Method for pregnant woman's emotional and motivational health testing Pregnant woman passes a psychological test to assess her emotional and motivational health with using 'Pregnant Woman's Altitude Test'. That is preceded by using CAH test to assess the functional and emotional health of the pregnant woman. If the assessment result makes 5 points and more, the pregnant woman is examined with using 'Pregnant Woman's Altitude Test'. If the woman's functional and emotional health assessment result is less than 5 points, the emotional and motivational health needs correcting by means of a rational psychotherapy. The psychological correction result is assessed by means of CAH test. Once the psychological correction result reaches 5 points and more, the pregnant woman passes 'Pregnant Woman's Altitude Test'. |
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Method of correcting emotional condition of pregnant women in case of dental procedures Correction of emotional condition of pregnant woman in case of dental procedures is carried out by determination of her anxiety level before dental procedure by means of psychological testing. Type of temperament is additionally determined by Eysenck test before dental procedure. Rational psychotherapy - argumentative logical influence in order to expose and demonstrate mistakes in their reasoning, connected with wrong estimation of their own condition is performed to patients with low or moderate levels of anxiety at not fewer than two visits to dentist. In case of "melancholic" temperament rational psychotherapy in form of persuading is carried out, with correction of cognitive and emotional components of attitude to dental procedure, contributing to re-orientation of patient's personal attitudes by persuading in necessity of dental treatment to improve health state. In case of "choleric" temperament rational therapy is carried out in form of psychagogy. In case of "phlegmatic" temperament rational psychotherapy is performed in form of explanation, including interpretation of the essence of dental procedure, explanation of importance and necessity of dental treatment, its safety and use for health of both future mother herself and her child. In case of "sanguine" temperament rational psychotherapy is carried out in form of re-orientation in attitudes as to dental procedure, connected with changes in her system of values by changing attitudes about necessity and importance of supporting dental health. Sedative drug therapy, accompanied by psychological testing of anxiety level, is performed to patients with high level of anxiety on first days of their visit to remove psychoemotional stress. When level decreases to moderate level, rational psychotherapy in form, corresponding to her temperament is realised, with dental procedure being realised in those patients, in who useful level of anxiety, consisting in evaluation of their condition as component of self-control and self-education, was formed. |
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Method for weight reduction and dietary product pack for implementing it Group of inventions refers to medicine, particularly to nutrition hygiene, and is applicable for individual's weight reduction. What is presented is a dietary product pack for weight reduction containing meat and meat by-products in any possible mode of preparation, fish, seafood, sausage products, cheese, eggs, salt, mayonnaise, butter, vegetable oil, spices, except for those containing starch, vinegar, garlic, mushrooms, gelatine, sweetener, tea, coffee, carbohydrate-free mineral and sparkling water, cranberry fruit drink with sweetener, non-sugar stewed fruit, alcohol, except for beer and sweet wines. The pack contains up to 500 g of vegetables a day: cucumbers, celery stalks, sorrel, lettuce, cabbage, ruccola, green asparagus, green beans, spinage, radish, white radish, laminaria. As pickles, it contains: pickled cucumbers, pickled tomatoes, sour cabbage, pickled garlic, pickled peppers and wild leek. Fruit: lemon and cranberry. Dairy products up to 300 g a day: cottage cheese, sour cream, rich cream, cream cheese, soft cheese, processed cheese, curd cheese, mascarpone cheese. The pack contains up to 300 g of such vegetables, as: avocado, tomatoes, garden radish, black and green olives, aubergines, sweet pepper, courgettes, spring onions, fennel, parsley, cilantro, sweet basil, vinegar-pickled cucumber, ginger. What is presented is a method for weight reduction by using a diet therapy with the above product pack. The method provides cutting out sugar and sugar-containing food, baked goods, starch-containing food, bread and cereals entirely. Consumption of carbohydrate-free food is unlimited. A meal size is also unlimited and usual serving size and time should be observed. |
Method of rehabilitating patients with true eczema Invention relates to medicine, dermatology, and balneology. Rehabilitation of patients with true eczema is realised by complex impact of balneo-, climate-landscape- (CLP), music therapy, therapeutic exercise (TE). As balneotherapy course of sulphide baths at temperature 36-37°C with increasing concentration of hydrogen sulphide is carried out: first two baths - 50 mg/l, the following two baths - 100 mg/l, the remaining - 150 mg/l. First 2-3 baths are prescribed with 6-8 min duration, after that duration is increased to 8-12 min. Course includes 12-14 procedures. Baths are carried out from 10.00 to 12.00 two days running with break on third day. Music therapy is realised daily from 12.00 to 13.00, TE and CLP are realised from 15.00 to 17.00 daily, with the total duration of rehabilitation constituting 21-24 days. |
Method of treating oncology patients Integrated treatment is conducted at hospital in the mild climate environment with underlying patient's complete independence from a social network with the use of ecologically clean food and water, and consists of five modules. A diagnostic module comprises collection and analysis of the past medical history, detection of the strongest pre-disease stimulant of patient's mental status, as well as disclosure of patient's personality. A setting module involves creating a confidential atmosphere by empathic hearing, compassion, involvement into affection, interpretation of stimulant-related events from the new perspective. An information module involves increasing self-improvement motivation and interest in psychotherapeutic sessions. A correction module comprises conducting a music therapy, an art therapy, a game therapy and doing physical exercises. An emotional stress and short-term rational therapy aims at relieving the emotional stress, activating the patient, creating the conditions for transforming negative feelings from the non-conscious to conscious sphere, creating and developing a role-divided attitude to achieving a convalescence success. The patient is supposed to do exercises to practice locomotive actions; patient's education and personal development motivation is increased; muscle relaxation is followed by practicing biological feedback and auto-training techniques with speaking through auto-suggestion formulas. An estimation module provides detecting any changes in the emotional and mental statuses, a degree of acquisition and assimilation of the experience of emotional responsiveness and neuropsychic stability. The patient's state is supposed to be medically supervised on a regular basis. A psychotherapist and a registered nurse conduct an individual psychotherapy. |
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Invention relates to medicine, namely to endocrinology and therapy and can be used to increase the vitamin D level in women with abdominal obesity and a high risk of metabolic syndrome development. For this purpose a diet and physical activity are corrected to reduce the body weight in 3-3.5 months by more than 5% of the initial one. The daily calorie content of the diet is reduced by not less than 200 kcal. Consumption of fats is also reduced by not less than 15 g, consumption of saturated fats - by not less than 8% of the total consumption of fats. Daily consumption of calories is retained at the level of not less than 1200 kcal. Physical activity is increased by not less than 50 kcal a day. |
Method for speech stimulation in unlanguaged children Speech stimulation in a child is three-staged. At the first stage, pronouncing involuntary consonants is induced and reinforced in a game situation with the use of an association of an object movement and a gesture to allow the child reproducing them voluntarily. The sound reproduced during the game is accompanied with a gesture associated with the object movement until a strong relationship of the specific sound and the object is formed; the gesture and object motion are supposed to mean the same sound. Thereafter, the child is trained to pronounce the consonants missing in his/her speech by blowing out an air flow, which is blocked by obstructions formed by articulation organs; the consonants are reinforced in the game situation with using the object movement and gesture accompanying the sound pronunciation; the gesture and object motion are supposed to mean the same sound. The second stage involves practicing how to complete the word pronunciation with the use of an effect of an unstressed syllable fixation to a stressed one, and/or unstable music fixation to a stable one, and/or how to complete a rhythmically specified word structure. That is followed by practicing words consisting of two or three open syllables and one closed syllable. The third stage provides practicing pronouncing an expression with the use of a combination of its rhythmic-melodic structure, gestures, pictures and/or objects symbolising the whole word. |
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Invention refers to restorative medicine and can be used for the drug-free correction, prevention and rehabilitation of the functional state and the enhancement of adaptability in patients of various age groups suffering various psychoneurological symptoms. There are performed three successive stages: setting (SS), adaptation (AS) and tactile contact (TCS). The SS involves introducing the patient into dolphins' organisation and behaviour characteristics, instructing to perform commands required for communication with a dolphin, and tactile contact with a dolphin. The adaptation stage involves meeting the living dolphin and contacting it directly on a swimming pool platform out of water. The TCS involves doing the exercises to develop patient's communicative abilities, fine motor skills, motor coordination, motor activity control, emotional state and attention with the use of art therapy elements, musical exercises together with the dolphin, action games with the dolphin using various objects. The TCS is performed in the swimming pool filled with mineral water NaCl 1.8-2.0 ppm at temperature from 25 to 28 degrees; the whole correction course involves from 10 to 14 sessions, from 30 to 40 min each. The SS length is at least 3 sessions of 30 min each; the AS is from 1 to 3 sessions of 30-35 min each; the TCS includes from 7 to 9 sessions of 35-40 min each. |
Anaesthetising patients with chronic pain syndrome undergoing a cyclophotocoagulation surgery involves the intravenous administration of the hormonal preparation dexamethasone in a dose of no more than 8 mg followed by the anxiolytic droperidol in a dose of no more than 2.5 mg 5 minutes prior to the operation before the peribulbar anaesthesia. A peripheral block in the form of the peribulbar anaesthesia involving administration of no more than 6 ml of a local anaesthetic follows. At the moment the surgical procedure starts, benzodiazepin, e.g. diazepam, is administered in a dose of no more than 5 mg. |
Method for eliminating cosmetic skin defects Invention refers to medicine and can be used for the skin regeneration following deformities caused by various factors (burn, tattoo removal), cicatrical skin changes, including postoperative striae atrophy of skin. The method involves the integrated action: full-body hydrodynamic massage (FBHDM) and hydrodynamic massage (HDM) of the skin deformity by means of an attachment configured to supply water similarly to a water funnel; a whole bowel irrigation; a psychotherapy. The FBHDM procedures are performed for 3 days running with one-day pause; the massage aims at the massage treatment of the whole body surface, including the head. The HDM of the skin deformity first involves the whole deformity region and the attachment is used to perform circular and differently directed motions. Then, the deformity is exposed point by point with the attachment kept in each point for 20-30 sec; the whole area is treated in such a manner. The whole bowel irrigation is performed on the days free from the FBHDM procedures. The psychotherapy involves a music therapy accompanying the FBHDM, HDM of the skin deformity, and the whole bowel irrigation. Performing the FBHDM procedures is accompanied by the relaxing music therapy, whereas the whole bowel irrigation and the HDM of the skin deformity are restorative. The integrated therapeutic course makes at least 14 days starting with the HDM procedures. |
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Method of reducing weight by means of intra-oral devices Invention relates to medicine and can be used in case if it is necessary to reduce excessive weight in patients. For this purpose, passive fixation of upper and lower jaws to each other, completely excluding possibility of chewing food, is performed by means of intraoral devices. Passive fixation of jaws is provided due to levelling and connection of intra-oral devices with respect to each other without taking into account direction of growth and shape of teeth. For the period from 1 to 3 weeks feeding is performed only with liquid food. After 1-3 weeks fixation of jaws is removed and feeding with individually selected diet in combination with individually selected physical exercise is realised. Procedure of fixation is repeated until result is obtained. Method ensures effective and comfortable reduction f body weight in patients with obesity due to reduction of nutrition caloric intake by application of jaws fixation, completely preventing possibility of chewing solid food, without producing any effect on teeth, eliminating necessity of "correct" orthodontic fixation of applied devices, as well as due to application of additional complex of procedures. |
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Device for correction of sleep characteristics Device for correction of sleep characteristics contains sensor for registration of electrodermal activity EDA, connected with unit of analysis and extraction of signals of skin-galvanic responses SGR, generator of stimulating electric pulses, on-skin electrodes and control unit. Device is made in form of monoblock with possibility of fastening on user's palm. Monoblocks case has front and back side, and fastening elements. Three electrodes, placed with possibility of galvanic connection with skin of user's hand palm, are located on back part. Measuring electrode is connected to input of sensor for EDA registration, with stimulating electrode being connected to output of generator of electric pulses, with the third one being common neutral electrode of galvanic circuits of said sensor and generator. Units of analysis and extraction of SGR signals and control unit are made on base of microprocessor with possibility of periodical control of current condition of galvanic contact of electrodes with skin, cyclic measuring of SGR intensity and supply of stimulating electric pulses in pauses between SGR measuring, and provide three modes of functionality: sleeping mode - in absence of galvanic contact of electrodes with skin; mode of EDA registration - in presence of galvanic contact of electrodes with skin, including extraction of SGR pulses and counting their quantity N for given time interval and comparison with threshold value; mode of stimulation - if quantity N of SGR pulses exceeds threshold value, including periodical supply of electric pulses to stimulating electrodes during specified time interval. |
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Method for assessing psychological personality profile Invention refers to medicine, particularly to psychology, and can be used for individual and mass screening in sociology and management. A person being tested is presented with a number of pictures to be selected. The pictures are composed so that each picture contains an image that combines two archetypes with adequate shape and background. The person being tested is suggested to select among the presented number of pictures the most relevant of his/her personality evaluation and to sample. The person being tested is suggested to assign a score to the selected picture. The numerical treatment of the results involves summing up the assigned scores of the same archetypes. The number of pictures can make 20 with each picture containing two combined images with the total number of archetypes equal to 10. The total score is distributed among 1 to 8, whereas the maximum diagnostic number is equal to 10, which is when exceeded enables stating an archetypic identity. |
Method of preparing for aggressive dermatocosmetological procedures Method includes carrying out general hydrodynamic massage (GHDM) and hydrodynamic massage of the area to be influenced, gut lavage, and psychotherapy. Procedures of massage are carried out by means of a nozzle, which ensures the supply of water by a water funnel principle. GHDM procedures are carried out 3 days running, with the following one-day break. During massage the entire body surface is processed, including the head. Procedures of hydrodynamic massage of the area to be influenced are carried out along massage lines and before GHDM and gut lavage procedure. Procedures of gut lavage are carried out on the days, when GHMD is not carried out. Psychotherapy is carried out in the form of music therapy, realised at the background of GHDM, hydrodynamic massage of the area to be influenced and gut lavage. Carrying out GHDM is accompanied by the music therapy of a relaxing nature, and carrying out gut lavage and hydrodynamic massage of the area to be influenced by the music therapy of a tonic nature. The method is carried out for 5-7 days before the influence. The procedures are carried out daily. The course starts from carrying out hydrodynamic massage. |
Method includes carrying out general hydrodynamic massage (GHDM), gut lavage, psychotherapy. GHDM is carried out 3 days running, with the following one-day break. Massage is carried out by means of a nozzle, made with a possibility of water supply by a water funnel principle. During massage the entire body surface, including the face and hair surface of the head, is treated. Procedures of gut lavage are carried out on the days, when GHDM is not carried out. Procedures of psychotherapy are carried out in the form of music therapy. Music therapy is carried out at the background of GHDM and gut lavage. Carrying out GHDM is accompanied by the music therapy of a relaxing nature, and gut lavage by the music therapy of a tonic nature. The course is started from GHDM procedures, with the course duration being 11-14 days. |
Method for stimulation of head hair growth Method includes carrying out general hydrodynamic massage (GHDM), hydrodynamic massage of the hair surface of the head, gut lavage, psychotherapy. GHDM and hydrodynamic massage of the hair surface of the head are carried out by means of a nozzle, which provides the supply of water by a water funnel principle. GHDM procedures are carried out 3 days running with the following one-day break. During massage the entire body surface, including the face, is treated by massage movements. Procedures of hydrodynamic massage of the head hair surface, including the zones with impaired hair growth, are carried out before GHDM and the gut lavage procedure. During massage, first, the entire area of the head hair surface is massaged, then point influence on alopecia zones is performed, holding the nozzle in these zones for 5-10 seconds. Duration of the influence on one zone of alopecia during one procedure constitutes not less than 20 seconds. Massage is carried out before GHDM and the gut lavage procedure. The procedure of gut lavage is carried out on the days, when GHDM is not performed. Psychotherapy is carried out in the form of music therapy, realised at the background of GHDM, hydrodynamic massage of the head hair surface and gut lavage. Carrying out GHDM is accompanied by music therapy of a relaxing nature, and carrying out hydrodynamic massage of the head hair surface and carrying out gut lavage is accompanied by music of a tonic nature. The course of the complex influence is carried out for not less than 18 days, starting from hydrodynamic massage procedures. |
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Method of resort treatment of vegetovascular dystonia in workers of dangerous chemical enterprise Method includes taking radon bath with radon concentration 1.5 kBq (40 nCu/l), temperature 36-37°C, 10-15 minute duration. Source includes 10 procedures. Patient is given a session of listening to relaxing music 40 minutes after taking radon bath. After that, 5 symmetrical scalp zones are exposed to laser radiation for 30-40 seconds. Impact is realised by wavelength 0.82 mcm, power 12 mW, in pulse mode, with frequency 50 Hz. Sessions are carried out daily. Course includes 10 procedures. |
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Method of treating abdominal obesity in case of metabolic syndrome with depressive disorders Invention relates to medicine, namely to endocrinology, cardiology, psychotherapy and can be used for the treatment of patients with metabolic syndrome. Diet therapy of a reduced caloric content with the restriction of carbohydrate-containing products and fats, with the determination of a glycemic index with the inclusion into the diet of carbohydrate-containing products with the glycemic index lower than 40. When the initial body weight decreases by 5% and stabilisation of the weight takes place for 3 months, the caloric content of food is increased to a calculated value, determined for the patient by formula for the calculation of the daily caloric content. Carbohydrate-containing products with the glycemic index of 40-69 are introduced into the diet until the weight decreases to a specified level. Screening survey is performed, disorders of an affective spectrum are diagnosed and in case of their presence testing the patients of the identified group by Zung scale is carried out. A session from Assagioli psychosynthesis - "Temple of Silence", Coue self-hypnosis are carried out, with the multiple repetition of the same formula "I feel silence and quiet around me, I am enveloped by sunlight, I easily follow the doctors' recommendations, I am in a good mood and have good working capacity" before falling asleep and on waking up. |
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Method of correcting biological age of organism as prevention of premature ageing Method includes carrying out complex treatment at the background of diet therapy. Intake of antihelmintic of vegetable origin and immunomodulator is carried out daily with washing down each of them with 200 ml of radon water. Intestinal lavage is performed every second day. On days of performing intestinal lavage, patient takes bath with radon water in the morning before lavage, with performing underwater hydrodynamic massage (UHM) on other days. On days, when intestinal lavage is not performed, sessions of sound therapy are carried out after UHM. |
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Method of purification and health improvement of human organism Invention relates to medicine, namely to methods of purification and health improvement of an organism. For this purpose therapeutic starvation for not fewer than 5 days in case of a 7-day programme and for not fewer than 7 days in case of a 9-day programme is carried out. The duration of a recovery period constitutes two days. Food intake is realised nine times per day each day both in the process of therapeutic starvation and in the recovery period. In the period of therapeutic starvation the first food intake includes bee products "APIGRANULES 2" in a dose of one teaspoon, "KHINAZI balm" in a dose of one teaspoon, "A-P-V" in a dose of one teaspoon, "APITOK" in a dose of one teaspoon, "Antihelm phyto" - one capsule and still mineral water - one glass. The second food intake includes a drink with ginger, lemon juice, garlic and mint, honey - one teaspoon and one glass of apple-carrot juice. The third food intake supposes an intake of bee products "APIGRANULES 2" in a dose of one teaspoon, "KHINAZI balm" in a dose of one teaspoon, "A-P-V" in a dose of one teaspoon, "Antihelm phyto" - one capsule and still mineral water - one glass. The fourth food intake includes a drink with ginger, lemon juice, garlic and mint, honey - one teaspoon and one glass of apple-carrot juice. The fifth food intake consists of tea black or green with ginger, one teaspoon of honey and one glass of apple-carrot juice. The sixth food intake consists of bee products "APIGRANULES 2" in a dose of one teaspoon, "A-P-V" in a dose of one teaspoon, "Antihelm phyto" - one capsule and one glass of still mineral water. The seventh food intake includes tea black or green with ginger, one teaspoon of honey and one glass of apple-carrot juice. The eighth food intake supposes an intake of tea black or green with ginger, one teaspoon of honey and one glass of apple-carrot juice. The ninth intake of food includes depressant tea, including mint grass, valerian root, fennel seeds, cumin seeds, epilobium or strawberry leaves and one glass of apple-carrot juice. In the recovery period in 1-st, 2-nd, 3-rd, 4-th and 6-th intakes of food the composition of products remains the same as in the process of starvation. For the fifth intake of food the patients take tea black or green with ginger, one teaspoon of honey and vegetable soup. For the seventh intake of food the patients take tea black or green with ginger, "MILK COCKTAIL WITH CHITOSAN". The eighth intake of food includes tea black or green with ginger, one teaspoon of honey, "APICAMPA" cereal. The ninth intake of food for the recovery period includes a baked apple, depressant tea. In addition, a number of procedures are carried out after each food intake during the period of therapeutic starvation and the recovery period. After the first food intake gymnastics "5 Tibetan pearls" is realised. After the second food intake exercises on training apparatuses, procedures of press-therapy, electrolypolysis and myostimulation are realised. After the third food intake exercises of therapeutic physical training or aerobics are performed. After the fourth food intake a rest in form of a walk, a halotherapy session, combined with a session of relaxation therapy are realised. After the fifth food intake a course of strip-plastic is carried out. After the sixth food intake massage by manual application with a peloid-based mixture or manual massage with honey is carried out. After the seventh food intake an infra-red sauna, shower, phytobath with medicinal herbs, honey, ginger, lemon juice is taken. After the eighth food intake a shower is taken. |
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Method of evaluating psychological personality profile Invention relates to psychology and is intended for the diagnostics of psychological characteristics of an individual. A set of images with characters is shown to a tested person. As the set of images the tested person is shown 40 images with different characters and situations, distributed into four spheres: family; intimate and sexual sphere; professional sphere; sphere of interpersonal relationships and leisure. Then the tested person is proposed to look at the images and select two of the images, which attract him/her or correspond to hi/her reality situation to the greater degree, and two images, which are unpleasant or do not correspond to his/her reality situations from each sphere. Each image has a corresponding number and a sign, which are determined; the selected numbers are fixed with the signs in respective cells in a form. Then the code number of an archetype and its sign are determined, with the sign corresponding to a positive or negative psychological characteristic of the archetype. Each selected archetype is evaluated as 1 point, after which the frequency of selection by the tested person of the archetypes is counted and computer processing of the data is carried out. Results of processing are used to create a picture of the psychological personality profile. |
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System for supporting person's psychophysiological state Invention relates to medicine and can be used in psychology, physical training and sport. Physical exercises are realised by a system of physical interactions, performed in the mode of training and autotraining. The system includes carrying out the exercises with the uniform extension of the spine, the patient stretches oneself upward with the vertex and downward with the coccyx, and in the order, given in the invention formula. First, the exercises for the spine and the chest are performed in a sitting on stool position, followed by a series of exercises for stretching the popliteal muscles from a lying on the back position. Bending and unbending of the legs, circular "bicycle" and "frog" movement are performed. Alternating muscle stretching is carried out by the spiral movement of the legs inwards, in a lying on the back position, exercise - circles, described in a parallel way by both knees, circular "dolphin-like" movement by two connected together legs, "dolphin" in a reverse direction, complete circles by the legs, exercise "lobster's tail", "scissors", "eight", "tortoise", combinations "stretch the bow", "rowing on kayak", "breaststroke swimming", "stretch the bow - without stopping", making the movements in accordance with the invention formula. A combination of movements "upward the rope", rotation of the shoulder joint is executed. After that, a series of exercised for the legs is performed in a sitting on a stool position, in the form of a succession of combinations in accordance with the invention formula, namely "dangle your legs", "circle forward and backward", "eight", "slalom", "pronation-supination", "rhombus", " claps by feet". After that, a series of exercises for the abdomen muscles are performed, using lifting of the body in arcs forward and backward, the movement "penknife" in accordance with the invention formula. Then, a series of exercises for training of the iliopsoas muscle and deep abdominal muscles, exercises for the shoulder girdle relaxation, exercises for the development of the vestibular apparatus and cardiovascular system are performed, the movements are performed in accordance with the invention formula. |
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Method for personality assessment Person being tested is presented with a package of cards containing testing images. A package of 24 cards, each of which contains an image reflecting a character according to twelve C. Pearson's heroic archetypes, such as Innocent, Hero, Orphan, Caregiver, Explorer, Outlaw, Lover, Creator, Sage, Magician, Lester and Ruler. A half of the cards represent specific archetype images, while a second half contains abstract images signifying the above archetypes. The person being tested ranges the images on the cards as their attraction for him/her decreases. The cards appeared in the group of 'attractive' ones, show the primary personal archetypes, while the cards from the group of 'unattractive' are used to present the archetypes rejected by the conscious ego of the person being tested. Four or five cards are grouped; where it is necessary to specify the members of the primary archetypes from both groups therein, the archetype with the greatest range in the group and/or the archetypes specific and abstract images of which appear in the same group, are preferred. |
Method for conservative treatment of external colonic fistulas Patients keep a diet with reducing an amount of liquid taken up to 1.5l a day that is compensated by the intravenous administration of solutions an amount and composition of which depends on a degree of water-electrolyte disturbances. Additionally, after bandage removal, the wound and edges of the fistulous passage is 5% potassium permanganate, which is then washed with 3% hydrogen peroxide. A mouth of the fistula and the wound edges are dried. That is followed by an aeration of the mouth of the fistula with a cooled plasma flow of nitrogen monoxide at a depth of 0.5cm in the therapeutic mode of 2000 mg/m3 and exposition of 1.5min. The mouth of the fistula and the wound edges are treated with a plasma flow of nitrogen monoxide in the concentration within the contact area with the wound surface of 1500 mg/m3 and time of exposure of 20 seconds per each 1 cm2 of the surface. The mouth of the fistula and the wound edges are dried. The mouth is packed with the gauze swab. The fistulous wound is exposed to EHF waves with the pure noise spectrum and the provided integral power on the wound surface of 1.5 mcWt along the perimeter of the mouth at 15mm from the fistulous passage for 30 minutes. The swab is removed. The mouth and the surrounding skin is treated with zinc paste and covered with gauze swabs. The further bandages are performed in the similar way as the bandage wets with the intestinal contents, but no more than 2 times a day and at least once every 3 days. |
Method for integrated treatment of psychological addictions Preparatory, therapeutic and rehabilitation stages are performed. The preparatory stage involves analysing the previous medical history taken by at least three specialists: a psychologist, a psychotherapist and an ozone therapy specialist. The therapeutic stage involves a rational psychotherapy with feeding biological self-regulating system information in various forms and congestion, as well as in a strict sequence of brain activity rhythms. At the rehabilitation stage, the patient performs unassisted home psychotherapeutic sessions according to the individual program with the use of players. |
Invention refers to medicine. The method implies measuring a waist circumference (WC), height and weight for calculating the body weight index (BWI), blood pressure (PB), and measuring glucose and lipids. If WC is more than 80 cm, while BWI is more than 25 kg/m2, a mild hypocaloric diet is used, which is limiting the caloric content of the dietary intake by 500-600 kcal a day with the daily dietary intake being drawn up taking into account as follows: total fat consumption of less than 30% of the total caloric content; carbohydrates - up to 50%; the protein content in the food intake - 15-20%; dietary fibre - 20-30 mg; fresh fruit and vegetables - 400-500 g; nuts, cereals and beans - 30 g; table salt - less than 5 g; calcium 1,200 mg a day; vitamin D - 800 international units, polysaturated fatty acids 0.5-1.0 g, folic acid 400 mcg, vitamin C 60 mcg, vitamin E 30 units; physical load - not less than 40 min a day and at least 5 days a week; alternating aerobic and anaerobic exercises. Additionally, if BWI falls within the range of 25 to 29.9 kg/m2 with normal glucose, lipids and blood pressure, combined oral contraceptives (COC) containing natural oestrogen and dienogest, or COC containing drospiredone are used. If BWI is more than 30 kg/m2, with normal glucose, blood pressure and lipid, pure progestin oral contraceptives (PPOC) are taken. If observing BWI of 25 kg/m2 and more, fasting hyperglycaemia and/or impaired glucose tolerance, and normal blood pressure and lipids, the PPOC are prescribed. BWI of 25 to 29.9 kg/m2, as well as dyslipidemia and normal glucose and lipids, the combined oral contraceptives (COC) containing natural oestrogen and dienogest are prescribed. If observing BWI of 30 kg/m2 and more, dyslipidemia and normal glucose and lipids, the PPOC are prescribed. |
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Lighting installation with wakening function Invention refers to medical equipment. A lighting installation with wakening and/or sleep functions comprises: at least one controlled light source; a light source control unit. In the stable mode, the generated light colour and intensity are maintained constant within the stable colour value and the stable intensity value. In the wakening mode, the generated light intensity gradually increases from zero to the stable intensity value; in the sleep mode, the generated light intensity gradually decreases from the stable intensity value to zero. The control unit comprises the user's input interface for receiving the user's input signal assigning the stable intensity value. |
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Method for rehabilitation of human body and device for implementing method Invention refers to medicine and aims at correcting an individual's functional state if the above individual suffers from any sleep disorders, metabolic disorders, alcohol dependence, nicotine addiction and drug abuse. The individual is exposed to ultrasound with the above exposure being done simultaneously from the right and left and covers his/her ear at nine pair frequencies with the pair frequency drift of 3 Hz. The nine harmonic frequencies 174±0.5 Hz, 285±0.5 Hz, 396±0.5 Hz, 417±0.5 Hz, 528±0.5 Hz, 639±0.5 Hz, 741±0.5 Hz, 852±0.5 Hz and 963±0.5 Hz cover the individual's left ear from one side. The other nine 3 Hz-shifted harmonic frequencies 177±0.5 Hz, 288±0.5 Hz, 399±0.5 Hz, 420±0.5 Hz, 531±0.5 Hz, 642±0.5 Hz, 744±0.5 Hz, 855±0.5 Hz and 966±0.5 Hz cover the individual's right ear from the opposite side. What is provided is a device for implementing the method comprising fixed sound elements opposite each other. |
Method for correction of gynoid obesity Invention refers to medicine and can be used for the correction of gynoid obesity. That is ensured by typing an eating disorder to be psychologically corrected. A diet therapy is prescribed with a caloric value determined by reducing a patient's habitual daily average caloric requirement per a percent equal to the patient's body weight index. That is combined with a low-carbohydrate diet with the carbohydrate content reduced to 40-60 g/day for 2 weeks. That is followed by prescribing a low-fat diet with the fat content reduced to 40-60 g/day for 10 weeks with avoiding fast assimilated carbohydrates having a glycaemic index of more than 50. The diet therapy cycle is repeated. That is combined with graduated aerobic physical exercises with no weight and resistance for the muscle groups of the lower body. There are also performed muscle-strengthening load exercises for the muscle group of the upper body promoting muscle fatigue. Between and after the graduated physical exercises, there are performed prolonged aerobic physical loads at least 5 days a week for 40-60 minutes. That is combined with the drug-free procedures aiming at improving the regional blood flow, increasing gluteofemoral and lower extremities muscle tonus. The low-fat diet involves administering health aids from the group of intestinal membrane-bound alpha-glucosidase and pancreatic alpha-amylase inhibitors. The course of the obesity correction involves administering catechin-containing preparations or biologically active additives. From the second month from the beginning of the obesity correction, the patient's face is exposed to full-spectrum natural or artificial light at intensity of not less than 2,000 lux for 1-2 hours a day simultaneously or alternatively with the physical loads. |
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Apparatus comprises a visible light emitter and a control system. A light emitter comprises a continuous light source and an intermittent light source configured to overlay the light on the continuous light generated by the continuous light source. The control system comprises a frequency control unit configured to increase a frequency of the intermittent light source over one cycle of frequency variations from an initial frequency that is below an optical boundary of merging to a target frequency that is above the optical boundary of merging, as well as increase the frequency within the range of 45 Hz for at least 5 minutes over one cycle of the frequency variations. |
Method of treating tobacco smoking Invention relates to the field of medicine, namely to methods of rehabilitation of a human organism, based on a reflex method of healing with the application of inorganic compounds. Used is air, which is successively intensively inhaled and exhaled until light vertigo at each desire to smoke arises. The course of treatment constitutes 7 days. |
Method for psychoneurological rehabilitation Method involves an integrated exposure involving general radon baths, massage and psychotherapy. The integrated exposure is performed simultaneously every second day. The baths are taken with mineral water from thermal radon sources at radon water temperature of approximately 38°C, for 15-20 minutes. The psychotherapeutic sessions represent music therapy - either relaxing, or stimulating for the individual indications. The massage represents a hydromassage in the above radon water within the therapeutic course of 10-15 procedures. |
Method for prevention of drug consumption by adolescents Psychotherapeutics is conducted; that is combined with laboratory-diagnostic examination aiming at detect the adolescents using drugs. That is followed by a session of individual psychotherapy with the adolescents involving discussing the findings and detecting the characterological personality. The adolescent is involved into virtual simulation of life scenarios concerning the behavioural changes accompanying the drug consumption or following a sober way of life. The session of individual psychotherapy is followed by taking an adolescent's photo for creating a similar character. The photo is commented as a beginning of the virtual simulation of the life scenarios in a combination with indirect suggestion of the sober way of life. Emotional-stress suggestion of required complete abstinence is combined with presenting a video sequence showing negative consequences of the drug consumption on the basis of the adolescent's photo. The emotional-stress suggestion is followed by suggestion aiming at deactuating the presented negative images of the shown video sequence by virtual reduction of image definition, brightness and size, and at achieving the desired positive life goals. |
Invention refers to medicine, namely to cardiology, therapy, and can be used at out-patient and in-patient stages of medical treatment of the patients with arterial hypertension (AH). Progressive muscle relaxation and controlled mental visualisation with using a 'tree' image that is a mental image of the body in the form of a tree - are carried out. Progressive muscle relaxation is carried out by sequential contraction and relaxation of verbally exposed muscle groups. A pause is 5-7 s after each contraction and 5-15 s after relaxation. A cycle of contractions and relaxations of the muscle group is followed by visualisation with using the 'tree' image. The sessions are performed once a week at the same time for 8 weeks with using a tape record of the patient's action sequence text. |
Method for correction of abdominal obesity Method involves a patient's face exposure to full-spectrum natural or artificial light of light intensity not less than 2000 lux for 1-2 hours a day combined with or followed by an exercise load. Additionally, an eating disorder is typed and corrected using psychophysiological techniques. A caloric value of a diet is specified by reducing the patient's regular mean daily energy requirement per a percentage equal to the patient's body weight index with lipid restriction to 40-60 g/day for a period of 6 months with fasting days once every 1-2 weeks. The exercise load is performed in an anaerobic gradual regimen with no weight and resistance on muscle groups of the upper body and waist, with a power load on muscle groups of the lower body until muscular fatigue in the number of 2-3 sets with a rest. They are combined with or followed by a prolonged exercise load at least 4 times a week for 40-60 min in an aerobic regimen with 2-3 acceleration episodes of 3-5 minutes. They are combined with drug-free procedures aiming at improving the regional blood flow, improving the muscular tonus of the anterior abdominal wall and sides, the greater muscle groups of the upper body. If the patient has no insulin resistance syndrome or the sugar blood level less than or equal to 6.1 mmole/l, preparations and biologically active additives containing lipoic acid and vitamin B1 are administered. If the patient suffers from insulin resistance syndrome and/or a fasting glucose level of more than 6.1 mmole/l, the preparations of biguanidines containing metformin are prescribed. Diet mistakes require prescribing preparations of lipase inhibitors containing orlistat. |
Method for complex exposure on neural-reflex itching mechanisms in patients with atopic dermatitis Course of the complex exposure of audio-, video- and reflex therapy with an unconscious suggestion is carried out. That is preceded by administering epitalamine 10 mg dissolved in a physiological solution 5 ml by electrophoresis. Administration is binasal from a positive pole into a patient's nasal passages in a number of 10-15 procedures. The second electrode is placed on the occipital lobe or the cervicothoracic spine. The complex exposure involves watching video information, listening to audio musical information with an introduced suggestive relaxing fable repeated every 1 minute, and exposing through electrodes provided on the skin projections in biologically active points within the lesions to electrical current a spectral structure of which is formed by the same musical signal by an electric musical massager. That is combined with the electric stimulation of the reflex areas arranged in the lesions if feeling itching therein. The exposure length is 45-60 minutes, domiciliary in any time of the day, daily for 3-4 weeks. |
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Invention refers to medicine, namely to psychiatry and reflex therapy, and can be used in psycho and reflex therapy practice in treating epilepsy. A patient's head reflex zone is stimulated. The treatment is min. four-staged with a session consisting of two stages: at the first stage, the patient is presented with a film showing a monotonously rotating disk; the patient is suggested to close his/her eyes and exposed to psychotherapeutic techniques with background music according to the substantial content of the psychotherapeutic techniques by entracing. A rational psychotherapy is performed at least three times during the first stage in the form of verbal suggestion of epilepsy recovery. At the second stage, the first-stage results are confirmed stimulating the patient's head reflex zone by a vibroacoustic impact; the said zone is the one above the apex of the auricle. The vibroacoustic impact is generated by VITAFON apparatus. |
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Method for correction of psychophysiological status of sportsmen Current psychophysiological parameters are determined by measuring. The corrective action is provided by the exposure to an acoustic field modulated with a music composition having a pre-set effect. An acoustic field is generated with a circular pattern and a spherical distribution of acoustic energy in a sounded space. An amplitude frequency response of the acoustic field is irregular with maximums corresponding to a production of a basic tone by a counting numeral with the basic tone varying within an audio procedure. The psychophysiological status is corrected by placing the audience surrounding the acoustic field source concentrically with providing a skin-to-skin contact of the neighbours. |
Invention refers to rehabilitation of cardiac patients with ischemic heart disease following a cardiac surgery. From the 1-2 rehabilitation days, a mental training, autogenic training elements comprising a successive staged myorelaxation are involved. That is preceded by a complex of breathing exercises including an inspiratory tension in the extremity muscles and an expiratory relaxation, in a combination with the exercises including an expiratory tension in the muscles and an inspiratory relaxation. The complex is completed by doing 'full breathing' exercises. That is followed by a self-massage of the points found in the middle of a palm between the 3rd and 4th metacarpal bones, in a fossa within a knee cap in the lateral direction from a tuberosity of tibia, above the upper edge of a medial malleolus on the right. By the 10-12th rehabilitation day, the massage covers the points of the ninth rib cartilage, in front of free ends of the ninth rib, at an edge of the ninth rib cartilage on the right, in front of free ends of the eleventh rib on a lateral side of an abdomen. Then, the autogenic training is started; it involves the staged body relaxation with increasing the number of effective psychotherapeutic elements at each following stage: the first lesson includes relaxation of the upper extremity muscles to evoke a warmth sense therein; the second lesson consists in relaxation practiced on the first lesson followed by focusing on the lower extremities; the third lesson provides evoking the warmth sense within the incisional wound with underlying relaxation. The following lessons aim at doing the elements of the previous lessons; thereafter, the patient imagines the expiratory warmth growth within the incisional wound. The patient does 2-6 'full breathing' exercises at the end of each lesson. |
Method for neurohormonal correction and rejuvenation using musical-acoustical exposure With regard to a blood hormone value, a patient is exposed to a musical program selected taking into consideration the patient's musical preferences. Three algorithms are used for the exposure: with dominating acoustic pressure ≤45 dB and the rate <60 beats per minute (S algorithm); with dominating acoustic pressure more than 65 dB and less than 90 dB and the rate >80 beats per minute (T algorithm); with dominating acoustic pressure more than 45 dB and less than 60 dB, the rate of 60-80 beats per minute, or alternating S and T algorithms. |
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Blood or its fractions are exposed to broadband oscillating acoustic signals at a temperature of 4°C to 38°C within the frequency range of 16-20000 Hz with a dominating level of noise pressure more than 45 dB, and less than 60 dB at 60-80 beats per minute, or to sequentially alternating acoustic signals with the dominating level of noise pressure ≤45 dB at <60 beats per minute and acoustic signals with the dominating level of noise pressure more than 65 dB, and less than 90 dB at >80 beats per minute. |
Method for correction of mental states and addictions Psychotherapy follows history taking and psychoduagnostic study in the 'psychologist-patient' environment for 7 sessions. The first analytical session involves determining a degree and pattern of the motivation; the patient is briefly made aware with the sessions of the suggested psychotherapy. On the second session, the patient is offered to reproduce senses of apprehension and to get rid of them by an examinational working out of all life periods consequently; herewith, the patient is presented with cards to write down answers to the questions asked by the psychologist; the sun is to be drawn above the answers written downs. Thereafter, the patient tears the cards and burns them, and the psychologist draws the sun on one empty card to be given to the patient as a gift. The third session involve inspiring the patient to reproduce senses of soreness and to get rid of them by an examinational working out of all life periods consequently; the patient is suggested to reproduce each soreness and to inflate a balloon consequently to be imagined as a container for each specific soreness. Then, the patient is suggested to write down a speech for the offenders on each balloon requesting for forgiveness; then the balloons are laid on the floor, and the patient says a cheerful goodbye to the soreness and sits down on the balloons to pop them one by one. The fourth session aims at testing the patient for the ability of the patient to point up on his/her inner underloved child, challenges, goals, problems, a degree of achievement, necessity and specificity of further efforts; the procedure involves mirror working out. Then the patient is trained by the specialist to relax: with patches over his/her eyes, the patients moves to music in the dark space and execute relaxing movements; thereafter he/she does this exercise at home. On the fifth session, a patient's self- depreciation is stated; the patient takes paints and a sheet of paper and makes a portrait of the inner underloved child in the space he/she feels on firm ground. An aromatic psychocorrection and relaxing massage are combined on the sixth session. That is followed by a photo psychocorrection on the eighth session. The effectiveness of the correction of the mental states is controlled either by phone, or personally. |
Method for complex psychotherapeutic preparation of pregnant women for delivery What is involved is psychodiagnostics that provides a basis for a short-term positive and rational psychotherapy. Then, three types of breathing are trained: diaphragm breathing technique; pre-labour breathing technique that provides a deep chestful breath-in alternated with a deep breath-out every time labour arrives, in a relation of breath-in : breath-out - pause 4:6, repeated for at least 5 times. The breathing technique for the period of intensive labours is trained to provide a deep mouth breath-out, a chestful breath-in, in the relation of breath-in : breath-out 4:4; and a shallow breathing is trained. After the breathing types are trained, a pregnant woman is subject to a positive non-conscious exposure for 30 minutes according to SOMVI technique for the purpose of the desensitisation of negative expectations of the forthcoming delivery and the correction of the psychosomatovegetative state; the preparation course is 8-10 sessions. |
Method for complex rehabilitation of patients in early rehabilitation period of cerebral apoplexy With underlying pharmaceutical treatment, a complex program of rehabilitation actions involves combined therapeutic exercises (CTE) involving respiratory exercises and relaxing exercises and auto-training elements; the program is completed with the stage of visualisation that involves visual psyching-up of the visual process. That is followed by a dynamic propriocorrection using a reflectory loader. Further, a functional programmed electric stimulation of the neuromuscular apparatus is used. Depending on the manifestation of motor disturbances, a four- or sin-canal electric stimulation accompanying motor actions is performed according to the muscular excitation and contraction. The rehabilitation complex is completed in front of a mirror and involves doing the exercises of all joints of the upper limb and all planes with a healthy hand with inspecting a mirror image and visualising the motions to be performed with an involved hand. All combined exercises are followed by doing elementary relaxing motions. The quantity of the exercises is gradually increased to 400 per four sets. |
Invention refers to medicine, namely to obstetrics, and may be used in obstetric practice during an act of delivery for elimination of apprehension, pain management and control of parturient's behaviour. The obstetric aid accompanies the period of the act of delivery. A parturient is visually and verbally contacted by establishing the stable positive psychological interrelation during the contractions. Suggestion techniques are used for the psychotherapeutic effect on the parturient with creating cognitive attitudes to concentrate the parturient's attention on a baby and to form an active delivery position, to form a sense of confidence in the favourable delivery outcome. Then, the parturient is brought into the altered state of consciousness by intrusion of the intensive cohesive breathing; for this purpose each following contraction in the parturient is accompanied by operator's suggestions to breath together by a calm, mild yet directive voice, and the operators starts breathing together with the parturient by a maximum deep breathing and a calm breathing out without breath holding. Between the contractions, the operators intensifies the suggestive directive effect on the formation of the parturient's internal active position by creating the cognitive attitudes at the nonconscious level. A consequence of the psychotherapeutic effect is repeated until the parturient starts breathing adequately and behaving stably that are controlled by the operator and maintained by the respective actions until the act of delivery completed. |
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Method for correction of cognitive impairment accompanying cerebrovascular pathology Invention refers to medicine, namely neurology and may be used in the cognitive function recovery, including optical perception in the patients with a cerebrovascular pathology. A patient is presented with an image on a monitor, and additionally a number of images of sharp traced objects; one of the images shows an 'noisy' object. The patient identifies the 'noisy' object by recognising and selecting the object among the presented versions. The patient is given with a maximum period of time specified by a doctor that when expired is accompanied with evaluating the task and presenting the results on the monitor. The score presented to the patient is directly proportional to a 'noise' density of the image followed by the correct answer of the patient and calculated by formula: D = ( 1 − Т r e s p − Т c h a n g e Т t e s t ) ∗ 1 0 0 % , wherein D is a noise density wherein the patient has given the correct answer, %; T resp. is the time taken by the patient to give the correct answer, seconds; T change is a period of time for the image presentation until the noise density is changed by 1 pitch, seconds; T test is a maximum time of test also specified by the doctor. The evaluation is accompanied by the visual and/or audial aids; the correction lessons take for at least 10 days, once a day, with one lesson for no more than 40 min. |
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Method of medical-psychological normalisation and support of weight Invention relates to field of medicine, namely to preventive, rehabilitative, general therapeutic (family) practice, endocrinology, neurology and psychotherapy, and can be used for medical-psychological normalisation and support of weight, as well as for prevention of consequences to which patient's organism can be brought by: incorrect nutrition, extra weight and obesity as disease. Patient's anthropometric parameters are measured: height, weight, chest circumference, waist circumference, index of cardiovascular system activity - pulse. Obtained data are used to calculate patient's individual digital series (IDS). Methodology of IDS calculation is explained to patient and session of psychotherapy is started. During session patient in convenient pose, relaxed state sits down in front of computer screen and whispers IDS, with IDS being periodically displayed on screen, to stop session patient makes quiet deep inhalation and exhalation. |
Method of medical and psychological prevention of stress Invention relates to field of medicine, namely to preventive, rehabilitating, general medical (family) practice, therapy, neurology and psychotherapy, and can be used for prevention of stress and pre-stress states, as well as consequences, which uncompensated stress response of patient's organism can result in irrespective of characterological peculiarities of stressor or stressors. Patient's anthropological parameters are measured: height, weight, chest circumference; index of cardio-vascular system activity - pulse. Obtained data are used to calculate patient's individual digital series (IDS). Patient is explained how IDS is calculated and session of psychotherapy, during which patient sits down in front of computer in convenient pose, relaxed state and whispers IDS, with IDS being periodically displayed on screen, to finish session patient makes quiet deep inhalation and exhalation. |
Method of medical-psychological adaptation of railway employees Invention relates to medicine, namely to preventive, rehabilitation, railway medicine, general medical (family) practice, neurology and psychotherapy, and can be used for prevention of stress and pre-stress states, as well as consequences of uncompensated stress response of railway transport employee's organism irrespective of character peculiarities of stressor or stressors. Employee's anthropometric parameters are measured: height, weight, chest circumference, index of cardiovascular system activity - pulse. Individual digital series (IDS) of RW transport employee is calculated on the basis of obtained data. Employee gets acquainted with method of IDS calculation and session of psychotherapy, during which employee in convenient position, relaxed state sits in front of computer screen and whispers IDS, is started, with IDS periodically displayed on screen, to finish the session employee makes quiet deep inhalation and exhalation. |
Method for psychological, physical rehabilitation and social adaptation in desomorphine addiction Invention refers to medicine, particularly addictology, psychotherapy, correction and medical psychology. The rehabilitation is four-staged. At the first stage, a drug-addicted person is informed on the necessity of psychological, physical rehabilitation and social adaptation; and a rehabilitation group is formed of 6-10 individuals signed the informed consent. At the second stage, the formed group undergoes an excursion lesson in animal shelters and centres; at a later stage, the individual undergoes further lessons in the animal shelter or centre according to the positive attitude to a specific animals - dogs, cats, or horses. The third stage involves animal care work, including feeding, sanitary and hygiene procedures, cleaning of grounds and animal's place, furniture repair, regular walks with graduated physical exercises of increasing length, monitoring, training, progress and animal's behaviour report to the shelter or centre's staff, group and psychotherapist. At the first stage, the individual keeps caring of the animal and provides managing it domiciliary and commit himself to return the animal to the shelter or centre in case of a recurrence and repeated use of the narcotic substance. |
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