IPC classes for russian patent (RU 2303257):
The invention relates to mechanical engineering and can be used for quality control of radiation-thermal treatment of carbide tools, designed for hot and cold machining of various materials, mainly metals and their alloys. There is a method of control by x-ray diffraction of the products made from hard alloys consisting of mono tungsten carbide, titanium carbide and cementing cobalt communications and subjected to heat treatment, by measuring the phase composition of the surface layer enriched with a complex carbide (Ti,W)C [1]. The known method has a significant drawback: the knowledge of only one parameter - the concentration of complex carbide (Ti,W)C does not give a clear answer to the question about the quality of high-temperature processing. The known method of control of products made from solid alloy and subjected to a heat treatment, by measuring the size of coherent scattering regions (CSR) (size D) by x-ray diffraction [2]. The known method has a significant drawback: after high temperature processing, the values of D are usually so large that they cannot be identified by x-ray diffraction. Closest to saleemhoussami is a method of simultaneous determination of the two parameters of thin crystalline structure polikristallicheskogo material - sizes (D) of the coherent scattering regions (blocks mosaic) and the magnitude of the microstrains (ε) - approximation method of [3], which allows to determine the block size smaller than 0.2 μm, and the microstrain, large 2·10-4and including the preparation of samples without plastic deformation, the impact on the sample of x-ray radiation to register its diffraction spectrum, determination of the physical broadening (β) two orders of reflection from one set of crystallographic planes, i.e. β1and β2and angular positions of the centers of gravity (ϑ) of selected lines, i.e. ϑ1and ϑ2, selecting specific functions (M(x) and N(x)), approximating, respectively, the line prole is caused by the dispersion of the blocks with dimensions of D≤0.2 μm and the integral width βm=(0,94λ/D·secϑand the line prole due to microstrains (ε) lattice size ε≥2·10-4and the integral width βN=4εtgϑand the construction of nomograms that allow the ratio of β2/β1find βMand βNand, thus, D and ε. The prototype disadvantages are its complexity and the inability to control the quality of products after radiating-thermal processing. The claimed invention is opravleno to control the quality of products after radiating-thermal processing. This result is achieved by what is the impact on the sample of x-ray radiation to register its diffraction spectrum, the determination of concentrations of carbide phases - of tungsten monocarbide WC and complex carbide (Ti,W)C solid alloy composition of WC-TiC-Co, the physical definition of the broadening (β) two orders of reflection from one set of crystal planes, i.e. β1and β2and angular positions of the centers of gravity (ϑ) of selected lines, i.e. ϑ1and ϑ2the definition of quality of radiation-thermal treatment of products, terms and conditions if (b/a)WC<1,0; (b/a)Σ<1,3, then KCT>4,5, where (b/a)Σ=(b/a)(Ti,W)C·C(Ti,W)C+(b/a)WC·CWC- integral razuporyadochennoi carbide phases, (b/a)(Ti,W)C- razuporyadochennoi complex carbide (Ti,W)C, (b/a)WC- razuporyadochennoi of monocarbide WC, C(Ti,W)Cthe concentration of complex carbide (Ti,W)C in mass%, WithWCthe concentration of tungsten monocarbide WC in mass percent, b=β2/β1, a=tgϑ2/tgϑ1,
tRTO- time robotos is osobnosti products subjected to radiation-thermal treatment, in minutes. The essence of the claimed invention is illustrated in the following description. During stationary sintering in the presence of liquid phase products of hard alloys, containing the addition of tungsten monocarbide WC still and titanium carbide TiC, tungsten largely dissolved in the titanium carbide-forming after cooling, the solid solution is a complex carbide (Ti,W)C [4]. During high-temperature treatment in which the temperature of the product rises above the stationary temperature sintering [5], the concentration of tungsten in the titanium carbide is even higher, i.e. increasing the concentration of the complex carbide (Ti,W)C [1]. Solid solution of (Ti,W)C has a high degree of chemical heterogeneity, which leads to high values of microstrains its crystal lattice. Therefore, the analysis of the state of solid solution (Ti,W)C using conventional x-ray diffraction method [3] is ineffective. Below is a practical example of radiation-thermal and high temperature treatments of hard-alloy plates T15K6 shows the difficulty of applying the method of [3], and the way of solving problems, which is the content of the claimed invention. The term "radiation-thermal treatment (RTT)" we understand the impact on carbide is Adelie first ionizing radiation, and then, after exposure, the impact on the same product and even high temperature processing. Example Plate KNUX 190810 made from solid alloy T15K6 (composition in mass%: WC - 79, TiC - 15, Co - 6) production KZTS, were subjected to high temperature processing (WTO). It was done at a fixed temperature above the temperature of the stationary sintering made of hard alloy T15K6 in the presence of the liquid phase (TSP=1500°). Two of these plates were pre-exposed to radiation processing. After radiation and high-temperature thermal processing plate were studied using x-ray diffractometry. X-ray measurements were carried out in Misa on an automated diffractometer type DRONE. Phase composition was determined using software packages OUTSET and PHAN %, and the parameters of the fine crystalline structure with the help of the software package PROFILE [6]. We investigated line phase WC 10.1 (ϑ1=24,39 coal. deg.) and 11.2 (ϑ2=49,42 coal. deg.) and line phase (Ti,W)C 200 (ϑ1=21,01 coal. deg.) and 400 (ϑ2=45,60 coal. deg.). Table 1 presents data on changes in the different samples concentrations of carbide phases, the magnitude of microstrains ε in them, but also the values of (b/a)WC- razuporyadochennoi of tungsten monocarbide, (b/a)(i,W)C - razuporyadochennoi complex carbide (Ti,W)C and (b/a)Σ=(b/a)(Ti,W)C·C(Ti,W)C+(b/a)WC·CWC- integral razuporyadochennoi carbide phases. Here C(Ti,W)Cthe concentration of complex carbide (Ti,W)C in mass%, CWCthe concentration of tungsten monocarbide WC in mass%, b=β2/β1and=tgϑ2/tg1that β1and β2the physical values of the broadening from the two diffraction lines taken at low (ϑ1) and large (ϑ2) the values of the angles of incidence of x-rays on the sample. Although the samples in table 1 are increasing time of heating, any patterns in the table are seen with difficulty. Only at the very end of table 1 little increase in the concentration of solid solution (Ti,W)C and the reduction of microstrains ε. Note that for all cases, high-temperature processing (b/a)WC>1,0, whereas after radiation-thermal treatment (plate No. 7 and 16) (b/a)WC<1.0 in. In addition, the values of (b/a)Σfor plates subjected to radiation-thermal treatment, minimal and do not exceed 1,3. Part of the plates, the details of which are given in table 1, was subjected to production testing. Production tests to determine the service life of the cutters Khujand is used along JV "Pigma-Kennametal". Tests of an experimental batch of throwaway inserts KNUX 190810 carbide T15K6 production KZTS held on screw-cutting lathe with CNC model CF. Processed various parts for mining tools, made of steel 30HGSA. Cutting conditions: cutting speed V=90 m/min, feed S=0.3 mm/Rev, depth of cut t=3 mm Table 2 presents the results of the field tests, as mapped in table 3 the results of the x-ray measurements and field tests. From table 3 it is evident that in terms of experience and information about parameters of thin crystalline structure (D and ε) can't say anything about the reasons for the large scatter of the values of the coefficients of the resistance obtained when carrying out production tests. Indeed, the D values for all plates could not be measured by x-ray diffraction, and values ε changed only slightly and does not characterize the reasons for changing the coefficient of resistance KCT. From table 1 and table 3 it is clear that the parameters characterizing the value of KCTafter radiating-thermal processing are: (b/a)WC- razuporyadochennoi of tungsten monocarbide WC, (b/a)(Ti,W)C- razuporyadochennoi solid solution (Ti,W)C phase, the concentration of which in the studied surface layer ranges from 85 to 90 mass% is now, as well as (b/a)Σ- integral razuporyadochennoi that takes into account the contribution to the overall razuporyadochennoi other carbide phase of tungsten monocarbide WC. The choice between arguments razuporyadochennogo of tungsten monocarbide WC, razuporyadochennogo solid solution (Ti,W)C - (b/a)(Ti,W)Cand integral razuporyadochennogo (b/a)Σand functions - coefficient of resistance of the first blade - KCT1average coefficient of resistance We chose as arguments, characterizing the presence or absence of radiation-thermal processing and quality of products after it, the value of (b/a)WC- razuporyadochennoi of tungsten monocarbide WC and (b/a)Σ- integral razuporyadochennoi, and as a function of if (b/a)WC<1,0; (b/a)Σ<1,3 then KCT>4,5. It should be stressed that the inequalities that define the KCTfair to average values (b/a)WC(b/a)Σ. Although, as is apparent from table 1, all the quantities involved in (b/a)Σand out a large range of values, are determining the average value (mathematical expectation) as (b/a)Σand values (b/a)WC, Sources of information 1. Device for cutting hard materials. Pat. 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The Russian Federation for invention №2181643 from 27.04.2002, the Patent - research Institute of mechanics of Moscow state University. After M.V. Lomonosov. Authors: kites A.B., Bazhinov A.N., Ryabov NR. and other 6. Shelekhov E.V., T.A. Sviridova Program for x-ray analysis of polycrystals. The metallography and heat treatment is and metals. - 2000. No. 8. - P.16-19.
The method of controlling the quality of products of hard alloys after radiation-thermal treatment, including effects on the sample of x-ray radiation to register its diffraction spectrum, the determination of concentrations of carbide phases - of tungsten monocarbide WC and complex carbide (Ti,W)C solid alloy composition of WC-TiC-Co, determine who begins the physical broadening (β two orders of reflection from one set of crystallographic planes, i.e. β1and β2and angular positions of the centers of gravity (ϑ) of selected lines, i.e. ϑ1and ϑ2and quality control of products after radiation-thermal treatment of the following conditions: if (b/a)WC<1,0; (b/a)Σ<1,3, then KCT>4,5, where (b/a)Σ=(b/a)(Ti,W)C·C(Ti,W)C+(b/a)WC·CWC- integral razuporyadochennoi carbide phases, (b/a)(Ti,W)C- razuporyadochennoi complex carbide (Ti,W)C; (b/a)WC- razuporyadochennoi of monocarbide WC; C(Ti,W)Cthe concentration of complex carbide (Ti,W)C, wt.%; WithWCthe concentration of tungsten monocarbide WC, wt.%; b=β2/β1, a=tgϑ2/tgϑ1;
tRTO- time health products subjected to radiation-thermal treatment, minutes
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