Early diagnosis method for diagnosing external genital endometriosis in women |
IPC classes for russian patent Early diagnosis method for diagnosing external genital endometriosis in women (RU 2247391):
Method for biochemical detecting the degree of chronic hepatitis activity / 2246112
In blood serum one should detect the level of lactoferrin and biliary acids. At their ratio being equal to 5-17 it is necessary to detect chronic hepatitis of high activity.
Method for detecting the sequence of applied lesions / 2245555
For the purpose to detect the sequence of applied lesions at availability of several wounds, scratches and ecchymoses on a cadaver one should study the activity of alkaline peptides isolated out of affected tissue by the impact of blood neutrophils of healthy donors upon phagocytosis. Moreover, the highest stimulating effect belongs to the peptides isolated out of the lesion applied earlier. The method enables to detect the sequence of applied lesions more accurately and differentiate the repeated lesion applied 5 min later, or more.
In lacrimal liquid one should detect the content of interleukin 8 (IL-8) and that of interleukin 1 beta (IL-1β) to calculate prognostic coefficient (PC) due to dividing the first value by the second one by the following formula:
In lacrimal liquid one should detect the content of interleukin 8 (IL-8) and that of interleukin 1 beta (IL-1β) to calculate prognostic coefficient (PC) due to dividing the first value by the second one by the following formula:
Method for detecting the sequence of applied lesions / 2245555
For the purpose to detect the sequence of applied lesions at availability of several wounds, scratches and ecchymoses on a cadaver one should study the activity of alkaline peptides isolated out of affected tissue by the impact of blood neutrophils of healthy donors upon phagocytosis. Moreover, the highest stimulating effect belongs to the peptides isolated out of the lesion applied earlier. The method enables to detect the sequence of applied lesions more accurately and differentiate the repeated lesion applied 5 min later, or more.
Method for biochemical detecting the degree of chronic hepatitis activity / 2246112
In blood serum one should detect the level of lactoferrin and biliary acids. At their ratio being equal to 5-17 it is necessary to detect chronic hepatitis of high activity.
Method involves determining cathepsin D activity in endometrium bioptate. The value being equal to or less than 0.1 units of enzymatic activity per hour, external genital endometriosis is diagnosed.
Method for estimating enteric detoxication in the cases of generalized peritonitis / 2247392
Method involves studying lactoferrin content in blood serum and peritoneal exudates in postoperative period every day during the first three days. Lactoferrin concentration in blood serum being concurrently reduced by 0.02 mcmole/l or less and increasing lactoferrin concentration in peritoneal exudates by 0.04 mcmole/l or more, enteric detoxication is considered to be effective.
Method for diagnosing septic process and predicting septic complications development in children / 2248572
Method involves determining plasminogen/plasmin, α2-macro-globulin, α1-antitripsin content at the first, third, fifth and tenth day. The plasminogen/plasmin level being equal to 66-74 mcmole/l or 100-120 mcmole/l, α2-macro-globulin level of 2.7-3.0 mcmole/l, α1-antitripsin content of 2.38-3.2 mcmole/l, systemic inflammatory response to purulent infection, light severity degree endotoxicosis is diagnosed and favorable disease outcome is predicted. The plasminogen/plasmin level being equal to 50-65 mcmole/l or 125-160 mcmole/l, α2-macro-globulin level of 2.3-2.6 mcmole/l, α1-antitripsin content of 3.3-4.0 mcmole/l, sepsis with organ and system dysfunction, moderate severity degree endotoxicosis is diagnosed and septic complication availability and lingering disease development course is predicted. The plasminogen/plasmin level being equal to 39-40 mcmole/l, α2-macro-globulin level of 1.58-2.08 mcmole/l, α1-antitripsin content of 5.0-6.2 mcmole/l, severe sepsis, septic shock, severe degree endotoxicosis is diagnosed and unfavorable disease outcome is predicted.
At testing one should precipitate high-molecular compounds with acetonitrile and register supernatant's spectral characteristics. Supernatant should be applied onto a paper filter, dried and put into solution containing aromatic aldehyde, acetone and concentrated hydrochloric acid taken at weight ratio of 70:5:1 to be kept for 2-3 min. Then it should be once again dried up to detect qualitative and semiquantitative content of oxidized tryptophan metabolites by intensity and chromatic shades. Moreover, by chromatic shades of yellow dyeing it is possible to detect the content of hydroxylated metabolites and by chromatic shades of violet dyeing - that of unhydroxylated ones.
Method for predicting unfavorable result of metastatic peritonitis / 2251700
In patients one should study the content of lactoferrin in peritoneal exudates during the 1st d of postoperational period and at decreased value being below 3500 ng/ml on should predict unfavorable result. The suggested method provides correction of possible postoperational complications that deteriorate the flow of peritonitis and lead to lethal result.
Method for diagnosing endotoxicosis condition in cows suffering from acute pyocatarrhal endometritis / 2252418
Method involves determining low and middle molecular mass substances content in blood plasma and erythrocytes and general blood plasma albumin concentration. Integral index is calculated on basis of obtained values using formula II=100*S238-298(plasma)/S238-298(erythrocytes)*GAC, where S238-298(plasma) and S238-298(erythrocytes) are the low and middle molecular mass substances content in blood plasma and erythrocytes, respectively, determined from area of figures restricted by spectral curves in wavelength range of 238-298 nm and abscissa axis (conditional units2); GAC is the general blood plasma albumin concentration (g/l). The value being from 2.1 to 3.0, the first endotoxicosis degree is diagnosed. The value being from 3.1 to 4.5, the second endotoxicosis degree is diagnosed. The value being from 4.5 to 6.0, the third endotoxicosis degree is diagnosed. The value being greater than 6.0, the fourth endotoxicosis degree is diagnosed. The normal value is equal to 0.5-2.0.
Method for evaluating inflammatory process activity in infantine osteomyelitis cases / 2252419
Method involves separating blood serum proteins into fractions, determining albumins and alpha-2-globulins content and controlling their content changes during the disease development process. Gamma-globulin content is determined in per cent ratio with respect to total protein quantity. Then, changes in the fractions content are controlled from the first to the third week. Albumin content being in norm and alpha-2-globulins content becoming greater to the end of the first week by 30-50% when compared to normal value and dropping to norm at the second week end and gamma-globulin content increasing from norm by 10-30% to the second or the third week, high inflammatory process activity is to be diagnosed. Albumin content dropping by 10-30% from normal value at the second week, alpha-2-globulins content growing by 10-20% of norm and gamma-globulin content dropping by 30-50% at the second or the third week when compared to norm, low inflammatory process activity is to be diagnosed.
FIELD: medicine. SUBSTANCE: method involves determining cathepsin D activity in endometrium bioptate. The value being equal to or less than 0.1 units of enzymatic activity per hour, external genital endometriosis is diagnosed. EFFECT: high accuracy of diagnosis. 1 tbl
The invention relates to medicine, namely to gynecology, and allows you to diagnose external endometriosis at the preclinical stage. The urgency of the invention is determined by a high frequency of occurrence (50%) of external endometriosis in the structure of gynecological morbidity [1, 2], its Association with impaired reproductive function [1, 5], and thus the influence on the health of not only women, but also the family. Currently, the diagnosis of external endometriosis is established histologically by biopsy at the time of surgical intervention during laparoscopy or laparotomy. A known method for the diagnosis of genital endometriosis by examining the functional activity of basophils in the peripheral blood of the patient in the presence of an aqueous extract of endometrial tissue protein concentration >200 μg/ml With >12% of diagnosed genital endometriosis [4]. The disadvantages of the method: - allocation of basophilic leukocytes requires sampling a large number of blood (18 ml) due to the relative small number of basophils in the peripheral blood (0.5 to 1%); - proposed to use the extract endometriotic tissue may not be standardized and requires testing after each extraction and are not included in the Register of medical products and allowed to skin the of MOH”; the method does not allow for diagnosis of various forms of genital endometriosis (the method used for the diagnosis of both early and clinically significant forms); - do not specify the accuracy of the method. Closest to the claimed method is a method of diagnosis of endometriosis by detecting the endometrial biopsy taken at 20-22 days of the menstrual cycle, activity gidroksietilirovanny and lactate dehydrogenase, calculating their ratio. The diagnosis of endometriosis set at the value less than 0.7 [As the USSR, ICB G 01 N 33/48. The way to diagnose endometriosis / Vasoli, Tagetrov, Tashenov (USSR). No. 3738785 (28-14) // Discoveries and inventions. -1986. No. 44. -s]. This method elected us as the nearest equivalent. However, this method has the following disadvantages: - How complex in execution due to the need to study two biochemical parameters in the endometrium. - Complicated the interpretation of these data because the end result is obtained by mathematical calculations and not the simple reading of the indicator device. - Not known the possibility of using this method to diagnose early, preclinical forms of external endometriosis. - Do not specify the accuracy of the method. The disadvantages of this method of diagnosis is proposed device is a thread in the claimed method. The technical result of the proposed method lies in the fact that women in the biopsy of the endometrium investigated the activity of cathepsin D and the values from 0.1 Adherent/hour and less external endometriosis is diagnosed with an accuracy of 82.6%. The method is standard [3] as follows: bar gets endometrial biopsy (ZUG), homogenized in a laboratory mortar, then the sample of endometrial tissue 0.1 g suspendered in 0.25 ml of acetate and 2.8 H buffer in two test tubes. Then in each tube is made of 0.25 ml of 1% solution of hemoglobin. In one of the tubes immediately paid 5 ml of 10% solution of trichloroacetic acid (control). Both tubes are incubated at t°=+37°C for 60 minutes. After a specified time in the second test tube also added 5 ml of trichloroacetic acid and both tubes centrifugeuse for 30 minutes at 3000 g. Then determined the optical density of the obtained supernatant on a spectrophotometer SF-46” at a wavelength of 280 nm against control. The result is expressed in units of optical density, where every 0.1 eop correspond to 0.1 Adherent./hour. Previously, the determination of the activity of cathepsin D in the blood and tissues was used as an indicator of invasive potential of malignant tumors and is useful in the diagnosis of gastric cancer and breast dakoda this time its clinical efficacy is not defined [6]. Novelty: for the first time cathepsin D used for preclinical diagnosis of early forms of external endometriosis. Distinctive features of the method are: Established diagnostic activity of cathepsin D to external endometriosis, the endometrial biopsy in the range from 0.1 Adherent/hour or less. The essence of the method is illustrated by the following examples: 1. Patient B-VA, 27 years. Entered the survey in SE "Ivanovo research Institute of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to them. Vnegorodov" health Ministry with a diagnosis of Primary infertility. During examination, the patient was excluded immunological, endocrine, inflammatory and male factors of infertility in tests of functional diagnostics, the level of prolactin, hysterosalpingography, positive postcoital test, the sperm of the husband. When taking Zug endometrium it was determined the activity of cathepsin D by the present method, which was 0,058 Adherent/hour, which is less than the proposed option (0,1 Adherent./h) in the presence of external genital endometriosis. Given the lack of data for the apparent cause of infertility, the patient was recommended and subsequently performed a diagnostic laparoscopy, where he was diagnosed with external endometriosis stage I (on the pelvic peritoneum were found sporadic endometrioid heterotopia, the total area of pathologic what about the process up to 3 cm 2), verified according to the endometrial biopsy heterotopia. Conclusion: the diagnosis of external genital endometriosis claimed method was confirmed. 2. Patient G-d, 35 years. Entered the gynecological clinic of SE "Ivanovo research Institute of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to them. Vnegorodov" health Ministry with a diagnosis of MFD by type algodonera, suspected internal endometriosis. The patient was performed hysteroscopy, in which the internal endometriosis was removed. Simultaneously biopsy of the endometrium, where he determined the activity of cathepsin D, which amounted to 0.10 Adherent/h, which corresponds to the upper boundary of the proposed option (0,1 Adherent/h) external genital endometriosis. The patient in the next menstrual cycle was performed diagnostic laparoscopy, the indication for which was persistent pain resistant to treatment. On operations was diagnosed with external endometriosis stage II (on the Sacro-uterine ligaments and Dupacova space were found deep foci of endometriosis, with a total area of more than 3 cm2), verified according to the endometrial biopsy heterotopia. Conclusion: the diagnosis of external genital endometriosis claimed method was confirmed. 3. Patient G-VA, 32 years. Entered in the state, "Ivanovsky research Institute of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to them. Vnegorodov" health Ministry with diag is oz: secondary infertility. During examination, the patient was excluded: immunological, endocrine and male factors of infertility in tests of functional diagnostics, the level of prolactin, Zug endometrium, positive postcoital test, the sperm of the husband. When taking Zug endometrium it was determined the activity of cathepsin D by the present method, which amounted to is 0.102 Adherent/h, which does not match the declared parameter (0,1 Adherent/h) external genital endometriosis. Hysterosalpingography was an infringement of the output of the contrast agent from the lumen of the fallopian tubes. Was suspected chronic salpingitis, about which the patient was performed diagnostic laparoscopy. The diagnosis of chronic salpingitis was confirmed: the fallopian tube had sharply pronounced crimp, emerging phimosis fibrillose Department. Abnormalities in the pelvic peritoneum and the abdominal cavity was not found. Conclusion: the absence of a diagnosis of external genital endometriosis claimed method was confirmed, although infertility has been caused by another factor - chronic salpingitis. In this way were examined 92 women, one of them positive results by the present method were obtained in 76 people, that is to 82.6%. Diagnosis of external endometriosis verified when the paw is octopii and biopsy of endometrioid heterotopy. The results of the study are shown in table 1. The advantages of the proposed method: 1. The ability to diagnose preclinical stage endometrioid process. 2. Automated reading of research results, eliminating subjectivity in the evaluation of the result. 3. Simplicity and low cost method.
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