Method and apparatus for recording diffraction reflection curves |
IPC classes for russian patent Method and apparatus for recording diffraction reflection curves (RU 2466384):
Polished section is premade from Portland cement clinker to reveal phase present in said section under microscope. Thereafter, phase compositions are compared to correct phase composition defined from X-ray diffraction spectrum of phases revealed in minor quantities. Then, relationship between two alite monoclinic modifications are defined. Said alite is contained in clinker in major amount. Said modifications are defined by analysing asymmetry of superimposed reflections in the range of angles 2θCu =31.5-33°. Then, Ritweld method is used to define quantitative content of all revealed phases by, first, one monoclinic modification. Then, it is defined by second monoclinic modification. Now, defined is quantitative content of all phases in the range of their mean content and that obtained from monoclinic modification present in major amount.
Sample is irradiated with monochromatic X-ray radiation; the diffraction pattern from the sample is recorded in form of a profile of intensity of the diffraction X-ray radiation at different diffraction angles; diffraction peaks are selected; characteristics of the selected diffraction peaks are compared with similar characteristics of reference samples, from where phase composition of the analysed sample is determined; wherein for analysis, a series of samples is collected from each batch of the pharmaceutical product, said samples being in solid form and having packaging; each sample of the series with an intact structure is scanned without breaching the packaging; diffraction peaks corresponding to the packaging material are selected on the diffraction pattern; the range of angles for analysing the diffracted radiation is set, within which diffraction peaks for the material of each sample are selected, from which, using statistical methods, the identity of the corresponding series of samples, one of which is the reference, to one batch of the pharmaceutical product is established, and by selecting a standard series of the pharmaceutical product of a given manufacturer as the reference series, the authenticity of the pharmaceutical product is determined, wherein the wavelength of the monochromatic X-ray radiation is selected based on characteristics of the packaging material.
Apparatus for carrying out both x-ray diffraction (XRD) and x-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis of a crystalline sample, comprising an evacuable chamber; a sample holder located in the evacuable chamber, for mounting the crystalline sample so that it can be analysed; an XRF tube mounted in the evacuable chamber, for illuminating the crystalline sample with x-rays; an XRF detection arrangement for detecting secondary x-rays emitted from the surface of the crystalline sample as a result of illumination by x-rays from the XRF tube; an XRD tube, also mounted in the evacuable chamber but separate from the XRF tube, for illuminating the crystalline sample with x-rays; an XRD detection arrangement for detecting x-rays of a characteristic wavelength which have been diffracted by the crystalline sample; and a moveable XRD support assembly, comprising a first part configured to mount the XRD tube for movement of the XRD tube relative the sample holder, and a second part configured to mount the XRD detection arrangement for movement of the XRD detection arrangement relative the sample holder.
Invention relates to medical equipment, namely to devices for formation of examined object images. X-ray installation contains at least one X-ray source, emitting polychromatic X-ray radiation, first receiver or first unit of receivers of determining values of first intensity of passing X-ray radiation, second receiver or second receiver or second unit of receivers of determining values of second intensity emitted by examined object of fluorescent X-ray radiation, correlation unit, as well as device of output for display of examined object on the basis of signals of image elements. Application of X-ray installation for formation of examined object image, which contains at least one radio-opaque chemical element is realised by X-ray radiation, passing through examined object, and fluorescent X-ray radiation, emitted by said object.
X-ray diffraction apparatus has a mirror (18), having a reflecting surface (19) which is formed such that the angle in the plane parallel to the diffraction plane between the tangential line (38) of the reflecting surface (19), at any point on the reflecting surface (19), and the linear section (36) which connects any point and a sample (26) becomes constant and the crystal lattice plane which causes reflection is parallel to the reflection surface (19) at any point on the reflection surface (19); the X-ray detector (20) is one-dimensional, position-sensitive in the plane parallel to the diffraction plane; and the relative position of the mirror (18) and the X-ray detector (20) is defined in the plane parallel to the diffraction plane such that reflected X-ray beams (40) from different points on the reflecting surface (19) of the mirror (18) reach different points on the X-ray detector (20), respectively.
Object is irradiated with penetrating radiation which is formed into a first beam; the vehicle is irradiated with penetrating radiation which is formed into a second beam; radiation of the first and second beams scattered by the object is picked up to generate a scattered radiation signal; an image is reproduced in the scattered radiation based on the scattered radiation signal and parameters of the object are determined based on the obtained image, wherein emission of penetrating radiation in the first beam is assigned a first time period and emission of penetrating radiation in the second beam is assigned a second time period, where the first and second time periods are shifted by a fixed phase ratio.
![]() FIELD: structural diagnostics. SUBSTANCE: sample is scanned in the context of the Bragg reflection with the use of Ω-method in the roentgen diffractometry single-step mode, furthermore, for multilayer structures with heterogeneous composition AlGaN/GaN with nanometric layers the roentgen single-crystal diffractometry is used with the power of 5-15 W and heterochromatic quasiparallel X-ray beam and a position-sensitive detector with an angular width of 10°-15°. At first the X-ray tube is fixed in the position of Bragg reflection for the crystallographic plane (0002) of the layer GaNm the samples are scanned via inclining the X-ray tube in the angular range lying on the left and on the right from the main diffraction maximum (0002) of the GaN layer and including all diffraction maximums of AlxGa(1-x)N/GaN structures, where x ranges from 0,1 to 0,9, and the single-step scanning is carried out by setting the X-ray tube consequently in several angular positions which correspond to the maximum reflection of each minor peak point, while recording the diffractogram with the same exposition for all minor peak points, and the exposition time ranges from 30 to 100 seconds. EFFECT: resolution of interference peaks corresponding to separate nanometric layers of semiconductor structures; use of low-capacity devices becomes possible. 3 cl, 3 tbl, 6 dwg ![]()
With the help of c X-ray diffractometry using a grazing primary X-ray flux one obtains an asymmetric reflection from crystallographic planes forming the largest angle with the substrate - epitaxial layer interface surface and determines deformation in epitaxial layers by change of the distance between the diffraction maximums from the epitaxial layer and the subsrtrate; one applies single-chip X-ray diffractometry with a quasiparallel X-ray flux with the flux total divergence and convergence = 12'-24'; the maximum reflection is obtained by way of the heterostructure azimuth turn round a normal to the heterostructure surface; the angle of the X-ray flux drop onto the surface is within the range of 2.5-9°; then one proceeds with the Bragg angle correction by way of changing the angle of the primary X-ray flux drop onto the crystallographic plane coinciding with the heterostructure surface until obtainment of the maximum reflection; using the system of crystallographic planes of epitaxial layers growth one obtains a simultaneous reflection from similar systems of crystallographic planes of growing epitaxial layers and the substrate, among other things, recording existence of an intermediate layer between them.
Characteristics of an object are determined based on mean free path length of penetrating radiation. An incident beam of penetrating radiation is generated, said beam being characterised by direction of propagation and energy distribution. Groups of detector elements are placed in the zone of the penetrating radiation beam in which each detector element is characterised by a field of view. The field of view of each detector element is collimated. Radiation scattered by the group of voxels of the object under investigation is detected, where each voxel is the intersection the field of view of at least one detector element with the direction of propagation of the incident penetrating radiation beam. Attenuation of the scattered penetrating radiation between pairs of voxels is calculated, where each voxel from the said pair corresponds to at least one of two directions of propagation of the incident penetrating radiation beam.
Invention relates to medicine, namely to radiodiagnostics of bone tissue state, and can be used in determination of such diseases as osteoporosis and osteopathy. Method includes irradiation of bone tissue by collimated beam of gamma-radiation, movement of gamma-radiation source and detector with movement of irradiation zone into bone tissue depth, registration of reversely dispersed irradiation with respect to falling beam and determination of substance density. Energy of gamma-irradiation photons is selected within the range from 50 keV to 1 MeV. Movement of gamma-irradiation source and detector is carried out by layer-by-layer displacement of zone of reversely dispersed irradiation. In addition, distribution of substance density along axis of probing is obtained by calculation of density in second measurement for second layer of substance and all following dimensions of layers to n-th one, by value of density, obtained in first measurement for first layer and all measurements for (n-1) layers. Device consists of patient's extremity fixer, gamma-irradiation source, collimator and detector of dispersed gamma-irradiation, combined into rigid assembly, moved by movement device along symmetry axis with displacement of irradiation zone into bone tissue depth. Movement device includes electric drive, connected by means of mechanic transmission links with rigid assembly.
Focusing monochromator comprises rectangular plate made of metal provided with parallel stiffening ribs arranged over the width of the plate. The faces of the stiffening ribs are provided with reflecting plates made of monocrystal.
According to the method, the object should be inspected inside one local area G (m). Detection unit is divided to lower and higher degrees of inspection. Coordinates of local area are determined at lower degree of inspection; electron diffractometer is oriented to the local area at higher degree of inspection. Explosives can be detected, for example, by using x-ray diffraction analysis. Electron diffractometer has collimating-detection system, which can be regulated, in height and in side direction at higher degree of inspection. Diffractometer also has X-ray radiation source, which is matched with collimating-detection system, which can be oriented at side direction. Collimating-detection system has one collimator max and one detector. Collimator is provided with conical widened slit, which reproduces preset angle Θ of dissipated radiation.
Tested object is subject to illumination of narrow low-divergent beam of penetrating radiation and radiation passed through object is registered by means of coordinate-sensitive detectors. Structure of matters composing the object is identified from small-angle coherent dissipation of radiation passed through object. Distribution of radiation intensity across the beam is registered when object is present and absent correspondingly. Attenuation factor of penetrating radiation is determined for center of the beam by means of comparing intensities of incident beam and passed beam. Intensity distribution curve is normalized for incident radiation at the area of central peak of diffraction for angle of dissipation by attenuation factor and is subtracted from curve of distribution of radiation passed through the object.
Sample of saturated thickness tested material is irradiated by monochromatic gamma-ray or X-ray radiation and intensities of coherent dissipated primary radiation of matter being non-coherent dissipated. Concentration of element in tested sample is calculated from analytical signal which has to be the relation of mentioned intensities registered simultaneously or subsequently.
Device comprises collimating-detecting system that is made controllable in height with respect to the source of Roentgen radiation. The system and source are adjustable in longitudinal and transverse directions. The collimating-detecting system is provided with single collimator and detector. The collimator has conically diverging circular slot, which reproduce a given angle of the light path of diffusion radiation.
Objects are subjects by probing gamma-quantum irradiation with E0 energy and energy distribution of gamma-quanta is measured, dissipated according to Compton-effect on bound electron in mode of time coincidence mode with X-ray photons from K-set. First the list of elements to be analyzed is chosen according to ascend of atom number Z1<Z2, <...<Zn and list of binding energy of K-electrons, corresponding to that one, E(Z1)<E(Z2)<...E(Zn) and sequent ranges of angles of dissipation Δφ1, Δφ2,... Δφn of probing quanta are measured, inside which angles the quanta dissipate after K-vacancy is excited from one additional K-set of list E(Z1)<E(Z2)<...E(Zn) into each range. Then detectors for registration of dissipated gamma-quanta are placed into any that range. Amplitude of signal from range is subject to amplification and normalization independently. Results of simultaneous adding of normalized amplitudes with amplitudes received from detector are stored, which amplitudes were received from detector that registers X-ray photons of different K-sets. Selectivity of simultaneous registration of X-ray photon and of photon, dissipated according to Compton-effect mechanism, allows identifying atom numbers of elements. Concentrations of elements to be found in tested object are determined from results of simultaneous summing.
In accordance to method, angle, formed between crystal surface being measured and base axis, is measured, and angle, formed between crystallographic surface and base axis, and measured angles are subtracted. Then, in device for wire sawing, containing X-Y adjustment device, required correction is performed by measuring orientation and at the same time crystal is moved in horizontal and vertical positions. As a result, additional degree of freedom remains for rotation of crystal in cutting plane to achieve cut, unaffected by forces, perpendicular to feeding direction and wire direction, so that tool deflection is absent, or cutting forces are minimal.
The mode is in that the sample is impacted with x-ray radiation for registering its diffracting spectrum, definition of the concentrations of carbide phases - of monocarbide of tungsten WC and compound carbide (Ti,W)C- in a hard alloy of the composition WC-TiC-Co, definition of physical broadening (β) of two patterns of reflection from one aggregate crystallographic planes that is β1 and β2 and an angular positions of centers of the whole weight (θ) of selected lines that is θ1 and θ2, control of quality of the articles after radiational-thermic processing, in defining the coefficient of resistance of articles out of hard alloys after radiational-thermic processing, conditions of counting the value of integral disordering of the carbide phases and disordering of monocarbide WC relatively to the given values.
The essence of the mode is that controlling of an x-ray beam is executed with the aid of successive reflection of a preliminary monochromatized beam of a synchrotron emission from two mirrors with a cylindrical and a plane surfaces and rotation of the second mirror around its axle normal to the plane of scattering of x-ray rays. At that rotation of the first mirror around its axle is carried out normal to the plane of scattering of x-ray beams. At that the angle θ1 between the beam and the first mirror and the angle θ2 between the beam and the second mirror are tied by a definite ratio.
Diffractometer comprises base, analytic instrument, source of radiation beam, radiation beam detector, means for moving the analytic instrument in space, cantilever for supporting the analytic instrument that is mounted for permitting rotation, means for rotation of the source and detector around the center of the diffractometer so that the axes of the beams of the source and detector of radiation lie in the equatorial plane, and structure for moving the analytic instrument.
FIELD: physics. SUBSTANCE: beam of X-ray radiation of a given range is directed onto an analysed crystal and intensity of X-ray radiation diffracted in the analysed crystal is determined using a detector, with successive measurement of parameters of diffraction conditions of the picked up X-ray reflection, wherein parameters of diffraction conditions are varied by modulating the interplanar distance of the picked up X-ray reflection through ultrasonic radiation. EFFECT: possibility of recording diffraction reflection curves by controlling parameters of an X-ray beam using ultrasound. 6 cl, 4 dwg
The proposed group of inventions relates to the field of x-ray diffraction techniques and may be used for non-destructive testing of perfection of crystals and films by recording diffraction reflection curves. The known method of registration diffraction reflection curves, namely, that x-ray radiation of the given range are sent to the investigated crystal, and the intensity of x-ray radiation affected by diffraction in the studied crystal is determined using a detector at the sequential change of the parameters of the diffraction removable x-ray reflex (U.S. Patent US 6,385,289 B1, "X-ray diffraction apparatus and method for measuring X-ray rocking curves", IPC G01N 13/00, published may 07, 2002). The disadvantage of this method is the necessity of providing mechanical angular displacement of the investigated crystal, which should be performed with high accuracy, and therefore requires the use of expensive equipment. The objective of the proposed method is to eliminate the disadvantage of this method. The technical result is the creation of a method of registering diffraction reflection curves by controlling the x-ray beam parameters using ultrasound. The goal of the project and the results achieved by the fact that mo is in the way of registration diffraction reflection curves, namely, that the x-ray beam of the given range are sent to the investigated crystal, and the intensity of x-ray radiation affected by diffraction in the studied crystal is determined using a detector at the sequential change of the parameters of the diffraction removable x-ray reflex, the parameters of the diffraction conditions change modulation interplanar distance shooting x-ray reflex by ultrasonic radiation. To implement the method applied ultrasonic radiation, the wavelength of which at least three times the width of the x-ray beam, which is directed to the investigated crystal. It is known a device for recording the diffraction reflection curves containing consistently placed on the x-ray source, the device parameters forming the x-ray beam containing a first slit aperture, the crystal-monochromator attached to crystallochemical, and the second slit aperture, the holder of the investigated sample, the detector and the scanning device of diffraction with removable x-ray reflex, defined by the ratio of the angle of incidence of the x-ray beam, the interplanar distance and the wavelength of the radiation (U.S. Patent US 6,385,289 B1, "X-ray diffraction apparatus and method for measring X-ray rocking curves", IPC G01N 13/00, published may 07, 2002). A disadvantage of the known device is its structural complexity and lack of reliability. Object of the present invention is to provide a device that provides reliable and accurate registration diffraction reflection curves. The technical result is a device in which there is no system mechanical angular displacement of the investigated crystal. The goal of the project and the results achieved by the fact that in the device for recording the diffraction reflection curves containing consistently placed on the x-ray source, the device parameters forming the x-ray beam, which contains the first slit aperture, the crystal-monochromator attached to crystallochemical, and the second slit aperture, the holder of the investigated sample, the detector and the scanning device of diffraction with removable x-ray reflex, defined by the ratio of the angle of incidence of the x-ray beam, the interplanar distance and the wavelength of the radiation, the device scans the diffraction conditions made in the form of electro-acoustic resonator. Named resonator acoustically associated with a test sample placed on the sample holder, electroacoustic R is Senator is electrically connected to a generator of electrical oscillations and stroboscopic unit registration and named the unit also connected to the detector. As an x-ray source can be used a source with a range of radiation of the wave length of 0.1-10 Å. Electroacoustic resonator may contain acoustically United electro-acoustic transducer and crystal monochromator, and as a crystal monochromator is possible to use quartz. The essence of the proposed group of inventions is illustrated by diagrams and charts presented on the figures: figure 1 is a diagram of the known device, which is taken as a prototype; figure 2 - curve of the diffraction reflections obtained in a known manner; figure 3 - diagram of the device; figure 4 is a curve of the diffraction reflection obtained by the proposed method. The known device comprises an x-ray source 1, a diaphragm 2, a device for monochromatization of x-ray - crystal monochromator 3, crystallochemical 4, a diaphragm 5, the analyzed crystal 6, which may take positions 6A and 66 during rotation of Kristallografiya 7, precision goniometer 8, the stepping motor 9 and detector 10. In the device, implement the following method. The x-ray beam from the source 1 is directed to the forming device parameters of the x-ray beam consisting of selev the second diaphragm 2, crystal-monochromator 3 attached to crystallochemical 4, and the second slit diaphragm 5. Of the above-mentioned diaphragm goes rays, limited to a narrow spectral and angular interval. This radiation falls on the analyzed crystal 6 set of diffraction according to Bragg 6A (reflection) or in the position of diffraction in Laue 6b (passage) in crystallochemical 7 precision goniometer 8, rotated by an electric motor 9. When turning the crystal 6 near the Bragg angle for shooting x-ray reflex signal intensity measured by the detector 10 has a bell shape, width, shape, and the diffraction reflection coefficient, which is determined by the degree of perfection of the crystal. An example of the curve of the diffraction reflections (BWW), obtained in a known manner, is shown in figure 2. Curve taken on the device, in which the goniometer was turned by the stepper motor and was applied double-crystal spectrometer. The first crystal - silicon wafer - reflection 110. The second crystal germanium crystal in Laue geometry is a reflection of 110. The width of BWW to 3.8 seconds. The drawback of the device and sold it method is the necessity of providing mechanical angular displacement of the investigated crystal for registration BWW. This disadvantage is not proposed in the equip, since registration BWW is achieved by excitation in the investigated crystal wavelength of the ultrasonic vibrations, which periodically change the value of lattice parameter, followed by a translation stroboscopically selected time interval detection. As a result of application of ultrasound the opportunity to refuse the use of mechanical angular displacement of the investigated crystal. Disclaimer nodes that use moving parts, allows to increase the reliability of the whole device. The proposed device (figure 3) contains consistently located the x-ray source 1 and the device parameters forming the x-ray beam consisting of a slit diaphragm 2, the crystal-monochromator 3 attached to crystallochemical 4, and the second slit diaphragm 5. The investigated crystal 6 mounted on the holder 11. Crystal 6 acoustically associated with the electroacoustic resonator 12. The latter is electrically connected to a generator of electrical oscillations 13 and block strobe register 14, which is electrically connected to the detector 15. The device, which allows to determine the MLC by the proposed method operates as follows. The x-ray beam, the wavelength of which is in the range of the t is 0.1 to 1.0 angstroms, direct from source 1 on the diaphragm 2, which provides a narrow beam of radiation in order to obtain a parallel beam instead of diverging. Narrowed beam falls on the crystal monochromator 3, which reflects it towards the second aperture 5, providing radiation limited to a narrow spectral and angular interval. This radiation falls on the analyzed crystal 6, mounted on the holder 11. In the investigated crystal 6 with electroacoustic resonator 12 and the generator electromagnetic signals 13 excite a standing ultrasonic wave. The unit strobe register 14 provides the selection and adjustment of the phase fluctuations, which in turn allows you to register using the detector 15 curve diffraction reflection removable x-ray reflex without mechanical rotation of the crystal. When the operation of the device electro-acoustic resonator 12 from the generator electromagnetic signals 13 signal corresponding to the resonant frequency f of the aforementioned resonator consisting of rentgenometricheskogo analyzer and the piezoelectric transducer. The latter creates ultrasonic radiation, the wavelength of which is at least three times greater than the width of the x-ray beam, which is directed to the analyzed Crist is ll In the investigated crystal 6 can create homogeneous in space and variable in time deformation, which leads to modulation at the frequency f of the lattice parameter. The unit strobe register 14 allows you to register on the detector 15 a specific area BWW removable x-ray reflex, and the interval of the selected area is set much smaller than the width of the diffraction curve of reflection. Figure 4 shows the experimental curve of the diffraction reflections, taken for the same pair of measured crystal - crystal monochromator and the same illuminated area, as for the experiment, the results of which are presented in figure 2. However, the crystal remained motionless, and changed allocated stroboscopic device, the phase of the ultrasonic wave. Each phase corresponds to a specific value of the amplitude of ultrasonic deformation, which in turn corresponds to the value of the interplanar distances. As a consequence, the reconstruction phase of the ultrasonic waves makes the same change in the condition of Bragg as the rotation of the crystal. Step by phase of 0.02×T (T is the period of ultrasonic vibrations), which corresponds to 0.6 coal. s when registering the standard way of mechanical rotation. The width of BWW is 2,7s. Comparison of the curves obtained is known (Figure 2) and proposed (Figure 4), shows that ultrasound does not introduce any distortion. The accuracy of withdrawal BWW nonmechanical method can be easily increased, whereas the crushing steps in a mechanical goniometer does not automatically lead to improved accuracy. The proposed method allows to adapt a simple x-ray goniometry not equipped exact goniometry, for removal of BWW. It is also effective in research facilities that are sensitive to mechanical stress. Arguments confirm the industrial applicability of the proposed method and device for recording diffraction reflection curves. 1. The device for recording the diffraction reflection curves containing consistently placed on the x-ray source, the device parameters forming the x-ray beam containing a first slit aperture, the crystal-monochromator attached to crystallochemical, the second slit aperture, the holder of the investigated sample, the detector and the scanning device of diffraction with removable x-ray reflex, defined by the ratio of the angle of incidence of the x-ray beam, the interplanar distance and the wavelength of the radiation, wherein the device is scanning diffraction conditions made in the form of electroacoustic resonator, which is acoustically connected with a test sample placed on the sample holder, electroacoustic resonator is electrically connected to a generator of electrical oscillations and stroboscopic unit registration and named the unit also connected to the detector. 2. The device according to claim 1, characterized in that the x-ray source using the source range of the radiation wave length of 0.1-10 Å. 3. The device according to claim 1, characterized in that the electroacoustic resonator contains acoustically United electro-acoustic transducer and crystal monochromator. 4. The device according to claim 3, characterized in that the crystal monochromator with an electroacoustic transducer, quartz. 5. The method of registration diffraction reflection curves, namely, that the x-ray beam of the given range are sent to the investigated crystal, and the intensity of x-ray radiation affected by diffraction in the studied crystal is determined using a detector at the sequential change of the parameters of the diffraction removable x-ray reflex, characterized in that the parameters of the diffraction conditions change modulation interplanar distance shooting x-ray reflex by ultrasonic radiation. 6. the procedure according to claim 5, characterized in that the use of ultrasonic radiation, the wavelength of which at least three times the width of the x-ray beam, which is directed to the investigated crystal.
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