Device for parametric estimation of partition law of message streams |
IPC classes for russian patent Device for parametric estimation of partition law of message streams (RU 2281548):
FIELD: radio engineering, computer engineering. SUBSTANCE: device for parametric estimation of message streams partition law contains input amplifier, parameters calculation block, block for calculation of average arithmetic values, block for determining type of partition, calculator of partition, control block, intensiveness analysis block, packet sign analysis block, block for transformation of type of packet sign, thus making it possible to estimate parameters of partition of homogeneous and non-homogeneous (mixed) streams of multi-packet messages with high trustworthiness, distinguishing marks of which packets (signs of beginning and end of information part of packets) may be identified both quantitatively and qualitatively - ambiguously, in uncertain manner, with utilization of linguistic variable, due to comparing analysis in block of incoming bit series for matching with signs of packets, appropriate for implemented exchange protocol and taking a decision about logic-mathematical nature of their identification attributes, which is mathematically correct, on basis of methods of theory of fuzzy sets, transformation in block of source data, characterizing signs of packets and identified in fuzzy form as type, useable for parametric estimation of message streams partition law. EFFECT: increased trustworthiness of parametric estimate of partition law of message streams. 3 cl, 10 dwg
The invention relates to radio engineering and computer science and is intended for parametric estimation of the law of distribution of a multipackage messages in multi-media (satellite, radio relay, tropospheric) radio and in the media processing and data transmission in local area networks (LAN), combined in a digital telecommunication network (TCN). A device for parametric estimation of the distribution containing the input amplifier, the memory block, the block check consent, the control unit and the synthesizer distribution function (see ed. St. USSR №1024935, G 06 F 15/36, G 06 G 7/52, 1983, bul). The disadvantage of this device is the low level of performance when it is used to estimate the distribution of a multipackage messages (IPU) in TCS integration services, due to the need enumeration of the set M combinations of parameters for the distribution of message flow consisting of a set of packages. A device for parametric estimation of the distribution of message flows that contain the input amplifier, the power calculation unit calculating average values, the block type definition of the distribution, the evaluator distribution and control unit (see RF patent №2094844, G 06 F 17/18, 1997, bul). However, this device and EET narrow scope, because it is impossible to estimate the distribution of the heterogeneous (mixed) flow map, taking place in TCS integration services and is caused by the presence of the source of information, outstanding as expressed independent single informational messages to the user (COI), and packs of COI, the length of which is distributed according to a geometric law. In this case, the approximation of the real statistics of incoming flows COI impossible to reduce them to the three classic versions message flows. The closest to the technical nature of the claimed device (prototype) is a device for parametric estimation of the distribution of message flows (see RF patent №2165100, 7 G 06 F 17/18, 2001, bul)containing the input amplifier, the input of which is filed binary pulse sequence, the block parameter calculation unit calculating average values, the block type definition of the distribution, computer distribution, control unit, and the unit of analysis of the intensity, and the clock output control unit connected to the clock input of the transmitter distribution, Abdoulaye and control outputs of the control unit are connected respectively with boleushim and managing inputs block parameter calculation, an information input connected to vyhoda the input amplifier, the first and second information outputs of the computing unit parameters connected respectively to the first and second information input unit for computing the average value, the first information output of which is connected to the first information input of the transmitter distribution and with the input of the block type definition of the distribution, the first, second, and third modification, the outputs of which are connected respectively to the first, second and third modification to the inputs of the transmitter distribution, the second information input of which is connected with the second information output unit for computing the average values, the output of the transmitter distribution is the output device, the input unit of analysis intensity is connected to the second information output unit for computing the parameters of the first and second parametric outputs of the unit of analysis intensity are connected respectively with the first and second parametric inputs evaluator distribution, control output unit of analysis intensity is connected to the control input of the computing unit arithmetic mean values. In the prototype implements the estimation of distribution parameters (intensity - λwithand the ratio of the information length of the packets and messages ξ) both uniform and h is homogeneous (mixed) flow MEAs - streams, periodically changing its intensity during the operation of TCS integration services, thereby the extension of field of use of the device. However, the prototype has the disadvantage of relatively low reliability assessment in conditions inherent in the real process of functioning TKS integration services - in conditions of ambiguity (fuzziness) of the parameters of the circulating flow of a multipackage messages. This device allows high accuracy to estimate the parameters of the distribution of only those homogeneous and heterogeneous (mixed) flow map, source characteristics of the packets (the beginning and end of the data portion of the packets defined quantitatively identified clearly and unambiguously, while the signs of the beginning and end of the data portion of the packet IPU for a large number of high-speed flows of messages that are actually circulating in the computer and other telecommunication networks can be identified only qualitatively ambiguous, vague, involving linguistic variable. Under "features" packages message flow refers to the established and traditional for a specific Protocol in TCS integrated service attributes of the packet header is the number of bits flag the beginning and end of the data portion of the packet, on prednosti and intensity of their sequence within the header. Analysis of the works [1-6] and the results of studies of the real message flows [7-9] show that the input packet stream IPU users in the existing TCS integration services, characterized by both quantitative and qualitative traits. Its inherent unreliability, fuzzy (vague) a priori uncertainty, causing a lack of clear boundaries of the signs of the beginning of the data portion of the packet and the end of the data portion of the packet. This is especially true for SMEs, when heterogeneous group stream is transmitted over a network such class at a high speed. In these conditions it is quite difficult clearly (clearly) to identify the affiliation of key attributes, such as intensity of the occurrence of the flag the start of the service - indication header of the packet, the number of bits of the symbols of the beginning and end of the data portion of the packet to the feature space. In the analysis parameters λwithand ξ, the evaluation of the distribution of message flows, all distinct and clearly identifiable signs of packets can be clearly recorded and numerically described using quantitative measures, while ambiguous identifiable signs require, in order to avoid errors of assessment, verification, additional validation, which is possible on the establishments the m level. This involves verification of ambiguous (unclear) of the identifiable characteristics of the packets, based on the mathematical apparatus of theory of fuzzy sets, involving the identification of criteria for verification of the characteristics of the packets, formulated in the form of a linguistic variable type: "sign clearly does not belong to the space of signs" - "very weak degree set this attribute to space the signs" - "weak degree of belonging to the space of signs" - "belonging and not belonging to the space of characteristics ravnovesnoy" - "a high degree of belonging to the space of signs" - "very high degree of belonging to the feature space" - "the sign of the package explicitly belongs to the space of signs and other Mathematical analogue of such linguistic variables is the membership function of fuzzy sets that are written as The aim of the invention is a device for the parametric estimation of the distribution of message flows, providing increased reliability assessment in conditions inherent in the real process of functioning TKS integration services - in conditions of ambiguity (fuzziness) of the parameters of the circulating flow of a multipackage messages, devices with high reliability to estimate the parameters of the distribution of homogeneous and heterogeneous (mixed) flow map, identification features packages (signs of the beginning and end of the data portion of packets) can be identified both quantitatively and qualitatively - is ambiguous, vague, involving linguistic variable. This goal is achieved by the fact that in the known device for the parametric estimation of the distribution of message flows that contain the input amplifier, the input of which is the input device, the computing unit parameters for determining the current values of the intensive the spine of the message and the ratio of the information length of the packets and messages, the power calculation of arithmetic mean values for numerical values averaged over the observation interval of flow parameters, the block type definition of the distribution, the evaluator distribution unit rate analysis for the current evaluation and comparison of the values of the timing parameter of the intensity of the input stream, and a control unit to adjust the monitoring interval, the packet length and the number of packets, the clock output of which is connected to the clock input of the transmitter distribution, Abdoulaye and control outputs of the control unit are connected respectively with boleushim and managing inputs of the computing unit parameters, the first and second information outputs of which are connected respectively to the first and second information input unit for computing the average values of the first the information output of which is connected to the first information input of the transmitter distribution and with the input of the block type definition of the distribution, the first, second, and third modification, the outputs of which are connected respectively to the first, second and third modification to the inputs of the transmitter distribution, the second information input of which is connected with the second information output unit for computing the average values, the output of the transmitter distribution is o the home device, the input unit of analysis intensity is connected to the second information output unit for computing the parameters of the first and second parametric outputs of the unit of analysis intensity are connected respectively with the first and second parametric inputs evaluator distribution, control output unit of analysis intensity is connected to the control input of the unit for computing the average values have been added to the unit of analysis characteristic of the package and the transform block type characteristic of the package, and the output of the input amplifier is connected with the information input unit of analysis of the sign package, fuzzy indicative of the output of which is connected to the input of the processing block type characteristic of the package, the output of which is connected back to the input indicative of the unit of analysis of the sign package, clear feature the output of which is connected to the information input unit of calculation parameters. The unit of analysis of the sign package consists of the analyzer, the number of bits of the packet header parser precedence bits of the packet header parser intensity bit of the packet header parser matches the signs and verifier, and the analyzer input the number of bits of the packet header is an information input unit and connected to the analyzer input sequence of bits of a packet header and a log analyzer online is newnote bit packet header, the analyzer outputs the number of bits of the packet header parser precedence bits of the packet header analyzer and intensity bits of the packet header are connected respectively to the first, second and third indicative of the inputs of the analyzer matches the characteristics of the fuzzy output of which is connected to the main entrance of the verifier and is fuzzy indicative output unit, clear the output of the analyzer matches the signs connected with the output of the verifier and is clearly indicative of the output unit of analysis characteristic of the package, while the secondary input of the verifier return is indicative of the input unit of analysis characteristic of the package. The power transformations of the form characteristic of the package consists of a counter, computer add-ons, main and auxiliary storage elements, main and auxiliary solvers intersection of computer integration and analysis function α-level, the output of which is the output of the block, and the counter input is an input unit, the first and second outputs of the counter are connected respectively to the input of the main storage element and a direct auxiliary input storage element, and respectively with the first and second inputs of the transmitter additions, the outputs of the main and auxiliary storage elements connected respectively to the main entrance of the main and auxiliary solvers crossing, to additional inputs of the main and auxiliary solvers intersection connected respectively to the first and second outputs of the transmitter additions, the outputs of the main and auxiliary solvers intersection connected respectively to first and second inputs of the transmitter associations, the output of which is connected to an additional input of the transmitter additions, auxiliary input auxiliary storage element and the input of the analyzer functions αlevel. Thanks to the new essential features by introducing blocks of the analysis of the sign package and transformations of the form characteristic of the package, providing a comparative analysis of the incoming binary bit sequence from the point of view of their conformity to the characteristics of the packets used by the communications Protocol, and converting vaguely identified signs of packets in the inventive device allows verification of the characteristics of the packages and bring signs of packages identified in fuzzy form to a form suitable for parametric estimation of the distribution of message flows, which causes an increase in the reliability assessment in conditions inherent in the real process of functioning TKS integration services - in conditions of ambiguity (fuzziness) of the parameters circus who regulates flow of a multipackage messages. The analysis of the level of technology has allowed to establish that the analogues, characterized by a set of characteristics is identical for all features of the claimed technical solution is available, which indicates compliance of the device to the condition of patentability "novelty". Search results known solutions in this and related areas of technology in order to identify characteristics that match the distinctive features of the prototype of the features of the declared object, showed that they do not follow explicitly from the prior art. The prior art also revealed no known effect provided the essential features of the claimed invention transformations on the achievement of the technical result. Therefore, the claimed invention meets the condition of patentability "inventive step". The claimed device is illustrated by drawings, on which: figure 1 - structural diagram of the device for the parametric estimation of the distribution of message flows; figure 2 - block diagram of the unit of analysis of the sign package. figure 3 - block diagram of the verifier; figure 4 - block diagram of the processing block type characteristic of the package. figure 5 - block diagram of the computing unit parameters; figure 6 - block diagram of the block calc the comprehension of arithmetic mean values; 7 is a structural block circuit diagram for determining the type of distribution; on Fig - structural diagram of the transmitter of distribution; figure 9 - block diagram of the control unit; figure 10 is a structural block circuit analysis intensity. Device for the parametric estimation of the distribution of the message flows shown in figure 1, consists of an input amplifier 1, the inlet of which is the input device, the computing unit 2 parameters, the unit for computing the average values of 3, block type definition of the distribution 4, evaluator distribution 5, a control unit 6, block analysis of intensity 7, the unit of analysis characteristic of the package 8 and unit transformations of the form characteristic of the package 9. Clock output 61 of the control unit 6 is connected to the clock input 56 of the transmitter distribution 5, Abdoulaye 62 and 63 managing the outputs of the control unit 6 are connected respectively with boleushim 22 and 23 managing the inputs of the computing unit 2 parameters, the first 24 and second 25 information outputs of which are connected respectively to the first 31 and second 32 information input unit for computing the average values of 3, the first information output 33 which is connected with the first information input 51 evaluator distribution 5 and to the input of the block type definition of the distribution 4, the first 41, second 42 and third of the 43 modification the outputs of which are connected respectively for the first 53, the second 54 and 55 third modification to the inputs of the transmitter distribution 5, the second information input 52 which is connected with the second information output block 34 calculation of arithmetic mean values of 3. The output 59 of the evaluator distribution 5 is an output device, the input 71 of the unit of analysis intensity 7 is connected to the second information output 25 of the computing unit 2 parameters, the first 73 and second 74 parametric output unit rate analysis 7 are connected respectively with the first 57 and second 58 parametric inputs evaluator distribution 5. Control output 72 of the unit of analysis intensity 7 is connected to a control input 35 of the block of calculation of arithmetic mean values of 3. The output of the input amplifier 1 is connected with the information input 81 of the unit of analysis characteristic of the package 8, fuzzy indicative output 82 which is connected to the input 91 of block transformations of the form characteristic of the package 9, the output 92 which is connected to the return input indicative 83 unit of analysis characteristic of the package 8, a clear indicative of the output 84 which is connected to the information input unit 21 parameter calculation 2. The unit of analysis of the sign package 8 (figure 2) is designed to perform a consistent comparison of the incoming binary bit sequence from the point of view of their conformity to the characteristics of the PA is billing purposes (the number of bits the sequence and intensity of the following bit flag beginning (end) of the information part of the package), the respective used and known in advance for this TCS communications Protocol and a decision on logical-mathematical nature of their identity attributes - the characteristics of the package in the given bit sequence is identified uniquely and match the original (reference) characteristics, or the characteristics of the package are identified ambiguous (unclear, can be described with the involvement of a linguistic variable and requires additional verification, mathematically correct handling and checking them uniquely belonging to the reference set of identifying features. The unit of analysis of the sign package 8 analyzer consists of the number of bits of the packet header 8.01, analyzer order bits of the packet header 8.02, analyzer intensity bit of the packet header 8.03, analyzer matches the characteristics 8.04 and verifier 8.05. Entrance 811 analyzer number of bits of the packet header 8.01 is an information input 81 of the block 8 and is connected to the input 821 analyzer order bits of the packet header 8.02 and entrance 831 analyzer intensity bit of the packet header 8.03. Outputs 812, 822 and 832 analyzer number of bits of the packet header 8.01, analyzer order bits of the packet header 8.02 and analyzer, the intensity of bits of the packet header 8.03 connected respectively to the first 841, the second 842 and third 843 indicative of the inputs of the analyzer matches the characteristics 8.04, fuzzy output 844 which is connected to the main entrance 851 verifier 8.05 and is fuzzy indicative of the output 82 of the analysis of the sign of the package 8. Clear output 845 analyzer matches the characteristics 8.04 is connected to the output 852 verifier 8.05 and is clearly indicative of the output 84 of the unit of analysis characteristic of the package 8, and a secondary entrance 853 verifier 8.05 return is indicative of the input 83 of the unit of analysis characteristic of the package 8. The analyzer number of bits of the packet header 8.01 unit of analysis characteristic of the package 8 is intended for comparing the number of bits of the incoming binary pulse sequence with a reference number of bits flag the beginning (end) of the information part of the package corresponding to the used and known in advance for a given TKS exchange Protocol. The analyzer number of bits of the packet header 8.01 may be technically implemented as a binary sum counter with serial transfer on T-triggers, as described in the literature [Ugryumov, H.E. Design elements and components of the computer. - M.: Higher school, 1987. S.138-141, RES]. The analyzer sequence of bits of the packet header 8.02 unit of analysis characteristic of the package 8 is designed to compare the sequence of repetition bits of the incoming binary pulse sequence is lnasty with accepted for used and known in advance TKS for this Protocol, the sequence of following bit flag beginning (end) of the information part of the package. The analyzer sequence of bits of the packet header 8.02 may be implemented on the basis of the dynamic shift register, as shown in [H. Sobotka, Old Ya Microprocessor systems. - M.: Energoizdat, 1981. S-87, RIS (b)], The analyzer intensity bit of the packet header 8.03 unit of analysis characteristic of the package 8 is intended for comparing the intensity of the sequence of bits of the incoming binary pulse sequence with the traditional for this Protocol, the intensity of the following bit flag beginning (end) of the information part of the package. The analyzer intensity bit of the packet header 8.03 can be technically implemented in the form of a counter-divider with a variable division ratio of working as a summation of the binary, as shown in [Gusev V.V., Lebedev O., Sidorov A.M. fundamentals of pulse and digital techniques. - SPb.: SUVIUS, 1996. S-182, RIS]. The analyzer matches the characteristics 8.04 unit of analysis characteristic of the package 8 is suitable for analysis (comparison) additional binary characters (1 or 0), arriving at its inputs, along with the original binary code sequence and a decision on logical-mathematical nature of the identifiable signs of p is the ket (crisp or fuzzy). The analyzer matches the characteristics 8.04 is a digital site comparison and can be technically implemented in the form of node comparisons (digital comparator, as shown in [Gusev V.V., Lebedev O., Sidorov A.M. fundamentals of pulse and digital techniques. - SPb.: SUVIUS, 1996. S-152, RIS]. The verifier 8.05 (3) unit of analysis characteristic of the package 8 is intended for the final implementation of the newly adopted in the processing block type characteristic of the package 9 decisions about belonging (or not belonging) and analyzed mathematically transformed trait package to the feature space and information transfer in the computing unit 2 parameters. The verifier 8.05 unit of analysis of the sign package 8 consists of a shift register 8.05-1 and controller 8.05-2. The main entrance 8051 shift register 8.05-1 is the main entrance 851 verifier 8.05, the output shift register 8.05-1 is the output 852 verifier 8.05, auxiliary input 8052 shift register 8.05-1 is connected to the output of the controller 8.05-2, the entrance of which is a secondary entrance 853 verifier 8.05. Shift register 8.05-1 verifier 8.05 performs the functions of storing a bit sequence and inversion of the first bit of the identified as "not the header bit sequence on the opposite ("null" to "unit" or Vice versa) and can be the ü implemented on the basis of the shift register to shift to the left with inversion as shown in the literature [Gusev V.V., Lebedev O., Sidorov A.M. fundamentals of pulse and digital techniques. - SPb.: SUVIUS, 1996. S-160, RIS (b)]. The controller 8.05-2 verifier 8.05 is designed to receive from the block 9 control signals and generate the corresponding binary pulse signals 0 or 1 ("zero" or "unit"), which is the inversion commands to shift register 8.05-1. The controller 8.05-2 can be technically implemented as a serial control circuit of the meter, as shown in [Ugryumov, H.E. Design elements and components of the computer. - M.: Vysshaya SHKOLA, 1987, s-178, RIS]. The power transformations of the form characteristic of the package 9 (figure 4) is designed for the mathematically correct conversion of the original data, the characteristics of the packages identified in fuzzy form (not parametrically) to a form suitable for parametric estimation of the distribution of message flows. The power transformations of the form characteristic of the package 9 is composed of a counter 9.01, computer add-ons 9.02, the main 9.03 and auxiliary 9.04 storage elements, the main 9.05 and auxiliary 9.06 calculators crossing, evaluator Association 9.07 and analyzer functions α-level 9.08, the output of which is 982 output 92 of block transformations of the form characteristic of the package 9. Entrance 911 counter 9.01 is the entrance 91 block pre is obrazovaniya species characteristic of the package 9, first 912 and the second 913 outputs of the counter 9.01 connected respectively to the input 931 main storage element 9.03 and direct access 941 auxiliary storage element 9.04, and respectively with the first 921 922 and the second inputs of the transmitter additions 9.02, the outputs of the main 9.03 and auxiliary 9.04 storage elements connected respectively to the main inputs 951 and 961 main 9.05 and auxiliary 9.06 calculators crossing, additional inputs 952 and 962 main 9.05 and auxiliary 9.06 calculators intersection connected respectively to the first 923 and the second 924 outputs transmitter additions 9.02, outputs 953 and 963 main 9.05 and auxiliary 9.06 calculators crossing connected respectively to the first 971 and the second 972 inputs evaluator Association 9.07, the output 973 of which is connected to an additional input 925 evaluator additions 9.02, auxiliary input 943 auxiliary storage element 9.04 and entry 981 analyzer functions α-level 9.08. Counter 9.01 block transformations of the form characteristic of the package 9 is intended for reception and sorting in binary code information into two parts - the initial number of expert opinions (the number of experts is two) about the degree of membership of a particular identifiable characteristic of the packet within the message to space the TSS signs. Counter 9.01 may be technically implemented on the basis of the digital counter, as described in [H. Sobotka, Old Ya Microprocessor systems. - M.: Energoizdat, 1981, pp.96-100]. The transmitter additions 9.02 conversion unit species characteristic of the package 9 is intended to implement the binary arithmetic operations subtraction of unit values of membership functions of fuzzy sets. The transmitter additions 9.02 is a standard arithmetical and logic unit and technically implemented as a commercially available arithmetical-logical unit (ALU), described in [Drozdov E.A., komarnicki, VA, Panibratov A.P. computers Unified. - M.: Mashinostroenie, 1981, s-170]. The main storage element 9.03 conversion unit species characteristic of the package 9 is designed for storing fuzzy information from the first expert and transmission of binary coded values of membership functions of fuzzy sets on the main entrance 951 main evaluator crossing 9.05. The main storage element 9.03 technically implemented as a standard programmable memory device in accordance with the description presented in [Gusev V.V., Lebedev O., Sidorov A.M. fundamentals of pulse and digital techniques. - SPb.: SUVIUS, 1996, s-199, figure 6.10]. Auxiliary storage element conversion unit species characteristic of the package 9 is designed for storing fuzzy information from the second expert and transmission of binary coded values of membership functions of fuzzy sets on the main entrance 961 auxiliary evaluator crossing 9.06. Auxiliary storage element 9.04 is different from the primary storage element 9.03 only by the presence of auxiliary input, which technically can be easily combined with direct input, which allows the implementation of auxiliary storage element 9.04 similar to the main storage element 9.03, in the form of a programmable permanent memory device, as described in [Gusev V.V., Lebedev O., Sidorov A.M. fundamentals of pulse and digital techniques. - SPb.: SUVIUS, 1996. S-199, figure 6.10]. The primary evaluator crossing 9.05 conversion unit species characteristic of the package 9 is designed to perform binary math operations of intersection of fuzzy sets, which are formulated by the first expert with the addition of fuzzy sets, which are formulated by the second expert. The primary evaluator crossing 9.05 is a digital site comparison, described in [Gusev V.V., Lebedev O., Sidorov A.M. fundamentals of pulse and digital techniques. - SPb.: SUVIUS, 1996. S-152, RIS]. Auxiliary transmitter crossing 9.06 conversion unit species characteristic of the package 9 is designed to perform binary math operations of intersection of fuzzy sets, we formulate the second expert with the addition of a fuzzy set, we formulate p is pout expert. Auxiliary transmitter crossing 9.06 identical to the primary evaluator crossing 9.05 and can also be implemented on the basis of the digital unit of comparison described in [Gusev V.V., Lebedev O., Sidorov A.M. fundamentals of pulse and digital techniques. - SPb.: SUVIUS, 1996. S-152, RIS]. The evaluator Association 9.07 conversion unit species characteristic of the package 9 is designed to implement the final cycle of disjunctive sum of fuzzy sets - perform a mathematical operation of combining fuzzy sets resulting from, respectively, the intersection of fuzzy sets, which are formulated by the first expert with the addition of a fuzzy set, we formulate the second expert and intersection of fuzzy sets, we formulate the second expert with the addition of fuzzy sets, which are formulated by the first expert. The evaluator Association 9.07 can be technically implemented on the basis of a digital node comparison, described in [Gusev V.V., Lebedev O., Sidorov A.M. fundamentals of pulse and digital techniques. - SPb.: SUVIUS, 1996. S-152, RIS]. The analyzer features α-level 9.08 conversion unit species characteristic of the package 9 is designed for a single-choice (assignment) quantitative values of the analyzed fuzzy flow parameters (signs of packages). The analyzer features αlayer 908 is a digital programmable threshold comparison circuit, described in [Gusev V.V., Lebedev O., Sidorov A.M. fundamentals of pulse and digital techniques. - SPb.: SUVIUS, 1996. S-156, RIS]. The input amplifier 1, which is the common structural scheme, designed to perform amplification, normalization amplitude and duration of the input stream - the binary pulse sequence. The input amplifier 1 can be technically implemented as a Schmitt trigger, as shown in [Gusev V.V., Lebedev O., Sidorov A.M. fundamentals of pulse and digital techniques. - SPb.: SUVIUS, 1996. S-119, ri (a)]. The computing unit 2 parameters included in the overall structural scheme, designed to determine the current values of the parameters λwithand ξ. His scheme is known, as described for example, in the patent of Russian Federation №2165100, 7 G 06 F 17/18, 2001, bul) and presented on figure 5 of this specification. The computing unit parameter 2 contains the decoder packet headers 2.01, the detector pauses 2.02, the counter information of the length of a multipackage messages 2.03, message counter 2.04 and computer ratio information of the lengths of the packets and messages 2.05. The input of the decoder packet headers 2.01, an information input 21 of the block 2, connected in parallel to the first input 231 of the counter information of the length of a multipackage messages 2.03 and to the input of the detector pauses 2.02, the output of decoder packet headers 2.01 connect the second input 232 of the counter information of the length of a multipackage messages 2.03. The output of detector pauses 2.02 connected to the third input 233 of the counter information of the length of a multipackage messages 2.03 and to the first input 241 of the counter message 2.04, the output of the counter information of the length of a multipackage messages 2.03 connected to the first input 251 of the transmitter correlation information of the lengths of the packets and messages 2.05, the second control input 252 which is a control input 23 of the computing unit 2 parameters. Second Abdoulaye input 242 of the counter message 2.04 is boleushim entrance 22 of the computing unit 2 parameters. The outputs of the transmitter correlation information of the lengths of the packets and messages 2.05 and the message counter 2.04 are respectively the first 24 and second 25 information outputs of the computing unit 2 parameters. The power calculation of arithmetic mean values of 3, part of the General structural scheme, designed to obtain numerical values averaged over the observation interval of flow parameters ( The block type definition of the distribution 4, part of the General structural scheme is designed for the comparison of the parameter values of the ratio of the duration The evaluator distribution 5, part of the General structural scheme, designed to produce estimates of the probability density of the flow. Its structural scheme is known as described, for example, in the prototype (patent RF №2165100, 7 G 06 F 17/18, 2001, bul) and presented on Fig of this description. The evaluator distribution 5 consists of arithmetical-logical element and item 5.01 And 5.02. The first 501 and 502 second information inputs arithmetical-logical element 5.01 are sootvetstvenno the first 51 and second 52 information inputs evaluator distribution 5. The first 503, 504 and the second third 505 modification inputs arithmetical-logical element 5.01 are respectively the first 53 and second 54 and 55 third modification inputs evaluator distribution 5. First 507 508 and the second parametric inputs arithmetical-logical element 5.01 are respectively the first 57 and second 58 parametric inputs evaluator distribution 5. The first input 510 item And 5.02 is a clock input 56 of the transmitter distribution 5, the output element And 5.02 connected to the clock input 506 arithmetical-logical item 5.01. The second input 511 item And 5.02 connected to the first information input 51 evaluator distribution 5, exit 509 arithmetical-logical element 5.01 is the output 59 of the evaluator distribution 5 and the output device for the parametric estimation of the distribution of the message flows. Arithmetical-logical element (ALE) 5.01 can be technically implemented in the form of commercially available arithmetical-logical unit (ALU), described in [Drozdov E.A., komarnicki, VA, Panibratov A.P. computers Unified. - M.: Mashinostroenie, 1981. S-170]. The control unit 6, which is a General block diagram is intended to adjust the monitoring interval (tneb), packet length (mp) and the number of packets (k). Structural block circuit panel, the means 6 known described in detail in the prototype (patent RF №2165100, 7 G 06 F 17/18, 2001, bul) and presented on figure 9 of this specification. The control unit 6 comprises a generator of clock pulses 6.01 and three divider with variable division factor (DPCD) 6.02-6.04. The generator output clock pulses 6.01 connected in parallel to the inputs of all three divider with a variable division ratio, the first of which (6.02) is clocked by the output 61 of the block 6 and is connected to the clock input 56 of the transmitter distribution 5. Output DPKG 6.04 and output DPKG 6.03 are respectively boleushim 62 and 63 managing the outputs of the block 6 and is connected to boleosoma 22 and the Manager 23 inputs of the computing unit 2 parameters. The unit of analysis of the volume 7, part of the General structural scheme, intended for the current evaluation and comparison of previous (λ1) and subsequent (λ2) values of samples of the intensity parameter λ the input stream. Its structural scheme is known, described, for example, in the prototype (patent RF №2165100, 7 G 06 F 17/18, 2001, bul) and figure 10 presents the description. The unit of analysis intensity 7 consists of a comparison element 7.01, memory element 7.02, the primary element And 7.03 and a secondary element And 7.04. Information input 701 element of comparison 7.01, the input memory element 7.02 and inform the operating input 706 of the secondary element And 7.04 connected in parallel with each other, and their input is 71 unit of analysis of intensity 7, auxiliary output 707 memory element 7.02 connected to the auxiliary input element 702 comparison 7.01, the output of which is control the output 72 of the unit of analysis intensity 7 and connected in parallel with signal inputs 703 and 705 primary 7.03 and secondary 7.04 elements And, respectively, the outputs of which are respectively the first 73 and second 74 parametric outputs of the unit of analysis of intensity 7. Information output 708 memory element 7.02 connected to the information input 704 of the primary element And 7.03. The element of comparison 7.01 is a digital site comparison and can be technically implemented in the form of node comparisons (digital comparator, as shown in [Gusev V.V., Lebedev O., Sidorov A.M. fundamentals of pulse and digital techniques. - SPb.: SUVIUS, 1996. S-152, RIS]. Random access memory element (OSE) 7.02 may be technically implemented on the basis of commercially available programmable memory device in accordance with the description presented in [Gusev V.V., Lebedev O., Sidorov A.M. fundamentals of pulse and digital techniques. - SPb.: SUVIUS, 1996. S-199, figure 6.10]. Device for the parametric estimation of the distribution of the message flows is as fo the om. It is known that from the point of view of verification of the observed characteristics of the packets within the estimated message flow, you can view the feature space packages in the form of a set of (transposed vector) [1-6]: where where In the framework of the traditional expert system for solving the problem of combining expert opinions, knowledge which is used in the form of pre-formed data on the possible values of the degree of membership of a particular trait packages to the feature space, use one of the standard operations on fuzzy sets - operation disjunctive summation [-6]. In this case, the disjunctive sum, for example, two fuzzy sets (number of experts), is defined in terms of unions and intersections of fuzzy sets as follows: where The expression (4) is characterized by the fact that if the value of the membership function (certainty) integrated expert opinions for a particular S-th characteristic of the i-th packet in the framework of the j-th message exceeds α-level or equal, this particular trait is true, i.e. unambiguously points to the beginning (end) of the package. It does not matter which of the elements of the vector (2) space is not clearly identifiable signs of packages conventionally understood as the S-th characteristic in the expression (4). This can be either With this in mind, is the evaluation of the distribution of the message flows in the claimed device. The analyzed input stream IPU users in the form of a binary pulse sequence, enhanced and normalized by the amplitude and duration of the input amplifier 1 is applied to an information input 81 of the unit of analysis characteristic of the package 8. The unit of analysis of the sign package 8 can be implemented in accordance with the scheme proposed in figure 2. The comparison and decision unit 8 is as follows. Reinforced and normalized by the amplitude and duration of the binary pulse sequence from the information input 81 of the unit of analysis of the sign package 8 simultaneously fed to the inputs 811, 821 and 831 analyzer number of bits of the packet header 8.01, analyzer order bits of the packet header 8.02 and analyzer intensity bit of the packet header 8.03, respectively. The analyzer number of bits of the packet header 8.01 provides a consistent comparison of the number of bits of the received sequence with the reference (accepted for this Protocol, the number of bits of the header) on the basis of ψdescribed in the expression (1). The analyzer sequence of bits of the packet header 8.02 provides a consistent comparison of the sequence of repetition bits of the incoming binary pulse sequence is a reference parameter (characteristic) β described in the expression (1). In the analyzer, the intensity of the bits of the packet header 8.03 sequentially comparing the intensity of the sequence of bits of the incoming binary pulse sequence with a reference on the basis of γdescribed in the expression (1). Thus, in each of the three analyzers (8.01, 8.02 and 8.03) incoming binary pulse sequence is compared by its sign, if the sign of the binary pulse sequence coincided with the reference sign (ψ, β and γ) packet on the appropriate output 812, 822 and 832 of this analyzer to a binary pulse sequence is added to the binary symbol 1 ("unit") in the case of a match, or 0 (zero) in case of discrepancy. The original binary pulse sequence, but each with its additional binary symbol (1 or 0), the output 812 analyzer number of bits of the packet header 8.01, output 822 analyzer order bits of the packet header 8.02 and output 832 analyzer intensity bit of the packet header 8.03 act respectively on the first indicative 841, the second indicative 842 and the third indicative 843 inputs of the analyzer matches the characteristics 8.04. Analysis (comparison) these additional characters in the analyzer matches the characteristics 8.04 as follows. If the complement is selected characters entered all three "units", this binary code sequence, the characteristics of the packet is recognized as uniquely identified, it is certainly a bit sequence flag the beginning (end) of the information part of the package and, without additional characters through a clear exit 845 analyzer matches the characteristics 8.04 and clearly indicative of the output 84 of the unit of analysis characteristic of the package 8 is supplied to the information input unit 21 of the calculation parameters to further define the current values of flow parameters λwithand ξ. If additional characters from any of the three analyzers (8.01, 8.02 and 8.03) received at least one "zero", then this is the binary code sequence, the characteristics of the packet is recognized as ambiguous (unclear) identified, is a fuzzy code sequence and require additional verification from the point of view of the answer to the question whether it is the bit sequence flag the beginning (end) of the information part of the package or not. This option, in the worst case (when all three "zero", the mismatching of all three characteristics), can be described by expression (2), or to have one or two characteristics not clearly identifiable or where The verifier 8.05 unit of analysis of the sign package 8 can be implemented in accordance with the scheme proposed in figure 3. The verifier 8.05 implementation adopted in the processing block type characteristic of the package 9 decisions about belonging (or not belonging) and analyzed mathematically transformed trait package to the feature space and the transmission of information in the block is ycycline 2 parameters as follows. In the shift register 8.05-1 verifier 8.05 already stored previously received from the analyzer matches the characteristics 8.04 unit of analysis characteristic of the package 8 and recorded through the main entrance 851 verifier 8.05 and the main entrance 8051 shift register 8.05-1, the binary code sequence, vaguely the characteristics of the packets (fuzzy code sequence). From the output of the transform block type characteristic of the package 9 through the return indicative of the input 83 of the unit of analysis of the sign package 8 to the input of the controller 8.05-2 verifier 8.05 come in binary code, the quantitative values (the signal "zero" or "unit"). If the received signal 1 ("unit") - feature package is recognized as true, the packet header verified and can be directed as in the computing unit 2 parameters for further processing. In this case, the controller 8.05-2 verifier 8.05 generates a binary pulse signal 1 ("unit"), which is output from the controller 8.05-2 is supplied to an additional input 8052 shift register 8.05-1. Upon receipt of this signal, the shift register 8.05-1 verifier 8.05 function inversion does not. After removing the additional binary characters (1 or 0), it reads and transmits from its output stored, already considered verified unambiguously identified on the basis of the package is considered to be the true sequence of bits flag the beginning (end) of the information part of the package through a clear indicative of the output 84 of the unit of analysis of the sign package 8 on the information input unit 21 parameter calculation 2 to further determine the current values of flow parameters λwithand ξ. If the input controller 8.05-2 verifier 8.05 of the block 9 has received the signal 0 ("zero") is a sign of the package is not recognized as true, it is "not a header, the packet header verified as error, the controller 8.05-2 verifier 8.05 generates a binary pulse signal of 0 (zero), which is output from the controller 8.05-2 is supplied to an additional input 8052 shift register 8.05-1. In this case, after removing the additional binary characters (1 or 0), the shift register 8.05-1 verifier 8.05 through a clear indicative of the output 84 of the unit of analysis characteristic of the package 8, transmits the binary code of the analyzed bit sequence on the information input 21 of the computing unit 2 parameters, but, in order to prevent false positives decoder packet headers 2.01, detector pauses 2.02 and counter information length of a multipackage messages 2.03 block parameter calculation 2, invert the first bit of the identified as "not the header bit sequence on the opposite ("null" to "unit" or Vice versa). Since this is obviously an informational error caused by distortion of the channel, noise, etc., this procedure on the content part of the package, it will not affect, whereas will eliminate needn the atomicity (blurring) for subsequent procedures parametric estimation of the distribution of message flows, pre preventing false operation of the decoder packet headers 2.01, detector pauses 2.02 and counter information length of a multipackage messages 2.03 block parameter calculation 2. Thus, based on the mathematical apparatus of theory of fuzzy sets, involving the identification of criteria for verification of the characteristics of the packets, formulated and used by experts in the form of a linguistic variable, by mathematically correct calculation unit analysis of the sign of the package 8 and the power transformations of the form characteristic of the package 9, managed to achieve that with a clear indicative of the output 84 of the unit of analysis of the sign package 8 on the information input unit 21 parameter calculation 2 always, despite often present in real communication channels (on the background noise and error), ambiguity (fuzziness) identification of signs of packets arrives verified binary pulse the sequence in which parametrically and unambiguously defined signs of packages multipackage messages. Further stages parametric estimation of the distribution of message flows are implemented as follows. The analyzed input stream IPU - verified binary pulse sequence in which parametrically and unambiguously defined characteristics acetamnophen message arrives with a clear indicative of the output 84 of the unit of analysis of the sign package 8 on the information input unit 21 parameter calculation 2, where is the determination of current values of parameters λcand ξ. The computing unit 2 parameters can be implemented in accordance with the scheme proposed in figure 5. The calculation in block 2 current settings λwithand ξ, as follows. The decoder 2.01 analyses input block parameter calculation 2 verified binary pulse sequence, and finds in it the identified symptom information part package runs counter 2.03, moments of complete accounts are determined by the moments of detection decoder identified sign of the end of the data portion of the packet. Moments of receiving the values of the information length message mcin the transmitter of the information ratios of the lengths of 2.05 and the reset of the counter 2.03 determined by the moments of appearance of pulses at the output of the detector pauses 2.02, the locking completion message. In the transmitter of the information ratios of the lengths of the packets and messages 2.05 values ξ=mp/mwithfor fixed length packets received for this Protocol in TCS integration services and set by the control unit 6, the flow through the control input 23 of the block 2 to the second control input 252 of the transmitter of the information ratios of the lengths of the pack is impressive and messages 2.05 pulses, the number of which corresponds to a value of mc. The intensity value λ is determined by the counter 2.04 on pulses from the output of the detector pauses 2.02 for the time interval defined by the control block 6, by applying pulses with a frequency fnebthrough Abdoulaye entrance 22 of block 2 on the second Abdoulaye input 242 counter 2.04. Values ξ and λ in parallel code act accordingly with the information of the outputs 24 and 25 of the computing unit 2 parameters for informational inputs 31 and 32 of the unit for computing the average values of 3. The power calculation of arithmetic mean values of 3 can be implemented according to the scheme shown in Fig.6. In the case when there is a homogeneous (non-mixed) flow MEAs users TCS, when the sources emit messages at regular intervals, the calculation of the numerical values averaged over the observation interval of flow parameters The control unit 6 may be implemented according to the scheme proposed by figan control pulse sequences is carried out by setting the elements of the group divider with variable division factor (DPCD) the corresponding ratios of the pulse sequence, coming from the generator output 6.01. Installing coefficient element 6.03 is determined by the value of tneb=1/fnebby setting the ratio of the element 6.04 determined by length of service adopted for this Protocol is currently working with TCS integration services (mp)sets the ratio of the element 6.02 determined necessary to calculate the number of packets (k). When the first 33 and second 34 information output unit 3 are simultaneously the values of the parameters In the case when there is a heterogeneous (mixed) flow MEAs users TKS integration services when the sources of mixed type display messages irregularly - single ISP or packs COI with lengths distributed according to a geometric law, the calculation of the numerical values averaged over the observation interval parameter flow ( If the counts are not equal (λ1≠λ2), this confirms that at the input device, we have a heterogeneous (mixed) flow map, and therefore the comparison element 7.01 outputs a signal on the control output 72 unit 7 and the signal inputs of elements And 7.03 and 7.04. The signal from the control output 72 unit 7 is supplied to the control input 35 of the block 3 and for prohibiting the input element PROHIBITION 3.03, locking him out and not allowing you to give In the end, the output of block 5 are written in binary code, credible and verified using the mathematical apparatus of theory of fuzzy sets the value of a distribution of either homogeneous or heterogeneous (mixed) flow map, depending on the characteristics of the graph TKS integration services. Thus, the analysis of the principle of operation of the inventive device for the parametric estimation of the distribution of message flows shows the obvious fact that along with saved possibilities of estimating the distribution parameters of a heterogeneous (mixed) flow MEAs - threads periodically enaudi its intensity during the network operation, the device can improve the accuracy of estimation of distribution parameters message flows, identification features packages (signs of the beginning and end of the data portion of packets) can be identified both quantitatively and qualitatively - is ambiguous, vague, involving linguistic variable. This device provides increased reliability assessment in conditions inherent in the real process of functioning TKS integration services - in conditions of ambiguity (fuzziness) of the parameters of the circulating flow of a multipackage messages, due to the volatility (uncertainty, variability) of the conditions of functioning of a network, which significantly extends the application of the device, extends the functionality of the equipment, where the claimed device for the parametric estimation of the distribution of the message flows will be used. SOURCES of INFORMATION 1. Kofman, A. introduction to theory of fuzzy sets: TRANS. with Franz. - M.: Radio and communication, 1982, - 432 S. 2. Fuzzy sets and theory of possibilities. Recent achievements: TRANS. from English./ Under the editorship of Jäger P.P. - M.: Radio and communication, 1986, - 408 S. 3. Ravens MV Fuzzy sets in the model systems of organizational management. - L.: MMA,1988, - 54 C. 4. Martynov V.I. 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Device for parametric estimation of the distribution of message flows that contain the input amplifier, the input of which is the input device, the computing unit parameters to determine the current values of the intensity ratio of the information length of the packets and messages, the unit for computing the average values for numerical values averaged over the observation interval of flow parameters, the block type definition of the distribution, the evaluator distribution unit rate analysis for the current evaluation and comparison of the values of the timing parameter of the intensity of the input stream and the control unit for the reg is irowiki of the observation interval, packet length and number of packets, the clock output of which is connected to the clock input of the transmitter distribution, Abdoulaye and control outputs of the control unit are connected respectively with boleushim and managing inputs of the computing unit parameters, the first and second information outputs of which are connected respectively to the first and second information input unit for computing the average value, the first information output of which is connected to the first information input of the transmitter distribution and with the input of the block type definition of the distribution, the first, second, and third modification, the outputs of which are connected respectively to the first, second and third modification to the inputs of the transmitter distribution, the second information input of which is connected with the second an information output unit for computing the average values, the output of the transmitter distribution is the output device, the input unit of analysis intensity is connected to the second information output unit for computing the parameters of the first and second parametric outputs of the unit of analysis intensity are connected respectively with the first and second parametric inputs evaluator distribution, control output unit of analysis intensity is connected to the control input of the block calculated what I average values, characterized in that it further introduced the unit of analysis characteristic of the package and the transform block type characteristic of the package, and the output of the input amplifier is connected with the information input unit of analysis of the sign package, fuzzy indicative of the output of which is connected to the input of the processing block type characteristic of the package, the output of which is connected back to the input indicative of the unit of analysis of the sign package, clearly indicative of the output of which is connected to the information input unit of calculation parameters. 2. Device for parametric estimation of the distribution of message flows according to claim 1, characterized in that the unit of analysis of the sign package consists of the analyzer, the number of bits of the packet header parser precedence bits of the packet header parser intensity bit of the packet header parser matches the signs and verifier, and the analyzer input the number of bits of the packet header is an information input unit and connected to the analyzer input sequence of bits of the packet header and the analyzer input intensity bit of the packet header, the analyzer outputs the number of bits of the packet header parser precedence bits of the packet header analyzer and intensity bits of the packet header are connected respectively to the first, second and third indicative inputs of the analyzer is itadani signs, the fuzzy output of which is connected to the main entrance of the verifier and is fuzzy indicative output unit, clear the output of the analyzer matches the signs connected with the output of the verifier and is clearly indicative of the output unit of analysis characteristic of the package, while the secondary input of the verifier return is indicative of the input unit of analysis characteristic of the package. 3. Device for parametric estimation of the distribution of message flows according to claim 1, characterized in that the conversion unit species characteristic of the package consists of a counter, computer add-ons, main and auxiliary storage elements, main and auxiliary solvers intersection of computer integration and analysis function α-level, the output of which is the output of the block, and the counter input is an input unit, the first and second outputs of the counter are connected respectively to the input of the main storage element and a direct auxiliary input storage element, and respectively with the first and second inputs of the transmitter additions, the outputs of the main and auxiliary storage elements connected respectively to the main inputs of the main and auxiliary solvers crossing, to additional inputs of the main and auxiliary computing the intersection connected with the responsibly of the first and second outputs of the transmitter additions, the outputs of the main and auxiliary solvers intersection connected respectively to first and second inputs of the transmitter associations, the output of which is connected to an additional input of the transmitter additions, auxiliary input auxiliary storage element and the input of the analyzer functions αlevel.
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