Diagnostic technique for foetal maturity |
IPC classes for russian patent Diagnostic technique for foetal maturity (RU 2399058):
Method for prediction of clinical course in disseminated skin melanoma patients / 2399057
Method is implemented by blood analysis for total and free triiodothyronine after the termination of integrated treatment to derive the total to free triiodothyronine ratio, and it is within the range 0.26-0.31, steady state is predicted to be kept in the patients; the ratio within the range 0.19-0.22 ensures to predict the disease generalisation. Technical and economic efficiency of the invention consists in the fact that the derived prognosis factor is an informative laboratory covariant of the favourable or unfavourable development of the pathology.
Method for prediction of effectiveness of neoadjuvant automyelochemotherapy in patients with recurrent breast cancer / 2393484
Prior to begin the therapy, the patient's blood is tested for oestradiol concentration. If the concentration is 18.40 to 29.40 nmol/l, tumour size loss after the neoadjuvant automyelochemotherapy by 67-70% is predicted, that is a partial regress of the tumour, while oestradiol concentration 208.50 to 1541.0 nmol/l enables to predict the tumour size loss by 5-45% that is process stabilisation.
Method for determination severity level of trophological insufficiency in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease / 2390026
Body weight index (BWI) is evaluated; if it is lower than 20 kg/m2, additional analysis is needed to determine the serum leptin concentration. If it is within 16.01±0.64 to 10.15±0.91 ng/ml, the absence of trophological insufficiency is diagnosed, while the values within 5.49±0.46 to 2.26 ng/ml enable to diagnose trophological insufficiency of medium severity, while the values 1.90 to 0.72±0.09 ng/ml indicate severe trophological insufficiency.
Method of forecasting retrocessions of larynx cancer / 2389030
In patients suffering from larynx cancer after surgical oncotomy in the course of dispensary observation levels of androsteron and estradiol in 24-hour collection urine are examined and their ratio to each other are determined. At ratio level more than 3 emergence of disease retrocession or metastasis in the near future is forecasted. At ratio level lower than 3 a long-lasting recurrence-free period is forecasted.
Diagnostic technique for desynchronosis of hypophysial thyroid system in the patients with severe bronchial asthma refers to medicine. Substance consists that blood of the patients is radioimmunoassayed for concentration of TSH, T3, T4 hormones. The obtained data are processed to draw a graphic curve of circadian rhythm for each hormone that provides a basis to determine individual acrophase and batiphase time. The acrophase (confidence interval) TSH development biorhythm 9 h 11 min (confidential interval 4 h 57 min to 13 h 26 min), T3 hormone - 15 h 01 min (confidential interval 8 h 05 min to 21 h 57 min) T4 hormone - 16 h 34 min (confidential interval 8 h 55 min to 24 h 13 min), and batiphase of circadian TSH secretion rhythm 21 h to 22 h, T3 - 2 h to 4 h, T4 4 h to 5 h ensure to diagnose apparent desynchronosis of hypophysial thyroid system.
Method for predicting depressive behaviour in aged primate, rates of aging and development of stress-dependent pathological changes / 2377570
Invention refers to medicine and veterinary science and can be used for predicting depressive behaviour of an aged primate, rates of ageing and development of stress-dependent pathological changes. According to the claimed invention, an aged primate is examined for psychoemotional reaction on soft and acute psychoemotional stress effect, molar concentration ratio of cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate in peripheral blood plasma and percentage concentration of cortisol in peripheral blood plasma in the evening (20 o'clock 45 minutes - 21 o'clock 15 minutes) to concentration of cortisol in peripheral blood plasma in the morning (8 o'clock 45 minutes - 9 o'clock 15 minutes) to predict depressive behaviour in the aged primate with accelerated rates of ageing and development of stress-dependent pathological changes in depressive reaction on soft and acute psychoemotional stress effect, if molar concentration ratio of cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate in peripheral blood plasma is not less than 4.3, and concentration of cortisol in peripheral blood plasma in the evening to concentration of cortisol in peripheral blood plasma in the morning is not less than 66%.
Method of estimating efficiency of neoadjuvant autohemochemotherapy in patients suffering from carcinoma of cervival stump / 2375063
Invention concerns medicine, namely oncology and can be used in estimation of clinical effectiveness factors in treatment of carcinoma of cervical stump. Daily urine is analysed for estradiol content and if decreased after treatment from initial level within 8.44-12.85 nmol/days, positive antineoplastic effect of treatment is stated, and if urine estradiol content is maintained in the treated patients within 8.81-11.38 nmol/days, the absence of antineoplastic effect is stated. The obtained results allow considering dynamics of estradiol content in daily urine of the patients suffering from carcinoma of cervical stump prior to AHCT as an additional laboratory test to estimate efficiency of presented pharmacotherapy. Observed positive clinical effect is confirmed by higher operability and improved life quality of the patients.
Method of determining effeciency of larynx cancer treatment / 2375003
Invention relates to medicine, namely to oncology and can be applied in presence of locally advanced process. In daily urine of patients before treatment tetrahydro-11-desoxycortisol is determined. If its level before treatment does not exceed 2 mcmol/day relapse-free period is forecasted during 2 and more years; initial level of fraction over 2 mcmol/day indicates about disease relapse or metastases during first year after treatment.
Way of forecasting of restoration of menstrual function at patients with nervous anorexia / 2363002
Invention concerns medicine, namely to gynecology, and can be used at treatment of patients with amenorrhea caused by nervous anorexia. Level of leptin is defined in blood serum using enzyme immunoassay method for realisation of the way of forecasting of restoration of menstrual function at patients with a nervous anorexia. Then an index of mass of a body (BMI) and a parity leptin/BMI is counted. In case the parity leptin/BMI makes 0.8 and more - normalisation of menstrual function is prognosticated.
Way of diagnostics of male sterility / 2362167
Invention concerns medicine area, namely to andrology, and concerns diagnostics of male sterility. The way includes studying compaction degree of chromatin of spermatozoids, percentage of defective cells in an ejaculate, level of B in blood serum. On the basis of the received data diagnostic index DI is calculated; its value helps to diagnose sterility, or absence of pathology.
Method for differential diagnostics of mammary diseases in men / 2244308
The present innovation deals with biochemical trials: before the onset of therapy in men one should detect blood content of thyroid hormone - free thyroxine - and at its level being 10.3-12.9 pmol/l one should diagnose mammary cancer, at the level of free throxine being 18.7-31.0 pmol/l - one should predict gynecomastia. The method enables to detect the direction of pathological process and carry out due correction of therapy tactics in men with either gynecomastia or mammary cancer.
Method for predicting the delay of intrauterine fetal development / 2246733
The method deals with studying blood serum of pregnant woman to detect the content of insulin-like growth factor (IGF) and vascular-endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and calculate the coefficient of their ratio: at its value being equal to 28.5 and lower it is possible to diagnose the delay of fetal development.
Method for differential diagnostic of chronic hepatitis and hepatic cirrhosis / 2254577
Thyroglobulin content is determined in blood serum using enzyme immunoassay. When thyroglobulin level is increased by 2 times and more compared in contrast with normal one chronic hepatitis is diagnosed, and when thyroglobulin level is decreased by 1.5-2.5 times in contrast with normal one hepatic cirrhosis is diagnosed.
Method for evaluating combined schizophrenia treatment based on atypical antipsychotic drugs and rations and electroconvulsive shock therapy / 2256181
Method involves determining dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate concentration in blood serum. Its growth above 30% when compared to the initial one being observed, treatment efficiency is determined as negative.
Method for diagnosing obliterated forms of congenital suprarenal gland cortex hyperplasia / 2261447
Method involves applying high effectiveness liquid chromatography for determining cortisol, cortisone 11-deoxycorticosterone, 11-deoxycortisone concentration in blood and free cortisol and free cortisone excretion with urine. Ratios of F/E and FF/FE are calculated, where F is the cortisol level in blood; E is the cortisone level in blood; FF is the free cortisol excretion with urine and FE is the free cortisone excretion with urine. The cortisol level in blood not exceeding norm and at least two of three signs: F/E ratio reduction by 25% and more, FF/FE ratio reduction by 25% and more, free cortisol excretion with urine being equal to 25% and more, obliterated forms of congenital suprarenal gland cortex hyperplasia is diagnosed. Corticosterone level in blood growing by 50% and higher, 21-hydroxylase defect is considered to be the case. 11-deoxycorticosterone and/or 11-deoxycortisone concentration in blood being et or greater than 50%, 11β-hydroxylase defect is considered to be the case.
Method involves making pepsinogen 1, gastrin and Helicopter pylori infection marker combinations analysis and making input of the obtained results into data processing means comprising operation system, means for receiving, transmitting and processing data. The mentioned data processing means is usable for comparing the measured concentration value of a substance under study to a threshold value associated to the substance under study and producing information as a response to comparison results and additionally to other entered data. A set and software are used for implementing the method.
Method for predicting relapse of mammary cancer / 2263319
In the course of surveying in menopausal women after complex therapy one should state the development of mammary cancer at decreased ratio of estriol concentration to the sum of estrone and estradiol urinary concentrations from 1.68±0.23 in relapse-free patients up to 0.74±0.12 - in patients living without relapses for less than a year, up to 0.65±0.13 in patients living without relapse from 2 up to 6 years and up to 0.50±0.10 in patients with relapse-free period from 6 to 10 years. The innovation provides pre-clinical detection of mammary cancer relapse.
Method for predicting fetoplacental insufficiency in pregnant women with thyroid diseases / 2263919
Except detecting placental lactogen in blood serum one should study the content of alphafetoprotein. At placental lactogen content being below 75% against the norm and content of alphafetoprotein below 70% against the norm it is possible to conclude upon availability of fetoplacental insufficiency.
Method for predicting cholecystitis and cholelithiasis / 2263920
While diagnosing cholecystitis and cholelithiasis due to ultrasound testing one should additionally study blood plasma and bile to detect there the content of prostaglandins PGE2 and PGF2α. At PGE2/PGF2α ratio in blood plasma being equal to 6 and more, and, also, at decreased level of biliary cholecystokinin-pancreosimin by 38% and more, biliary PGE2 by 59% and more and increased level of biliary prostaglandin PGF2α by 5.9 times and more against the norm one should diagnose chlecystitis and cholelithiasis. The innovation enables to detect the above-mentioned diseases at earlier stage.
Method for predicting powerless labor in pregnant nodular goiter surgically treated on goiter occasion during pregnancy under medical supervision / 2273456
Method involves determining thyroid gland node diameter and thyrotropic hormone by applying ultrasonic examination approach. Histological examination is carried out with conclusion concerning morphologic nature being obtained like nodular colloid proliferating goiter or thyroid gland adenoma. Diagnostic index Σ is calculated from formula Σ=0.49*K1+0.07*K2-0.5*K3+1.76*K4-1.53, where K1 is the thyroid gland node diameter; K2 is the TTH concentration; K3 is the nodular colloid proliferating goiter index equal to 1 or 0; K4 is the thyroid gland adenoma index equal to 1 or 0. Diagnostic index Σ being less than zero, conclusions concerning powerless labor threat is to be drawn.
FIELD: medicine. SUBSTANCE: there are determined daily excretion of progesterone metabolite - pregnandiol (Pd), foetal steroids - 16α-hydroxy-ethiocholanolone (16α-OH-Et), 16α-hydroxy-androsterone (16α-OH-An), 16α-hydroxy-dihydroepiandrosterone (16α-OH-DHEA) and oestradiol (Oe) in pregnant women on their 37-42 weeks of pregnancy by capillary gas chromatography. A mature foetus is indicated by the following indices: daily Pd excretion is 150.4-348.3 mcmol/24 hour, 16α-OH-Et - 7.9-16.9 mcmol/24 hour, 16α-OH-An - 6.4-12.6 mkmol/24 hour, 16α-OH-DHEA - 15.4-26.1 mcmol/24 hour, Oe - 24.0-38.7 mcmol/24 hour, while an immature foetus show the indices as follows: daily Pd excretion 80.1-150.2 mcmol/24 hour, 16α-OH-Et - 5.8-7.8 mcmol/24 hour, 16α-OH-An - 4.6-6.3 mcmol/24 hour, 16α-OH-DHEA - 10.2-15.3 mcmol/24 hour, and Oe - 14.5-15.6 mcmol/24 hour, and in a overmature foetus, daily Pd excretion, 16α-OH-Et, 16α-OH-An, 16α-OH-DHEA and Oe are considerably lowered and are less than 50.0 mcmol/24 hour, less than 12.0 mcmol/24 hour, less than 5.8 mcmol/24 hour, less than 4.6 mcmol/24 hour, less than 10.2 mcmol/24 hour, respectively. EFFECT: use of the invention allows optimising diagnosis of foetal maturity, reducing number of infants suffering morphofunctional immaturity and overmaturity signs, and determining optimum delivery date, improving the perinatal outcome in pregnant women on their 37-42 weeks of pregnancy. 3 ex
The invention relates to medicine, namely to obstetrics, and is intended for diagnosing the degree of maturity of the fruit (NWS) in pregnant women in terms 37-42 weeks. The most important characteristic of the state of the newborn is the functional maturity of its organs and systems from the moment of birth and in the early neonatal period. Only sufficient maturity vital organs of the fetus provides a complete physiological adaptation after birth and survival of the newborn. In violation of the processes of fetal maturation of the fetus after birth, often there are disruptions of functional adaptation to extrauterine existence, which leads to increased postnatal morbidity and mortality in the early neonatal period [laricheva I.P., Pankratov, T.S., Shalaeva M.V. assessment of the maturity of the newborn indicators of α-fetoprotein and β2-microglobulin in the early neonatal period // the Motherhood and childhood. - 1992. - V.37. No. 1. - P.10-13]. When the postmaturity of the fetus occurs syndrome "pertelote". The main pathogenetic mechanism in this case is the progressive aging of the placenta, the development of placental insufficiency, oligohydramnios, fetal hypoxia. These processes lead to delays in the occurrence of respiratory movements in ante - and intrapartum period, resulting in m which may be the aspiration of amniotic fluid and fetal asphyxia (I.P. laricheva The determination of the degree of maturity of the fruit and prediction of the risk of aspiration syndrome and respiratory failure in the newborn. - Problems of obstetrics and gynecology in studies MONIYA. - M, Academia. - 1995. - S-139). Therefore, how accurate evaluation of NWS in the last weeks before birth can determine the optimal time of delivery and the condition of the child at birth. A known method for the diagnosis of EWS by determining the level of estriol in amniotic fluid during the last weeks of pregnancy. Level less than 100 mg/l indicates the immaturity of the fetus or the violation of his state (Harutyunyan A.V., Pavlova N.G., I. Konstantinov. Research in the amniotic fluid biochemical markers of fetal hypoxia person. Proc. 2nd Congress of biochem. society. - 1997. - Part 2. - S.401-402). The disadvantage of this method is the low reliability of the results in the presence in the amniotic fluid of blood and meconium, many or dry season. This test amniotic fluid obtained by amniocentesis, which can be a cause of injury, bleeding, early labor, infection, and that is the main disadvantage of this method. A known method for the diagnosis of EWS using ultrasonic techniques by evaluating the intensity of the display of the sound ol the ultrasound lung and liver of the fetus in the last trimester of pregnancy, the size of the nucleus of ossification of the knee fruit size biparietal the size of the head of the fetus, the degree of maturity of the placenta (Moodley, S., Liu J.H., Herkis R.C. et al. // Int. J. Gynec. Obstet. - 1983. - Vol.21. No. 3. - P.199-203). The disadvantage of this method is that the ultrasonic assessment based on morphological signs of maturity, which does not allow to detect early functional changes, as well as the lack of clear diagnostic criteria NWS. The above methods of diagnosis NWS are mainly based on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the composition of the amniotic fluid and morphometrics of the fetus and placenta, their results only indirectly to judge about the functional status of the fetus, his willingness to extrauterine existence. The closest analog method for the diagnosis of EWS is to determine the level of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) in the blood serum of a pregnant woman for 3-8 days before delivery. Results the concentration of AFP is expressed in percent of the average level for a given period of gestation. If the AFP level before the birth increased and is 200% or more, this indicates the functional immaturity of the fetus that prognostically threatens the development of respiratory failure in newborns after delivery. If the AFP level before the birth reduced to 50% or less, diagnosed functional "pertelote" fruit and prognoziruet is under threat aspiration of amniotic fluid (I.P. laricheva The determination of the degree of maturity of the fruit and prediction of the risk of aspiration syndrome and respiratory failure in the newborn. - Problems of obstetrics and gynecology in studies MONIYA. - M, Academia. - 1995. - S-139). The disadvantages of this method are: considerable variation normative parameters depending on the types of immunological method significantly reduce the reliability of the determination; range is available, especially in the conditions of modern Russia, sets of reagents required for use with maximum efficiency, this method is insufficient. Besides the high cost and limited storage time sets imposes additional restrictions on their practical application in the clinical setting; and finally, the blood sample being non-invasive diagnostic method always creates some probability of accidental contamination of the patient and the physician assistant by the AIDS virus, hepatitis b and other The present invention is to develop a more simple, cheap and specific method for the diagnosis of EWS in pregnant women in terms 37-42 weeks to determine the optimal time of delivery and improve perinatal outcomes. The technical result of the invention is to optimize the diagnosis of EWS, the lower the number the and children, born with signs of morpho-functional immaturity (MFN) and pertelote, and, therefore, determining the optimal time of delivery, improving perinatal outcomes in pregnant women in terms 37-42 weeks. The technical result is achieved in that in the method for the diagnosis of EWS, including the study of biological fluid according to the invention in the gestation 37-42 weeks 1-8 days prior to delivery, carry out the determination of the daily excretion of pregnandiol (Pd), fetal steroids - 16α-hydroxy-etiocholanolone (16α-OH-Et), 16α-hydroxy-Androsterone (16α-OH-An), 16α-hydroxy-dehydroepiandrosterone (16α-OH-DHEA) and estradiol (e) daily urine pregnant by capillary gas chromatography, in µmol/24 hours, and if daily Pd excretion is 150,4 is 348.3 µmol/24 hours, 16α-OH-Et - 7,9-16,9 µmol/24 hours, 16α-OH-An - a 6.4-12.6 µmol/24 hours, 16α-OH-DHEA -15,4-26,1 µmol/24 hours, e - 24,0-38,7 µmol/24 hours, then diagnose the maturity of the fetus, if the daily excretion of Pd is 80,1-150,2 µmol/24 hours, 16α-OH-Et - 5,8-7,8 mmol/24 hours, 16α-OH-An - 4,6-6.3 µmol/24 hours, 16α-OH-DHEA is 10.2 and 15.3 µmol/24 hours, and e - 14,5-15.6 µmol/24 hours, then diagnose the immaturity of the fetus, and if the daily excretion of Pd is less than 50.0 µmol/24 hours, 16α-OH-Et - less to 12.0 µmol/24 hours, 16α-OH-An - less than 5.8 mmol/24 hours, 16α-OH-DHEA is less than 4.6 µmol/24 hours, and e is less than 10.2 µmol/24 hours then diagnose pertelote fruit. SPO is about was developed on the basis of comparison of the excretion rates with maturity of newborns. Use daily excretion of Pd, 16α-OH-Et, 16α-OH-'an, 16α-OH-DHEA and e for the diagnosis of EWS authors unknown. Diagnosis NWS was carried out on 45 pregnant women in terms 37-42 weeks 1-8 days before delivery, a comparison of the daily Pd excretion, 16α-OH-Et, 16α-OH-'an, 16α-OH-DHEA and e with a child in the early neonatal period. Based on the analysis of all indicators were allocated to 3 groups of pregnant women: I - 15 patients with normal maturity of the newborn, the corresponding gestational age, II - 15 patients with MPN newborn, III - with symptoms of pertelote newborn. Research conducted by the authors showed an unexpected result, namely that pregnant women with Mature children, for 1-8 days prior to delivery, the daily excretion of Pd is 150,4 is 348.3 µmol/24 hours, 16α-OH-Et - 7,9-16,9 µmol/24 hours, 16α-OH-An - a 6.4-12.6 µmol/24 hours, 16α-OH-DHEA - 15,4-26,1 µmol/24 hours, e - 24,0-38,7 µmol/24 hours, at birth, children with signs MFN daily Pd excretion is 80,1-150,2 µmol/24 hours, 16α-OH-Et - 5,8-7,8 mmol/24 hours, 16α-OH-An - 4,6-6.3 µmol/24 hours, 16α-OH-DHEA is 10.2 and 15.3 µmol/24 hours, and e - 14,5-15.6 µmol/24 hours, and at the birth of children with signs of pertelote daily Pd excretion, 16α-OH-Et, 16α-IT-Up, 16α-OH-DHEA and e significantly reduced and is less than 50.0 çmol/24 hours less to 12.0 µmol/24 hours, less than 5.8 mmol/24 hours, less than 4.6 µmol/24 hours, less than 10.2 µmol/24 hours, meet the but. Thus, changes daily excretion of Pd, 16α-OH-Et, 16α-OH-'an, 16α-OH-DHEA and e occurred in 66.7% of pregnant women. 17 pregnant were vodorazdelny on an emergency basis because of deterioration in the functional status of the fetus. 14 by caesarean section in the absence of conditions for the rapid and gentle delivery through the birth canal. Thus, the obtained data suggest that the determination of the daily excretion of Pd, 16α-OH-Et, 16α-OH-'an, 16α-OH-DHEA and e in the urine in pregnant women in terms 37-42 weeks leads to improved diagnosis of EWS, the optimal time of delivery, to reduce the number of children born with signs MFN and pertelote, and, consequently, to improve perinatal outcomes. The method is as follows. Pregnant at the time 37-42 weeks 1-8 days prior to delivery, carry out the determination of the daily excretion of Pd, 16α-OH-Et, 16α-OH-'an, 16α-OH-DHEA and e by capillary gas chromatography (eagles E.N. Peculiarities of determination of steroids in biological fluids by gas chromatography: author. ... dis. Kida. chem. Sciences, M., 2000. - 24 C.). At the birth of children assessed their degree of maturity on a scale of Dubovica (Dubowitz L., Dubowitz V. and Goldberg C. Clinical assessment of gestational age in the newbom infants // J.Pediatr. - 1970. - Vol.77. - P.1-10). Compared the degree of maturity of the newborn and the daily excretion of Pd, 16α-OH-Et, 16α-OH-'an, 16α-OH-DHEA and e on the anuna delivery. The data obtained indicate that in daily urine of pregnant women with immaturity or peregrinatio fetal verified by ultrasound and confirmed at birth of children, significantly reduced the daily excretion of Pd, 16α-OH-Et, 16α-OH-'an, 16α-OH-DHEA and e, and to a greater extent when pertelote fruit. Based on these data, the determination of the daily excretion of Pd, 16α-OH-Et, 16α-OH-'an, 16α-OH-DHEA and uh we reasonably selected to optimize the diagnosis of EWS in pregnant women in terms 37-42 weeks. The claimed method is illustrated by the following specific examples of its implementation. Example 1. Pregnant With., 27 years old with a diagnosis: I timely delivery. The patient was registered antenatal clinic with 7 weeks of pregnancy. Height 166 cm, weight 75 kg (before pregnancy 62 kg). Somatic history is not burdened. Menstrual function without features. The first pregnancy was uneventful. In 40-41 week was admitted to the Department of pathology of pregnancy, maternity hospital №10 in the direction of the doctor of female consultation. Clinical diagnosis: Pregnancy 40-41 week. Head previa. Upon admission to the hospital for the diagnosis of EWS estimation of daily excretion of Pd, 16α-OH-Et, 16α-OH-'an, 16α-OH-DHEA and e by capillary gas chromatography: we Have received the following indicators: daily Pd excretion extending t is 228,5 µmol/24 hours, 16α-OH-Et - 13,8 µmol/24 hours, 16α-OH-An - 8.2 µmol/24 hours, 16α-OH-DHEA - 20,7 µmol/24 hours, and e - 28.6 μmol/24 hours. Given that the indicators of the daily Pd excretion, 16α-OH-Et, 16α-OH-'an, 16α-OH-DHEA and e are included in the stated range, the patient was diagnosed with the maturity of the fruit. The diagnosis was confirmed by ultrasound and the birth of a child. Family activities have evolved independently birth was uneventful. During childbirth was conducted anesthesia and injected intramuscularly. The total duration of labour 7 hours. Waterless period of 4 hours and 20 minutes. Water light. The baby was born alive, Mature, female, weight of 3700 m and a height of 51 see score on a scale of Apgar scores in the first minute of 9 points, in the fifth minute of 9 points. The post-operative period was uneventful. The mother was discharged home with your child on the 4th day. Thus, the study of steroid profile of urine before the birth in terms 37-42 weeks allows you to diagnose NWS and to predict the birth of a Mature child. Example 2. Pregnant H., 26 years old with a diagnosis: I timely delivery. The syndrome of delayed fetal growth (sdfd) I tbsp. Burdened obstetric history (OAS). The patient was registered antenatal clinic with 10 weeks of pregnancy. The pregnancy proceeded with morning sickness in the first trimester, the second trimester is twice inpatient treatment is about about the threat of abortion. In the third trimester was observed swelling of legs, Somatic history is not burdened. Menstrual function is not compromised. From gynecological diseases notes the ectopia of the cervix, treatment was not conducted, chronic adnexitis. This first pregnancy. Height 155 cm, weight 67 kg (before pregnancy 52 kg). At 37-38 weeks enrolled in the Department of pathology of pregnancy, maternity hospital №10 in the direction of the doctor of female consultation. Clinical diagnosis: Pregnancy 37-38 weeks. Head previa. Gestational edema. The OAS. Upon admission to the hospital for diagnosis NWS conducted a study of the daily Pd excretion, 16α-OH-Et, 16α-OH-'an, 16α-OH-DHEA and e by capillary gas chromatography. We have received the following indicators: daily Pd excretion is 98.5 mmol/24 hours, 16α-OH-Et - 6,9 mmol/24 hours, 16α-OH-An - 5.8 µmol/24 hours, 16α-OH-DHEA - 12.6 µmol/24 hours and e - 14.9 µmol/24 hours. Given that the indicators of the daily Pd excretion, 16α-OH-Et, 16α-OH-'an, 16α-OH-DHEA and e are included in the stated range, the patient was diagnosed with MPN fruit. The diagnosis was confirmed by ultrasound and the birth of a child. On the third day of hospitalization complaints about the deterioration of the moving fetus. According to the machine and doplerometry the fetus satisfactory. When the joint inspection was amniotomy, poured 100 ml of white water. odawa activities have evolved independently, delivery was uneventful. The total duration of labour 7 hours 35 minutes. Waterless period of 8 hours 35 minutes. The baby was born alive, Mature, female, weight 2680 grams, 52 see score on a scale of Apgar scores in the first minute 8 points in the fifth minute of 8 points. Condition at birth, moderate, soft cry, muscle tone is reduced, moans. Skin pink, net, tissue Postojna, rich ancestral grease, the skin on the feet and hands smoothed Malaysien. CNS depression syndrome. Intrauterine hypotrophy Art. I Morpho-functional immaturity. Early adaptation period is complicated by the conjugation jaundice. The mother was discharged home with the child for 6 days. Thus, the determination of the daily excretion of Pd, 16α-OH-Et, 16α-OH-'an, 16α-OH-DHEA and e before the birth in terms 37-42 weeks allows you to diagnose NWS and to predict the birth of a child with signs MFN. Example 3. Pregnant N., 30 years with a diagnosis III belated birth at 41 weeks pregnant. Early outpouring of water. The OAS. Unsurveyed. The patient was not registered antenatal clinics not speak Russian. Height is 173 cm, weight 80 kg (before pregnancy 67 kg). With words, somatically not burdened, gynecological diseases denies. Menstrual function is not compromised. This third pregnancy. I pregnancy in 2001, term birth, a boy was born, weighing 3300 is, height 50 cm, the baby died on the 14th day of life, the reason does not know. II pregnancy in 2002, emergency childbirth, a girl was born weighing 3300 g, height 51 see was Discharged on the 4th day, without complications. The child is alive and healthy. III the pregnancy is real, was uneventful. In 40-41 week was admitted to the maternity ward, maternity hospital №10 with complaints about the discharge of mucous plugs. In the process of observation had no complaints, and was transferred to the Department of pathology of pregnancy, where for the diagnosis of EWS estimation of daily excretion of Pd, 16α-OH-Et, 16α-OH-'an, 16α-OH-DHEA and E. Were obtained following indicators: daily excretion of Pd is to 38.3 μmol/24 hours, 16α-OH-Et - 10.4 µmol/24 hours, 16α-OH-An - 3.4 µmol/24 hours, 16α-OH-DHEA - 2.6 µmol/24 hours and e - 8.5 µmol/24 hours. Given that the indicators of the daily Pd excretion, 16α-OH-Et, 16α-OH-'an, 16α-OH-DHEA and e are included in the stated range, the patient was diagnosed with pertelote fruit. The diagnosis was confirmed by ultrasound and the birth of a child. Labor activity is developed on the background of labor activation by antiproton birth was uneventful. The total duration of labour 4.5 hours. Waterless period of 1.5 hours. (Liquor amnii). The baby was born alive, overdue, male, weight 3800 g, height 55 cm Estimation on Apgar scale in the first minute of 7 points in the fifth minute of 8 points. The state of the CPE is it gravity, the painful cry, podstegivaet. Muscle tone is reduced, lamellar peeling stop, "bath" of the palm. CNS depression syndrome. The mother was discharged home with your child on day 7. Thus, the determination of the daily excretion of Pd, 16α-OH-Et, 16α-OH-'an, 16α-OH-DHEA and e before the birth in terms 37-42 weeks allows you to diagnose NWS and to predict the birth is overdue child. The inventive method for the diagnosis of EWS before the birth in terms 37-42 weeks has a number of advantages elected as the nearest equivalent. 1. High reliability and accuracy differential diagnosis of EWS, which allows obstetricians, pediatricians and emergency physicians in a timely manner to properly choose the optimal timing of delivery, tactics birth, tactics and treatment of newborns, thereby reducing the percentage of complications in the newborn. 2. Differential diagnosis of EWS proposed method is carried out in a short period of time, which is important for the rapid diagnosis of the reasons for the formation of immaturity and pertelote. 3. The method is simple, non-invasive, and therefore can be widely used in obstetric hospitals. 4. The main advantages of using urine as a research object associated primarily with the fact that the urine excreted large amounts of hormones, which ECUSA extensive information not only about the glands, in which they are synthesized, but also about the state of the liver, which is primarily subject to catabolism. In addition, the definition of hormones in daily urine allows you to avoid the influence on the measurement results of circadian rhythms, which are often significant. Thus, the proposed method ensures optimization of the diagnosis of EWS in the gestation 37-42 weeks, the reduction in the number of children born with signs MFN and pertelote and, thereby, improves perinatal outcomes. A method for diagnosing the degree of maturity of the fruit, including the study of biological fluid, characterized in that the gestation 37-42 weeks carry out the determination of the daily excretion of pregnandiol (Pd), fetal steroids - 16α-hydroxy-etiocholanolone (16α-OH-Et), 16α-hydroxy-Androsterone (16α-OH-An), 16α-hydroxy-dehydroepiandrosterone (16α-OH-DHEA) and estradiol (e) daily urine pregnant by capillary gas chromatography, in µmol/24 h, and if the daily excretion of Pd is 150,4 is 348.3 µmol/24 h, 16α-OH-Et - 7,9-16,9 µmol/24 h, 16α-OH-An - a 6.4-12.6 µmol/24 h, 16α-OH-DHEA - 15,4-26,1 µmol/24 h, uh - 24,0-38,7 µmol/24 h, then diagnose the maturity of the fetus, if the daily excretion of Pd is 80,1-150,2 µmol/24 h, 16α-OH-Et - 5,8-7,8 mmol/24 h, 16α-OH-An - 4,6-6.3 µmol/24 h, 16α-OH-DHEA is 10.2 and 15.3 µmol/24 h, and e of 14.5-15.6 µmol/24 h, then diagnose the immaturity of the fetus, and if the daily Pd is less than 50.0 µmol/24 h, 16α-OH-Et - less to 12.0 µmol/24 h, 16α-OH-An - less than 5.8 mmol/24 h, 16a-OH-DHEA is less than 4.6 µmol/24 h, and e is less than 10.2 µmol/24 h, then diagnose pertelote fruit.
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