IPC classes for russian patent Method of processing manganese-containing material (RU 2448175):
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Manganese dioxide obtaining method / 2444575
Manganese dioxide obtaining method involves dilution of manganese-containing raw material in nitric acid so that solution of manganese nitrates and nitrates of calcium, potassium, magnesium and sodium impurities contained in the ore is obtained. Then, thermal decomposition of nitrates in autoclave is performed. Thermal decomposition is performed at constant pressure drop in autoclave, starting from pressure of 0.6 MPa and reducing it to the end of the process to 0.15 MPa. At that, pulp is constantly mixed at thermal decomposition with the mixer rotating at speed of 1-15 rpm and with superimposition of vibration on it with frequency of 20-50 Hz. Method can be implemented at chemical plants provided with pressure autoclaves.
Method of processing manganese ore / 2441086
Method involves grinding ore, mixing the ground ore with sodium bisulphate taken in stoichiometric amount required for binding manganese and impurities into sulphates. The mixture is calcined in three steps to obtain coal tar: at the first step at temperature 200-300°C for 1-2 hours, at the second step at temperature 400-500°C for 0.5-1.5 hours, at the third step at temperature 600-700°C for 2-4 hours. The coal tar is leached with water at temperature 40-80°C for 0.5-1 hour and weight ratio coal tar: water equal to 1:(3-4). After filtering the obtained pulp, sludge is separated and the filtrate is treated with sodium carbonate solution taken in stoichiometric amount required for binding and depositing manganese (II) and iron (II) compounds. After filtering the obtained suspension, the precipitate of manganese (II) and iron (II) carbonates is dried and washed to obtain a manganese concentrate. Calcination exhaust gases are absorbed with the filtrate from the manganese carbonate extraction step to obtain sodium bisulphate solution. Through evaporation of the obtained solution, crystallisation and drying, sodium bisulphate is obtained, which is taken for mixing with the ground ore to obtain the mixture.
Method of processing manganese carbonate ore / 2441085
Method involves leaching alkali and alkali-earth metals with a solution of a chlorine-containing reagent and separating the insoluble residue containing manganese dioxide. The ore undergoes preliminary decarboxylation via thermal treatment at temperature 750-1000°C for 2-4 hours to obtain coal tar. The chlorine-containing reagent used when leaching the coal tar is 10-40% aqueous ammonium chloride solution, taken in weight ratio ore: ammonium chloride equal to 1:1-2. Leaching is carried out at temperature 20-100°C for 1-2 hours. After separating the insoluble residue, the filtrate is carbonised with exhaust gases from the ore decarboxylation step, followed by separation of the obtained calcium carbonate and return of the aqueous ammonium chloride solution to the coal tar leaching step.
Procedure for processing waste chemical sources of current of manganese-zinc system for complex utilisation / 2431690
Procedure consists in separation of coal electrode and zinc cylinder, in flushing and dissolving in sulphuric acid. Also, flushing from ammonia chloride and zinc hydroxide is carried out with 0.2 M solution of sulphuric acid (H2SO4). Upon flushing residue of manganese oxide (IV) (MnO2), oxy-hydroxide of manganese (MnOOH) and coal mass (C) is crumbled in ball mills. Crumbled residue is dissolved in sulphuric solutions of concentration 0.05 mole/l containing 0.05-0.1 mole/l of oxalic acid at ratio of concentrations of ions of manganese and oxalic acid 1:5 at pH=1-2.2 and temperature of solution 80°C. Upon dissolving solution is filtered for removal of coal mass. Residues of zinc ions are removed from solution with isoamyl alcohol of 200 ml volume at presence of 2 M solution of ammonia thiocyanate and 0.5 M HCl, and there is performed neutralisation with 0.5 M solution of caustic soda (NaOH). Further, produced solution is evaporated at temperature 100°C to obtaining mass of crystalline compounds of composition sodium trioxalomanganate (IV) Na4[Mn(C2O4 2-)3] and salt of sodium oxalate (Na2C2O4). Produced mass is baked in atmosphere containing oxygen at temperature 400-500°C with production of MnO2 as a final product.
Procedure for separation of cobalt from manganese / 2426806
Procedure consists in sorption of cobalt on complex forming ionite from manganese containing solution and of desorption of cobalt from ionite. Desorption of cobalt is performed with solution with pH value=4.5÷5.5 containing ions of copper and(or) nickel possessing higher affinity to functional groups of ionite, than cobalt.
Procedure for separation of scandium from manganese / 2416655
Procedure for separation of scandium from manganese consists in contacting solution containing scandium and manganese with extractant in interval of pH 2.9-3.3 during 30 minutes. Contacting is carried out with extraction of manganese. As extractant there is used 0.25 M solution of N-(hydroxi-5-nonobensyl-β-hydroxi-ethyl-methyl-amine (NBEA-2) in thinner.
Procedure for purification of manganese concentrates from phosphorus / 2395601
Invention refers to metallurgy, particularly to procedure for purification of manganese concentrates from phosphorus. The procedure consists in agglomeration of concentrate with sodium salts at 950-1000°C and weight ratio 1:0.4, and in successive water leaching with transfer of phosphorus into solution. Further concentrate is filtered and dried. Also leaching is carried out under effect of ultrasonic oscillations of 18·103-22·103 Hz per second frequency during 15-30 minutes. Finished concentrate is filtered and dried in ultrasonic fields of 18·103-22·103 Hz per second frequency.
Procedure for production of manganese (versions) / 2393254
Thermal reduction by heating charge containing reducer and manganese compound is performed at temperature 700-750°C in inert atmosphere. As manganese compound there is used manganese oxide (III) or manganese oxide (IV), or manganese chloride, while as reducer there is used hydride of lithium taken in excess at amount of 25-50 wt %. Also lithium chloride is additionally introduced into charge at ratio of lithium to lithium hydride taken in excess in moles equal to 2:1. Heated charge is conditioned during 30-90 min. Further manganese is extracted out of reaction mixture by means of cooling, flushing with water and filtering.
Method of electrolytic production of manganese from ferrous alloys production wastes / 2389533
Invention relates can be used in metallurgy, electronics and in production of pigments and welding electrodes. Wastes of production of ferrous alloys containing, mainly, manganese represent slimes of fume gases washing from furnaces producing ferromanganese and silicon manganese. Said wastes are directed for thermal sulphating 1 that comprises furnace processing of material fed from mixer wherein said wastes have been subjected to treatment by acid with flow rate approximating to stoichiometric. Teflon chutes are used inside the furnace to produce SO2. Then hydrometallurgical phase is performed consisting of vatting stage 2, primary 3 and secondary 4 washing stages and that of conditioning. Vatting is carried out at intensive mixing in reactor with coating that regulates acidity using anolyte of electolyser or synthetic anolyte. Primary washing stage 3 is carried out in the same reactor till pH increases to values approximating to neutral one by removing, mainly, iron and aluminium. Produced fine pulp is filtered in pressure filter, flushed by water, preferably, in the same pressure filter, to produce inert wastes. Fine pulp flushing water is added into the mixer or used again to concentrate manganese therein. At secondary flushing stage 4, zinc impurity is removed by settling ZnS. Solution obtained after conditioning 5, is directed to electrolysis 6 to produce electrolytic manganese.
Purification method of ferromanganese raw materials from phosphorous / 2360987
Method includes grinding of raw materials up to fineness less than 0.074 mm. After grinding it is implemented leaching during 20-40 minutes at temperature 40-50°C 0.5-1.0 "н." by solution of oxalic acid at relation of liquid to solid in pulp 3:1 with transferring of phosphorus into solution. After leaching it is implemented pulp filtration.
Procedure for extraction of nickel from solutions and for purification from impurities / 2430981
Procedure for extraction of nickel from solutions and purification from impurities: Cr3+, Fe3+, Al3+, Cu2+, Zn2+, Co2+, Fe2+, Mn2+, Ca2+, Mg2+ consists in bringing pH of solutions to values 4.0-6.5, in sorption of nickel at pH=4.0-6.5 from solutions or pulps on sub-acid cationites, in desorption of nickel from saturated cationites with solution of sulphuric or hydrochloric acid with production of solution of nickel strippant. Before desorption saturated cationite is treated with solution of nickel purified from impurities, also with portion of solution of strippant with concentration of nickel higher, than its concentration in source solution or pulp coming to sorption at a value of pH less, than pH of solution or pulp in the process of sorption. Ratio of CNI:ΣCimpurity in solution of strippant changes from 7:1 to 500:1.
Method of producing of metal iridium powder from (trifluorophosphine) iridium hydride tetrakis / 2419517
Invention relates to method of producing iridium from (trifluorophosphine) iridium hydride tetrakis and may be used for production of high-purity metal iridium powder. Proposed method comprises ammonolysis of volatile complex compound of (trifluorophosphine) iridium hydride tetrakis Hlr(PF3)4 with conversion into nonvolatile iridium metallamine by water solution of ammonium. Then, iridium metallamine is dissolved in concentrated hydrogen nitrate and solution is evaporated. Evaporation over, residue is decomposed to sponge-structure metal iridium. Now, the latter is triturated, reduced in hydrogen flow and purified to high-purity iridium.
Procedure for purification of sulphate solution from impurities / 2411296
Procedure for purification of zinc sulphate solution from impurities consists in hydrolytic purification with preliminary iron oxidisation in two stages: first with diluted solution of hydrogen peroxide at temperature 20-55°C and consumption 0.95-1.1 of stoichiometric required amount, then with manganese dioxide contained in electrolytic slime of zinc production.
Method of processing nitration hydroxides in refinery of platinum metals / 2410451
Invention relates to metallurgy of noble metals, in particular, to method of processing nitration hydroxides in refinery of platinum metals containing chalcogenides, tin, arsenium and platinum group metals, gold and silver. Proposed method comprises leaching of hydroxides and extracting basic metal compounds from the solution. Hydroxide leaching is carried out for 1-2 h by alkali solution with concentration of 140-180 g/l with l:S ratio varying from 3:1 to 4:1, temperature 80-90°C, and introducing hydrazine hydrate into pulp to reach OVP of minus 400-600 mV relative to reference silver-chloride electrode. Then, alkaline solution is separated from insoluble residue that concentrates platinum metals. Now, extraction of basic metals is carried out in processing alkaline solution by sulfuric acid to pH=4-5 to produce hydroxide precipitate of tin, arsenium, selenium and tellurium, and by filtration, or processing of alkaline solution by sulfuric acid to pH 0.5-1.0 along with adding iron powder to OVP varying from 0 to minus 100 mV, and filtration of obtained cementates obtained on the basis of selenium and tellurium, and processing the solution by alkali to pH = 4-5 with deposition of tin and arsenium hydroxides. Invention allows extracting up to 85% of Se and Te into target products, 90% of Sn and As into secondary hydroxides at minimum transition (less than 1%) into PMH.
Method of extracting noble metals from aqueous solutions and device for realising said method / 2404927
Electrosorption carbon material is the cathode and is carbon fibric on which there is a layer a conducting polymer - poly-3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene or polyaniline which can chemically reduce ions of noble metals Ag, Au and Pd to metal state. Before passing the aqueous solution to the electrosorption carbon material, a negative potential between -0.5 and -0.3 V is applied relative a silver chloride electrode. Reduction takes place upon contact of the electrosorption carbon material with the aqueous solution in flow mode while feeding the solution at a rate of 10-20 ml per minute per square centimetre of the electrosorption carbon material. Concentration of the extracted metal in the solution is measured and the reduction process is repeated many times.
Method of processing oxidised nickel ore / 2381285
Invention relates to chemical engineering of inorganic substances and can be used in cases when there is need to produce a nickel concentrate. The method of processing oxidised nickel ore involves mixing the ore with ammonium chloride, heating the obtained mixture and water leaching to obtain a solution. The ammonium chloride is mixed with the material in ratio of 100-150 mol % of the stoichiometric quantity. The mixture is then heated to temperature 200-315°C and kept at that temperature until release of ammonia, water and hydrogen chloride stops. After water leaching, ammonia water is used to precipitate iron and aluminium at pH 6, nickel and cobalt at pH 8-8.5 and manganese, magnesium and calcium at pH above 8.5.
Method for production of highly pure tungsten for spattering targets and device for its realisation / 2375480
Invention is related to production of highly pure tungsten for spattering targets. Method includes cleaning of ammonium paratungstate from admixtures by ammonia sulfide and further treatment of solution anion-exchange resin AM-p. Then thermal decomposition of ammonium paratungstate is executed at the temperature of 600-800°C to produce tungsten trioxide, as well as cleaning of tungsten trioxide by zone sublimation at the temperature of 900-950°C in continuous flow of oxygen. After sublimation, heterogeneous recovery of tungsten trioxide is carried out by hydrogen at the temperature of 700-750°C to produce tungsten powder, as well as tungsten powder pressing to produce bar. Then electronic vacuum zone recrystallisation of bar is carried out to produce crystals of highly pure tungsten, as well as electronic vacuum melting in flat crystalliser with melting of flat bar from each side to the whole depth at least twice. Device is also suggested for zonal sublimation of tungsten trioxide.
Method for production of highly pure molybdenum for spattering targets and device for its realisation / 2375479
Invention is related to production of highly pure molybdenum for spattering targets. Method includes cleaning of ammonium paramolybdate in the form of solution from admixtures with ion exchange in neutral and alkalescent mediums on hydrated tin oxide and on weakly-basic anion-exchange resin AN-106. Then thermal decomposition of ammonium paramolybdate is executed at the temperature of 600-800°C to produce molybdenum oxide, as well as cleaning of molybdenum oxide by zone sublimation at the temperature of 750-800°C in continuous flow of oxygen. After cleaning, heterogeneous recovery of molybdenum oxide is carried out by hydrogen at the temperature of 700-750°C to produce molybdenum powder, as well as its pressing to produce bar. Then electronic vacuum zone recrystallisation of pressed bars is carried out to produce crystals of highly pure molybdenum, as well as electronic vacuum melting in flat crystalliser with melting of flat bars of highly pure molybdenum from each side to the whole depth at least twice. Device is also suggested for cleaning of molybdenum oxide by zonal sublimation.
Extraction of metals from sulphide minerals / 2448171
Method has been elaborated for two-stage dilution of nickel in leaching acid. Suspension of mineral and acid is activated by oxidation. It is performed during T1 time by means of electrolysis or alternatively chemically, by adding for example of oxidating acid to mineral. After activation the suspension is exposed in oxygen-free conditions during T2 time. During T2 time much quicker dilution of sulphide begins; quick decomposition of sulphide gives the possibility to nickel to be diluted and thus leached from mineral. Diluted nickel is extracted from leaching acid for example by electrochemical extraction.
FIELD: chemistry.
SUBSTANCE: method involves transfer of manganese and accompanying impurities into a solution through two-step treatment of the starting material with hydrochloric acid and absorption of chlorine with an alkaline solution. Further, impurities are separated to obtain a manganese salt solution which is then treated. The first step uses waste hydrochloric acid with concentration 1-10% with solid to liquid ratio equal to 1:(3-5). A manganese-containing residue is separated from the obtained pulp, where said residue is then treated at the second step with waste inhibited hydrochloric acid with concentration 20-24% and content of inhibitor of not less than 5 wt %, reaction with iron of which results in insoluble complex compounds, where said inhibitor is in form of quaternary ammonium salts, with molar ratio manganese:HCl=1.0:1.1. The insoluble residue of aluminosilicates is then separated and the manganese salt solution is then processed using existing methods.
EFFECT: obtaining high-quality products.
5 cl, 2 tbl, 2 ex
The invention relates to chemical technology of manganese, in particular to the processing of the mn containing materials with a high content of calcium, iron, and can be used in the technology of high-quality concentrates of manganese, used in metallurgical, electrical, chemical industry, and also in the production of electrolytic manganese metal and chemical manganese dioxide.
A known method of processing of manganese ores by leaching with concentrated hydrochloric acid supplied in aqueous suspension of powdered enriched manganese intermediate speeds of 0.8-2.0 l/h per 1 kg in the presence of compounds of bivalent iron - semimodule ferric sulfate to achieve a pH of 2.0 to 2.6, the extract slurry under stirring for 1 hour, and then bringing the pH of the pulp to 2.9-3.2 suspension of calcium hydroxide, filtering off the solid phase, the precipitation from the filtrate manganese by adding a suspension of calcium hydroxide to establish a pH of 10. Sediment concentrate manganese filtered off, washed, dried and calcined. The resulting concentrate contains manganese, wt.%: manganese - 64,3-68,6; iron 0.5 to 0.85; the calcium oxide - 7,7-8,2; magnesium oxide - 0,2-0,4; silicon dioxide - 0,4-2,5; phosphorus of 0.01. Removing manganese not less than 98%. (A.S. No. 1832736, SW 47/00, 1996). The disadvantage of this method is the fast high content in concentrate manganese iron.
Known processing methods of manganese ore to concentrate manganese various purposes. The method includes the combined roasting-baking carbon-based material at 600-900°C, processing SPECA 3,0-12 N abgaznaya hydrochloric acid containing 0.003 to 1.5 wt.% organically bound chlorine, at 70-95°C. Maintaining the pH of the mixture is less than 1.0, the solution decanted, adjusted pH to 4.0 to 6.0, filtered hydroxides impurities. From a solution of manganese chloride (II) at 40-90°C produce a concentrate of manganese at pH of 7.6-14,0 in the presence of an oxidant at a ratio of oxidant:ore = 1:(2,0-5,0), the concentrate is separated from the mother liquor, washed with hot water at T:W=1:(2,5-3,5), filtered and dried. The method allows to process manganese ore of different mineralogical composition to high-quality concentrate manganese content not less than 60 wt % of manganese when removing it from the ore of at least 95% with a simultaneous increase in the degree of enrichment from 2 to 6. [EN 2175991].
A method of refining the mn containing materials, in accordance with which the source material is manganese concentrate preconcentration of manganese ore containing, in wt.%: manganese - 30; silicon dioxide - 10-19; calcium oxide - 5-12,5; iron of 1.5 - 4.5, the phosphorus of 0.2-0.3. The method comprises leaching pulp source material of concentrated hydrochloric Ki is lotay at pH 1,6-2,2, the separation of the insoluble residue by filtration and washing, the precipitation from the filtrate manganese (II) the lime milk suspension, separation from the mother liquor enriched in manganese concentrate by filtration, subsequent washing with water in two stages, using the current solution for making pulp of the source material, the process of evaporation of the mother liquor to obtain a powder of calcium chloride. Enriched manganese concentrate contains 57,4-59.6% of manganese. The method can be applied to pre-enriched carbonate concentrates manganese, containing small amounts of silicon dioxide, and is associated with significant consumption of concentrated hydrochloric acid. [EN 2172358].
A method of refining manganese carbonate ore, which get targeted product - manganese oxide, and a byproduct is calcium chloride. The invention can be used in the processing of carbonate ores, in particular, as a method of enrichment of carbonate ores. According to the method of carbonate ore is subjected to leaching abgaznaya hydrochloric acid concentration 5-18 wt.% under controlled pH value at a temperature of 15-45°C. from ore leach alkaline, alkaline earth metals, transition group, on a number of tensions which are located to manganese. [EN 2222624].
Known methods for the processing of manganese ore to concentrate manganese various purposes. The method includes processing the crushed manganese ore at 40-90°C abgaznaya hydrochloric acid 5,3-12 N and T:W=1:(3,0-8,0)released chlorine absorb alkaline solution. After settling slurry and decant the liquid phase precipitated hydroxides impurities at pH 4-6 and produce a concentrate of manganese by mixing the solution of manganese salt solution after absorption of chlorine at a temperature of a mixture of 50-90°C., maintaining the pH 9-12. Concentrate manganese washed with hot water, filtered and dried at elevated temperature. [EN 2196183]. The disadvantage of a relatively high concentration in the pregnant solution and manganese concentrate iron.
Closest to the claimed method according to essence is a way of processing the mn containing materials by transfer of manganese and related impurities in the solution of two-stage processing of raw material mineral acid: in the first stage of sulfuric or hydrochloric acid, to the second - hydrochloric acid, the insoluble residue when the ratio of the concentration of the acid in the first phase to its concentration in the second stage, equal to 1:(1,0-6,6) with simultaneous absorption of released chlorine alkaline solution, lowering the pH of the medium in the pulp after the second stage of processing to 3.5-4.5 introduction carbonate manganese ore; the separation of a solution of manganese salt from oscapella by filtration and the selection of the filtrate concentrate manganese by mixing the solution of its salt with a solution after absorption of chlorine to establish a pH of 9.5 to 10.5, adjusting the pH, if necessary, with the milk of lime or sodium hydroxide solution containing an excess of sodium chloride; filtering, washing and drying of the concentrate [EN 2280089]. The disadvantage of this method is the relatively high content of manganese concentrate iron.
The objective of the invention is to develop a method of processing the mn containing material, which allows to obtain products with a minimum iron content.
The technical result to be obtained by use of the invention, which seeks to ensure high quality of the end product application and processing of a productive solution and concentrate manganese, and in the case of the production of a solution or solution after hydrolytic treatment in the electrolysis process is ensured by the high technology of electrolysis.
The above technical result is achieved by the method of processing the mn containing materials, including translation into a solution of manganese and related impurities the two-stage processing of raw material with hydrochloric acid, the absorption of chlorine alkaline solution, separating the impurities to produce a solution of manganese salt and further processing of this solution, namely its peculiarity consists in the fact that the two-stage treatment with an acid is carried out by:the first stage - for translation into a solution of calcium, iron, magnesium in solution abgaznaya hydrochloric acid with a concentration of 1-10% with a ratio of T:W=1:3-5 emitting CO2followed by decantation and, if necessary, filtering, separating the mn containing residue and its further processing in the second stage is to translate the manganese in solution and productive solution of manganese - inhibited hydrochloric acid with a concentration of 20 to 24% when the ratio of Mn:HCl equal to 1,0:1,1, and with the contents of the inhibitor in the acid of not less than 5 wt.%, with the absorption of released chlorine alkaline solution, separating the insoluble precipitate (aluminosilicates), followed by decanting, filtering, further obtaining any concentrate of manganese by processing a productive solution solution after recovery of chlorine or further hydrolytic clearing and planting of pure manganese dioxide, or with further electrolysis to produce electrolytic manganese and/or electrolytic manganese dioxide.
The method consists in the following.
In the reactor with mechanical stirring handle crushed manganese material at a predetermined ratio T:W=1:3-5 on the first stage abgaznaya hydrochloric acid with a concentration of 1-10% of the initial processing temperatures not lower than 10°C. the Obtained Rast is the PR decanted, separate containing manganese residue. When the ratio of Mn:HCl, equal to 1.0:1.1, the residue is treated abgaznaya inhibited hydrochloric acid with a concentration of 20 to 24% and the content of the inhibitor in the acid of not less than 5 wt.%. The inhibitor is a Quaternary ammonium salt (H), interaction of which with the iron to form insoluble in acidic solutions of complex compounds. Released in the leaching of chlorine absorbed by the alkaline solution. After the termination of the chlorine release the resulting slurry is decanted, separating the insoluble precipitate (aluminosilicates). Get solution of chloride of manganese - productive solution is filtered. Next productive solution or directly treated with a solution after recovery of chlorine with obtaining manganese concentrate, or subjected to hydrolytic cleaning with a solution of caustic soda or ammonia, and then the purified solution can be used for: receiving CMU - chemically pure manganese dioxide; electrolytic manganese dioxide; manganese metal.
Examples of the method and the results obtained are shown in tables 1, 2.
Table 1 shows the results of examples two-stage treatment with hydrochloric acid of different mn containing materials. In the first stage leach is used agathou hydrochloric acid with a concentration of 5 m is S.%. In all examples, the results of which are shown in the table, the leaching is carried out at an initial temperature of 15°C and at a ratio of T:W of 1:3. Leaching in the first stage should be performed within 2 hours, which coincides with the completion of the allocation of CO2. The second stage leaching is conducted in parallel in two variants: variant 1 - abgaznaya hydrochloric acid with concentration HCl 20 wt.%; the second option is abgaznaya inhibited acid with the same concentration of HCl containing inhibitor in an amount of 5 wt.%. As an inhibitor use Quaternary ammonium salt (HOUR). During the leaching process for both options is 5 hours. Treatment inhibited acid is carried out at a ratio of Mn:HCl equal to 1,0:1,1.
Table 2 shows examples of processing the mn containing material with hydrochloric acid: in the first stage abgaznaya hydrochloric acid with 10% HCl concentration, in the second stage abgaznaya hydrochloric acid with a concentration of 20% and 24% HCl and containing inhibitor in the acid 1% and 5%.
Manganese is sufficiently electronegative metal, its cathode emission (electrodeposition) is accompanied by release of hydrogen flowing at a significant speed even in neutral environments. As a consequence, the process electromedicine manganese is sensitive to different fact the ditch, changing the speed ratio of the discharge of metal ions and hydrogen, especially to the presence in the solution of impurities, even in small quantities. Most of the associated manganese impurities are discharged at more positive potentials than manganese (iron, chrome and so on). Therefore, in the electrolysis process, these impurities are highlighted together with manganese, forming microgalvanic pair. This leads to accelerated corrosion of manganese, up to its complete dissolution. The use of inhibited hydrochloric acid helps prevent the negative impact of iron on the process of electrolysis.
№p/p |
Source material |
The first stage of leaching, composition, % |
The second stage leach, the composition of the leaching solution |
Examples |
without inhibitor |
conc. inhibitor 1% |
conc. inhibitor 5% |
Composition, % |
the OSC. HCl - 10% |
Conc. HCl - 20%, |
Conc. HCl - 24%, |
Conc. HCl - 20%, |
Conc. HCl - 24%, |
Conc. HCl - 20% |
Conc. HCl - 24% |
1 |
Mn 30.0 |
34.85 |
8.38 |
9.57 |
8.45 |
9.63 |
8.55 |
9.71 |
Fe 6.5 |
0.35 |
0.237 |
0.271 |
0.047 |
0.048 |
0.034 |
0.039 |
Sa 3.2 |
0.15 |
0.07 |
0.08 |
0.07 |
0.08 |
0.07 |
0.08 |
1. The method of processing the mn containing materials, including translation into a solution of manganese and related impurities the two-stage processing of raw material with hydrochloric acid, the absorption of chlorine alkaline solution, separating the impurities to produce a solution of manganese salt and further processing of this solution different is the present, at the first stage for processing the source material used agathou hydrochloric acid with a concentration of 1-10%, with a ratio of T:W=1:(3-5), from the obtained slurry is separated mn containing residue, which in the second stage process abgaznaya inhibited hydrochloric acid with a concentration of 20-24%, containing at least 5 wt.% inhibitor, the interaction of which with iron formed insoluble complexes at a molar ratio of manganese : HCl, equal to 1.0:1.1 to carry out the separation of the insoluble precipitate of aluminosilicates with obtaining a solution of manganese salt that is processed.
2. The method according to claim 1, characterized in that as an inhibitor use Quaternary ammonium salt.
3. The method according to claim 1, characterized in that the initial temperature processing abgaznaya hydrochloric acid is not lower than 10°C.
4. The method according to claim 1, characterized in that the solution after recovery of chlorine used in the planting of manganese dioxide from a solution of manganese salt.
5. The method according to claim 1, characterized in that the solution of manganese salt after preliminary hydrolytic purification from impurities is sent directly to the electrolysis.