Method for detection of sources of laser radiation and counteraction of their receiving systems. RU patent 2248587. |
FIELD: automatic equipment and computing machinery, applicable as an indicator device for detection of sources of laser radiation with a subsequent counteraction to their receiving devices. SUBSTANCE: the device has a frequency-pulse laser with an objective lens secured on platforms rotating about the vertical axis, detection unit consisting of two detection sensors, and a control unit having k-flip-flops of the first and second detection sensors, k-AND gates of the first and second detection sensors, two NO gates two OR gates, two coding units, two permanent storage units, master oscillator, two arithmetic-logical devices, initial data input unit, azimuth computing unit, elevation angle computing unit and a laser radiation source height computing unit. EFFECT: detection of sources of laser radiation with a subsequent suppression of them with a receiving device. 7 dwg
![]() The device has a frequency-pulse laser with an objective lens secured on platforms rotating about the vertical axis, detection unit consisting of two detection sensors, and a control unit having k-flip-flops of the first and second detection sensors, k-AND gates of the first and second detection sensors, two NO gates two OR gates, two coding units, two permanent storage units, master oscillator, two arithmetic-logical devices, initial data input unit, azimuth computing unit, elevation angle computing unit and a laser radiation source height computing unit. |
![]() high-informative identifying range finder has irradiating optical system, irradiator, sync oscillator, receiving optical system, photoreceiver, time lag control unit, three-dimensional processing unit, object's features control unit, range indicator, speed and sizes indicator. Photoreceiver and time lag measuring unit are made to have N channels. Output of sync oscillator is connected with N+1st input of three-dimensional processing unit. Object's features control unit output is connected with N+2nd input of three-dimensional processing unit. N outputs of time lag measuring unit are connected with N inputs of three-dimensional processing unit. First input of three-dimensional processing unit is connected with input of range indicator through bus. The second output is connected with speed and sizes indicator through bus. Any channel of photoreceiver has photoreceiving member and amplifier connected in series. |
![]() Distance meter has viewfinder channel, receiving channel and emitting channel all mounted in same body. Viewfinder and receiving channels include prismatic block with light splitting dichroic cover on edge of prism and additional prism glued to prism. Prisms are made with angle between sides ranging from 20° to 22,5°. Also provided are variants of realization of distance meter, prismatic block and viewfinder channel. |
![]() Odometer for intratube gear-flaw detector, which odometer is fastened to air-tight container of flaw detector, has electronic unit, light source, optical fiber provided with image forming system. Electronic unit, light source in form of IR radiation range LED and image forming system in form of fiber-optic bundle, couplers and CCD array are built hermetically inside resilient polyurethane base fastened from outside to air-tight container. Electronic unit has also CCD array controller to process information based on algorithms of calculation of distance. IR radiation range LED is connected with control output of controller through switch-transistor. Control input and video output of CCD array are connected with controller by means of serial terminal. |
![]() Range finder contains interconnected impulse generator, pump oscillator and laser, and also forming optics, optically connected to photo-receiving route, consisting of serially connected photo-detector, differentiating cascade, pre-amplifier and video-amplifier, output of which being the output of photo-receiving route is serially connected to start-stop distance meter and distance indicator. Laser is optically connected to generator of strobe signal, output of which is connected to controlled inputs of video amplifier and start-stop distance meter. Between output of photo-receiving route and input of start-stop distance meter, introduced are, serially connected, block for weighed heteropolar addition of signals, received from separate successively positioned locating spots, maximum finding device, determining locating spot, appropriate for maximal signal amplitude accumulated during addition, and counter of m from n for checking trustworthiness of selection of locating spot, appropriate for maximal signal amplitude accumulated during addition, which are connected via controlling inputs to output of strobe signal generator. |
![]() Laser range-finder contains transmitting channel, comprising optically connected laser and transmitting optical system, and sighting-receiving channel, comprising objective, first spectrum divider, device for observation of objects image with target mark, photo-detection device, second spectrum divider, test-object, system for lighting test-object, and light reflector, mounted in front of the objective with possible movement of its input eye to the zone. For operative checking of sighting and receiving channels, laser range finder additionally contains optical compensator, positioned on optical axis of objective between first and second spectrum dividers. Photo-receiving device is optically engaged by means of first spectrum divider with device for observation of objects image. Second spectrum divider is positioned between first spectrum divider and photo-receiving device on optical axis of objective at an angle to it. Test-object is positioned on optical axis of objective and connected to it optically by means of second and first spectrum dividers. |
![]() Range finder's optical system has radiation source, radiation forming system and receiving unit which has mirror made in form of negative menisci lens, onto which second surface of that lens there is mirror coating applied in form of rings. Receiving unit also has separating unit and two radiation receivers disposed at both sides of separating unit. Radiation source is made in form of system of two lasers operating at different wavelengths, and unit for converging light channels of mentioned lasers. Radiation forming system is made in form of afocal telescopic system. Radiation forming system is provided with additional lens mounted in light channel of one laser. Receiving unit is provided with additional mirror mounted onto optical axis in front of first surface of negative menisci lens. Separating unit, made in form mirror provided with diaphragm, and radiation receivers are disposed behind second surface of negative menisci lens. |
![]() Range finder consists of two amplitude subtracters, two inverters, a measuring device, an actuator, an indicator, azimuth transmitter and azimuth marks, a concordance elements unit, a secondary processing unit, two subtracters, a unit for transmitting corrected constants and an infrared receiver. The infrared receiver has five sections with limited field of vision of the lateral sectors and rotates in the sector or circular scanning mode through the actuator. |
![]() Laser range-finder consists of radiation source, beam splitter, first optical delay line in the calibration channel, second optical delay line, in the measurement channel, first and second light shutters, placed in front of the first and second delay lines respectively, receiving optical system, made in form of an objective, light detector, timer, frequency meter, control channel for the radiation source, which has an inverter and control and power supply unit, and a data processing unit. |
![]() Proposed range finder consists of a viewing, receiving, transmitting and a projection channel, a beam splitter in form of a dichroic coating and an electronic module, all inside a case. The objective of the viewing channel is made from at least two lens components. The dichroic coating is put onto one of the concave surfaces of the second lens component. Between the first and the second lens component, there is a spherical or aspherical mirror. The mirror is coaxially glued to the inner surface of the first component. The range finder also contains a reflecting prism with mirror coating on the reflecting face. One of the refracting edges is glued to the surface of the second component such that, its reflecting face, at an angle, intersects with the optical axis of the spherical or aspherical mirror and the second lens component. The infrared radiation photodetector is put into the infrared spectrum imaging plane, formed by an optical system, consisting of the first lens component, dichroic coating on the concave surface of the second lens component, spherical or aspherical mirror and the mirror coating on the reflecting face of the prism. |
![]() The device has a frequency-pulse laser with an objective lens secured on platforms rotating about the vertical axis, detection unit consisting of two detection sensors, and a control unit having k-flip-flops of the first and second detection sensors, k-AND gates of the first and second detection sensors, two NO gates two OR gates, two coding units, two permanent storage units, master oscillator, two arithmetic-logical devices, initial data input unit, azimuth computing unit, elevation angle computing unit and a laser radiation source height computing unit. |
![]() Method comprises subtracting reference and current images, breaking the image series to be processed into fragments, and converting the characteristic features of the images into signals. The signals from one of the images are recorded as reference ones and are compared, e.g., by subtracting, with corresponding current signals, and, after the threshold processing, the difference signals obtained are converted into the binary signals for control of spatial filtration . As a result, the fragments of the current image, for which the control signals exceed the threshold, are transmitted, whereas the fragments, for which the signals are equal or less than the threshold value, are suppressed. |
![]() In known method for one-positional measurement of angular coordinates of laser emission source, based on use of scanning optical systems and determination of angular coordinate of laser emission source on basis of angular position of scanning system at the moment when maximum value of useful signal is achieved, scanning of vicinity in selected observation sector is performed due to alternation of heterodyne signal phase front position, and angular coordinate of laser emission source is determined on basis of its angular position at the moment when maximum value of useful signal is achieved. Device for realization of method consists of photo-detector mounted on rotary platform with forming optics and of semi-transparent, held, mounted at an angle of 45° to optical axis, plate, block for processing signal at output of photo-detector, heterodyne, and also of serially connected block for forming parameters of phase front of heterodyne signal and block for controlling phase front of heterodyne signal, while second output of block for forming parameters of phase front of heterodyne signal is connected to second output of signal processing block, second input of block for controlling phase front of heterodyne is connected to output of heterodyne, and output - to second input of photo-detector. |
![]() Method includes simultaneously receiving signals of natural background radiation in spectral range of reflected laser radiation, and receiving continuous optical signals in spectral range of natural background radiation from observed volume of space, after transformation of received optical signals to video signal from first video signal, appropriate for reflected laser radiation, video signal is subtracted element-wise, appropriate for optical signal of natural background radiation in spectral range of reflected laser radiation, threshold selection of difference video signal is performed, and from the number of video signals, exceeding the threshold, video signals are selected, appropriate for code-pulse modulation of laser radiation and if such signals are present, alarm signal is generated, simultaneously from difference video signal, exceeding the threshold, and video signal, appropriate for continuous optical signal in spectral range of natural background radiation with consideration of parallax, and after transformation of composite video signal to optical image, position of detected optical means is fixed relatively to characteristic objects on the map of local area. |
![]() In accordance to method, second optical-electronic coordinator with matrix photo-receivers is additionally installed, field flatness of which is perpendicular to field plane of first optical-electronic coordinator, coordinate alignment of photo-elements of first optical-electronic coordinator is performed in coordinate plane x0z and of photo-elements of second optical-electronic coordinator in coordinate plane y0z, determining of angular coordinates of optical radiation source on basis of formulae where ε, β - tilt angle and azimuth of optical radiation source; d - distance between upper and lower lines of photo-elements of optical-electronic coordinator; Δx=x1B-x1H, Δy=y2B-y2H; x1B and x1H - coordinates of upper and lower photo-elements of lines of first coordinator, signal at output of which has maximal value; y2B and y2H - coordinates of upper and lower photo-elements of lines of seconds coordinator, signal at output of which has maximal value. Device for realization of method consists of first and second optical-electronic coordinators with matrix photo-receivers, first and second subtraction blocks, first and second square-law generators, first and second dividers, adder, square root extractor block, first and second arctg calculation blocks, outputs of which are outputs of device, while first and second outputs of optical-electronic coordinator are connected respectively to first and second inputs of first subtraction block, first output of which is connected to input of first square-law generator, second output - to first input of first divider, first and second outputs of second optical-electronic coordinator are connected respectively to first and second inputs of second subtraction block, first output of which is connected to input of second square-law generator, second output - to second input of first divider, output of first divider is connected to input of first arctg calculation block, outputs of first and second square-law generators are connected to appropriate inputs of adder, while output of adder is connected to input of square root extractor block, output of which is connected to first input of second divider, onto second input of which value d is fed, output of divider is connected to input of output arctg calculation block. |
![]() The instrument has a front-view mirror with a system of stabilization and aiming of the sighting line optically linked with the sight channel, which includes an optical module including the daytime and night channels. The instrument has also a radiator unit, scanning unit, photodetector unit, the output of the photodetector unit is connected to the input of the analog-to-digital converter, whose output is connected to the control electronics unit. |
![]() Invention pertains to optical methods of detecting foreign objects on a complex dynamic variable background in a surveillance zone. The technical outcome of the invention is the increased accuracy of detecting objects with simultaneous increase in speed and visibility. The method involves receiving and forming two images on two points spread in space and single registration of each fragment of the reference and compared digital images by two identical viewing systems. Each viewing system is made based on a multi-element high-speed light detector, for example, a CMOS - matrix, and contains an objective. Both viewing systems are fitted at a shorter, compared to the displacement from the presumed location of the object, distance between them, parallel each other and directed at the surveillance area. Analysis of the images is done by determining the displacement value Δ of characteristic fragments of the compared image with the corresponding fragments of the reference image with their maximum possible coincidence in the direction of parallactic shift with subsequent identification of the selected and background objects from the obtained displacements Δ. Based on the obtained displacements Δ, three dimensional images of objects can be formed and the distance to each one of them can be determined. |
![]() High efficiency method of object detection is developed. It includes preliminary detection of object search zones, image scanning with the help of scanning window within the limits of the search zones, the size of the scanning window corresponds to the size of an object's image, quantity determination of amplitude intervals N by the square of the scanning window, taking into account the most significant amplitude intervals and choosing the coordinates with maximum value N as the coordinates of the object. The claimed invention increase probability of correct object detection within lower contrasts range of the object and higher contrast range of background. |
![]() Invention is related to instruments for determination of angle coordinates of pulsed laser radiation sources and may be used in protection of different objects against directed aiming. Device comprises control unit, photodetector on the basis of photodiode, two superwide-angle lenses, in focal plane of which two light-sensitive matrices are installed accordingly; time for accumulation of signal of every light-sensitive matrices, on the one hand, is so insignificant, that it provides for absence of day background, and on the other hand, it exceeds time for reset of accumulated signal by second matrix, which provides for continuity of space viewing; control unit connected to the first and second light-sensitive matrices and with photodetector device, provides for alternate accumulation of signal by light-sensitive matrices and determines angle coordinates of pulsed laser radiation source and time of signals appearance at the outlet of photodetector; light-sensitive matrix in mode of signal accumulation at the moment of signal appearance at photodiode outlet, on completion of accumulation mode transferring into mode of signal reading by control unit; at that analysis of time-pulse modulation of signal at the outlet of photodetector may be used for recognition of friend or foe. |
![]() Present invention relates to measuring techniques and instrument making and can be used in laser Doppler location of stealth objects flying at low altitudes above water basins. The method of processing information in a coherent laser locator with a photodetector array is based on reception of laser radiation from glare of the sea surface, arising when probing radiation is scattered by the stealth object. The current location of an object and its velocity vector can be reconstructed through measurement of angle of arrival of radiation from the glare of the sea surface using a photosensitive reception matrix and through measurement of Doppler frequency shifts in a multi-channel unit for optimum filtration based on heterodyne reception methods using multi-channel dispersive delay lines using statistical averaging methods. Cutting on the number of information processing units is achieved due to creation of two- or three-dimensional groups of elements of a photodetector array, connected to information processing channels. In the processing channel, the signal is converted to a linear-frequency-modulated equivalent with subsequent amplification, spectro-time "compression" in the dispersive delay line, detection and minimum threshold cutting with a given threshold value, which allows for converting a signal with Doppler frequency shift to a short pulse, the time position of which, relative the strobe-pulse for the beginning of the measuring cycle, uniquely characterises the value of the given Doppler frequency shift. This time position of the pulse is coded in a digital code and stored in the corresponding buffer memory of a memory device, in the code of which there is also a code of the number of the measurement cycle and the code of the number of the channel, on which the signal from an element of the photodetector array was processed. From the set of such code records in the given measurement cycle, information is obtained on Doppler frequency shifts in signals of corresponding elements of the array and the position angle on the glare of the sea surface, detected by the locator in the given measuring cycle relative the optical axis of the receiving-transmitting objective of the locator, as well as scatter angles of the probing radiation of the stealth object, generating the said glares. If conditions are met for detecting an object and its bearing auto-tracking, where the inclined range line and the optical axis of the receiving-transmitting objective of the locator lie in the same plane, location of the object and measurement of its radial velocity is done through calculation, using a minimum of two different reflected radiation in a given measurement cycle, based on the method of overlapping circles. The radiation pattern of the locator is fan-shaped - wide on the position angle and extremely narrow on the azimuth. |
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