Method of predicting state of fertility in women of reproductive age with uterus myoma |
IPC classes for russian patent Method of predicting state of fertility in women of reproductive age with uterus myoma (RU 2433411):
Method of predicting pregnancy in programme of extracorporal fertilisation and transfer of embryos in standard long protocol of superovulation stimulation / 2430379
Before programme of ECF and TE in standard long protocol of superovulation stimulation in patient analysis of hormonal status is performed - content of progesterone receptors in mononuclear fraction of peripheral blood cells is determined. Content of progesterone receptors in mononuclear fraction of peripheral blood cells is determined in the middle of luteal phase of patient's menstrual cycle, before administration of gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist when carrying out treatment in accordance with standard long protocol of superovulation stimulation. If value is more than 700 progesterone receptors per cell, pregnancy as a result of programme of ECF and TE in standard long protocol of superovulation stimulation is predicted.
Method for prediction of clinical effectiveness of metformin and/or weight-loss therapy in patients with polycystic ovarian syndrome / 2427842
Patient is examined for an anti-Mueller hormone level. If its value is increased by 1/3 and less from an upper limit of normal, a positive menstrual response to treatment is predicted.
Method of predicting risk of thyroid gland diseases in women of perimenopausal age / 2421127
Invention relates to field of medicine, namely to endocrinology. The following data are determined: cause of menopause, application of estrogen preparations, value of index of body weight and thyroid gland volume, concentration of antibodies to thyroid peroxidase and thyrotropic hormone. On the basis of obtained data prognostic coefficient which makes it possible to predict presence or absence of risk of developing thyroid gland diseases in the nearest five years is calculated.
Tissue samples of an tumour and perifocal regions are recovered from the preparation removed intraoperatively. They are analysed for the contents of prolactin and testosterone by radioimmunoassay. If the prolactin concentration is 692.0 ng/g of tissue, and the testosterone concentration is 48.0 ng/g of tissue in the tumour, while the testosterone concentration is 42.0 ng/g of tissue in the perifocal region, developing hepatic metastases are expected in 3 months. If the prolactin concentration is 160-390 ng/g of tissue, and the testosterone concentration is 20-40 ng/g of tissue in the tumour, while the testosterone concentration is 24-26 ng/g of tissue in the perifocal region, developing metastases are expected in 29-43 months.
Cholecystokinin level is counted additionally in the patients with post-cholecystectomy syndrome. In case the concentration is below 0.5 ng/ml, and while observing no organic pathology of hepatopancreatoduodenal organs as demonstrated by instrument methods, function-type Oddi's sphincter dyssynergia is diagnosed.
Method of predicting duration of recurrence-free period in radically treated patients with mammary gland cancer / 2413231
Content of sex hormones -estradiol and progesterone - in blood is determined. After that coefficient of ratio of estradiol concentration to progesterone concentration is calculated. If values of coefficient are within the range from 10 to 221, duration of recurrence-free period from 5 to 13 years is predicted, and if values of coefficient are within the range 367-1295 recurrence-free period for 28-30 months is predicted.
Method of predicting of process activation in patients with hodgkin's lymphoma / 2405454
Invention relates to medicine, namely to biochemical investigations in oncology, and can be used in determination of activation or stabilisation of pathologic process in patients with primary-resistant Hodgkin's lymphoma. In patients with primary-resistant Hodgkin's lymphoma at stages of treatment, by radioimmune method determined is content in blood of thyroid gland hormones - triiodothyronine and thyroxine, and adrenocortical hormone - cortisol, their concentration is summed up and in case of total level of hormones is within 278.2 nmole/l - 0 333.0 nmole/l conclusion about activation of malignant process is made, if total level of said hormones is 432.4 nmole/l - 833.2 nmole/l conclusion about absence of process activation is made.
Diagnostic technique for severity level of varicocele and its recuring / 2403871
Invention refers to medicine, namely to urology and vascular surgery. The sex hormones level in an involved vein is considered to be a criterion of the severity level of varicocele. There are evaluated the following sex hormones: testosterone, estradiol, progesterone simultaneously in the pampiniform plexus veins of a left ovary and in the peripheral vein of a bend of elbow, with determining the ratio of the sex hormones level in a healthy vein of the bend of elbow to the varicocele-involved pampiniform plexus vein. If said ratio of the sex hormones level is 1:10 to 1:50, the first degree of varicocele is diagnosed. Recurrent varicocele and the second degree of varicocele is diagnosed by the ratio of the sex hormones level in the healthy and involved veins 1:50 to 1:100 times (i.e. hormones concentration in a varicose vein is increased in tens times). If observing the ratio of the sex hormones level in the healthy vein and the involved vein of the pampiniform plexus veins of the left ovary increasing more than in 1:100, the third degree of varicocele is diagnosed. Surgical intervention is indicated if the ratio of the sex hormones level is diagnosed more than 1:50.
Invention refers to medicine, namely to biochemistry, surgery and dentistry. The bone resorption to remodeling analysis is based on the biochemical blood examination. An the blood coefficient K1 is calculated by formula: K1=[(PTH:A)+(TNF-α:B)+(IL-1β:C)]:3, where PTH is the parathyroid hormone concentration (pg/ml) in the patients, A is the same value in healthy individuals, TNF-α is the level of tumor necrosis factor -α (pg/ml) in the patients, B is the same value in healthy individuals, IL-1β is the interleukin-1β concentration (pg/ml) in the patients, C is the same value in healthy individuals to derive the blood coefficient K2 by formula: K2=[(calcitonin: D) + (osteocalcin: E)]:2, where the calcitonin concentration (ng/ml) in the patients, D is the same value in healthy individuals, the osteocalcin level (ng/ml) in the patients, E is the same value in healthy individuals. Then the bone metabolism control coefficient (BMCC) is calculated by formula BMCC=K1:K2, and the higher BMCC than 1.17, the more intensive resorption prevails over remodelling; and the lower BMCC than 0.83, the more intensive remodelling prevails over resorption.
Method for assessment of kidney function in felines by measurement of ghrelin hormone levels / 2403573
Method for assessment of kidney function in felines includes determination of observed level of ghrelin in tissue or biofluid of feline and establishment of direct dependence of observed level of ghrelin on kidney function by comparison of observed level of ghrelin with reference level of ghrelin that characterises normal kidney function. Method for diagnostics of kidney disease in felines includes detection of observed level of ghrelin in tissue or biofluid of feline and comparison of observed ghrelin level with referent level of ghrelin, which characterises normal kidney function, where observed level lower than reference level indicates kidney disease or predisposition to it. Method for detection of kidney disease beginning in felines includes monitoring level of ghrelin in tissue or biofluid of feline for a certain period of time; where beginning is identified, if at any moment of time level of ghrelin decreases compared to initial level that characterises healthy kidney function. Diagnostics set includes (a) one or more test materials to detect observed levels of ghrelin in tissue or biofluid of feline; and (b) one or more user-available mediums bearing the following information: (i) reference level of ghrelin that corresponds to a specific feline; and (ii) algorithm of direct dependence of observed ghrelin level relative to reference level on kidney function or reverse dependence of observed ghrelin level relative to reference level on availability of kidney disease or predisposition to kidney disease.
Multiple urine samples are taken during external exposure on a body for one day. Each sample is examined for the concentrations of thiols and urochrome that is followed by calculation of a thiol-urochrome coefficient (TUC) as a relation of the concentrations of thiols and urochrome. If the TUC value is 1.46±0.2, the body status is stated to be satisfactory. The TUC value more than 1.66 or less than 1.26 enables to state the status beyond the satisfactory limits.
Method of estimating human renal function in high pressure gas medium / 2423703
Compression water load (pressure chamber immersion at a depth of 60 metres and staying there for 1.5 hours) in dosage 20 ml per one kg of body weight is followed by calculating a renal functional activity index (RFAI) by formula: RFAI=0.1N1+0.4D1+0.2D2+0.1N2-0.1K+0.1Chl, where: N1 is the amount of sodium discharged by kidneys on the 60th minute after the water load (mmol/hour); D1 is the amount of discharged urine on the 60th minute after the water load (ml/min); D2 is the amount of discharged on the 90th minute after the water load (ml/min); N2 is the amount of sodium discharged by kidneys on the 90th minute after the water load (mmol/hour); K is the amount of potassium discharged by kidneys on the 90th minute after the water load (mmol/hour); Chl is the amount of discharged chlorine on the 90th minute after the water load (mmol/hour). If the RFAI value is 5.7 or more, excretory and concentration renal function is considered to be satisfactory, and the RFAI value less than 5.7 shows unsatisfactory function.
Agent for instant diagnosis of feline urolithiasis and method of its production / 2422829
Agent is represented by indicator granules, containing a base and a dry indicator mixture, the liquid indicator mixture, containing the following components, wt %, is applied onto the base: distilled water - 50-89.9; a water-soluble polymer - 10-49.9; a water-soluble pH level indicator - 0.01-0.1. Besides, the base is represented by light spheroidal granules with high porosity from fractionated swollen vermiculite, or from swollen chlorite, or perlite, or volcanic glass. Besides, after the liquid indicator mixture is applied onto the base, the agent is dried until the ratio of the indicator mixture to the base is in the range of values making 0.01-0.04. The water-soluble polymer is represented by a polyvinyl acetate, and the water-soluble pH level indicator is phenol red (phenolsulfonphthalein) or cresol red (o-cresolsulfonphthalein). A solution of the liquid indicator mixture of the above-specified composition is prepared, applied onto the base of light spheroidal granules with high porosity from swollen fractionated vermiculite, or swollen chlorite perlite, or perlite, or volcanic glass by means of spraying through a nozzle with a rate of 100-200 ml/min, at the temperature of sprayed solution of 20-40°C, and granules are dried to moisture of 1-5% at the temperature from +40 to +250°C for 5-30 minutes until the ratio of the dry indicator mixture to the base is in the range of values making 0.01-0.04.
Diagnostic technique for early subclinical cardiac affection in patients suffering hypertension without left ventricular hypertrophy / 2420738
Patient's blood serum is examined for the contents of tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinase (hTIMP-1). If the value hTIMP-1 is 138 ng/ml to 179 ng/ml in the female patients, and 138 ng/ml to 189 ng/ml in the male patients, the presence of early subclinical left ventricular myocardium affection in the patients suffering hypertension without ventricular hypertrophy is stated.
Determined are degree of depression of consciousness, degree of depression of reflex activity and presence or absence of complications in the respiratory system. After that, total concentration of opioids in urine is determined by polarisation-immunofluorescent method and if its concenmtration is 15.84-19.04 mcg/ml, acute poisoning of light degree is diagnosed, if concentration is 19.05-38.40 mcg/ml, acute poisoning of medium degree is diagnosed, and if concentration is 38.41-57.70 mcg/ml - acute poisoning of severe degree is diagnosed.
Diagnosis of the preclinical stage of renal tissue hardening is ensured by microscopy of urine mixed with 10% albumin in the ratio 4:1 in the form of a drop dried at temperature 20-25°C and relative humidity 55-60%. Two urine samples are prepared; one of them is exposed to low-intensity laser radiation of wave length 0.67 mcm, power 100 mWt for 1 minute. Then, urine of both samples is mixed with albumin. If observing leaf structure in the exposed sample only, the preclinical stage of renal tissue hardening is diagnosed.
Concrement with weight 20 mg is dissolved in 10 M solution of hydrochloric acid and series of said solution dilutions, C1=10-6 M, C2=10-5 M, C3=10-4 M, C4=10-3 M, is prepared. Through solutions, placed in interelectrode space of sensor, electric current 1=270 mA is sequentially passed, and work, spent on passage of electric current through volume of liquid with concrement solution in hydrochloric acid, sequentially to each concentration, is registered.
Method of determining use of erythropoetin during doping tests in athletes / 2390779
Risk group is made first. Urine samples of athletes undergo high performance liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry. Content of indirect biochemical markers - L-arginine, asymmetrical dimethylarginine, symmetrical dimethylarginine and citrulline is determined. If content of the defined products in the sample is not within 0.9-1.2 of the averaged standard, the athlete is removed from the risk group. If content of the said products is at least greater than 1.5 times the averaged standard, the athlete is included in the risk group. The urine sample of the said athlete is subjected to isoelectric fixation, double blotting and chemoluminescent analysis for exogenous erythropoietin.
Highly selective solid-state extraction of an urine sample is followed with qualitative and quantitative analysis for the urine content of the following nucleosides: 1-methyladenosine (Z1), uridine (Z2), xanthosine (Z3), 5-deoxy-5-metylthioadenosine (MTA) (Z4), cytidine (Z5), and NN-dimethylguanosine (Z6). Thus the probability of breast pathology increases if the urine content of uridine, xanthosine, 5-deoxy-5-methylthioadenosine (MTA) and cytidine is increased, while the content of 1-methyladenosine and Nn-dimethylguanosine is decreased. And the probability of breast pathology is estimated by calculating the forecast function F by formula: F=ϕ1(Z1)+ϕ2(Z2)+ϕ3(Z3)+ϕ4(Z4)+ϕ5(Z5)+ϕ6(Z6)+ 71 where: Zn is a concentration of a related nucleoside in the urine sample (mg/ml), ϕn is an identification function of the related nucleoside, F is a predicting function, and by comparing to the age-related chart.
Invention covers the method of formation of breast oncopathology (BOP) risk group. The method of formation of BOP risk group by preparation of a urine sample for qualitative and quantitative analysis for urine content of the following nucleosides: xanthosine, 2-deoxyuridine, 5-methylcytidine, calculation of prediction function, and estimated probability of BOP.
Invention describes method of estimating severity of course of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, which includes determination of marker of vessel endothelium dysfunction in blood, where in blood plasma as marker of vessel endothelium dysfunction determined is concentration of antigen of inhibitor of plasminogen 1 type (IAP-1) activators in febrile period of disease and value of IAP-1 antigen concentration from 341.2 to 570.0 ng/ml is estimated as predictor of moderate form of disease, from 240.0 to 320.1 ng/ml - as predictor of severe form of disease without complications, from 138.3 to 75.5 ng/ml value is estimated as predictor of severe form of disease with complicated course.
FIELD: medicine. SUBSTANCE: at lutein phase of menstrual cycle concentrations of 2-hydroxyestrone 16α - hydroxyestrone in urine, concentration of progesterone in blood serum are determined. Then, canonical value is calculated by formula: K=4.23-0.04×A+0.0016×B-0.18×C, where A is concentration of progesterone in blood serum on 20-21 days of menstrual cycle (lutein phase) (nmol/l), B - concentration of 2-hydroxyestrone in urine (nmol/l), C - concentration of 16α - hydroxyestrone in urine (nmol/l). If K is higher than -0.175, infertility is predicted, if K is lower than -0.175 - safe fertility. EFFECT: methods application increases accuracy of predicting infertility and safe fertility in women with uterus myoma. 2 ex
The invention relates to medicine, namely to gynecology, and is intended for forecasting fertility (one of two alternative States, infertility and safe fertility) among women of reproductive age with uterine myoma. In the structure of female infertility frequency of uterine fibroids, according to various researchers, is 30-51%. As the sole etiologic factor infertility, uterine fibroids diagnosed in 1-20% of women. About 10% of women with fibroids and infertility are subject to treatment with assisted methods of reproduction (IVF) [1, 2, 3, 8, 9]. Traditional forecasting reproductive dysfunction in women with uterine cancer based on the determination of the size of myoma nodes (large) and their localization (submucous, the region of the isthmus or pipe angles of the uterus), detected by ultrasound and endoscopic methods. However, reproductive disorders are identified and the small size of the tumor and in the absence of deformation of the uterus myoma node and its location outside of the pipe angles and the neck area[4, 5, 6, 7]. A known method for prediction of infertility in women with fibroids, based on double determination in serum hormones in folliculinum and luteal phase of the menstrual cycle (thyroid-stimulating th is Mona, thyroxine, triiodothyronine and prolactin) and comparing them with the value zero norm. Their ratio predict the possibility of pregnancy in the first 3 month, 6 or 18 months of sexual life [10]. However, myoma of the uterus refers to hormone-dependent tumors, its growth and activity are regulated primarily steroid hormones, which include estrogen and progesterone, are not considered in the prototype. Thyroid hormones and prolactin in less responsible for the growth of fibroids and its symptoms than estrogen (estradiol) and progesterone. The objective of the invention is to improve the accuracy of forecasting fertility, including two alternative state - of infertility and safe fertility in women with fibroids. The problem is solved by identifying women with fibroids concentration in the urine of 2-hydroxyestrone and 16α-hydroxyestrone and progesterone in the serum during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle with the subsequent calculation of canonical values according to the formula K=4,23-0,04×A+0,0016×-0,18×S, where a is the concentration of progesterone in blood serum on the 20-21st day of the menstrual cycle (luteal phase), nmol/l, At the concentration of 2-hydroxyestrone in urine nmol/l, C - concentration of 16α-hydroxyestrone in urine nmol/L. When is the canonical values To the more -0,175 projected infertility, when K is less -0,175 projected intact fertility. The claimed solution differs from the prototype in that: depends myoma activity, - estimated pituitary-ovarian status, - reveals the minimum number of the most informative indicators and models are built, - calculated value of the model and To forecast the state of reproductive functions (preservation of fertility or infertility) for the particular women of reproductive age with a normal sex life. Thus, the claimed method meets the criterion of "novelty." The analysis of patent and literature the authors found that the proposed solution has features that distinguish it not only from the prototype, but also on other technical solutions in this and related fields. We have not found a technical solution to predict women's fertility, including alternative condition - intact fertility and sterility, using the application of mathematical-statistical methods with the construction of the canonical value with the above-mentioned informative indicators. Therefore, it is possible to make a conclusion about conformity of the proposed method the criterion of "inventive step". The method is as follows. Women in reproductive is TRASTA with myoma of the uterus during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle (20-21 days) determine in urinary concentrations of 2-hydroxyestrone, 16α-hydroxyestrone and the serum progesterone concentration. Calculate the value of K according to the formula K=4,23-0,04×A+0,0016×-0,18×S, where a is the concentration of progesterone in blood serum on the 20-21st day of the menstrual cycle (luteal phase) (nmol/l), At the concentration of 2-hydroxyestrone in urine (nmol/l), C - concentration of 16α-hydroxyestrone in urine (nmol/l). When K is greater -0,175 predict infertility, when K is less -0,175 predict safe fertility. Using multiple discriminant analysis identified the most significant of the above indicators with uterine cancer in women in the groups with good fertility and infertility and built the canonical equation. The magnitude of the correct classification of women with fibroids on fertility status using this equation amounted to 79.4 per cent, the sensitivity of the test to predict infertility in women with uterine myoma is 85.7%, a specificity of 69.2%. Example 1 Female 29 years, within 5 years of suffering with infertility. 4 years ago the patient was first diagnosed with uterine fibroids. It was found 3 myomatous node in diameter from 3 to 6 cm, located subserous on the front surface and the bottom of the uterus. The woman was examined according to the standard, other factors of infertility were excluded. Of comorbidity were identified: diffuse osteopatia, chronic pyelonephritis, myopia of an average degree, compensated chronic tonsillitis, diffuse enlargement of the thyroid gland 1 degree from normal function. Weight 72 kg with height 165 see Menstrual cycle is regular, 6 days, 30 days, copious, painless. The concentration of progesterone in the serum on day 21 of the menstrual cycle - 7,80 (nmol/l). The concentration of 2-hydroxyestrone in urine - 10,70 (nmol/l). The concentration of 16α-hydroxyestrone in urine - 8,03 (nmol/l). The canonical value of variable K=2,49 that more -0,175, and this women is projected infertility. Example 2 The women have uterine fibroids within 6 years (4 myomatous node located subserous on the front surface and the bottom of the uterus). At 3 and 4 years ago, the women spontaneously came 2 pregnancies ended by megabite. Then came the 3rd pregnancy and 10 months ago women odoratissimus vaginal delivery of a live full-term girl weighing 3650 g and a length of 52 see Of comorbidity have chronic gastritis, diffuse enlargement of the thyroid gland 1 degree from normal function. Weight - 74 kg with height 167 see Menstrual cycle is regular, already recovered after the end of breastfeeding. The concentration of progesterone in blood serum is a 20 day of the menstrual cycle - 55,40 (nmol/l). The concentration of 2-hydroxyestrone in urine - 43,53 (nmol/l). The concentration of 16α-hydroxyestrone in urine - of 18.45 (nmol/l). The value K=-1,24 that less - 0,175 and the woman predicted the preservation of reproductive function. Thus, using multiple discriminant analysis identified the most informative indicators in women with fibroids, describing the maximum possible correct classification on the state of reproductive functions, and built the canonical value. The magnitude of the correct classification of women with fibroids using this equation was 79,4%, a sensitivity of 85.7%, a specificity of 69.2%. Thus, the claimed method allows women of reproductive age with uterine cancer to predict the state of reproductive function (infertility or saved fertility) for the minimum number of the most informative tests, which reduces the cost of diagnostic tests, reduces the time and increases accuracy. Literature 1. Baryshnikov YOU Programmed cell death (apoptosis). / Youerself, Uwishin // Ross. oncologic. log. - 1996. No. 1. - P.58-61. 2. Bershtein L.M. Hormonal carcinogenesis. / Lambertian. - SPb.: Science, 2000. - 198 S. 3. Beznosko GV Smooth myocytes of the myometrium during periods of accelerated growth in PR the Natal ontogenesis, during pregnancy and fibroids: author. dis. ... candles. the honey. Sciences: 14.00.01. Ivanovo. - 1997. - 25 S. 4. 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Biochemiluminescence lipids. / Bentayou, Zhuravlev A.I. // Biochemiluminescence. - M., 1965. - T. - S-132. 10. Application for invention No. 99113132/14, G01N 33/74 from 2001.04.27. A method for predicting fertility in women with fibroids. A method for predicting the state of fertility in women Reprod the active age with uterine myoma, including the definition of sex hormones, myoma activity and the construction of mathematical models, characterized in that in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle to determine the concentration of 2-hydroxyestrone and 16α-hydroxyestrone in urine, the concentration of progesterone in serum and expect the canonical value according to the formula
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