Curative-prophylactic preparation for taking care of mouth cavity |
IPC classes for russian patent Curative-prophylactic preparation for taking care of mouth cavity (RU 2251407):
Invention relates to titanium compounds of formula [TiF2L2] or containing group of formula [TiFxLy]z-, wherein x = 2, 4 or 5; y = 1 or 2; z = 1 or 2; L is group of formula II
The present innovation deals with taking care of one's mouth cavity. The suggested composition contains a silicone polymer, silicone resin, nonvolatile liquid polysiloxane and, also, an active substance for taking care of mouth cavity, a volatile solvent of either organic or silicone origin at its boiling point being 200 C, or lower at the pressure of 1 atm. This composition provides prolonged release of active substance.
Tooth paste / 2246931
The present innovation deals with preventing diseases and hygiene of mouth cavity. The suggested tooth paste contains chalk, sodium carboxymethylcellulose, glycerol and/or sodium laurylsulfate, vitamin additive, biologically active components of plant origin, functional additives and water, moreover, as vitamin additive it contains vitamin C, as biologically active components it contains lavender and eucalyptus oils and, additionally, it contains menthol. Components should be taken at a certain quantitative ratio. The suggested tooth paste has mint-plant odor with a scent of lavender and eucalyptus and refreshening taste by protecting teeth and parodontium tissues.
Means for reducing unfavorable consequences of acute alcohol intoxication / 2250778
Means comprises amber acid and/or its salts, fructose, dry extraction of Saint John's wort, magnesium ion sources, potassium ion sources as active bases and auxiliary substances, carriers and/or fillers when needed.
Method for producing means possessing hepatoprotector activity / 2250777
Method involves crushing hill-growing saltwort herb to 3-10 mm and extracting with 25% ethyl alcohol solution in raw material : solvent proportion of 1:2.6 using percolation method on a battery composed of 6 percolators during 6 h in each of them at room temperature.
Composition comprises raw protein 10 to 42% by mass, fat 4 to 30% by mass, total dietetic cellular tissue 1to 25% by mass and source of additional nutrient fibers. Method involves keeping animals on the like dietary intake during time required for controlling hair excretion with feces and preventing from trichobezoar formation.
One should perform wound washing with an antiseptic followed by applying Vilnevski's ointment upon wound's surface and introducing a certain antibiotic, moreover, animals should be subcutaneously injected with antihistamine serum (AHS) at the dosage of 4.0-5.0 ml I combination with ascorbic acid intramuscularly at the dosage of 1.0-1.5 ml once daily, thrice at 5-7-d-long interval, at the background of daily intake of lymphosan at the dosage of 2.0-2.5 g for 8-10 d simultaneously with the fodder applied.
Method for removing helminths out of human body / 2250111
The present innovation deals with affecting the helminthes with curative mixture made out of eucalyptus leaf at addition of eucalyptus essential oil. Curative mixture at the quantity of 1 l at 40-42 C should be daily introduced into patient's rectum with enemas for 5-7 d at intestinal keeping for 15-20 min. Before introducing the curative mixture it is necessary to apply purifying enema. The method suggested provides removal of different types of helminthes at excluding toxic action upon human body.
The suggested preparation contains aqueous extract of the mixture consisted of equal portions of perforated St.John's wort, thyme, peppermint and coltsfoot. The method of additional prophylaxis and therapy of different diseases of farm animals youngsters deals with applying aqueous extract of the above-mentioned plants at the dosage of 100-150 ml for 10-15 d. The preparation is of immunostimulating action, moreover, it provides increased bactericidal and lysozymic activity of blood serum and functional activity of neutrophils.
Semakur-a complex preparation / 2250099
The present innovation deals with a complex oily polyvitaminic preparation that regulates metabolic processes and decreases the frequency of selenium deficiency manifestation in animal body, poultry, among them, and contains selenium in the form of sodium selenite, retinol acetate as vitamin A and oily solvent in the form of corn germs oil. Thus, cheaper, more active and more stable complex preparation has been obtained that regulates metabolic processes and decreases the frequency of selenium deficiency manifestation in animal and poultry bodies.
Species of medicinal plants for preventing late gestoses in pregnant women out of high-risk group / 2249460
The present innovation deals with three types of species of medicinal plants to prevent late gestoses in pregnant women out of high-risk group: for pregnant women in case of affected dream the suggested species contains flowers of camomile and calendula, leaves of Bergenia and balm, hops collective fruits, and dogrose fruits taken at a certain ratio; for pregnant women in case of chronic urinary infection and neurocirculatory dystonia it contains flowers of camomile and calendula, mountain ash and dogrose fruits, fruits and seeds of Schizandra, leaves of Bergenia and bearberry taken at a certain quantitative ratio; for pregnant women in case of thyroid dysfunction and affected metabolism it contains flowers of camomile and Filipendula, bearberry leaves, Bupleurum grass, fennel seeds, valerian rhizome and roots, hops collective fruits, fruits of black currant taken at a certain quantitative ratio. Species of medicinal plants efficiently prevents and treats at development of both early and late gestoses in pregnant women.
Method for treating purulent wounds / 2248803
One should apply a pectin-containing preparation as beet powder prepared by applying sublimation, at 0.5 - 1.0 g/sq. cm, and in case of wound's drying off - a beet powder-fixing bandage should be impregnated with sterile physiological solution. Moreover, one should pre-sanitize wound's surface with 3%-hydrogen peroxide solution, 1%-chlorohexidine solution to be dried off then.
Composition for preventing and treating foot rot in animals / 2248209
The suggested preparation for preventing and treating foot rot in animals includes the product of mustard seeds processing - allyl mustard oil and an emulsifier - an aqueous bischofite solution of natural mineral at the following ratio of components, weight%: allyl mustard oil 0.01-1.0, bischofite 2.0-20.0, water - the rest. The suggested composition is highly efficient and provides improved curative effect after 5-10 foot baths in animals.
Biologically active supplement for prophylaxis of cardiovascular diseases / 2243781
Invention relates to the field in development of an agent of vegetable origin used for improvement of the functional state and prophylaxis of organic alterations in cardiovascular system, in particular, atherosclerosis. The biologically active supplement used for prophylaxis of cardiovascular diseases, in particular, atherosclerosis comprises clover dry extract, haw-thorn flowers powder, ascorbic and nicotinic acids, and accessory substances taken in the definite ratio. The biologically active supplement is made in the form of tablet or capsule. No adverse responses observed in intake of the supplement. The blood cholesterol level was reduced to the normal value in 68% of patients and reducing morbidity with acute respiratory-viral infections has been noticed. In patients with ischemic heart disease with cholesterolemia the improvement of the state is noted on the background of conventional therapy: the moderate reducing the arterial pressure value in its elevation, improved in the state of health, enhanced working capacity, reduced retrosternal pains, ear noise, vertigo, headache.
Invention relates to applying elm-leaf dropwort (Filipendula) above-ground part 40% alcoholic tincture as an agent stimulating erythroidal and granulocytic hemopoiesis stems in cytostatic myelorepressions. Agent promotes to effective stimulation of erythroidal and granulocytic hemopoiesis stems in cytostatic myelodepression. Invention is used for correction of disorders arising in blood system in administration of cytostatic preparations.
Preparation comprising water-soluble triterpenic acid salts and method for its preparing / 2244426
Invention relates to a method for preparing the preparation comprising triterpenic acid water-soluble salts and additionally added protein-containing product and vegetable raw, the source of triterpenic acids taken in the following ratio of components, wt.-%: protein-containing product, 10-17; triterpenic acid sodium salts, 4-5, and vegetable raw, the balance. Method involves mixing triterpenic acid-containing vegetable raw with the protein-containing product taken in the ratio = (9-11):(1-2), mechanical-chemical treatment of this mixture in activator device, mixing of prepared semi-finished product with sodium carbonate or sodium hydrocarbonate taken in the ratio = (92-97):(3.5-8.3) and repeated treatment in the activator device. Method involves applying flow-type ball vibration-centrifugal or ellipse-centrifugal mills as the activator device that provide the acceleration of milling bodies up to 170-250 m/c2 and time for treatment for 1.5-3 min. Invention provides simplifying the process and the complex processing waste in lumber industry.
The present innovation deals with manufacturing cosmetic composition that contains solubilized cumic alcohol of a certain formula, glucose, ascorbic acid or compound which is split in skin up to glucose or ascorbic acid and a cosmetically acceptable carrier. Components should be taken at a certain quantitative ratio. The suggested composition improves expression of transglutaminase-1 and ceramides in skin cells and enhances absorption of glucose and ascorbic acid by cells.
Invention represents new saponin mixtures used for inhibition of initiation and activation of mammalian epithelial cell in pre-malignant or malignant state, for stimulation of apoptosis of mammalian malignant cell, prophylaxis of anomalous proliferation of mammalian epithelial cell, for treatment of inflammatory and regulation of angiogenesis in mammal. These mixtures are isolated form plants of species Acacia victoriae. Also, invention relates to methods for their applying. These compounds can comprise triterpene component, such as acacic or oleanolic acid to which oligosaccharides and monoterpenoid components are joined. Mixtures and compounds elicit properties associated with regulation of apoptosis and cytotoxicity of cells and strong anti-tumor effect with respect to different tumor cells.
Invention relates to a method for preparing extract based on walnuts at milkwax stage of ripeness. Method for preparing extract based on walnuts involves grinding walnuts at milkwax stage of ripeness taken with pericarps, drying to air-dry state, mixing with wild rose fruits ground and dried to air-dry state and taken in the definite ratio of components followed by treatment with aviation kerosene and stirring at room temperature. Method provides preparing extract with the higher content of biologically valuable substances and to increase the assortment of vegetable supplements.
Method for preparing hollow horse-mint oily extract eliciting with antibacterial activity / 2244552
Method involves using air-dried vegetable raw. Hollow horse-mint (Monarda) raw treated by steam is extracted with vegetable oil in the ratio raw : extract = 1:10 at heating for 5 h on water bath at temperature 60-70oC followed by filtration. Method provides the possibility for year-round manufacturing the hollow horse-mint (Monarda) oily extract eliciting with the high antibacterial and expressed anti-fungal activity.
Hepatoprotective agent / 2244553
Invention relates to agents used for treatment of chronic hepatitis. The hepatoprotective agent representing extract prepared from biomass of Maackia amurensis Rupr. et Maxim and obtained by the callus culture method comprises polyphenolic complex consisting of daidzein, retusin, genistein, formononetin, maackianin and medicarpin. The hepatoprotective agent promotes to effective treatment of chronic hepatitis.
FIELD: medicine, stomatology. SUBSTANCE: the suggested curative-prophylactic preparation contains a carrier, target additives and a biologically active substance of plant origin as betulin at the following ratio of components, weight%: betulin 0.05-5.0, target additives 5.0-75.5 and a carrier - the rest. This preparation depending upon the set of applied target additives and a carrier could be prepared in its different forms: as tooth pastes - gel transparent, gel nontransparent, chalky, as tooth powder, as emulsion. The combination of multi-functional betulin activity and anti-caries and polishing action of components, their optimal ratio provide the opportunity to obtain curative-prophylactic preparation of pronounced antiphlogistic action and good consumer's properties. It causes no local irritating or elegizing action and could be applied as curative preparation due to introducing it in its corresponding form into dentogingival pouches, and, also, for preventing parodontium diseases at daily cleaning one's teeth, moreover, for prolonged period of time because of no contraindications for usage. EFFECT: higher efficiency of prophylaxis. 5 cl, 6 tbl
The invention relates to medicine, namely to the dentist, and comes to care for the oral cavity. There are many different preventive and curative-preventive care oral cavity containing a biologically active substance, different in structure and origin. The greatest interest in products containing active ingredients derived from natural raw materials, in particular from plant, for example, plantain extract and mineral-vitamin complex of kelp, natural coniferous complex, chamomile extract. Many of these tools are not just health and health care: - enzyme complex from cultured ginseng cells (patent RF №2095052); - with aloe, sage, juice of Kalanchoe (RF patent No. 2195256); - contains mustard seed and sea salt (patent RF №21374640. Closest to the claimed means a health care toothpaste (RF patent No. 2145209), in which the biologically active supplements from plant material using water-spiroperidol extracts of nettle and plantain, as the target additives it contains fine synthetic amorphous silicon dioxide, sodium carboxymethylcellulose, glycerin, sorbitol, titanium dioxide pigmentation treatment is NTNU, sodium fluoride, sodium saccharin, sodium laurylsulfate, the aromatic composition and water as the carrier. In addition, the composition contains triclosan is the active antimicrobial agent. The paste protects teeth from caries and prevents the formation of plaque. However, it cannot be recommended for daily long-term use. Due to the fact that periodontal disease is widespread and difficult to treat, requires the search and development of new effective anti-inflammatory drugs. The objective of the invention is to develop an effective tool for hygiene, prevention and treatment of periodontal diseases, harmless, suitable for prolonged use. The task is implemented proposed treatment-and-prophylactic means, including the media, the target additives and biologically active substance of plant origin, at the same time as biologically active substances of plant origin tool contains betulin in the following ratio, wt.%: Betulin 0,05-5,0 Additives target of 5.0-75,5 The media and the rest The proposed tool as the target additives may contain sorbitol, sodium carboxymethylcellulose, preservative, sweetener, sodium lauryl sulfate, silicon dioxide, betulin, monitoroff sodium, aromaticas the composition, purified water as the carrier in the following ratio, wt.%: Sorbitol (on a dry basis.) 17,5-35,0 Sodium carboxymethylcellulose 1,0-1,2 Preservative 0,15-0,5 Sweetener of 0.1-0.2 Sodium lauryl sulfate 1.0 to 1.5 Silicon dioxide 18,0-25,0 Betulin 0,5-5,0 Monitoroff sodium 1,8-2,0 Aromatic composition of 0.5-1.0 Purified water (carrier) else The proposed tool as the target additive additionally contains titanium dioxide in the following ratio, wt.%: Sorbitol 17,5-35,0 Sodium carboxymethylcellulose 1,0-1,2 Preservative 0,15-0,5 Sweetener of 0.10 to 0.2 Sodium lauryl sulfate 1.0 to 1.5 Silicon dioxide 18,0-25,0 The titanium dioxide of 0.5-1.0 Betulin 0,5-5,0 Monitoroff sodium 1,8-2,0 Aromatic composition of 0.5-1.0 Purified water (carrier) else The proposed tool as the target additives may contain sorbitol, sodium carboxymethylcellulose, preservative, sweetener, sodium lauryl sulphate, calcium carbonate, monitoroff sodium, the aromatic composition, purified water as the carrier in the following ratio, wt.%: Sorbitol 21,0-22,4 The sodium carboxymethylcellulose to 1.0-1.1 Preservative 0,15-0,5 Sweetener of 0.10 to 0.2 Sodium lauryl sulfate 1.0 to 1.5 Calcium carbonate 25,0-30,0</> Silicon dioxide 4,0-5,0 Betulin 0,5-5,0 Monitoroff sodium 1,8-2,0 Aromatic composition of 0.5-1.0 Purified water (carrier) else The proposed tool as the target additives may contain magnesium carbonate, the aromatic composition, and as the carrier is precipitated chalk, with the following ratio of components, wt.%: Betulin 1,0-2,5 Magnesium carbonate 6,0-8,0 Aromatic composition of 0.8-1.2 Chalk besieged the rest We also offer tool as the target additives may contain lanolin, sorbitol, sodium carboxymethylcellulose, polivinilpirolidon, tween 80, preservative, sodium lauryl sulfate, aromatic composition, purified water as a carrier when the following ratio, wt.%: Lanolin 1,0-3,0 Sorbitol 0.5 to 2.0 Sodium carboxymethylcellulose 1,1-3,0 Polivinilpirolidon of 0.5-1.5 Sodium lauryl sulfate 0,5-3,0 Preservative 0,15-0,5 Betulin 0,05-2,0 Tween 80 1,0-5,0 Aromatic composition is about 0.1-0.3 Purified water (carrier) else Total drugs from birch (bark and leaves) were included in the first Russian Pharmacopoeia. Currently, however, with treatment, use mainly the buds of birch and obtained from birch tar. Research and individual and amounts of triterpenoids isolated from various the different parts of the birch, showed their harmlessness and a variety of pharmacological activity. Betulin is a core component of Betulinol, which is a complex of triterpenoids of birch bark. It is a white powder, which is obtained by extraction with organic solvents from birch bark. Known for its use in the powder composition (patent RF №2099462), it is used as an additive to alcoholic drinks to reduce hangover (RF patent No. 2184772). The application of its funds for the prevention and treatment of periodontal disease has not been described. The proposed tool depending on the kit used target media additives may be prepared in various forms: in the form of toothpastes and gel transparent, opaque gel, Cretaceous, in the form of a tooth powder, in the form of an emulsion. The combination of multi-functional activity of betulin with the action of anti-caries and polishing action of the components, their optimal ratio gives the opportunity to get a therapeutic tool that has a pronounced anti-inflammatory action and a good consumer properties. Prepare all the tools on the standard process techniques using standard equipment. Examples of carrying out the invention I. toothpaste Toothpaste is prepared standard is Tim way in a reactor with a stirrer, in the manufacture of chalk paste betulin is administered simultaneously with calcium carbonate in the manufacture of gel paste is added with silicon oxide. The examples in tables 1-3 II. Tooth powder Tooth powder is prepared according to standard techniques. Prescription amount of chemically precipitated chalk sift, then 1/3 of this quantity in the mixer and thoroughly mixed with the aromatic composition and betulin, add the remaining quantity of chalk and Packed into the prepared container. The examples in table 4 III. Emulsion The emulsion is prepared according to a standard technique, adding heated to 70-80°the aqueous phase with vigorous stirring to the oil phase. Betulin is introduced into the oil phase in the form of a solution in twin. The examples in table 5 Clinical studies. Research was conducted on a group of probando in age from 18 to 60 years (24 persons) Average number of visits per treatment 8-12 2-3 times a week (subsequent visits and their number is determined by the severity of the disease and selected tactics of treatment). During the test, and after graduation examined the oral cavity was examined lips, tongue, palate, mucous membrane, the inner surface of the cheeks, floor of the mouth. In order to identify the possible manifestations of allergic or local irritation means containing betulin. Shown is th allergenic or local irritation tested means not detected. When conducting the research were used in three main forms, in the form of an emulsion, powder and gel containing betulin in a concentration of from 0.05 to 5 wt.% After learning the rules of hygiene probante clean their teeth toothpaste with a toothbrush twice a day (morning and evening) for 3 minutes by a combined technique on their own. Anti-inflammatory effect was evaluated using the index definition PMA. Inspection of the gums performed sequentially, first with vestibular, and then with the oral side. Index PMA was calculated by the formula The condition of the mucosa was determined by 3-point system: - inflammation of the interdental papilla 1; - inflammation of the gingival margin 2; - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the alveolar process 3. Index PMA obtained by summing the assessment of periodontal status of each tooth, take into account that the average number of teeth at the age of 15 years - 30. For more clearly identifying the boundaries of the inflammatory reaction of the mucosa of the gums along with visual inspection of the used sample Schiller-Pisarev (the color of the gum solution of iodine in potassium iodide). Assessment about iowacalligula actions carried out on the basis of the indices, which was determined at the control examinations before the study and at each subsequent visit, but not less frequently than every two weeks. Anti-inflammatory effect was defined as a reduction of the index of the RMA by the formula in which the indices of PMA (1) and (4) belong to the first and last inspection. After three months of use detergents containing betulin, a group of probando treated for chronic generalized periodontitis of varying degrees of severity (mild to 7%, easy-medium - 13%, medium-heavy - 26%, heavy 9%) showed a significant improvement of periodontal status. All probante said good organoleptic properties of the tested tools, pleasant taste, the smell. The dynamics of anti-inflammatory effects depending on the severity of chronic generalized periodontitis presented in table 6. The table shows that the anti-inflammatory effect of betulin depends on the severity of the disease and as it increases, the effect decreases. This circumstance is connected with the necessity of neutralizing the (at least partial) produced in periodontal pockets serous-purulent exudate, resulting in anti-inflammatory effect actually betulin on the soft periodontal tissues is reduced. The nature of impacts is via betulin inflammatory process and its relationship to the severity of the disease allows us to recommend the appropriate patterns of use, namely: when mild disease 2 times a day use of funds; - with the average severity of the disease to 3 times per day; - in the form of heavy 4 times a day. Thus, the proposed tool - not having local irritation or allergic actions;
- when using for 2 weeks already has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect; - when using tools (optional) at least 2 times a week and the observance of all rules of hygiene of an oral cavity all patients noted a decrease in bleeding, pain and swelling of the gums; - can be used as a therapeutic agent by entering its corresponding form in periodontal pockets; can be used for the prevention of periodontal disease with daily brushing for a long time; - contraindication to the use not identified. 1. Therapeutic and prophylactic care of the oral cavity, including the media, the target additives and biologically active substance of plant origin, characterized in that the biologically active substances of plant origin contain betulin in the following ratio, wt.%: betulin 0,05-5,0 additives target of 5.0-5.5 the media and the rest 2. The tool according to claim 1, characterized in that it contains the target additive and the carrier in the following ratio, wt.%: sorbitol 17,5-35,0 the sodium carboxymethyl cellulose 1,0-1,2 preservative 0,15-0,5 sweetener of 0.1-0.2 sodium lauryl sulfate 1.0 to 1.5 silicon dioxide 18,0-25,0 betulin 0,5-5,0 monitoroff sodium 1,8-2,0 aromatic composition of 0.5-1.0 purified water (carrier) else 3. The tool according to claim 2, characterized in that as the target additive additionally contains titanium dioxide in the following ratio, wt.%: sorbitol 17,5-35,0 the sodium carboxymethyl cellulose 1,0-1,2 preservative 0,15-0,5 sweetener of 0.1-0.2 sodium lauryl sulfate 1.0 to 1.5 silicon dioxide 18,0-25,0 the titanium dioxide of 0.5-1.0 betulin 0,5-5,0monitoroff sodium 1,8-2,0 aromatic composition of 0.5-1.0 purified water (carrier) else 4. The tool according to claim 1, characterized in that it contains the target additive and the carrier in the following ratio, wt.%: sorbitol 20,0-45, the sodium carboxymethyl cellulose 1,1-3,0 preservative 0,15-0,5 sweetener of 0.1-0.2 sodium lauryl sulfate 1.0 to 1.5 calcium carbonate 25,0-30,0 betulin 0,5-5,0 silicon dioxide 4,0-5,0 monitoroff sodium 1,8-2,0 aromatic composition of 0.5-1.0 purified water (carrier) else 5. The tool according to claim 1, characterized in that as the target additive contains magnesium carbonate, as well as media - chalk besieged in the following ratio, wt.%: betulin 1,0-2,5 magnesium carbonate 6,0-8,0 aromatic composition of 0.8-1.2 chalk besieged the rest 6. The tool according to claim 1, characterized in that as the target additive additionally contains lanolin, polyvinylpyrrolidone, tween 80, in the following ratio, wt.%: lanolin 1,0-3,0 sorbitol 0.5 to 2.0 the sodium carboxymethyl cellulose 1,1-3,0 preservative 0,15-0,5 polivinilpirolidon of 0.5-1.5 sodium lauryl sulfate 0,5-3,0 betulin 0,05-2,0 tween 80 1,0-5,0 aromatic composition is about 0.1-0.3 purified water (carrier) else
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