Device for metal-thermal reduction of pulp of galvanic production |
IPC classes for russian patent Device for metal-thermal reduction of pulp of galvanic production (RU 2419659):
Caisson consists of plate out of heat conducting material with imbedded into it coil, and of connecting pipes for input and output of coolant. Ratio of total area of the coil of the caisson calculated by its external diametre (F1, m2) to area of the caisson (F2, m2) from flame side is F1: F2-0.90-2.2. The caisson can be made with an orifice for insertion of air tuyere into it.
Furnace consists of caisson shaft divided with cross partition into melting and reducing chambers equipped with low and upper tuyeres, of sole, of siphon for accumulation and tapping metal and slag via corresponding channels with orifice in lower part of end wall, of device for loading charge and solid materials into melting and reducing chambers and of pipe for fume extraction. The siphon is equipped with at least one bushing for insertion and transfer of an electrode in it, with a block for electrode manipulation, with a power source, and with a block of control-measuring facilities and automation. Also an upper part of the electrode is connected to the power source and to the block of control and measuring facilities and automation; the output of the latter is coupled with an input of the manipulation block ensuring vertical reciprocal motion of the electrode via its drive and its deviation from vertical axis.
Furnace consists of lined jacket with electrodes, and of bell installed inside with charge chamber and central vertical channel, with vertical webbing, overflow channels and bottom between two of ribs and two branches with removable funnels. An orifice of diameter bigger, than diameter of a charging branch and of cross section less, than cross section of the overflow channels in vertical ribs near the charging branch is made in the bottom under the charging branch. The removable charging funnel is ended with a cup-like guide of flow at depth of 0.1-0.5 of height of the bell from its top. Also diameter of the guide is 30-80 mm bigger, than diameter of the end of the charging funnel. Working electrolyte of electrolytic cells is used as heating salt.
Furnace consists of case with installed therein melting section equipped with facility for charge supply and burner and electro-thermal section divided from melting section with partition not reaching hearth; also melting section is equipped with electrodes, electric holders, devices for metal and slag tapping and with gas duct. A lower edge of the partition is positioned above the level of the slag tapping device thereby forming a gas-overflow port of alternate cross section with the level of melt. The metal tapping device is equipped with a well communicated with an overflow zone of the partition via a channel. Section of the port is chosen according to specified ratio of furnace width to inter-axis distance between electrodes. The charge supply facility has a chute superposed on a stepped hearth with incline to a partition side.
Procedure consists in charging zinc containing raw material together with additive of metal aluminium at amount of 0.02-0.05 % of weight of zinc containing raw material into stand of salts melt of composition wt %: NaCl - 56-59, NaF - 22-23, KCl - 11, Na2B4O7 - 4-6, B2O3 - 3-5 at temperature 600-700°C. The furnace consists of a shell made out of refractory steel. A ceramic branch is used for draining refined melt of zinc into pans. The ceramic branch is also used for emptying the furnace of zinc and salts melt during maintenance repairs and emergencies. The bottom of the furnace is lined with refractory non-metallic materials. The shell of a crucible on internal surface is also lined with refractory non-metallic materials at height from the bottom of the furnace up to 500-600 mm; a layer of refractory glue is applied at the joint point of refractory non-metallic lining with internal surface of the shell.
In arch of siphon there are implemented openings or windows for loading of carbon-bearing materials, partition with bottom window or windows for flow of melted slag into siphon is implemented in the form of common end wall for liquid-phase smelting shaft and siphon with electrode(s) and allows window or windows for fume extraction from under arch of siphon, located on level not higher than horizontal axis of top row of tuyeres of liquid-phase smelting shaft, siphon is outfitted by solid transverse partition, installed in its bottom part parallel to common end wall for liquid-phase smelting shaft and siphon at a distance enough for flow of required volume of slag melt from liquid-phase smelting shaft on surface of heated layer of carbon-bearing material, herewith solid transverse partition fully separates siphon from liquid-phase smelting shaft, and its top edge is located higher than horizontal axis of bottom row of tuyeres of liquid-phase smelting shaft.
Invention relates to equipment for passivation of metal surfaces, more specifically to devices for gas-thermal oxidation of objects made from titanium and titanium-containing alloys. The device has an oxidation chamber, fitted with a cooling system and a heating system, a unit for feeding gaseous mixture into the oxidation chamber, a unit for outlet of gaseous mixture from the chamber, a chamber for cooling oxidised objects, which has a unit for flowing cooling inert gas medium in and out. The cooling chamber is joined to the oxidation chamber through a rotary valve, made with two hemispherical gates, which can open and close the opening in the rotary valve for joining or separating both chambers.
Invention relates to non-ferrous metallurgy field. According to method it is implemented voltage feeding to electroconductive refractory rods, used for slag heating and setting adjusting of current value. It is displaced rod and implemented continuous measurement and comparison of current value through rod with setting. At equality of measured value of current to setting value it is fixed top surface of slaggy or metallic phase of melt in tank of iron-and-steel furnace. In the capacity of electroconductive refractory rod it is used graphitic rod or electrode, used for electroarc heating of melt in tank of iron-and-steel furnace. After achievement of equality of current setting to corresponding measured current values it is checked equality to zero of the first current derivative.
Invention is related to testing of objects, comprising explosive and toxic substances, for various thermal effects. Plant comprises working chamber with loading window arranged with the possibility of its overlapping, the following components installed inside chamber - device for fixation of object and at least one fuel header with vortex nozzles, device for fuel supply, tube connected with its one end to fuel supply device, and with the other end - to header, ignition device, additionally, at least one tray installed under header, and at least one pair of additional devices for fuel supply and ignition, every of which is installed at a preset distance from working chamber and is connected accordingly by the first and second additional tubes to tray. On the second additional pipe, upstream ignition device, pipe cooling device is installed.
Group of invention relates to non-ferrous metallurgy, particularly to method and device for preparation of carnallite raw materials to the process of electrolytic magnesium recieving. According to the method carnallite raw materials are loaded and dehydrated in the furnace by fuel gas, dehydrated carnallite is separated in dust cyclone from withdrawn gas and fed into the melting cyclone, where it is heated by fuel gas, received in burner by means of chlorine burning in natural gas, it is melted and heated up to the temperature 700-800°C. After overheating mixture of fuel gas and molten waterless carnallite is fed simultaneously in the melt collector, where gas is separated from the melt by means of collision with partition and fed into the furnace to dehydration stage, and waterless carnallite is discharged. Unit includes furnace with nozzles for loading of raw materials and gas mixture withdrawal with waterless carnallite, with nozzle for feeding of fuel gas, dust cyclone, connected to the furnace by gas pipe, melting cyclone, connected by pipeline to dust cyclone and melt pipe with melt collecto, outfitted by burner for burning of chlorine, collector of the melt with discharge nozzle for melt. It is also outfitted by gas flue, connecting melt collector with furnace and outfitted by device for gas feeding additionally melt collector is implemented in the form of tank with partition and outfitted by additional nozzle, connected to gas pipe.
Installation for production of sponge titanium consists of retort-reactor with cover, of drain unit, of false bottom made in form of stop and of perforated sheet arranged on lower supports. Also, the perforated sheet consists of two parts in form of a ring and a circle attached on rods by means of pins; the rods are rigidly attached to one of lower supports of the false bottom.
Method of processing electroplating sludge / 2408739
Method involves thermal processing of sludge in air and then obtaining a reaction mass using aluminium powder. Thermal processing of sludge is carried out in two steps, at the first step at 180-200°C for 1.5-2.0 hours, at the second step at 450-550°C for 15-30 minutes, and the reaction mass is obtained by mixing the sludge with thermite mixture. The thermite mixture contains 20-50 wt % aluminium and 50-80 wt % iron oxide and is added to the reaction mass in amount of 50-95 wt %. An aluminium-thermal reaction is then carried out to form an alloy and slag.
Proposed method comprises placing mix material into autoclave, heating it, initiating reduction reaction by firing mix material, its melting to produce refractory metal ingot, and unloading finished product. Reaction mix material placed in autoclave, said material is heated directly in autoclave. Autoclave is placed in tightly closed pit representing a straight flow tube with running water to cool down autoclave housing before firing reaction mix material. Mix material is heated by autoclave housing heat. Note here that heating time interval is calculated allowing for time of heating autoclave, its transportation, cooling, and firing reaction mix with due allowance for recovery of the housing mechanical strength provided by cooling the housing and increasing gas pressure. Proposed device incorporates tightly closed vertical pit representing a straight flow tube with running water to cool down autoclave housing before firing reaction mix material. Metal tight tank is arranged in aforesaid pit, while its bottom part represent a cone with cover to remove reaction products.
Device consists of retort-reactor and retort-condenser mounted above retort-reactor with it bottom up; retort-condenser is coupled with working cavity of retort-reactor and is equipped with water-cooled caisson. The retort-reactor has a false bottom on top covered with a sheet of a refractory metal inert to interaction with zirconium at temperature up to 1000°C. Also the device is equipped with a heat shield installed between connecting flanges of the retort-reactor and retort-condenser; the shield is furnished with a steam line and a branch for coupling with systems of vacuumising and inert gas filling. Additionally, the steam-line of the heat shield is made in form of a conic orifice with its point upward and with ratio of diametre at the point to diametre at the base within ranges from 0.2 to 0.7. Before input to the steam line on the side of the retort-reactor there is installed a tray forming a gap where steam flows through from the retort-reactor to the retort-condenser. A circular stop is secured in the working cavity of the retort-reactor adjoining the heat shield; the internal cavity of the circular stop is made in a shape of a conic orifice with its point upward to the bottom of the retort-condenser.
Procedure for production of chemically active metals and reduction of slag consists in supply of reaction charge containing composition of produced metal and metal-reducer into reaction zone and in heating charge for metal reduction. Also reaction charge is supplied into the reaction zone of an internal cavity of a graphite electrode corresponding to an anode. Metal thermal reduction is first made inside the electrode. Further, charge is transferred and at its exit to an end of the electrode into the zone of arcing plasma-chemical and electro-chemical metal reduction is continued forming bath of liquid metal and slag. After that metal is cooled at crystalliser corresponding to a cathode, while slag is tapped into the second crystalliser corresponding to a cathode. Electrolysis of metal-reducer is carried out by means of the second graphite electrode corresponding to the anode. Next metal is supplied to the repeated process of reduction. The device consists of two crystallisers, two electrodes, a case, a mechanical device supplying charge, a hopper and a branch. Notably, the crystallisers correspond to cathodes. Two electrodes correspond to anodes; also the first electrode is made with a central orifice through which charge is transferred to the crystalliser by means of the mechanical device positioned inside the hopper. The second electrode is made solid.
Procedure consists in supply of reaction charge containing composition of produced metal and metal-reducer into reaction zone and in heating charge for metal reduction. Also reaction charge is supplied into the reaction zone of an internal cavity of a graphite electrode corresponding to an anode. Metal thermal reduction is first made inside the electrode. Further, charge is transferred and at its exit to an end of the electrode into the zone of arcing plasma-chemical and electro-chemical metal reduction is continued forming bath of liquid metal and slag. After that liquid metal is cooled at the crystalliser corresponding to a cathode. The device consists of a case, of a mechanical device supplying charge containing produced metal and metal-reducer, of a hopper and of a branch for exhaustion and for supply of inert gas. The device is equipped with the crystalliser, connected to a negative pole and corresponding to a cathode, and with the electrode connected to a positive pole and corresponding to an anode. The graphite electrode has a central orifice and an internal cavity for reduction and transfer of charge. The mechanical device is positioned inside the hopper.
Invention refers to production of ferrotitanium with contents of titanium 30-70 % from oxide titan containing raw material by aluminothermal procedure in melting aggregate-reactor. Charge is loaded and melted in two stages. Also at the first stage charge is melted at ratio of components to contents of titanium dioxide in charge taken as one. There are produced metallic iron tapped from the aggregate and slag melt. At the second stage on titanium containing slag melt there is loaded charge additionally containing ground ferrosilicon with contents of silicon 65-75%. Part of slag melt oxides and oxides in charge is reduced at ratio of charge components to contents of titanium dioxide equal to 0.7-3.0 from amount of titanium dioxide at the first stage of melting. There is produced ferrotitanium melt with contents of titanium 50-70% which is successively tapped either separately or together with slag melt.
Method of extracting palladium from wastes of electron raw material / 2398900
Method consists in crumbling wastes, in their charging into furnace with collector and in melting. Also powder of metallic bismuth mixed with powder of electron raw material wastes at ratio 2:1 by weight is used as collector. Upon mixture charge, temperature in the furnace is raised to 850-1000°C and inert gas is blasted; further there is supplied air and simultaneously supply of inert gas is stopped for oxidising metallic bismuth and for separation of regulus containing extracted palladium, which is directed to refining.
Procedure consists in mixing crushed crystal silicon with halogenides containing flux. Also one or multi-element flux is used as halogenides containing flux; it contains complex halogenides of the alloying element, while crushed crystal silicon has dimension of fractions smaller, than 10 mm. Further produced mixture is heated at rate 30-70°C/min to temperature not below temperature of flux aggregate state change. The mixture is heated to the temperature no more than 1.03 of flux melted temperature or no more than 1.05 of flux melted temperature in the beginning. Notably, reagent is produced in form of particles of silicon tied with melted flux. Further it is cooled to solidification.
Invention refers to non-ferrous metallurgy, particularly to installations for production of spongy titanium. The installation for magnesium-thermal production of spongy titanium consists of a reduction device with a bottom branch and cover and a draining facility with a valve; the reduction device is installed into a furnace equipped with electric heaters. The furnace consists of a jacket, of lining with channels supplying air into the furnace and withdrawing air from the furnace and of a bottom with an aperture for the draining facility. The installation also consists of pipes for supply of compressed air cooling the bottom branch and valve of the draining facility. Notably, the pipes supplying compressed air to cool the bottom branch and valve of the draining facility are installed in the aperture of the furnace bottom. From above the pipes for supply of compressed air cooling the bottom branch and the valve of the draining facility are perforated.
Method for production of pure niobium / 2245384
Method includes reducing fusion of niobium pentoxide with aluminum and calcium to provide crude ingots followed by heat treatment and multiple electron beam refining. As an additional raw material in step of reducing fusion sublimates (preferably in non-oxidized form) from second and subsequent electron beam refining are used. Such sublimates are obtained by subsequent cooling of furnace smelting chamber under residual pressure of 10-2-10-4 mmHg for 1.0-3.0 h, letting-to-helium under 1-3 mmHg for 1.0-3.0 h, and letting-to-air for 20-40 min. Sublimates are added in amount of 4.5 % based to feeding niobium pentoxide. Claimed method affords the ability to increase niobium pentoxide consumption by 73 kg in respect to 1000 kg of pure niobium in crude ingots.
FIELD: metallurgy. SUBSTANCE: device consists of cylinder case with cover equipped with internal refractory coating. Also, inside the case there is installed a graphite crucible in form of truncated cone facing the bottom with smaller base. An orifice in the base is closed with a pusher. Further, the device consists of a striking appliance. The device is equipped with a located in the cover branch for exhaust of volatile products of metal thermal reaction from a working reservoir into a neutralising installation and with a branch for blasting with compressed air. EFFECT: simplified removal of cake from crucible, reduced time intervals between working charges of device due to elimination of crucible complete cooling, its cleaning and restoration, raised efficiency of device and prevention of air pollution with gases generated in metal-thermal reaction. 2 cl, 1 dwg
The invention relates to the recovery of metallurgy, in particular to devices for metallothermic metals and alloys, and can be used for aluminothermic recovery galvanic sludge production. A device for autoclave production of chemically active metals metallothermic recovery of the reaction mixture (C. WO No. 2009139667, publ. 2009.11.19)containing a sealed metal container with a bottom and a lid, the control valve and ignition system, while the lower part of said tank, mounted in a hermetically closed mine with running water, made in the shape of a cone. The disadvantages of the known devices due to the need of pre-heating a metal container with the mixture in the respective furnaces (pit furnaces of resistance, induction or plasma-gas) and its subsequent transfer into chilled mine for holding metallothermic reactions, as well as the need for accurate calculation of the time required to heat the charge, initiating the reaction and the achievement of operating pressure, for regulating the gas pressure in the reaction restore and maintain the mechanical strength of the container with the mixture. Closest to the claimed is an apparatus for metallotrejderskogo restored the I (U.S. Pat. Of the Russian Federation No. 2112058, publ. 1998.05.27)containing a cylindrical housing with a cooling jacket and cap, lined crucible is installed on the upper end of the insulating element with filling device and initiating the reaction, the base insulating element which is perforated and provided with legarrea the substrate legkousvoyaemogo or fusible material. The disadvantages of the known apparatus are straining notch SPECA from the crucible, due to the cylindrical shape of the last and the presence of insulating and anticorrosive lining on its inner surface, as well as the need for full cooling of the crucible and restore its lining almost after each extraction, which significantly increases the time intervals between work loading apparatus and reduces its performance. In addition, the operation of the known apparatus before each notch must reduce the pressure and precipitation oshonaike reaction products, which, however, is not fully prevent pollution resulting from metallothermic reaction gases. The objective of the invention is the creation of high-performance and environmentally friendly device for metallotrejderskogo recovery of galvanic sludge production. Those who practical result of the invention is to simplify the notches SPECA from the crucible, the reduction of the intervals between work loading apparatus by eliminating the need for complete cooling of the crucible, his treatment and recovery, which provides improved performance of the device, as well as in the prevention of air pollution resulting from metallothermic reaction gases. This technical result is achieved by an apparatus for metallotrejderskogo recovery sludge electroplating plants, containing a cylindrical housing with a lid, placed inside the crucible and the device initiating metallothermic reaction, in which in contrast to the known cylindrical body has an internal refractory lining, a crucible made of graphite and has the shape of a truncated cone facing the bottom of the device a smaller base, in which the hole is closed by the piston when the apparatus is further provided with placed in the lid of the pipe for removal of volatile products metallothermic reaction from the working volume of the neutralizing device and a nozzle for blowing the working volume of compressed air. The optimal conditions of extraction SPECA from the crucible is provided when the angle of the side surface of the crucible 3-5°. The apparatus includes a cylindrical housing 1 with a bottom spherical shape, made the first of sheet steel of thickness not less than 6 mm, with an internal refractory lining 2, for example, fireclay brick. The housing 1 at its upper part is made with flared and provided with a spherical cap 3 also flared and fixed to the body using a hinge and clamps 4. Between the flanging of the housing 1 and the cover 3 in a special groove placed Asbo-PTFE-seal 5, providing together with clamps 4 seal cover-case. Inside the housing 1 is placed in a graphite crucible 6 in the form of a truncated cone, facing to the bottom of the device a smaller base. It is found experimentally that the optimum angle of taper of the side walls of the crucible 6 within 3-5°, which provides rapid retrieval of cake after the reaction metallotrejderskogo recovery. In the bottom of the crucible 6 is made a hole closed by a movable ejector 7 made of graphite and the shape of the holes. In the upper part of the housing 1 above the crucible 6 is installed which serves to initiate metallothermic reaction device 8, the so-called ignition device made in the form of nichrome spiral calculated length, connected to electric terminals. The ignition device 8 is made with the possibility of partial immersion in the crucible 6, the crucible together with the firing device closed top steel perforated screen 9. Spherical CR is the Cabinet 3 in its Central portion provided with a nozzle 10, employees for removal of volatile reaction products metallotrejderskogo recovery sludge in a special container for neutralization (not shown), and a nozzle 11 for supplying compressed air for ventilation of the internal working volume of the apparatus at the end metallothermic reaction. The apparatus is mounted on a welded Foundation 12 made of a channel. The apparatus operates as follows. The reaction mixture (the mixture containing galvanic sludge production and aluminum powder or aluminum shavings) 13 using the device for loading / unloading (not shown) is loaded into a graphite crucible 6. The ignition device 8 is lowered into the crucible 6 so that it is submerged in the mixture to a depth approximately equal to 1/3 of the diameter of the coil of his spiral. Install perforated screen 9. Close the lid 3 of the apparatus, condensing its Asbo-PTFE gasket 5, and compresses the clamp 4. The reaction metallotrejderskogo, namely aluminothermic, recovery galvanic sludge production initiated by filing a voltage at the terminals of the ignition device 8. The reaction aluminothermic recovery galvanic sludge production (individual or mixed) is accompanied by the emission of the gaseous combustion products and sublimates, and naznacite inim removal of solid particles, who are addicted formed during the reaction upward flow of heated air and gases. During the reaction aluminothermic recovery of the resulting heated gases under its own pressure through the pipe 10 are received in a container filled with neutralizing and cleansing fluid (not shown). While in the working volume of the apparatus is practically not create excessive pressure. After completion of the reaction in the working volume of the apparatus through the pipe 11 serves the compressed air from the calculation 1-2 working volume of the apparatus. Blowing compressed air provides fast removal of gaseous reaction products, which are passed through the volume of the neutralizing and cleaning fluid. Thus accelerates the cooling of the internal volume of the apparatus, resulting in less time for cooling, reduced pressure oshonaike the reaction products and their deposition, as well as preventing contamination of the air toxic reaction products aluminothermic recovery. At the end of the ventilation clamp 4 turn, lift the cap 3 and the protective screen 9, then through a device for loading / unloading remove the crucible 6 with the reaction products, representing spectra. The resulting spectra are removed from the crucible by inverting the latter on upside down and pressing down on the ejector 7. Tapering to the bottom shape of the crucible 6 in combination with the properties of the graphite surface, from which it is made, provides quick and easy removal of cake, it does not require any additional labor costs and time to cleanup and restore the inner surface of the crucible. In contrast to the known apparatus graphite crucible made without insulating and corrosion-resistant lining, which would require inspection and cleaning after processing each batch of the mixture, as well as periodic and frequent recovery. Graphite crucible after partial cooling (up to 500°C) is ready to download a new batch of the mixture. The mixture is loaded into heated to the indicated temperature, the crucible, actively reacts aluminothermic recovery, while excluded her samouskorenie. To improve the performance of the device to use multiple removable crucibles. 1. Apparatus for metallotrejderskogo recovery sludge electroplating plants, containing a cylindrical housing with a lid, placed inside the crucible and the device initiating metallothermic reaction, characterized in that the cylindrical body has an internal refractory lining, a crucible made of graphite and has the shape of a truncated cone facing the bottom of the device a smaller base, is a hole, closed ejector, while the apparatus is further provided with placed in the lid of the pipe for removal of volatile products metallothermic reaction from the working volume of the neutralizing device and a nozzle for blowing the working volume of compressed air. 2. The apparatus according to claim 1, characterized in that the angle of the side surface of the crucible is 3-5°.
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