Method for prediction of anembryonic pregnancy |
IPC classes for russian patent Method for prediction of anembryonic pregnancy (RU 2540499):
Early diagnostic technique for chronic prostatitis by detecting regional microvascular endothelium dysfunction / 2540495
Invention refers to medicine, namely to a diagnostic technique for chronic prostatitis by detecting a regional microvascular endothelium dysfunction. Substance of the invention consists in conducting an ionophoretic assay with underlying laser doppler flowmetry, measuring a capillary blood flow reserve with an acetyl choline and sodium nitroprusside ionophoresis on the belly skin above a pubis in a projection point of the prostate, calculating an endothelial function coefficient (EFC), and if the derived EFC is less than 1.0, chronic prostatitis is diagnosed.
Method enables to predict the level of body weight gain of broiler chickens on biochemical indicators of blood. This goal is achieved by calculating the lipoprotein index (LPI) in standard units by the formula:
Method for assessing disturbed haemoglobin oxygenation with reduced microviscosity of peripheral erythrocyte membrane of pregnant women in third trimester of gestation and aggravated cytomegalovirus infection / 2540425
Anti-cytomegalovirus antibody titre, microviscosity of erythrocyte membranes are measured in the peripheral blood by eximerisation of a lipid bilayer and a protein-lipid layer; the number of degenerative forms of erythrocytes, target-like erythrocytes and echinocytes, oxyhaemoglobin content are also measured. If the cytomegalovirus antibody titre is 1:1600, decreased eximerisation of the lipid bilayer to 0.59±0.006 FE/FM, of the protein-lipid layer to 0.70±0.004 FE/FM, increased number of the degenerative forms of erythrocytes to 10.5±0.3%, of the echinocytes to 8.0±0.5%, of the target-like erythrocytes to 11.5±0.9%, reduced oxyhaemoglobin to 89.8±1.5%, the risk of hypoxia is stated.
Group of inventions refers to laboratory diagnostics. A device for the automatic detection of an analyte in a body fluid sample comprises an array of addressed analysis units for carrying out a chemical reaction, which generates a distinguishable signal carrying the information concerning the presence or absence of the analyte; an array of addressed reagent units referring to the individual addressed reagent unit, corresponding to the individual addressed analysis unit, and wherein the individual reagent unit is configured to be calibrated by a reference signal in the respective individual analysis unit before the arrays are assembled on the device; the individual analysis unit comprises a quantitative analysis tip having an inner surface carrying the reagents fixed on the surface for the analyte detection. The group of inventions refers to an embodiment of the above device additionally comprising a sampling unit, as well as to sub-systems comprising the above devices, methods for analysing using the above devices, a method for assembling the above devices and a method for sampling plasma from the blood sample in these systems.
Group of inventions refers to medicine, namely to pulmonology, cardiology, gerontology and sports medicine, and can be used for assessing the pulmonary blood flow by assessing the capillary pulmonary blood flow and intrapulmonary venoarterial bypass. That is ensured by measuring heart rate a minute, haemoglobin concentration (Hb g/l), total oxygen consumption (CO2(TOTAL) ml/min), arterial oxygen saturation (SART % or decimal portions 1) and mixed venous saturation in the greater circulation (GC) (Sv% or decimal portions 1). MBV (l/min) is calculated according to the measurements of Hb, CO2, SART, SV. Certain formulas are used to calculate the capillary pulmonary blood flow and intrapulmonary venoarterial bypass.
For analysis of removal with meadow grass of biochemicals the yield fluctuations are accounted depending on the structure of phytocenosis in the form of a ground cover. Conducting statistical data processing of testing the samples of grass from the test plots on the meander, central and terrace near flood plains, and also on the meadows with uneven and tiling location of grass species. And prior to establishment of sample plots the terrain reconnaissance is carried out with the grass cover selected for the measurements, an outline map of location of the components of the grass cover is made, then on each component of the grass cover in the form of a plot at least one temporary test plot is established, the wet and air-dry weight of the sample is determined by weighing on the cut grass sample. At that the tests on biochemical analysis are additionally carried out on the dried samples of grass to determine the concentration of at least three chemical nutrients in the form of mobile nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus oxides, and then by summing the concentrations of these three substances the total summarised removal of substances from the aerial part of grass on all test sites is calculated.
Method for assessing long-term hyperglycemia / 2538715
Invention represents a method for assessing long-term hyperglycemia based on measuring blood plasma glucose differing by the fact that glucose is measured twice: immediately after blood taking and 24 hours after blood plasma storage above a layer of blood corpuscles; that is followed by calculating a glucose reduction in percentage from the initial value which is used to assess long-term hyperglycemia with blood plasma stored at t=4.0±0.5°C.
Method for rapid analysis of cholesterol in immune complexes / 2538685
Invention can be used for the rapid analysis of cholesterol in immune complexes (CICs). Precipitated immune complexes containing multiply modified low-density lipoproteins of human blood serum are prepared by processing in buffer containing 10% PEG 3350, in ratio 1:3, incubating for 10 min at room temperature. The precipitated CICs are separated by centrifugation at 3100 g for 10 min at 23°C, diluted in PEG-free buffer; cholesterol is measured with the use of an enzymatic kit, and if the CICs content is more than 8.4 mg/dl, a high level is stated.
Method for prediction of risk of squamous metaplasia in respiratory bronchial epithelium with detected isolated basal cell hyperplasia / 2538642
Invention refers to medicine, specifically to oncology, and concerns a method for the prediction of a risk of squamous metaplasia in the respiratory bronchial epithelium with detected isolated basal cell hyperplasia. The ssubstance of the method: positive nuclear expression of the Ki67 proliferation marker and membrane differentiation expression of CD 138 squamous epitheliocytes in the bronchial epithelium are measured. If the expression level Ki67≥25%, and CD138 is ≤3.5%, the risk of metaplasia in the respiratory bronchial epithelium is predicted.
Method of predicting efficiency of neoadjuvant chemical therapy in patients with resectable basal-like triple-negative breast cancer / 2538638
Invention relates to field of medicine, namely to oncology, and can be used to predict efficiency of neoadjuvant chemical therapy (NACT) in patients with resectable basal-like triple-negative breast cancer. NACT efficiency in patients is calculated by formula: P=eY/(1+eY), where P is value of probability of sign development, Y is value of regression equation; e is mathematical constant, equal 2.72. Value of regression equation is determined by formula: Y=(42.8-1.86X1-9.3X2-2.14X3+3.19X4), where (42.8) is value of coefficient of free term regression; X1 represents subtypes of basal-like triple-negative cancer ( 1 - subgroup with expression of only CK 5/6; 2 is subgroup with expression of only EGFR1; 3 is subgroup with expression of CK 5/6 and EGFR1), (1.86) is the value of said sign regression coefficient; X2 is the level of EGFR1 expression in biopsy material (1 is high level, 2 is low level), (9.3) is the value of said sign regression coefficient; X3 is the level of expression of Ki-67 in biopsy material (1 is low level, 2 is high level), (2.14) is the value of said sign regression coefficient; X4 is chemical therapy scheme (1-FAC, 2-CAX), (3.19) is the value of said sign regression coefficient. If P<0.5, low efficiency of NACT is predicted, if P>0.5, high efficiency of NACT is predicted.
Method for predicting hallucino-delirious forms of psychoses of cerebro-atherosclerotic genesis / 2244303
One should isolate DNA out of lymphocytes of peripheral venous blood, then due to the method of polymerase chain reaction of DNA synthesis one should amplify the fragments of hSERT locus of serotonin carrier gene and at detecting genotype 12/10 one should predict the risk for the development of hallucino-delirious forms of psychoses of cerebro-atherosclerotic genesis.
One should conduct subcutaneous prevocational tuberculin test and, additionally, both before the test and 48 h later it is necessary to perform the mapping of prostatic vessels and at decreased values of hemodynamics one should diagnose tuberculosis. The information obtained should be documented due to printing dopplerograms.
The suggested innovation deals with the fact that nucleic acids should be isolated directly out of the sample without pipetting stage but with the help of interconnected reservoirs being prepared beforehand. The above-mentioned vessels should be applied either separately or being interconnected according to standard microtitrating format. The sample should be mixed with a lyzing buffer and nucleic acids are bound with matrix in closed system including, at least, two interconnected reservoirs. Forced movement of sample's mixture and buffer back and forth from one reservoir into another one for several times through narrow passage provides their thorough intermixing. The method provides quick and safe isolation of nucleic acids.
Method for assay of medicinal sensitivity of tuberculosis mycobacterium / 2244927
Diagnostic material is poured preliminary with chlorohexidine bigluconium solution, homogenized, kept at room temperature for 10-12 h and centrifuged. Precipitate is poured with Shkolnikova's liquid medium, incubated at 37oC for 3 days, supernatant part of Shkolnokova's medium is removed, fresh Shkolnikova's medium is added, and precipitate is stirred and inoculated on the dense cellular egg media. Sensitivity of the strain is determined in 3 weeks by the presence of growth in the control tube only. Invention provides enhancing precision and reducing time for assay. Invention can be used in assay for medicinal sensitivity of tuberculosis mycobacterium.
Invention relates to agents used for treatment of pathological states associated with disorder of synthesis of neuromediating substances. Method involves the development of pharmaceutical composition and a method for it preparing. Pharmaceutical composition represents subcellular synaptosomal fractions: synaptic membranes, "light" synaptosomes and "heavy" synaptosomes prepared from gray matter of cerebral hemispheres from experimental animals based on the goal-seeking modification of humoral mediators of nerve endings transformed to synaptosomes in development and regression of malignant processes. The composition provides inhibiting the growth of tumor cells, to elevate span-life of patients with ascite Ehrlich's sarcoma, breast adenocarcinoma Ca-755, Wolker's carcinosarcoma-256.
Method involves carrying out microscopic examination of blood serum samples taken from femoral vein and cubital vein. Femoral vein sample is taken on injured side. The examination is carried out before and after treatment. The blood serum samples are placed on fat-free glass slide in the amount of 0.01-0.02 ml as drops, dried at 18-30°C for 18-24 h. The set of pathological symptoms becoming larger or not changed after the treatment in comparison to sample taken before treatment, and morphological picture of samples under comparison taken from the cubital vein showing no changes or being changed to worse, the treatment is considered to be effective.
At patient's hospitalization one should gather the data of clinical and laboratory values: on the type of chemical substance, patient's age, data of clinical survey and laboratory values: body temperature, the presence or absence of dysphonia, oliguria being below 30 ml/h, hemoglobinuria, erythrocytic hemolysis, exotoxic shock, glucose level in blood, fibrinogen and creatinine concentration in blood serum, general bilirubin, prothrombin index (PTI), Ph-plasma, the state of blood clotting system. The state of every sign should be evaluated in points to be then summed up and at exceeding the sum of points being above "+20" one should predict unfavorable result. At the sum of "-13" prediction should be stated upon as favorable and at "-13" up to "+20" - prediction is considered to be doubtful.
Disease duration in case of obstructive pyelonephritis should be detected by two ways: either by detecting the value of NADPH-diaphorase activity, as the marker of nitroxide synthase activity in different renal department and comparing it to established norm, or by detecting clinico-laboratory values, such as: hemoglobin, leukocytes, eosinophils, urea, beta-lipoproteides, lymphocytes, neutrophils, the level of glomerular filtration, that of canalicular reabsorption, urinary specific weight, daily excretion of oxalates, arterial pressure, and estimating their deviation against average statistical values by taking into account a child's age.
The present innovation deals with differential diagnostics of prostatic cancer and other prostatic diseases at the stage of primary inspection. The method includes the detection of PCA and calculation of probability coefficient for prostatic cancer (PCC) by the following formula:
Nutrient medium for accumulation of cell sample for following cytological and/or immunocytochemical analysis / 2246110
Invention relates to nutrient medium used for accumulation of cells for the following cytological and/or immunocytochemical analysis carrying out. Invention relates to medium containing salts NaCl, KCl, anhydrous CaCl2, MgSO4 x 6 H2O, MgCl2 x 6 H2O, Na2HPO4 x 2 H2O, KHPO4, NaHCO3, and also glucose and Henx's solution, 10% albumin solution and polyglucin taken in the ratio 1:1:1. Invention provides enhancing the preservation of cells.
FIELD: medicine. SUBSTANCE: method involves dropping a supernatant of uterine fluid aspirate or menstrual fluid in an amount of 0.2 ml on a slide surface, drying at room temperature for one day, and microscoping the prepared samples (phases). The presence of a complex of morphological elements, including toxic plaques, wedge and disk-shaped structures enables predicting a high risk of anembryonic pregnancy. EFFECT: simplifying and providing higher sensitivity of the method for the prediction of anembryonic pregnancy and enables predicting the clinical course and outcome of a pregnancy within a short time and with a small amount of the biological material available. 4 ex, 3 dwg
The invention relates to medicine, namely to laboratory methods, and can be used to predict non-developing pregnancy. In the last decade among the most important problems of practical obstetrics and gynecology, one of the first places is the issue of miscarriage (C. M. Sidelnikov, Was So Dry. Miscarriage: a Guide for practitioners. - M.: OOO " Medical information Agency, 2010, - 536 S.). According to the classification of T. Y. Bastrikova (1994), non-developing pregnancy (NB) is considered one of the pathogenetic variants of miscarriage (So Yu Pestrikov. Miscarriage: spontaneous abortion, premature birth, non-developing pregnancy. The management of pregnancy and childbirth high risk. M: Relax, 1994). In recent years among cases of spontaneous abortions in the early stages, the frequency of this disease has increased from 10-20% to 45-88,6% (C. E. Radzinsky, V. I. Dimitrov, I. Yu Myskova. Non-developing pregnancy - M.: GEOTAR - Media, 2009. - 200 C.), which forces you to consider the NB as the current health and socio significant problem. One approach to solving this problem when planning a pregnancy is to assess the risk of UXO at the stage pregravidarnoy training (Century. who. Radzinsky, V. I. Dimitrov, I. Yu Myskova. Non-developing pregnancy - M.: GEOTAR - Media, 2009 - 200 C.). Thus, modern medicine requires new ways of forecasting NB in order to identify risk groups for its development on pregravidarnoy stage of preparation. For screening of patients with NB on stage pregravidarnoy preparation used sonohysterography and transvaginal sonography (B. S. Demidov. The clinical significance of abnormal Doppler waveforms in the diagnosis and prediction of placental insufficiency in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy: author. dis. ...candles. the honey. Sciences. M, 2000). Using these methods it is possible to predict NB. But these methods have significant drawbacks: - require the presence of expensive equipment; the fact of the presence of UXO; - high frequency of false-positive results in the early stages; it is impossible early preclinical prediction of non-developing pregnancy. The most common is the method of forecasting NB, based on histological examination remote tissue (M Burston. The histochemistry of enzymes, Per. s angl.. M., 1965; R. Lilly. Histopathological technique and practical histochemistry, Per. s angl., M., 1969; E. Pearce. The histochemistry, Per. s angl., M, 1962; Principles and methods histologische anal is for in pathology, Ed. by A. P. Auzina etc., L., 1971; O. I. topchieva, C. A. Pryanishnikova, H. P. zemkova. Endometrial biopsy - M.: Medicine. - 1978). Disadvantages histological method are: - establishing possible causes NB only after diagnostic procedures; - the complexity of technical performance; - the need for a specially equipped premises; - the need to use expensive equipment; - the duration of the study before issuing the final report (10-14 days). A special place in forecasting NB is the method of determining the level of β - human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) (instructions for use of the test system enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of human chorionic gonadotropin "HCG-IVF-test", produced by LLC "Diatech-EM"). The disadvantages of the method are: - use of special test systems; - high frequency of false-positive results (increased levels of HGH can occur when the number of gynecological diseases - USSR tumor, dysgerminoma); it is impossible early preclinical prediction of non-developing pregnancy. A method for predicting NB in the level of growth factor, placenta serum with 5 weeks of pregnancy (A. Y. Ponomarev, Century, Ph.D, I. I., Krukier and others - "the Way the prognosis is non-developing pregnancy" - Patent for invention No. 2313793. - UHF Rostov scientific research Institute of obstetrics and Pediatrics of the Federal Agency for healthcare and social development, 2006) has several disadvantages, namely: - forecasting of NB in the period of 5 weeks or more; - the need for expensive test systems; - inefficient use of on pregravidarnoy stage of preparation. After the implantation process peripheral trophoblast cells invade the endometrium mother and trigger mechanism of the immune response, resulting in embryo receives embryo tropic autoantibodies (N.T. Haha, 2003; S. C. Apresyan, 2003; Centuries Misnik, 2005). To assess their impact on the formation of the chorion and the prediction of the development of NB was proposed ELI-P - the test (ELISA-detected Probability of pathology in Pregnancy, 1998 (A. B. Poletaev, N. To. Vabishchevich, S., Morozov. Method of screening women of childbearing age using the test system ELI-P to forecast the development of the embryo and fetus and the birth of healthy or abnormal child. RF patent for the invention №2107913 of 27 March 1998). The disadvantages of this method are: - the need for expensive test systems, cytogenetic laboratory; - if NB can meet all three types of immunoreactivity, the method is not specific; the influence of somatic pathology test results - shifts of immunoreactivity,projected at extragenital diseases (N. T. Haha, 2003). There is a method of assessing the level glycodelin in menstrual blood for prediction of NB in women with hormonal disorders in history (Y. C. the Balkan mountains via pipelines. "Restore functional ability of the endometrium in women with miscarriage". - Abstract. dis. ...candles. the honey. Sciences. - Perm, 2009). The disadvantages of this method are: - the need for expensive reagents and technical complexity of the process; strict specificity of the method (informative only for prediction NB hormonal dysfunction); - change level glycodelin can occur at various pathology of the endometrium that is not connected with pregnancy; Our invention is directed to simplifying and improving the sensitivity of the method for predicting NB. The technical result of the invention is achieved in that the supernatant aspiration of fluid from the uterine cavity or menstrual discharge in the amount of 0.2 ml applied to the surface of the glass in the form of drops, dried at room temperature overnight, after which the samples (facies) mikroskopiruyut and in the presence of complex morphological elements, including: toxic plaques, language and the disc-shaped patterns, predict a high risk of development of underdeveloped take is nasty. Summary of the invention is illustrated by drawings, where: figure 1 is a fragment of facies supernatant aspiration of fluid from the uterine cavity in women with advancing pregnancy; figure 2 is a fragment of facies supernatant menstrual blood of healthy women; figure 3 is a fragment of facies supernatant aspiration of fluid from the uterine cavity in women with non-developing pregnancy, where: 1. azkabanu patterns 2. disc-shaped patterns 3. toxic plaques. The proposed method was successfully tested in gynaecological OA the establishment of health care Clinical maternity hospital" , Astrakhan, JSC the establishment of health care, AMARB, Astrakhan, women's consultation Clinical maternity hospital" , Astrakhan in 2012-2013 Surveyed 80 women aged from 16 to 43 years, 30 (40%) women diagnosed with NB, the control group consisted of 50 (60%) women with normal pregnancy in the period from 5 to 12 weeks with no signs of threat, applying for abortion on request in gynecologic hospitals, Astrakhan. All investigated along with traditional clinical and laboratory examinations were performed ultrasound, pelvic transvaginal access, mammary glands, Cytology endo - ectocervical and morphostructural analysis of facies studied biological fluids Obtained results were compared with clinical data, histological findings pregnancies and morphological pattern obtained facies. The results of testing are described below. Example 1 Pregnant M., born in 1989, № history 3495, was admitted to the gynecological Department 23/12/12, with a diagnosis of pregnancy in the period of 5 weeks of gestation (artifactual abortion). Complaints upon receipt does not show. Menstrual and reproductive function: menstruation of 14 to 4 days, regular, moderate, cycle 30 days. The last menstrual period, 2/11/12 History: birth - 2, abortion - 2. Comorbidities: chronic adnexitis, remission. Somatic history is not burdened. Objectively: P. V. External genitals are developed correctly, the vaginal mucosa is not changed. The body of the uterus is increased to 5 weeks of pregnancy, soft, painless. Appendages on both sides without features. Parametrium free. Selection - whites. Ultrasound from 21.12.12, - uterus size 54×46×48 mm, up to 5 weeks of pregnancy, contours precise, equal, heterogeneous structure. M-echo of 0.9 mm In the uterus, the fertilized egg KTR - 0.45 mm, VDS - 15 mm, the heartbeat of the fetus is determined. The right ovary 30×21 mm, left ovary 18×25 mm Fence material: after exploring women on the mirrors in aseptic conditions produced by vacuum aspiration of the uterus. Received ASPIRA the ionic liquid from the cavity of the uterus was centrifuged for 15 minutes with a frequency of 3000 rpm The supernatant aspiration fluid used for further work. Semi-dropper-dispenser supernatant aspiration of fluid from the uterine cavity in the amount of 0.2 ml in the form of drops caused on the surface of pre-prepared slides. After 24 hours the samples (facies) mikroskopiruyut in transmitted light, and evaluate the morphological picture obtained facies. Morphological picture of facies aspiration of fluid from the uterine cavity: the symmetrical arrangement of cracks, clear rectangular individually, small round nodules, abnormal patterns is not detected. Conclusion: the morphological pattern characteristic of progressive uterine pregnancy (see Fig.1). The result of histological examination No. 0967-67: decidual tissue, chorionic villi, is characteristic of progressive uterine pregnancy. Example # 2 Patient F., born in 1980, no history 8831, appealed to the antenatal clinic Clinical maternity hospital" 18/12/12, with the aim of planning a pregnancy. Complaints upon receipt does not show. Menstrual and reproductive function: menstruation with 13 years 4 days, regular, moderate, cycle 30 days. Last menstrual period 17/12/12, History: birth - 2, abortion - 2. Comorbidities: chronic adnexitis, Remy is this Somatic history is not burdened. Objectively: P. V. External genitals are developed correctly, the vaginal mucosa is not changed. The body of the uterus is not enlarged, soft, painless. Appendages on both sides without features. Parametrium free. Selection - bloody (2nd day of menstruation). Ultrasound from 18.12.12, - uterus size 42×40×34 mm, contours precise, equal, heterogeneous structure. M-echo of 0.8 mm Right ovary 28×25 mm, left ovary 34×29 mm The sampling was carried out similarly, see example No. 1. Morphological study of menstrual blood from the uterus: a symmetric type of cracks, clear rectangular separately, rounded nodules, the absence of abnormal structures. Morphological picture of facies menstrual blood: the symmetrical arrangement of cracks, clear rectangular individually, small round nodules, abnormal patterns not found. Conclusion: the morphological pattern corresponds to the normal (see Fig.2). The result of histological examination No. 0965-89: proliferative endometrium. Example # 3 Pregnant L., born in 1978, № history 41935, was admitted to the gynecological Department 11/03/13 was diagnosed with non-developing pregnancy in the period of 6 weeks of gestation according to the type of death of the embryo. Complaints received at a delay of menstruation, blood is discharge from the genital tract during the day. Menstrual and reproductive function: menstruation from 15 years to 5 days, regular, moderate, cycle of 25 days. Date of last menstruation 30213-year history: 1 abortion. In 2008 laparotomy, a cystectomy. Medical history: iron deficiency anemia is mild. Objectively: P. V. External genitals are developed correctly, the vaginal mucosa is not changed. The body of the uterus is increased to 5 weeks, soft, painless. Appendages on both sides without features. Parametrium free. Selection - blood. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs from 10.03.13, - uterus size 62×52×52 mm, up to 5 weeks of pregnancy, contours precise, equal, heterogeneous structure. M-echo 12 mm In the uterine cavity deformed gestational SAC KTR - 4,7 mm, VDS - 3 mm, the heartbeat of the fetus is not defined. The right ovary 37×31 mm, left ovary 24×20 mm The sampling was carried out similarly, see example No. 1. Morphological picture of facies aspiration of fluid from the uterine cavity: asymmetric location of large cracks, the presence of complex morphological elements, including toxic plaques, language and disk-like structure (see figure 3). Conclusion: the morphological picture is typical for non-developing pregnancy. The result of histological examination No. 0197709: decidual tissue, chorionic villi with impozitareconsulting, lost fertilized egg Example No. 4 Pregnant T., born in 1978, № history 41435, appealed to the antenatal clinic Clinical maternity hospital" 20/02/13 to plan pregnancy. Complaints at admission does not show. Menstrual and reproductive function: menstruation 13 years and 5 days, regular, moderate, cycle 28 days. Last menstrual period 18/02/13, history: 1 abortion, 1 birth, 1 non-developing pregnancy Comorbidities: chronic adnexitis, remission. Medical history: chronic gastroduodenitis remission, impaired fat metabolism 2 degrees. Objectively: P. V. External genitals are developed correctly, the vaginal mucosa is not changed. The body of the uterus is not enlarged, soft, painless. Appendages on both sides without features. Parametrium free. Selection - bloody, moderate (3rd day of menstruation). Ultrasound from 18.02.13, the uterus dimensions 35×49×36 mm, M-echo 10 mm, contours fuzzy, uneven structure of the endometrium with heterogeneous single hyperechoic inclusions. The structure of the heterogeneous myometrium, echo is reduced. Advanced vessels arcuatula plexus. The right ovary 23×34 mm, left ovary 27×31 mm Conclusion: signs of chronic MetroEthernet in remission. The sampling was carried out similarly, see example No. 1. Morphol the ecological study of menstrual blood from the uterus: asymmetric location of the radial cracks, the presence of toxic plaques, language and disk-like structures (see Fig.3). Conclusion: the morphological pattern indicates a high risk of developing NB. The result of histological examination No. 065564-77: proliferative endometrium with leukocyte infiltration. Thus, the present invention is aimed at simplifying and improving the sensitivity of the method for predicting non-developing pregnancy. Investigation of the features of morphological patterns aspiration of fluid or menstrual blood allows in a short time, a small volume of biological material to predict the course and outcome of pregnancy. The inventive method is characterized by low invasiveness, technical simplicity, availability, execution conditions, antenatal clinics, hospitals. A method for predicting non-developing pregnancy by studies of biological fluids, namely, that of the supernatant aspiration of fluid from the uterine cavity or menstrual discharge in the amount of 0.2 ml applied to the surface of the glass in the form of drops, dried at room temperature overnight, after which the samples (facies) mikroskopiruyut and in the presence of complex morphological elements, including: toxic plaques, language and disco is brassie patterns, predict a high risk of non-developing pregnancy.
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