System for dynamic modelling of economics control processes |
IPC classes for russian patent System for dynamic modelling of economics control processes (RU 2262739):
FIELD: economical processes modeling technologies. SUBSTANCE: system has block for calculating sells, block for profit distribution, block for distributing savings, block for modeling distribution coefficients, block for modeling full costs of production and taxes, block for modeling costs of main funds, block for modeling external borrowings, block for modeling consumption, block for analyzing total supply and demand and control. EFFECT: higher precision. 3 dwg
SCOPE The invention relates to the field of modeling of economic processes management of enterprises and can be used to implement simulation models of different parts of the economy of the objects of the national economy. PRIOR art Known [1] the system of investment Advisory and funds management pension funds, which includes a device for storing worksheets and input of data by clients of the Fund, the device data in the tables, the model prediction of funds between different types of assets, distribution of funds between different types of assets and investments, the processing device to reconcile the client's risk by type of investment, output device to generate recommendations on investing. However, in the system there is no source of statistical information for each type of investment. In addition, it is obvious the lack of feedback, allowing for the reaction of the customer to make a correction of the results and find the best solutions. A known system for managing the sale of goods [2], which includes the memory block data about customers-applicants, the processing unit demand for goods, the subsystem of formation of market prices, as well as forming unit output the message. However, in this system there are no blocks, analyzing potential effective demand, allowing more accurate modeling of the flows of supply and demand. Known automated system for additional income [3], which includes a set of blocks, receiving, processing and displaying graphically economic information about each qualifying company, the control unit with information about market conditions, credit and investment spheres, the block comparison of economic indicators from each of the enterprises with indicators from the database and generating the signal of the difference between the actual and planned performance. However, based on the description in this system compares actual performance with the previously generated and possibly outdated performance and appearance as a result of misinterpretation. Closest to the proposed invention can be regarded as the invention, a system for modeling processes of the market economy management [4], which includes a subtraction unit, the block of formation of market prices, the computing unit implemented sales, the computing unit taxes on producers ' incomes and consumption, block modeling consumption, the adder and the computing unit of investment and amount of accumulation This system provides the possibility of modeling of management processes in the region, industry or enterprise. However, at the macroeconomic level, the disadvantages of this system are factors that reduce the accuracy of the simulation, including the difficulty of forming credible intervals of the weighted and normalized market prices throughout the economy as a whole, where the number of price positions is hundreds of thousands of units. According to all known economic theories of equilibrium between supply and demand on the market of goods and services determines the equilibrium price, so the incorrect definition, and then use change rates as the primary control signal may cause significant errors of prediction results characteristics of the simulated processes. The use of total goods and services total amount of production costs and profits allocated to the accumulation, incorrect, as this part of the profit is only partially spent on the purchase of goods and services. Enter in block modeling consumption investment partially increases consumption, however, increases the amount of debt of entities of national economy, respectively, reduces the consumption of the same amount of investment. The technical result,which sent the invention, is the creation of dynamic system modeling of economic management, allowing to improve the accuracy and usefulness of the forecasting real economic output parameters by modeling dependencies between effective demand and effective proposal - volume offered on the market of goods and services, including - trends of economic development in the areas of supply and demand, given in the form of numerical coefficients and recommendations for expansion or reduction of funding level of production of goods and services, - changes in the levels of savings in the real sector of the economy, describing the growth of wealth of the subjects of the national economy, - changes in the value of fixed assets, capitalization of interest of the national economy, - estimated foreign borrowing investments and loans entities of the national economy, as well as their savings invested in the banking sector, also sent to external borrowing. Desired results are achieved by varying the input to the model input data and control parameters, including - values, tax rates, levels of direct costs, the number of jobs in the manufacturing and the service sector, average wages, inflation rates, sizes of fixed assets n the beginning of the simulation, - profitability ratios, wages, income distribution, income-entities of the national economy in the banking sector, the distribution of investments earmarked for investments in fixed assets and working capital for production and consumption, interest rates on loans, - taxes from export revenues in the budget on consumption, as well as deferred savings. DISCLOSURE of INVENTIONS To achieve the technical result suggests a system dynamic modeling of economic management, including the modelling unit of consumption, the computing unit sales volumes, characterized in that it additionally introduced such blocks as the unit of distribution of profits, the distribution unit savings, block modeling of distribution coefficients, block modeling full production costs and taxes, block modeling the value of fixed assets, block modeling of external borrowing, the unit of analysis of aggregate demand and supply and process control simulation, with inputs from the first to the seventh block modeling full production costs and taxes are the inputs of the system, with the first input is used to enter values of direct costs, the second input is used to input value is s the number of jobs in the national economy, the third input is used to enter values of the average wage per employee, fourth, fifth and sixth inputs are respectively input rates of value added tax, social tax, tax on incomes, the seventh sign is intended for input of the inflation factor, the eighth and ninth inputs connected respectively with the third and second outputs of the modelling unit of the external debt for input, respectively, payable on the interest payment and the amount of working capital from investment in increased production of goods or services, the eleventh input is connected to the first output of the distribution unit savings for input of salary allocated for expansion production of goods and services, twelfth input is connected to the sixth output of block modeling of distribution coefficients for input ratio of salary allocated for accumulation, the first output unit modeling of the full cost of production and taxes connected to the first input of the computing unit sales, the second output is connected to the fifth input of the unit distribution of savings to enter the salary allocated for accumulation, a third output connected to the fifth input of the unit modeling consumption to enter deductions of wages sent h is consumption, the fourth, fifth and sixth outputs values of taxes connected, respectively, sixth, seventh and eighth inputs of block modeling consumption, the first input which is the input of the system to enter revenue in taxes and excises of export revenue, and the ninth input is connected to the first output block modeling external borrowing to enter the investment to purchase equipment, the output of block modeling consumption connected to the first input unit of analysis of aggregate demand and supply and process control modeling, to provide input data in aggregate demand, a second input connected to the first output of the computing unit sales for ensure data entry of aggregate supply, and the output unit of analysis of aggregate demand and supply and process control simulation is connected to supply control signals to the tenth input block modeling full production costs and taxes, with the second input of the block modeling of distribution coefficients and the fourth input unit of modeling external borrowing; the second input of the computing unit sales connected with the first output unit modeling of the distribution coefficients for the input margin, the second output unit Vice the population of sales volumes connected to the first input unit profit distribution for the input its values, the second input unit of distribution of profits is connected to the input of the system to provide input rate of income tax, the third input is connected with the second output unit modeling of the distribution coefficients for the input coefficient of income distribution on consumption; a first output unit profit distribution connected to the first input distribution unit savings for the input values of profit intended for accumulation, second, third and fourth inputs connected respectively to the third, fourth and fifth outputs of block modeling of the distribution coefficients for the input coefficients of the distribution of accumulated profit, the sixth input distribution unit savings is connected to the input of the system for the input of the depreciation rate, and the second output distribution unit savings is connected to the fifth input of the unit simulation of external borrowing for the input of financial assets repayment of external borrowings, the third output is connected to the sixth input of the block modeling of external borrowing for the input of savings placed in financial institutions, the fourth output is connected to a second input of block modeling the value of fixed assets for the input investment in creating basic background is s, and the fifth output is output from the system of values of savings, determining the value of the savings of the subjects of society, the third input unit of modeling the value of fixed assets is the input of the system to provide input original cost of fixed assets, and the output of the block is the output of the system, determining the level of capitalization of interest of the national economy; the first input of the block modeling of external borrowing is the input of the system to provide the input necessary investments, the second input is the system to provide input in the average interest rate on loans or discount rate on investment, the third input is the system for correction of parameters in the block modeling of external borrowing, and the fifth output block modeling of external borrowing is an output parameter of the system, determining the level of internal debt of the entities of the national economy, while in the block modeling of distribution coefficients based on the input data: control signals, as well as statistically certain input data correction, the output unit are formed profitability ratios, consumption, working capital reserve, the coefficient of the share of profits allocated to repayment of external borrowings, the coefficient of investment is vannoy share savings determined from statistical data, the ratio of wages in the block modelling the full costs based on the input data, namely the direct costs, the number of jobs in the national economy, the average wage per employee, inflation, tax rates, part of the Fund allocated to investment in the production, control signals, interest on external borrowings, the ratio of salary allocated for accumulation, the output unit are formed of the value of total production costs, deductions from payroll on savings, and the amount of taxes allocated to the corresponding inputs of the block modeling consumption, in the computing unit sales based on the input data, such as total costs of production, profit margins and the control signals, the output unit calculates the volume of sales of goods and services and the value of the profit in the profit distribution based on the input data, such as income, the tax rate on income and consumption ratio, calculated output data block, namely the portion of profit allocated, respectively, consumption and accumulation, and income tax allocated to one of the inputs of block modeling consumption, the distribution unit savings based on the input of the s data such as profit allocated for accumulation, distribution coefficients, such as the ratio of working capital reserve, the coefficient of the share of profits allocated to debt repayments on external borrowing, the ratio of the invested shares accumulation determined from statistical data, deductions from salary Fund allocated for accumulation, rate of depreciation, are formed in the output block, namely investments in production, such as tools to maturity investments, loans and interest thereon, to invest a portion of savings in banks and financial institutions, depreciation of fixed assets, and savings, determine the level of savings of the society in block modeling the value of fixed assets based on the input data, such as depreciation, the initial cost of fixed assets, the share of external borrowing allocated for the reconstruction and expansion of fixed assets, are formed in the output data block, determining the value of assets or capitalization of the national economy, in the block modeling of external borrowing on the basis of input data, such as management factors required external borrowings repayment of external borrowings, investment of savings in financial institutions, the interest rate on loans is the discount rate on investments, statistically determined correction factors are calculated such output, as interest on external borrowings, included in the full cost of production, working capital funds from sources external borrowing allocated for payment of finished products or services, working capital funds from sources external borrowing allocated for payment of the cost of production of products or services, current debt of the national economy on external borrowing, in block modeling consumption based on the input data, such as revenues in the form of taxes from export earnings, at the output of the block is the value of the money on consumption, the unit of analysis of aggregate demand and suggestions based on the input data, namely aggregate demand and aggregate supply, generated output, such as control signals in the form of absolute and relative difference between total supply and demand for the organization of a new cycle of the simulation. The proposed system is illustrated in figure 1. The system includes the following components: Block 1 - block calculate sales; Block 2 - block distribution of profits; Block 3 - block allocation of savings; Block 4 - block modeling of distribution coefficients; Block 5 - block is modelirovaniya full production costs and taxes; Unit 6 - unit modeling the value of fixed assets; Unit 7 - unit modeling external borrowing; Block 8 block modeling consumption; Unit 9 - unit analysis of aggregate demand and supply and management. Blocks can be implemented as follows. The blocks that make up the proposed system simulation can be performed, for example, on the basis of hardware-software complex in the form of one or more personal computers connected in a local area network that implements the following dependencies for blocks: Block 1. P(t)=T(t)*Krn; AC(t)=T(t)*{1+Krn}, where P(t) - total profit T(t) - total cost of production; Krn - (0≤Krn≤1) return; AC(t) - sales of goods and services; * is the multiplication sign. Block 2. Pp(t)=P(t)*(1-Npr)*Kp; Pn(t)=P(t)-Pp(t); ΣNpr(t)=P(t)*Npr*Kp, where Pp(t) - revenues spent on consumption; Kp - (0≤Kp≤1) the ratio of consumption; Pn(t) is the profit allocated to the reserve; Npr - rate income tax, ΣNpr(t) - amount of tax. * is the multiplication sign Block 3. Am(t)=Pn(t)*μ; ΔPn1(t)=Pn(t)*Kn1; ΔPn2(t)=Pn(t)*(Kn2+K%); ΔIn(t)={Pn(t)+Cn(t)}*Kn3; * is the multiplication sign Sb(t)Pn(t)+Cn(t)-Am(t)-ΔPn1(t)-ΔPn2(t), where Am(t) - depreciation; ΔPn1(t) - part of the spoils and, directed in production as a working capital reserve; ΔPn2(t) - portion of profit allocated for the repayment of external loans; ΔIn(t) is the accumulation of physical and legal persons placed with banks and financial companies; Cn(t) - part of net wages allocated for accumulation; Sb(t) is the measure of welfare is the total accumulation of the population. One of the basic output parameters of the simulation. μ(0≤μ≤1) is the depreciation rate; KP1 (0≤CP1≤1) is the coefficient of the provision of working capital; CP2 (0≤CP2≤1) is the coefficient of the share of profits allocated to the repayment of debt on external debt; K (0≤K≤1) is the coefficient of the invested shares accumulation determined from statistical data; To% - the weighted average interest rate on external borrowing. Block 9. m(t)=AC(t)-AD(t) is the absolute difference between the aggregate supply of goods and services - AC(t) and aggregate demand - funds allocated for consumption - AD(t), and m(t) is a function of the form The graph of the function m(t) is shown in figure 2. In the first case, the total supply of goods and services is not supported aggregate demand, i.e. there is a situation of overproduction. In the second case, aggregate demand is balanced owls the total sentences. In the third case, aggregate demand is not provided desired commodity by weight of the total offers. m'(t)=AC(t)/AD(t), is the relative difference between the total proposals and demand. All these cases correspond to the following conditions, and the curve takes the form, smoother than the curve m(t). The graph of the function m'(t) is shown in figure 3. Block 4. Krn, Kp, Kn1, Kn2) where ΔKn>0, (0≤Kn3≤1). * is the multiplication sign Block 5. T(t)=[M(t)+L(t)*ΔC(t)*{Kinf(t+2)-Kinf(t+1)}* *Nsc+(1+Nnds)+ΔPn1(t)]*m'(t)+In(t)%+ +{Pn1(t)+In2(t+1)}*(1+Nnds); ΣC(t)=L(t)*ΔC(t)*{Kinf(t+2)-Kinf(t+1)}; Cn(t)=ΣC(t)*Kc*{Kinf(t+2)-Kinf(t+1)}; Cp(t)=ΣC(t)-Cn(t); ΣNdh=ΣC(t)*Ndh; ΣNsc=ΣC(t)*Nsc; ΣNds={ΣC(t)+Pn1(t)+In2(t+1)}*Nnds, where * is the multiplication sign T(t) - total production costs (purchase) of goods and services; M(t) - direct costs (raw materials, components, goods and utilities); L(t) - the number of jobs; ΔC(t) is the average net salary per employee; ΣC(t)=ordacity wages; Cp(t) - part of net wages allocated for consumption Kinf(t+1), Kinf(t+2) - coefficients of inflation in t+1 and t+2-th moments of time; In(t)% - current interest rate on external debt; In2(t) - external borrowings for working capital to increase T(t); ΣNsc(t) is the amount of social tax; Nsc - the rate of social tax; ΣNdh(t) is the sum of income tax; Ndh - tax rate on income; ΣNds(t) - VAT; Nds - rate VAT. Section 6. G(t)=G(to)+Am(t)+In3(t), where G(t) is the value of assets; G(to) is the initial value of fixed assets; Am(t) - depreciation; In1(t) is the share of external borrowing, spending on expansion and reconstruction of fixed assets; In1(t)=Δ1Inl(t)+A2In1(t), where Δ1In1(t) - part of the share of external borrowings allocated to rekonstrukciu fixed assets; Δ2In1(t) is the share of external borrowing, sent to the expansion of fixed assets. In1(t) is set on the basis of statistical data on wear and replacement of fixed assets, and in accordance with the development industry. The value of assets determines the level of capitalization of the people : and is one of the basic output parameters. Unit 7. In(t)={In1(t)+In2(t)-ΔPn2(t)}; In%(t)={In(t)+ΔPn2(t)}/K%; ΣIn(t)=In(t)+Δn2(t)+In%(t); ΣInmin<ΣIn(t)<ΣInmax. where In(t) - total current investments; In%(t) is the current interest rate on external debt; ΣIn(t) - payable on external borrowing is the output of the simulation. Correction dependency In1(t) and In2(t) in accordance with the concept chosen by theory of economy of the classical, Keynesian, neoclassical, monetarily or other. Unit 8. AD(t)=ΣNexp(t)+ΣNds(t)+ΣNsc(t)+ +ΣNdh(t)+Cp(t)+ΣNpr(t)+Pp(t)+ΔSb(t-1)+In1(t), where AD(t) is aggregate demand; ΣNexp(t) - budget revenues in the form of taxes and excises of export revenue; ΔSbn(t-1) is the share of savings t-1-th period allocated for consumption in t-th period. System dynamic modeling of economic management works as follows. System dynamic modeling of economic management, including block 8 modeling consumption, unit 1 calculation of sales volume, characterized in that it additionally introduced block 2 of the income distribution, the block 3 distribution of savings, unit 4 modelling of the distribution coefficients, unit 5 modelling the full costs of production and taxes, block 6 modeling the value of fixed assets, block 7 modeling wasnegative, unit 9 analysis of aggregate demand and supply and process control simulation, with inputs from the first to the seventh block modeling full production costs and taxes are the inputs of the system: the first is to enter values of direct costs, the second is to enter values in the number of jobs in the national economy, the third - for values of the average wage per employee, fourth, fifth and sixth inputs - input rate: the value-added tax, social tax, tax on incomes, the seventh input - to-input ratio of inflation, the eighth and ninth inputs connected respectively with the third and second outputs of the modelling unit of the external debt for input, respectively, payable on the interest payment and the amount of working capital from investment in increased production of goods or services, the eleventh input is connected to the first output of the distribution unit savings for input of salary allocated for the expansion of production of goods and services, twelfth input is connected to the sixth output of block modeling of distribution coefficients for input ratio of salary allocated for accumulation, the first output unit modeling of the full cost of production and taxes connected to the first input of the computing unit on the volumes of sales, the second output is connected to the fifth input of the unit distribution of savings to enter the salary allocated for accumulation, a third output connected to the fifth input of the unit modeling consumption to enter deductions of wages spent on consumption, fourth, fifth and sixth outputs values of taxes connected respectively with the sixth, seventh and eighth inputs of block modeling consumption, the first input which is the input of the system to enter revenue in taxes and excises of export revenue, and the ninth input is connected to the first output block modeling external borrowing to enter the investment to purchase equipment, output block modeling consumption connected to the first input unit of analysis of aggregate demand and supply and process control modeling for data entry of aggregate demand, a second input connected to the first output of the computing unit sales volumes for data entry aggregate supply, and the output unit of analysis of aggregate demand and supply and process control simulation is connected to supply control signals to the tenth input block modeling full production costs and taxes, with the second input of the block modeling of distribution coefficients and the fourth input unit TP is for external borrowing; the second input of the computing unit sales connected with the first output block modeling of distribution coefficients for input margin, the second output of the computing unit sales volumes connected to the first input unit distribution of profits to its input values, the second input unit profit distribution is connected to the input of the system to enter the rate of tax on profits, the third input is connected with the second output unit modeling of the distribution coefficients for input coefficient of income distribution on consumption; a first output unit profit distribution connected to the first input distribution unit savings for entering values of profit intended for accumulation, second, third and fourth inputs respectively connected with the third, fourth and fifth outputs of block modeling of the distribution coefficients for the input coefficients of the distribution of accumulated profit, the sixth input distribution unit savings is connected to the input of the system to enter the depreciation rate, and the second output distribution unit savings is connected to the fifth input of the unit simulation of external borrowing to enter financial assets repayment of external borrowings, the third output is connected to the sixth input of the block modeling external borrowing to enter savings placed in f the financial-credit organizations, the fourth output is connected to a second input of block modeling the value of fixed assets to enter the investment in the creation of fixed assets, and the fifth output is output from the system of values of savings, determining the level of wealth of the subjects of the society; the third input of the block modeling the value of fixed assets is the input of the system to enter the original cost of fixed assets, and the output of the block is the output of the system, determining the level of capitalization of interest of the national economy; the first input of the block modeling of external borrowing is input system for inputting the required investment, the second input is the system to enter the average interest rate on loans or discount rate on investments, the third input is the system for correction of parameters in the block modeling of external borrowing, and the fifth output modeling block external borrowing is an output parameter of the system, determining the level of internal debt of the entities of the national economy. Thus, in block 4 modelling of the distribution coefficients based on the input data: control signals: m'(to), m(to), as well as statistically certain input correction data output unit are formed odds - Krn, Kp, KP1, KP2, K and COP. In block 5 TP is of full cost based on the input data: M(t) direct costs, L(t) - the number of jobs in the national economy, ΔC(t) - average salary per employee, Kinf(to) - inflation factor, Nsc, Nnds, Ndh, taxes (social, income and VAT) APn1(to) - part of the Fund allocated to investment in production, m'(to), m(to) - control signals, In(to)% - interest on external borrowings, KS - coefficient of wages allocated in accumulation, the output unit are formed of the value of total production costs - T(t+1), deductions from salary Fund for the accumulation of Cn(t+1), and taxes ΣNsc(t+1), ΣNdh(t+1) and ΣNds(t+1)allocated to the corresponding inputs of the block 8. In block 1, the calculations of sales based on the input data T(t+1), Krn and m'(to), m(to) at the output of the block is calculated sales volume (aggregate supply) of goods and services - AC(t+1) and the value - P(t+1). In unit 2 the distribution of profits based on the input data P(t+1), Npr and Kr calculated output data block: Pp(t+1) and Pn(t+1) - portion of profit allocated, respectively, consumption and accumulation, as well as tax - ΣNpr(t+1)allocated to one of the inputs of the block 8. In block 3, the distribution of savings based on the input data: profit - Pn(t+1)allocated to the accumulation, distribution coefficients - KP1, KP2, K, deductions from payroll - Cn(t+1), submitted on on the opinie, μ - depreciation; generated output data block: investments in production - ΔPn1(t+1), ΔPn2(t+1) - maturity investments, loans and interest on them, ΔIn(t+1) - invest a portion of savings in banks and financial institutions, Am(t+1) - depreciation of fixed assets, and Sb(t+1) - savings that determine the level of wealth of the society. In block 6 modeling the value of fixed assets based on the input data: Am(t+1), G(to), In1(t+1), formed (G(t+1) - output data block, determining the value of assets or capitalization of the national economy. In block 7 modeling of external borrowing on the basis of input data: m'(to), m(to) - management factors, In(t+1) - external borrowings ΔPn2(t+1) - repayment of foreign loans, ΔIn(t+1) - investment of savings in financial and credit institutions,% - interest rates on loans and discount rates on investments, statistically determined coefficients of the correction factors calculated output: In(t+1)% - interest on external borrowings, included in the full cost of production, In1(t+1) - working capital funds from sources external borrowing allocated for payment of finished products or services, In2(t+1) - working capital funds from sources external borrowing allocated for payment of the cost of p is izvodstvu products or services, ΣIn(t+1) - current debt of the national economy on external borrowing. In block 8 modeling consumption based on the input data: ΣNexp(to) - revenue in form of taxes from export revenue, ΣNds(t), ΣNsc(t), ΣNdh(t), Cp(t), ΣNpr(t)Pp(t), ΔSb(to)+In1(t+1), at the output of the block is formed - AD(t+1) the value of the money on consumption (aggregate demand). In block 9 analysis of aggregate demand and supply based on the input data: AD(t+1) - aggregate demand and AC(t+1) - aggregate supply are formed output control signals m(t+1), m'(t+1) in the form of absolute and relative difference between total supply and demand for the organization's new t+2-th cycle of the simulation. Thus, dynamic system modeling of economic management, allowing to improve the accuracy and usefulness of the forecasting real economic output parameters by modeling dependencies between effective demand and effective proposal - volume offered on the market of goods and services, including trends of economic development in the areas of supply and demand, given in the form of numerical coefficients, and recommendations for expansion or reduction of funding level of production of goods and services, changes in the levels of savings in re the linen sector, characterizing the welfare of the subjects of the national economy, changes in the value of fixed assets objects of national economy, the calculations of external borrowings investments loans and entities of the national economy, as well as their savings invested in the banking sector, also sent to external borrowing. Desired results are achieved by varying the input to the model input data and control parameters, including values, tax rates, levels of direct costs, the number of jobs in the manufacturing and the service sector, average wages, inflation rates, sizes of fixed assets at the beginning of the simulation, profitability ratios, wages, income distribution, income-entities of the national economy in the banking sector, the distribution of investments earmarked for investments in fixed assets and working capital for production and consumption, interest rates on loans, taxes from export revenues in the budget on consumption and deferred savings. INDUSTRIAL APPLICABILITY The invention relates to the field of modeling of economic processes and can be used to implement simulation models of different parts of the economy in the form of a discrete system in which the market mechanism is represented by the interaction parameters, asked in an automated mode in the form of deterministic or stochastic variables, and control through feedback loops. Modeled depending on the values of taxes, including export revenue, the full cost of production, profitability ratios, distribution of profits and wages, external borrowing, the dependency of the difference between aggregate demand and aggregate supply. The system is designed to implement these blocks and connections between them on the basis of hardware and software system modeling of economic processes. SOURCES of INFORMATION 1. apply to the invention EN 2000104525 AND, MKI G 06 F 17/60 from 25.07.97, 2. Certificate of utility model EN 12480 U1, MKI G 06 F 17/60 from 10.02.99, 3. Certificate of utility model EN 12480 U1, MKI G 06 F 17/60 from 10.02.99, 4. The patent RU 2117985 C1, MKI G 06 F 17/00 from 09.02.93, System dynamic modeling of economic management, including the modelling unit of consumption, the computing unit sales volumes, characterized in that it additionally introduced such blocks as the unit of distribution of profits, the distribution unit savings, block modeling of distribution coefficients, block modeling full production costs and taxes, block modeling the price is fixed assets, block modeling of external borrowing, the unit of analysis of aggregate demand and supply and process control simulation, with inputs from the first to the seventh block modeling full production costs and taxes are the system inputs, the first input is used to enter values of direct costs, the second input is used to enter values in the number of jobs in the national economy, the third input is used to enter values of the average wage per employee, fourth, fifth and sixth inputs are respectively input rates of value added tax, social tax, tax on incomes, the seventh sign is intended for input the inflation factor, the eighth and ninth input block modeling full production costs and taxes connected respectively with the third and second outputs of block modeling of external borrowings and are designed to enter respectively the current interest rate on external borrowing and external borrowing for working capital to increase the full cost of production, procurement of goods and performance of services, the eleventh input block modeling full production costs and taxes connected with the first output of the distribution unit savings and is designed to enter a part of the spoils and, directed in production as a working capital reserve, the twelfth sign of the modeling block full production costs and taxes connected to the sixth output of block modeling of distribution coefficients and is intended for input of the ratio of salary allocated for accumulation, the first output unit modeling of the full cost of production and taxes connected to the first input of the computing unit sales, the second output unit modeling of the full cost of production and taxes connected to the fifth input of the unit allocation of savings and is intended for input of net wages allocated for accumulation, the third output block modeling full production costs and taxes connected with the fifth entrance block modeling of consumption and is intended for input of net wages allocated for consumption, fourth, fifth and sixth outputs of the modelling unit full production costs and taxes connected respectively with the sixth, seventh and eighth inputs of block modeling consumption, the first input which is the input of the system and is intended for input of budget revenues in the form of taxes and excises of export revenue, and the ninth input block modeling consumption is connected with the first output block modeling of external borrowing and p is adnanced to enter the share of external borrowing, allocated for the reconstruction and expansion of fixed assets, the output of block modeling consumption connected to the first input unit of analysis of aggregate demand and supply and process control simulation and is intended to provide input data in aggregate demand, a second input unit of analysis of aggregate demand and supply and process control simulation is connected to the first output of the computing unit sales and is intended to provide data entry of sales of goods and services, and the output unit of analysis of aggregate demand and supply and process control modeling is connected with the tenth input block modeling full production costs and taxes, with the second input of the block modeling of distribution coefficients, with the fourth input unit of modeling external borrowing, as well as system output, the second input of the computing unit sales connected with the first output block modeling of distribution coefficients and is intended to provide input margin, the second output of the computing unit sales volumes connected to the first input of the unit of distribution of profits and is designed to provide its input values, the second input unit profit distribution is connected to the input of the system and is intended to provide input tax app is l, the third input of the unit profit distribution is connected with the second output unit modeling of the distribution coefficients and is intended to provide input coefficient of income distribution on consumption; a first output unit profit distribution connected to the first input distribution unit savings and is intended to provide input profit intended for accumulation, second and third outputs of the power distribution of profits connected respectively to the fourth and third inputs of the block modeling consumption and are designed to ensure the input of profit and tax, second, third and fourth inputs distribution unit savings are connected respectively with the third, fourth and fifth outputs of block modeling of distribution coefficients and are intended for the input coefficients of the distribution of accumulated profit, the sixth input distribution unit savings is connected to the input of the system and is intended to provide input to the depreciation rate, and the second output distribution unit savings is connected to the fifth input of the unit simulation of external borrowings and is intended to provide input part of the profits allocated to the repayment of foreign loans, the third output distribution unit savings is connected to the sixth input of the simulation NR is snih borrowing and is intended to provide input savings posted in financial and credit institutions, the fourth output distribution unit accumulations connected with the second input of the simulation the value of fixed assets and is intended to provide depreciation, and the fifth output distribution unit savings is the system output, determining the value of the savings of the subjects of society, the third input unit of modeling the value of fixed assets is the input of the system and is intended to provide input to the initial value of fixed assets, and the output of the modelling unit cost of fixed assets is the system output, determining the value of assets, the first input unit of modeling the value of fixed assets is connected with the fourth output of block modeling of external borrowings and is intended for the input of the share of external borrowings allocated for the reconstruction and expansion of fixed assets, the first input unit of modeling external borrowing is the input of the system and is intended to provide input total current investments, the second input unit of modeling external borrowing is the input of the system and is intended to provide input weighted average interest rate on external borrowings, the third input of the block modeling of external borrowing is the entrance of the m system and is designed for correction of parameters in the block modeling of external borrowing, and the fifth output modeling block external borrowing is intended for the system parameters that determine the debt on external debt, while in the block modeling of distribution coefficients based on the input correction data received at the first input of this block, the output block modeling of the distribution coefficients are profitability ratios, consumption, working capital reserve, the coefficient of the share of profits allocated to the repayment of debt on external debt, the ratio of the invested shares accumulation determined from statistical data, the ratio of wages in the block modeling full production costs and taxes based on the input data received from the sixth output unit modeling of the distribution coefficients of the twelfth unit of the simulation of the full cost of production and taxes on output unit are formed of the value of total production costs, deductions from payroll on savings, and the amount of taxes allocated to the inputs of block modeling of consumption, in the computing unit sales based on the input data, such as total production costs, profit margins, at the output of the computing unit sales is calculated volume of sales in the meadow, and the total profit, in the block of profit distribution based on the input data, such as income, the tax rate on income and consumption ratio, calculated output unit profit distribution, namely, profit, sent respectively from the second output unit profit distribution at the fourth input unit modeling of consumption that is intended to provide input data on consumption and accumulation, and directed to the third output unit profit distribution at the third entrance of the modelling unit of the consumption tax, the distribution unit savings based on the input data, such as income allocated to accumulation, distribution coefficients, such as the ratio of working capital reserve, the coefficient of the share of profits allocated to debt repayments on external borrowing, the ratio of the invested shares accumulation determined from statistical data, the portion of the net salary allocated for accumulation, rate of depreciation, are formed in the output distribution unit accumulations, namely, the portion of profit allocated to production as a working capital reserve, part of the profit allocated for the repayment of external borrowings, depreciation, the welfare indicator is the total accumulation of the population in the block simulated the I value of fixed assets based on the input data, such as depreciation, the initial cost of fixed assets, the share of external borrowing allocated for the reconstruction and expansion of fixed assets, forming the output of block modeling the value of fixed assets, determining the value of assets, in block modeling of external borrowing on the basis of input data, such as the share of external borrowing allocated for the reconstruction and expansion of fixed assets, weighted average interest rate on external borrowings, part of the profit allocated for the repayment of external borrowings, statistically determined correction factors, the current interest rate on external borrowings, calculated such output, as the share of external borrowing, allocated for the reconstruction and expansion of fixed assets, external borrowings for working capital to increase the full cost of production, procurement of goods and performance of services, payable on external borrowings, the output of block modeling consumption based on the input data is formed aggregate demand, the unit of analysis of aggregate demand and supply and control based on the input data, namely, aggregate demand and volume of sales generated output, such as absolute and relative difference IU the control of aggregate demand and supply for the organization of a new cycle of the simulation.
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