Method for alloying metals in films |
IPC classes for russian patent Method for alloying metals in films (RU 2276206):
Proposed method intended for producing loose couplings in the form of two-dimensional periodic microstructures possessing Josephson properties used in high-sensitivity systems of HTSC film SQUID-magnetometers, for instance to produce high-sensitivity magnetic-flux sensors and electric-field detectors for magnetocardiogram recording units in medicine, geophysics, environment control, in oil industry to check oil products for paramagnetic impurities, and the like involves building of periodic microstructures around HTSC films possessing Josephson properties. To this end high-temperature superconductor is applied to substrate and loose-coup[ling regions are formed thereon in the course of HTSC film evaporation at the same time organizing rarefaction and compression regions within substrate to produce impact on film growth process. Periodic rarefaction and compression regions can be organized in substrate by laser-beam ultrasonic pulse, for instance that of nanosecond length, that excites acoustic standing wave of about 45 - 90 μm in length; in the process opposite side of substrate is acted upon by ultrasonic pulse. Provision is made to prevent parasitic loose couplings with critical currents lower than that of bridges in compression region of superconducting components and for dispensing with large units whose substructure has disoriented crystals forming Josephson structures of Dyem bridge type at crystal-to-crystal interface or on embedded microscopic particles of non-superconducting phase YBaCuO.
Bottom of screen is made in form of hollow cone with angle at vertex being less than 90°. Screen with heater is immersed into cooling agent, exposed until full cooling, then heated until transfer to normal state T=Tc+3...6K, where Tc - temperature of transfer of screen material from superconductive state to normal, after which heater is removed from screen at speed, equal to speed of temperature cooling front of screen material.
The high-temperature superconduction based on lithium phosphide is made in the form of a multilayer structure including a dielectric substrate, on which a buffer diamond film and a layer of solid solution of lithium nitride in lithium phosphide with the content of lithium nitride within 4 to 7% are successively positioned. The surface of the layer of solid solution is coated with a protective diamond film. The thickness of the layer of solid solution does not exceed 2μm, and the thickness of the buffer and protective diamond films makes up 20-50 nm. A quartz fiber light-emitting diode coated with layer of silicon oxonitride, up to 50 nm thick, may be used as a dielectric substrate. For production of a high-temperature superconductor based on lithium phosphide a method is offered, consisting in the fact that a buffer diamond film is precipitated on a dielectric substrate of steam-gas mixture of methane and hydrogen placed a reactor and heated to a temperature of 500-600 C in the flow of inert gas in a low-pressure microwave plasma, then by a plasmochemical precipitation a layer of a solid solution in lithium phosphide with a content of lithium nitride within 4 to 7% is applied to the film by feeding of dried inert gas and a solid solution of phosphide and lithium nitride of a similar composition and congruently evaporated at a temperature of 450 to 550C to the zone of precipitation, after that a protective diamond film is precipitated on the layer surface.
The invention presents a method of production of strongly nestled superconductive massive bodies made out of MgB2 having the density close to the theoretical value. At that the method includes the following stages: a mechanical activation of a crystalline boron with formation of the activated powders; formation of a porous workpiece out of the indicated powders; assembly of the porous workpiece out of boron and the massive forerunners of the metallic magnesium in a container and its pressurization in an aerosphere of a noble gas or with low oxygen content; the thermal treatment of boron and magnesium assembled as stated above, at the temperature above 700°C during a time interval exceeding 30 minutes. As a result of it the liquid phase of magnesium infiltrates through the activated powders of the crystalline boron. Mechanical activation of the crystalline boron is conducted by comminution of flakes of the crystalline boron with the help of a repeated crushing at compression under a heavy pressure. The technical result of the invention is simplification of the method of production of strongly nestled products out ofMgB2 with improved characteristics.
Invention relates to deformational treatment of materials and can be used in manufacture of articles, including solid ones and those from high-temperature superconducting ceramics having high current-conducting capacity in the form of disk, ring, stick, tube, sheet, and tape, which are employed in power accumulators, magnetic levitation devices, cryogenic electric motors, accelerators, magnetic screens, and current leads. Manufacture method for these articles comprises plastic deformation of blank having platy microstructure with degree of deformation ensuring formation of sharp crystallographic texture with desired orientation of basal planes of grains. Deformation is performed at temperature within the range T*<T<Tlim (T* is temperature of the commencement of macroscopic grain-boundary creep and Tlim limiting temperature determined by permissible level of irreversible degradation of principal phase of high-temperature superconducting ceramics under deformation conditions) and deformation rate preventing dynamic recrystallization development within selected temperature range. Deformation of blank is performed by a method selected taking into account shape of article. Deformation rate is selected within a range from 10-6 to 10-3 s-1.
Proposed weak magnetic field sensor has insulating substrate made of sapphire and magnetically sensing element in the form of heteroepitaxial niobium film.
Proposed composite high-temperature superconductor magnetic shield has alternating high-temperature superconductor and conductor washers assembled into cylinder. High-temperature superconductor washers are shaped so that they can partially enter each other when shield is being assembled thereby avoiding through gaps therein perpendicular to shield axis. Prior to assembly high-temperature superconductor washers are selected according to critical current so as to ensure that jcr ≥ 2 Bm/μ0d, where μ0 is magnetic constant; d is shield thickness; Bm is flux density of magnetic field being shielded. Conductor washers are, essentially, circular sections of silver-containing adhesive applied to high-temperature superconductor.
Proposed method includes covering of surface of matrix made of normal-conductivity material with alternately disposed superconducting, stabilizing, and heat-conducting layers. Superconducting layer incorporates high-melting transition metal, and matrix dissolution yields superconducting item whose superconducting surface layer presents matrix surface replica. Matrix is made of carbon-containing material and superconducting layer is produced from chemical compound having type B-1 crystalline structure. Stabilizing covering layer is made of high-melting transition metal of superconducting layer. Superconducting layer is characterized in enhanced heat conductance and strength, reduced temperature coefficient of frequency and energy loss.
The invention is pertaining to production of microelectronic devices on the basis of substrates manufactured out of III-V groups chemical element nitride boules and may be used in semiconductor engineering. Substance of the invention: the boule of III-V groups chemical element nitride may be manufactured by growing of the material of III-V groups the chemical element nitride on the corresponding crystal seed out of the same material of nitride of the chemical element of III-V of group by epitaxy from the vapor phase at the speed of the growth exceeding 20 micrometers per hour. The boule has the quality suitable for manufacture of microelectronic devices, its diameter makes more than 1 centimeter, the length exceeds 1 millimeter, defects density on the boule upper surface is less than 107 defects·cm-2.
The invention relates to the field of doping of solids by ion irradiation photobrush elements and can be used for ionic modification of structure and physico-mechanical properties of metals, semiconductors and superconductors
The invention is pertaining to production of microelectronic devices on the basis of substrates manufactured out of III-V groups chemical element nitride boules and may be used in semiconductor engineering. Substance of the invention: the boule of III-V groups chemical element nitride may be manufactured by growing of the material of III-V groups the chemical element nitride on the corresponding crystal seed out of the same material of nitride of the chemical element of III-V of group by epitaxy from the vapor phase at the speed of the growth exceeding 20 micrometers per hour. The boule has the quality suitable for manufacture of microelectronic devices, its diameter makes more than 1 centimeter, the length exceeds 1 millimeter, defects density on the boule upper surface is less than 107 defects·cm-2.
Method for alloying metals in films / 2276206
Method comprises steps of spraying and simultaneously displacing in space metal and alloying element to nano-dispersed state in low-pressure plasma and their co-deposition in the form of sub-layers at alternating repeating crossing of plasma fluxes; depositing each layer in the form of "island" type coating with particle size of metal and(or) alloying element less than critical size when particle is in liquid state at co-deposition. Invention provides significantly lowered temperature (about 100°C) of alloying - formation of solid solution.
Two versions are proposed for realization of this method for forming on surface of object to be subjected to radiation multi-element beam at difference of ratio of ion mass to charge not exceeding 10% for each ion. According to first version, multi-element plasma of high-charge ions is formed in chamber of one source which is connected with at least two autonomous dosimeters of phase-forming atoms. Multi-element beam of multi-charge ions is extracted from plasma with the aid of electric field formed by constant accelerating voltage and this beam is directed to magnetic separator which separates ion components of phase-forming atoms at difference in ratio of ion mass to its charge not exceeding 10% scanning over surface of object to be subjected to ration by this beam. According to second version, multi-element plasma of high-charge ions is formed in chamber of source connected with at least two autonomous dosimeters of phase-forming atoms. Multi-element beam of multi-charge ions at respective energies is extracted with the aid of electric field formed by modulator of accelerating voltage amplitude; this field changes in amplitude periodically and successively. Ions accelerated periodically and successively for selected energies are directed to object to be subjected to radiation though magnetic separator.
Invention relates to apparatus and methods of marking valuables, mainly precious stones, particularly cut diamonds, and can be used for subsequent identification of data of the valuables. Mark 1 is made in form of an image, which is optically visualised in diffraction-reflection light, made on the polished surface 3 of the valuable object 2. The structure of the image is formed by a modified area of the surface layer of the object 2 with optical properties in the said area, which is functionally the image of mark 1, altered from the initial properties. The modified area is made in form of microlines 8, spatially formed according to type of the reflection grating, which is functionally an apparatus for increasing contrast of visual perception of the image of marker 1 in at least one of the colour hues of the spectrum of incident radiation. The structure of microlines of the modified area includes at least one impurity additive, which is selected from a group which includes noble metals or boron, ion-implanted into atomic lattices of the initial material of the object without breaking interatomic bonds of these lattices and, therefore, without changing quality of the polished surface of the object, but with change of the complex refractive index of this material. According to the method of making mark 1, before modification, a technological layer (TL) of material, which is removed after modification, is deposited on surface 3. A structure is formed in the technological layer according to type of the line grating. The corresponding area of the surface layer is modified by exposing this area to an ion beam through a mask with an image of mark 1 and the spatial structure formed in the technological layer, that way creating process conditions implantation of modifier ions into the modified area of the surface layer of the material of object 2 without breaking bonds in the atomic lattices of this material and, therefore, without changing initial quality of polishing the surface layer, but with change of its initial optical properties. The modifier used is impurity additives, selected from a group which includes noble metals or boron, ions of which alter the complex refractive index of the modified layer.
Proposed method includes covering of surface of matrix made of normal-conductivity material with alternately disposed superconducting, stabilizing, and heat-conducting layers. Superconducting layer incorporates high-melting transition metal, and matrix dissolution yields superconducting item whose superconducting surface layer presents matrix surface replica. Matrix is made of carbon-containing material and superconducting layer is produced from chemical compound having type B-1 crystalline structure. Stabilizing covering layer is made of high-melting transition metal of superconducting layer. Superconducting layer is characterized in enhanced heat conductance and strength, reduced temperature coefficient of frequency and energy loss.
Proposed composite high-temperature superconductor magnetic shield has alternating high-temperature superconductor and conductor washers assembled into cylinder. High-temperature superconductor washers are shaped so that they can partially enter each other when shield is being assembled thereby avoiding through gaps therein perpendicular to shield axis. Prior to assembly high-temperature superconductor washers are selected according to critical current so as to ensure that jcr ≥ 2 Bm/μ0d, where μ0 is magnetic constant; d is shield thickness; Bm is flux density of magnetic field being shielded. Conductor washers are, essentially, circular sections of silver-containing adhesive applied to high-temperature superconductor.
Proposed weak magnetic field sensor has insulating substrate made of sapphire and magnetically sensing element in the form of heteroepitaxial niobium film.
Invention relates to deformational treatment of materials and can be used in manufacture of articles, including solid ones and those from high-temperature superconducting ceramics having high current-conducting capacity in the form of disk, ring, stick, tube, sheet, and tape, which are employed in power accumulators, magnetic levitation devices, cryogenic electric motors, accelerators, magnetic screens, and current leads. Manufacture method for these articles comprises plastic deformation of blank having platy microstructure with degree of deformation ensuring formation of sharp crystallographic texture with desired orientation of basal planes of grains. Deformation is performed at temperature within the range T*<T<Tlim (T* is temperature of the commencement of macroscopic grain-boundary creep and Tlim limiting temperature determined by permissible level of irreversible degradation of principal phase of high-temperature superconducting ceramics under deformation conditions) and deformation rate preventing dynamic recrystallization development within selected temperature range. Deformation of blank is performed by a method selected taking into account shape of article. Deformation rate is selected within a range from 10-6 to 10-3 s-1.
The invention presents a method of production of strongly nestled superconductive massive bodies made out of MgB2 having the density close to the theoretical value. At that the method includes the following stages: a mechanical activation of a crystalline boron with formation of the activated powders; formation of a porous workpiece out of the indicated powders; assembly of the porous workpiece out of boron and the massive forerunners of the metallic magnesium in a container and its pressurization in an aerosphere of a noble gas or with low oxygen content; the thermal treatment of boron and magnesium assembled as stated above, at the temperature above 700°C during a time interval exceeding 30 minutes. As a result of it the liquid phase of magnesium infiltrates through the activated powders of the crystalline boron. Mechanical activation of the crystalline boron is conducted by comminution of flakes of the crystalline boron with the help of a repeated crushing at compression under a heavy pressure. The technical result of the invention is simplification of the method of production of strongly nestled products out ofMgB2 with improved characteristics.
FIELD: production of special alloys in the form of coatings or self-carrying articles, possibly in metallurgy, machine engineering, material investigation and other branches of industry. SUBSTANCE: method comprises steps of spraying and simultaneously displacing in space metal and alloying element to nano-dispersed state in low-pressure plasma and their co-deposition in the form of sub-layers at alternating repeating crossing of plasma fluxes; depositing each layer in the form of "island" type coating with particle size of metal and(or) alloying element less than critical size when particle is in liquid state at co-deposition. Invention provides significantly lowered temperature (about 100°C) of alloying - formation of solid solution. EFFECT: lowered temperature of alloying process. 1 tbl, 1 ex
The invention relates to the field of production of special alloys in the form of coatings or self-supporting products and can be used in metallurgy, mechanical engineering, materials science and other fields. A method of processing materials (USSR author's certificate No. 1055784, CL 30 In 31/20, op. 23.11.1983. Bull. No. 43), in which the doping is performed by coating the surface of diffusant in the form of successive layers of different elements or their alloys thickness of 10-1000 nm and subsequent irradiation of pulsed laser irradiation power of 108-1011W·cm-2with the formation of the doped layer. The disadvantage of this method is the need for heat treatment to obtain the doped alloy is a solid solution. Also known is a method of obtaining single-crystal carbon film (provisional patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 4275, CL 30 In 30/02, 35/00, op. 14.03.1997. Bull. No. 1), in which the doping is carried out by sputtering a cathode target of solid carbon, the acceleration of carbon ions and their deposition on a heated substrate, and at the same time additionally sprayed alloy material. In this way, as the previous one, for the doping of the material, heating the substrate. Closest to the claimed technical essence is a way of increasing the critical current above which Roudnice doping (patent of Russian Federation №2172043, CL H 01 L 39/00, 39/24, op. 10.08.2001, bull. No. 22), in which the doping is carried out simultaneously with a shift in space spraying of the base metal superconductor and the alloying element does not interact with the basis of the superconductor, nano-dispersed state in the plasma of low pressure and coprecipitation them while maintaining the nano-dispersed state of the alloying element layer subatomic size of alternately repeating the crossing of the plasma flow. The method involves the use of the alloying element does not interact with the metal superconductor, which does not allow to obtain solid solutions, i.e. to carry out doping as such. Use this method to obtain solid solutions with the alloying metal is only possible when heating the coating to a temperature to melt or close to it. The objective of the invention is to develop methods of doping, which allows to obtain a metal film, alloy different elements. The technical result from the combined effect of the characteristics proposed in the invention, is to reduce the temperature of the alloying - formation of solid solution. The technical result is achieved in the way of alloying metal in films, including simultaneous with a shift in space metal sputtering and leyroy the element in nanodispersed in the plasma of low pressure and coprecipitation their subclone alternately repeating the crossing of streams of plasma, in which the deposition of each subslot are in the form of islet coating particles of metal and/or alloying element is less critical, in which the particle is in a liquid state during coprecipitation. The essence of the invention is as follows. In the proposed method, when reducing the size of metal particles and/or alloying element is less than the critical size is significantly reduced its melting point, sometimes the difference compared to compact the metal reaches a hundred degrees. Therefore, the coprecipitation of metal particles and/or alloying element of small size, when they are in liquid form, in the form of adjacent and contiguous Islands, accompanied by their fusion and the formation of a solution. Coalescence of liquid particles (one or more) increases the size of the drops more critical size and particle in the solid state. The repeated processes leads to the formation of a film of a solid solution of the alloying metal at very low temperatures. The method is implemented upon receipt of niobium-doped tin and aluminum, tantalum, doped with lead and other solid solutions. Example. When alloying with niobium sample preparation produced by simultaneous sputtering targets of niobium and tin or aluminum in plasma the bottom of the CSOs pressure and deposition of sputtered metal on moving relative to the plasma flow is not heated substrate from polikor (Al 2About3). Film coating was formed to a thickness of 600-1200 nm at 1200 successive intersections of the substrate generated by the magnetrons flows metals, which ensured the growth of coatings on insular type. The temperature of the substrate during the formation of the samples did not exceed 100°C. Used niobium containing 99.95 wt.% the main element, tin - 99.99 wt.% and aluminum - 99.99 wt.% respectively. The ratio of the concentrations of metals in the samples was changed speed sputtering targets planar magnetron sputtering systems. In the process of sputtering targets maintained constant power to each of the spray devices. The ratio of precipitated components controlled by weighing - in quantity sprayed and deposited metal during the formation of the coating. The manifestation of the alloying process becomes observable when the appearance of a solid solution of metals as a result of mixing, which is possible only when the merging of small particles of different metals, as is the case with conventional melting. The table shows the results of forming a film systems for island type with a decrease in the estimated thickness of the layers (referred to the entire area of the substrate) and, consequently, the size of the particles forming the Islands.
Solid solution is a substitution in the crystal lattice of atoms in a matrix of metal atoms of the alloying metal. The lattice parameter of the solid solution is interpolated linearly from the lattice parameter LEGIROVANNOGO metal) depending on the number of atoms of the alloying element. In the solid solution of the alloying element rentgenograficheski not found. In this regard, the samples No. 1-3 in the system niobium-tin and No. 6, 7 in the system niobium-aluminum presents a separate rentgenograficheski phases, with each of its crystal lattice-valued or more distorted interatomic distances, and the phase boundary. That is, the system presents a mixture of formations of niobium and tin, niobium and aluminum. In the formation of solid solutions by joint precipitation of particles of small size may some the e intermediate state, in which the alloying element does not form a separate phase (samples No. 4, 8, 9)fixed rentgenograficheski, but there is no solid solution that follows from the lack of linear dependence of the lattice parameter (sample No. 4) and the presence of superstructure reflections with parameter 2-2,5 nm, x-ray analysis of samples No. 8, 9 when the lattice parameter corresponding to pure niobium. Aluminum is present in the latter case, in a clustered form, not recorded x-ray analysis. Therefore, the lattice parameters of the alloying elements in samples 4, 8, 9 are not shown in the table. Upon reaching sizes of particles (in our case, they are expressed through the average thickness of the alternating subsoil) critical size and less it forms a solid solution with a lattice that is different from the lattice parameter LEGIROVANNOGO metal, but regularly changing with changes in the concentration of the alloying element. As can be seen from the table, only in sample No. 5, upon reaching the estimated thickness of subsoil 1.0 nm of niobium and 0.4 nm at the tin in the system niobium-tin is the spontaneous formation of solid solution with a lattice parameter 0,3346±to 0.0004 nm, corresponding to the concentration of 21.1 at.% the tin. Similarly, in sample No. 10, upon reaching the estimated thickness of subsoil 1.0 nm of niobium and 0.3 nm of aluminum in the system niobium-aluminum is th is spontaneous formation of solid solution with a lattice parameter 0,3272± 0,0007 nm, corresponding to the concentration of 28.2 at.% aluminum, i.e. alloying niobium aluminum at a temperature of about 100°C. Alloying niobium tin and aluminum are the traditional methods allows to obtain solid solutions at very high temperatures, and the concentration of the alloying elements during cooling tin only about 2 at.% and up to 9 at.% aluminum. Doping of tantalum lead, carried out similarly showed that when reaching the estimated thickness of subsoil tantalum 0.8 nm and lead 0.3 nm also happens doping of tantalum with the formation of solid solution, which confirms the presence of, at least, lead in the form of particles smaller than a certain critical value at which the lead presents the liquid phase at a temperature of less than 120°C. Thus, examples of implementation of the method and the results show a significant reduction in the temperature of the alloying - formation of solid solution. Method of alloying metal in films, including simultaneous with a shift in space spraying of metal and the alloying element in nanodispersed in the plasma of low pressure and coprecipitation their subclone alternately repeating the crossing of streams of plasma, characterized in that the deposition of each subslot are in the form of an islet covered with the I particle size of the metal and/or alloying element is less critical, when the particle is in a liquid state during coprecipitation.
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