Hepatoprotective agent |
IPC classes for russian patent Hepatoprotective agent (RU 2244553):
Method for treatment of patients with chronic hepatitis / 2243784
Invention relates to a method for treatment of chronic hepatitis. Method involves applying granocyte that is administrated every day intravenously in the dose 1-10 mcg/kg of patient weight per 24 h for 7 days, not above, in combination with conventional complex used in treatment of this disease. Method provides normalization of activity of blood enzymes that indicates the liver function recovery and improvement of the liver structure indices.
The invention relates to medicine, in particular to the treatment of infectious diseases, and for the treatment of acute viral hepatitis In
The invention relates to medicine and applies polyuronic acids or their salts as a means of therapy for treatment of diseases associated with impaired metabolic processes, in particular conjugation reactions with glucuronic acid (coma renal, hepatic cell failure, hepatitis, jaundice, and others)
The invention relates to medicine, namely to multicomponent infusion solutions with detoxification, hepatoprotective effect, and can be used in the intoxication of the organism of various severity
The invention relates to medical and pharmaceutical industry, namely the use of homogenate and freeze-dried from drone larvae, can be used as sources of highly effective medicinal and therapeutic tools
The invention relates to the field of creation of means of plant origin for the treatment of chronic pancreatitis and hepatitis b
The invention relates to the pharmaceutical industry, and is intended for the prevention and adjunctive therapy in the treatment of diseases of the liver and biliary tract
The invention relates to synthetic peptide antagonists of the binding of transforming growth factor TGF
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The method of therapeutic effects on the human body / 2232599
The invention relates to medicine
Method for preparing hollow horse-mint oily extract eliciting with antibacterial activity / 2244552
Method involves using air-dried vegetable raw. Hollow horse-mint (Monarda) raw treated by steam is extracted with vegetable oil in the ratio raw : extract = 1:10 at heating for 5 h on water bath at temperature 60-70oC followed by filtration. Method provides the possibility for year-round manufacturing the hollow horse-mint (Monarda) oily extract eliciting with the high antibacterial and expressed anti-fungal activity.
Invention relates to a method for preparing extract based on walnuts at milkwax stage of ripeness. Method for preparing extract based on walnuts involves grinding walnuts at milkwax stage of ripeness taken with pericarps, drying to air-dry state, mixing with wild rose fruits ground and dried to air-dry state and taken in the definite ratio of components followed by treatment with aviation kerosene and stirring at room temperature. Method provides preparing extract with the higher content of biologically valuable substances and to increase the assortment of vegetable supplements.
Invention represents new saponin mixtures used for inhibition of initiation and activation of mammalian epithelial cell in pre-malignant or malignant state, for stimulation of apoptosis of mammalian malignant cell, prophylaxis of anomalous proliferation of mammalian epithelial cell, for treatment of inflammatory and regulation of angiogenesis in mammal. These mixtures are isolated form plants of species Acacia victoriae. Also, invention relates to methods for their applying. These compounds can comprise triterpene component, such as acacic or oleanolic acid to which oligosaccharides and monoterpenoid components are joined. Mixtures and compounds elicit properties associated with regulation of apoptosis and cytotoxicity of cells and strong anti-tumor effect with respect to different tumor cells.
The present innovation deals with manufacturing cosmetic composition that contains solubilized cumic alcohol of a certain formula, glucose, ascorbic acid or compound which is split in skin up to glucose or ascorbic acid and a cosmetically acceptable carrier. Components should be taken at a certain quantitative ratio. The suggested composition improves expression of transglutaminase-1 and ceramides in skin cells and enhances absorption of glucose and ascorbic acid by cells.
Preparation comprising water-soluble triterpenic acid salts and method for its preparing / 2244426
Invention relates to a method for preparing the preparation comprising triterpenic acid water-soluble salts and additionally added protein-containing product and vegetable raw, the source of triterpenic acids taken in the following ratio of components, wt.-%: protein-containing product, 10-17; triterpenic acid sodium salts, 4-5, and vegetable raw, the balance. Method involves mixing triterpenic acid-containing vegetable raw with the protein-containing product taken in the ratio = (9-11):(1-2), mechanical-chemical treatment of this mixture in activator device, mixing of prepared semi-finished product with sodium carbonate or sodium hydrocarbonate taken in the ratio = (92-97):(3.5-8.3) and repeated treatment in the activator device. Method involves applying flow-type ball vibration-centrifugal or ellipse-centrifugal mills as the activator device that provide the acceleration of milling bodies up to 170-250 m/c2 and time for treatment for 1.5-3 min. Invention provides simplifying the process and the complex processing waste in lumber industry.
Invention relates to applying elm-leaf dropwort (Filipendula) above-ground part 40% alcoholic tincture as an agent stimulating erythroidal and granulocytic hemopoiesis stems in cytostatic myelorepressions. Agent promotes to effective stimulation of erythroidal and granulocytic hemopoiesis stems in cytostatic myelodepression. Invention is used for correction of disorders arising in blood system in administration of cytostatic preparations.
Biologically active supplement for prophylaxis of cardiovascular diseases / 2243781
Invention relates to the field in development of an agent of vegetable origin used for improvement of the functional state and prophylaxis of organic alterations in cardiovascular system, in particular, atherosclerosis. The biologically active supplement used for prophylaxis of cardiovascular diseases, in particular, atherosclerosis comprises clover dry extract, haw-thorn flowers powder, ascorbic and nicotinic acids, and accessory substances taken in the definite ratio. The biologically active supplement is made in the form of tablet or capsule. No adverse responses observed in intake of the supplement. The blood cholesterol level was reduced to the normal value in 68% of patients and reducing morbidity with acute respiratory-viral infections has been noticed. In patients with ischemic heart disease with cholesterolemia the improvement of the state is noted on the background of conventional therapy: the moderate reducing the arterial pressure value in its elevation, improved in the state of health, enhanced working capacity, reduced retrosternal pains, ear noise, vertigo, headache.
The invention relates to the field of medical pharmacology, namely organic geostatical used to stop the capillary and mixed hemorrhage in traumatic lesions of the skin and muscle tissue in surgical practice
Hypolipidemic and anti-sclerotic therapeutic and prophylactic / 2242986
The invention relates to the field of generating plant to normalize cholesterol metabolism, prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis
The invention relates to animal husbandry, and in particular to means of stimulating the reproductive function and the natural resistance of animals, for example pigs
Invention describes sterile anesthetic composition for parenteral administration of propofol emulsified in water for injection. The composition comprise above 3 wt.-% but 6 wt.-% of less of solvent not mixing with water. Propofol is dissolved in indicated solvent. The composition is stabilized with 0.2-1.0 wt.-% of surface-active substance and has pH value level in the range 5.0-7.5. The composition with reduced pH value level allows preventing above 10-fold elevating growth of microorganisms for at least 24 h after random external pollution. Reduced fat content in composition also provides the stable analgetic effect for prolonged time and with reduced risk for the blood fat content exceeding.
FIELD: medicine, pharmaceutical industry. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to agents used for treatment of chronic hepatitis. The hepatoprotective agent representing extract prepared from biomass of Maackia amurensis Rupr. et Maxim and obtained by the callus culture method comprises polyphenolic complex consisting of daidzein, retusin, genistein, formononetin, maackianin and medicarpin. The hepatoprotective agent promotes to effective treatment of chronic hepatitis. EFFECT: valuable medicinal properties of agent. 2 tbl
The invention relates to medicine and pharmacology, and relates to assets that can be used for the treatment of chronic hepatitis. Known hepatic vegetable origin, such as LIV-52, Kateryn, Zelibor. Currently, the most widely used drug Carsil (synonyms: Legalon, Silymarin, Silibinin), obtained from the seeds of the Thistle, which is similar to the national drug Celebra [1]. However, treatment with these drugs in some cases there is a low therapeutic efficacy, and the presence of these drugs have various side effects [2, 3]. Closest to the proposed hepatoprotective tool is hepatoprotector Maxar representing a dry extract from the trunk wood of maackii Amur. It has a higher efficacy in the treatment of chronic hepatitis compared with drug Carsil and no side effects [4]. However, Maxar obtained from wood of the plant make Amur (Maackia amurensis Rupr. et Maxim)related to rare species. Recursivedescribe studies show that intensive harvesting of wild medicinal plants lead to widespread depletion of their reserves, the extinction of populations and some species of plants, so the search for alternative the positive raw sources is an important issue. Currently, the development of biotechnology (cell cultivation with the aim of obtaining biologically active substances) allows to solve the problem. The objective of the invention - expanding Arsenal of hepatoprotective funds. The problem is solved by creating a new hepatoprotective based tools extract Maackia amurensis and represents an extract of biomass Maackia amurensis Rupr. et Maxim, obtained by the method of culture of calli, and contains polyphenolic complex, consisting of daidzein, retsina, genistein, formononetin, maceina, medicarpin. Culture calli plants Maackia amurensis Rupr. et Maxim was obtained as follows: explants of different parts of the plant Maackia amurensis Rupr. et Maxim placed in an Erlenmeyer flask with a volume of 230 ml containing 50 ml of nutrient agar medium of the following composition, mg/l water: NH4NO3350-450 KNO31500-2300 To2NRA4150-190 CaCl2×6H2O 600-730 MgSO4× 7H2O 350-390 H3IN4of 4.2 to 8.0 MnSO4× 4H2O the 15.6-26,7 CuSO4× 5H2About 0,02-0,03 CoCl2× 2H2O 0,02-0,03 ZnSO4× 7H2O to 6.0 and 10.3 Na2MoO4× 2H2O 0,2-0,3 KI 0,52-0,90 FeSO4× 7H2O 25,0-30,6 Na2EDTA× 2H2O 33,6-41,0 Metainit 80-120 Thiamine hydrochloride 0,15-0,25 Nicotine KIS the PTA 0,4-0,6 Pyridoxine hydrochloride 0,4-0,6 6-Benzylaminopurine 0,45-0,55 α -Naphthyloxy acid 1,5-2,5 Casein hydrolysate 40-60 Sucrose 24000-26000 Agar 5800-6200 Water to 1 liter pH of 5.6 to 5.8 before autoclaving The explants incubated for 30 days in the dark at 25° C. Formed on the explants, the calli are separated and cultured in the medium of the same composition within ten passages at monthly intervals to stabilize the biosynthetic activity of the calli. Then calli removed from the culture vessel and dried in a current of hot air at 50-55° C. Dried calli treated with 95%ethanol at 50-55° ratio of raw material:extractant is 1:5 in the battery percolation followed by evaporation and drying alcohol extracts under vacuum. The resulting powder dark brown color is a preparation containing a complex of polyphenols, which are analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography. Chemical and pharmacological studies of the drug from calli of maackii Amur conducted in comparison with a drug Maxar of wood maackii Amur (PKM-CORES). Chemical study of polyphenolic complex contained in the calli of maackii Amur (PKM-CL), showed that the composition was significantly different from ifeeling complex, contained in the extract from the trunk wood of maackii Amur. It is established that culture calli of maackii Amur does not contain unlike wood plants stilbene, namely piceatannol and resveratrol. In addition, unlike native plant derived callus culture is not producing the stilbene and dimeric stilbene, while the polar fractions of extracts of wood maackii Amur contain up to 30% oligomeric stilbene (Scirpus And, Scirpus, meakin, makin A) [5-7], as well as stilbenoids macolin [7] and isoflavonones maciain [8]. However, the calli synthesize more than in the plant, the amount of isoflavones (retsina, genistein and formononetin) and, especially, pterocarpus (maceina and medicarpin) (table 1).
Total polyphenol content in wood and calli was 17.3±0,18 and 16.7±0.27 mg/g dry weight, respectively. Thus, the calli of maackii accumulate comparable with wood maackii Amur amount of polyphenols. But there are significant differences both in structure and in the ratio of polyphenols, synthesized by calli of maackii Amur and wood of this plant. So it was impossible to clearly suggest that polyphenolic complex calli Maackia amurensis Rupr. et Maxim will possess hepatoprotective activity, like polyphenolic complex wood Maackia amurensis Rupr. et Maxim. Study the hepatoprotective activity of the drug calli of maackii conducted on a group of laboratory mice, which were called artificial hepatitis action of carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) (table 2).
As a result of these studies found that on the seventh day of the experiment the animals had developed a pronounced CCL4-hepatitis, which was characterized by a fourfold increase in the length geksenalovy with whom and, testifying about the inhibition of the activity of liver microsomal enzymes. Against lowering the body weight by the end of the experiment at 30% increased specific gravity of the liver. The degree of fatty infiltration of hepatocytes meet on a scale of 3 points. Death in the group of mice with induced hepatitis was 33%. Mortality in the group of mice treated with the drug from the trunk wood, was 12.5%. In the group of animals treated with the drug from the culture of calli, mortality was not observed. Both drugs significantly (more than 50%) reduced the duration geksenalovy sleep and the degree of fatty hepatocytes (up to 1.9-2.1 points), marked by a more moderate value of the specific mass of the liver. Thus, the results obtained indicate the presence of pronounced hepatoprotective properties of polyphenolic complex isolated from cell culture of maackii Amur. This polyphenol complex from the culture of calli of maackii Amur has a more pronounced pharmacological activity. Simultaneously pharmacological studies carried out on rats with induced CCL4-hepatitis. The results revealed that the drug of sound wood in a dose of 150 mg/kg (previously established optimal effective dose) prevents hyperlipidemia and hyperbilirubinemia, reduces the activity of alanine and participantcentered, and alkaline phosphatase. The preparation of callus culture has equal effect with the drug of sound wood in its application in a smaller dose, 100 mg/kg of the drug from callus culture is logged tendency to a more pronounced normalizing influence on higher toxicant concentration of lipids in blood serum. Therefore, the effective dose from callus culture in 1.5 times lower than the effective dose of sound wood that is obviously due to the higher content of biologically active substances in the product obtained from callus culture. Thus, pharmacological studies of the drug callus culture Maackia amurensis has shown that he has a significant hepatoprotective effect. LITERATURE 1. Yakovenko AP etc. the Effectiveness of therapy in patients with chronic hepatitis with hepatic // materials of the final scientific and practical conference “problems of clinical medicine, Ministry of health of the RSFSR, M., 1989, s-231. 2. Grigoriev PA and other “Diagnosis and treatment of chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver” // Soviet medicine, 1985, No. 12, pp.61-67. 3. Blinkov I. and other clinical Experience hepatoprotective tools legalon // Symposium : Clinical significance of drug legalon”, M, 1981, p.113-123. 4. RF patent №2175237 AND K 35/78, A 61 P 1/16, 2001. 5. Chem. nature. Conn., 1988, No. 6, s-804. 6. Chem. nature. Conn., 1992, No. 5, s-476. 7. Phytochemistry, 1995, vol.40, No. 3, p.1001-1003. 8. Chem. nature. Conn., 1986, No.1, p.39-42. Hepatoprotective agent based on the extract of Maackia amurensis, characterized in that it is an extract of biomass Maackia amurensis Rupr. et Maxim, obtained by the method of culture of calli, and contains polyphenolic complex, consisting of daidzein, retsina, genistein, formononetin, maceina, medicarpin.
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