Method for prediction of effectiveness of neoadjuvant automyelochemotherapy in patients with recurrent breast cancer |
IPC classes for russian patent Method for prediction of effectiveness of neoadjuvant automyelochemotherapy in patients with recurrent breast cancer (RU 2393484):
Method for determination severity level of trophological insufficiency in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease / 2390026
Body weight index (BWI) is evaluated; if it is lower than 20 kg/m2, additional analysis is needed to determine the serum leptin concentration. If it is within 16.01±0.64 to 10.15±0.91 ng/ml, the absence of trophological insufficiency is diagnosed, while the values within 5.49±0.46 to 2.26 ng/ml enable to diagnose trophological insufficiency of medium severity, while the values 1.90 to 0.72±0.09 ng/ml indicate severe trophological insufficiency.
Method of forecasting retrocessions of larynx cancer / 2389030
In patients suffering from larynx cancer after surgical oncotomy in the course of dispensary observation levels of androsteron and estradiol in 24-hour collection urine are examined and their ratio to each other are determined. At ratio level more than 3 emergence of disease retrocession or metastasis in the near future is forecasted. At ratio level lower than 3 a long-lasting recurrence-free period is forecasted.
Diagnostic technique for desynchronosis of hypophysial thyroid system in the patients with severe bronchial asthma refers to medicine. Substance consists that blood of the patients is radioimmunoassayed for concentration of TSH, T3, T4 hormones. The obtained data are processed to draw a graphic curve of circadian rhythm for each hormone that provides a basis to determine individual acrophase and batiphase time. The acrophase (confidence interval) TSH development biorhythm 9 h 11 min (confidential interval 4 h 57 min to 13 h 26 min), T3 hormone - 15 h 01 min (confidential interval 8 h 05 min to 21 h 57 min) T4 hormone - 16 h 34 min (confidential interval 8 h 55 min to 24 h 13 min), and batiphase of circadian TSH secretion rhythm 21 h to 22 h, T3 - 2 h to 4 h, T4 4 h to 5 h ensure to diagnose apparent desynchronosis of hypophysial thyroid system.
Method for predicting depressive behaviour in aged primate, rates of aging and development of stress-dependent pathological changes / 2377570
Invention refers to medicine and veterinary science and can be used for predicting depressive behaviour of an aged primate, rates of ageing and development of stress-dependent pathological changes. According to the claimed invention, an aged primate is examined for psychoemotional reaction on soft and acute psychoemotional stress effect, molar concentration ratio of cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate in peripheral blood plasma and percentage concentration of cortisol in peripheral blood plasma in the evening (20 o'clock 45 minutes - 21 o'clock 15 minutes) to concentration of cortisol in peripheral blood plasma in the morning (8 o'clock 45 minutes - 9 o'clock 15 minutes) to predict depressive behaviour in the aged primate with accelerated rates of ageing and development of stress-dependent pathological changes in depressive reaction on soft and acute psychoemotional stress effect, if molar concentration ratio of cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate in peripheral blood plasma is not less than 4.3, and concentration of cortisol in peripheral blood plasma in the evening to concentration of cortisol in peripheral blood plasma in the morning is not less than 66%.
Method of estimating efficiency of neoadjuvant autohemochemotherapy in patients suffering from carcinoma of cervival stump / 2375063
Invention concerns medicine, namely oncology and can be used in estimation of clinical effectiveness factors in treatment of carcinoma of cervical stump. Daily urine is analysed for estradiol content and if decreased after treatment from initial level within 8.44-12.85 nmol/days, positive antineoplastic effect of treatment is stated, and if urine estradiol content is maintained in the treated patients within 8.81-11.38 nmol/days, the absence of antineoplastic effect is stated. The obtained results allow considering dynamics of estradiol content in daily urine of the patients suffering from carcinoma of cervical stump prior to AHCT as an additional laboratory test to estimate efficiency of presented pharmacotherapy. Observed positive clinical effect is confirmed by higher operability and improved life quality of the patients.
Method of determining effeciency of larynx cancer treatment / 2375003
Invention relates to medicine, namely to oncology and can be applied in presence of locally advanced process. In daily urine of patients before treatment tetrahydro-11-desoxycortisol is determined. If its level before treatment does not exceed 2 mcmol/day relapse-free period is forecasted during 2 and more years; initial level of fraction over 2 mcmol/day indicates about disease relapse or metastases during first year after treatment.
Way of forecasting of restoration of menstrual function at patients with nervous anorexia / 2363002
Invention concerns medicine, namely to gynecology, and can be used at treatment of patients with amenorrhea caused by nervous anorexia. Level of leptin is defined in blood serum using enzyme immunoassay method for realisation of the way of forecasting of restoration of menstrual function at patients with a nervous anorexia. Then an index of mass of a body (BMI) and a parity leptin/BMI is counted. In case the parity leptin/BMI makes 0.8 and more - normalisation of menstrual function is prognosticated.
Way of diagnostics of male sterility / 2362167
Invention concerns medicine area, namely to andrology, and concerns diagnostics of male sterility. The way includes studying compaction degree of chromatin of spermatozoids, percentage of defective cells in an ejaculate, level of B in blood serum. On the basis of the received data diagnostic index DI is calculated; its value helps to diagnose sterility, or absence of pathology.
In girls with suspected functional hyperprolactinaemia determined are level of prolactin two hours after falling asleep, concentration of general triiodtrionin, cortisol, and ultra-sound examination of small pelvis organs is carried out in order to determine volume of right ovary. On the basis of obtained data canonical value (K) is calculated by formula, and if K is greater than (-2.28) and lower than 1.27 functional hyperprolactinaemia is determined.
Invention can be used for diagnosing hormonally inactive microadenomas of hypophysis (IAH) in girls. In order to realise the method levels of prolactin in blood is determined in girls with suspected two hours after falling asleep and at 6 o'clock in the morning. On the basis of obtained data, canonical value (K) is calculated by formula, and if K is greater than (-1.69) and smaller than 1.86 IAH is diagnosed.
Method for differential diagnostics of mammary diseases in men / 2244308
The present innovation deals with biochemical trials: before the onset of therapy in men one should detect blood content of thyroid hormone - free thyroxine - and at its level being 10.3-12.9 pmol/l one should diagnose mammary cancer, at the level of free throxine being 18.7-31.0 pmol/l - one should predict gynecomastia. The method enables to detect the direction of pathological process and carry out due correction of therapy tactics in men with either gynecomastia or mammary cancer.
Method for predicting the delay of intrauterine fetal development / 2246733
The method deals with studying blood serum of pregnant woman to detect the content of insulin-like growth factor (IGF) and vascular-endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and calculate the coefficient of their ratio: at its value being equal to 28.5 and lower it is possible to diagnose the delay of fetal development.
Method for differential diagnostic of chronic hepatitis and hepatic cirrhosis / 2254577
Thyroglobulin content is determined in blood serum using enzyme immunoassay. When thyroglobulin level is increased by 2 times and more compared in contrast with normal one chronic hepatitis is diagnosed, and when thyroglobulin level is decreased by 1.5-2.5 times in contrast with normal one hepatic cirrhosis is diagnosed.
Method for evaluating combined schizophrenia treatment based on atypical antipsychotic drugs and rations and electroconvulsive shock therapy / 2256181
Method involves determining dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate concentration in blood serum. Its growth above 30% when compared to the initial one being observed, treatment efficiency is determined as negative.
Method for diagnosing obliterated forms of congenital suprarenal gland cortex hyperplasia / 2261447
Method involves applying high effectiveness liquid chromatography for determining cortisol, cortisone 11-deoxycorticosterone, 11-deoxycortisone concentration in blood and free cortisol and free cortisone excretion with urine. Ratios of F/E and FF/FE are calculated, where F is the cortisol level in blood; E is the cortisone level in blood; FF is the free cortisol excretion with urine and FE is the free cortisone excretion with urine. The cortisol level in blood not exceeding norm and at least two of three signs: F/E ratio reduction by 25% and more, FF/FE ratio reduction by 25% and more, free cortisol excretion with urine being equal to 25% and more, obliterated forms of congenital suprarenal gland cortex hyperplasia is diagnosed. Corticosterone level in blood growing by 50% and higher, 21-hydroxylase defect is considered to be the case. 11-deoxycorticosterone and/or 11-deoxycortisone concentration in blood being et or greater than 50%, 11β-hydroxylase defect is considered to be the case.
Method involves making pepsinogen 1, gastrin and Helicopter pylori infection marker combinations analysis and making input of the obtained results into data processing means comprising operation system, means for receiving, transmitting and processing data. The mentioned data processing means is usable for comparing the measured concentration value of a substance under study to a threshold value associated to the substance under study and producing information as a response to comparison results and additionally to other entered data. A set and software are used for implementing the method.
Method for predicting relapse of mammary cancer / 2263319
In the course of surveying in menopausal women after complex therapy one should state the development of mammary cancer at decreased ratio of estriol concentration to the sum of estrone and estradiol urinary concentrations from 1.68±0.23 in relapse-free patients up to 0.74±0.12 - in patients living without relapses for less than a year, up to 0.65±0.13 in patients living without relapse from 2 up to 6 years and up to 0.50±0.10 in patients with relapse-free period from 6 to 10 years. The innovation provides pre-clinical detection of mammary cancer relapse.
Method for predicting fetoplacental insufficiency in pregnant women with thyroid diseases / 2263919
Except detecting placental lactogen in blood serum one should study the content of alphafetoprotein. At placental lactogen content being below 75% against the norm and content of alphafetoprotein below 70% against the norm it is possible to conclude upon availability of fetoplacental insufficiency.
Method for predicting cholecystitis and cholelithiasis / 2263920
While diagnosing cholecystitis and cholelithiasis due to ultrasound testing one should additionally study blood plasma and bile to detect there the content of prostaglandins PGE2 and PGF2α. At PGE2/PGF2α ratio in blood plasma being equal to 6 and more, and, also, at decreased level of biliary cholecystokinin-pancreosimin by 38% and more, biliary PGE2 by 59% and more and increased level of biliary prostaglandin PGF2α by 5.9 times and more against the norm one should diagnose chlecystitis and cholelithiasis. The innovation enables to detect the above-mentioned diseases at earlier stage.
Method for predicting powerless labor in pregnant nodular goiter surgically treated on goiter occasion during pregnancy under medical supervision / 2273456
Method involves determining thyroid gland node diameter and thyrotropic hormone by applying ultrasonic examination approach. Histological examination is carried out with conclusion concerning morphologic nature being obtained like nodular colloid proliferating goiter or thyroid gland adenoma. Diagnostic index Σ is calculated from formula Σ=0.49*K1+0.07*K2-0.5*K3+1.76*K4-1.53, where K1 is the thyroid gland node diameter; K2 is the TTH concentration; K3 is the nodular colloid proliferating goiter index equal to 1 or 0; K4 is the thyroid gland adenoma index equal to 1 or 0. Diagnostic index Σ being less than zero, conclusions concerning powerless labor threat is to be drawn.
FIELD: medicine. SUBSTANCE: prior to begin the therapy, the patient's blood is tested for oestradiol concentration. If the concentration is 18.40 to 29.40 nmol/l, tumour size loss after the neoadjuvant automyelochemotherapy by 67-70% is predicted, that is a partial regress of the tumour, while oestradiol concentration 208.50 to 1541.0 nmol/l enables to predict the tumour size loss by 5-45% that is process stabilisation. EFFECT: use of the invention allows determining sensitivity of the recurrent breast cancer to the neoadjuvant automyelochemotherapy for an individual correction of treatment policy in patients with said pathology. 1 tbl, 3 ex
The invention relates to medicine, namely to biochemical research in Oncology, and can be used for the individualization of drug treatment of recurrent breast cancer on the basis of biochemical parameters. Chemotherapy is an integral part of complex treatment of patients with malignant neoplasms. However, the actual problem along with the toxic effects of chemotherapy remain unpredictable until the end of treatment marked differences in the degree of sensitivity of the tumor to the drug effects for some patients. In this regard, one of the important directions of research in Oncology at the present stage is associated with the individualization of drug treatment, which is based, in particular, the use of biochemical indicators that can function as predictors of tumor response to the planned anti-tumor effect. A known method for predicting the duration of recurrence-free period when radiation and chemoradiation therapy in patients with breast cancer (S.D. Ivanov and other Matters. on Oncology. 2008, No. 1. P.34). The authors of the study were determined in the patients before treatment radiosensitivity of DNA largest S-index, reflecting the radiosensitivity of all DNA-containing blood cells and DNA in the plasma after the test exposure ex vivo. Authors who becomes a positive linear relationship between indicators of the radiosensitivity of DNA and duration of recurrence-free period when different modes chemoradiation therapy. According to the results of the study patients with the magnitude of the S-index is more than 0,95 had significantly better disease-free survival than patients with an index value lower than 0,95. This index, the authors propose to use to predict before treatment the individual effectiveness of planned chemotherapy. The disadvantage of the proposed method for the individualization of treatment tactics is the impossibility of its application for predicting the effectiveness of chemotherapy in patients with recurrent breast cancer and, furthermore, the method evaluates the impact on the duration of recurrence-free period of the combined action of two anticancer agents, radiation and chemotherapy. There is a method of forecasting resetstatistics and overall survival of patients with recurrent breast cancer, we selected as a prototype (Lopez-Guerrero lose A. et al. Cancer, 2006, t. S). The authors investigated the contents of the oncoprotein HER2 tissue recurrence of breast cancer using the Hercep Testa and method of fluorescent hybridization. It was found that amplification of this protein in the tissue of tumor recurrence is an adverse prognostic factor is the increase in the concentration of protein was negatively correlated with life expectancy of patients without metastases and their total duration of the LM is neither. Based on this, the authors propose to use an indicator of the level of HER2 tissue recurrence of breast cancer as a prognostic factor. The disadvantage of the proposed method is lack of communication specified index with the assessment of tumor response to radiation therapy, and therefore it cannot be used to individualize treatment plans for patients with recurrent disease. Screening indicators able to perform the function of predictor factors of the effectiveness of chemotherapy, it is advisable to conduct additional biochemical compounds that play a role in the Genesis and development of tumors. For hormone-dependent organs, including the mammary gland, such compounds are sex steroid hormones, in particular the most active estrogen, estradiol. The aim of the invention is a predictor to determine the sensitivity of recurrence of breast cancer to neoadjuvant automalaxoare for individual correction of tactics of treatment of patients with this pathology. This goal is achieved by the fact that patients with relapse of breast cancer prior to treatment to determine radioimmunoassay method blood levels of estradiol and its concentration is 18.40 from to 29,40 nmol/l predict a decrease in tumor size under the influence of neoadjuvant the Noah of automalaxoare at 67-70%, according to the who recommendations on the evaluation of chimiotherapie is assessed as partial regression of the tumor, and when the concentration of estradiol from 208,50 to 1541,0 nmol/l predict a reduction in the size of tumors at 5-45%, which is considered as a stabilization process. The invention of "a Method for predicting the effectiveness of neoadjuvant automalaxoare patients with relapse of breast cancer" is new, because it is unknown when the biochemical research in Oncology, related to the individualization of drug treatment of patients with breast cancer. The novelty of the invention lies in the fact that prior to treatment to determine the blood levels of estradiol and its concentration is 18.40 from to 29,40 nmol/l predict a decrease in tumor size under the influence of neoadjuvant automalaxoare at 67-70%, a partial regression of the tumor, and when the concentration of estradiol from 208,50 to 1541,0 nmol/l predict a decrease in tumor size at 5-45%, i.e. the stabilization process. The invention is industrially applicable as it can be used in health care, in hospitals, in research Institute of Oncology and oncologic dispensaries. The invention of "a Method for predicting the effectiveness of neoadjuvant automalaxoare in patients with recurrent breast cancer" done which is as follows: The study was conducted in 6 patients with local recurrence of breast cancer in the postoperative scar. Before treatment in the blood of patients was determined by the content of estradiol radioimmunoassay method using standard test kits of Immunotech (Czech Republic). The first stage of treatment of the patients was holding automalaxoare. Her course consisted of twice with an interval of 7 days of administration of the drugs doxorubicin, 5-fluorouracil and cyclophosphamide in total doses of 100 mg, 1500 mg and 1200 mg, respectively. Before the introduction of the preparations were incubated for 30 minutes at 37°C with bone marrow suspension of the patient obtained from the iliac bone. The impact of neoadjuvant automalaxoare tumor was evaluated by changing the size of the tumor, which was judged by the results of the ultrasound. Found that the decrease in tumor size in response to drug exposure varied among the examined patients within wide limits, ranging from 5 to 70%. When comparisons post tumor size with the content of estradiol in patients before therapy stated that the most pronounced decrease (67-70%) occurred in patients with a low level of hormone in the blood, formed is 18.40 and 29,40 nmol/l According to who recommendations for the evaluation of the effectiveness of chemotherapy such reduction nooob is adowanie considered as partial regression of the tumor. In contrast, in women with initially normal or higher than normal concentrations of estradiol, formed from 208,50 to 1541,0 nmol/l at norm 230,94±14.0 nmol/l, reduction of tumor response to treatment ranged from 5 to 45%, which is testified only about the stabilization process. The obtained data allow to consider background levels of estradiol in the blood of patients with relapse of breast cancer as a prognostic factor for the effectiveness of the applied method neoadjuvant drug therapy in these patients (see table). The largest concentrations of circulating estradiol, thus, should be considered when planning for adequate treatment tactics for patients with recurrent disease.
Examples of specific clinical application, "Method for predicting the effectiveness of neoadjuvant automalaxoare patients with relapse of breast cancer". Clinical example 1 Patient F. Ko, born in 1936, IB No. 5221/h, was admitted to the Department of soft tissue tumors, bone and breast cancer, RNII 11.01.07 was diagnosed with cancer of the right breast pT2N3M0, St. III, the state after complex treatment in 2001, the Recurrence of breast cancer in the soft tissues of the postoperative scar, Cllr. The process in the rumen cytologically verified (CA No. 11632-633)found groups of carcinoma cells. The local status before treatment: in the left breast pathological entities is not defined. In place of the right breast p/o scar, above which is about 2 cm, in the soft tissues is determined by the tumor to 6.0 cm in diameter, dense consistency, without clear to the tours, painless to palpation, motionless. The skin over the tumor is not changed. Data ultrasound examination before treatment: slightly above the scar in the soft tissues lazerette MultiSite hypoechoic education with an uneven contour to 58×64 mm - diffusely heterogeneous echo patterns, color Doppler mapping of weak intra-period. the blood flow. Conclusion: a multi-site formation in the soft tissues of the chest wall on the right (echographically reci). 12.01.07, estimation of blood estradiol concentrations was - is 18.40 nmol/L. With 16.01.07, the patient underwent a course of neoadjuvant automalaxoare drugs doxorubicin, 5-fluorouracil, cyclophosphamide, with the inclusion of bone marrow suspensions obtained from the rear wing of the Ilium. Before the introduction of chemotherapy were incubated with bone marrow suspension in an incubator for 30 minutes at 37°C. Treatment the patient satisfactorily, there were no complications. 14 days after the end of drug therapy the patient was performed control ultrasound, found a decrease of tumor size by 70%. 12.02.07, the patient underwent an operation - excision of the formation of soft tissue p/o scar. HA No. 921919-921 - taken in the material metastasis infiltrating ductal cancer focal hyalinosis. Thus, the patient and with the original concentration of estradiol in the blood is 18.40 nmol/l neoadjuvant automalaxoare was accompanied by a decrease in tumor size by 70%. Clinical example 2 Patient K-m, born in 1942, IB No. 12946/, Diagnosis at admission: cancer of the right breast, the state after the combined treatment in 1995, the Recurrence of breast cancer in the soft tissues of the postoperative scar, CL gr. The process was cytologically verified (CA No. 6609-10) is Detected complexes of carcinoma cells. Local status before treatment: the right breast p/o scar, swelling up to 10 cm in diameter, dense consistency, without distinct outlines, motionless, impacted, painless on palpation. Data ultrasonography before treatment: mastectomy on the right. Pronounced fibrosis in the outer and upper parts of postoperative scar in the right axillary area. In the soft tissues of upper parts of the chest wall on the right is defined hypoechoic solid education, heterogeneous structure, with irregular contours, sizes 5,02×4,45 cm, with dopplerography is logged pathological hypervascular arterio-arterial blood flow in the tumor. In the right axillary region in a deep divisions are determined by a single hypoechoic enlarged lymph nodes size to 1.0, see the medial and upper axillary area on the right is defined stenosis, infiltration of the outer branches of arteries and veins with the sprouting of blood vessels of the tumor in the area of adventitia, without invasion to illuminate the great vessels. 24.04.07) underwent determination in blood estradiol concentrations was 208,50 nmol/L. 25.04.07, had started a course of neoadjuvant automalaxoare drugs doxorubicin, 5-fluorouracil, cyclophosphamide, with the inclusion of bone marrow suspensions obtained from the rear wing of the Ilium. Before the introduction of chemotherapy were incubated with bone marrow suspension in an incubator for 30 minutes at 37°C. Treatment the patient satisfactorily, there were no complications. 14 days after the end of drug therapy the patient was performed control ultrasound, found a decrease of tumor size by 5%. 25.05.07, the operation was performed in a volume - excision tumor soft tissue postoperative scar. The results of histopathological studies No. 943318-321. In fibrous tissue, adipose tissue, striated muscle - metastatic cancer of glandular-solid structure (infiltrating ductal cancer). Thus, the patient with the original concentration of estradiol in the blood 208,50 nmol/l neoadjuvant automalaxoare was accompanied by a slight decrease in the size of the tumor (5%), said stabilization process. Clinical example # 3 D-Ko, born in 1945 breast Cancer pT2N2M0, St IIIA. Condition after complex treatment in 2004, the Multiple is the recurrence of breast cancer in the soft tissues of the postoperative scar, CL gr. The process in the rumen was cytologically verified 16.01.07, (CA No. 1114-17) - carcinoma. The local status before treatment: left breast cancer postoperative scar in the soft tissues which defined the tumor to 4.0 cm thick consistency, without distinct outlines, in the middle third postoperative scar tumor to 2.0 cm, without distinct outlines, thick consistency. Data ultrasound examination before treatment from 16.01.06, In the medial part of the postoperative scar hypoechogenic education with linear strands. 2.4×3,3 see In the middle third hypoechoic education 1,1 see Regional l/have not increased. Conclusion: reci in the projection of the postoperative scar. 30.01.07, estimation of blood estradiol concentrations was 660,50 nmol/L. 31.01.07, started a course of neoadjuvant automalaxoare drugs doxorubicin, 5-fluorouracil, cyclophosphamide, with the inclusion of bone marrow suspensions obtained from the rear wing of the Ilium. Before the introduction of chemotherapy were incubated with bone marrow suspension in an incubator for 30 minutes at a temperature of 37C. Treatment the patient satisfactorily, there were no complications. 14 days after the end of drug therapy the patient was performed control ultrasound, found a decrease of tumor size is 25%. 28.02.07, the operation was performed in a volume - excision tumor soft tissue postoperative scar. The results of histopathological studies: HA No. 9252281-86. Infiltrating ductal cancer in fibrous and adipose tissue, vascular invasion (relapse). In adipose tissue foci of fibrosis. Thus, the patient with the original concentration of estradiol in the blood 660,50 nmol/l neoadjuvant automalaxoare was accompanied by a decrease in tumor size by 25%. Technical and economic efficiency "Way predicting the effectiveness of neoadjuvant automalaxoare patients with relapse of breast cancer" is that predicting the effectiveness of treatment on the basis of biochemical parameters allows to determine the sensitivity of recurrence of breast cancer to neoadjuvant, automalaxoare for individual correction of tactics of treatment of patients with this pathology. A method for predicting the effectiveness of neoadjuvant automalaxoare patients with relapse of breast cancer, including biochemical, characterized in that the patients before treatment to determine the blood levels of estradiol and its concentration is 18.40 from to 29,40 nmol/l predict a decrease in tumor size under the influence of neoadjuvant autokilometer the AI at 67-70%, that is, the partial regression of the tumor, and when the concentration of estradiol from 208,50 to 1541,0 nmol/l predict a decrease in tumor size at 5-45%, i.e. the stabilization process.
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