Method for activation of white-cell-rich suspension growth and complex correction of blood composition in acoustic field in vitro |
IPC classes for russian patent Method for activation of white-cell-rich suspension growth and complex correction of blood composition in acoustic field in vitro (RU 2518534):
Radiation is supplied onto a tissue into one or more points at wavelengths λ from the range of 350-1600 nm; a diffuse reflection P(L, λ) is measured at wavelengths of the supplied radiations for each lighting point; an absolute R(L, λ) or normalised r(L, λ) spectral-spatial profile of a tissue diffuse reflection coefficient, while the optical and biophysical parameters (X) are determined on the basis of analytic expressions representing multiple regressions between X and R(L, λ) or between X and r(L, λ) produced by measuring or calculating by Monte-Carlo method R(L, λ), r(L, λ) for a number of biotissue samples or control phantoms with the known optical and biophysical parameters; an implementing ensemble of the optical and biophysical parameters of the biotissue and respective spectral-spatial profiles R(L, λ), r(L, λ) for the ranges of the tissue optical and biophysical parameters.
Differential diagnostic technique for sezary's syndrome and erythroderma accompanying benign inflammatory dermatoses as shown by morphometric profile of antigen-presenting cells / 2498301
Histological examination of injured skin biopsy materials is performed by optical microscopy, immunophenotyping of infiltrate cells. The similar histologic pattern described as corneal layer detachment, nonuniform acanthosis, severe hyperkeratosis, sudden vascular distention, dermal oedema, diffuse infiltrates with lymphocyte penetration into the epidermis, the same immunophenotype of the infiltrate cells presented by CD3+, CD4+, CD43+, CD45RO+, CD2- CD5- lymphocytes; the above is added with the morphometric studies of antigen-representing cells in histologic specimens of the injured skin biopsy materials; that is followed by the antigen-representing cell count per 1 mm of the epidermis length, measurement of the area and nucleocytoplasmic relation. If observing an increase of the antigen-representing cell count per 1 mm of the epidermis length in 2.8 times and more as compared to the normal value in addition to an increase of the antigen-representing cell area in 1.36 times and more as compared to the normal value and an increase of the nucleocytoplasmic relation of the antigen-representing cells in 1.65 times and more as compared to the normal value, erythroderma is diagnosed. If observing a decrease of the antigen-representing cell count in 1.3 times and more as compared to the normal value in addition to a decrease of the antigen-representing cell area in 1.9 times and more as compared to the normal value and a decrease of the nucleocytoplasmic relation of the antigen-representing cells in 2 times and more as compared to the normal value, Sezary's syndrome is diagnosed.
Erythrocyte suspension of healthy individuals and sterile patients are pre-tested; average suspension cell velocities, minimum, average and maximum diameters thereof are measures while exposed to an alternating-electric field. These data are used to determine the electrical and viscoelastic erythrocyte parameters. The similar measurements of the erythrocyte samples are performed in a potentially sterile patient. The derived data are compared to the relevant corresponding values in a group of healthy individuals. If observing more than 60% of the parameters different from those in the group of healthy individuals, and incoming to the boundary values for the group of sterile patients, the patients suffering sterility undetectable by existing methods and caused by impaired microcirculation leading to ischemia are found.
Method includes fixation, washing and dehydration, impregnation in camphene and drying at room temperature. Prior to fixation of the sample the microorganisms were cultivated on the surface of the sterilised cell of the cell package with perforations along the entire diameter of the cell submerged into the nutrient medium. The sample with microorganisms was fixed for 24 hours in the mixture of solutions of paraformaldehyde and glutaraldehyde on a phosphate buffer, pH 7.4, at the temperature of 4°C, and then washed in the phosphate buffer for 20 minutes and in distilled water for 6 minutes. Then the sample was dehydrated in stages in 70% ethyl alcohol for 15 minutes and for 10 minutes in 80%, 96% and 100% ethyl alcohol, impregnated in camphene at t=60°C for 20 minutes. Further samples are dried on air to full sublimation of camphene at room temperature.
Method for prediction of severity of bronchopulmonary pathology with underlying gastroesophageal reflux in children assisted by artificial pulmonary ventilation / 2480753
Invention describes a method for prediction of the severity of a bronchopulmonary pathology with underlying gastroesophageal reflux in newborn infants assisted by artificial pulmonary ventilation. A prognostic index is activity of pepsin recovered from a tracheobronchial aspirate with pepsin recovered by Sephadex gel-filtration, and activity of pepsin is determined by M.P.Chernikov modified Anson and Mirsky's technique by an extinction value: the extinction value of 0.3 to less than 0.8 enables predicting a mild clinical course of the bronchopulmonary pathology; with the extinction value of 0.8 to less than 1.2, a moderate clinical course of the bronchopulmonary pathology is predicted, and the extinction within the range of 1.2 to 1.7 provides predicting a severe clinical course of the bronchopulmonary pathology accompanied by the most manifested fibrosis and the persistent pneumonic process.
Diagnostic technique for respiratory infectious-inflammatory processes in children / 2479258
Invention relates to medicine, namely to laboratory diagnostics, pulmonology and paediatrics. For the purpose of diagnosing of the respiratory infectious-inflammatory processed in children, expired air condensate (EAC) is examined. The EAC is sampled from the patient in the amount of 0.3 ml of the liquid, placed on an IRF-454 refractometer slide at temperature 22C; a light refraction ratio is measured. If the light refraction ratio is less than 1.3326, the presence of the respiratory infection-inflammation processes in children is stated.
What is presented is a method for estimating clinical course of the wound process and clinical effectiveness of skin wounds of various geneses. A wound surface is scraped to recover DNA by means of a DNA-EXPRESS reagent with an electrophoretic detection stain; the prepared supernatant containing DNA is introduced in a well 4 mm long with 2% agarous gel with ethydium bromide and exposed to horizontal electrophoresis for 15 minutes. The derived electrophoretograms are used to measure the length of the formed tracks. If the track length exceeds the well length in 4.7-5.6 times and more, the phase I wound process is diagnosed. If the track length exceeds the well length in 3.8-4.6 times and more, the phase II wound process is diagnosed. If the track length exceeds the well length in 2.6-3.7 times and more, the phase III wound process is diagnosed. The track length tending to shorten with the developing wound process is estimated as the positive clinical course of wound healing, and the therapy is considered to be effective; track lengthening and no length variation are estimated as the negative clinical course of wound healing with the therapy to be ineffective, and the therapeutic approach to be changed.
Analysed sample is crushed, twice infused with acetone; the acetone extract is filtered; the solvent is evaporated from the filtrate; the residue is dissolved, purified on a column with a sorbent using as the mobile phase a mixture of solvents; eluate fractions containing the analysed substance are combined and determination is carried out using a physical-chemical technique, where the residue obtained after evaporating the solvent from the filtrate is treated with acetone several times; acetone extracts are separated and combined; the solvent from the combined extracts is evaporated; the residue is purified in a column with a Silasorb S-18 sorbent, using a mobile phase of acetonitrile-water (7:3); after combining the eluate fractions containing the analysed substance, the obtained solution is diluted with water, extracted with diethyl ether; the ether extract is separated, evaporated to a dry residue; the residue is dissolved in hexane and determination is carried out via a chromatographic-mass-spectrometric technique using a capillary column of DB-1MS with length of 30 m and inner diameter of 0.25 mm with a stationary phase with thickness of 0.25 mcm, which is dimethylpolysiloxane, using helium as the carrier gas which is fed at a rate of 39 cm3/s, and a mass-spectrometric detector operating in electron impact mode, with recording of a mass spectrum on total ion current; the amount of n-butyl ether of 2-[4-(5-trifluoromethyl pyridyl-2-oxy)phenoxy]propionic acid is calculated from the chromatogram data obtained by detecting intensity of the signal due to charged particles formed when bombarding the analysed substance, coming out of the capillary column and fed into the ion source, using an ionising beam of electrons with energy of 70 eV.
Histological examination of injured skin biopsy materials is performed by optical microscopy, immunophenotyping of infiltrate cells. If lymphomas and pseudolymphomas show a similar pattern described as manifested acanthosis, hyperkeratosis, along with dermal vascular distention, perivascular lymphohistiocytic infiltrates with lymphocytes penetrating into epidermis, as well as the same immunophenotype of the CD3+, CD4+, CD43+, CD45RO+ infiltrate cells; it is added with morphometry of basal keratinocytes in the histological preparations of the injured skin biopsy materials. It is followed by measuring their area and nucleocytoplasmic relation, and if observing an increase of the basal keratinocyte area in 1.5 times and more, and of the nucleocytoplasmic relation of basal keratinocytes in 2 times and more as compared to normal skin, skin lymphomas are diagnosed, while the unchanged morphometry of basal keratinocytes - skin pseudolymphomas.
Method for prediction of developing local forms of acute tick-borne encephalitis / 2474819
Invention represents a method for prediction of developing local forms of acute tick-borne encephalitis. The prediction is based on blood examination: patient's blood thrombocytes are examined for a serotonin level, and if the derived value is more than 150 ng/ml, an unfavourable clinical course of tick-borne encephalitis with developing nonparalytic forms is predicted; the values less than 150 ng/ml enables predicting a favourable clinical course with forming paralytic local forms.
Method for correction of mental states and addictions / 2515873
Psychotherapy follows history taking and psychoduagnostic study in the 'psychologist-patient' environment for 7 sessions. The first analytical session involves determining a degree and pattern of the motivation; the patient is briefly made aware with the sessions of the suggested psychotherapy. On the second session, the patient is offered to reproduce senses of apprehension and to get rid of them by an examinational working out of all life periods consequently; herewith, the patient is presented with cards to write down answers to the questions asked by the psychologist; the sun is to be drawn above the answers written downs. Thereafter, the patient tears the cards and burns them, and the psychologist draws the sun on one empty card to be given to the patient as a gift. The third session involve inspiring the patient to reproduce senses of soreness and to get rid of them by an examinational working out of all life periods consequently; the patient is suggested to reproduce each soreness and to inflate a balloon consequently to be imagined as a container for each specific soreness. Then, the patient is suggested to write down a speech for the offenders on each balloon requesting for forgiveness; then the balloons are laid on the floor, and the patient says a cheerful goodbye to the soreness and sits down on the balloons to pop them one by one. The fourth session aims at testing the patient for the ability of the patient to point up on his/her inner underloved child, challenges, goals, problems, a degree of achievement, necessity and specificity of further efforts; the procedure involves mirror working out. Then the patient is trained by the specialist to relax: with patches over his/her eyes, the patients moves to music in the dark space and execute relaxing movements; thereafter he/she does this exercise at home. On the fifth session, a patient's self- depreciation is stated; the patient takes paints and a sheet of paper and makes a portrait of the inner underloved child in the space he/she feels on firm ground. An aromatic psychocorrection and relaxing massage are combined on the sixth session. That is followed by a photo psychocorrection on the eighth session. The effectiveness of the correction of the mental states is controlled either by phone, or personally.
Method for complex psychotherapeutic preparation of pregnant women for delivery / 2515763
What is involved is psychodiagnostics that provides a basis for a short-term positive and rational psychotherapy. Then, three types of breathing are trained: diaphragm breathing technique; pre-labour breathing technique that provides a deep chestful breath-in alternated with a deep breath-out every time labour arrives, in a relation of breath-in : breath-out - pause 4:6, repeated for at least 5 times. The breathing technique for the period of intensive labours is trained to provide a deep mouth breath-out, a chestful breath-in, in the relation of breath-in : breath-out 4:4; and a shallow breathing is trained. After the breathing types are trained, a pregnant woman is subject to a positive non-conscious exposure for 30 minutes according to SOMVI technique for the purpose of the desensitisation of negative expectations of the forthcoming delivery and the correction of the psychosomatovegetative state; the preparation course is 8-10 sessions.
Method for complex rehabilitation of patients in early rehabilitation period of cerebral apoplexy / 2513418
With underlying pharmaceutical treatment, a complex program of rehabilitation actions involves combined therapeutic exercises (CTE) involving respiratory exercises and relaxing exercises and auto-training elements; the program is completed with the stage of visualisation that involves visual psyching-up of the visual process. That is followed by a dynamic propriocorrection using a reflectory loader. Further, a functional programmed electric stimulation of the neuromuscular apparatus is used. Depending on the manifestation of motor disturbances, a four- or sin-canal electric stimulation accompanying motor actions is performed according to the muscular excitation and contraction. The rehabilitation complex is completed in front of a mirror and involves doing the exercises of all joints of the upper limb and all planes with a healthy hand with inspecting a mirror image and visualising the motions to be performed with an involved hand. All combined exercises are followed by doing elementary relaxing motions. The quantity of the exercises is gradually increased to 400 per four sets.
Method for obstetric aid / 2506964
Invention refers to medicine, namely to obstetrics, and may be used in obstetric practice during an act of delivery for elimination of apprehension, pain management and control of parturient's behaviour. The obstetric aid accompanies the period of the act of delivery. A parturient is visually and verbally contacted by establishing the stable positive psychological interrelation during the contractions. Suggestion techniques are used for the psychotherapeutic effect on the parturient with creating cognitive attitudes to concentrate the parturient's attention on a baby and to form an active delivery position, to form a sense of confidence in the favourable delivery outcome. Then, the parturient is brought into the altered state of consciousness by intrusion of the intensive cohesive breathing; for this purpose each following contraction in the parturient is accompanied by operator's suggestions to breath together by a calm, mild yet directive voice, and the operators starts breathing together with the parturient by a maximum deep breathing and a calm breathing out without breath holding. Between the contractions, the operators intensifies the suggestive directive effect on the formation of the parturient's internal active position by creating the cognitive attitudes at the nonconscious level. A consequence of the psychotherapeutic effect is repeated until the parturient starts breathing adequately and behaving stably that are controlled by the operator and maintained by the respective actions until the act of delivery completed.
Invention refers to medicine, namely neurology and may be used in the cognitive function recovery, including optical perception in the patients with a cerebrovascular pathology. A patient is presented with an image on a monitor, and additionally a number of images of sharp traced objects; one of the images shows an 'noisy' object. The patient identifies the 'noisy' object by recognising and selecting the object among the presented versions. The patient is given with a maximum period of time specified by a doctor that when expired is accompanied with evaluating the task and presenting the results on the monitor. The score presented to the patient is directly proportional to a 'noise' density of the image followed by the correct answer of the patient and calculated by formula:
Invention relates to field of medicine, namely to preventive, rehabilitative, general therapeutic (family) practice, endocrinology, neurology and psychotherapy, and can be used for medical-psychological normalisation and support of weight, as well as for prevention of consequences to which patient's organism can be brought by: incorrect nutrition, extra weight and obesity as disease. Patient's anthropometric parameters are measured: height, weight, chest circumference, waist circumference, index of cardiovascular system activity - pulse. Obtained data are used to calculate patient's individual digital series (IDS). Methodology of IDS calculation is explained to patient and session of psychotherapy is started. During session patient in convenient pose, relaxed state sits down in front of computer screen and whispers IDS, with IDS being periodically displayed on screen, to stop session patient makes quiet deep inhalation and exhalation.
Method of medical and psychological prevention of stress / 2503412
Invention relates to field of medicine, namely to preventive, rehabilitating, general medical (family) practice, therapy, neurology and psychotherapy, and can be used for prevention of stress and pre-stress states, as well as consequences, which uncompensated stress response of patient's organism can result in irrespective of characterological peculiarities of stressor or stressors. Patient's anthropological parameters are measured: height, weight, chest circumference; index of cardio-vascular system activity - pulse. Obtained data are used to calculate patient's individual digital series (IDS). Patient is explained how IDS is calculated and session of psychotherapy, during which patient sits down in front of computer in convenient pose, relaxed state and whispers IDS, with IDS being periodically displayed on screen, to finish session patient makes quiet deep inhalation and exhalation.
Method of medical-psychological adaptation of railway employees / 2503402
Invention relates to medicine, namely to preventive, rehabilitation, railway medicine, general medical (family) practice, neurology and psychotherapy, and can be used for prevention of stress and pre-stress states, as well as consequences of uncompensated stress response of railway transport employee's organism irrespective of character peculiarities of stressor or stressors. Employee's anthropometric parameters are measured: height, weight, chest circumference, index of cardiovascular system activity - pulse. Individual digital series (IDS) of RW transport employee is calculated on the basis of obtained data. Employee gets acquainted with method of IDS calculation and session of psychotherapy, during which employee in convenient position, relaxed state sits in front of computer screen and whispers IDS, is started, with IDS periodically displayed on screen, to finish the session employee makes quiet deep inhalation and exhalation.
Method for psychological, physical rehabilitation and social adaptation in desomorphine addiction / 2501579
Invention refers to medicine, particularly addictology, psychotherapy, correction and medical psychology. The rehabilitation is four-staged. At the first stage, a drug-addicted person is informed on the necessity of psychological, physical rehabilitation and social adaptation; and a rehabilitation group is formed of 6-10 individuals signed the informed consent. At the second stage, the formed group undergoes an excursion lesson in animal shelters and centres; at a later stage, the individual undergoes further lessons in the animal shelter or centre according to the positive attitude to a specific animals - dogs, cats, or horses. The third stage involves animal care work, including feeding, sanitary and hygiene procedures, cleaning of grounds and animal's place, furniture repair, regular walks with graduated physical exercises of increasing length, monitoring, training, progress and animal's behaviour report to the shelter or centre's staff, group and psychotherapist. At the first stage, the individual keeps caring of the animal and provides managing it domiciliary and commit himself to return the animal to the shelter or centre in case of a recurrence and repeated use of the narcotic substance.
Invention refers to health protection, to methods for tobacco smoking and addiction cessation. A tobacco product is smoked until observing a smoking satiety sensation and a period of temporary tobacco independence. Two- to three-week stages follow with using cigarettes having a certain quantity of the equally spaced holes of the diameter of 0.7-1.0 mm formed around the filter border. At the initial stage, 2-3 holes are formed, and at the each following stage, the quantity of the holes increases by 2-3, but no more than 12. The number of the above stages is specified as soon as a sensation of smoking addition disappears. The each following stage distanced from the initial stage may be considered either as an intermediate stage, or as a final one which can end on any day tobacco smoking cessation.
Method for treating food addiction accompanied with obesity / 2244569
The present innovation deals with carrying out dietotherapy and psychotherapeutic impact in the course of group seances. Moreover, the main psychotherapeutic impact should be performed during two seances per 8 h each, each due to marathon technique under asthenization conditions, biorythmical misfunctioning and behavioral stereotypes. Motivation should be elaborated for patient's healthy nutrition along with self-confidence and belief into success. Program for losing body weight should be developed to visualize and concretize therapy. Diary for nutritive behavior should be written, psychological protection should be performed in case of affected dietary situation. After the main seances one should carry out psychotherapeutic impact during one seance of 3 h duration in 1 or 3 mo. During seances the results obtained should be fixed by discussing and excluding situations provoking obesity relapse. The method enables to prolong duration and stability of remission.
FIELD: medicine. SUBSTANCE: blood or its fractions are exposed to broadband oscillating acoustic signals at a temperature of 4°C to 38°C within the frequency range of 16-20000 Hz with a dominating level of noise pressure more than 45 dB, and less than 60 dB at 60-80 beats per minute, or to sequentially alternating acoustic signals with the dominating level of noise pressure ≤45 dB at <60 beats per minute and acoustic signals with the dominating level of noise pressure more than 65 dB, and less than 90 dB at >80 beats per minute. EFFECT: method enables activating the white-cell-rich suspension growth and providing the complex correction of the blood composition. 5 cl, 4 tbl, 2 dwg
The invention relates to medicine and biology, relates to a method of enhancing growth leukocyte mass and comprehensive correction of the blood in the acoustic field of in vitro and can be used in research centers, laboratories, blood transfusion stations, biotechnological plants and in various medical institutions. The closest is a way of correcting the coagulation system of the blood (EN 2336098, IPC A61M 21/00, published on 20.10.2008). There is a method of musical acoustic correction of the blood coagulation system is directional change in a patient condition of the blood coagulation system by means of musical and acoustic influence on him as a musical influence use specially prepared musical-acoustic program, and before the session musical and acoustical diagnose the performance of the blood coagulation system and psycho-physiological condition of the patient, and the results form the program of musical influences, encoded by different combinations of the elements of musical language and acoustic signals in the frequency range of 20 Hz - 20000 Hz, while in the implementation of music-acoustic correction of the blood coagulation system use two methodological under the ode direct impact of acoustic signals in the patient's blood in vitro with the aim to improve the performance of the blood coagulation system in individuals with low or normal levels to reduce the intensity or stop bleeding in the case of traumatic or post-surgical wounds and immediate impact on patient receptive method for the treatment and prevention of decrease of the blood coagulation system in individuals who are prone to blood clots, or to enhance the performance of the blood coagulation system in individuals with reduced performance. The disadvantage of this method is that when the direct influence of acoustic signals in the patient's blood in vitro aim is to improve the performance of the blood coagulation system in individuals with low or normal levels to reduce the intensity or stop bleeding in case of traumatic or post-surgical wounds, while intended clinical purpose is narrowly limited, are not taken into account quantitative and qualitative changes in the cellular composition of blood in vitro, produced in response to musical-acoustic effects, and consequently, biomedical potential changes that may occur underestimated and unjustifiably narrows the possibilities for therapeutic and prophylactic application of the method. Achievable technical result is the activation of growth leukocyte mass and comprehensive correction of the blood in the acoustic field in vitro. The method is as follows. In the past previously the examination of patients taking venous blood, by venepuncture from the cubital vein in special jars, vials or plastic bags filled with a stabilizing solution, with a capacity of 5 ml and above, but not more than 500 ml, If necessary, from whole blood, using existing hardware methods, receive, separate fractions of blood cells, such as cells or hematopoietic stem cells, which before the procedure also placed in sterile containers with a stabilizing solution. Acoustic impact on the capacity (capacity) with blood or blood fractions is carried out at a temperature of 4aboutC38aboutC for a time from 10 to 300 minutes through 2 or more translator (headphones or speakers)that may be located closely (figure 1) to the tanks or at a distance of 1 m, but not less than two parties, whereby the effect can be: a) open (1) or (b) by closed method, under the solid sphere (figure 2) or within a vessel such as a thermostat (for greater concentration of acoustic waves). To activate the life and growth of biomass blood cells in Vitro are used broadband oscillating acoustic signals in the frequency range 16-20000 Hz, which is characterized by the dominant sound pressure level of more than 45 dB, but less than 60 dB, with a rate of 60-80 beats/min, or sequential rotations AK the statistical signals with dominant sound pressure level ≤45 dB, rate <60 BPM with acoustic signals, characterized by the dominant sound pressure level of 65 dB, but less than 90 dB and the rate of >80 beats/min For activation of growth leukocyte mass and comprehensive correction of the blood in the acoustic field of in vitro can be used the blood of healthy individuals with the subsequent application of biomaterials in clinical practice and experiments. The readings can also be used in the blood of patients for subsequent reinfused, autohemotherapy or for experimental research. The most frequent indications for the use of the proposed methodology are: 1) clinical or experimental the need to increase leukocyte mass of blood; 2) clinical or experimental necessity of increasing the mass of individual populations of leukocytes: granulocytes, neutrophils, lymphocytes, etc. 3) clinical or experimental the need to increase the number of hematopoietic stem cells. For objective evaluation of the efficiency of the method activation of growth leukocyte mass and comprehensive correction of the blood in the acoustic field of in vitro was carried out experimental research program. Materials and methods research. For research were selected 30 practically healthy persons p who lichnogo age and gender. All examined individuals on an empty stomach from the cubital vein was performed blood sampling in 20 ml 3-5 ml of blood was used for morphological and biochemical analysis of the initial samples. The remaining blood was divided into 3 parts, 5 ml, each of which was placed in the appropriate sterile containers with °°stabilizing solution. In the experimental series blood (30 tubes) have been voiced over 90 min at a temperature of 23°C in an open way broadband oscillating acoustic signals in the frequency range 16-20000 Hz, which is characterized by the dominant sound pressure level of more than 45 dB, but less than 60 dB, with a rate of 60-80 beats/min, which are sequentially alternated with acoustic signals with dominant sound pressure level less than 45 dB, a rate of less than 60 BPM, as well as acoustic signals, characterized by the dominant sound pressure level of 65 dB, but less than 90 dB and rate of more than 80 beats/min Music acoustic treatment programme was recorded on CD and broadcast using a hardware-software complex through Studio headphones, which are adjoined to the vessels with blood. In the control series No. 1 the blood of those same respondents (30 tubes) have been voiced for 90 min at 23°C in an open way, used rostie ascending modulated tones to 22 kHz. In the control series No. 2 the blood of individuals (30 tubes) were in the same conditions for 90 min but without sound. Upon completion of the experiment, all samples were subjected to repeated morphological and biochemical study. Methods. For acoustic measurements experimental musical-acoustic software was used generic instrument Akathisia-110A (Russia). For studies of the morphological composition of the blood used Hematology analyzer Sysmex XE-2100, Sysmex Corporation (Japan). For studies of biochemical parameters of blood used biochemical analyzer Stat Fax 3300 (USA). The research results were processed by methods of variation statistics. When comparing the distributions of the various parameters used U-test Mann-Whitney. The results of the study The effects of musical and acoustic effects on the elements of leukocyte blood system are presented in table 1. In accordance with the data of table No. 2, after the MAV in the experimental series of morphological blood tests revealed significant changes in the following indicators of white blood: WBC - total number of leukocytes increased 4.7 times, amounting to 20.6±of 10.73 109/L (the empirically obtained value UEMF(9) is the area of significance of p≤0,01). NE is the number of neutrophils increased from 3.0±1,17 109/L 4.7 times (the empirically obtained value UEMF(10.5) is in the area of significance of p≤0,01). SEG is the number of segmented leukocytes with level 2,94±1,16 109/L increased 4.5 times (the empirically obtained value UEMF(11.5) is in the area of significance of p≤0,01).
BA - the percentage of basophils in relation to the original level of 0.4±0,29% increased 18.5 time (the empirically obtained value U EMF(1) is in the area of significance of p≤0,01). LY is the number of lymphocytes increased 3.9 times, reaching 2,84 109/L (the empirically obtained value UEMF(12.5) is in the area of significance of p≤0,01). Significantly increased performance the percentage of immature cells: ImGr - 18, 3 times with the initial level of 0.42±0.31 in (the empirically obtained value UEMF(1) is in the area of significance of p≤0,01); BAND - in Android 4.04 times with the initial level of 0.92±0,30 (the empirically obtained value UEMF(7) is in the area of significance of p≤0,01). Changes in monocytes and eosinophils were false. In the control series No. 1 and No. 2, identified minor variation of the white blood cells (p≥0,05). Response indicators of erythrocyte blood system after the mAh presented in table 2.
As follows from the data table is s 2, erythrocyte system turned out to be quite inert to acoustic impacts, because of the 7 studied parameters, significant changes were detected only in the experimental series on two indicators: MCHC is the average concentration of hemoglobin in erythrocytes decreased by 2% 336.6±4.6 to 328.8±5.1 g/L (the empirically obtained value UEMF(14) is in the area of significance of p≤0,05); RDW is the coefficient of variation of the average volume of erythrocytes, in contrast, grew by 15% to 12.73±0.91 to 14.69±1.28% (the empirically obtained value UEMF(10,5) is in the area of significance of p≤0,01). In the control series No. 1 and No. 2, identified minor variation of erythrocyte blood (p≥0,05). The dynamics of individual biochemical indices of blood after the mAh presented in table No. 3. After mAh
In accordance with the data of table 3, the experimental is Stalnoy series of tests failed with the following significant changes of biochemical parameters of blood: Total Protein - total protein from the original value 68.52±1.16 gl increased by 5.5% (the empirically obtained value UEMF(0) is in the area of significance of p≤0,01); HDL - HDL-cholesterol (high density lipoprotein) from the original value of 1.41±0,03 umoll increased by 5% (the empirically obtained value UEMF(1,5) is in the area of significance of p≤0,01); Total Bilirubin - total bilirubin decreased from 4.13±0.68 umoll 1.9 times (the empirically obtained value UEMF(5,5) is in the area of significance of p≤0,01); ALT - aminotransferase level increased by 12.6% from the original value 13.26±0.52 Ul (the empirically obtained value UEMF(7) is in the area of significance of p≤0,01); AST - is aminotransferase increased from 21.37±3.22 Ul 29.9% (the empirically obtained value UEMF(7) is in the area of significance of p≤0,01); LDH is an indicator of lactate dehydrogenase from the value 188.02±16.06 Ul increased by 83% (the empirically obtained value UEMF(0) is in the area of significance of p≤0,01); Glucose - glucose level decreased from 4.09±0.11-2.35±0.23 mmoll, which accounted for 43% (the empirically obtained value UEMF(0) is in the area of significance of p≤0,01). In the control series No. 1 and No. 2 revealed minor variations of the above biochemical parameters of blood (p≥0,05). Dynamics of the level of trace elements in blood plasma in the Le mAh presented in table No. 4.
As follows from the data presented in table 4, the level of trace elements in blood plasma in experimental series of studies has undergone significant changes. Iron is an indicator of iron content increased by 13% to 8.81±0.17 to level 9.97±0.35 mmoll (the empirically obtained value UEMF(0) is in the area of significance of p≤0,01). Phosphorus - phosphorus level increased by 8% from 1.34±0.06 to 1.45±0.09 mmoll (the empirically obtained value UEMF(7,5) is in the area of significance of p≤0,01). Magnium - magnesium levels increased by 12% from 0.93±0.04 to 1.04±0.05 mmoll (the empirically obtained value UEMF(3) is in the area of significance of p≤0,01). Na is the decrease in sodium 146.58±0.47 to 133.68±0.55 mmoll amounted to 9% of the original level (the empirically obtained value UEMF(0) is in the area of significance of p≤0,05). K - potassium is increased from 5.19±0.12 to 8.77±0.21 mmoll, which accounted for 69% of the original level (the empirically obtained value UEMF(0) is in the area of significance of p≤0,01). In the control series of studies No. 1 significant changes occurred only in the level of iron content by 6.3% from baseline with 8.23±0.13 to 8.79±0.19 mmoll (the empirically obtained value UEMF(16,5) is in the area of significance of p≤0,05). In to trolley series of studies No. 2, significant changes are not installed. The discussion of the results As a result of researches it is established that the musical-acoustic effects on blood in vitro, used in the experimental series of experiments, have a significant impact on the cellular composition and blood biochemical parameters. So the total number of leukocytes increased 4.7 times the number of neutrophils is 4.7 times the number of segmented leukocytes 4.5 times, the percentage of basophils in relation to the original level increased 18.5 times the number of lymphocytes - 3.9 times. What resources and mechanisms so significantly increased the level of almost all types of Mature cells in vitro experimental series, not capable of normal conditions for cell division? Isn't that a contradiction? Found that of all types of Mature blood cells only the white cells can acquire the ability to divide, which appear exclusively in cultures in vitro and again disappears when ingested into the bloodstream. Moreover, under the conditions of our experiments themselves leukocytes could get both physical and chemical activating stimuli. Physical factors we consider ourselves broadband acoustic signals, accompanied by inputvalue, different frequencies which can directly affect the cells and intracellular article shall ucture, causing the activation of the activity, which is enhanced by the simultaneous arising of mechanical vibrations of the blood, which, as is known, liquid. These complex variations can lead to lysis of some cells of the blood, which promotes the release into the plasma internal chemical content of the cells, including the so-called growth factors contained in platelets. In our earlier studies it was shown that the acoustic signals affect blood clotting in vitro (EN 2336098, IPC A61M 21/00, published on 20.10.2008) and electrochemical performance of water, which is measured by changes in the concentration of superoxide and peroxide ion-radicals (EN 2195655, G01N 33/48 published 27.12.2002), component 90-92% of blood plasma. The whole complex of physical and chemical processes, obviously, enhances the permeability of cell membranes, which together with the lysis of cell parts, eventually leads to the increase in the content of total protein, minerals (iron, phosphorus, manganese, potassium, and others) and enzymes (ALT, AST, and others) in the blood, which we found in our experiments. Such chemically active environment, located in the acoustic field, is a comprehensive incentive for increased division of Mature leukocytes of all forms. However, in our opinion this is not the only source of increasing tile is offered by the mass. As you know, in the peripheral blood is constantly circulating a number of hematopoietic stem cells. We believe that stem cells present in the blood in vitro, has also contributed to this significant increase in the number of leukocytes. A direct proof of this hypothesis is to increase the percentage of immature cells: BAND - in Android 4.04 times, and immature granulocytes (ImGr) - 18, 3 times the initial level. Indirect confirmation of a decrease in the average concentration of hemoglobin in erythrocytes (ICSU) by 2%, which can be explained by an increase in cell volume. In turn, the growth of the coefficient of variation of the average volume of erythrocytes (RDW) 15% can be explained by the presence of several populations of red cells, which is hardly possible in our experimental conditions without the involvement of stem cells. And finally, lowering the level of glucose in the blood by 43% suggests that the increase in cell mass of cells required a significant energy resource. In the control series No. 1, where the blood was affected by a simple upward modulated tones to 22 kHz, of the studied parameters was significantly changed only one, the increased level of iron content by 6.3% from baseline, the remaining variation were on the significance level p≥0,05. In the control series No. 2, where the blood is not exposed acoustic effects, particularly the dynamics of blood to the initial state is not set. The conclusions. The proposed method exposure in the acoustic field of in vitro causes the activation of leukocyte growth and mass °comprehensive correction of the blood. 1. A way to enhance growth leukocyte mass and comprehensive correction of the blood in the acoustic field in vitro, including acoustic effects on the blood or blood fraction is carried out at a temperature of 4aboutC to 38aboutC, broadband oscillating acoustic signals in the frequency range 16-20000 Hz with a dominant sound pressure level of more than 45 dB, but less than 60 dB and rate of 60-80 beats/min, or sequential alternation of acoustic signals with dominant sound pressure level ≤45 dB, rate <60 BPM with acoustic signals, characterized by the dominant sound pressure level of 65 dB, but less than 90 dB and the rate of >80 beats/min 2. The method according to claim 1, in which the acoustic effect is carried out for from 10 to 300 minutes. 3. The method according to claim 1, in which the acoustic effects carry through 2 or more translator. 4. The method according to claim 3, in which the translators use headphones or speakers. 5. The method according to claim 3, in which translatory are close to the tanks with irradiated blood or at a distance of 1 m, but not less than two sides.
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