Method for predicting physical growth and development of small children |
IPC classes for russian patent Method for predicting physical growth and development of small children (RU 2291444):
Method involves determining immune reactivity of blood serum with respect to insulin, to anti-insulin antibodies or their antigen-binding fragments, to anti-anti-insulin antibodies binding the antibodies to insulin and antigens to growth factor or their antigen-binding fragments and ANCA antigen. Blood serum immunoreactivity increase with respect to parameters under measurement relative to norm is used for determining diabetes mellitus neurological and vascular complications development.
In patient's blood one should detect the concentration of cortisol and fertile factors α2-microglobulin (AMGF), trophoblastic β1-1-glycoproteide (TBG) and α1-placental microglobulin (PAMG-1). The phases of stress states should be diagnosed by the coefficient calculated due to dividing the sum of AMGF and TBG concentrations by the sum of PAMG-1 and cortisol concentrations, moreover, the concentration should be expressed in % against average values in healthy persons. Coefficient's value being equal to 1.0-11 corresponds to the norm; at its value being 1.2-1.5 one should diagnose the phase of anxiety; at 0.7-0.9 - the phase of resistance; at 0.2-0.6 - the phase of exhaustion. The innovation provides the chance to program the flow of pathological process more accurately.
Method for predicting the development of gastrointestinal tract paresis in patients with vertebral traumas / 2286089
In patients with vertebral traumas for about 2-3 h after lesion one should simultaneously determine the level of hormone cortisol, malonic dialdehyde (MDA) in blood serum, and, also, the value of total bioelectric activity (TBEA) of gastrointestinal tract (GIT) and at cortisol values being 981.7 nM/l and higher, and MDA values - 8.35 mM/l and higher and values of TBEA being 387.75 mcV and lower it is possible to predict the development of GIT paresis.
Method for predicting the development of stress reactions in early neonatal period in neonatals born in females with urogenital infection / 2284526
In serum of peripheral blood in pregnant women in trimester III of pregnancy period it is necessary to determine serotonin concentration. The flow of stress reactions in early neonatal period in neonatals should be predicted at serotonin level being above 0.1 mcg/ml. Application of the present method provides the opportunity for earlier prediction of the development of stress reactions in neonatals in early neonatal period.
Method of prognosing generalization of process in children and adolescents with osteal sarcoma / 2282195
Method provides for early prognosis of generalization disease due to most wide biological action of thyroidal hormones regulating principal stages of metabolic processes in body and influencing proliferation velocity and functions of nervous and immune systems, whose status, in turn, greatly determines state of antitumor résistance. Method is characterized by performing complex antitumor treatment and biochemical investigation and in patients undergone complex treatment with complete clinical and laboratory remission level of free fraction of thyroidal hormone triiodothironine is determined in blood. When this level lies within a range of 4.0 to 5.2 pmol/ml, preservation of remission during 6 to 24 month is forecasted and, at the level 5.8 to 7.4 pmol/ml, generalization of malignant process within period of 1 to 3 months is expected.
Method for diagnosing obliterated form of congenital adrenal gland cortex hyperplasia / 2279090
Method involves carrying out test with adrenocorticotropic. Blood levels of 11-desoxycortisol (S), cortisol (F), cortisone (E) and corticosterone (B) are determined by means of high performance liquid chromatography. Ratios of cortisol-to-cortisone levels (F/E) and to 11-desoxycortisol level (F/S) are calculated. Corticosterone level being lower than 17 ng/l and 11-desoxycortisol level being greater than 7.0 ng/l with F/E<5 and F/S<16, obliterated form of congenital adrenal gland cortex hyperplasia is to be diagnosed.
Method for predicting relapses in skin melanoma patients / 2275637
Method involves measuring daily estrone, estradiol and estriol excretion in women of reproductive age. Relation between estriol excretion and total amount of estrone and estradiol excretion after treatment and at control examination stage is calculated. The value being found to grow, relapse is predicted to occur in 11-12 months after the treatment.
Method for predicting bronchial asthma clinical development severity in adolescent patient at puberty transition time / 2273856
Method involves determining thyroid gland hormone of triiodothyronine (T3 in IU/l) and thyroxin (T4 in IU/l), pituitary hormones - thyrotropic hormone (TTH in IU/l), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH in IU/l) and luteinizing hormone (LH in IU/l) concentration using radio isotope method and physical adolescent growth and development level with somatometric type being equal to 1 in microsomatic type cases, 2 in mesosomatic type cases and 3 in macrosomatic type cases. Discriminant function is determined in male adolescent case as D=19.535x(T3)+3.973x(T4)-27.38x(TTH)-11.028x(1.2 or 3)-307.473x(FSH)-17.585x(LH). The discriminant function value D>116.44 being the case, worsening bronchial asthma clinical course is predicted. D<116.44 being the case, bronchial improving asthma clinical course is predicted. Discriminant function is determined in female adolescent case as D=-4.908x(T3)-0.052x(T4)-0.355x(TTH)-3.166x(1.2 or 3)-0.769x(FSH)-0.144x(LH). The discriminant function value D>-24.23 being the case, worsening bronchial asthma clinical course is predicted. D<-24.23 being the case, improving bronchial asthma clinical course is predicted.
Method for predicting powerless labor in pregnant nodular goiter surgically treated on goiter occasion during pregnancy under medical supervision / 2273456
Method involves determining thyroid gland node diameter and thyrotropic hormone by applying ultrasonic examination approach. Histological examination is carried out with conclusion concerning morphologic nature being obtained like nodular colloid proliferating goiter or thyroid gland adenoma. Diagnostic index Σ is calculated from formula Σ=0.49*K1+0.07*K2-0.5*K3+1.76*K4-1.53, where K1 is the thyroid gland node diameter; K2 is the TTH concentration; K3 is the nodular colloid proliferating goiter index equal to 1 or 0; K4 is the thyroid gland adenoma index equal to 1 or 0. Diagnostic index Σ being less than zero, conclusions concerning powerless labor threat is to be drawn.
Method for predicting cholecystitis and cholelithiasis / 2263920
While diagnosing cholecystitis and cholelithiasis due to ultrasound testing one should additionally study blood plasma and bile to detect there the content of prostaglandins PGE2 and PGF2α. At PGE2/PGF2α ratio in blood plasma being equal to 6 and more, and, also, at decreased level of biliary cholecystokinin-pancreosimin by 38% and more, biliary PGE2 by 59% and more and increased level of biliary prostaglandin PGF2α by 5.9 times and more against the norm one should diagnose chlecystitis and cholelithiasis. The innovation enables to detect the above-mentioned diseases at earlier stage.
Method for discovering newborns threatened by hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy development / 2291443
Method involves determining interleukine 1α content in peripheral blood by applying immune enzyme assay method. Interleukine 1α concentration being equal to 21.8±0.21 pg/ml, the child is judged to belong to group threatened by hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy development.
Method for predicting serous ovarian carcinoma patients survival period in climacteric period and postmenopause / 2291435
Method involves calculating survival period duration in months from a formula being linear combination of several variables like morphological tumor parameters, that is, tumor cell area, mean ploidity of tumor cell nuclei, p53 expression level and special area of spontaneous necroses.
Method for predicting diffuse toxic goiter clinical course / 2291434
Method involves determining anti-inflammatory cytokines IL-1β and TNF-α and anti-inflammatory IL-4 content. K coefficient is calculated from formula K=(ln IL-1β + ln TNF-α)/ ln IL-4. K value being found greater than 2, recurrent clinical course of diffuse toxic goiter is to be predicted.
Method for predicting complications occurrence after lasik operations / 2290870
Method involves carrying out ophthalmic examination. Posteroanterior axis is determined by applying ultrasonic echobiometry method. Availability and spread of peripheral chorioretinal dystrophy is ophthalmologically estimated in grades with Goldman lens as total over the whole eyeball perimeter. Immunoregulation index ratio (IRI=CD4 count/CD8 count), circulating immune complex content, and immunoglobulin IgA content are determined in blood. Posteroanterior axis being equal to or greater than 26.0 mm, peripheral chorioretinal dystrophy spread being greater than 180° and greater than eye ball perimeter, IRI being reduced 1.3 times as small and more, circulating immune complex content being increased by 60% and more and IgA being 1.5 times as high and more, complications development risk is considered to be high after Lasik operation.
Method for evaluating inflammatory process activity at psoriasis / 2290645
The present innovation deals with laboratory methods for studying skin diseases by detecting the content of inflammatory process markers in blood serum at the moment of disease exacerbation and in the end of therapy. As markers of inflammatory process one should apply alpha-1 acid glycoprotein and nitrogen oxide. At decreased content of acid glycoprotein in blood serum ranged 1.19-1.21 g/l up to 0.78-0.82, and as for nitrogen oxide ranged 44.5-54.4 mcM/l up to 24-29.2 mcM/l one should evaluate psoriasis activity to be high. At decreased content of alpha-1 acid glycoprotein ranged 1-1.04 g/l - up to 0.76-0.8 g/l, and nitrogen oxide ranged 37.9-43.5 mcM/l up to 20.6-27.4 mcM/l the psoriasis activity should be evaluated as low. The innovation provides higher significance of diagnostics, decreases labor intensity and period for carrying out the experiments mentioned that enables to develop a number of individual curative procedures for every patient.
One should sample the waters during the period of delivery in pregnant women from the risk group at verified urogenital infection and/or the presence of fetoplacental insufficiency to detect the value of TNF-α and neopterin. At TNF-α being above 88.1±7.9 pg/ml and neopterin being above 17.3±1.6 ng/ml one should predict hypoxic-ischemic lesion of neonatals' CNS. The innovation enables to indicate earlier curative procedures.
Method for predicting survival period in serous ovary carcinoma patients of reproductive age / 2290640
Method involves calculating life duration in months from a formula being linear combination of several variables defined as morphological tumor parameters like carcinoma differentiation degree, tumor cell area, mean tumor cell nuclei ploidity level, p53 expression level, PCNA expression level and progesterone receptors expression level.
The present innovation deals with predicting the relapse of serous ovarian cancer after radical therapy before its clinical manifestation. The suggested innovation could be applied in daily practice of pathologoanatomic departments of hospitals, oncological dispensaries, specialized centers and research Institutes. The risk for the development of relapse is represented by a dichotomous variable calculated by the formula determined by logistic regression that includes the combination of several variables being morphological parameters of tumor, that is the area of tumor cell, average ploidy of tumor cells' nuclei, the level of p53 expression the level of expression of estrogen receptors, the level of PCNA expression. The innovation enables to predict repeated cancer growth according to morphological characteristics of primary tumor till clinical manifestation of the relapse.
Disclosed is method for identification, isolation and production of antigens interacting with hyperimmune serum from specific pathogen useful in vaccines for human or animals. Claimed method includes providing of antibody preparation from serum pool of certain animals or human or individual serums with antibodies against certain pathogen; production of at least one expression library of certain pathogen; data screening of said at least one expression library using abovementioned antibody preparation; identification of antibodies binding to antibodies in antibody preparation during screening; screening of identified antigens using individual antibody preparations from individual serums obtained from subjects having antibodies against said certain pathogen; identification of reacting with hyperimmune serum antigen part of identified antigens than bind to relevant part of individual antibody preparations from individual serums optionally isolation of reacting with hyperimmune serum antigens and production thereof by chemical or recombinant methods.
Claimed method includes providing of control mixture (CM); blood sampling with anticoagulant; providing of mixture for phagocytosis investigation (PhIM) by introducing in tested blood sample preliminary prepared 0.1 % solution of chromogenic reagent, namely tetrasolium nitroblue (NTB) dissolved in 0.9 % sodium chloride solution; PhIM incubation; preparation of smears from incubated followed by determination of amount of formasan-positive phagocytes in percents based on total phagocyte amount and FAF evaluation by comparison obtained values with normal ones. To produce CM part of preliminary prepared NTB solution with volume of at least 0.05 ml is blended with yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and obtained CM is held for at least 6 min at temperature of (20±2)°C. Then CM color is analyzed and rest part of NTB solution is used for PhIM preparation only in presence of pink color in CM. Method of present invention makes it possible to increase accuracy of FAF determination by 25-33 %.
In lacrimal liquid one should detect the content of interleukin 8 (IL-8) and that of interleukin 1 beta (IL-1β) to calculate prognostic coefficient (PC) due to dividing the first value by the second one by the following formula:
FIELD: medicine. SUBSTANCE: method involves determining triiodothyronine content in peripheral blood serum of children of the second half-year of life having perinatal central nervous system injury manifestations and no signs of hypothyroidism. The value being equal to 0.69±1.34 ng/ml, the children are predicted to have small height to the third year of life. EFFECT: high accuracy and specificity of the method; enhanced effectiveness in selecting appropriate prophylaxis measures. 1 tbl
The invention relates to medicine, namely to Pediatrics, and can be used to predict the variance of the physical development of young children with perinatal lesions of the Central nervous system. The urgency of development is determined by a large frequency deviations of the physical development of young children with perinatal CNS lesions and their consequences, 39.5% of [1]that indicate trouble in the child's health status [2]. A well-known predictor of health disorders in children the first year of life, born with the syndrome of intrauterine development by determining the total activity indicator painted silver nitrate agricoevrazia areas 10 acrocentric chromosomes (10 Ag respective nor) in the peripheral blood on day 5 of life, when the value of the index less than 18 points predict infectious-inflammatory diseases and low indices of physical development (including low growth) in the first year (Patent No. 2223039. A method for predicting health effects in children the first year of life, born with the syndrome of intrauterine development / Shumakovitch, Tpiuch, Twizala (Russia) // BIPM. - 2004. No. 4. - 4.3. - P.447). This method is chosen as the nearest equivalent. However, it has several disadvantages. The disadvantages of the method: 1. Change marnoso activity indicator painted silver nitrate agricoevrazia regions of chromosomes in peripheral blood is not strictly specific for the detection of low levels of physical development. The functional activity of the respective nor chromosomes has an impact not only on the variability of anthropometric indicators (weight and body length, chest circumference), but may be the cause and reproductive pathology [3, 4]. 2. A method for predicting health disorders only in children born with the syndrome of intrauterine development. 3. A method for predicting health disorders in children and adults first year of life. 4. The study is more than 72 hours. 5. The forecast accuracy of 83.3%. These drawbacks are proposed to be eliminated in the present method. The technical solution of the proposed method is forecasting lower growth in infants with perinatal lesions of the Central nervous system by determining the serum of a child in the second half of life content triiodothyronine (T3and when its level is 0.69 to 1.34 ng/ml1(1normal values of triiodothyronine in serum in children 6-12 months when determining enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using a set of firm HUMAN (Germany) are 0,69-2,02 ng/ml (test Report immunoassay test T3the firm's HUMAN. - Moscow, 2003)) predict low growth to 3 years with precision 94,3%, sensitivity 100% and specificity of 91.2 per cent. Triiodothyronine (T3) is the first hormone, which is synthesized and accumulates in the thyroid gland. Defining it plays an important role in the diagnosis of functional activity and thyroid disease [5]. Thyroid hormones provide a balance between anabolic and catabolic processes, which is a prerequisite for normal growth, affect the differentiation of tissues, stimulates the synthesis of many structural proteins in the body. Triiodothyronine is produced from thyroxine, with the participation of the enzyme deiodinase [6]. Complications during pregnancy, toxaemia, chronic intrauterine hypoxia leads to decreased activity of tissue enzymes. As a result of this enzyme deficiency in children with perinatal post-hypoxic lesions of the Central nervous system lower triiodothyronine [7]. High biological activity of this hormone gives reason for us to assume that the decrease in its concentration in blood serum in children in the first year of life below the average age norms, is adverse prognostic factor in terms of their physical development to the completion of the period of early childhood. However, reliable values of the correlation coefficient between triiodothyronine (T3) and a body length up to the present time not identified [8]. The novelty of the method lies in the fact that for the first time proposed the Xia predict poor growth to 3 years of life according to the content of T 3in the blood serum of the children of the second half of life with perinatal lesions of the CNS in the absence of hypothyroid state. The method is standard, as follows. In children the second half of life (6-12 months) with perinatal CNS lesions without clinical manifestations of hypothyroidism collect venous blood in quantities of 0.2 ml, after the formation of a clot centrifuged at 1,500 rpm for 10 minutes and determine the level of triiodothyronine in 0.05 ml of serum enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using a set of firm HUMAN (Germany) on the device "Automatic 8-channel reader EL 808" company BIO-TEK INSTRUMENTS WC (USA) according to the instructions. The result after 2 hours and 45 minutes in ng/ml. Distinctive features of the method are that in the serum of children of the second half of life with perinatal CNS lesions without signs of hypothyroidism determine the content of triiodothyronine and when it is equal to 0.69 to 1.34 ng/ml predicts low growth from them in 3 years. The essence of the method is illustrated by the following examples. Example 1. Baby M was Born from a second pregnancy going on in the background anemia complicated by preeclampsia. Delivery at 39 weeks. Estimation on Apgar scale 7-8 points. Body weight at birth was 3000 g, body length - 51 see At discharge from maternity hospital diagnosed erinaceinae hypoxic CNS, mild hypertensive syndrome. At the age of 8 months, the child's identified level of triiodothyronine in the blood, it amounted to 1.34 ng/ml At the time of examination physical development is age appropriate. Given the forecast for the low growth of the child 3 years. 3, the length of the body 86 cm (normal values of body length girls in 3 years are 89,3-to 102.3 cm (Information and methodological materials for interns and pediatricians - Ivanovo, 2000)), the body weight is 11,100 kg Prediction was confirmed. Example 2. The child that is born from the first pregnancy complicated by nephropathy 1 tbsp. Delivery at 38 weeks. Estimation on Apgar scale 6-7 points. Body weight at birth - 2800 g, body length of 50 cm was Discharged from the hospital with a diagnosis of perinatal hypoxic-ischemic CNS damage, moderate severity, the syndrome of hyperexcitability. At the age of 10 months. the child determined the level of triiodothyronine in the blood, it amounted to 1.15 ng/ml At the time of examination of the deviations of the physical development of the child is not identified. Given the forecast for the low growth of the child 3 years. 3, the body length of 87 cm (normal values of body length boys in 3 years are 90,8-103,5 cm (Information and methodological materials for interns and pediatricians - Ivanovo, 2000)), body weight - 12,300 kg Prediction was confirmed. Example 3. Baby S. was born from the first pregnancy complicated by preeclampsia is m, by polyhydramnios, the threat of termination. Delivery at 38 weeks. Estimation on Apgar scale 6-7 points. Body weight at birth - 2850 g, body length - 50 cm Diagnosis at discharge from maternity hospital: perinatal hypoxic-ischemic CNS damage, moderate severity, hypertensive syndrome, vegetative-visceral disorders. At the age of 9 months, the child's identified level of triiodothyronine in serum, he was 0.69 ng/ml At the time of the survey the physical development of the child is age appropriate. The forecast low growth to 3 years. 3, the body length - 84 cm (normal values of body length boys in 3 years are 90,8-103,5 cm (Information and methodological materials for interns and pediatricians - Ivanovo, 2000)), body weight - 12,400 kg Prediction was confirmed. Example 4. Baby K. was born from a second pregnancy going on in the background anemia complicated by preeclampsia. Delivery at 40 weeks. Estimation on Apgar scale 7-8 points. Body weight at birth - 2950 g, body length - 51 see Diagnosis at discharge from maternity hospital: perinatal hypoxic CNS mild hypertensive syndrome. At the age of 11 months, the child's identified level of triiodothyronine in the blood, which was 1.74 ng/ml Dan forecast for normal physical development. 3, the length of the body 94 cm (normal values of body length girls in 3 years are 89,3-102.3 from the Informational and methodological materials for interns and pediatricians - Ivanovo, 2000)), body weight - 13,850 kg Prediction was confirmed. Advantages of the method: 1. The opportunity in the early stages with 6-12 months forecast of low growth to 3 years in children with perinatal lesions of the Central nervous system. 2. The timely implementation of preventive measures and the prevention of occurrence of deviations of the physical development of young children. 3. The possibility of predicting deviations of physical development in children 3 years in one indicator is available and simple method. 4. It takes less time for research - 2 hours and 45 minutes (for prototype - more than 72 hours). 5. High accuracy of prediction variance of physical development in children up to 3 years (94,3%). 6. High sensitivity (100%) and specificity (91,2%). In this way was examined in 88 children. The research results are summarized in table 1.
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