Method of diagnosing androgenic deficiency |
IPC classes for russian patent Method of diagnosing androgenic deficiency (RU 2439578):
In patient's urine content of 6-sulfatoximelatonin is determined. If determined content of 6-sulfatoximelatonin after operation before complex treatment equals 292.7 nmol/ml survival to 2.3±0.5 months is predicted, if 22.4 nmol/ml is determined, survival for more than 12 months is predicted. If after chemical therapy determined content of 6-sulfatoximelatonin equals 268.2 nmll/ml, predicted survival time equals to 2.1±0.6 months, if content is 32.8 nmol/ml - more than 12 months. If after a month after treatment determined content of 6-sulfatoximelatonin equals 479.3 nmol/ml predicted is survival for 1.2±0.5 months, in case of 37.4 nmol/ml - survival for more than 12 months.
Method for prediction of cervical cancer metastases / 2436102
In 10-14 days following a surgical removal of a tumour in a patient, daily urine is analysed for sex hormones: oestradiol and pregnandiol. Then, they are related to each other. If the value exceeds 0.8, the onset of metastases or a recurrent disease for the following one and a half or two years is predicted. If the relation is less than 0.8, a metastases-free and recurrence-free period for more than 8-10 years is predicted.
Method of predicting state of fertility in women of reproductive age with uterus myoma / 2433411
At lutein phase of menstrual cycle concentrations of 2-hydroxyestrone 16α - hydroxyestrone in urine, concentration of progesterone in blood serum are determined. Then, canonical value is calculated by formula: K=4.23-0.04×A+0.0016×B-0.18×C, where A is concentration of progesterone in blood serum on 20-21 days of menstrual cycle (lutein phase) (nmol/l), B - concentration of 2-hydroxyestrone in urine (nmol/l), C - concentration of 16α - hydroxyestrone in urine (nmol/l). If K is higher than -0.175, infertility is predicted, if K is lower than -0.175 - safe fertility.
Method of predicting pregnancy in programme of extracorporal fertilisation and transfer of embryos in standard long protocol of superovulation stimulation / 2430379
Before programme of ECF and TE in standard long protocol of superovulation stimulation in patient analysis of hormonal status is performed - content of progesterone receptors in mononuclear fraction of peripheral blood cells is determined. Content of progesterone receptors in mononuclear fraction of peripheral blood cells is determined in the middle of luteal phase of patient's menstrual cycle, before administration of gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist when carrying out treatment in accordance with standard long protocol of superovulation stimulation. If value is more than 700 progesterone receptors per cell, pregnancy as a result of programme of ECF and TE in standard long protocol of superovulation stimulation is predicted.
Method for prediction of clinical effectiveness of metformin and/or weight-loss therapy in patients with polycystic ovarian syndrome / 2427842
Patient is examined for an anti-Mueller hormone level. If its value is increased by 1/3 and less from an upper limit of normal, a positive menstrual response to treatment is predicted.
Method of predicting risk of thyroid gland diseases in women of perimenopausal age / 2421127
Invention relates to field of medicine, namely to endocrinology. The following data are determined: cause of menopause, application of estrogen preparations, value of index of body weight and thyroid gland volume, concentration of antibodies to thyroid peroxidase and thyrotropic hormone. On the basis of obtained data prognostic coefficient which makes it possible to predict presence or absence of risk of developing thyroid gland diseases in the nearest five years is calculated.
Tissue samples of an tumour and perifocal regions are recovered from the preparation removed intraoperatively. They are analysed for the contents of prolactin and testosterone by radioimmunoassay. If the prolactin concentration is 692.0 ng/g of tissue, and the testosterone concentration is 48.0 ng/g of tissue in the tumour, while the testosterone concentration is 42.0 ng/g of tissue in the perifocal region, developing hepatic metastases are expected in 3 months. If the prolactin concentration is 160-390 ng/g of tissue, and the testosterone concentration is 20-40 ng/g of tissue in the tumour, while the testosterone concentration is 24-26 ng/g of tissue in the perifocal region, developing metastases are expected in 29-43 months.
Cholecystokinin level is counted additionally in the patients with post-cholecystectomy syndrome. In case the concentration is below 0.5 ng/ml, and while observing no organic pathology of hepatopancreatoduodenal organs as demonstrated by instrument methods, function-type Oddi's sphincter dyssynergia is diagnosed.
Method of predicting duration of recurrence-free period in radically treated patients with mammary gland cancer / 2413231
Content of sex hormones -estradiol and progesterone - in blood is determined. After that coefficient of ratio of estradiol concentration to progesterone concentration is calculated. If values of coefficient are within the range from 10 to 221, duration of recurrence-free period from 5 to 13 years is predicted, and if values of coefficient are within the range 367-1295 recurrence-free period for 28-30 months is predicted.
Method of predicting of process activation in patients with hodgkin's lymphoma / 2405454
Invention relates to medicine, namely to biochemical investigations in oncology, and can be used in determination of activation or stabilisation of pathologic process in patients with primary-resistant Hodgkin's lymphoma. In patients with primary-resistant Hodgkin's lymphoma at stages of treatment, by radioimmune method determined is content in blood of thyroid gland hormones - triiodothyronine and thyroxine, and adrenocortical hormone - cortisol, their concentration is summed up and in case of total level of hormones is within 278.2 nmole/l - 0 333.0 nmole/l conclusion about activation of malignant process is made, if total level of said hormones is 432.4 nmole/l - 833.2 nmole/l conclusion about absence of process activation is made.
Method for differential diagnostics of mammary diseases in men / 2244308
The present innovation deals with biochemical trials: before the onset of therapy in men one should detect blood content of thyroid hormone - free thyroxine - and at its level being 10.3-12.9 pmol/l one should diagnose mammary cancer, at the level of free throxine being 18.7-31.0 pmol/l - one should predict gynecomastia. The method enables to detect the direction of pathological process and carry out due correction of therapy tactics in men with either gynecomastia or mammary cancer.
Method for predicting the delay of intrauterine fetal development / 2246733
The method deals with studying blood serum of pregnant woman to detect the content of insulin-like growth factor (IGF) and vascular-endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and calculate the coefficient of their ratio: at its value being equal to 28.5 and lower it is possible to diagnose the delay of fetal development.
Method for differential diagnostic of chronic hepatitis and hepatic cirrhosis / 2254577
Thyroglobulin content is determined in blood serum using enzyme immunoassay. When thyroglobulin level is increased by 2 times and more compared in contrast with normal one chronic hepatitis is diagnosed, and when thyroglobulin level is decreased by 1.5-2.5 times in contrast with normal one hepatic cirrhosis is diagnosed.
Method for evaluating combined schizophrenia treatment based on atypical antipsychotic drugs and rations and electroconvulsive shock therapy / 2256181
Method involves determining dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate concentration in blood serum. Its growth above 30% when compared to the initial one being observed, treatment efficiency is determined as negative.
Method for diagnosing obliterated forms of congenital suprarenal gland cortex hyperplasia / 2261447
Method involves applying high effectiveness liquid chromatography for determining cortisol, cortisone 11-deoxycorticosterone, 11-deoxycortisone concentration in blood and free cortisol and free cortisone excretion with urine. Ratios of F/E and FF/FE are calculated, where F is the cortisol level in blood; E is the cortisone level in blood; FF is the free cortisol excretion with urine and FE is the free cortisone excretion with urine. The cortisol level in blood not exceeding norm and at least two of three signs: F/E ratio reduction by 25% and more, FF/FE ratio reduction by 25% and more, free cortisol excretion with urine being equal to 25% and more, obliterated forms of congenital suprarenal gland cortex hyperplasia is diagnosed. Corticosterone level in blood growing by 50% and higher, 21-hydroxylase defect is considered to be the case. 11-deoxycorticosterone and/or 11-deoxycortisone concentration in blood being et or greater than 50%, 11β-hydroxylase defect is considered to be the case.
Method involves making pepsinogen 1, gastrin and Helicopter pylori infection marker combinations analysis and making input of the obtained results into data processing means comprising operation system, means for receiving, transmitting and processing data. The mentioned data processing means is usable for comparing the measured concentration value of a substance under study to a threshold value associated to the substance under study and producing information as a response to comparison results and additionally to other entered data. A set and software are used for implementing the method.
Method for predicting relapse of mammary cancer / 2263319
In the course of surveying in menopausal women after complex therapy one should state the development of mammary cancer at decreased ratio of estriol concentration to the sum of estrone and estradiol urinary concentrations from 1.68±0.23 in relapse-free patients up to 0.74±0.12 - in patients living without relapses for less than a year, up to 0.65±0.13 in patients living without relapse from 2 up to 6 years and up to 0.50±0.10 in patients with relapse-free period from 6 to 10 years. The innovation provides pre-clinical detection of mammary cancer relapse.
Method for predicting fetoplacental insufficiency in pregnant women with thyroid diseases / 2263919
Except detecting placental lactogen in blood serum one should study the content of alphafetoprotein. At placental lactogen content being below 75% against the norm and content of alphafetoprotein below 70% against the norm it is possible to conclude upon availability of fetoplacental insufficiency.
Method for predicting cholecystitis and cholelithiasis / 2263920
While diagnosing cholecystitis and cholelithiasis due to ultrasound testing one should additionally study blood plasma and bile to detect there the content of prostaglandins PGE2 and PGF2α. At PGE2/PGF2α ratio in blood plasma being equal to 6 and more, and, also, at decreased level of biliary cholecystokinin-pancreosimin by 38% and more, biliary PGE2 by 59% and more and increased level of biliary prostaglandin PGF2α by 5.9 times and more against the norm one should diagnose chlecystitis and cholelithiasis. The innovation enables to detect the above-mentioned diseases at earlier stage.
Method for predicting powerless labor in pregnant nodular goiter surgically treated on goiter occasion during pregnancy under medical supervision / 2273456
Method involves determining thyroid gland node diameter and thyrotropic hormone by applying ultrasonic examination approach. Histological examination is carried out with conclusion concerning morphologic nature being obtained like nodular colloid proliferating goiter or thyroid gland adenoma. Diagnostic index Σ is calculated from formula Σ=0.49*K1+0.07*K2-0.5*K3+1.76*K4-1.53, where K1 is the thyroid gland node diameter; K2 is the TTH concentration; K3 is the nodular colloid proliferating goiter index equal to 1 or 0; K4 is the thyroid gland adenoma index equal to 1 or 0. Diagnostic index Σ being less than zero, conclusions concerning powerless labor threat is to be drawn.
FIELD: medicine. SUBSTANCE: in blood serum bioavailable testosterone fraction bound to albumin is determined. If its value is lower than 185.7 pg/ml, disease is diagnosed. EFFECT: method application ensures increase of androgenic deficiency diagnostics accuracy and gives possibility to carry out early disease diagnostics. 3 ex
The invention relates to the field of clinical medicine, namely, endocrinology, and can be used for the diagnosis of androgen deficiency. A known method for the diagnosis of androgen deficiency using the quantitative determination of total and free testosterone, which is the bioavailable fraction of testosterone in serum (Nevarakka. Verification of androgen deficiency in men: clinical and laboratory aspects. The journal "Medical news". Archive No. 16, 2009). The disadvantages of the method: the lack of accuracy of the method, as it does not take into account the fraction of bioavailable testosterone bound to albumin, due to the fact that albumin is not detected in serum, and its quantity is taken as a constant, late diagnosis. Technical result: earlier diagnosis of androgen deficiency, improving the accuracy of the method. This result is achieved by the determination of albumin in serum, by calculating the fraction of bioavailable testosterone bound to albumin, and when the value of testosterone bound to albumin less 185,7 PG/ml, diagnosed the disease. The method is as follows: from 7 to 11 o'clock in the morning on an empty stomach from the cubital vein of the subject take 5 ml of blood in a dry test tube. The blood is centrifuged at 1000 g for 10 minutes and separated savoro the ku from the precipitate formed elements of blood. In serum to determine the number of albumin method with bromcresol green, the number of total testosterone and SHBG immunochemiluminescent way. Bioavailable fractions of testosterone (testosterone bound to albumin, and free testosterone) is determined by way of calculation by mathematical formulas (Alex Vermeulen, Verdonck Lieve, Kaufman Jean M. A Critical Evaluation of Simple Methods for the Estimation of Free Testosterone in Serum. - J. Clin Endocrinol Metab., 1999. No. 84. P.3666-3672): TCB=(Tobs-(N×TCB)/(CT×(SHBG-Tabs+N×TCB)) TA=Ka×Ca×TSV TCB - testosterone free, The testosterone bound to albumin, Tabs - total testosterone, N=CA×Ca+1, Ka is a constant, Ca is the concentration of albumin, CT is a constant, Gspg - globulin that binds sex hormones. And when the value of testosterone bound to albumin less 185,7 PG/ml, determine androgen deficiency. Examples of specific performance. Example 1. Patient O., 37 years. He complained of weakness, sweating, inability to lose weight on the background diet, increasing the pressure to 150/90 mm Hg, decreased libido. Overall status: Height - 190 cm Weight - 139 kg, BMI 38 kg/m2, waist - 135 cm, AD - 135/90 mm Hg Tests: fasting glucose - 6,9 mmol/l, dyslipidemia. Fractions of testosterone: total testosterone - 384 PG/ml (normal 344-2100), free testosterone - 7,46 (norm-5,5-42, testosterone bound to albumin, is 177,99 (norm 185,7-1260). Conclusion: Laboratory notes relative androgen deficiency by reducing the fraction of bioavailable testosterone (bound to albumin). Based on a survey of diagnosis: impaired glucose tolerance. Obesity II senior Dyslipidemia. Androgen deficiency. A comprehensive survey has established that the patient has a decrease in bioavailable testosterone (bound to albumin). Appointed substitution androgenicity. Example 2. Patient Z., 54 years old. Complained of rapid weight gain (30 kg for 5 years), shortness of breath with little exertion, fatigue, sexual dysfunction, reduced libido, the pressure rises to 180/105 mm Hg Overall status: Height - 175 cm, Weight - 146 lbs, BMI of 47 kg/m2, waist - 143 cm, AD - 160/95 mm Hg Tests: glucose - 6.0 mmol/l, lipid - dyslipidemia. Fractions of testosterone: total testosterone - 440 PG/ml (normal 344-2100), free testosterone - 6,17 (norm-5,5-42), testosterone bound to albumin, is 158,98 (norm 185,7-1260). Conclusion: Laboratory notes relative androgen deficiency by reducing the fraction of bioavailable testosterone (bound to albumin). The survey has allowed to establish graduate from the local diagnosis: Obesity III senior Dyslipidemia. Androgen deficiency. Assigned testosterone replacement treatment. Example 3. Patient P., aged 40. He complained of excess weight, fatigue and shortness of breath during physical activity. Overall status: Height - 176 cm, Weight 113 kg, BMI of 36 kg/m2, waist - 122 cm, BP - 130/80 mm Hg Tests: glucose, lipid profile is normal. Fractions of testosterone: total testosterone - 328 PG/ml (normal 344-2100), free testosterone of 8.37 (norm-5,5-42), testosterone bound to albumin, is 221,64 (norm 185,7-1260). Conclusion: Laboratory celebrated ermogenis at lower total testosterone. The patient diagnosed with Obesity II Art. Assigned therapy aimed at reducing weight. Replacement therapy with testosterone is not required. The proposed method was used in 38 patients aged from 27 to 59 years with suspected androgen deficiency. Shows most informative of this method in comparison with the prototype. An increasing number of persons with laboratory-confirmed androgen deficiency by determining the fraction of testosterone bound to albumin. So, out of 11 cases (29%) laboratory diagnosed androgenetica in all 11 samples was determined with a reduced level of testosterone bound to albumin, but only 2 of them had snizhenievrednye testosterone. The positive effect from the use of this method is to significantly improve the diagnosis of androgen deficiency and therefore the timeliness of the appointment of replacement therapy with testosterone, which increases the effectiveness of treatment and improve prognosis. Method for the diagnosis of androgen deficiency by determining the fractions of testosterone in blood serum, wherein determine the bioavailable fraction of testosterone bound to albumin, and when it is less 185,7 PG/ml diagnose the disease.
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