disposed at specific distance from mechanical axis of aerial. Viewfinder is tightly connected with antenna aperture plane. Optical axis of viewfinder is directed in parallel to mechanical axis of aerial. Then electrical axis of aerial is guided to phase center of ancillary aerial which is disposed together with geodetic mark onto post. Optical axis of viewfinder is guided onto geodetic mark. Geodetic mark is tied to angular position detectors and stays apart from phase center of ancillary aerial for distance being equal to shift of viewfinder from mechanical axis of aerial to the plane of normal optical axis of viewfinder. Optical axis of viewfinder is guided onto center of aperture of ancillary aerial. Difference in coordinates is determined by angle of location of initial and final position of viewfinder optical axis. Sword is turned around axis being perpendicular to plane of sword and crossing center of ancillary aerial aperture by angle determined by the relation given in the description of the invention. Electrical axis of aerial is guided onto phase center of ancillary aerial and optical axis of viewfinder is guided onto geodetic mark.
Viewfinder is disposed at specific distance from mechanical axis of aerial. Viewfinder is tightly connected with antenna aperture plane. Optical axis of viewfinder is directed in parallel to mechanical axis of aerial. Then electrical axis of aerial is guided to phase center of ancillary aerial which is disposed together with geodetic mark onto post. Optical axis of viewfinder is guided onto geodetic mark. Geodetic mark is tied to angular position detectors and stays apart from phase center of ancillary aerial for distance being equal to shift of viewfinder from mechanical axis of aerial to the plane of normal optical axis of viewfinder. Optical axis of viewfinder is guided onto center of aperture of ancillary aerial. Difference in coordinates is determined by angle of location of initial and final position of viewfinder optical axis. Sword is turned around axis being perpendicular to plane of sword and crossing center of ancillary aerial aperture by angle determined by the relation given in the description of the invention. Electrical axis of aerial is guided onto phase center of ancillary aerial and optical axis of viewfinder is guided onto geodetic mark.
The device having a control panel, storage unit, synchrosignal generator, first, second and third on-line memories, unit for formation of target relative coordinates, unit for formation of the maximum target signal intensity, first, second, third and fourth synchronizers, unit for formation of the current intensity of the target signal, digital-to-analog converter, noise generator, adder uses also a correlator, first and second detectors, first and second multiplier units, first and second random number generators, which provides for formation of amicably fluctuating and quickly fluctuating bursts of pulses reflected from the radar targets, internal noise of the receiver and synchronizing signals at the output of the radar receiver in the rate of radar functioning and with due account made for motion of the ship-carrier.
The device has a control panel, memory unit, preliminary recording control unit, unit for formation of carrier relative coordinates, readout and synchronizing unit, on-line memory unit, unit for formation of video signal, unit for formation of carrier polar coordinates, noise formation unit.
The mode is that the altitude HRA of the flight of a flying vehicle is measured with the help of installed on it a radio altimeter (RA), the altitude hr of an area above which a flying vehicle flies at the moment of the altitude measuring using for this purpose data about planned coordinates from the output of the receiver indicator of the satellite radio navigational system and digital map of an area, an absolute altitude Ha= HRA +hr, is calculated and compared with the altitude HRI, taking from the output of the receiver indicator and a signal of its working capacity is formed if |Ha- HRI| is smaller than the installed threshold Th.
In order to enhance identity of copy generation while retaining ability of controlling input radio signal replication process, proposed device is provided with newly introduced (N -1) fiber-optic four-terminal networks, each of them incorporating Y-type internal adding and separating fiber-optic directional couplers.
Device has radio-location station, first high-frequency generator, modulator, first counter, scanning generator, second counter, heterodyne, first mixer, first intermediate frequency amplifier, first amplitude detector, video-amplifier, third counter, cathode-ray tube, second, third and fourth high-frequency generators, first and second adders, switches, phase-rotators and on 90°, second mixer, second intermediate frequency amplifier, multiplier, narrow-band filter, second amplitude detector, key and frequency converter.
Method includes using auxiliary antenna and geodesic mark, linked with indicators of angular position of target antenna, viewfinder is positioned near opening of subject antenna, rigidly linked to opening plane of subject antenna. Flat metallic screen is inserted, to which emission from auxiliary antenna is directed, auxiliary antenna and geodesic mark as light source are positioned behind subject antenna at remote zone distance. Electric axis of subject antenna is directed using its rotation gear according to one of minimum methods to phase center of auxiliary antenna, screen is mounted so, that beams, falling o it from auxiliary antenna and geodesic mark, were reflected respectively to whole plane of opening of target antenna and inlet eye of viewfinder. Angular deflection of optical axis of viewfinder from direction to center of image of geodesic mark on screen determines adjustment of target antenna.
The radar target simulator has a super high frequency module consisting of successively connected arrangements: an automatic regulator of power, an impulse modulator, an amplitude modulator, a switch of the power level and a digital attenuator, a communication line, a horn antenna, a group of keys, the first semiconductor storage, an interface of a multiplex bus, a synthesizer of Doppler frequencies, a second semiconductor storage and a multiplying digital-analogue converter. The increasing of the accuracy of the installation of the output power is provided due to possibility of its correction by way of changing the intensity of the amplitude modulation of the super high signal for each meaning of the value of fading.
It is also used for instruction and training of the operators of the surveillance facilities connected with an active response radars in the conditions of the presence of a great number of targets moving on complex trajectories. The essence of the invention is in that the arrangement holds an oscillator of the signals of the targets including the targets carrying responders. In it there is a control panel of the active response radar, a selector of characteristics of response signals, a synchronizer of response signals, an operating response signals storage device, a decoder of the characteristics of response signals, a counter of tact impulses, a former of identification markers and an adder unit with their connections that provides emulation of the operation of the active response radar connected with the surveillance radar at changing their modes of operations in the process of obtaining radar information about common and individual characteristics of the target carrying a responder in the zone of operations of the mentioned radar facilities with the purpose of verification of their terminal facilities of the secondary processing of radar information, instruction and training of the operators of the surveillance radar.
The essence is in that in the reference point of the bearer of the rocket or of the streamlined antenna cover a sound is installed. It is made in the shape of a half-wave antenna whose arms are linked up to a nonlinear element. At receiving the order «Control» the transmitter of the airborne mono pulse radar station forming super high frequency vibrations on the carrier frequency fc is connected with the power detector and its power is evaluated, vibrations on the super high frequency fo which is in n times less than the frequency fc are created and delayed in time relatively to the super high signals of the transmitter of the frequency fc and the sound reradiating the signal on the frequency fc is exposed to them. These signals are received and processed with standard facilities of the airborne mono impulse radar station, the imitated distance, the angle α of the azimuth and the place β are measured and compared with the specified parameters and decision about the efficiency of the airborne mono impulse radar station is accepted if the power of the transmitter is no less than admissible and the differences of the specified and the measured angles α and β do not exceed the admissible meanings.
FIELD: radar detection and finding, simulators of signals reflected from a disturbed sea surface, applicable for instruction and training of operators of ship radar station. SUBSTANCE: the device has a control panel, memory unit, preliminary recording control unit, unit for formation of carrier relative coordinates, readout and synchronizing unit, on-line memory unit, unit for formation of video signal, unit for formation of carrier polar coordinates, noise formation unit. EFFECT: enhanced reliability of simulation of interference reflections from a disturbed sea surface. 6 dwg
The invention relates to the field of radar, namely the replicas of the signals reflected from the rough sea surface, the receiver output overview of ship radar station (radar) and can be used for education and training of the operators of the radar actions when navigating a vessel in areas with intensive navigation in difficult weather and storm conditions. It is obvious that the effectiveness of simulator training of radar operators, responsible for navigation and safety of navigation of the vessel, in determining the extent will depend on the adequacy of the simulation not only goals, but also interference of the real situation in which they have to solve the problem of detecting small objects (buoys, landmarks, boats etc), measurement of their coordinates, etc. among the various types of interference at the input of shipboard search radar, most often clutter from the rough sea surface. Accordingly there is a need in the composition of the technical means of ensuring the training of operators to provide a device mimic those of reflections. It is known a device that generates a pulse streams [1,2], but this device is only intended to configure the paths of the radar and does not take into account the shape of the antenna directional diagram for the locator, therefore cannot be used for training operators. The known device simulating various interfering environment [3], but this situation is simulated on the devices that simulate the target device systems intended for training electronic warfare. Closest to the claimed most essential features for a device containing a control unit, a memory unit, the processing unit relative coordinate media block read and synchronization, the control unit prior record, random access memory and the processing unit of the video signal is implemented by using a noise generator, a digital to analogue Converter and adder, and their relationships [4]. This device provides for the formation of the signals from the coastline in the rate of operation of the radar, however, the simulation of the signals reflected from the rough sea surface, the device selected as a prototype, is impossible because of differences in the structure of the signals reflected from the coastline, and the signals reflected from the rough sea surface, and also because of the large amount of rewritable information used for modeling the coastline that will not allow the device to operate in the rate of operation of a search radar. The task of the Britania is to ensure the formation of reflections from the rough sea surface in the rate of operation of the radar with regard to manoeuvring vessel radar in the selected area of navigation, together with the signal generator purposes [5] will allow you to test devices and algorithms for processing radar data to detect packs reflected on the purpose of the pulses on the background noise and interference reflections from rough sea surface, their support, and the education and training of the operators of surveillance radars and device processing of radar data. The technical result is to increase the reliability modeling of reflections from rough sea surface is selected in the map navigation area with the generated navigation marks fence, and, if necessary, the contour of the coastline on the radar screen of the moving vessel on the radar station. The solution is achieved that the device containing the remote control, a memory unit, the processing unit relative coordinate media (block FOCN), the control unit prior record (unit PGU), random access memory (RAM) and a shaping unit video block FVS), and the output control unit connected to the data bus to the first input of block read and synchronization unit ABC and the memory unit, the output of which is connected to data bus with the input of block FACN, the output of which is connected to data bus with the second input block is read and synchronization the third output of which is connected with the second input unit PGU, the first input of which is connected to the output of the block ABC, and the output connected to the data bus to the first input of the RAM, the second input is connected to the address bus and the synchronization to the second input block is read and synchronization, and the output connected to the data bus with the input of block FVS whose output is the second output, the first output of which is the first exit block read and synchronization entered the block of formation of polar coordinates media (block fpcn) and block the formation of noise (block FSH), and the output control unit connected to the data bus with the first input block is read and synchronization with the input of block fpcn, the output of which is connected to data bus with the input of the memory block, the output of which is connected to data bus with the input of block FACN, the first output of which is connected to data bus with the second input block is read and synchronization, and a second output connected to the data bus to the first input unit PGU, the second input is connected to the first output of the block read and synchronization, and the output connected to the first input of the block RAM, the second input is connected to the address bus and synchronization, and a second output connected to the data bus with a second input unit FVS whose output is per the first output device, a second output which is the fourth exit block read and synchronization, the third output of which is connected to data bus with a second input unit of FS, the first input of which is connected to the first output of the block RAM, and the output connected to the first input unit FVS. The ability to achieve a technical result due to the fact that the display of reflections from rough sea surface is supported by a large number of points, the dimensions of each of which is equal to the resolution radar range, and their location corresponds exactly to the map navigation area. The introduction of the generator of the reflected signals from the rough sea surface unit fpcn provides the formation of polar coordinates media radar on the specific chosen area of navigation, at the output of the radar receiver in the rate of operation of the simulated radar, which is reduced to the process of finding the necessary maps navigation area on the remote control to coordinate and move to another adjacent map navigation area in case of exceeding the boundaries of the district sailing vessel-the media radar. The introduction of the generator unit FS provides the formation of reflections from rough sea surface at the output of the radar receiver with respect to the selected konkretnogo navigation area in the rate of operation of the simulated radar. Stocktaking of the vessel to maneuver vehicle radar relative to the coastline and navigation marks fencing of the selected area is ensured by the fact that the information read from the RAM is in the direction of the current bearing of the radar antenna from the current estimated location of the carrier vessel of this radar. Figure 1 shows the structural electrical diagram of the inventive device. Figure 2 shows the structural electrical diagram of the inventive device with an example implementation of block 9 read and synchronization, block 4 memory. Figure 3 shows an example implementation of block 7 of the noise shaper unit 8 video driver. Figure 4 shows the timing chart of the operation of the device in the mode of appointment information. Figure 5 shows the timing diagram of operation of the device in the read mode information. Figure 6 shows the polling order of the cells of the third memory. The generator of the reflected signals from the rough sea surface includes (1) remote 1 control, the first output of which is connected to the data bus to the first input unit 9 reading and synchronization with the second input unit 4 to the memory, the second output of the 1 remote control connected to the data bus with the input of block 2 fpcn, the output of which is connected inform the operating bus to the first input unit 4 memory the first output of which is connected to data bus with the input unit 6 FOKN, and a second output connected to the data bus with a second input of block 7 of FS, the first input connected data bus with a second output of the block RAM 5, and the output is connected to the first output unit 8 FVS, the first output unit 6 FOKN connected to the data bus with a second input unit 9 reading and synchronization, and a second output connected to the data bus to the first input unit 3 PGU, the second input is connected to the first output unit 9 reading and synchronization, and the output connected to the data bus by the first input unit 5 RAM, the second input is connected to the address bus and the synchronization with the second output unit 9 reading and synchronization, the first output of the block RAM 5 is connected to data bus with a second input unit 8 FVS whose output is the first output, a second output device is a fourth output unit 9 reading and synchronization, the third output of which is connected with the third input unit 7 photoshop. Unit 9 reading and synchronization contains (2) the first block 9-1 synchronization, the second block 9-2 synchronization, the third block 9-4 synchronization, the fourth block 9-5 sync generator sync signals 9-3, the first RAM 9-6, the second RAM 9-7, block 9-8 calculation of the cosine and sine of the bearing of the antenna block VCSPA), block 9-9 Faure is investing addresses in the read mode (block FARCE) and block 9-10 address generation in write mode (block FARS), the first output of the first unit 9-1 synchronization is connected to the address bus and the synchronization with the second input of the first RAM 9-6, and a second output connected to the first input of the second block 9-2 synchronization, the output of which is connected to the address bus and the synchronization with the second input of the second RAM 9-7 and with the third input of the first RAM 9-6, the output of which is connected to the data bus to the first input of the second RAM 9-7, the output of which is connected to data bus to the fourth input of the unit 9-9 FARCE, the third input is connected to data bus to the output of the block 9-8, VCSPA. The first generator output 9-3 is connected to a second input of the second block 9-2 synchronization with the second input unit 9-9 FARCE and the first input of the fourth block 9-5, second output connected to a second input of block 9-8, VCSPA and the entrance to the third block 9-4 synchronization, the third output is connected by bus synchronization with the first input unit 9-8, UXPA, the fourth output is connected to the second input unit 3 PGU, the input unit 9-10 PART and a second input of the fourth block 9-5 synchronization. The first input unit 9 reading and synchronization is input generator 9-3 signals and a second input is an information bus connected to the input of the first unit 9-1 synchronization with the first input of the first RAM 9-6. The first output unit 9 reading and synchronization is the fourth generator output 9-3 sync the signals, the second output is the address bus and the synchronization combining the address signals from the output of the block 9-9 FARCE, the address signals from the output of the block 9-10 FARS and sync signals from the output of the fourth block 9-5 signals, the third output is the second output of oscillator signals 9-3, and the fourth output bus synchronization combining the synchronization signal from the first generator output 9-3 signals and sync signals from the third output of the generator 9-3 added. The whole device can be realized with the use of computers in conjunction with analog circuits based on the well-known radioactive elements. The remote 1 control, the control unit prior record, the shaping unit relative coordinate media block read and synchronization and block the formation of the video signal similar to the blocks of the prototype. Block fpcn allows to form polar coordinates media and store them in the memory block for the given navigation area. Block photoshop allows you to create additional noise signals identical to signals reflected from the rough sea surface. Remote 1 control is used to select navigation area corresponding to the entered initial coordinates of the carrier vessel radar, to enter information about the selected mode of operation, for the water of the initial values of the rate and speed, moments of the beginning and settings maneuvers vessel radar for input conditions radar (direction and wind speed, the degree of agitation of the sea and the degree of refraction). In addition, the remote control is designed to control the modes of the pre-writing and reading information. It can be implemented using a computer keyboard and a regular panels (panels) control radar, which is expected to be implemented device simulation. Unit 4 memory consists (Figure 2) of two blocks: the digital library cards (block ABC) and the memory block. Block ABC is designed to store information about navigation areas. The memory unit is for storing information input from a remote control, data about the manoeuvring characteristics of the vessel radar, tactical and technical characteristics of the carrier vessel radar and other quantities unchanged during the formation of reflections from rough sea surface. Block e-library card (block ABC) can be implemented using long-term storage devices, magnetic media such as hard or floppy disk. Each area is made in the form of files with an individual address. Information about the navigation area is recorded in a specific area of the magnetic carrier in the next serial is major: the value of the cell with coordinates (X 0,Y0), the value of the cell with coordinates (X0,Y1),..., the value of the cell with coordinates (X0,Yn), the value of the cell with coordinates (X1,Y0), the value of the cell with coordinates (X1,Y1),..., the value of the cell with coordinates (Xn,Yn), for example, in the form of a file. When preparing the generator of reflections reads the cell values from the desired area of the magnetic carrier in the same sequence in which it was captured. The memory block may also be implemented on the basis of the computer hard drive, ROM or on the registers. The set of relative coordinates of media (block FOCN) in real time calculates the current position of the carrier vessel radar. At first after switching on the reading mode and calculating the location of the carrier unit FOKN receives data from the memory block information about the initial position of the carrier, its course and speed. The control unit prior record (unit PGU) plays the role of the translator selected information from block ABC to the input of RAM. Unit PGU can be implemented on the repeaters of the type AP with the possibility of translation outputs in high-impedance state. The block RAM can be implemented on the well-known static RAM high capacity and performance, for example CRU, sh is th these RAM is that same pins in different modes perform different functions, for example in the recording mode information are input and read output. Unit 9 reading and synchronization contains the first block 9-1 synchronization, the second block 9-2 synchronization, the third block 9-4 synchronization, the fourth block 9-5 sync generator sync signals 9-3, the first RAM 9-6, the second RAM 9-7, block 9-8 calculation of the cosine and sine of the bearing of the antenna block VCSPA), block 9-9 address generation mode read (block FARCE) and block 9-10 address generation in write mode (block FARS). The first output unit 9 read timing bus synchronization combining the synchronization signal from the first generator output 9-3 signals and sync signals from the third output of the generator 9-3 signals, the second output is the address bus and the synchronization combining the address signals from the output of the block 9-9 FARCE, the address signals from the output unit 9-10 FARS and sync signals from the output of the fourth block 9-5 signals, and the third output is the fourth generator output 9-3 added. The device operates as follows. Preparation for operation of the generator of the reflected signals from the rough sea surface is selected on the remote 1 control navigation area and enable the preview mode C is recording information. The timing diagram of operation of the generator of the reflected signals from the rough sea surface in the mode of appointment presented in figure 4. When this generator 9-3 signals at the fourth output generates a pulse cycle of pre-entry information (ICPI) with a duration of tCPS(figure 4, POS. a)that includes the block 3 PGU in broadcast mode selected information output unit 6 FOKN to the second input of the RAM 5 (figure 4, POS. b). This same pulse includes block 9-10 PART, which at its output enumerates addresses X and Y RAM 5 so that during a fixed value address X has moved consistently all the addresses Y (figure 4, POS. C, d, e, f) and thus for the time CPS sequentially formed all the addresses of the RAM cells. Synchronization information is recorded in the RAM 5 controls the fourth block 9-5 synchronization command ICPI received at its second input. The time required for preliminary entries is determined by the RAM 5 and the performance of circuit elements. When the broadcast source information 1 remote control switches to reading mode, set the initial coordinates of the carrier vessel radar, its initial course and speed, the moments and the parameters of the maneuvers of the carrier vessel radar. This information is entered from the remote control 1 control unit 4 memory as before, the AK and during operation of the generator of the reflected signals from the rough sea surface in the reading mode. In the process, enter information about the selected mode of operation. In unit 4 memory, in addition to this information, the data is stored on the manoeuvring characteristics of the vessel radar. The timing diagram of operation of the generator of the reflected signals from the rough sea surface in the reading mode are presented in figure 5. Unit 6 FOKN on the basis of the received information block 4 memory performs calculation of the current relative coordinate of the carrier vessel radar during the calculation cycle (figure 5, item a), after which it outputs the pulse cycle recording in the first RAM 9-6 (IC) (figure 5, item 6), during which the first block 9-1 synchronization on the address bus and the synchronization generates a sequence of commands loop recording information in the first RAM 9-6 (figure 5, item b). At the end of the record information block 6 FOKN starts calculating the new current position of the carrier vessel radar, and the output of the first unit 9-1 synchronization pulse is formed the end of the record information into the first RAM 9-6 (ICSI) (figure 5, item g), which is input to the second block 9-2 synchronization and puts it in standby mode for team building cycle to overwrite data from the first RAM 9-6 in the second RAM 9-7. The recurrence cycle of the calculation of Tpis determined by the time of the movement of the carrier vessel radar, moving with the maximum MSE of the awn V maxon the value of the resolution radar range Δd in accordance with the expression: Generator 9-3 signals produces a pulse beginning of a forward stroke of the sweep (INPH) (first appearance) (figure 5, Ref. d), pulse start, reverse sweep (INAH) (second exit) (figure 5, Ref. e), and codes the current bearing and elevation of MDA radar (third exit). The repetition period INP and ENOCH (Tand), their temporal placement (tpHthe time for forward travel and toxthe time-reverse), and the sequence of change codes bearing and elevation of MDA determined mode of operation of the radar set with the remote control 1 control. The second block 9-2 synchronization on the first INP (second entrance) after the arrival of the IR SI (first entry) forms within time tCZon the address bus and the synchronization command sequence cycle to overwrite data from the first RAM 9-6 in the second RAM 9-7 (figure 5, Ref. W). The duration of tCZis determined by the ratio: The third block 9-4 synchronization on each coming at its input INK forms for time tCZon the address bus and the synchronization command sequence cycle to overwrite data from the second RAM 9-7 in the block 9-9 FARCE (figure 5, Ref. C). The duration of tCZis determined by the ratio: <>![]() On the data bus of the generator 9-3 signals (the third exit) gets the code of the current bearing of the antenna unit 9-8, VCSPA. The value of the cosine and sine of the bearing MDNA is fixed at the time each INK and the data bus is supplied to the third input of the block 9-9 FARCE. With the advent of the second input unit 9-9 FARCE INP at its output is then generated addresses X and Y cells of the RAM 5 in the direction of the direction finding antenna PandRadar vessel from its current location (see Fig.6). The frequency of change of address FAndThe RAM 5 is determined by the resolution of the simulated radar range Δd in accordance with the expression: where C is the speed of propagation of electromagnetic waves in the air, and corresponds to the frequency change increments in range. The dimensions of each discrete distance equal to the resolution radar range. The read address of the RAM cells 5 is the value of their coordinates X and Y on the point value of the range selected sequentially from the interval from 1 to m, where m is the total number of samples range defined by the equation: where Dmax- the size of the field of view of the radar range. If Dmaxgreater distance from the vessel radar to the edge of the field of RAM in healthy lifestyles the Institute of current P andRadar, Dmaxequals this distance. When choosing the next value of the distance is increasing or decreasing per unit or address only X or only Y address, or at the same time and address X and address y Number of samples n, which is the change-of-address is determined by the ratios: where Int is a function for selecting a part number the value of Y at the n-th discrete increments by 1, the value of Y at the n-th discrete is not changed, the value of Y at the n-th discrete decreases by 1 the X value at the nth discrete increments by 1, the X value at the nth discrete will not change, the X value at the nth discrete reduced by 1. The polling order of the cells of the RAM 5 shown in figure 5. In the survey of the first cell, when the number value of n equal to 1, the address value of X will decrease by 1 relative to the current X-position of the carrier vessel radar, and the address value of Y will be equal to the value of the current Y coordinate of the carrier vessel radar. In the survey of the second cell, when the number value of n equal to 2, the address value of X will decrease by 1 relative to the current X-position of the carrier vessel radar, as is the hell is ena Y will not change. In the survey of the third cell, when the number value of n equal to 3, the address value of X will not change, but the address value of Y will decrease by 1 relative to the current Y coordinate of the carrier vessel radar, etc. The fourth block 9-5 synchronization on every coming on his first entrance INP generates at its output during the time tCCthe command sequence cycle of reading data from the RAM 3 (figure 5, Ref. and). The duration of tCCis determined by the ratio: When reading information about the presence or absence of the coastline with a delay relative to INP, the corresponding number of selected readings range comes from the output RAM 3 through the data bus in unit of FS, which is triggered by a signal corresponding to the logical level “0”, i.e. the signal about the lack of coastline. This signal computing unit power calculates the average power of the reflections from the rough sea surface, corresponding to the selected discrete value range, which is multiplied by the random number produced by the generator of random numbers distributed according to the Rayleigh law. This operation is performed in block multiplication. Next, the resulting signal is sent on the data bus in unit 8 FVS, where it is converted into a video signal similar to the signal reflected from the EOI is osnovnoi sea surface, which is superimposed on the screen of the radar reflection from the coastline and navigation marks fence. The shore line is a limiter for the process of forming the reflection from the rough sea surface. When reading information about the presence or absence of the coastline with a delay relative to INP, the corresponding number of selected readings range comes from the output RAM 5. To calculate the average power of the signal from the rough sea surface computing unit uses the data stored in the memory block. The computing unit can be implemented on a dedicated processor or a computer. When entering the block of FS signal corresponding to a logical level “1”, it stops working, and the next run will be made after receipt of the pulse INP, which will lead him in the ready mode. This eliminates the possibility of the formation of the signals reflected from VMP outside the coastline. At the same time information about the presence or absence of the coastline with a delay relative to INP, the corresponding number of selected readings range, also fed from the output of RAM on the data bus in unit FVS, where upon receipt of the signal corresponding to the logical level “1”, a signal is generated, similar to the signal, reflected the efforts of the shoreline. When reading information about the presence or absence of the coastline with a delay relative to INP, the corresponding number of selected readings range, also fed from the output RAM 3 through the data bus in unit 7 photoshop. Thus the fourth block 9-5 synchronization generates a pulse at the input of block 7 of FS and giving the command to check whether the coastline in the selected discrete value ranges. If there is information about the absence of the coastline in the selected discrete unit 7 photoshop generates an additional signal, similar to a radar signal reflected from a rough sea surface. If the signal at the output of block 7 FSH is produced and the block 8 FVS produces at the output a signal similar to the signal radar detection of reflections from the coastline and navigation marks fence. The device provides a simulation of the navigation area size determined by the ratio of the performance of its blocks, at times tpH, toxTandTpand the RAM 5, which for modern surveillance radars, computer equipment and radioactive elements is a field of a square, the side of which can reach several hundred kilometers. Thus, when the signals from the outputs of the generator of the reflected radar signals from the rough sea surface is displacement to the inputs of a search radar and device processing of radar data is provided by simulating the functioning of a search radar when swimming near the coastline and navigation marks fence with regard to free maneuvering of the carrier vessel radar with certainty, which allows the education and training of the operators actions when navigating the vessel in adverse weather conditions along the coast in the navigation dangerous areas of shipping, such as bays, flood zones and channels. Sources of information 1. Patent No. 94023924 IPC 6 G 01 S 7/38, 1996. 2. Tver G.N., Terentyev, G.K., Kharchenko I.P. Simulators echoes ship radar stations. - L., Shipbuilding, 1973, p.142-205. 3. Bpecial, Wembeley, Lievin. Marine simulators. - L., Shipbuilding, 1986. S-126. 4. RF patent №2178571, IPC 6 G 01 S 7/40, 2000 (prototype). 5. Evidence of the Russian Federation for useful model No. 11348, IPC 6 G 01 S 7/40, 1999. The generator of the reflected radar signals from the rough sea surface containing the control unit, memory unit, control unit prior record (unit PGU), the set of relative coordinates of media (block FOCN), block read and synchronization, random access memory (RAM) and a shaping unit video block FVS), and the first output control unit connected to the data bus to the second input of the memory block, the first output of which is connected to data bus with the input of the processing unit relative coordinates of the carrier, the first output of which is connected inform the operating bus with the second input block is read and synchronization the first input is connected to data bus to the first output control unit, the second output of the processing unit relative coordinate media connected data bus to the first input of the control unit prior to recording, the output of which is connected to data bus to the first input of RAM, the first block read and synchronization connected with the second input of the control unit prior record, the second output is connected to the address bus and the synchronization with the second input of the RAM, the first output of which is connected to data bus to the second input of the processing unit of the video signal whose output is the first output and the fourth output unit reading and synchronization is the second output device, characterized the fact that it introduced a set of polar coordinates media (block fpcn) and block the formation of noise (block FSH), and the second output control unit connected to the data bus with the input of block formation of polar coordinates of the carrier, the output of which is connected to the data bus to the first input of the memory block, the third output block read and synchronization connected with the third input of the processing unit noise, the first input of which is connected to data bus to the second output of RAM, and the output connected to the data bus with the first whodo the processing unit of the video.
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