Method for structural inspection of semiconductor multilayer structure (variants) |
IPC classes for russian patent Method for structural inspection of semiconductor multilayer structure (variants) (RU 2442145):
Adjustable device for irradiation and detecting radiation has a neutron source or a neutron source combined with other radiation sources, a system of robots and a mobile surface (10) connected to a main shaft (11) which is actuated mechanically, electrically or manually, and also raises and lowers a first platform (12) joined to it, on which a second platform (13) is mounted, wherein the second platform (13) can move by sliding relative the platform (12) in the direction of x and y axes through mechanical reducing gears and guides which are controlled manually or electrically, wherein the system of robots comprises three robots placed on the second platform (13) with possibility of moving on a given path and realisation of a virtual goniometre, wherein during movement of the robots on the given path, the system of robots creates conditions for viewing from different positions of radiation coming from the properly irradiated sample which is mobile or fixed.
![]() Method of determining local concentration of residual microstress in metals and alloys localised in micro-regions of the order of 1 micrometre involves obtaining an intensity distribution curve of the interference line of indices in long-range orders - large Vulf-Bragg angles on the X-ray diffractometre for the analysed material in point by point calculation mode or in diffractogram recording mode. The diffractogram is processed: drawing the background line, determination of the position of the 2θmax position and drawing the medial line. The area of cut off peripheral sections (S1 and S2) and the total area (Stot) of the diffractogram are measured. The local concentration value of residual microstress ratio (δ%) is then determined using the expression
Invention relates to metallurgy field and can be used for manufacturing of tanks of liquefied gas, low-temperature and cryogenic equipment, facilities for receiving of liquefied gas, rocket envelopes and tanks for keeping of propellant from steel 01X18H9T. Steel sheet is subject to effect of penetrating radiation. Integral width X-ray line 111, measured on characteristic radiation CoKα with overlapping probability 2.18·10-5, is 0.204±0.003 angular degree.
Invention relates to metallurgy field and can be used for manufacturing of tanks of liquefied gas, low-temperature and cryogenic equipment, facilities for receiving of liquefied gas, rocket envelopes and tanks for keeping of propellant from steel 01X18H9T. Steel sheet is subject to effect of penetrating radiation. Integral width X-ray line 111, measured on characteristic radiation CoKα with overlapping probability 2.18·10-5, is 0.204±0.003 angular degree.
![]() Method of determining local concentration of residual microstress in metals and alloys localised in micro-regions of the order of 1 micrometre involves obtaining an intensity distribution curve of the interference line of indices in long-range orders - large Vulf-Bragg angles on the X-ray diffractometre for the analysed material in point by point calculation mode or in diffractogram recording mode. The diffractogram is processed: drawing the background line, determination of the position of the 2θmax position and drawing the medial line. The area of cut off peripheral sections (S1 and S2) and the total area (Stot) of the diffractogram are measured. The local concentration value of residual microstress ratio (δ%) is then determined using the expression
Adjustable device for irradiation and detecting radiation has a neutron source or a neutron source combined with other radiation sources, a system of robots and a mobile surface (10) connected to a main shaft (11) which is actuated mechanically, electrically or manually, and also raises and lowers a first platform (12) joined to it, on which a second platform (13) is mounted, wherein the second platform (13) can move by sliding relative the platform (12) in the direction of x and y axes through mechanical reducing gears and guides which are controlled manually or electrically, wherein the system of robots comprises three robots placed on the second platform (13) with possibility of moving on a given path and realisation of a virtual goniometre, wherein during movement of the robots on the given path, the system of robots creates conditions for viewing from different positions of radiation coming from the properly irradiated sample which is mobile or fixed.
![]() FIELD: structural diagnostics. SUBSTANCE: sample is scanned in the context of the Bragg reflection with the use of Ω-method in the roentgen diffractometry single-step mode, furthermore, for multilayer structures with heterogeneous composition AlGaN/GaN with nanometric layers the roentgen single-crystal diffractometry is used with the power of 5-15 W and heterochromatic quasiparallel X-ray beam and a position-sensitive detector with an angular width of 10°-15°. At first the X-ray tube is fixed in the position of Bragg reflection for the crystallographic plane (0002) of the layer GaNm the samples are scanned via inclining the X-ray tube in the angular range lying on the left and on the right from the main diffraction maximum (0002) of the GaN layer and including all diffraction maximums of AlxGa(1-x)N/GaN structures, where x ranges from 0,1 to 0,9, and the single-step scanning is carried out by setting the X-ray tube consequently in several angular positions which correspond to the maximum reflection of each minor peak point, while recording the diffractogram with the same exposition for all minor peak points, and the exposition time ranges from 30 to 100 seconds. EFFECT: resolution of interference peaks corresponding to separate nanometric layers of semiconductor structures; use of low-capacity devices becomes possible. 3 cl, 3 tbl, 6 dwg ![]()
X-ray diffraction apparatus has a mirror (18), having a reflecting surface (19) which is formed such that the angle in the plane parallel to the diffraction plane between the tangential line (38) of the reflecting surface (19), at any point on the reflecting surface (19), and the linear section (36) which connects any point and a sample (26) becomes constant and the crystal lattice plane which causes reflection is parallel to the reflection surface (19) at any point on the reflection surface (19); the X-ray detector (20) is one-dimensional, position-sensitive in the plane parallel to the diffraction plane; and the relative position of the mirror (18) and the X-ray detector (20) is defined in the plane parallel to the diffraction plane such that reflected X-ray beams (40) from different points on the reflecting surface (19) of the mirror (18) reach different points on the X-ray detector (20), respectively.
Polished section is premade from Portland cement clinker to reveal phase present in said section under microscope. Thereafter, phase compositions are compared to correct phase composition defined from X-ray diffraction spectrum of phases revealed in minor quantities. Then, relationship between two alite monoclinic modifications are defined. Said alite is contained in clinker in major amount. Said modifications are defined by analysing asymmetry of superimposed reflections in the range of angles 2θCu =31.5-33°. Then, Ritweld method is used to define quantitative content of all revealed phases by, first, one monoclinic modification. Then, it is defined by second monoclinic modification. Now, defined is quantitative content of all phases in the range of their mean content and that obtained from monoclinic modification present in major amount.
Use: for performing X-ray analysis of the sample. The invention consists in the fact that irradiation is performed with X-rays from a sample source of polychromatic X-ray radiation, a combined device is used for recording of XRD and XRF, comprising a scanning wavelength selector and at least one X-ray detector dedicated for registration of X-rays selected by the wavelength selector, and performing XRD-analysis of the sample by selecting at least one fixed wavelength of X-rays diffracted by the sample, using a scanning wavelength selector and recording the selected X-ray fixed wavelength (wavelengths) on one or more values of the angle of diffraction φ of the sample using the detector (s) of X-ray radiation, and/or performing XRF-analysis of a sample by scanning the wavelengths of X-rays emitted from the sample, using a scanning wavelength selector and registration of the scanned x-ray wavelengths, using the detector (s) of X-radiation.
FIELD: structural diagnostics. SUBSTANCE: sample is scanned in the context of the Bragg reflection with the use of Ω-method in the roentgen diffractometry single-step mode, furthermore, for multilayer structures with heterogeneous composition AlGaN/GaN with nanometric layers the roentgen single-crystal diffractometry is used with the power of 5-15 W and heterochromatic quasiparallel X-ray beam and a position-sensitive detector with an angular width of 10°-15°. At first the X-ray tube is fixed in the position of Bragg reflection for the crystallographic plane (0002) of the layer GaNm the samples are scanned via inclining the X-ray tube in the angular range lying on the left and on the right from the main diffraction maximum (0002) of the GaN layer and including all diffraction maximums of AlxGa(1-x)N/GaN structures, where x ranges from 0,1 to 0,9, and the single-step scanning is carried out by setting the X-ray tube consequently in several angular positions which correspond to the maximum reflection of each minor peak point, while recording the diffractogram with the same exposition for all minor peak points, and the exposition time ranges from 30 to 100 seconds. EFFECT: resolution of interference peaks corresponding to separate nanometric layers of semiconductor structures; use of low-capacity devices becomes possible. 3 cl, 3 tbl, 6 dwg
The present invention relates to semiconductor microelectronics, nanoelectronics and can be used for studies of semiconductor heterostructures, including the modern-looking structure in wide-gap materials AlGaN/GaN and SOI-structures with submicrometer and nanometer layers, and also to the input control multilayer structures the formation of the active and passive elements of the integrated circuits and discrete devices. For studies of single-crystal multilayer structures typically used high-resolution x-ray diffractometry, which is realized by means of two - and three-chip diffractometer by removing the swing curves (Don, Bchannel. High-resolution x-ray diffractometry and topography, With-P, Science, 2002). When double-crystal variation between the x-ray tube and the sample is set to the collimator cutting divergent part of the beam and providing minimum divergence x-ray beam. As the collimator is typically used perfect crystal monochromator of the same type as the test sample is mounted in a reflecting position. The method is implemented in such a way that the crystal-monochromator is fixed, and measured the single crystal is rotated around an axis lying in the analyzed cu is stilografica plane, perpendicular to the plane containing the incident and reflected x-rays (Bragg plane). Fixed the intensity of the reflected light depending on the angle of rotation of the rotating crystal socalled rocking curves. The measured curve swing is essentially a convolution ploskovolnovoi swing curves of the collimator beam and studied structures. When the disorientation of the two crystals is observed broadening of the curve of the swing, and when in the investigated crystal has some defective parts, rocking curves are obtained in the form of multiple maxima. In the study of two-layer sample mismatch between the layer and substrate is obtained directly from the separation of the peaks. On the angular distance between the peaks is possible to determine the relative change of the lattice parameters of the investigated single-crystal sample. To improve the accuracy of measurements with the aim of expanding the dynamic range of the measured intensity of the diffraction scattering using three-chip x-ray diffractometer with the addition of the crystal-analyzer, which provides a clear separation of diffraction and diffuse component. The analysis of multilayered structures with submicron and nanometer layers most often carried out using trackr the steel option. The disadvantages of the method include the following: - the method requires the use of very complex and powerful x-ray equipment; work on such equipment can only be carried out in specially equipped premises because of the radiation hazard; - the extreme complexity of the process, especially when working with three-chip method (placing two crystals relative to each other and removing the 1st curve swing may take 5-6 hours). To reduce the complexity of the three-chip calibration of the diffractometer as a prototype of the selected method of x-ray double crystal diffractometry, including scanning of the sample in step-by-step mode in the conditions of the Bragg reflection using the Ω-method (constant angle between the x-ray tube and detector) (Amefurashi, Rimanov. Structural diagnostics "quantum" layers by the method of double-crystal x-ray diffraction, crystallography, 2003, vol 48, No. 5, s-801). It turned out that the measurement away from the Bragg angle of maximum interference to this system of planes, i.e. in the tails of the curves reflect, allow you to extend the information obtained during the investigation of multilayer structures with submicron and nanometer layers. This so-called method of asymptotic Bragg diffrac the AI remove curves away from the Bragg angle up to ±2000". The wider the area of measurement of angles, the more detailed information can be found in the analysis of such curves. However, at large angles of rotation, as already mentioned, the reflection intensity decreases sharply (105-107times), which requires the suppression of the diffuse background using the system of complex cracks, powerful x-ray tubes and crystal-monochromator, forming the x-ray beam with a narrow distribution angle θ and the wavelength. To research similar heterostructures in the method prototype as a monochromator was used monocrystal Germany in the reflecting position (004). As an x-ray source was used x-ray tube with copper anode capacity of 1.5 kW. Rocking curves from heterostructures was filmed Θ/2Θ-scan in step-by-step mode with the given statistics of the signal in each measurement point. To suppress diffuse background system was used in special slots, in particular through the use of a narrow receiving slit was made basic separation of the coherent and diffuse component of the total scattering, thereby increasing the dynamic range of the measured intensity of the diffraction scattering. The disadvantages of the prototype method is the following: the method requires the use of a range of complex devices: slots, crystal-monochromator; the use of any cracks can negate all efforts to form a strictly parallel to the primary beam due to diffraction at the edge of the slit; - the use of powerful x-ray equipment; such equipment can only be carried out in specially equipped premises because of the radiation hazard; - defined the complexity of the process, especially when dealing with alignment gaps. The technical result of the present invention is: - expanding complex of tasks for multi-layer semiconductor structures, in particular the resolution of the interference peaks corresponding to the individual nanometer layers of semiconductor structures, a sharp reduction of labor - ability to use low-power devices, which, in turn, requires specially equipped premises, the cost of used equipment, - enhance the visibility, and therefore informative way. The technical result is achieved by the fact that in the proposed method, structural diagnostics of semiconductor multilayer structures, including ska is the key sample in terms of the Bragg reflection using the Ω-method in step-by-step mode x-ray diffractometry, using x-ray single-crystal diffraction with a capacity of 5-15 watts nemonokhromaticheskogo, quasi parallel beam of x-rays and a position-sensitive detector with an angular window width of 10-15°, and step-by-step scanning is performed by tilting the x-ray tube, multilayer heterostructure AlGaN/GaN with nanometer layers of the first fixed x-ray tube in the position of the Bragg reflections for the crystallographic plane (0002) GaN layer, and then scans the samples in step-by-step mode in the angular ranges lying to the left and right of the main interference maximum of the (0002) GaN layer and including all of the interference maxima structures of AlxGa(1-x)N/Ga, where x takes values from 0.1 to 0.9, exposing the x-ray tube sequentially in the angular position corresponding to the maximum reflection for each small peak with the recording of diffraction patterns with the same exposure for all small peaks, and the exposure time is 30-100 seconds; in a two-layer heterostructures scanning step is carried out in two narrow angular intervals, first in one interval, changing the angular position of the x-ray tube to obtain maximum reflection from the underlying crystallographic plane epitaxial film, and C is in the other interval to obtain reflections from the crystallographic plane of the substrate, having a maximum reflection and the value of the Bragg angle, different from the value of the Bragg angle of the reference plane epitaxial layer 10-20°. In SOI-structures scans with a step of 0.01 in 2θ in angular ranges lying to the left and right of the main interference maximum (400) Si layer and includes the interference maxima of all possible crystallographic modifications of silicon dioxide, and then identify the modification of the separation of oxide on the angular position of the selective interference peaks corresponding to certain crystalline modifications oxide, setting the exposure time from 50 seconds to 100 seconds. In the proposed method, first of all, single-chip diffractometry, which dramatically reduces the complexity of the measurement process, because it does not require strict placing the analyzed sample with respect to the crystal-monochromator, and also dramatically reduced the cost and complexity of the equipment used (cost per order), in particular does not require the use of special slots. In the proposed method, single-crystal diffractometry is used in conjunction with nemonokhromaticheskogo, quasi parallel beam of x-rays that provides all the advantages of the parallel beam geometry: acoustical the ability to errors in the position of the sample, no error distortion peaks of the interference maxima on non-planar or irregular samples, which usually leads to asymmetry of the shape and offset of the intensity peaks. The parallel beam is most favorable for the study of stress, texture, and changes in the phase composition of the material. Using the proposed method the x-ray tube with a capacity of two orders of magnitude lower than in the prototype (5-10 watts) while maintaining the high intensity of the primary partially monochromatizing-ray beam ensures that the level of background radiation in the proposed method does not exceed natural. This makes it very convenient and safe operation, without requiring the use of specially equipped rooms. Using a position-sensitive detector with an angular window width 10-15° allows you to simultaneously record the interference pattern of diffraction in this angular range, allowing step-by-step scanning gradually introduced into the reflecting position different set of crystallographic planes without changing the position of the detector. This, in turn, simplifies the operation of this method and increases its sensitivity, since it enables to analyze the rocking curves through gradual slope of the x-ray tube with a step of 0.005° for θ without changing ulozhenie detector. This scan allows individual very thin layers in multilayer structures (up to 5 nm), or misoriented relative to each other, or with different lattice parameters. New in this method is that the sample scanning is performed by the gradient of the analyzed crystal, as in the similar and the prototype, and the tilt tube. When the analysis of multilayer heterostructures, such as AlGaN/GaN with nanometer layers, offered first to record the x-ray tube in the position of the Bragg angle for reflection from a reference plane of the base layer, in particular, for heterostructure AlGaN/GaN this plane (0002), and the layer of GaN with a known Bragg angle for this system of planes, and then scan, tilt tube in the angular ranges lying to the left and to the right of this interference maximum, and that the angular range of the scan should include all of the interference maxima structures of AlxGa(1-x)N/GaN, where x is from 0.1 to 0.9. This scan clearly revealed only in the boundary peaks from layers of GaN, AlN, sapphire, and there is only a General background blur from the multi-layered plot heterostructures AlxGa(1-x)N, where x can typically vary from 0.1 to 0.9. Then for the detection of nanometer layers serves to successively expose rentgenovskoi tube in angular position, corresponding to the maximum reflection for each small peak with the recording of diffraction patterns with the same exposure for all of these peaks, choosing the exposure time 30-100 seconds. These peaks are usually observed in the General blurred background when scanning in a wide angular range, but they are, as mentioned, is not clear and blurred. The proposed sequential step-by-step scanning to detail the fine structure of multilayer heterostructures, because at the specified exposure time can be recorded in detail the profile of peaks from each nanometer layer. Prototype method does not allow to receive such information, and, as evidenced by the literature, a clear picture from such multilayer structures even with elements of the superlattice can be obtained only complicated an expensive three-chip diffractometer (RCT, Mpegla, Woodview and other Deformation of the layers in the superlattice AlGaN/GaN according to diffraction analysis, PTC, 2004, volume 46, issue 2, s.353-359). In the analysis of two-layer heterostructures, such as SPS-structures scans in two narrow angular intervals, first in one interval, changing the angular position of the x-ray tube to obtain maximum reflection from the underlying crystallographic plane epitaxial film, and then in another interval before receiving reflected in the texts from the crystallographic plane of the substrate, having a maximum reflection and the value of the Bragg angle, different from the value of the Bragg angle of the reference plane epitaxial layer 10-20°. The choice of such crystallographic plane sapphire substrates with a Bragg angle, different from the Bragg angle of the epitaxial layer at an angle of 10-20°, allows to clearly separate the two interference peak from the epitaxial layer and the substrate, without changing the position of the detector in Such a way, it is possible with a single exposure to get two clearly separated peak from the epitaxial layer and the substrate. In the analysis of SOI-structures for the identification of the separation oxide in them are encouraged to scan with a step of 0.01° in angular ranges lying to the left and right of the main interference maximum (400) of silicon and including all of the interference maxima of all possible crystallographic modifications of silicon dioxide, and to identify modifications and the structure of the separation of oxide on the angular position of the additional selective interference peaks corresponding to certain crystallographic modifications oxide, selecting the exposure time so that the interference peaks of α-quartz (104) and (302) or α-cristobalite (303) is clearly visible, not Satanas the background intensity of the main peak of the silicon (400), in this case, the exposure time will be from 50 to 100 sec. This assessment separating oxide has become possible due to the proposal to use the x-ray tube low power (5-10 watts), as with the use of equipment that is typically used in two - and three-chip diffractometers (x-ray tube power 1,5 kW), peaks such low intensity will just blend in with the background. The same situation can occur if incorrectly selected exposure time. Thus, the proposed method allows to determine the structure of the separation oxide, which is impossible in the method prototype in no way equivalent. Thus, the proposed method uses a number of new elements: - single-crystal diffractometry low intensity - the position-sensitive detector with a certain angular width of the window selective scanning in a narrow or a wide angular range depending on the type of the analyzed structures, - step-by-step scanning is performed by tilting the x-ray tube, - ability to identify the structure of the separation oxide in SOI structures, which provides in comparison with the prototype of a dramatic expansion of complex tasks in the analysis of semiconductor multilayer structures, - ability analysis g is terstruktur with submicron and nanometer transition layers. The present invention also essential, as it provides compared to analogue and prototype: - ability to identify and observation of nanometer layers in multilayer heterostructures; analysis of the separation oxide in SOI-structures, which is not implemented by any of the methods of x-ray diffraction, i.e. a sharp increase of the complex tasks of investigation and control of semiconductor heterostructures; - improving the measurement accuracy of the analyzed corners; - sharp to reduce the complexity of process control; - ability to use low-power devices, which, in turn, requires specially equipped premises; - reducing the cost of the equipment used. The proposed method is proved to be optimal for control of such modern and advanced semiconductor heterostructures, as wide-gap heterostructure AlGaN/GaN with nanometer layers, as well as various SOI-structures, which are currently widely used for manufacture of modern semiconductor IC and discrete devices for various purposes, in particular, the widespread of NEMT on AlGaN/GaN. Thus, the claimed method meets the criterion of "inventive step", since all the elements of novelty in this application the e suggest evidence for specialists. It should be noted that it is the combination of all the proposed elements with the known scheme of scanning the sample under the conditions of the Bragg reflection using the Ω-method in step-by-step mode x-ray diffraction gives a fundamentally new construction method for the diagnosis of semiconductor mnogoslojnych of structure with submicron and nanometer layers. Example 1. In accordance with the claimed method was carried out structural diagnostics of semiconductor multilayer heterostructure AlGaN/GaN grown on a sapphire substrate by the MBE method with buffer in a multilayer structure with elements of the superlattice. The composition of the buffer: AlN(10Å) - GaN(1000Ǻ) - Ala 0.1Gafor 0.9N (4200Å) - grad (Alfor 0.3Ga0,7N and Ala 0.1Gafor 0.9N)(700Å) - Alfor 0.3CA0,7N(2800Å) - grad SLS (Alfor 0.3Ga0,7N and AlN)(1400Å) - AlN (2100Å) - sapphire. Layers of the heterostructure following: Al0,33Ga0,67N n/l (120Å) - Al0,33Ga0,67N went to bed. Si; N=1,5 .1018cm-3(100Å) - Al0,33Ga0,67N/l (20Å). The original surface of the sapphire substrate was almost the same crystallographic plane sapphire (0001), misorientation was 0.5°. The testing was carried out using single crystal x-ray diffractometry with nemonokhromaticheskogo, quasi parallel beam of x-rays and a position-sensitive detector is the angular width of the window from 12°. Obtaining quasi parallel beam of x-rays was provided through the use of polycapillary optics kumacheva, which is based on total external reflection of x-rays at the critical angle of their falling on the surface of the capillaries, which, in turn, allows for highly sensitive and accurate measurements of samples even with curved or disordered surfaces. When using x-ray optics Kumakhov radiation is transmitted with high efficiency and low loss: the loss in this case is not more than 60%, while when using a monochromator in double crystal and three-chip diffraction 98-99%, which requires, as mentioned, x-ray tubes and high power. In particular, in the prototype the capacity of the used tube was 1.5 kW, in this example were used tube intensity 10 watts. Analyzed the heterostructure was placed on the object table setup and produced a step-by-step scanning of the sample by tilting the x-ray tube. First recorded x-ray tube in the position of the Bragg reflections for the crystallographic plane (0002) GaN base layer, the exposure time was 100 C. it Turned out that the angular position of the peak from the GaN layer has a multilayer structure constituted 2θ=34,43°, PR is than the peak had forked character. A more detailed study showed that there are essentially two peaks with different intensities and different angular position angular position of the second peak was 2θ=34,24°. Then spent scanning the sample in a wide angular range (33,55-36,55 by 2θ), analyzing far-reaching "tails" diffraction reflection curves. When such a survey, as seen in figure 1, well-resolved peaks of the interference reflection from the layer (0002) GaN (figure 1, a forked peak on the left) and one intensive peak with the angular position 2θ=35,76°, which, according to the angular position corresponds to a layer of Al0,87Ga0,23N/AlN (figure 1, a large peak on the right). Between these two peaks in the intermediate angular position there is a broadened peak in the background are viewed individual highs, likely corresponding to the individual layers of the buffer (figure 1). To localize each little peak x-ray tube was set exactly at the Bragg position for each given an interference maximum, the intensity of each peak is sharply increased, and was well detaliziroval profile peak. The exposure time for most peaks were selected with 30 (figure 2). The most intense peak was 1 (figure 2 and 3), corresponding most likely, a layer of Ala 0.1Gafor 0.9N, which has naibors the th thickness (4200Å). Peak 2 corresponds to a layer with a molar aluminum content x=0,17. Peak 3 with a molar aluminum content x=0,3 has less intensity than the peaks 1 and 2, and judging by the value of the width at half-height, the structure of this layer is significantly better than the rest (figure 2). The results obtained in the study of multilayer heterostructures have shown that using the proposed method according to claim 1 allows to reveal the fine structure of multilayer heterostructures, in particular, with elements of the superlattice, to determine the angular position of the interference peaks corresponding to particular layers with thicknesses less than 100 nm, and perform analysis of the profile of the interference maxima. The results of the declared parameters of the method in the study of wide band gap multilayer heterostructures are summarized in table 1 (paragraph 2). Example 2. In accordance with the claimed method was carried out structural diagnostics of two-layer heterostructures on silicon-on-sapphire (SOS)structures. We investigated SOS structures with a diameter of 100 with a thickness of the silicon layer 0.6 μm and SOS structures with a diameter of 150 mm with the thickness of the layer of silicon of 0.1 and 0.3 microns. The crystallographic orientation of the silicon surfaces of all of the investigated heterostructures was (100) with a base cut on the <110>. For growing silicon layers with orientation (100), according to the manufacturer, was used sapphire substrates with work is her surface, coinciding with the crystallographic plane ( During SOS structures control is performed using the single-chip x-ray diffraction intensity of 10-15 watts nemonokhromaticheskogo, quasi parallel beam of x-rays and a position-sensitive detector with an angular window width of 15°. Analyzed the heterostructure was placed on the object table setup, step-by-step scanning produced by tilting the x-ray tube. X-ray measurements were carried out in the geometry of the symmetric Bragg diffraction from crystal planes. First performed azimuthal orientation of the SPS-structures - azimuthal position of the patterns exhibited so that the Bragg plane coincident with the crystallographic plane of the silicon (110). It is most convenient to do this by reflecting silicon (331), because the azimuthal rotation of the plane (220) plane (331) will be more sensitive to rotation. As for the sapphire substrate, this material was used Bragg reflection from planes ( To do this in angular interval 67,54-69,58° 2θ conducted scan samples by tilting the x-ray tube to obtain maximum reflection from the basal plane of the silicon layer (400) for each of the investigated structure. Analysis of the obtained peaks from the reference plane (400) showed that for SPS-structures of different manufacturers are characterized by different values of the width at half-maximum (FWHM), indicating that different structural perfection of epitaxial silicon layers in silicon SOS structures. The lowest value of the FWHM was obtained for the SPS-structures with a thickness of 0.6 (FWHM=0,226°) (table 2). Then according to the claimed method was performed scanning angular range 58,0-68,0° for maximum reflection from the plane ( The results of the declared parameters of the method in the study of two-layer heterostructures are summarized in table 2. Example 3. In accordance with the claimed method was carried out structural diagnostics separation layer of oxide in SOI structures. The object of the study were the following structures: SOI structure with the thickness of the silicon layer 5 μm and 2 μm, and the SOI structure with a thickness of working layer of 0.6 μm. Control heterostructures was carried out using a single-chip x-ray diffraction intensity 5 watt nemonokhromaticheskogo, quasi parallel beam of x-rays and a position-sensitive detector with an angular window width of 10°. Analyzed heterostructures were placed on the object table setup and scanning of samples was performed by tilting the x-ray tube in the angular interval 68-71° 2θ with a step of 0.01. The exposure time was chosen so that the small peaks in the diffraction patterns clearly visible and not obscured by the background intensity of the main peak of silicon (400). Figs.4, 5, 6. shows diffraction patterns taken from different SOI-structures. It was found that the SOI-structure is ur layer thickness of 5 microns well identified peak of α-quartz (104) and (302) (figure 4), in SOI structures with layer thickness of 2 μm intendifitsiruyutsya peaks of α-cristobalite (303), and SOI-structures separating the oxide is amorphous. The results obtained in the study of SOI-structures show that using the proposed method according to claim 3 allows to detect the modification and the structure of the separation oxide. The results of the declared parameters of the method in the study of the separation of oxide of SOI-structures are summarized in tables 1, 2, 3. Figure 1 - diffractogramme heterostructure AlGaN/GaN multilayer buffer obtained with an average value of the Bragg angle for layers of GaN and AlN. Figure 2 - "frame by frame" scan diffraction interference pattern for heterostructure AlGaN/GaN multilayer buffer. Figure 3 is an enlarged "frame" scan diffraction interference pattern on heterostructure AlGaN/GaN multilayer buffer (region K). 4 is a diffractogram of the SOI structure with a thickness of working layer of silicon 5 μm and with a modification of the separation oxide of α-quartz. 5 is a diffractogram of the SOI structure with a thickness of working layer of silicon 2 μm and with a modification of the separation oxide α-cristobalite. 6 is a diffractogram of the SOI structure with a thickness of working layer of 2 μm silicon and amorphous separation oxide. Thus, as can be seen from examples (tables 1, 2, 3), using the declare is the procedure allows to reveal the fine structure of multilayer heterostructures in particular, with elements of the superlattice, to determine the angular position of the interference peaks corresponding to particular layers with thicknesses less than 100 nm, to analyze the profile of the interference maxima; conduct structural diagnostics of two - and three-layer semiconductor heterostructures; assessment of the structural perfection of work of epitaxial layers, the deformation state; to identify the modification and the structure of the separation oxide in SOI-structures. The effectiveness of the proposed control method in comparison with the prototype, and the analogue is the following: - raising awareness of the way; the abrupt increase of the complex tasks in the study and the control semiconductor multilayer structures; - the solution of environmental problems through the use of plants with low capacity that does not require work in a specially equipped room; - reducing the cost of used x-ray equipment; - sharp to reduce the complexity of process control. 1. Way structural diagnostics of semiconductor multilayer structures comprising scanning the sample under the conditions of the Bragg reflection using the Ω-method in step the mode x-ray diffractometry, characterized in that the multilayer heterostructure AlGaN/GaN with nanometer layers using x-ray single-crystal diffraction with a capacity of 5-15 watts nemonokhromaticheskogo, quasi parallel beam of x-rays and a position-sensitive detector with an angular window width of 10-15°, and the first fixed x-ray tube in the position of the Bragg reflections for the crystallographic plane (0002) GaN layer, and then scans the samples by tilting the x-ray tube in the angular ranges lying to the left and right of the main interference maximum of the (0002) GaN layer and including all of the interference maxima structures of AlxGa(1-x)N/GaN, where x is from 0.1 to 0.9, and step-by-step scanning is performed, exposing the x-ray tube sequentially in the angular position corresponding to the maximum reflection for each small peak with the recording of diffraction patterns with the same exposure for all small peaks, and the exposure time is 30-100 C. 2. Way structural diagnostics of semiconductor multilayer structures comprising scanning the sample under the conditions of the Bragg reflection using the Ω-method in step-by-step mode x-ray diffractometry, characterized in that the two-layer heterostructures using x-ray single-chip is difractometry capacity of 5-10 watts nemonokhromaticheskogo, quasiparallel beam of x-rays and a position-sensitive detector with an angular window width of 10-15°, the sample scanning step is carried out by tilting the x-ray tube in two narrow angular intervals, and at first in the same interval, changing the angular position of the x-ray tube to obtain maximum reflection from the underlying crystallographic plane epitaxial film, and then in another interval to obtain reflections from the crystallographic plane of the substrate, having a maximum reflection and the value of the Bragg angle, different from the value of the Bragg angle of the reference plane epitaxial layer 10-20°. 3. Way structural diagnostics of semiconductor multilayer structures comprising scanning the sample under the conditions of the Bragg reflection using the Ω-method in step-by-step mode x-ray diffractometry, characterized in that for SOI structures using x-ray single-crystal diffraction with a capacity of 5-10 watts nemonokhromaticheskogo, quasi parallel beam of x-rays and a position-sensitive detector with an angular window width of 10-15°, scan step-by-step mode by tilting the x-ray tube is carried out in the angular ranges lying to the left and right of the main interference mA is maximum (400) Si layer and including all of the interference maxima of all possible crystallographic modifications of silicon dioxide with a step of 0.01° 2θ, and identify the modification of the separation of oxide on the angular position of certain selective interference peaks by setting the exposure time from 50 to 100 C.
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