Procedure for production of diamonds of fantasy yellow and black colour |
IPC classes for russian patent Procedure for production of diamonds of fantasy yellow and black colour (RU 2434977):
Procedure for radiation of minerals in neutron flow of reactor in container consists in screening radiated minerals from heat and resonance neutrons. Composition of material and density of the screen is calculated so, that specific activity of radiated minerals upon completion of radiation and conditioning does not exceed 10 Bq/g. Before radiation contents of natural impurities in radiated minerals can be analysed by the method of neutron activation analysis. Only elements activated with resonance neutrons are chosen from natural impurities of radiated minerals. Tantalum and manganese or scandium and/or iron or chromium are used as elements of the screen. Chromium-nickel steel alloyed with materials chosen from a row tantalum, manganese and scandium are used in material of the screen.
Device for irradiating minerals has a reactor active zone, an irradiation channel, a container and extra slow neutron filter. Inside the container there are slow and resonance neutron filters. The extra slow neutron filter surrounds the container and is fitted in the irradiation zone. A gamma-quanta absorber of the reactor is placed between the container and the active zone of the reactor. A resonance neutron absorber is added to the extra slow neutron filter. The thickness of these absorbers enables to keep temperature inside the container not higher than 200°C during irradiation.
Polarisation method of monocrystal of lithium tantalate / 2382837
Invention relates to industrial production of monocrystals, received from melt by Czochralski method, and can be used during polarisation of ferroelectrics with high temperature Curie, principally lithium tantalate. On monocrystal of lithium tantalate by means of grinding it is formed contact pad, surface of which is perpendicular to optical axis of crystal or at acute angle to it. Monocrystal is located between bottom segmental or laminar platinum electrode and implemented from wire of diametre 0.3-0.6 mm top circular platinum electrode through adjoining to its surfaces interlayers. In the capacity of material of interlayer it is used fine-dispersed (40-100 mcm) powder of crystalline solid solution LiNb1-xTaxO3, where 0.1≤x≤0.8, with bonding alcoholic addition in the form of 94-96% ethyl alcohol at mass ratio of alcohol and powder 1:2.5-3.5. Monocrystal is installed into annealing furnace, it is heated at a rate not more than 70°C/h up to temperature for 20-80°C higher than temperature Curie of monocrystal and through it is passed current by means of feeding on electrodes of polarising voltage. Then monocrystal is cooled in the mode current stabilisation at increasing of voltage rate 1.2-1.5 times up to temperature up to 90-110°C lower than temperature Curie, and following cooling is implemented in the mode of stabilisation of polarising voltage at reduction of current value through monocrystal. At reduction of current value 3.0-4.5 times of its stable value voltage feeding is stopped, after what monocrystal is cooled at a rate of natural cooling-down. Monocrystal cooling up to stop of feeding of polarising voltage is implemented at a rate 15-30°C/h.
Invention refers to semi-conductor technology of AIIIBV type compositions. The method is implemented by means of bombarding mono-crystalline plates of arsenide-indium with fast neutrons with following heating, annealing and cooling. The mono-crystalline plates are subject to bombardment with various degree of compensation at density of flow not more, than 1012 cm-2 c-1 till fluence F=(0.5÷5.0)·1015 cm-2 , while annealing is carried out at 850÷900°C during 20 minutes at the rate of heating and cooling 10 deg/min and 5 deg/min correspondingly.
Method of obtaining minerals is realised in neutron reactor flow, minerals being placed in layers between layers of substance or mixture of substances, containing elements, absorbing thermal and resonance neutrons, layers being separated with aluminium interlayer and surrounded with filtering unit from substance or mixture of substances, containing elements, absorbing thermal and resonance neutrons, with cadmium screen, layer thickness and geometrical parameters of unit are calculated in such way that at the moment of exposure to radiation mineral temperature does not exceed 200°C, and "Фб.н./Фт.н." ≥10, where "Фб.н." is density of flow of fast neutrons with energy higher than 1MeV, "Фт.н." - density of thermal neutrons flow. Described is device for mineral irradiation, containing hermetical filtering unit, filled with substance or mixture of substances, containing elements, absorbing thermal and resonance neutrons, with axial hole, in which cadmium screen is placed and also placed is a case open from the bottom for partial filling with heat carrier, operation volume of case is filled with minerals, placed in layers between layers of substance or mixture of substances, containing elements, absorbing thermal and resonance neutrons, layers being separated with aluminium interlayer.
Method comprises steps of acting upon crystal with electron beam whose integral flux is in range 5 x 1015 - 5 x 1018 electron/cm2; annealing crystal in temperature range 300 - 1900°C and acting with electron beam in condition of electric field having intensity more than 10 V/cm at least upon one local zone of crystal for imparting desired color tone to said zone. Local action of electron beams is realized through protection mask. As irradiation acts in condition of electric field local flaws such as bubbles or micro-inclusions are effectively broken.
Method of cleaning diamond / 2285070
Proposed method includes stage-by-stage treatment of diamond by mixture of acids under action of microwave radiation; at first stage, use is made of nitric acid and hydrogen peroxide at volume ratio of components of 10:1, respectively; at second stage, volume ratio of mixture of concentrated nitric acid, hydrochloric acid and hydrofluoric acid is 6:2:1, respectively; diamond is treated at temperature not higher than 210°C, pressure of 35 atm as set by loading ratio of autoclave equal to 1:10 at power of oven of microwave radiation of 1200 W; duration of each phase does not exceed 40 min. Proposed method ensures perfect cleaning of diamonds from contamination of mineral and organic nature including bitumen compounds on surface and in cracks of diamond.
Method for treating colored diamonds and brilliants for decolorizing them and releasing stresses / 2281350
Method is realized due to physically acting in closed reaction space upon samples of diamonds and brilliants by means of high pressure and temperature for time period sufficient for enhancing their quality. Pressure acting upon samples is in range 6 - 9 GPa in region of thermodynamic stability. Temperature during physical action upon samples is in range 1700 - 2300°C. Samples are subjected to physical action in medium of graphite powder filling reaction space. Heating till high temperature is realized due to applying AC to samples of diamond or brilliant through graphite powder at specific electric current power from 0.18 kWt/cm3 and more. Then electric power is gradually increased from zero till working value and further it is decreased and increased at least two times for some time interval at each change of electric power. Process of annealing samples is completed by smoothly lowering electric current power till zero. At physical action upon sample electric current intensity is lowered by 11 - 13 % and it is increased by 15 - 17 % for time interval from 8 min and more at each change of electric power. Sample is AC heated and it is cooled at rate no more than 0.05kWt/min per cubic centimeter of reaction volume of chamber.
Method comprises etching the surface of articles made of high-melting chemically stable materials by applying the layer of an agent interacting the article material and heating the surface by laser pulse irradiating. The surface of the article is simultaneously affected by the laser pulses and vapors of a volatile composition, which is subjected to the pyrolytic decomposition to produce the above mentioned material. The amplitude of the laser pulse should be sufficient to cause the evaporation of the material.
The method of obtaining diamonds fancy red / 2237113
The invention relates to the field of processing (refining) of the diamond to give them a different color colouring and may find application in the jewelry industry
Procedure for surface of diamond grains roughing consists in mixing diamond grains with metal powder and in heating obtained mixture to temperature of 800-1100°C in vacuum as high, as 10-2-10-4 mm. As metal powders there are taken powders of iron, nickel, cobalt, manganese, chromium, their alloys or mixtures. Powders not inter-reacting with diamond grains at heating can be added to the mixture.
Method involves preparation of a substrate, using a HOPF-synthesis atmosphere which contains nitrogen in concentration of over 300 parts per billion (ppb), and adding to the synthesis atmosphere a second gas which contains silicon atoms as dopant atoms of a second type, where dopant atoms of the second type are added in a controlled manner in an amount which ensures reduction of negative effect of nitrogen on colour, where the layer of monocrystalline diamond has thickness of greater than 0.1 mm, concentration of silicon in the dominant volume of the diamond layer is less than or equal to 2·1018 atoms/cm3, concentration of nitrogen in the dominant volume of the diamond layer is greater than 2·1016 atoms/cm3 and less than or equal to 2·1017 atoms/cm3, and the ratio of concentration of nitrogen to concentration of silicon in the dominant volume of the diamond layer is between 1:20 and 20:1. Addition of a source gas which contains silicon counters the negative effect of nitrogen contained in the HOPF-synthesis atmosphere on the colour of the diamond.
Method of depositing diamond phase nucleation centres onto substrate / 2403327
Method involves preparation of a suspension with weight concentration of nanodiamond particles in a water-based solution selected from the relationship: K=α(ρa/ρb)(r/R)3, feeding the suspension into a gas stream having spraying nozzle velocity from 100 m/s to 400 m/s in order to spray the suspension of nanodiamond particles and deposit them onto a substrate placed at a distance from the sprayer equal to 1-2 times its diametre for a period of time defined the relationship: t=(Sr)/(β(ρb/ρa)KQ), where: K is the weight concentration of nanodiamond particles in the suspension, wt %; a is a coefficient 1≤α≤10; ρa is density of nanodiamond particles, ρa=3.2 g/cm3; ρw is density of water, ρw=1 g/cm3; r is average radius of the nanodiamond particles, r=(4-15) nm; R is average radius of the sprayed droplets, R=(0.5-10) mcm; t is time for depositing the particles, min; β is a coefficient of proportionality, 0.05≤β≤0.1; S is surface area of the substrate, cm2; Q is flow rate of the suspension, Q=(0.06-6.0) cm3/min.
Method involves controlling temperature of a diamond growth surface so that all temperature gradients on the said surface do not exceed 20 єC, and growth of a monocrystalline diamond on the said surface through chemical gas-phase deposition in a microwave plasma at growth temperature in a deposition chamber, the atmosphere of which contains approximately 8-20% CH4 per unit H2 and approximately 5-25% O2 per unit CH4. Diamonds larger than 10 carat may be obtained using the method, which is the subject of the present invention.
Procedure for production of nano-diamonds / 2396377
Invention refers to process of production of nano-diamonds of great industrial importance in electronics as high temperature semi-conductors, high-sensitive metres in complex metering instruments with powerful solid-state laser, etc. Nano-diamonds are produced by crystallisation from water solution of spirit (ethyl or methyl). Also to stabilise nano-diamonds formation spirit is mixed with amino-acids. At least one alkali metal (lithium or potassium) is added into the produced mixture to bond free atoms of hydrogen escaping in the process of spirit decomposition. The crystallisation process is carried out in a closed chamber at temperature 400-700°C during 4-120 hours.
Method includes placement of crystalline diamond nucleus in heat-absorbing holder made of substance having high melt temperature and high heat conductivity, in order to minimise temperature gradients in direction from edge to edge of diamond growth surface, control of diamond growth surface temperature so that temperature of growing diamond crystals is in the range of approximately 1050-1200°C, growing of diamond single crystal with the help of chemical deposition induced by microwave plasma from gas phase onto surface of diamond growth in deposition chamber, in which atmosphere is characterised by ratio of nitrogen to methane of approximately 4% N2/CH4 and annealing of diamond single crystal so that annealed single crystal of diamond has strength of at least 30 MPa m1/2.
Method of purifying diamond / 2386586
Invention relates to chemical methods of purifying natural diamonds, where contaminants are in form of organic and mineral deposits and metallic impurities formed through enrichment of diamond-bearing rocks, as well as synthetic diamonds in which metallic impurities accompany synthesis, with the aim of using the said diamonds as grinding powder in electroplating when making a precision diamond tool. The method involves treatment of diamond at normal atmospheric conditions in a solution with the following composition: water, hydrofluoric acid, nitric acid, sulphuric acid and hydrogen peroxide in volume ratio of 5:1:1:2:(1-10) respectively, with periodic addition of hydrogen peroxide in proportion to its consumption. Nickel metal is added to the solution before treatment of the diamond.
Method of embedding trade marks or identification marks into monocrystalline diamond material, obtained through chemical gas-phase deposition, involves preparation of a diamond substrate and initial gas, dissociation of the initial gas, which provides the process of homoepitaxial growth of diamond, and to put trade marks or identification marks into synthetic diamond material at least one dopant chemical element selected from a group comprising nitrogen, boron and silicon is introduced into the synthesis process in a controlled manner in form of defect centres which upon excitation emit radiation with characteristic wavelength and in such concentration such that the trade mark or identification mark, under normal observation conditions, should not be easily seen or should not affect the perceived quality of the diamond material, but should be seen or become seen when illuminated with light with wavelength of the excited defect centres, the value of which is less than the said characteristic wavelength of radiation emitted by the defect centres, and visible under observation conditions where the said illumination is not visible to the observer.
Invention relates to artificail gem diamonds identifiable with a certain person or animal. A personalised gem diamond is grown from a charge that includes carbon being a product of carbonisation of the material provided by the customer, powder of spectroscopically pure graphite and a marker for which at least two elements are used that are selected from a lanthanide group and taken in a arbitrarily prescribed ratio to the extent between 0.01 to 10 mcg /g.
Method for diamonds purification / 2367601
Method includes stagewise diamonds treatment in autoclave at increased temperature and pressure under the action of microwave radiation: in the first stage -with mixture of nitric acid and hydrogen peroxide, in the second stage- with mixture of concentrated nitric, chlorhydric and hydrofluoric acids. The treatment in both stages is carried out in acids gas phase at autoclave filling 45-55%, in the first stage the volume ratio nitric acid/hydrogen peroxide is 4:1 respectively, the treatment is carried out at temperature 215-250°C during 15-60 min. In the second stage the volume ratio nitric acid/chlorhydric acid/hydrofluoric acid is 5:4:1 respectively; the treatment is carried out at the same temperature during 15-150 min. In the third stage the mixture is treated with 5% solution of chlorhydric acid/ during 5-15 min and temperature not more than 160°C.
Method of producing nanodiamond sol / 2430016
Suspension based on nanodiamonds and water is prepared. The suspension is treated with aqueous solution of alkali. Alkali is separated from the dispersed medium to obtain a stable suspension with pH 12. The stable suspension undergoes ultrafiltration on a tubular membrane filter or a block of such filters. Fractionation is carried out via centrifugal loading in the range of 40-40000 g, where g is gravitational acceleration.
FIELD: metallurgy. SUBSTANCE: procedure consists in ion-energy-beam processing diamonds with high power ion beam of inert chemical element of helium with dose of radiation within range from 0.2×1016 to 2.0×1017 ion/cm2 eliminating successive thermal annealing. EFFECT: production of amber-yellow and black colour of diamond resistant to external factors at significant reduction of material and time expenditures of process of diamond upgrading. 1 dwg, 2 ex
The invention relates to the field of processing (refining) of natural and synthetic diamonds with the ultimate aim of improving their decorative properties. Namely, the invention provides for making colorless diamonds (diamonds) stand yellow or black color that will significantly increase their market value and to expand the range of data gemstones in the jewelry industry. Diamonds fancy color, such as amber, blue, green, pink, red, found in nature is extremely rare and prized above all. The price of diamonds on the international market of precious stones in the first place is determined by their color. Because of the rarity of the stones their market is currently quite specific, selling them is often through specialized auctions type Sotheby's (Sothebys or Christies (Christies). While brown diamonds are widespread in nature, are estimated to be relatively inexpensive and often used as an industrial well drilling, Metalworking, etc. According to the Rapaport Diamond Report - 2009, the price of the most expensive fancy red diamonds can reach 300000 dollars. 1 carat (0.2 g). After diamonds fancy color the highest cost are colorless diamonds. Thus, there is a large financial incentive areas is oriane, i.e. get fancy-colored diamonds. Today in the field of gemology finishing diamonds accumulated scientific and industrial potential. A method of processing diamonds influence of the electron beam with an integral thread in the range of 5×1015-5×1018electron/cm and annealing in the temperature range 300-1900°C simultaneously with the current while the electric field strength in excess of 10 V/cm is subjected to at least one local region of the crystal to give this area a certain hue (RF patent No. 2293148, SW 33/04; SV 33/02; SV 29/04; SV 31/04, 10.02.2007), analogue of 1. The disadvantages of this method are: the multi-stage processing; significant energy and equipment costs; locality get fancy-colored diamonds; the heterogeneity of the distribution of color in the crystal, resulting in lower rates. Known way to change the color adecorative colored natural diamond, including rough cut natural diamond for giving natural diamond streamlined shape, location mentioned natural diamond streamlined in transmitting pressure environment, the seal mentioned a pressure-transmitting medium into the tablet, the impact on the pill high blood pressure and avicennae temperature within the stability region of graphite or within the stability region of diamond on the phase diagram of carbon over time, sufficient to change the color of said diamond; and removing said diamond (RF patent No. 2279908, B01J 3/00; SV 31/06; SV 29/04; 20.07.2006), analogue 2. This method of finishing diamonds (diamonds) is associated with significant financial costs, as it involves simultaneous autoclaving the samples in ultra high pressures and temperatures in thermodynamic stability of diamond and graphite. Much of the raw diamond material may be destroyed. A method of processing colored diamond or diamonds for bleaching and removing additional stress by physical action in a closed reaction volume of samples diamonds or diamonds of high pressure and temperature for a time sufficient to improve their quality, the pressure exerted on the sample is from 6 to 9 HPa in the region of thermodynamic stability, and the temperature in the process of physical impact is within 1700-2300°C, the physical effects on the samples is carried out in an environment of graphite powder, which is filled in the reaction volume, temperature warming exercise direct influence of an alternating electric current on the samples of diamond or diamond through graphite powder with a specific electrical power from 0.18 kV is/cm 3and more, and the power current is gradually increased from zero to the set, followed by a decline and an increase in the power current is not less than 2 times with a time delay at each change of electric power, and the exit from the annealing of the samples provide a gradual decrease in the power current to zero (patent RF № 2281350, SW 33/02; SV 33/04; SV 29/04; B01J 3/06; SV 31/06, 10.08.2006), analogue of 3. The disadvantages of this method are: high material costs; high time costs; a multi-stage process. A method of obtaining diamonds fancy red color with a stable N-V color centers, absorbing in the wavelength range 400-640 nm by irradiation of electron beam and annealing at temperatures of at least 1100°C in vacuum, which use natural diamond type Ia and in its crystal lattice form isolated nitrogen atoms in positions of substitution - the defects by high-temperature processing in high-pressure apparatus at a temperature of more than 2150°C at stabilizing the pressure 6,0-7,0 HPa carried out before irradiation high-energy stream of electrons with a dose of 5*1015-5*1018cm2when 2-4 MeV when using diamond containing defects, or by irradiation with high-energy stream of electrons with a dose more 1019with the -2when using high-nitrogen natural diamonds, containing more than 800 ppm of nitrogen in the form of defects or B1 (RF patent No. 2237113, SW 33/04; SV 33/02; SV 29/04; SV 31/006, 27.09.2004), similar to the 4. The disadvantages of this method are: significant energy costs, the method does not apply to absolutely all the diamonds in this regard has certain limitations. Famous colored diamond, in which the layer of single crystal diamond produced by the method of chemical deposition from the gas phase, the said colored layer and its thickness is more than 1 mm (patent RF № 2314368, SW 25/02; SV 25/20; SV 29/04; AS 17/00, 10.01.2008), analogue of 5. The principal limitation of this method is the low thickness of the graft diamond layer, limitations on distribution induced colorations. There is a method of refining diamonds by exposure to electron beams and annealing for a time from 30 minutes to several hours to give them certain shades, in which the influence exercised by electron beams with integral flow of electrons in the range of 5×1015-5×1018cm-2and annealing perform or at atmospheric pressure, or vacuum, or in an inert atmosphere at 300-1900°C, after which again affect electron beams and subjected to annealing, pricesprices repeat repeatedly to obtain a given color (patent RF № 2145365, SW 33/04; SV 29/04; SV 31/06, 10.02.2000), analogue of 6. The method involves frequent unwanted effect of deterioration of the decorative properties of rough diamonds. There is a method of dyeing substandard diamond black, including heating in vacuum and the impact of additional physical factors, which uses the light polychromatic radiation and magnetic field, with the simultaneous heating and the influence of physical factors (RF patent No. 2178814, SW 33/02; SV 33/04; SV 29/04; SV 31/06, 27.01.2002), analogue of 7. The method is energy-consuming, as it is related to heating, magnetic field and polychromatic effect, and the result of this method is staining diamonds only in black color. Known experimental implantation of helium ions in diamond with an energy of 350 Kev and at a dose of 1.0×1015to 1.0×1017ion/cm2further heat treatment of the samples at temperatures from 150°C to 1600°C, to form a local graphitized layer and changes in the optical properties of crystals. In this work, the variation of the optical properties (namely, blackening due to graphitization and the increase in optical density) occurs only in the surface layer with a thickness of 100 nm at a depth of 700 nm. The authors have not reported the indicate any change data source colorless color crystal diamonds on yellow. In addition, the proposed method of modification of the optical properties of diamonds include the step of etching the surface, graphitized areas implanted crystals in chemically aggressive environments (A.V. Khomich, Inc R.A., Drawin V.A., A.A. Gippius, Savateev E.V., I.I. Vlasov Radiation damage in diamond implantation of helium FTT. 2007. V.49. 9. S-1589). Summarizing all the above, it should be noted that all the methods described finishing diamonds are very labor intensive, require significant financial, energy and hardware costs, require an integrated, multi-pronged effect on the treated substrate with different physicochemical methods. Many of these methods cannot be considered environmentally friendly, because the result of hard electromagnetic radiation is often induced radioactivity, which automatically excludes the use of such diamonds in the production, distribution and use of jewelry. Closest to the claimed method is a method of dyeing diamonds (diamonds) using the method of ion implantation and subsequent high-temperature thermal annealing. Described in patent method, at the first stage of the ion-beam treatment (implantation) or initially colorless, or pale yellow coloured crystals diamonds, a beam of nitrogen ions with an energy of 70 Kev and a dose of 1017ion/cm2. The second required step is postimplantation processing implanted diamond, namely, thermal annealing in vacuum at temperatures of about 650°C for 2 hours (US patent No. 7604846 B2, SS 14/06; SS 14/14; SS 14/48; SS 14/58, 20.10.2009). The disadvantages of this invention is that during the actual implantation treated diamonds become uneven (surface), non-decorative only black color, the formation of which is associated with partial amorphization and grafitizare surface areas of the crystals and the formation of the structure of diamond precipitate particle composition (C3N4), which reduces (eliminates) the commercial attractiveness of diamonds treated by this method. It is the stage postimplantation heat treatment leads to the formation of the diamond-resistant black paint. In addition to the nitrogen in the patent shows the number of chemical elements of groups II-VI (In, O, Mg, Al, P, S and others), promising, according to the authors, when the processing of diamonds, and in addition to the vacuum environment, said about the possibilities of thermal annealing in an inert atmosphere of helium, nitrogen, argon, etc. However, the specific technical results in this case is not given. For the of ACA of the claimed invention is to provide a method of producing diamond fancy yellow and black, resistant to external factors. The problem is solved in that in the method of obtaining diamonds fancy yellow to black, which consists in ion beam processing of diamonds high-energy beam ions chemically active elements, characterized in that the ion-beam processing of diamonds conduct ions of inert chemical element helium irradiation dose in the range from 0.2×1016to 2.0×1017ion/cm2with the possible exception of subsequent thermal annealing. The method is as follows: carry out the implantation accelerated to high energy, for example up to 40 Kev singly charged ions Not+specialized high-energy instrumental complexes, so - called ion-beam accelerators (DRS) at room temperature, the substrate in the residual vacuum, depending on the type (industrial grade) used accelerator. The ion current density is plotted in the interval 1-20 µa/cm2. Depending on the final objective of obtaining fancy-colored diamonds dose varies in the range from 0.2×1016to 2.0×1017ion/cm2. Time (t) the actual implant treatment of the samples is determined by the magnitude of the ion current density (j) and a given radiation dose (D) by the formula t=(D·e)/j, where e=1,60219×10-19CL - positive charge ion is. When implementing the proposed method, in accordance with the above values change values of j and D, the time of implantation processing of the samples is within the range from tenths of minutes to several hours. At minimum doses diamonds become bright amber-yellow color, with the maximum radiation doses crystals are black. Intermediate quantity of the introduced ions of helium leads to intermediate yellow-brown, bright brown, red-brown and dark brown shades treated with implantation of the samples. All these shades of color implantation treated diamonds decorative fantasy type. The claimed solution is illustrated in the drawing, which illustrates the optical absorption spectra of different samples of diamonds. Example 1. Used cut diamond (diamond) the origin of the field "World" (Yakutia). The weight of 0.12 carat cut diamond CR-57 "a"category, colorless (curve And in the drawing), transparent, no visible defects and foreign inclusions. In polariscope observed anomalous birefringence across the stone. In the short-wave UV light inert. The color according to GOST 52913-2008 - "5", according to the International system GIA - "L". Implantation of ions is Not+when ControlTemplate irradiated substrate at the ion accelerator ILU-3 in the residual vacuum of 10 -5Torr. Modes of ion-beam processing: energy 40 Kev, the ion current density I=3 µa/cm2the dose of 1.0×1016ion/cm2the implant 1 min Result: diamond painted in bright yellow color with a Golden amber hue. In the study of polarized-light petrographic microscope and immersion in liquids (increased 35-fold) is observed yellow color of high saturation, the stone evenly colored throughout the volume. Evaluation of color characteristics of the international system GIA identical to the natural analogue of the "Fancy Light Yellow". On microspectrophotometry in high-precision mode by photons recorded optical absorption spectra in the wavelength range of 400-800 nm, which are presented in the figure. In the optical spectrum of the diamond fancy bright yellow (curve B), shows an intense absorption in the near ultraviolet and infrared spectrum, and the absorption band at 595 and 635 nm in the visible wavelength range. As a result of this "transmission" falls on the yellow wavelength range, which explains the nature yellow implanted diamond. Example 2. Used cut diamond (diamond) the origin of the field "World" (Yakutia). The weight of 0.10 carats, brilliant cut diamond CR-57 "a"category, colorless, transparent, no visible defects of the foreign inclusions. In polariscope observed anomalous birefringence across the stone. In the short-wave UV light inert. The color according to GOST 52913-2008 - "5", according to the International system GIA - "L". Implantation of ions is Not+at room temperature irradiated substrate at the ion accelerator ILU-3 in the residual vacuum of 10-5Torr. Modes of ion-beam processing: energy 40 Kev, the ion current density I=3 µa/cm2the dose of 7.0×1016ion/cm2the implant 1 min Result: diamond painted in intense black color. In the study of polarized-light petrographic microscope and immersion in liquids (an increase of 35 times) there is a black color high saturation, the stone evenly colored throughout the volume. In the optical absorption spectrum of the diamond, fancy black (curve B), there is a significant increase in absorbance across the visible wavelength range: about 2 times as compared with yellow diamond, described in example 1, which causes intense black color of the crystal. In contrast to the above patents and prototype, the proposed method uses ion beams with lower energy and is completely absent postimplantation thermal processing of irradiated diamonds, which together significantly reduces the energy, m is the material and time costs during the dyeing process diamonds in the desired tone. In addition, the elevation of diamonds the proposed method can be implemented directly in a finished piece of jewelry, because the technique is gentle in nature and does not entail any violation of the integrity of the precious stone and the surrounding space. Painting is characterized by a uniform distribution in the whole volume of the crystal (or faceted stone), respectively, physico-chemical resistance to external impact and environmental cleanliness (absence of any residual radiation.) Independent Gemological study processed the proposed method, the diamond has shown their consistency and identity of natural samples. For processing the proposed method is suitable practically all squared away (colorless) and unconditioned (Board, Ballas, black diamond) diamonds, both natural and artificial origin. The presence of diamond crystals, or faceted diamonds called fancy color will significantly increase the cost of rough diamonds and the price of diamond jewelry in the specialized World market of precious stones. The claimed technical solution meets the criterion of "novelty"requirements of the inventions as claimed combination of features and technical result achieved is not identified and from which the group up to the present time level solution to this problem. The claimed technical solution meets the criterion of "inventive step", presented to the invention, since it is not obvious to a person skilled in this technical field. The claimed technical solution is implemented in the laboratory, Kazan state University, Kazan physical-technical Institute of RAS on real samples of diamonds and can be implemented on any appropriate facility using standard DRS, which proves the compliance of the claimed technical solution the criterion of "industrial applicability". The method of obtaining diamonds fancy yellow to black, which consists in ion beam processing of diamonds high-energy beam ions chemically active elements, characterized in that the ion-beam processing of diamonds conduct ions of inert chemical element helium irradiation dose in the range from 0.2·1016to 2.0·1017ion/cm2with the possible exception of subsequent thermal annealing.
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