Transportation and energy system of russia |
IPC classes for russian patent Transportation and energy system of russia (RU 2520972):
Dual carriageway and method of its use / 2520677
Dual carriageway contains plates, including those made on the traffic lane nearest to the longitudinal axis of the road, lateral edge of each of them is perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the road, made with height difference h over the adjacent lateral edge of the receiving plate.
Highway and method of its use / 2520667
Dual carriageway contains plates, the lateral edge of each of them is perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the road, made with height difference over the adjacent lateral edge of the receiving plate. A number of plates made on sections of the road equal in length with different maximum permitted speed is inversely proportional to the maximum permitted speed. Method of use of the highway includes vehicular traffic.
Automobile road includes at least one turn to the left; it includes slabs on the outer side at the turn point; upper surface of each of the slabs at the contact point to the delivery slab is made with an exceedance above the adjacent upper surface of the delivery slab; with that, plane of the adjacent side face of the receiving slab is made relative to a tangent to the road axis at an angle corresponding to movement of a wheel of a transport vehicle to the left. An operating method of an automobile road, which involves movement of transport vehicles along it, consists in the fact that movement of transport vehicles is performed along the proposed automobile road.
Motor road includes at least one turn left, in the place of the turn at the external side it comprises slabs, the upper surface of each in the area of the joint with the receiving slab is made as exceeding the adjacent upper surface of the receiving slab, at the same time the plane of the adjacent side face of the giving slab is made relative to the tangent to the axis of the road at the angle assisting motion of the vehicle wheel to the left. The method of operation of the motor road including movement of vehicles on it consists in the fact that vehicles move on the proposed motor road.
Motor road includes at least one turn right, in the place of the turn at the left side it comprises slabs, the upper surface of each in the area of the joint with the receiving slab is made as exceeding the adjacent upper surface of the receiving slab, at the same time the plane of the adjacent side face of the giving slab is made relative to the tangent to the axis of the road at the angle assisting motion of the vehicle wheel to the right. The method of operation of the motor road including movement of vehicles on it consists in the fact that vehicles move on the proposed motor road.
Highway includes at least one turn right, in the place of the turn at the outer side it comprises boards, the upper surface of which in the area of the butt with the giving board is made elevation above the adjacent upper surface of the giving board, at the same time the plane of the adjacent side face of the receiving board is made relative to the tangent to the axis of the road at the angle assisting motion of the wheel of the vehicle to the right. The method of highway operation including movement of vehicles on it, consists in the fact that vehicles are driven on the proposed highway.
Method to construct a highway with rigid coating by rectangular boards includes installation of boards with height difference h of the side face of the giving board above the adjacent side face of the receiving board, installation of boards with height difference h is done by making the entire surface of the receiving board, adjacent to the side face of the giving board, with an inclination towards the giving board.
Multi-lane motor road with two-way traffic comprises boards, the side face of each perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the motor road is made with height difference above the adjacent side face of the receiving board, at the same time as the lane approaches the longitudinal axis of the road, the number of boards in the lane reduces. The method to operate a motor road, including vehicles traffic on it, consists in the fact that vehicles move along the motor road considered above.
Under day surface of the ice continent they arrange tunnels for railway and motor transport in radial and circular directions, on the ice surface, preferably in the zone of crossing of transport directions, cities are arranged under a single light-transparent roof of hemispherical shape, sources of electric and thermal energy are solar, wind power plants and solar collectors, the city roof is made of two layers of cellular carbon fibre-reinforced plastics to form an air cavity between them with minimum moisture of air enclosed in the cavity and is installed onto city objects, along the entire perimetre of the lower surface of the roof they arrange solar circular collectors, solar panels are made with two sun-perceiving planes and are installed on the city roof along the closed ring.
Universal separator of transport and pedestrian flows is proposed, which is installed on a quad intersection of the major and minor roads, in which a vehicle moving along one of these roads may move forward, do a left U-turn, turn left and right to a crossing road. With this purpose additional lane change rows are introduced on the overlap, as well as inclined overbridges and U-turn overbridges, with the help of which a vehicle may turn and U-turn, and also change to overlap overbridges connected to inclined overbridges for raising and lowering of vehicles that drive along a minor road and a major road. The height of the overlay supports is reduced to the height of a mass vehicle, and letting a vehicle of increased height under the overlay happens due to throughput trenches, from which vehicles and other objects move due to inclined side overbridges into an underground garage and from it.
FIELD: construction. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to construction and operation of railways and roads in cold and extreme-cold climate and can be used in infrastructure development of the northern and eastern regions of Russia. Each transport facility is designed in the form of an extended in plan constructed ice massive of rectangular shape, encased in a thermofluid insulated shell. It is equipped with tunnels located in the ice massive, tower-shaped wind power plants, mounted on high-rise buildings, an ice-soil base, located along the entire length of the transport facility. Flight landing strips for aircrafts of light class, helipads, railway narrow-gauge tracks and cottages are located on the surface of the ice massive. These are also equipped with an airship with a compressor and a vertical air duct, and outside cold accumulators, each of which is filled with the concentrated aqueous sodium solution, connected to the compressor and a refrigerating unit for cooling the working medium and with the tunnel cavity through the air duct. Transport facilities are located primarily on the lower bank of large navigable rivers of Siberia and connected to the existing railway line, running from West to East, and vehicles are equipped with engines with gas and /or electric drive. EFFECT: invention will permit to accelerate exploration and infrastructure development of the northern and eastern regions of Russia. 5 dwg
The invention relates to the field of construction, particularly the construction and operation of roads and Railways, in cold climates, is related to hydrology and alternative energy using wind energy, atmospheric cold, and can be used in the regeneration of the Northern and Eastern regions of Russia. Known transport construction, including placement of Railways in the tunnel, equipped with a constant source of electrical energy (Estuaries Y.A., Subways, M., Transport, 1971, s, RES). Defects and transport facilities are the inability to use the tunnels during construction of roads and Railways in great length, in hundreds and thousands of kilometers, large capital, energy costs and construction time. The purpose of the invention consists in the possibility of accelerated development of the Northern and Eastern regions of Russia, providing access to the rich reserves of mineral and hydrocarbon resources of the country, excluding the impact of weather conditions on transport, improving safety, increasing the speed, timing the operation of vehicles and transport facilities. This objective is achieved in that each building is designed in the form of extensive in terms nevrogennogo array of ice direct the coal forms, encased in a heat shell, equipped with a placed array of ice tunnels, wind power tower, mounted on high-rise buildings, lenograstim base, placed along the length of the buildings, runways for aircraft light class, helicopter pads, railway narrow-gauge canvas and cottage villages located on the surface of the ice masses, the airship equipped with a compressor and a vertical duct, and accumulators of atmospheric cold, each of which is filled with a concentrated aqueous solution of sodium, connected to the compressor and a refrigerating unit for cooling the working fluid through the duct with the cavity of the tunnels, with transport facilities placed mostly on the lower shore of a large navigable rivers of Siberia and connected to the existing railway line that runs from West to East, each tunnel is equipped with an ice base, and vehicles equipped with gas engines or electric drive. The invention is illustrated by drawings, where Fig. 1 in plan showing the transport and energy system of Russia, in Fig. 2 in plan and Fig. 3 shown in the cross section of the transport structure in Fig. 4 in plan and Fig. 5 in the context of the picture is the battery naturally cold. Each building includes extensive in terms nevrogenny ice pack 1, the tunnels 2,3 for rail and road transport, high-power wind power station with 4 rechargeable batteries atmospheric cold 5, runway 6 for light aircraft, helicopter pads 7, railroad 8 narrow gauge and cottage settlements 9. The battery includes cold insulated tank 10, thermosyphons seasonal activity 11, the ring in the form of a coil pipe 12, the air compressor 13, holdorova 14 and a refrigeration unit (compressor) 15. With the onset of sustained negative air temperatures, when the weak and watered soils becomes possible movement of tracked vehicles, the route of the future construction free from snow, trees, shrubs, provide a natural soil freezing on checking the depth and form logrotate base 16. After that, the base must be solid ice pack 1 using sliding formwork and water from a nearby ice-free rivers and lakes. To speed up the process of numerazione ice during the formation of ice in the array use the airship, which circulate cold air above the surface is supplied by the pumps to the ice water. Frosty air supplied by the compressor, to which were installed in the gondola of the airship in the vertical duct to the surface of the water through a special nozzle (perforated pipe). After forming over the entire surface of the ice array 1 perform heat shell 17. In the array of ice 1 perform using tunneling combine tunnels 2,3 for rail and road transport. The rate of penetration of the harvester in an array can be up to 100 m/h, because the ice strength by two orders of magnitude less than the strength characteristics of other rocks. In the cavity of each tunnel using numerazione ice form ice base 18, the surface of which is laid railway tracks 19 and perform the hard coating 20 for road transport. All tunnels will be equipped with automatic ventilation for removing products of combustion. However, the vehicle is equipped with gas or electric motors. Along the entire length on both sides set microsoftie thermal tower 4 and the accumulators of atmospheric cold 5. If necessary, the plant is combined with high-rise buildings, which are used for plant supports. The capacity of each station of this type can be up to several thousand kW. Insulated tank 10 volume 3-5 thousand m3fill with 7% aqueous solution of sodium. With this concentration of salt in the water solution can be the t to be in a liquid state at a temperature of minus 20°C and accumulate using thermosyphons 11 a large number of cold. Thermosyphons are working in automatic mode due to the temperature difference between ambient air and the working fluid, is placed in the tank. Circulation of kerosene in thermosyphons stops as soon as the temperature of the working fluid is lower than the temperature of atmospheric air. This means that in conditions of Siberia and North Russia working fluid will be cooled to the mid-winter temperatures, i.e. up to minus 35 to 40°C. On the surface of the transport facilities, the length of which may exceed three thousand kilometers, post runway 6 for light aircraft, helicopter pad 7, the railroad narrow gauge 8 and cottage settlements 9. Placing these objects on the construction allows the use of ice structure as a solid Foundation and, therefore, significantly reduce capital and operating costs. Transport facilities with energy-saving objects have, as a rule, on the banks along the major navigable rivers, connecting the coast of the Northern seas of Siberia with the existing railway, passing from West to East. This arrangement of facilities makes it possible, firstly, to exclude the construction of long bridges over rivers such as the Ob, Yenisei, Lena, and their numerous tributaries, and secondly, more efficient use is against using the river as a transport artery and, third, to use the river as a permanent source of water during the construction of transport facilities. The reliability of individual buildings and the transport system as a whole can be ensured provided ledogorov base 16 and an ice array 1 in totominskom condition during the entire period of operation of the ice structure, which is practically unlimited. For this optimal operating temperature inside the heat-insulated structure in which the ice must be able to withstand the calculated static and dynamic loads, is minus 5-6°C. This temperature is created in the building in winter with ventilation; in the summer, use cold accumulators 5 and wind farms 4. Ice building a large extent located in the meridional direction, are located, regardless of the time of year, in different temperature and weather conditions. The warm period in the North of Russia does not exceed 3.0 to 3.5 months in the southern zone - 5-6 months. In this regard, for cooling of the Northern zone of the ice building up to the design temperature is sufficient to use the energy of atmospheric cold. In the southern areas of the structures require an additional source of energy, which are wind farms. In the summer, when the temp is the temperature of the air in the building is higher than minus 5°C, automatically turns on the air compressor 13. Atmospheric air from the compressor enters the annular pipe 12, in which the air is cooled from the working fluid, and then fed into the cavity of the tunnels 2,3. When the temperature of the working fluid to minus 8-10°C starts to operate the compressor of the refrigeration unit 15, through which the refrigerant (freon) is served in the circulation holdorova 14. To improve the efficiency of the cooling system refrigeration unit 15 include mainly at night time, since the temperature of the atmospheric air of the night following a day at 10-12°C. High energy and the structural safety of buildings with an estimated strength characteristics of ice provided wind power high power and batteries atmospheric cold. However, in the cooling system of the facility has a backup source of cold - air airship. Using the airship in the warm period of the year in any weather conditions in the building is served cold air with a temperature of minus 30-35°C with a height of 1.5-2.0 km in Addition, the purpose of the airship is in the permanent removal of snow from the surface of the structure, where the railroad 8 narrow gauge and cottage settlements 9. In winter, the air temperature in the building thanks to the constantly operating at the full-exhaust ventilation, is minus 15-20°C. In the presence of low temperature and circulation of cold air in the tunnels there is a cooling ledogorov base 16. The thickness of the base under construction is increasing every year and reaches its maximum at 12-15 m, and hence increases in time and the reliability of the structure. The proposed transport system, which is used under the hands of natural materials and natural energy sources, will provide access to the rich hydrocarbon and mineral resources of Eastern Siberia. In the first 5-10 years net profit from the sale of the invention will be tens of billion dollars./year at recoupment structures within 3-4 years. Further, when the extraction of natural resources is stabilized, the profit for many decades may be at the level of 800 billion dollars./year. Transport and energy system of Russia, including existing facilities in the form of roads with hard surface roads and rail, are equipped with a constant source of electrical energy, characterized in that each building is designed in the form of extensive in terms nevrogennogo array of ice rectangular in shape, enclosed in a heat shell, equipped with a placed array of ice tunnels, wind power tower set is on high-rise buildings, lenograstim base, placed along the length of the buildings, runways for aircraft light class, helicopter pads, railway narrow-gauge canvas and cottage villages located on the surface of the ice masses, the airship equipped with a compressor and a vertical duct, and accumulators of atmospheric cold, each of which is filled with a concentrated aqueous solution of sodium, connected to the compressor, a refrigerating unit for cooling the working fluid through the duct with the help of tunnels, with transport facilities are mainly located on the lower shore of a large navigable rivers of Siberia and connected to the existing railway line that runs from West to East, each the tunnel is equipped with an ice base, and vehicles equipped with gas engines or electric drive.
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