Method for identification of linearized dynamic object |
IPC classes for russian patent Method for identification of linearized dynamic object (RU 2256950):
FIELD: cybernetics. SUBSTANCE: on basis of discontinuous measurements of input x(t) and output y(t) signals of object with discretization step Δt ranges are determined according to formula: [x(nΔt)-εx,x(nΔt)+εx],[y(nΔt)-εy,y(Δt)+εy], where n=0, 1, 2,..., and εx, εy - values of limit allowed errors of used measurement means, interval values of input and output signals are sent to continuous division identifier, on which continuous division is produced with several interval coefficients, on basis of which interval discontinuous transfer function is restored and also predicting model, and interval model values of output object signal are determined. EFFECT: higher efficiency, higher precision, higher trustworthiness, broader functional capabilities. 4 dwg
The invention relates to the technical Cybernetics and is intended for use in the method of the current object identification in real time, aimed at increasing the degree of automation of the process. Known equivalent means of identification (Bochkov A.F., Nguyen Viet dung. Identification of nonlinear dynamic objects on interval of the experimental data / Coll. scientific papers №2 “Devices and device automation, computing, electronics and optoelectronics”. / Smolensk, 1992. - p.44-54), which is the dimension of input-output values of the object, then select the model order based on the known a priori estimation of the time-memory object and the step size of the discretization, the approximation of the object is truncated near Volterra or orthogonal system of functions Laguerre, issued a linear equation of the output object. The disadvantages of this method of identification: - not considered instrumental measurement errors, rounding errors, quantization errors in the presence of ADC errors due to the finite word length of the computer, etc.; - the need for a priori estimation of the time of memory identified object, i.e. a preliminary choice of the model order; - Robin test models; - the use of the method of the search for parameter values is istemi Laguerre filters; - drafting tables with values of the equation coefficients output in relation to the chosen structure and parameters of model building, selection of the most reliable values of the coefficients of the equation. - the role of modeling errors associated with the model view, Taylor series, using the Laguerre filter system; - the coefficients of the model are point values. Closest to the proposed method is a method of identifying a linear feature (patent RF №2146063, IPC G 05 In 17/02, published 27.02.2000), the essence of which consists in the following: the results of measurements of input and output signals at evenly spaced intervals with a sampling increment Δ t served on the ID of the continuous fraction, then compute the discrete transfer function of the object as the ratio of the Z-transforms of the output and input signals of the object according to the formula: To obtain the discrete transfer function (1) apply the modified algorithm Vuelveme, which allows you to use continued fractions to automatically determine the structure and unknown parameters of the model, and also to eliminate the procedure of Robin test models. To do this, use sequential processing of input and output signals of the object is of the formula: prior to the execution of the rules stop, where α0n=x(nΔ t) is a sequence of discrete samples of the input object, α1n=y(nΔ t) is a sequence of samples of the output of the object, m=2, 3, 4,... , n=0, 1, 2,... . Having a discrete transfer function in the form of a continuous shot and turning it into fractional-rational function where aibjthe parameters of the model object moving from this expression for the predictive model in the form of differential equations where x(kΔ t) is the signal value at the input of the object in the k-th step; y(kΔ t) is the signal value at the output of the object in the k-th cycle. The equation (4) allows to recover the values of the model signal y(kΔ t) at the output of the model. A significant drawback of this method is that when you build a discrete model of the object does not account for the errors inherent in a single source the measured values, the input-output signals. Measuring discrete input-output signals are produced, starting with a single rounded to the original values, and the linear spacing between the discrete values of the signals perform in a single curve. Measurement errors, modeling, rounding contribute most significant distortion in the values of input-output the data values, and, therefore, the use of the described method can lead to incorrect estimates of the model parameters and substitution of (distorted) structure prediction of the model object. Thus, the authentication method does not take into account the accuracy of the measuring equipment. The invention seeks structurally-parametric identification of linear object in a certain way specified value of the measured input-output signals of the object to automatically determine the structure and unknown parameters of the mathematical model of the object, improving the quality and reliability of simulation results of the control object, and on that basis to determine the development processes of the object during its operation. The problem is solved by a new method for the identification of linearized object that includes the definition of the discrete experimental values of the input x(t) and output y(t) signals of the object with discretization step Δ t and consistently supply the ID of continuous fractions with subsequent restoration of the discrete transfer function and the prediction model of the dynamic object and the definition of the model values of the output signal of the object, which offers after determining the values of the input and output signals of the object to perform posttrainintervalnom their values according to the dependencies: [x(nΔ t)-εxx(nΔ t)+εx], [u(nΔ t)-εyat(nΔ t)+εy], n=0, 1,... , where εxand εy- the maximum permissible error applicable measuring input and output signals, the ID of continuous fractions to obtain continuous fraction with interval coefficients, to restore the interval of the discrete transfer function and the prediction model of the object on the interval coefficients, determination of model values of the output signal of the object to produce in the interval values that are limited to the two prediction functions with real coefficients, defined by the limit values, permissible error of measuring. The implementation of the method is illustrated in the block diagram (figure 1), which contains: unit 1 identification object; unit 2 measurement and generation interval data input; unit 3 measurement and generation interval data output; unit 4 ID interval continuous fractions; unit 5 recovery interval discrete transfer function; unit 6 recovery interval prediction model; unit 7 the selection boundary differential equations. Fixed input signal x(nΔ t)is fed to the input of block 1 of the identification object and the input unit 2 measurement and generation interval data of the input signal. The output signal y(nΔ t) is fed to the input unit 3 measurement and generation interval data on the output signal. Formed on the basis of discrete point measurement interval of values of the input and output signals to the input unit 4 ID interval continuous fractions. Unit 4 converts an interval of values of the input and output signals in an identity matrix and forms a continuous fraction with interval coefficients. The coefficients of the continuous fraction is fed to the input of block 5 of the recovery interval of the discrete transfer function. Next, the parameters of the resulting model is fed to the input of block 6 recovery interval prediction model, which defines the interval model values of the output signal of the identification object. The parameters of interval models come next to the input unit 7 allocation boundary differential equations in which there are two prediction functions with real coefficients, limiting the received interval set. The predicted values of the output signal of the object are limited to these two functions multiple values. The proposed method is as follows. According to the results of measurements of the input and output of signals from multiple source in is deasie time sampling increment Δ t build the intervals [x(nΔ t)-εxx(nΔ t)+εx] and [y(nΔ t)-εy, y(nΔ t)+εy], n=0, 1,... where εxthat εy- the maximum permissible error of measuring input and output signals are determined from experimental data. Then apply the interval modified method Vuelveme for approximation of continuous fractions model transfer function object with interval coefficients. For this calculation is determined by identifying the matrix: in which 0 is the string contains the intervals measured input values: a0n=x(nΔ t)-εxb0n=x(nΔ t)+εx; 1-row contains the interval of output values: a1n=y(nΔ t)-εyb1n=y(nΔ t)+εyn=0, 1,... , and the elements [amnbmn] consistently determined by relations analogous to (2)that in the interval case have the form: where the boundaries of the intervals [amnbmn] are defined as follows: m=2, 3, 4,... , n=0, 1, 2,... Rule of stopping the calculation of the matrix elements (5) is the appearance lines, the intervals which contain num is 0. The zero elements of column identifies the matrix (5) generate private numerators correct-fractions with interval coefficients: where z is a variable consistent Z-transformation z=esΔt. The line number, all intervals which contain the number 0, allows to identify the function. If some of the k-th row of the matrix (5) a nite number g of the first interval contains 0, then is a left shift of all elements of this string in r positions until in the zero column interval not containing 0, and then continues the calculation of the matrix elements according to the relations (7)-(8) to account for the shift. When restoring the correct S-fraction (9) the corresponding k-th row, the numerator is multiplied by z-(r+1)instead of the z-1. Received continuous fraction is converted to an interval of the discrete transfer function of the object: where After receiving interval of the discrete transfer function of the object and interpreting z-1as the operator of the inverse of the time difference, go to a prediction model in the form of a differential equation with interval coefficients, which allows the t to restore the interval values of the model output models: where y(n)=y(nΔ t) and y(n-j)=y([n-j]Δ t) is the model prediction values of the function at the points of withdrawal of discrete samples nΔ t, n=0, 1, 2,... , x(n-i)=x([n-i]Δ t) - values are discrete samples of the input signal. Can be used as built earlier interval and point discrete values of the input signal, for example, the average sample value of the sample x(0Δ t), x(1Δ t), x(2Δ t),... , x((k-1)Δ t), where k is the number of measured values of the input signal. The obtained differential equation can be further introduce two boundary differential equations with real coecients ymin(n) and ymax(n)forming intervals of the form: The obtained interval model is interpreted as follows: all measured and expected values of output variables lie within the generated intervals (12). If the actual values of the output variable outside built by the first measurement intervals, we can say that the object changed its behavior and properties. The degree of inaccuracy interval model (11), which is the width of the resulting interval (12)depends on the selected sampling Δ t and the values of maximum permissible errors εxand εyused measurement tools. Paul is an increase of more accurate prediction interval of the model (11) is possible when changing the sampling step Δ t and choosing a more accurate means of measuring the input and output signals of the identified object. The interval of values for the variables x(nΔ t) leads to the extension of the intervals [ymin(n), ymax(n)], n=0, 1, 2,... than using point estimates of input values x(nΔ t). Example 1. Let the object identification - steam power plant, the transfer function is described by an aperiodic link 2-th order: To the input of the object will provide a pulse signal: Then the output object, a signal is generated y(t)=0.666667e-0.454545t-0.666667e-1.428571t. Consider the case of precisely measured values of input and output signals. Make the dimension of the input x(t) and output y(t) with sampling interval Δ t=0.8 C. Let the maximum permissible errors of measurement tools known: εx=0.1% and εy=0.05% of the upper limit of measurements: εx=0.001 and ε y=0.000127. Applicable interval modified method Vuelveme for the approximation of the continuous fraction model interval transfer function. For this we define an identity matrix (5): All elements in the fifth row of the matrix contain the number 0, therefore, calculated the e following matrix rows on this line stops. 1-th line is the left-shift by 1 the element that caused the initial value u(0)=0. On the basis of zero elements of matrix column approximate the continuous shot interval of the discrete transfer function of the object. Since u(0)=0, then the first private numerator of the fraction is the multiplier z-1: Thus, the interval of the discrete transfer function of the fractional-rational expressions. Turning to the time domain, the received discrete interval prediction model: y(n)=[0.250447, 0.251203]× (n-1)+[0.966286, 1.063411]y(n-1)+[-0.265650, -0.179497]y(n-2), n=0, 1, 2,... Highlighting the boundary functions, we obtain: ymin(n)=0.250447x(n-1)+0.966286y(n-1)-0.265650y(n-2), ymax(n)=0.251203x(n-1)+1.063411y(n-1)-0.179497y(n-2), n=0, 1, 2,... Figure 2 shows the measured values of the output signal and the boundary values of functions. In building the model was used only a few discrete samples of the input and output signals, and they, as well as the expected future values of the output signal y(nΔ t)lie in the interval [ymin(n), ymax(n)]. Example 2. Object identification is a correcting device AC passopisciaro type specified by the transfer function of the form: Input object is served a single step signal: Perform the measurement of noisy input and output variable of the object with discretization step Δ t=7 C. Imagine the measured values of the input variable in the form: x(nΔ t)=1(nΔ t)+a(nΔ t), where a(t) is white noise with mean 0 and standard deviation 0.1, and the value of the output signal measured at the reference points in the form: y(nΔ t)=3-1 .8e-0.2t+b(nΔ t), where b(t) is white noise with mean 0 and standard deviation 0.2. Consider maximum permissible error of measurement of input values εx=1% of the upper limit of the measurement, the measurement error of the output values set equal to εy=0.1% of the upper limit of the measurement. Expect an identity matrix: The calculation of matrix elements is terminated on the fourth line. Since u(0)≠ 0, then the first row of the matrix there is no shift elements, as in the first private numerator continuous fraction no additional multiplier z-1. The zero elements of the column determines the interval of the discrete transfer function Discrete prediction model takes the form of the next interval differential equations: y(n)=[1.138322, 1.173593]x(n)+[1.248957, 1.442291]x(n-1)+[0.05321, 0.285863]y(n-1), n=0, 1, 2,... Allocated boundary prediction functions: ymin(n)=1.138322x(n)+1.248957x(n-1)+0.085321y(n-1), ymax(n)=1.173593x(n)+1.442291x(n-1)+0.285863y(n-1), n=0, 1, 2,... Figure 3 and figure 4 shows the measured values of the output signal y(0Δ t), y(1Δ t),... , y(19Δ t), participated in the construction of interval models, boundary functions ymin(n) and ymax(n), and future values of the output signal y(20Δ t), y(21Δ t),... , y(35Δ t). When calculating the values of the prediction functions ymin(n) and ymax(n) the values x(n) used average sample of 20 of the first measured values of the input signal. Figure 3 and 4 shows also the exact values of the output signal y(t) and the model obtained normal, not modified interval method Viskovatov. Figure 3 and 4 shows that when using the method Viskovatov happened distortion model: graph prediction function does not display the actual values of the output signal and does not allow a more reliable estimate of the position of the future values of the output signal of the object. Obviously, the expected value of y(20Δ t), y(21Δ t),... are obtained in the intervals [ymin(n), ymax(n)]. That is, the obtained interval model builds credible intervals for future values of the output signal y(nΔ t), allowing you to more effectively control the path and to diagnose the state of the object. 1. The method of identification of the linearized dynamic object that includes the definition of discrete values of the input x(t) and output y(t) signals of the object with discretization step Δt and consistently supply the ID of continuous fractions with subsequent restoration of the discrete transfer function and the prediction model of the dynamic object and the definition of the model values of the output signal of the object, characterized in that the determination of an experimental discrete values of input and output signals of the object is performed, starting from several initial values of the signal within the limits defined by the expression [x(nΔt)-εxx(nΔt)+εx]; [u(nΔt)-εyat(nΔt)+εy]; n=0, 1,..., where εxand εy- the maximum permissible error applicable measuring input and output signals, the ID of the continuous fraction receive continuous fraction with multiple interval coefficients, the recovery interval of the discrete transfer function and the prediction of the model object produced by interval coefficients, determination of model values of the output signal of the object is produced in the interval values that are limited to the two prediction is functions with real coefficients, set the limits of permissible errors of measurement.
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