Device for classification of digital signals order |
IPC classes for russian patent Device for classification of digital signals order (RU 2268485):
FIELD: computer science, possible use for determining random values distribution law and can be used for engineering of digital signals processing devices for classification of series of digital data on basis of available standard series. SUBSTANCE: device has analog-digital converter, two memory block, n comparators, decoder, n counters. EFFECT: simplified construction, maintenance and manufacture of device, increased speed of operation. 6 dwg
The invention relates to computer science, designed to determine the distribution of the random variables and can be used in devices digital signal processing for classifying a sequence of digital data according to the available reference sequence. It is known device [1], which contains an analog-to-digital Converter, an information input which is the input device, and a control input connected to the first output control unit, and the output of the combinational adder connected to the first information input of the memory block, the second information input connected to the output of the analog-to-digital Converter, the control input to the second output control unit, and the output of the memory block connected to the input of the combinational adder. The disadvantages of this device are the complexity and poor performance since the implementation of the algorithm requires a large number of successive operations. The closest to the technical nature of the claimed invention is selected as a prototype statistical analyzer [2], which contains an analog-to-digital Converter, the unit of comparison, registers, memory block, counter, additionally, the device includes a synchronizer, an adder, a demultiplexer, OR elements. The disadvantages of the data devices are functional complexity and consequently poor performance. The aim of the invention is the simplification of the device and improving its performance. This objective is achieved in that in the known device containing an analog-to-digital Converter, the unit of comparison, the first block of memory, counters, ADC input is an input device according to the invention introduced the second memory block, n Comparators and the decoder, and the number of counters is increased and is equal to the number of Comparators, the first inputs of the Comparators connected to the output of the analog-to-digital Converter, the second inputs of Comparators connected to the output of the first memory block, the outputs of the Comparators are connected to the inputs of a decoder whose outputs are connected to inputs of counters, the outputs of the counters are connected to the inputs of the memory block. The novelty of technical solutions is available in the claimed device of new circuit elements of the second memory block, n Comparators and decoder. Thus, the invention conforms to the criterion "novelty". Analysis of the known technical solutions in the study and related areas allows us to conclude that the introduced functional units known. However, their introduction into a device for classifying a sequence of digital signals with the above links gives it new properties. Introduced functional units interact thus, h is about, you can simplify the device and to improve its performance. Thus, the invention meets the criterion of "Inventive step", as it is for the expert is not obvious from the prior art. The invention can be used in digital systems disclaimerbuy and demuxing, in particular in digital satellite communication systems. Thus, the invention meets the criterion of "Industrial applicability". Figure 1 presents the structural electrical circuit of the device; figure 2 and 3 is a table explaining the operation of the device; figure 4 and 5 shows an example of construction of a conceptual model on the sample distributions; figure 6 shows how the code generation. Device for classifying sequences (figure 1) contains an analog-to-digital Converter 1, the memory unit 2, the n Comparators 3, decoder 4, n counter 5, block 6 memory. The analog-digital Converter 1 is the input device, the first inputs of the comparator 3 is connected to the output of the analog-to-digital Converter 1, the second inputs of the comparator 3 is connected to the output of the memory unit 2. The outputs of the Comparators are connected to the inputs of the decoder 4, the outputs of which are connected with inputs of the counters 5. The outputs of the counter 5 is connected to the input unit 6 to the memory, the output of which is read found the probability in accordance with the table in figure 3. The device DL is the classification of a sequence of digital signals (figure 1) works as follows. Prior to the input of the classified sequence in the memory unit 2 entered reference values related to the distribution law, compliance with which is determined. Analog sequence after digitizing the analog-to-digital Converter 1 is supplied to the first inputs of the Comparators 3, the second inputs of which consistently receives the reference values from the memory unit 2. When exceeding the analyzed values above the reference, the comparator produces a 1, otherwise 0. N number of Comparators and the number n of counters is determined by the length of the analyzed digital sequence. The outputs of the Comparators are connected to the inputs of the decoder 4, the conversion table shown in figure 2 (example 6 input values in the sequence). Counters 5 sequentially calculate, for one step of processing a single value conversion decoder 4, which corresponds to the value of the original sequence. Accordingly, to process the entire sequence of n elements will take n steps to compute all the digits (counter values) of the output values, which after conversion to the memory block 6 determines the probability of assigning a sequence to a known class. The outputs of the decoder are connected to the inputs of MF is tchikov 5, performing a bitwise calculation results of the evaluation sequence. The outputs of the counters are connected to the inputs of unit 6 to the memory, the conversion table is shown in figure 3 (example 6 input values in the sequence). Many practical tasks of detection, recognition, classification, identification in various fields of science and engineering can be reduced to the statistical testing of hypotheses. The most powerful criteria are based on statistics of the measures of the error density distributions determined as a function of the relationship of prawdopodobnie Kullback, χ-square, Pitman. However, the practical application of these statistics is associated with the following difficulties: - the lack of analytical models for the distributions of statistics in small samples; the high computational cost required to compile statistics; - the need to meet the requirements of the split variational number by the number of intervals (at least 8-10) and the number of elements in the intervals (at least 50-60), which is not always possible for small amounts of sample. The assignment of the sequence to the known class is carried out by sequential comparison of the input values and the values corresponding to the known distribution and stored in the memory unit 2. Theoretical fundamental is the legality of the conversion table, which is shown in figure 3, is a conceptual model of the canonical representation of pairs of distributions and statistical measures of the error density distributions using the model described in [3]. The conceptual model is an expression of the same law of distribution The graphic and the key conceptual model on the sample data shown in figure 4. Expressions for calculating statistics measures the error on the Kullback (ΔI, ΔI*), Chi-square (Δχ2), Pitman (Δp) using the conceptual model have the form where n1and n2- volumes of the first and second samples; Jν1=1 if ν1≠0 and Jν1=0 if νi=0; ν1- the number of elements of the second sample between (i-1)-th and i-th ordinal statistical variation of the number of the first sample. If you define a sequence of values ν1that ν2, ..., ν6as the code for the specific conceptual model, for the above example (figure 4, 5) code is defined as 101231. The method of forming the code shown in Fig.6, which shows the total variation range for the sample. On the X-axis by the symbol "x" denotes the element values of the first sample and the symbol "•" - value of the second sample. Due to the additivity of the function statistician their values will be the same for all possible permutations. For example, the conceptual model codes 110231; 231110; 312110, etc. will have the same value statistics. Among the various conceptual models with the same value statistics is determined by the number of permutations in the code and is represented by the formula The concept of numerical values of the code is defined as the number (n1+1) discharge and the basis of the positions of the n2i.e. as code, ordered by descending significant digits, starting with senior level. Studies have shown the existence of a link between the values of the ordered code and statistics calculated for the conceptual model. The models with a larger numeric value codes correspond to large values of the statistic. In the present work, the decision criteria instead of statistics defined by the formulas (1)to(4), it is suggested to use the corresponding numeric code values, which are the roads of decision making. A necessary condition for the possibility of decision making is knowledge of the distribution statistics. Based on the foregoing, the proposed decision criterion, based on codes that allows you to opt out from the settlement of the above formulas(1)-(4). Thus, a device for classifying a sequence of digital signals, performs the determination of the distribution law of random variables by sorting and matching them in the intervals of the reference sample, which excludes the operations of addition, multiplication, division, etc. and requires significantly less computational effort, thus increasing the operating speed of the device and simplifies it, excluding the computing units. For the technical realization of the device for classifying a sequence of digital signals used by analog-to-digital Converter foreign production type AD9054ABST-200, a decoder, Comparators and counters implemented on the programmable logic integrated circuits XC2S50 memory storage schema structure XC17S50 - by XILINX, permanent storage device TS. The present invention allows the determination of the distribution law of random variables to classify a sequence of digital data according to the available reference sequence. The sources of information is AI 1. Auth. St. USSR № 830399, CL G 06 F 15/36, 1979. 2. Auth. St. USSR № 1310842, CL G 06 F 15/36, 1986. 3. L.N. Boris and Gleb. The decision criterion, based on codes in the tasks of detection and recognition. M, telecommunications, No. 7, 2001, S. 27-33. Device for classifying a sequence of digital signals analog-to-digital Converter, a first memory unit for storing reference values of the corresponding distribution law, counters, analog-digital Converter is input device, characterized in that it introduced a second memory block for storing values of the probabilities according to the reference distribution, n Comparators and the decoder, and the number of counters is increased and is equal to the number of Comparators, the first inputs of the Comparators connected to the output of the analog-to-digital Converter, the second inputs of Comparators connected to the output of the first memory block, the outputs of the Comparators are connected to the inputs of the decoder, the outputs of which are connected with inputs of the counters, the outputs of the counters are connected to the inputs of the second memory block.
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