Method of medical-psychological adaptation of railway employees |
IPC classes for russian patent Method of medical-psychological adaptation of railway employees (RU 2503402):
Method for psychological, physical rehabilitation and social adaptation in desomorphine addiction / 2501579
Invention refers to medicine, particularly addictology, psychotherapy, correction and medical psychology. The rehabilitation is four-staged. At the first stage, a drug-addicted person is informed on the necessity of psychological, physical rehabilitation and social adaptation; and a rehabilitation group is formed of 6-10 individuals signed the informed consent. At the second stage, the formed group undergoes an excursion lesson in animal shelters and centres; at a later stage, the individual undergoes further lessons in the animal shelter or centre according to the positive attitude to a specific animals - dogs, cats, or horses. The third stage involves animal care work, including feeding, sanitary and hygiene procedures, cleaning of grounds and animal's place, furniture repair, regular walks with graduated physical exercises of increasing length, monitoring, training, progress and animal's behaviour report to the shelter or centre's staff, group and psychotherapist. At the first stage, the individual keeps caring of the animal and provides managing it domiciliary and commit himself to return the animal to the shelter or centre in case of a recurrence and repeated use of the narcotic substance.
Invention refers to health protection, to methods for tobacco smoking and addiction cessation. A tobacco product is smoked until observing a smoking satiety sensation and a period of temporary tobacco independence. Two- to three-week stages follow with using cigarettes having a certain quantity of the equally spaced holes of the diameter of 0.7-1.0 mm formed around the filter border. At the initial stage, 2-3 holes are formed, and at the each following stage, the quantity of the holes increases by 2-3, but no more than 12. The number of the above stages is specified as soon as a sensation of smoking addition disappears. The each following stage distanced from the initial stage may be considered either as an intermediate stage, or as a final one which can end on any day tobacco smoking cessation.
Method for rehabilitation patients with early rheumatoid arthritis / 2500379
Invention refers to medicine, namely to rheumatology, and can be used for rehabilitation of patients with early rheumatoid arthritis. That is ensured by 8 in-patient cryotherapeutic sessions involving knee, ankle or shoulder joints and alternated with 8 cryotherapeutic sessions involving hand joints every second day. The cryotherapy is conducted using CryoJet C600 apparatus at temperature -60°C according to the stationary technique at 1-2 cm from the skin. An air flow intensity falls within the range of the 8-9th stage for the knee, ankle and shoulder joints that is 1370-1550 l/min with a procedure length making 10 minutes. Treating the hand joints requires the air flow intensity to be within the 6-7th stage, i.e. 1080-1220 l/min with the procedure length of 8 minutes. After 1-1.5 hours, the cryotherapy is followed by eight 45-minute group therapeutic physical trainings alternated with eight 45-minute ergotherapeutc sessions every second day. The cryotherapy of the greater joints is conducted on the same day as the therapeutic exercises, while the cryotherapy of the hand joints - on the same day as the ergotherapy. The treatment is combined with five 90-minute lessons at Health School "Rheumatoid arthritis" every second day. The further out-patient and domestic stages involve the 45-minute therapeutic exercises for the greater joints 3 times a week alternated with the 45-minutes exercises for the hand joints 3 times a week in a combination with the compliance with the recommendations of the ergotherapy, training programme and orthotic prosthesis.
Invention relates to medicine, namely to anesthesiology and reanimatology, and can be used in carrying out multi-component anesthesia in surgical interventions. For this purpose parameters, obtained from near-bed monitor, as well as myorelaxation parameters and ringing acoustic signals enter unit of data collection and protocol coordination. After that, data are supplied to unit of parameter calculation and unit of patient's current state analysis with further building of multi-system integral nomogram. For each preparation unit of calculation of patient's current requirement of anesthetic aid performs preliminary calculation of induction dose and rate of diffusion with application of three-component model. Calculation of patient's current requirement of preparations and correction of preliminarily calculated doses of preparations are realised in unit of calculation of patient's current requirement of anesthetic aid. After that data are supplied into units of preparation rate calculation, with each group of preparations being connected with database, which contains list of preparations with their pharmacological and pharmacodynamic profiles. Rate of hypnotic drug introduction is calculated in accordance with current value of ringing acoustic potentials, rate of introduction of anesthetic preparations is calculated in accordance with current values of hemodynamic parameters, rate of introduction of relaxants is calculated in accordance with myorelaxation level. Data of calculation of load dose and infusion rate are dynamically updated as new data are supplied. In addition, obtained data are compared with database, which stores profiles of critical situation development in unit of critical situation analysis.
Method of psychotherapeutic preparation of athletes / 2499545
Invention relates to field of medicine, in particular to psychotherapy and can be used for psychotherapeutic preparation of athletes. Diagnostics of boundary neuropsychic states is carried out by showing visual tests to athlete with fixation of eye movements and carrying out electroencephalography. In case if boundary neuropsychic state is identified, at the first stage its psychotherapeutic correction, based on psychomuscular training, is performed. At the second stage, after elimination of boundary neuropsychic state, psychotherapeutical sessions, aimed at achievement of optimal combat state of athlete are carried out.
Method of treating patients with overweight and sleep disorders / 2498824
Invention refers to medicine, namely to psychiatry and dietology, and may be used for treating and improving quality of life in the patients with overweight, sleep disorders and obesity prevention. Body weigh index (BWI), sleep disorders (SD), affective disorders (AD), eating disorders (ED), dietary condition disorders (DCD), and actual nutrition disorders (AND) are assessed. There are prescribed in the patients: individual clinical nutrition taking into account body weigh index, dietary condition and actual nutrition, psychotherapist counselling with the participation of a nutrition specialist once a day for ten days. Then, the patient is counselled once a week for one month and takes up the antidepressant valdoxan considering the options. If the patient suffers mild and moderate sleep disorders and shows an emotive type of the eating behaviour combined with mild affective disorders, a single dose makes 25 mg a day for the night for 2 weeks. If the progression of the anxiety and depression level 2 weeks after the beginning of the therapy is considered to be positive, the dose is preserved to the end of the therapeutic course for three to 6 months. If no progression is exhibited, the dose is to be increased to 50 mg a day, and the therapy is continued from four to eight months. If the patient exhibits the severe sleep disorders, an emotive type of the eating behaviour combined with moderate affective disorders, the single dose makes 50 mg for the night for two-three months. If the patient suffers the sleep disorders, an emotive type of the eating behaviour combined with severe affective disorders, the patient is supposed to be treated by a district psychiatrist.
Device for awakening a user has a light source capable of generating a light effect, e.g., a light beam which is directed towards the user or at least towards the head of the user. The device has a means of shifting the light effect upwards or downwards during a time period for changing the position of the light effect relative the user or at least the head of the user. The means of shifting the light effect is capable of gradually shifting the light effect according to a shift value during a period of time, e.g., during an awakening period, until the time of final awakening.
Invention concerns medicine, particularly defectology. The patient is contacted and prepared for overcoming a speech disorder by dropping off the patient into total silence; diaphragm and costal respiration and verbal voice are trained. The physiotherapeutic measures are taken: A.N.Strelnikova's respiratory exercises, speech muscle massage, and autotraining with getting into a normally speaking character. Phrasal speech and reading aloud are trained. That is followed by social adaptation. That involves G.N.Sytin's autotraining, physical exercises for attention and will concentration; and normal speech formation attitudes are repeated silently. Before and between the respiratory and physical exercises, 8 drops of raw warm water with added 3 drops of 62% liquid stevia extract in 200 ml of water and 0.05-0.10 g of dietary salt on the tongue. Tobacco smoking and alcohol consumption are prevented and withdrawn. A diary is kept. The verbal voice is trained. The phrasal speech is developed with using an auditory-speed wave guide.
Invention refers to medicine and may be used in therapy of the patients with chronic pain syndromes of various localisations. The psychotherapeutic action is preceded by Jungian psychological personalities. The mental disturbances related to chronic pain experience are stated by determining whether they are type-associated and developing in the patients of any Jungian psychological personality, or type-nonassociated and common for various personalities. Depending on the stated disturbances, a differentiated psychotherapy of the patients follows: sessions of the gestalt therapy are required for the correction of the type-associated mental disturbances, while the type-nonassociated mental disturbances are corrected by auto-training combined with respiratory exercises.
Method for unconsciousness protection against negative effect of neurolinguistic programming / 2496529
Invention refers to medicine and may be used in experimental psychology when extricating the patients from various addictions. Mini tests are used to diagnose a patient's basic representational perceptual system. Thereafter, the mini tests are used to find the false representational system that is the most effective one for a particular patient; the mini-tests aims at determining the least used or hard-to-access lexical system which if addressed by a counterparty is protected by the own basic representational perceptual system. The patient is trained to present the other, false representational system using the specific lexical access keys that are predicates and predicative expression presented by a psychologist, to change consciously non-verbal access keys to the own representational system, including gestures, postures, speech rate, tune and tonal changes. That is followed by the training to learn a personality pattern in the category "satire" diagnosed by the false representational system, and the transition to the false representational system in undesired communications is imprinted by anchoring.
Invention relates to medical equipment, in particular to cardiac equipment. Isoelectric line drift in electrocardiosignal (ECS) recording is eliminated. Approximation of observed electrocardiosignal realisation is determined. Electrocardiosignal is divided into RR-intervals and synchronisation of RR-intervals by R-wave maximum is performed. RR-intervals with equal duration are identified. RR-intervals with equal energy are identified from RR-intervals with equal duration and coherent addition of those identified RR-intervals with equal energy, for each of which coefficient of mutual correlation of approximation of fragment of electrocardosignal, corresponding to said RR-interval and support signal is larger than preliminarily specified value, is performed.
Method of clinical assessment of inflammation activity in case of chronic calculous cholecystitis / 2503400
Invention relates to field of medicine, namely to gastroenterology and can be used for assessment of clinical inflammation activity in case of chronic calculous cholecystitis at prehospital stage of patients monitoring. Questioning and objective examination of patients is carried out. Parameters, reflecting degree of activity of local and general inflammatory process and severity of disease aggravation are identified and analysed, the following parameters being related to them: manifestation of pain syndrome symptoms, biliary dyspepsia symptoms, symptoms of general inflammatory response syndrome, with each clinical sign being assessed in points. To localise pain gradations and diagnostic coefficients are identified. Specific weight of each diagnostic coefficient is calculated and its value is used to determine minimal, average or expressed degree of inflammation.
Method of diagnosing recurrences and metastases of malignant neoplasms after radical treatment / 2502469
Invention relates to field of medicine, namely to oncology. Catheterisation of patient's venous system is carried out. Fibre-optic spectrometer sensor is moved via veins to corresponding organs to the level of segmental veins and absorption coefficient of sample β is determined in real time mode. β value higher or equal 900 cm-1 testifies to presence of malignant neoplasm or metastases in organ or its segment.
Method of auscultative diagnostics of pneumonia by means of stereostethophonendoscope / 2502462
Invention relates to medicine, namely to therapy and pulmonology, and can be used for auscultative diagnostics of pneumonia. For this purpose zone of clear lung sound and zone of lung sound dullness are approximately determined by means of comparative lung percussion. Upward indent equal to four intercostal spaces is made from the boundary of transition of clear lung sound into dullness and first head of stereostethophonendoscope is installed. Second head of stereostethophonendoscope is installed one intercoastal space lower than the first one. Patient is asked to make two deep inhalations. After that, second head of stereostethophonendoscope is successively moved one intercostals space lower on examined topographic line until bronchial respiration and fine wet rales are heard. Boundary of said transition is fixed. After that second head of stereostethophonendoscope is moved lower until bronchial respiration and rales disappear. Lower boundary of affection zone is fixed. In the process of second head movement first head of stereostethophonendoscope constantly remains in one point. In each following point, corresponding to position of second head of stereostethophonendoscope, respiration is auscultated over two deep inhalations.
Invention relates to medicine, cardiology and can be used in diagnostics and treatment of CHD with unchanged/slightly changed coronary arteries (Cardiac syndrome X, CSX). Single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) of myocardium with introduction of radiopharmaceutical is preliminarily performed to patient at rest state with further introduction of 1% ATP solution at rate 0.10-0.20 mg/kg for 1-5 minutes. SPECT of myocardium is repeated, and conclusion about presence of myocardium ischemia is made after comparison of its myocardium perfusion parameters with parameters, measured in rest state. Introduction of radiopharmaceutical for repeated SPECT is performed after finishing introduction of ATP, with repeated SPECT being carried out not sooner than 1 hour after ATP introduction.
Group of inventions relates to medicine. In realisation of methods implanted gastric restricting device is implanted into patient's body. Data, containing information about values of parameter, perceived inside the body, are collected for a time period. In the first version of method realisation determined are values of perceived parameter, which exceed the first threshold, are below the first threshold or below the second threshold in such a way that pulse is determined by time between values, which exceed the first threshold and values, which are below the first threshold or below the second threshold. In the second version of the method additional values of perceived parameter, accompanied by decreasing values, are determined. In the third version of the method areas under the curve of pressure dependence on time are determined, compared and the result of comparison is correlated with the state. In the fourth version of the method values of perceived pressure are formed for demonstration on display or further analysis. In the fifth version of the method average value of pressure for time X within the specified time period is calculated on the basis of values of perceived pressure within the window of averaging in specified period of time.
Method of predicting unfavourable annual outcome in patients with acute coronary syndrome with elevation of st segment after percutaneous coronary intervention / 2502459
Invention relates to field of medicine, namely to cardiology. To predict unfavorable annual outcome in patients with acute coronary syndrome with elevation of ST segment, subjected to percutaneous coronary intervention, results of clinical and laboratory examination methods are analysed. On the first day of disease presence of II-IV class of heart failure by Killip classification, impairment of rhythm and conductivity of heart, patient's smoking in anamnesis, as well as determination of TNF-α in patient's blood plasma are taken into account. On the tenth day IL1α and sP-selectin are determined in blood plasma. Value of TNF-α≥4.5 pg/ml is assessed in 8 points; level of IL1α≥0.69 pg/ml is assessed in 3 points; sP-selectin≥152.8 ng/ml - in 2 points; class of heart failure by Killip II-IV - in 3 points; presence of impairment of rhythm and conductivity - in 1 point; smoking in anamnesis - in 1 point. Patients with the sum of points from 0 to 4 are related to group I of low risk of development of unfavourable coronary events, group II, of intermediate risk, is determined by the sum 5-10 points; and patients with the sum of points 11-18 constitute group III, of high risk.
Claimed invention relates to piercing device (1) for blood sampling, containing movable holder (5) for piercing means (4), drive means (12) of movable holder travel and trigger device (19) for performing piercing movement (13) by piecing means. When trigger device is brought into action manually movable holder can be moved in axial direction by force of drive spring (9) of drive means (12) and tightening device (22) in order to tighten drive spring. Tightening device contains tightening mechanism (23), containing means of fixation (24) for axial fixation of movable holder in the process of tightening drive spring and means (25) for carrying out actions while tightening drive spring, which provides possibility of convenient multiple application of piercing device.
Invention relates to field of laboratory medical analysis, analytical instrument making and can be used for determination of total hemoglobin concentration in biological tissues. Transmission of radiation on tissue into one or more points is performed at wavelengths λ equal 524, 578 and 662 nm or 524, 578 and 773 nm. Signals of diffuse reflection P(Ln,λ) at three or more distances Ln (n=1, 2, 3 …) between points of transmission and registration of radiation are measured. Standard signals rn(λ)=P(Ln,λ)/P(L1,λ) and their main components are determined, and total hemoglobin concentration is calculated on the basis of multiple regression equation, connecting it with main components of rn(λ).
Method of objective assessment of psychosomatic status of members of militarised groups / 2501516
Invention relates to medicine, namely to correction and medical psychology, psychophysiology, and can be used for prediction, objective assessment and dynamic monitoring of psychophysiological and somatic state of members of militarised groups, taking part in performing life-threatening or health-threatening operation and service, service and combat and other tasks. Psychological testing is carried out in accordance with MMPI by 566 questions, general blood test, general urine test, biochemical blood test are performed, heart rate, arterial pressure are determined, ultrasonic measurement of liver, pancreas, kidneys and prostate gland dimensions is carried out, after which psychophysical examination in accordance with methods of express-diagnostics of nervous system characteristics by psychomotor parameters by E.P.Ilyin (tapping-test) is performed, after which each characteristic is assessed in points. After that, obtained points are summed up. If the sum of points is 0-40, examined person is considered to be suitable for military service without any limitations, and not requiring rehabilitative procedures; with the sum of 50-80 points - conditionally suitable, with inconsiderable limitations, requiring rehabilitative procedures on outpatient basis, with 90 and more points - unsuitable, with considerable limitations, requiring rehabilitative procedures in hospital.
Method for diagnosing the cases of superior thorax aperture syndrome / 2243717
Method involves carrying out ultrasonic scanning examination of subclavian artery over its whole extent in physiological arm position with arterial blood pressure being measured in the middle one third of the arm. Next, when applying compression tests, blood circulation parameters variations are recorded in distal segment of the subclavian artery with arterial blood pressure being concurrently measured. Three degrees of superior thorax aperture syndrome severity are diagnosed depending on reduction of linear blood circulation velocity and arterial blood pressure compared to their initial values. Mild one takes place when linear blood circulation velocity reduction reaches 40% and arterial blood pressure 20% of initial level, moderate one when linear blood circulation velocity reduction reaches 70% and arterial blood pressure 50% and heavy one when linear blood circulation velocity reduction is greater than 70% of initial level and arterial blood pressure is greater than 50% to the extent of no blood circulation manifestation being observed in the subclavian artery.
FIELD: medicine. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to medicine, namely to preventive, rehabilitation, railway medicine, general medical (family) practice, neurology and psychotherapy, and can be used for prevention of stress and pre-stress states, as well as consequences of uncompensated stress response of railway transport employee's organism irrespective of character peculiarities of stressor or stressors. Employee's anthropometric parameters are measured: height, weight, chest circumference, index of cardiovascular system activity - pulse. Individual digital series (IDS) of RW transport employee is calculated on the basis of obtained data. Employee gets acquainted with method of IDS calculation and session of psychotherapy, during which employee in convenient position, relaxed state sits in front of computer screen and whispers IDS, is started, with IDS periodically displayed on screen, to finish the session employee makes quiet deep inhalation and exhalation. EFFECT: method makes it possible to ensure medical-psychological adaptation of railway transport employees. 5 cl, 1 ex
The invention relates to medicine, namely to preventive, restorative, railway medicine, General medical (family) practice, neurology and psychotherapy, and can be used for the prevention of stress and prestressing States, and the consequences that result from uncompensated stress reaction of railway employees regardless of the characteristic features of the stressor or stressors. The urgency of the problem of improving approaches to individual medical and psychological adaptation of railway workers caused by uncompensated stress reactions in the body, is great. At the present stage of development of railway transport in the conditions of new technologies and materials significantly increases the relevance of the problem of safety, improving individual health and psychological samonadymannuy and prevention of safety of railway workers, directly associated with stress and disease. The main efforts of the railway medicine is aimed at an organization to provide professional security, the establishment of such medical and psychological conditions that meet the requirements of the preservation of life and health W is leznodorozhny employees in the course of their work. One of the main strategic directions is the ordering of all activity and the establishment of comprehensive programs on the basis of chemoprophylactic, government protection of their health, i.e. the creation of individual programs and systems safety, which would take into account and seamlessly integrate all aspects of protecting the health and lives of railway workers. According to the world health organization, 45%-55% of all illnesses are due to stress, and some experts believe that in a stressful situation daily fall ⅔ of the population of the planet. The international labour organization (International Labor Organization) estimates the losses resulting from occupational stress in two hundred billion dollars annually. The study of the International Association of stress management (ISMA), conducted in the UK showed that occupational stress in the course of the year felt more than 64% of the respondents, however, only 14% of them were assisted, and 78% had not received any professional advice. According to world statistics, occupational stress (the stress associated with the performance of professional duties) was the cause of personality disorders (40%), nervousness (47%), endogenous psychosis (13%). The genetic weakness and failure of the acquired skills of struggle and stress which causes the body of railway employees to the negative manifestations and reactions what is the reason for the development of stress diseases (Hypertension, Coronary heart disease, peptic Ulcer and 12 P.K., Bronchial asthma, skin diseases, allergic diseases, neuroses, psychoses, depression, fatigue syndrome and so on). Future economic and geopolitical position of Russia is determined, including the number and professional competence of railway workers, willingness to self-realization and self-regulation of behavior. Thus, the public order of society, modern market economy with high demands for such professional and personal qualities as adaptive abilities of a professional railwayman and his stress levels. The computer is an essential accessory of modern railroads. Computers have become faithful helpers in the work of managers of freight and passenger traffic, ticket cashiers, supervisors RZD different levels, etc. as in the conventional production conditions, and in a typical home environment. Each of them uses a computer at work and at home, experiencing daily several times a day exposure to all kinds of compensated and uncompensated stressors. To reduce or avoid negative impact on activities.it is the motion of the body as a physiological stressors, and psychological character, using the computer at the workplace or at home, this is a great opportunity for each railroad. Reducing the negative impact of stressors on your body, Manager, ticket cashier, etc. will be able to improve not only their quality of life and longevity, but the quality of his work, therefore, reduce their safety and the safety of passengers. In General, however, questions the effectiveness of preventive and remedial medical interventions, psycho anti-stress methods using mathematical information-digital computer models based on individual anthropometric and physiological indicators of worker, studied insufficient or non-existent in the railway system of preventive medicine. Closest to the proposed method the methodology currently exists as whether computer preventive program for dealing with stress or indirect psychotherapeutic method of increasing stress tolerance, they are all shared similar for all patients according to the method and type of impact and have nothing to do with the use of individual anthropometric parameters of the employee and his physiological is pokazateli. Achievable with implementation of the proposed method the technical result is the provision of medico-psychological adaptation of railway workers. The effectiveness of the proposed method is based on the individual interest and responsibility of railway employees for preventive sessions, as well as by reducing the average frequency of stress reactions stress on psychological and physiological attacks, self-monitoring of the status of the level of stress and your health with increased personal and social stress safety. The developed method is the individual preventive courses on the prevention of emotional breakdowns and self-control enhance stress tolerance and inclusion in the course mediated psychotherapy - training using a variety of methods, the emotional-volitional relaxation and breathing exercises. Mediated psychotherapy includes: psychological impact, deliberately raising the self-esteem of railway employees, using play at least four types of physiological conditions associated with satisfaction the leading types of physiological and social need to the needs of (in security; freedom and independence; in goal achievement and self-realization; approval, recognition and love, family and others), and then dynamically and verbal fixation resulting psychophysiological States; indirect subliminal psychological impact of increasing the motivation of employees to improve stress resistance; psychological effects that enhance the skills of psychophysiological self-regulation and solving to stress the most disturbing employee problems. Emotional stress is largely caused by violation of satisfying the current needs. To meet their key needs and reduce the impact of stressors employee of a railway transport it is important to change or extend its repertoire of methods focused cognitive and behavioral response that is possible only together with improve its self-esteem. In order to help the employee of a railway transport to improve self-esteem, it is proposed to induce his memories of situations in which he, after a period of its activity meets any of the leading needs. During such memories is reproduced corresponding to this need comfortable psychophysiological state. His many who fold repeat in conjunction with adequate associated with individual digital phrase and gesture leads to the formation of the conditioned reflex. The repetition of individual digital phrase and gesture in the future in and of itself is associated and helps to reproduce the specified comfort and improve confidence of railway employees is that it can reach such a state, that is, his self-esteem. At the same time an employee of a railway transport learns to change the slightest sign of discomfort state in the corresponding comfortable condition in professional and everyday life in dealing with any small, seemingly everyday tasks that establishes a high level of self-esteem based on the acquisition of new experience. Depending on the semantic orientation can be roughly divided into four types of leading medical and social needs: 1 - the need for security in isolation from the stress of the object that is implemented by suppressing its aggression and its invisible care or escape from obstacles; 2 - the need for freedom and independence from others and the environment, implemented by active-aggressive confrontation and getting rid of a stressor and release your own personal internal and external space; 3 - the need for self-realization and achievement of objectives, implemented through their own stress management object and its active-aggressive is the change; 4 - the need for approval, acceptance and love from family and others, implemented by suppressing aggression, expressing their benevolence and rapprochement with the social environment. Depending on what the needs of railway employees is leading and how the emotional-cognitive-behavioral response he prevail, there are four personality types. The satisfaction of physiological and social needs is accompanied by the emergence of different psychophysiological States differing by its own characteristics vegetovisceral, neurohumoral, neuromuscular control. With this in mind self-esteem are encouraged to use play at least four types of physiological conditions associated with satisfaction the four basic types of medical and social needs. The employee of a railway transport associated stimulates memories of situations in which he felt a sense of one's own attractiveness, success, independence, and security. Dynamic (using the same type adopted a relaxing posture and calm breathing, sitting at the computer) and verbal (using monotonically mental repetition of individual d / the th row) conditioned reflex aggravation of confrontation between the effects of different stressors will contribute to the stabilization of positive self-esteem, that is, the assessment of their abilities to interact successfully with the environment, while also meeting the corresponding need for heightened stress safety. Motivation to increase efficiency, improve attention, sleep, improve their own health is of particular importance for the railway workers, who usually don't believe in all these things and so do not expect it and do not make active efforts to achieve it. In addition to unbelief in his power passivity of railway workers also often contributes unconscious conditional inevitability of one disease or another. To increase the motivation to strengthen their health, improve sleep, and increase efficiency is to link the conscious and the subconscious of railway employees sensations, emotions and thoughts related to health status, sleep, attention and performance with other sensations, emotions, images and thoughts related to the satisfaction of any of its actual needs, i.e. to achieve a very important task. Such a connection can be set using informed regularly associated indirect suggestion. You must help a railwayman to form p is zestawienie about his state of health, that is, to consciously feel the feelings, emotions, thoughts, whom he defines it. Targeted self-training, self study and prevention of stress security helps to reduce severity production of emotional stress and in a broad sense is a skill psychophysiological self-regulation. Especially important is the learning and training of railway workers skills of self-observation. Improving the skill of self-observation and observation of the world contributes to the improvement of the adequacy of responses, and learning purposeful perception is not only negative, but also positive signals from the external and internal environment of the body allows you to increase the weight of positive emotions in the psychological state, reducing the share is negative. For the subconscious correction of cognitive style response possible learning positive thinking. Replacing negative thoughts and beliefs into positive also leads to a decrease in the intensity of negative emotions and reduced severity of emotional stress. The railwayman consciously aims to improve anti-stress safety: the ability to act effectively in extreme and challenging professional and domestic conditions is; the ability to relax and focus at the right moment; conserving strength and quick recovery; freedom and independence from circumstances. This goal allows an employee of a railway transport to enhance their abilities to realize their desired activities and to diversify the ways of its achievement. This independently produced and permanently fixed skill allows you to increase the efficiency of solution of many professional and life's problems and thereby reduce the level of emotional tension, as well as regularly resorting to rethink the events of his recent past (from one hour to several days), the employee of a railway transport reduces the adverse effects experienced emotional and psychological trauma. The proposed method is as follows. Carry out the measurement of anthropometric indicators of employee RZD - height, weight, chest circumference; measure of the performance of the cardiovascular system - the heart rate. On the basis of the received data to calculate individual digital number (DDI) of the employee by the formula: DDI=((β×(r+o+v)+γ×(r+o+v)):ρ/n):g, where P is the individual rate of birth date in the form "xy", x - date of birth, and y is the month of birth of the employee, γ - individual coefficient year of birth,presents a four-digit number, year of birth of the employee, r - the patient's height (cm) o - circumference of the chest of the patient (cm) v - weight of patient (kg) ρ - pulse (BPM) of a patient, measured in the morning after 5-7 manpole Wake, n - step-down age factor: at the age of 30 years (n=1; 30-39 years n=2; 40-49 years n=3; 50-59 years n=4; 60 years and older n=5, g - lowering professional factor for women g=2, for men g=3. The employee is introduced to the calculation method of DDI. Then begin a psychotherapy session. The main thing - to realize their choice, their freedom and responsibility. The introductory part. The railwayman sits in front of his computer at the workplace or at home. Posture should be comfortable, muscles relaxed. He must be configured: a sober assessment of the situation, the desire to contribute to the success of the medico-psychological adaptation of railway workers, relieve stress tension or to warn the upcoming stress that may occur during the execution of a particular work (a report from the chief, will perform heavy physical or mental work, computer work continues for at least an hour, you need to deliver passengers or cargo without incident and on time and so on). The main part. The railwayman configures your breath and breathing evenly in a calm those who is. Worker speaks in a whisper their individual digital number, which is periodically displayed on the screen of his computer. The playback procedure must be repeated 2 times per day depending on the time he spends at the computer. The process is mediated relaxation of 1.5-3 min of Elementary exercises for indirect impacts their individual digital near consciously on my mind is monotonous, even at a leisurely pace repeating in a whisper within 1.5-3 min in a strict sequence of their individual digital number. To run hidden adaptive-compensatory capacity that is sufficient. Preferably the use of individual digital number for 1.5-2.0 hours before bedtime will help to improve sleep, attention and memory after 4-6 weeks after the start of the prevention program. The final part. 1.5-3 min manages to repeat his individual digital series about 35-40 times (the number of repetitions to calculate optional). The employee makes a quiet deep breath and exits the program before their normal professional duties. Instructions for use of individual digital number. 1. The railwayman got their own individual digital number, therefore, his consciousness can and is able to learn to control and manage their emotions and stress. 2. Developed methodology shall be used to prevent the development prestressing and stressful situations, to adapt the railway workers: with the upcoming implementation or performing heavy physical work; with the upcoming implementation or execution heavy mental work; when preparing for athletic or other competitions, contests, speeches, reports, responsible meetings, negotiations and so on; if the employee's increased emotional or physical tone, he is irritable and short-tempered, especially with family and friends; the worker is difficult to collect my thoughts, it all goes wrong, it is difficult to adjust themselves to implementation will likely not pleasant work, but it should be done; the worker a bad dream, he is irritable, he feels that he breaks down, he begins a depression, personal digital number is his chance. To improve memory, adaptive-compensatory abilities of the body it is necessary to use personal digital next. In developed conflict situation, it is necessary to concentrate and choose 1.5 to 3 min and take advantage of the individual digital next and then you will find the correct way out of this situation. Individual digital number will help to improve the physical condition is, to overcome frustration, fatigue, emotional and moral weight before the upcoming or already an accomplished event. Individual digital number will help the employees of the Railways to properly assess the surrounding world; to reduce the chance of becoming hypertensive, lady's finger, asthmatic, neurotic, psycho, etc.; get rid of complex fatigue. 3. The digital correction of a number of desirable once during the season (summer, autumn, winter, spring). 4. Use of personal digital near without correction for over three months is not desirable. 5. The method preferably the first 1.5-2 weeks to use every day, 2 times a day for 1.5-3 minutes (you can exclude Saturday and Sunday), and in the following only two times a week. 6. If weight, height, chest circumference worker remain constant, the individual digital number is adjusted only by changing the pulse, if you change the weight, you need to re-use the digital code to run the program and get all their anthropometric data in strict sequence, height, chest circumference, weight (new), pulse, and to obtain a new individual digital number. 7. Pulse is an indicator that changes constantly. To measure it in the morning after waking up, sitting up in bed. If the daily differences in heart rate (measurement of the case is conducted in the morning after waking up, sitting alone) differs 6-10 strokes per minute, the digital number can not be adjusted, if more than 10 beats is desirable to adjust, as shown in paragraph 5. Detailed description of the results of the application of the method. Validation and testing of the invention "Method of medico-psychological adaptation of railway workers" took place in the context of the Institution of the Russian Academy of medical Sciences Institute of medical-ecological problems of the North" (IMAPS RAMS) in Murmansk, which saw 100 patients of the employees of the Railways, which with the preventive purpose it was required to increase stress resistance. Testing and the test was conducted with the financial support of the Government of the Russian Federation "Fund of assistance to development of small forms of enterprises in the scientific-technical sphere", SC No. R/9021 from 28.12.2008, state registration of computer programs certificate No. 2010611504, registration number R & d 01200951860. Diagnosis associated with stress, was defined according to the International statistical classification of diseases, tenth revision (F40-F48) with regard to the diagnostic criteria of the International Association of stress management (ISMA). Along with clinical and neurological and standard laboratory and instrumental diagnostic survey was carried out psychodiagnostic examination. Conducted polysomatism research is s, representing a variety of kardiointervalografii with the subsequent mathematical analysis of the data in a special program. Depending on the degree of change in heart rate (heart rate) in terms of behavioral temporal segments all subjects were divided into four groups. The first group were classified as subjects, in which the heart rate was slightly increased (p<0,05). Men in this group was 5, and women 15. The second group of men (10 people) and women (20 people) was presented to subjects in which the heart rate increased significantly (p<0,001), but not exceed 90 beats per minute. The third group presents subjects with fluctuations of heart rate in the range from 90 to 100 beats per minute (5 men and 15 women). In the fourth group of subjects heart rate exceeding 100 beats per minute, and it was represented only by men (30 people). In accordance with the recommendation of the who expert Committee (2000) changes in heart rate and registered kardiogemodinamicheskuyu manifestations in the first and the second group was regarded as the norm, with the third as the "danger zone" and the fourth as changes characteristic of the stress response. In the description of the results of the application of the method provides data concerning only the third and fourth groups, as in prognostic terms, they are of the greatest interest. In men with type of reaction, rate is audace as the "danger zone", kardiogemodinamicheskuyu changes occur already at the stage of "afferent synthesis and characterized by a significant increase in heart rate (p<0,05). At subsequent stages kardiogemodinamicheskuyu change continue to grow, reaching the greatest shifts in "socially significant" activity: heart rate increases by 30%. The data obtained indicate that, despite a significant reduction in heart rate, stress response in men continues to grow, reaching "dangerous" values. In women with changes kardeogemodyinamiki characteristic of the "danger zone"on stage "afferent synthesis, increase in heart rate by 20% (p<0,05). The maximum deviation curves of the examined patients observed at the stage of "decision making" and "success" by 38%. Thus, the increase in heart rate to values characteristic of the "danger zone"that occurs in men amid the stress response. Men show notes and more appropriate behavior than women. However, the importance of heart rate in women is more pronounced than in men. This feature kardiogemodinamicheskuyu mechanism to ensure the heart rate to a certain extent, can be attributed to women with this type of reaction kardeogemodyinamiki to the group of "at risk" for complications that are the result of stress reactions of the organism. In the study, only men (30 people) Rea is irout increase heart rate to values, typical stress response (100 beats per minute or more). In this case kardiogemodinamicheskuyu providing heart rate is characterized by stability. The greatest intensity changes kardeogemodyinamiki marked by "socially important" activities. Changes in heart rate remains significantly high and in the recovery period. Evidence suggests that men with increased heart rate to values characteristic of the stress response, kardiogemodinamicheskuyu the attitudinal time steps maximum mobilization of blood circulation apparatus. Therefore, men with these kardiogemodinamicheskuyu manifestations that occur in response to emotional stress, due to the "socially significant" activities should be considered "at risk" for complications that are the result of stress reactions of the organism. All groups identified the types of adaptive responses at the time of the study, at 2-3 days (the period of formation of urgent adaptation), 5-7 days (the interim period) and a period of more than 11 days after receipt stress injury (formation of long-term adaptation). The pattern of "decompensation" were classified as: stress medium, low and very low levels of reactivity, reaction activation very low level is her reactivity, reaction training very low levels of reactivity; the pattern "subcompensation": stress high levels of reactivity, reaction activation low levels of reactivity, reaction training medium and low levels of reactivity; the pattern of the "compensation": activation reactions of high and medium levels of reactivity, reaction training high levels of reactivity. The analysis of reactions in the intermediate adaptation period (5-7 days) showed the important role to predict the outcome of extreme conditions. So stress response came back to normal and amounted to: in the development of reactions to the pattern of "decompensation" stress response - 66,8%, pattern "subcompensated" stress response - 88,4%, the pattern of "compensation" stress response - 100%. Therefore, the definition in the interim period of adaptation reactions I and II of the pattern is an adverse prognostic feature and requires additional comprehensive medical and preventive measures with the mandatory inclusion complex emotional stressthere. When analyzing the duration of the stress response of railway workers noted that with the development of reactions to the pattern of "compensation" in the interim period of adaptation, the average recovery period is much smaller and made up 15.0±5,0 min "subcompensated" - 30,0±10,0, "decompos the tion" - 45,0±27,0 (p<0,001). The railway workers who use "Method medico-psychological adaptation of railway workers", set: reducing irritability, temper, fatigue; improved sleep, memory; increased efficiency; disappeared apathy, have confidence in their own abilities, etc. To study the psychological characteristics of railway workers used an abbreviated multifactor questionnaire for personality research (TAR) in adaptation VP Zaitseva, vosmiruchevoj lüscher test. Level of depression was determined by the scale of Zhang. Test of Spilberger Hanina revealed the increase or decrease of reactive and personal anxiety. The said examination was performed before and after a three-week course of application of the developed methods. When assessing the immediate results of increasing stress safety take into account the dynamics associated with stress, change of parameters of mathematical analysis pulsogram and results of psychodiagnostic testing. The degree of normalization of relations between ergotamine and triotropium autonomic effects were determined on the basis of an integrated assessment of the dynamics of indicators of the provisional mathematical analysis of heart rate and was estimated cucumerina (1 point) or insignificant (0 points). Changes in the psychological state of the employee is assessed as a significant improvement (1 point) or marginal improvement (0 points) based on the results of clinical observations of a railwayman, and comparative analysis of the performance of the test RESINS and after a course of application of the developed methods. General assessment of the effectiveness of stress resistance improvement by the end of the year of application of the developed technique was carried out based on the number of those of the listed parameters that have undergone significant improvement, and implemented on a 5 - point scale (0 points - no improvements, 4 points - a significant improvement). When assessing differences in the indicators used student test t for related and unrelated samples, as well as nonparametric test Mann-Whitney (criterion of homogeneity T). Evaluating the significance of differences share (%) was produced according to the method of the angular transformation Fischer. To study the dependence between random variables was determined by Pearson correlation coefficient. When analyzing the dynamics of indicators of the test RESINS workers found a significant decrease of the values of the first, second, third, sixth, and seventh basic scales after application of the developed technique. By reducing the "neurotic tilt" and slimming the Express lift to the sixth and seventh happened smoothing of the General configuration of the average personality profile, reflecting a tendency to decrease emotional stress, increase overall behavioral activity and improve health-psychological adaptation of the employees of the Railways for all groups. According to the integral evaluation of the results of all used psychodiagnostic methods, a significant improvement in psychological status after the course was noted in 85% of employees. The results obtained indicate that the railway workers after preventive course there was a significant, increase physical endurance, improve the functional state of the autonomic system and the reduction of emotional stress, which testifies to the effectiveness of the proposed method "Method medico-psychological adaptation of railway workers". One of the possible mechanisms of therapeutic effect may be caused by the use of mediated psychotherapy optimization of the functional state of regulatory systems of the brain. These data are consistent with the view according to which mediated psychotherapy load capable of modulating the level of excitability of the various parts of the brain, to change the nature of the neuroendocrine, vegetovisceral reactions, destabilizing Pato is logicheskie hyperactive neuronal systems, responsible for chronic stress exposure. Restoration of natural patterns of afferent flow and normalization of the functional state of the Central nervous system contributed to the special attention he was focused to improve the ability of the railway workers to understand their internal and external sensations and feelings. Typically, a specialist with weak stress is characterized by increased sensitivity to the negative (nociceptive) physiological and negative mental stimuli. It is possible that attract the attention of railway workers to positive incentives contributed to the balancing ergo - and trophotropic systems at the physiological level and improve their emotional sentiments on a psychological level. Thus, the results obtained indicate that the application of the developed technique worker of the Russian Railways, leads them to reduce irritability, temper, fatigue; improves sleep, memory, and improves the workability and stress; apathy disappears, appears self-confidence, etc. Clinical example of a specific use "method medico-psychological adaptation of railway workers". Worker jelly is accessible transport I-n AI, 47 years old, a resident of the city, adviser to the General Director of the subsidiary of JSC "RZD", candidate of technical Sciences, used the method in terms of the Institutions of the Russian Academy of medical Sciences ' Institute of medical and ecological problems of the North" (IMAPS RAMS) Murmansk within three weeks. Complaints on the overall health of the subject is not present. Given the specific professional, psychological factors, complex psycho-emotional overload associated with performance of professional duties, all to the end of the day led to the manifestation of the test: fatigue, irritability, emotional lability, poor sleep, weakening of memory. All the listed signs were attributed to the symptoms manifested by chronic stress, what subject did not agree and thought it was the regularity of performing complex professional duties. Preventive, curative and other recreational activities to strengthen their health subject is not conducted, drugs without doctor's prescription was not accepted. From other diseases suffered from peptic Ulcer 12 duodenal ulcer. Recently the symptoms of this disease began to increase, and therefore A.I. suggested a surgical treatment which he refused. The history of life. Born into an intact family, b is achiev and sisters did not. His mother worked as a teacher at the school, was a strict woman, loved order and constantly monitored the life of her son. Father was a railwayman, he often abused alcohol, But the character was a man of stern, but soft and pliable, his wife and son were not hurt. A.I. was in school 4-5, graduated from the Institute of railway transport engineers. He worked as an engineer for railway transport, specialist in one of the departments of JSC "RZD", he defended his dissertation, passed by the Advisor to the General Director of the subsidiary of JSC "RZD". Married for love in 26 years, has a daughter and a son. Relations with his wife in the last year has deteriorated. A.I. upset due to the fact that she was inattentive, indifferent to him. My daughter married, she lives alone and rarely visits the parents. The son of a first-year student of the same Institute, where he studied the subject. The nature of A.I. always differed responsibility and diligence, but in recent times recalls how in the student's age got addicted to drugs, but successful treatment helped to get rid of this disease. Love all the procedure. The workplace contains almost perfect purity. At home and at work does a lot of cases and assignments, often not only for themselves but also others, not being able to refuse neighborhood is the missing requests. Different softness and pliability. These qualities, as well as visual appeal always attracted a lot of friends and acquaintances. Accustomed to restrain their negative emotions, afraid to offend the other person. Try never to lie. Childhood is characterized by a high level of anxiety, tendency to worry for any occasion. Recently became very tired by the end of the week notes increased irritability, anxiety, temper, worsening of mood. All this relates to family relationships and the fact that the total state after the next holiday is normalized. When viewed In neurological status there was almost a slight tremor of the outstretched hands fingers, even the revival of the tendon reflexes of the hands and feet without their asymmetry. Motor, sensitive disorders and disorders of the cranial nerves were not identified. Changes by the common blood and urine tests, carbohydrate, lipid and protein exchanges not found. At the time the analysis pulsogram found increased compared with srednerazmernymi the values of the following parameters: amplitude fashion (55%); the index of autonomic balance (340.8 units); vegetative indicator rhythm (CDF) - 10.6 units, tension index (ti) up to 312 units. At the same time the detection is but a decline in these indicators, as the standard deviation of the dynamic range of the R-interval (RMS) to 0.03 s; variational scale (BP) pulsogram - up to 0.01 sec; the coefficient of variation (KB) - up to 4.0%. These results evidenced the background activation newsegments mechanisms of regulation of heart rhythm, increased tone of the sympathetic division of the ANS and a slight activation of the parasympathetic division of the ANS. When psychodiagnostic study, the color range of preferences, according to Luscher test, amounted to the following sequence: brown, green, grey, purple, red, blue, black, yellow. The indicator "alarm" was equal to 9 points (when Sredneuralsk score 0-3 points). The level of depression on a scale of Zhang was equal to 62 points, indicating moderate depression is situational or neurotic origins. Test of Spilberger Hanina revealed a moderate increase of reactive anxiety (40 points) and a high degree of personal anxiety (70 points). Personality profile test RESINS had a sawtoothed edge" character, situated between 75 and 95 T-scores, with peaks in the second and seventh scales, testified to the condition of moderate emotional tension with the prevalence of anxiety and depressive personality traits. Started a course of medical and psychological adaptationand using software to normalize the personal mode of operation, rest and sleep included the use of mediated psychotherapy according to the proposed method. After an introductory discussion of the subject was informed about the nature of chronic psycho-emotional stress, negative physiological consequences and adverse effects on overall health. Together with the test were analyzed most obvious reason is the available chronic psychoemotional stress and the most exciting of his problems. The subject realized that along with the depressing action of the state of his family life and is caused by limitations in activities of daily living stress impact and other professional factors. A.I. realized that worries in connection with the aggravation of Ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer. He does not want to be operated, but surgeons insist. Believes that this will make him finally "inferior man". In his time at the same age such an operation was moved by his father, after which worsened his relationship with his wife, mother A.I. A.I. Now afraid that he will have the same fate, especially as feels cool from the side of his wife, became less attentive and caring. In addition, the state of chronic fatigue cause permanent overload at work and at home, wismann the e desire A.I. to keep everything under control, do yourself and the best way. By the end of the three-week independent (daily during working hours A.I. paid twice for 7-8 minutes for the developed technique) medico-psychological adaptation course of railway workers. The intensity of emotional tension to the end of the day virtually disappeared. The analysis of the dynamics of indicators WHALE showed a reduction compared to the baseline amplitude value fashion (AMO) - 40%, index of autonomic balance (IIA) - 158,0, vegetative indicator rhythm (CDF) of 5.5, tension index (ti) - 145 and at the same time increasing the values of the standard deviation of the dynamic range of the R-interval (RMS) - 0.05 s, the variation of the magnitude (VR) of 0.03 s, the coefficient of variation (KB) is 7.5%, which indicates a reduction of the initial excess sympathetic and increase initial lack of parasympathetic activity, and the reduction the degree of centralization of heart rhythm management. Heart rate spectrum was characterized by a compensatory increase in the contribution of the relative values of power LW - 12.5% and no change in the relative power values MB1- 14% and MV2to 12.5%. Minor dynamics of the index of centralization (CI) after a course of medical-psychological adaptation (to 305,27 and after 318,67)./p> When re psychodiagnostic examination after completion of the course of medical-psychological adaptation of the detected source reduction-increased personal profile of the RESINS according to the scale F and all the basic scales, on average, 30-40 Tons of points. Received when you checked the profile was located within 40-50 Tons of points and was characterized by significantly smaller than in the primary study, the severity of the peaks in the second and seventh scales. The results evidenced a decrease in the intensity of emotional stress and improve psychological adaptation employee of the Railways. 1. The way the medical-psychological rehabilitation of the railway workers, including the measurement of anthropometric indicators of employee - height, weight, chest circumference; measure of the performance of the cardiovascular system - heart rate, on the basis of the received data to calculate individual digital number (DDI) of the employee by the formula: 2. The method according to claim 1, characterized in that the psychotherapy session is held twice a day. 3. The method according to claim 1, characterized in that the duration of a single session of psychotherapy is 1.5-3 minutes 4. The method according to claim 1, characterized in that therapy sessions are held five days in a row, two days break in a period of 4-6 weeks. 5. The method according to claim 1, characterized in that the value of DDI adjust once a season.
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