Device for increase of ship thrust |
IPC classes for russian patent Device for increase of ship thrust (RU 2297361):
Proposed shipboard propulsive complex has rotor and sail propulsors and electric power source. Used as electric power source are electric wave generators; each generator includes magnetic armature connected with float and placed in vertical guide made from non-conducting material in form of perforated tube for communication with surrounding medium; electric generators are also provided with stators enclosed in magnetic circuit and placed in boxes embracing the guides. Masts and rotors may be telescopic in construction for stowing them inside ship. It is good practice to protect the generators with shields.
Proposed sailing ship has hull, rotary masts equipped with electric drive and rotary yards with sails, steering wheel and power sources. Wave-powered generators are used as power sources, each consisting of magnet armature connected with float and placed in vertical guide made of non-conducting material in form of tube with holes communicating it with surrounding medium and stator winding enclosed in box surrounding the guide. Ship has storage batteries to which current from wave-powered generator can be delivered. Ship can be furnished with computer to control riging and electric circuit of ship.
The invention relates to fluid mechanics and shipbuilding and can be used to increase the speed of the vessel without increasing the capacity of its power plant or fuel saving when less power if the calculated speed
The invention relates to shipbuilding and for the creation of machines that use the energy of sea waves for ship traffic and the generation of electric energy
The invention relates to shipbuilding, namely to ship devices that reduce the drift velocity of the ship through the use of energy pitching
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The invention relates to shipbuilding and for the creation of machines that use the energy of sea waves for traffic
The invention relates to shipbuilding and concerns of propulsion that uses the energy of sea waves
The invention relates to the propulsion of vessels, using the power of waves, and can be used to move boats and anchors
The invention relates to water transport and for the making of ships, using the power of the wave
Proposed ship has passenger seat 3 in fore section 2 which is made integral with ship's hull and is provided with hand-rests 5 and foot-rests 6, as well as water-and-air discharge passage 12 for drainage of outside water. Passage 12 is connected with ship's bottom forming transversal planing step 11. Seat is located in front of screw-rudder without reducing the viewing angle for driver. Seat ensures reclined position of passenger. Centering of ship is effected due to sternward shift of driver's seat and/or storage battery and/or fuel tank and/or luggage.
Proposed vessel has at least two hulls interconnected by means of connecting bridge which is made in form of at least one flat panel containing units for connection with other panels and hulls of vessel. Bridge panels are connected with hulls by means of transversal beams each of which is secured in panel and is passed through respective hull.
Proposed ship has at least two interconnected hulls. Each hull has outer and inner envelopes. Outer envelope of each hull is made in form of body of revolution or combination of bodies of revolution having common axis of rotation; they are provided with paddles located on envelope generatrix. Outer envelope is so mounted relative to inner one that it should rotate under action of counter flow of water.
Proposed multi-hulled vessel is provided with wave neutralization facilities during motion in smooth water. System of displacement hulls (gondolas) is erected from geometrically similar modules; each module is formed by combination of fully submersible streamlined elongated hull (gondola) and many vertical struts (multi-struts) crossing the water surface; their number, relative position and sizes are preset in accordance with requirements for reduction of wave formation and wave resistance during motion of vessel. Vessel is also provided with roll stabilizer and draft control unit for change of total submersible volume and draft of vessel by regulating the volumes inside inflatable elastic reservoirs located under movable sections of gondolas.
Proposed multi-hulled vessel is provided with wave neutralization facilities during motion in smooth water. System of displacement hulls (gondolas) is erected from geometrically similar modules; each module is formed by combination of fully submersible streamlined elongated hull (gondola) and many vertical struts (multi-struts) crossing the water surface; their number, relative position and sizes are preset in accordance with requirements for reduction of wave formation and wave resistance during motion of vessel. Vessel is also provided with roll stabilizer and draft control unit for change of total submersible volume and draft of vessel by regulating the volumes inside inflatable elastic reservoirs located under movable sections of gondolas.
Invention relates to propulsion plants of high-speed vehicles (air cushion, hydrofoil ones) and other watercraft, and it can be used in ground and air vehicles. Proposed air-jet propulsion plant contains at least two hermetically interconnected converging nozzles of one axis. Each nozzle is coaxially driven into nozzle following in direction of air flow, being rigidly secured or installed with possibility of axial displacement. These two nozzles form spaces in between. Art least one of spaces communicates with devices delivering and sucking out gas (air). Intake valves are arranged on wall in at least one space, and also gas (air) energy exciting devices. Spaces accommodate also pressure transmitters, and flow velocity pickups at inlet and exit nozzles with delivery of information of plant control unit.
Invention can be used at developing active wings of vessels and aircraft creating active jet thrust. Proposed active wing has wing body with liquid medium flow accelerator and exit nozzle. Accelerator is arranged along chord of wing and it consists of two or more nozzles on one axis hermetically connected to each other. At least one nozzle is driven into nozzle following in direction of air flow either rigidly or for axial displacement, thus forming space (spaces) between nozzles. At least one space communicates with devices to feed and suck out liquid medium (gas, for instance, air, or water). Intake valves are arranged on wall of at leqst one space, and energy exciters of gas (air) are installed. Each space accommodates pressure pickups. Flow velocity pickups are installed in inlet and exit nozzles. Information from all pickups is transmitted to device control unit.
The non-watered hull is provided with channels for supercharging gas. The body is fulfilled in kits from needle-shaped elements with keeping after fixing these elements between themselves channels for supercharging gas with the aim of receiving stable bubbles of gas. The essence of the invention is in that reducing friction of water is achieved by maximum reducing of the value of moistened surface of the hull due to creation of a thin gaseous film-layer out of stable gas bubbles on the exterior surface of the hull. At that the water will slip on the surface of gas but not of the hull.
The mode of reducing hydrodynamic resistance is in that bending or longitudinal elastic vibrations of one and the same frequency with phase difference π/4 are excited on the non contacting with water surfaces of a transport vehicle or a pipeline. The longitudinal vibrations are excited in parallel to the movement of the transport vehicle in water or flow of liquid in a pipeline. The bending and longitudinal vibrations are mutually perpendicular , in connection with that in case of its presence the sections of the surface of the transport vehicle or of the pipeline make rotating movement along elliptical trajectories involving in the movement the frontier layer of the liquid with frequency vibrations. In technical constructions and in facilities of small sizes the mode is used with ultrasound frequencies.
Proposed method includes ejection of resistance-reducing agent into first liquid which is movable relative to wall; proposed method includes preparation of resistance-reducing agent contained in second liquid, passing the second liquid through vortex chamber for forming vortex inside this chamber, thus decreasing vortex of second liquid and ejection of second liquid into first one through ejector provided with slot in its wall. Preliminary preparation comes to passing the second liquid through nozzle generating the gradient of axial velocity inside second liquid containing additive as mixture or in solution in order to turn, level along flow and elongate molecules of resistance-reducing agent. Ejector slot includes Koande surface as its part. Device proposed for realization of this method includes nozzle, vortex chamber and ejector. Proposed method makes it possible to exclude destruction and "blowing-off" of first liquid and to reduce diffusion rate of resistance-reducing agent in first liquid.
Proposed ship has passenger seat 3 in fore section 2 which is made integral with ship's hull and is provided with hand-rests 5 and foot-rests 6, as well as water-and-air discharge passage 12 for drainage of outside water. Passage 12 is connected with ship's bottom forming transversal planing step 11. Seat is located in front of screw-rudder without reducing the viewing angle for driver. Seat ensures reclined position of passenger. Centering of ship is effected due to sternward shift of driver's seat and/or storage battery and/or fuel tank and/or luggage.
FIELD: shipbuilding; devices for use of wave energy for increase of thrust for propulsive motion of ship. SUBSTANCE: ship has additional bottom in form of inclined surface in underwater portion of fore extremity where device for use of wave energy is mounted. Rigidly mounted in underwater portion of aft extremity is stabilizer made in form of wing profile and used for forming the differential moment. Differential moment favors increase of thrust when said inclined surface is in contact with flow of liquid in swell. EFFECT: enhanced efficiency. 2 dwg
The invention relates to shipbuilding, namely to ship devices that use wave energy. One of the problems to be solved by modern science and technology is the problem of energy sources. Only one day on Earth is burned so much fuel organic origin, but nature can synthesize 1,000 years. However, the surface of the earth is 2/3 presents the seas and oceans, the energy of excitement which significantly exceed the reserves of fossil energy. The average condition of the seas and oceans is a condition in which anxiety is 3-4 points. Winds on the surface of the oceans is transferred to kinetic energy with a capacity of about 1011kW. Thousands of ships with crews aboard travel the seas and oceans, burning this fossil fuel, not noticing that their feet a huge amount of energy. From the time of the sailing of the fleet from two forces acting on the vessel, the pressure force of the wind caught the sails, and the power of the sea - the priority of the received first. Unnoticed the fact that the energy of the waves is much superior wind energy, since the density of water is 800 times the density of air. The loss of speed from the courts on the excitement reaches 50% [1], and doubling the speed would require a threefold increase in capacity of the main engine, and there is in the power of the waves, i.e. their energy passing through the width of the vessel per unit time during the course of the ship against the waves can be estimated by the expression where ρ - the density of water; g - acceleration of gravity; a - wave amplitude; In - the width of a vessel; VcVp- ship speed and wave, respectively. This power outweighs the power of the main engine. Therefore, the use of wave energy is a promising direction receiving high speed of the vessel in waves. It remains to solve the technical problem of obtaining energy from sea waves. This is done using various technical devices[2], [3]. As a prototype we have chosen a device that uses wave energy to produce thrust [3], representing an additional bottom in the form of an inclined surface near the bow end of the vessel 1 (Fig 1). During rolling of the ship in waves, the force F has two components: the force N, which reduces the amplitude of pitching, which is beneficial to the habitat conditions of the crew, and the power of the T - additional traction force, which in the case of the main engine reduces its intensity, reducing the temperature of the cooling water and thereby increases motoresurs main engine. All this leads to a significant economic effect. In addition to this the th, in case of emergency (in case of ship grounding) additional bottom will prevent the destruction of the core bottom and the flow of water inside the hull. The aim of the present invention is to improve the construction of devices that will significantly increase the traction force and allows the ship to move yourself against waves without operation of the main engine. In emergency situations in case of failure of the main engine when you reserve time for repair or call a rescue vessel, this device will allow the vessel not only to reduce the drift velocity, but to move forward against the waves. This goal is achieved by the fact that the underwater part of the aft end of the vessel by means of brackets 2 (figure 1) is rigidly mounted stabilizer 3 in the form of a wing profile that more effectively communicate underwater hull of the vessel with the fluid flow in waves. The stabilizer does not extend past the dimensions of the vessel and is set at a small angle of attack α to the horizontal plane (figure 2), the optimal value of which will be installed in the process of experimental research. As shown by preliminary studies conducted on the Black sea in Sevastopol and in Koktebel, the stabilizer in the form aft of the wings of the second profile 3 (figure 1) in tandem with additional slope 1 has allowed more than two times to increase the speed of motion of the model against the waves. To prevent the action of cavitation and stall used wing profile with a uniform pressure distribution on the upper side of the wing (the side of the vacuum). One such profile is easily produced segment profile with a sharp incoming and outgoing edges. The bottom surface of the considerations of simplicity is flat. However, to ensure maximum quality and hydrodynamic lifting force of the lower surface can be made concave. Inclined surface in the area of the forward end of the underwater part of the ship and wing profile in the underwater part of the aft end of the work as a whole to form a fluid flow on a rampage in the area of the underwater part of the vessel so that is a smooth flow over the hull even during rolling, thus reducing the resistance of the hull and increased speed. Aft wing profile plays the role of a bearing surface, a thin, well-streamlined body that moves in a fluid with a low angle of attack α and which occurs hydrodynamic lift force L acting perpendicular to the direction of movement (figure 2). The lift force L is a component of the hydrodynamic force f, and the drag force D acts in the direction of negative values of velocity V of the progress of the vessel. In addition to snizeni the resistance movement of the vessel due to smooth around the body in the presence of the aft wing profile, the latter causes the lift force L acting on the shoulder, equal to the length of the vessel, to create differentbuy time, whereby the inclined surface 1 (Fig 1) more effectively communicates the excitement with fluid flow, increasing the force F and therefore its components: the force N and the traction force T, and hence the speed V of the vessel. Sources of information 1. Kazan C.V. "Sterowanie ships, M.: Transport, 1963 2. Chikaranga VG "Device for reducing the speed of drift of the vessel". Patent No. 2184047, 2002 3. Chikaranga VG "Device that uses wave energy to produce thrust". Patent No. 2254261, 2005 Device for increasing the traction of a vessel having an additional bottom in the form of an inclined surface in the underwater part of the fore end of the vessel, using the energy of waves, characterized in that the underwater part of the aft end of the vessel is fixed stabilizer in the form of a wing profile to create differentmodes guides when interacting mentioned inclined surface with the fluid flow on the excitement increasing traction force.
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