IPC classes for russian patent (RU 2312426):
Solar power installation having a solar energy concentrator made from flat reflecting plates consists of moveable: photoelectric solar module with two-sided sensitivity, a solar energy concentrator made from flat reflecting plates and a tracking device which provides rotation of the solar power installation during the day. The photoelectric solar module with two-sided sensitivity lies in the focal plane of the concentrator consisting of flat reflecting plates lying on the geometrical surface of a parabolic cylinder, where the width and angle of inclination of each of reflecting plates of the concentrator is selected so as to ensure maximum concentration of solar energy for minimum geometric dimensions of the concentrator, for which the middle reflecting plate lies at an angle α=45° to the opening plane of the concentrator, and the width of this plate is
Proposed module comprises photoelectric solar module with double-sided sensitivity and built-in control elements built around photoelectric solar elements, electronic switch with its output connected to station turn actuator input, two mirror flat concentrators and shields. One of said concentrators is installed at 45 degrees to module plane while another is arranged in parallel with muddle plane or at 45 degrees thereto. Said shields are used to eliminate parasitic illumination of module.
The invention relates to solar power plants designed to convert solar radiant energy into electrical energy as in Sunny weather and overcast. Well-known solar power plant for the conversion of solar radiant energy into electrical energy, comprising vertical and horizontal shafts rotate, the latter of which installed solar photobacteria, which has a system of rotation of the shafts orientation fotomature in the sun [1]. Lack of power is low efficiency, because santalina the installation is done manually once a month or quarter, which corresponds to the average azimuth latitude and time of year. Turn power daily is carried out automatically by means of two cylindrical (left and right) thermoperiods heated by sunlight that has low reliability in conditions of low temperatures and high wind loads. The drawback is the complete lack of return the station to its original position evening-morning. Well-known solar power plant, comprising a vertical shaft driven azimuthal rotation, which is fixed to the Playground, and on the upper end of the said shaft, above ground, has a horizontal shaft driven sanitarnogo rotation, which is fixed to Sol is ecna photobacteria, equipped with automatic system sanitarnogo and azimuthal drive sun tracking, including command solar cells low power relay Executive relay drives reversing engines [2]. The shortcoming is the low reliability in terms of the variable or temporary clouds, the impossibility of automatically installed in operating position in the morning. This is due to the fact that the witness device is performed on the solar cells placed in the tube. In a few minutes the clouds, in the absence of solar beam, this device is not valid, and after the clouds a ray of sunlight into the receiver device already misses and the station is no longer navigate by the sun, it is a failure. And when variable clouds during the day this can happen hundreds of times. Even in a Sunny weather with nightfall, the station looks at the sunset, and the morning sunrise from the East. The station cannot be deployed, requires manual focusing. The prototype of the invention is a solar power plant, comprising a frame in which is mounted a vertical shaft driven azimuthal rotation, and at its upper end has a horizontal shaft with automatic system sanitarnogo rotation, which is fixed to the solar photobacteria equipped with automatic system of the azimuthal drive monitor is ansem and spread from West to East. The disadvantage of the prototype is a high intensity, complexity of construction and electrical automation systems, resulting in decreased reliability and increased cost of plant. The present invention allows to obtain a new technical effect - increased reliability, simplified electrical schematic of automation and drives twice. This technical effect is achieved by the fact that the solar power plant includes a frame in which is mounted a vertical shaft driven azimuthal rotation, and at its upper end has a horizontal shaft with automatic system sanitarnogo rotation, which is fixed to the solar photobacteria equipped with automatic system of the azimuthal drive sun tracking and turning stations from West to East, with the automation system sanitarnogo rotation is made in the form of a swivel thrust rigidly mounted on the frame and the bottom base of the solar fotomature. The hinge rod may be made in the form of a cable, and on the upper base fotomature fixed absorber, for example, rubber harness, the lower end of which is rigidly fixed on the frame. Figure 1 shows a General view of a solar power station, side view. Figure 2 is a view As in figure 1. Figure 3 shows the electric circuit of the power plant. The power plant consists of what the AMA 1, in which the thrust bearing 2 has a vertical shaft 3 with the leading toothed wheel 4 is in contact with the worm shaft 5 reversible electric drive 6 (M) DC. The shaft 3 can rotate in the bearing sleeves 7 of the frame 1. On the upper end of the shaft 3 has a horizontal shaft 8, on which the brackets 9 attached solar photobacteria 10 (PV) power plant. On sun fotomature 10 (PV) is fixed to the two side, left 11 (FL) and right 12 (FP) command of the solar cell. The photocells 11 and 12 relative to the working surface of futabatei 10 (PV), mainly installed at an angle of 250...255 degrees. On the reverse side of the solar fotomature 10 (PV) installed additional rear photocell 13 (FZ), mounted to the horizontal plane at an angle of half maximum sanitarnogo angle of the sun. At the bottom base of the solar fotomature fixed hinge rod (cable) 14, the lower end of which is rigidly fixed on the frame 1 in the position of maximum sanitarnogo angle of the solar fotomature 10. In the case of use as draught 14 of the cable, on the upper base of the solar fotomature 10 fixed attenuator 15, for example, rubber harness, the lower end of which is rigidly fixed on the frame 1. In figure 2 the dashed line shows the position of the solar fotomature 10, rod 14 and the shock absorber 15, respectively, for adnom position 10A, 14a and 15A, in an easterly direction 10B, 14b and 15B. On the bottom base fotomature the height of a number of fastening loops 16 attachment (cable) 14. The angles command photocells 11 and 12 are justified from the condition that relative to the sun's rays they are constantly under an angle of 15...20°with reflection to 39%, while the deviation of the sun on 15...20°, working angle with one hand increases by this amount, and the other decreases. Then with one hand reflected light rays comes 6,6...of 9.8%, with the other to 100%. This ensures the efficiency of the above-mentioned solar cells. The electrical circuit of a solar power station includes a sun fotomature "Feh" power plant, which through switch VK has pins + and - DC to the consumer. In the power supply system power connected battery "AK", may also be set voltmeter to measure the voltage of the solar fotomature "Feh". It is equipped with two azimuthal command photocells - right "Op" and left "FL", connected to the opposite winding of polarized low power relay "WP1", and the command photocell "FL", installed on the back side of the solar orientation, which is connected to the winding of polarized relay "WP2". Intermediate low power relay "WP1 and WP2 have neutral the capacity of the anchor with the left and right contacts of the circuit, in the circuit which has a winding of the actuating relay, respectively, "WP1"-"PC1" and "RS", "WP2"-"RS". All Executive relay "PC1"..."RS" through anchor "WP1 and WP2 directly connected power stations and relay "RS has additional parallel chain, which includes normally closed contacts RC" and normally open contacts of their own "PC3.1". The normally closed contact of the output relay "PC1" and "R" connected to a single phase power supply, for example,"+", and normally open contacts to the other phase power supply, with each of these circuits is supplied normally closed contacts of the limit switches, respectively, "CL" and "Lam". Between anchors relay "PC1" and "RS connected reversing the motor "M" DC. While normally open contacts R" given in parallel, normally open contacts R". The power plant operates as follows. Solar photobacteria "Feh" power focuses on the sun light rays and produces the estimated electrical energy voltage and constant current. When the switch is activated "VK" provides power to the consumer and is charging the battery "AK", when the voltage drop across fotomature "Feh", for example at the lichnosti or night, provides consumers with power. The morning begins sanitarne and azimuthal movement of the sun. The sun changes the azimuthal position during the day from East to West. In this case, the angle of incidence of sunlight on the right photocell "Op" and the darkening of the left solar cell "FL". Right photocell produces a current that is supplied to the relay coil "WP1", the latter responds and closes anchor "WP1" on the left-hand contact and puts the current winding of the actuating relay "PC1", which opens its normally closed contacts and closes the normally open contacts PC1.1, thereby casts current reverse drive "M" (6). Last through the worm shaft 5 and the gear wheel 4 rotates the vertical shaft 3 to the right and turns the whole station on the azimuthal position of the sun. When the azimuthal alignment of the two photocell "Fi" and "FL" at a small angle to the sun produce the same small currents, which are balanced on the winding "WP1", the last drops and drops his anchor "WP1". The power supply circuit of the actuating relay "PC1" is de-energized, which releases its contact "PC1" and de-energizes the drive "M" (6). Azimuthal rotation of the station stops. Further azimuthal changes of the sun, the operation is repeated until sunset. When azimutal the complete rotation of the vertical shaft 3 to the right, from morning till noon, respectively, it produces a rotation of the horizontal shaft 8, with sun photobacteria 10 from the position 10B. This rod 14 of the inclined position 14b moves in a vertical position 14, thereby raising the bottom of futabatei 10 to maximum sanitarnogo position on a horizontal shaft 8, i.e. the solar photobacteria 10 (PV) moves from a vertical to a horizontal position. This ensures sanitarne tracking the sun in the first half of the day. In the second half of the day continues azimuthal tracking the sun, i.e. the further rotation of the vertical shaft 3, respectively, and continues the rotation of the horizontal shaft 8 with sun photobacteria 10. When this rod (cable) 14 gradually increases the angle of inclination, the upper end of which changes the height relative to the frame 1 and pulls the bottom base of futabatei 10, from horizontal to vertical position 10A to the sunset, thereby providing sanitarne tracking the sun in the afternoon. The shock absorber 15 provides the tension cable 14. The number of loops 16, the installed height on the bottom base fotomature 10, provide adjustment sanitarnogo position fotomature 10. Power sleep "backwards" to the East. In the morning when the sun rays fall nashini photocell "FZ" (13), the latter generates an electrical current to the relay coil "WP2", which its armature closes the supply circuit of the actuating relay "R". The latter closes its contacts RS" and cambiocorsa through normally closed relay contacts "RS", at the same time, the relay contacts "RS" is under current reverse drive "M" (6), through which the worm shaft 5 and the gear wheel 4 rotates the vertical shaft 3 to the left and turns the whole station up until the sun's rays will fall on the left photocell "FL" angle of 15...20°i.e. when the orientation station to the sun angle 140...150°. The latter generates an electrical current to the coil "WP1" reverse direction and causes its armature to the right contact "WP1", thus casts the current Executive relay "R"that their contacts RS" interrupts the circuit of relay supply "RS, closes its contacts RS" and continues the reversal of the plant above described manner to equalize the illumination of the photocells as "Fi" and "FL". Accordingly, the de-energized relay "RS" drop their contacts RS" and "RS", the scheme comes in its original position. On weather conditions (clouds, rain) the orientation of the plant can be stopped in any position, for example at any time of the day between sunrise and sunset. In this case, the output of the sun rays falls or C is dni "FZ" or "FL", and the station is in any case will be guided in the manner described. Variable cloudiness azimuthal spread of the sun will occur due to the operation of the photocell "Op". If the orientation of the station ceased to azimuthal angle of the sunset more than 145...150°i.e. almost from morning to evening, evening rays will not bring the right photocell "Op", but will go on the rear photocell "FZ". Happens this way turn the station on the East (left). In this case, not one of the "Fi" and "FL" will not fall under the rays of the sun. The station will unfold up until pressed, and turns off the limit switch "CL" left turn restrictions, remaining in readiness to work with the sunrise. In the morning when the sun rays fall on the "FP" and described provides azimuthal right turn power plant, when this is released limit switch "CL", providing the power supply circuit of the left turn. Throughout the supply circuit of the drive "M" rotation enabled limit switches "CL", "Lam", excluding emergency situations in the operation of the circuitry, as well as the possible operation at night from random light sources such as car headlights, searchlights, etc. Relay circuit can be assembled on an electronic relay. Circular rotation station is schlucht to avoid the application of a number of slip rings. This ensures that the clock santalina and azimuthal self-orientation station, simplicity and high reliability. Sources of information 1. Sunflower solar. NPP "Kvant", Moscow, 2002 2. Are, Bahah. "The use of solar energy". M.: Academy of Sciences, 1958, p.39-43. 3. RF patent №2230395, BI No. 16, 2004, "Solar power plant" (prototype). 1. Solar power plant, comprising a frame in which is mounted a vertical shaft driven azimuthal rotation, and at its upper end has a horizontal shaft with automatic system sanitarnogo rotation, which is fixed to the solar photobacteria equipped with automatic system of the azimuthal drive sun tracking and turning stations from West to East, characterized in that the automation system sanitarnogo rotation is made in the form of a swivel thrust rigidly mounted on the frame and the bottom base of the solar fotomature. 2. Solar power plant according to claim 1, characterized in that the hinge rod is made in the form of a cable, and on the upper base fotomature fixed absorber, for example, rubber harness, the lower end of which is rigidly fixed on the frame.
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