Method of making scandium oxide from red slag |
IPC classes for russian patent Method of making scandium oxide from red slag (RU 2483131):
Invention relates to hydrometallurgy, in particular, to the method for extraction of europium (III) from salt solutions by floating extraction. In process of floating extraction of europium (III) cations the organic phase is represented by isooctyl alcohol, and the collector of surfactants of anion type is sodium sodium dodecyl sulfate in the concentration corresponding reaction stoichiometry: Eu+3+3NaDS=Eu(DS)3+Na+, where Eu+3 - cation of europium (III), DS- - dodecyl sulfate-ion. At the same time the floating extraction is carried out at pH=7.5-8.5, and at the ratio of organic and water phases 1/20-1/40.
Processing method of red muds of alumina industry / 2480412
Invention refers to non-ferrous metallurgy, and namely to complex processing of red muds of alumina industry. Processing method of red muds of alumina industry involves obtaining of red mud pulp, extraction and concentration of rich components by combination of classification and magnetic separation methods. After the pulp classification, fine-grain fraction pulp is extracted and subject to vibrocavitation treatment and further magnetic separation with extraction of magnetic and non-magnetic products. At that, magnetic product is subject to additional classification so that iron-bearing and scandium-bearing concentrates are obtained.
Proposed method comprises dissolving scandium-bearing concentrate in sulfuric acid, removing acid-insoluble residue, and precipitating scandium in the presence of ammonium compounds. Then, precipitate is filtered, flushed, dried and calcined to obtain scandium oxide precipitate. With acid-insoluble residue removed, sulfuric acid concentration in filtrate is increased to 540-600 g/dm3, ammonium chloride is added to solution in amount of 26.7-53.5 g/dm3 at 50-70°C and held for one hour at mixing. Produced precipitate is flushed by ethanol at volume ratio of 1-10-11.
Method of extracting yttrium (III) from salt solutions involves floatation extraction using an organic phase and a collector. The organic phase used is isooctyl alcohol. The collector used is an anionic surfactant - sodiium dodecyl suphate in a concentration which corresponds to the stoichiometry: Y+3+SDS-=Y[DS]3, where Y+3 is a yttrium cation, DS- is a dodecyl sulphate ion. Floatation extraction is carried out at pH=7.0-7.8 and ratio of the organic phase to the aqueous phase of 1/20-1/40.
Invention refers to complex processing method of carbon-silicic black-shale ores, which contain vanadium, uranium, molybdenum and rare-earth elements. The above method involves ore crushing to the particle size of not more than 0.2 mm and two leaching stages. Oxidation sulphuric-acid leaching is performed at atmospheric pressure. Autoclave oxidation sulphuric-acid leaching is performed at the temperature of 130-150°C in presence of oxygen-containing gas and addition of a substance forming nitrogen oxide, as a catalyst of oxygen oxidation. Ion-exchange sorption of uranium, molybdenum, vanadium and rare-earth elements is performed from the obtained product solution.
Method of extracting rare-earth elements from phosphogypsum / 2473708
Invention relates to the technology of producing compounds of rare-earth elements during complex processing of apatites, particularly extraction of rare-earth elements from phosphogypsum. The method involves preparation of pulp from phosphogypsum and sorption of rare-earth elements on a sorbent. The pulp is prepared from ground phosphogypsum and sulphuric acid solution with pH=0.5-2.5 until achieving liquid:solid ratio of 4-7. Sorption is carried out directly from the phosphogypsum pulp on a sorbent with sulphuric acid functional groups for 5-7 hours with solid:sorbent ratio of 4-7.
Method involves selective extraction of salts in volumes of nanopores of nanoporous conducting materials due to effect of electrostatic interaction of dipole moments of solvated ionic complexes of transition, rare-earth and actinoid elements with electric field of double electric layer of "nanopore wall - solution" boundary line. The method is implemented by subsequent filling of nanopore of nanoporous conducting material with the solution containing ionic complexes of transition, and/or rare-earth and/or actinoid elements, displacement from nanopore of ionic complexes of transition, rare-earth and actinoid elements weakly localised in nanopores by means of pressure of gases or liquids, by filling of nanopore with solution of inorganic acid of high concentration, and by extracting from nanopores of residual ionic complexes of transition, rare-earth and actinoid elements by means of pressure of gases or liquids. The above method can be implemented in an electrochemical cell.
Invention can be used in the technology of obtaining the compounds of rare-earth metals at complex processing of apatites, and namely for obtaining of concentrate of rare-earth metals (REM) from phosphogypsum. Method involves sorption of rare-earth metals. At that, prior to sorption, phosphogypsum is crushed in water so that pulp is obtained in the ratio Solid : Liquid=1:(5-10). Sorption is performed by introducing to the obtained pulp of sorbent containing sulphate and phosphate functional groups, at the ratio of Solid : Sorbent=1:(5-10) and mixing during 3-6 h.
Processing method of micro production wastes of constant magnets / 2469116
Method involves oxidation of micro production wastes at temperature of 550-650°C in air atmosphere for destruction of crystal latitude Nd2Fe14B so that Fe2O3, Nd2O3, Fe2B is formed and moisture and oil is removed. Then, anhydrous fluorides of rare-earth metals are obtained and their metallothermic reduction is performed for production of constant magnets. After oxidation from oxidated microwastes is completed, rare-earth metals are leached with nitric acid with concentration of 1-2 mol/l at temperature of 20-80°C. Obtained nitrate solutions containing rare-earth metals and impurity elements are processed with solution of formic acid with extraction of formiates of rare-earth metals in the form of the deposit cleaned from impurity elements, which includes iron, aluminium, nickel, cobalt, copper and other transition metals.
Method of extracting rare-earth elements from wet-process phosphoric acid / 2465207
Invention relates to methods of extracting a concentrate of rare-earth elements from wet-process phosphoric acid, which is obtained in a dihydrate process of processing an apatite concentrate, and can be used in chemical and related industries. The method involves sorption of rare-earth elements and thorium contained in wet-process phosphoric acid at temperature 20-85°C, wherein the sorbent used is a sulphoxide cationite, washing the saturated sorbent with water, desorption of rare-earth elements and thorium with concentrated ammonium sulphate solution to form a desorbate, and treating the desorbate with an ammonia-containing precipitant in form of ammonium carbonate or ammonia gas, which is fed in two steps, wherein at the first step the precipitant is fed until achieving pH 4.5-5.0 with precipitation and separation of a thorium-containing precipitate, and at the second step - until achieving pH of not less than 7 with precipitation and separation of a concentrate of rare-earth elements.
Method of extracting americium / 2477758
Invention relates to methods of extracting americium in form of americium dioxide from solutions. The invention can be used in the technology of extracting americium from production and radioactive wastes. The method involves concentrating nitric acid solution containing americium and impurities to americium content of not less than 100 mg/l by multi-step deposition of a precipitate containing americium, followed by dissolution thereof each time in a new portion of the starting solution. The precipitate containing americium is obtained from each portion of the solution by adding to 3.8-6.0 M nitric acid solution, which contains americium and impurities, ammonium hydroxide or an alkali metal hydroxide until achieving residual acidity of 0.1-0.2 M, oxalic acid to concentration of 10-50 g/l and adjusting acidity of the obtained reaction mixture to pH 0.6-2.3 if there are hydrolysable impurities in the starting solution and to pH 0.6-3.5 if not. The precipitate obtained by deposition from the americium-concentrated solution is then calcined and the calcined precipitate is then dissolved in nitric acid solution. Americium is then extracted from the obtained solution by a tributyl phosphate-based solid extractant, re-extracted, americium oxalate is deposited from the re-extract and then calcined to americium dioxide.
Method involves selective extraction of salts in volumes of nanopores of nanoporous conducting materials due to effect of electrostatic interaction of dipole moments of solvated ionic complexes of transition, rare-earth and actinoid elements with electric field of double electric layer of "nanopore wall - solution" boundary line. The method is implemented by subsequent filling of nanopore of nanoporous conducting material with the solution containing ionic complexes of transition, and/or rare-earth and/or actinoid elements, displacement from nanopore of ionic complexes of transition, rare-earth and actinoid elements weakly localised in nanopores by means of pressure of gases or liquids, by filling of nanopore with solution of inorganic acid of high concentration, and by extracting from nanopores of residual ionic complexes of transition, rare-earth and actinoid elements by means of pressure of gases or liquids. The above method can be implemented in an electrochemical cell.
Method of extracting gold from mineral stock bearing minor gold fractions / 2467083
Invention relates to mineral stock processing and may be used for extracting gold fractions of grain size smaller than 0.07 mm. Proposed method comprises preparing water suspension with addition of flocculating agent. Damped ground paper bulk is added to said suspension, paper bulk features reduced moisture resistance and mineral component-to-bulk ratio making 1: 0.05. Then, mix is mixed in mixer for 10 s. After mixing, paper bulk is separated on sieve with mesh size not exceeding 0.2 mm. Now, paper bulk is rinsed to produce concentrate to be dried and fused.
Invention relates to processing natural uranium chemical concentrate. Proposed method comprises concentrate leaching by nitric acid solution to obtain suspension, adding coagulant into suspension and suspension separation. Clarified solution is separated from residue and directed to extraction. Note here that polyacrylamide-based anion coagulant is used and suspension with said coagulant is subjected to permanent magnetic field effects. Coagulant concentration and duration of magnetic field effects are selected to ensure concentration of insoluble residue now exceeding 100 mg/l in clarified solution. In extraction from clarified solution, no antifloating emulsions are observed.
Method involves transfer of manganese and accompanying impurities into a solution through two-step treatment of the starting material with hydrochloric acid and absorption of chlorine with an alkaline solution. Further, impurities are separated to obtain a manganese salt solution which is then treated. The first step uses waste hydrochloric acid with concentration 1-10% with solid to liquid ratio equal to 1:(3-5). A manganese-containing residue is separated from the obtained pulp, where said residue is then treated at the second step with waste inhibited hydrochloric acid with concentration 20-24% and content of inhibitor of not less than 5 wt %, reaction with iron of which results in insoluble complex compounds, where said inhibitor is in form of quaternary ammonium salts, with molar ratio manganese:HCl=1.0:1.1. The insoluble residue of aluminosilicates is then separated and the manganese salt solution is then processed using existing methods.
Procedure for extraction of nickel from solutions and for purification from impurities / 2430981
Procedure for extraction of nickel from solutions and purification from impurities: Cr3+, Fe3+, Al3+, Cu2+, Zn2+, Co2+, Fe2+, Mn2+, Ca2+, Mg2+ consists in bringing pH of solutions to values 4.0-6.5, in sorption of nickel at pH=4.0-6.5 from solutions or pulps on sub-acid cationites, in desorption of nickel from saturated cationites with solution of sulphuric or hydrochloric acid with production of solution of nickel strippant. Before desorption saturated cationite is treated with solution of nickel purified from impurities, also with portion of solution of strippant with concentration of nickel higher, than its concentration in source solution or pulp coming to sorption at a value of pH less, than pH of solution or pulp in the process of sorption. Ratio of CNI:ΣCimpurity in solution of strippant changes from 7:1 to 500:1.
Invention relates to a novel method of removing copper (II) ions from water in the presence of ammonia, which is based on using a floatation reagent in form of β-N-oxyethylhydrazides of aliphatic carboxylic acids of formula
Method of producing of metal iridium powder from (trifluorophosphine) iridium hydride tetrakis / 2419517
Invention relates to method of producing iridium from (trifluorophosphine) iridium hydride tetrakis and may be used for production of high-purity metal iridium powder. Proposed method comprises ammonolysis of volatile complex compound of (trifluorophosphine) iridium hydride tetrakis Hlr(PF3)4 with conversion into nonvolatile iridium metallamine by water solution of ammonium. Then, iridium metallamine is dissolved in concentrated hydrogen nitrate and solution is evaporated. Evaporation over, residue is decomposed to sponge-structure metal iridium. Now, the latter is triturated, reduced in hydrogen flow and purified to high-purity iridium.
Procedure for purification of sulphate solution from impurities / 2411296
Procedure for purification of zinc sulphate solution from impurities consists in hydrolytic purification with preliminary iron oxidisation in two stages: first with diluted solution of hydrogen peroxide at temperature 20-55°C and consumption 0.95-1.1 of stoichiometric required amount, then with manganese dioxide contained in electrolytic slime of zinc production.
Method of processing nitration hydroxides in refinery of platinum metals / 2410451
Invention relates to metallurgy of noble metals, in particular, to method of processing nitration hydroxides in refinery of platinum metals containing chalcogenides, tin, arsenium and platinum group metals, gold and silver. Proposed method comprises leaching of hydroxides and extracting basic metal compounds from the solution. Hydroxide leaching is carried out for 1-2 h by alkali solution with concentration of 140-180 g/l with l:S ratio varying from 3:1 to 4:1, temperature 80-90°C, and introducing hydrazine hydrate into pulp to reach OVP of minus 400-600 mV relative to reference silver-chloride electrode. Then, alkaline solution is separated from insoluble residue that concentrates platinum metals. Now, extraction of basic metals is carried out in processing alkaline solution by sulfuric acid to pH=4-5 to produce hydroxide precipitate of tin, arsenium, selenium and tellurium, and by filtration, or processing of alkaline solution by sulfuric acid to pH 0.5-1.0 along with adding iron powder to OVP varying from 0 to minus 100 mV, and filtration of obtained cementates obtained on the basis of selenium and tellurium, and processing the solution by alkali to pH = 4-5 with deposition of tin and arsenium hydroxides. Invention allows extracting up to 85% of Se and Te into target products, 90% of Sn and As into secondary hydroxides at minimum transition (less than 1%) into PMH.
Method involves processing of base material during heating in water vapour atmosphere and further leaching of precious metals from processing product in solutions of reagents. Besides, processing of base material is performed in water vapour atmosphere, which is mixed with oxygen at the temperature of 300-500°C at oxygen content in gas mixture within 10-20%. Waste gases released during the processing are brought into contact with the solution that is combined with a leaching solution.
FIELD: metallurgy. SUBSTANCE: proposed method comprises multistep leaching of red slag by the mix of sodium carbonate and bicarbonate on forcing annealing furnace flue gases containing carbon dioxide there through to obtained solution. Then, three-step holding of said solution at increased temperatures is performed along with selective separation of precipitates after every said step. At first step, said solution is heated to temperature not exceeding 80°C for, at least, 1 hour. Thereafter, it is settled for, at least, two hours at natural cooling. At second step, said solution is boiled and mixed for, at least, two hours. At third step, said solution is evaporated to 50% of initial volume to add 46%-solution of sodium hydroxide to concentration of Na2Ocaustic of 1.5-2.0 kg/m3. Now, it is boiled for, at least, 2 hours and precipitate containing scandium oxide is settled for 10-16 hours at natural cooling. EFFECT: simplified process, higher yield of scandium oxide. 1 ex
The invention relates to the metallurgy of non-ferrous metals, namely the recovery of scandium oxide from the waste in the processing of bauxite to alumina. The method for extracting scandium in the processing of bauxite to alumina, for example, from the sludge by-product processing, including leaching of water and/or 5-10%solution of carbonate or sodium bicarbonate or mixtures thereof, which are conducted at least 3 times at a temperature not exceeding 50°C for at least 2 hours at a ratio of T:W=1:2.5-5.0 using each time new portions of the product refining of bauxite as raw materials, separating the precipitate, introducing the resulting solution of aluminum oxide or zinc, dissolved in sodium hydroxide, extract with temperatures below 80°C for at least 2 hours. The precipitate treated with a hot 10-20%sodium hydroxide solution, washed with 1.5%sodium hydroxide solution, and then dissolving the precipitate in a 1-5%solution of hydrochloric acid, filtered and the filtrate treated with 10-15%ammonia solution or 2-10%solution of hydrofluoric acid with an excess of 1-3% from stoichiometry accessing primary scandium concentrate (RF Patent No. 2201988, IPC SW 59/00, 2003). The disadvantage of this method is the complicated process of obtaining primary scandium concentrate in private is the use of a large number of additional chemical reagents. The closest technical solution to the claimed is a method of producing oxide of scandium from red mud, a waste of alumina production, including multiple, sequential leaching of the red sludge is a mixture of solutions of carbonate and sodium bicarbonate, washing and separating the precipitate, introducing the resulting solution of zinc oxide dissolved in sodium hydroxide, the extract solution at elevated temperature and stirring, separating the precipitate and treated with a solution of sodium hydroxide at boiling point, separating, washing and drying the resulting product, followed by removing the oxide of scandium known methods. When leaching through a mixture of solutions of carbonate and hydrocarbonate sodium miss air-gas mixture containing 10-17% CO2(by volume), leaching repeat until you get a solution with a concentration of scandium oxide is not less than 50 g/m3injected in solution solid sodium hydroxide to a concentration of 2-5 kg/m3in Na2O caustic and maintained at a temperature not higher than 80°C, followed by introduction of the flocculant, endurance and sludge separation, which is the titanium concentrate, the resulting solution is subjected to electrolysis with solid electrodes at the cathode density 2-4 A/DM2, a temperature of 50-70°C for 1-2 hours to remove impurities,a solution of zinc oxide in sodium hydroxide added to purified after electrolysis solution to a ratio of ZnO:Sc 2O3=(10-25):1 and introducing the flocculant, the extract solution is carried out at 100-102°C for 4-8 hours, processing the separated precipitate lead 5-12%sodium hydroxide solution at boiling point, again enter the flocculant, stand and separate the precipitate, which is the target product. The content of scandium in the target product is 2.26 wt.% (RF patent 2247788, IPC SW 59/00, 2005 - prototype). The disadvantage of this method is the complexity of the technological process of obtaining scandium concentrate, in particular the additional consumption of zinc oxide, the implementation stage of electrolysis, the use of organic flocculant. Thus, the authors was to develop a technically simple method of producing oxide of scandium from red mud, providing a high percentage of extraction of scandium scandium concentrate. The problem is solved in the proposed method of producing oxide of scandium from red mud, including multiple sequential leaching of the red sludge is a mixture of solutions of carbonate and bicarbonate of sodium by passing the mixture of flue gas containing CO2, separating, washing and drying the resulting product, followed by removing the oxide of scandium known methods, in which, after the three-stage leaching is performed is ederico filtrate at an elevated temperature with separation of the precipitate after each stage, at the first stage filtrate is heated to a temperature not higher than 80°C and maintained for at least 1 hour, then defend for at least 2 hours when natural cooling; at the second stage, the filtrate is brought to a boil and kept boiling and stirring for at least 2 hours; on the third level, the filtrate is evaporated by boiling to reduce the volume by 50%, then add 46%sodium hydroxide solution until the concentration of Na2Ocaustic1.5-2.0 kg/m3can withstand boiling for at least 2 hours and then defend for 10-16 hours at natural cooling. At the present time of patent and technical literature is not a well-known method of producing zinc oxide from red mud, in which the removal of impurities from the initial solution obtained by diluting the slurry of red mud, the waste product of the Bayer process, is carried out by a three excerpts of the filtrate at an elevated temperature with separation of the precipitate after each stage, the first stage filtrate is heated to a temperature not higher than 80°C and maintained for at least 1 hour; at the second stage, the filtrate is brought to a boil and incubated for 2 hours; on the third level, the filtrate is evaporated by boiling to reduce the volume by 50%, then add 46%sodium hydroxide solution to the concentrations of Na 2Ocaustic1.5-2.0 kg/m3. Research conducted by the authors, has led to the conclusion that the three hydrolysis under certain conditions of holding temperature and time regimes provides the removal of harmful impurities (Ti, Fe, Zn, Zr, Ca, U) and the concentration of scandium in the filtrate after leaching without the technological complexity of the process (optional introduction to the solution of compounds of zinc or aluminum, additional processing chemicals, the additional operation of electrolysis). Is quite a high percentage recovery of scandium in the end scandium concentrate. The removal of harmful impurities while conducting stepwise hydrolysis due to several reasons. When heated filtrate after leaching at a temperature of not more than 80°C is released in the precipitate of oxides of iron, silicon, magnesium, zinc. The result at the end of the first stage is the separation of the precipitate, containing mainly compounds of iron and calcium. In the second stage hydrolysis results in the release of sediments already compounds of elements such as titanium, calcium, aluminum, zirconium. The result at the end of the second stage to separate the precipitate, which is a titanium-zirconium concentrate. The third stage is provided by the concentration of scandium in the solution and add in this case, sodium hydroxide, as a precipitator of scandium, contributes to its rapid transfer into the sediment (scandium concentrate). If in the known method hydroxide is added to the solution to precipitate impurities (iron, silicon, calcium, aluminum, titanium and others), in the proposed method, the chemistry of its use in the process at the final stage of hydrolysis is of a fundamentally different nature, namely the creation of such conditions, which reduce the solubility of scandium oxide in alkali carbonate solution and transfer it to precipitate from the concentrated mother liquor. The proposed method of producing oxide of scandium from red mud can be carried out as follows. Pre-pressed at a press filter red mud is a waste in the production of alumina - filled with a mixture of solutions of carbonate and sodium bicarbonate and subjected to repeated leaching. Thus the solution to leach slurry of red mud is made from soda (100-150 g/DM3Na2CO3with the preliminary carbonization of solution gas furnaces sintering/calcined to the content of sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) not less than 20% of the total content of Na2O in the solution, the leaching of the next portions of the sludge spend carbonate-bicarbonate solution, obtained from previous transactions with the ratio of solid:liquid = 1:3-, corrected by sodium bicarbonate before each new batch of downloadable sludge by additional aeration (flue) flue gases of furnaces sintering/calcined, the treatment is carried out at a temperature of 60°C to achieve in the solution content of scandium oxide is not less than 20 g/m3. Then separated from the bulk of the sludge and a filtrate and wash water are mixed and subjected to three-step aging at elevated temperature with separation of the precipitate after each stage, the first stage filtrate is heated to a temperature not higher than 80°C and maintained under stirring for at least 1 hour, and then defend for 2 hours with a natural cooling; at the second stage, the filtrate is brought to a boil and incubated for 2 hours at this temperature; the third stage, the filtrate is evaporated by boiling to reduce the volume by 50%, then add a solution of sodium hydroxide to a concentration of 1.5-2.0 kg/m3in Na2Ocausticand incubated with stirring for 2 hours, and then advocate for 10-16 hours at a natural cooling. Received scandium concentrate is separated, washed and dried. The content of scandium in the concentrate reaches 5.0 wt.%. The proposed method is illustrated by the following example. Example. In industrial carbonization pour the prepared PU is GPU of the pre-pressed at a press filter red mud of the Bayer process in the range of 50 m 3if T:W=1:4,0. In the pulp contains 1200 kg sludge, calculated on the dry product composition of sludge following, wt%: Fe2O344,8; Al2O314,2; SiO27,1; CaO 12,1; TiO24,1; Na2O 2,8, other 8,6; PPP (loss when puncturing) of 5.3. The content Sc2O3110 g/ton of sludge. In the apparatus poured soda in the amount of 265 kg include stirring and let the exhaust gas furnaces sintering (~10% CO2) barbata pulp. After barbatia within days the composition of the solution next, kg/m3: Na2CO3- 68, NaHCO3- 28 (Na2Ototal50,1); the content of other elements, g/m3: 130 K, Ti 25, Zr 44.5, Ca 15, Si 1.0, Fe 3.4, Cr 1.5, 15.0 V, Hf 1.1, 2.1 W, Th, 0.17, 0.34 U, Sc 3.4 (Sc2O35.20). The extraction of scandium is 15.8% of the initial content in the sludge. After settling of the pulp, decanting the solution, separating and washing the slurry at a press filter sludge repulping and pumped to a sludge field. The liquid phase (filtrate and wash water) back into carbonization, where to download the new portion of the original waste sludge (pre-pressed at a press filter). The amount of sludge in the second game loaded in carbonization is 1180 kg, counting on the dehydrated sludge. The total amount of pulp in carbonizate is 52 m3. The second batch of slurry is subjected to carbonization during the day. After removal of the slurry composition of the solution trace is in store, kg/m3: Na2CO3- 55, NaHCO3- 51 (Na2Ototal51); the content of scandium is increased to the value g/m3: 6,4 (Sc2O39,8). The extraction of scandium from the second portion of the sludge is 14.5%. Similarly with the second loading of the slurry to leaching with barbotirovanie flue gases of furnaces sintering spend another 5 operations. As a result, after the last (7th) operations receive the following composition of the solution volume of 40 m3kg/m3: Na2CO3- 72, NaHCO3- 89 (Na2Ototal70); the content of scandium is increased to the value g/m: 31,9 Sc2O3. The extraction of scandium from all processed waste red mud is 13.6%. Phase separation of the main part of the dissolved and suspended impurities is carried out by heating the obtained scandium-containing solution to a temperature of 80°C With stirring for 1 hour at this temperature, and then standing still for 2 hours with natural cooling. The composition of the filter cake, wt.%: Al 5.21, CA 3.9, Ti 5.2, Fe 26.14, Zr 0.18, Na 3.23, 0.42 Mg, Th 0.005, U 0.0007, SiO24.5, Sc 0.01 (humidity 15%). Then heat obtained from the previous operation the filtrate to boiling (100-102°C) and boiled for 2 hours, after which the precipitate is filtered through a press filter immediately, not defending. The composition of the filter cake, wt.%: Al 0.05, Sa 0.17, Ti 35.08, Fe 1.8, Zr 7.2, Na 3.38, 0.02 Mg, Th 0.003, 0.0001 U, SiO21.5, Sc 0.009 (16%moisture content). Obtained after the second hydrolysis filtrate evaporated by boiling to reduce the volume by 50%, then enter a 46%solution of sodium hydroxide to a concentration of 1.5-2.0 kg/m3and maintained at the boiling temperature (100-102°C) With stirring for 2 hours and then the precipitate advocate for 10-16 hours at natural cooling, is separated, washed and dried. The resulting concentrate of the following composition, wt.%: Al 1.2, Sa 1.5, Ti 3.72, Fe 3.6, Zr 8.2, Na 4.87, 0.63 Mg, Th 0.1, U 0.037, SiO21.5, Sc 3.4 (18%humidity). Thus, the proposed method of producing oxide of scandium from red mud allows to significantly simplify the technology of extraction of the target product and virtually minimizes his loss, which will allow us to fully remove the oxide of scandium in the concentrate, to significantly reduce the content of impurities already in the first two stages of hydrolysis, and also allows you to use the solution after separation of all precipitation, repeatedly returning to the beginning of the next cycle leaching. The method of producing oxide of scandium from red mud, including multiple sequential leaching of the red sludge is a mixture of solutions of carbonate and bicarbonate of sodium by passing the mixture of flue gases of furnaces sintering containing CO2, separating, washing, grinding the mA with subsequent extraction of scandium oxide from the resulting solution, characterized in that after leaching is performed three-stage shutter-mentioned solution at elevated temperatures with the selective separation of precipitation after each stage, the first stage solution is heated to a temperature of not higher than 80°C and maintained for at least 1 h, and then defend for at least 2 h at natural cooling in the second stage the solution is brought to a boil and kept boiling and stirring for at least 2 h, at the third stage the solution is evaporated by boiling to reduce the volume by 50%, then add 46%sodium hydroxide solution until the concentration of Na2Ocaustic1.5-2.0 kg/m, can withstand boiling for at least 2 h and then defend the precipitate containing the oxide of scandium, for 10-16 h at natural cooling.
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