Method of production of liquid humic fertiliser Method of production of liquid humic fertiliser comprises mixing the humic-containing material with 1.5-2.0% aqueous potassium hydroxide solution, suspension sedimentation and separation of the liquid fraction, at that stirring of the humic-containing material with 1.5-2.0% aqueous potassium hydroxide solution and the suspension sedimentation is carried out repeatedly, the humic-containing material is used as waste of production of the liquid phase bioagent for crop production and farming, which active ingredient is organic matter carbon Corg - 30.0-40.0, wt %, comprising macronutrients: nitrogen Ntot. - 1.15-1.80, wt %; phosphorus P2O5 - 1.4-2.2, wt %; potassium K2O - 1.0-2.3, wt %; calcium CaO - 1.1-1.6, wt %; magnesium MgO - 0.2-0.8, wt %, and trace elements, at least, boron, copper, cobalt, manganese, selenium, silicon, and mixing the humic-containing material with 1.5-2.0% aqueous potassium hydroxide solution is carried out three times, each in a ratio of 1:10 at the speed of 20 rev/min, at a temperature of 60°C for at least 1 hour, and sedimentation - after each mixing at a temperature of 60°C for 2 hours, followed by separation and combining the supernatant. |
Method of processing of bark-dump and process area for its implementation Invention relates to a method of processing and recycling of bark-dump which is a product of waste at pulp and paper mills. In the formed bark-dump sewage sludge of treatment facilities are injected, containing wt %: humidity 92-96; weight fraction of organic compounds 62-66; weight fraction of total nitrogen 5.6-7.3; weight fraction of total phosphorus (P2O5) 4.8-6.5; heavy metals 0.02-2.0; residual oil - 0.015-0.25; pH - 6.8, in the ratio of bark:reagent (sewage purification), 8:2, respectively, followed by aeration of bark-dump with the atmospheric air, at that a diluent for the reagent the drainage waters of bark-dump are used, and for obtaining organic fertiliser the process of flushing the bark-dump body with the reagent and air is repeated several times. |
Invention relates to agricultural production. The method comprises biotechnology and thermochemical processing of litter. During the processing of litter and manure the electric and heat energy are produced, gaseous and liquid fuel, which are used for processing of litter and manure, and for preparation of fodder, feed additives used for obtaining livestock and poultry products, organic and inorganic fertilisers for growing fodder plant crops in fodder production. The part of plant wastes resulting from the cultivation of fodder crops is subjected to biotechnology and thermochemical processing. The thermochemical processing is performed by low- and medium-temperature gasification to obtain gas and wash waters. The wash waters are mixed with the liquid fraction formed at biotechnology processing of litter and manure, and subjected to further biotechnology processing, together with the part of concentrated wastewater generated in the preparation of poultry and livestock products to obtain additional gaseous fuel, organic and inorganic fertilisers, feed additives and technical water. |
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Anaerobic reactor comprises a housing with chambers of hydrolysis and methane fermentation, the device of loading and mixing the substrate in the chambers, the hydraulic valve and the column for enrichment of biogas, divided by partitions into biogas collector and sections filled with immobiliser backfilling. The housing and the column are connected by two pipes, one of which is connected between the outlet of the substrate from the reactor housing and the upper part of the column. The other is connected between the outlet of the biogas from the reactor housing and the lower part of the column. In the reactor a diaphragm electrolyser is mounted. The outlet with the hydrogen gas is connected to the lower part of the column of enrichment. The outlet with the analyte is connected to the entry of the housing into the hydrolysis chamber. The outlet of the electrolyser with the catholyte is connected to the chambers of methane fermentation. The outlet the biogas collector in the column the hydraulic valve is connected. The backfilling in the sections of the column of gas enrichment the fibrous graphite material with a large extended surface is used between the hydraulic water seal at the outlet of biogas from the column of enrichment and the pipe in the lower part of the column the pump is mounted for reblow biogas through it. |
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Composition comprises insecticides Aktellic and Mospilan, fungicide Infinito, adhesive MiBAS, complex of micronutrients Aquamix, immunomodulator Silk, plant growth stimulator potassium humate in the following ratio of components, wt %: Aktellic 33.90-36.23; Mospilan 6.78-7.25; Infinito 16.95-17.30; MiBAS 28.98-33.90; Silk 3.39-4.35; Aquamix 1.45-1.69; potassium humate 3.39-4.35. The composition is used at a dose of 6.9 l/t of seeds. |
Method of obtaining organic-mineral compost Invention relates to agriculture. Method of obtaining organic-mineral compost includes application of cattle manure, and addition to compost of pig manure, sediments of sewages and mineral component - phosphogypsum. All components are taken with specified ratio. Components are composted in summer period for 3 months in conditions of high average daily temperatures of compost from 35 to 45°C, with monthly mixing until ripening. |
Silicon-containing chelate microfertiliser and method for production thereof Invention relates to agriculture. The silicon-containing chelate microfertiliser for top dressing is obtained by mixing ad diluting in tap water in a given ratio two mother component aqueous solutions: a mother solution of trace elements and a mother solution containing silicon, wherein the mother solution of trace elements contains iron sulphate, boric acid, manganese sulphate, copper sulphate, cobalt chloride, zinc sulphate, ammonium molybdate and a complexing agent in an amount which sets the pH of the solution of trace elements at 2.5-3, wherein the mother solution of trace elements contains humic acids as the complexing agent. All components are taken in a defined ratio. The mother solution containing silicon is 1% potassium or sodium silicate solution; a working solution of a silicon-containing chelate microfertiliser is obtained by diluting and mixing the mother solutions in tap water. All components are taken in a defined ratio. The pH of the working solution becomes 5.5-6.0. |
Method of preparing bird droppings for anaerobic fermentation Method of preparing poultry droppings coming from poultry farms and poultry production units for subsequent anaerobic fermentation with the production of biogas and organic fertiliser provides for preparation of poultry droppings or dropping mixture to the maximum humidity of 91%, the ratio of carbon:nitrogen:phosphorus 25:1:1, pH 7÷8.5, the optimum temperature not exceeding 64°C, depending on the size of the sludge digester, the size of droppings or dropping mixture, comparable to the size of bacteria, adding the activated sludge of anaerobic origin to neutralise the effect of products of sanitisation and vaccination, using the two-stage fermentation. |
Method of production of structured peat-sapropelic concentrate Method of production of structured peat-sapropelic concentrate comprises cavitational dispergating of humate-containing agent using an alkaline solution of potassium hydroxide, at that in a moving stream of water the fragmented peat with a particle size of not more than 5 mm, as well as putrid mud, potassium hydroxide, white mud is fed. All the components are taken at a certain ratio. The resulting solution is subject to cavitational dispergating to temperature of 90°C. |
Method of production of compost from saccharified residues Invention relates to agriculture. The method of production of compost from organic wastes comprises mixing the wastes in the form of sugar beet pulp with paunch manure, adding of bioactivator and aerobic composting, at that interlayering of sugar beet pulp of natural moisture with calcium lime in the ratio of 20:1 by weight is carried out, air-dry defecation is added in the ratio of 1:1 by weight to the pulp with simultaneous addition of bioactivator, and composting is carried out at a temperature from 20 to 50°C and humidity of 50-70% during 2 months, at that the bioactivator is used as the compost starter prepared in sugar beet paunch manure using the method of cultivation of microorganisms from vermicompost, and the composting is carried out in layers with the layers of 0.3 m of pulp and defecate with placement of paunch manure between the layers. |
Method of producing organomineral fertiliser from sewage sludge by composting Invention relates to agriculture. The method of producing organomineral fertiliser from sewage sludge by composting, wherein sewage sludge is mixed with sawdust (wood processing wastes) in ratio of 1:0.12 by weight or 1:0.61 by volume, or with shredded straw in ratio of 1:0.11 by weight or 1:1.82 by volume, and potassium sulphate is then added to said mixture in amount of 0.2-0.3% by weight of the substrate, followed by composting in piles. |
Biological preparation for leguminous crop of liquid form based on nodule bacteria Biological preparation comprises the culture fluid containing the strain of nitrogen-fixing nodule bacteria with a titre of not less than 107 CFU/ml, and an aqueous solution containing (wt %): sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (2.0-5.0), potassium sorbate (0.5-3.0) and glycerol (1.0-5.0), mixed in a ratio of from 1:1 to 1:2. |
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Method of preparation compost from sewage sludge (versions) Method of preparation compost from sewage sludge comprises mixing of fresh sewage sludge with the retention period of less than 3 years with the organic component, which is used as sawdust of any tree species, with the addition of bioactivator and subsequent aerobic composting of the resulting mixture, and prior to mixing the components the layering of sawdust with humidity of 30-40% and sewage sludge, which humidity is 79-81% is carried out, in a ratio of 3:1, at that the dust is subjected to bioactivation by spraying with the working solution of preparation EM-1 "Baikal" at a consumption rate of 5 liters per 1 t at its concentration in the working fluid of 0.0001%, in addition, the aerobic composting of the resulting mixture is carried out in storage pits, at that when the temperature of the composted mixture reaches 50-60°C the mixture is incubated for 20 days, after which the break-in of the storage pit is repeatedly carried out for 2 months with the intervals of 15-20 days, followed by aging of compost for 14-15 days. |
Method of obtaining biomineral fertilisers and meliorants (versions) Invention relates to agriculture. Method of obtaining biomineral fertilisers includes combination of dry or liquid mineral fertilisers and meliorants with microbial biomass; in the first version as microbial biomass used is microbiological fertiliser or preparation, created on the basis of agronomically useful microorganisms in form of dry fine-disperse powder with titre 102-105 kl/g, which is applied on dry mineral fertiliser or meliorant or introduced into liquid mineral fertiliser in dose 2-6 kg/t; in the second version, as microbial biomass used is microbiological fertiliser or preparation, created on the basis of agronomically useful microorganisms in liquid form with titre 104-107 kl/g, which is applied on dry mineral fertiliser or meliorant by fine-disperse spraying or is introduced into liquid mineral fertiliser in dose 1-4 kg/t. |
Method of improvement of symbiotic activity of leguminose grasses Invention relates to the field of agriculture, in particular to soil microbiology. The method comprises inoculation of seeds with crushed roots of the same species and mixing them with mineral water. At that the seeds before sowing are treated with crushed roots of leguminose grasses after the resuming of vegetation of 2-3rd year of life, wetting them with a mixture of dried after-distillery stillage and mineral water such as Tamisk in the ratio of 1:2. In the budding phase the feeding with dried stillage is carried out in the amount of 20-30 kg/ha, dissolved in water in an amount of 200-250 L/ha. |
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Device for disposal of waste products of animals and poultry Invention relates to agriculture. The device for disposal of waste products of animals and poultry comprises a hopper of loading of starting material, a reactor of pyrolysis consisting of a horizontal cylindrical housing with units of drain of steam gas mixture and the solid carbon-mineral residue, an air-cooled condenser, a cyclone, a gasholder for collecting uncondensed part of the steam gas mixture, at that the bottom of the reactor of pyrolysis is made in the form of a sieve with through holes under which the load-carrying body of the vibrator is mounted, under it a horizontal pipe is placed with holes at the upper part for supplying the coolant, closed on one side with the cap, and on the other side connected through the heater with the blower and a branch pipe for supplying the coolant, at the upper part of the reactor a chamber is located for collecting the combustion and pyrolysis gases, connected by the unit of drain of steam gas mixture to the air-cooled condenser, which is connected in its lower part to the container for collecting the fuel and in the upper part through the cyclone and the absorber - to the gasholder. |
Mulching composition (versions) Mulching composition contains lignosulphonate, carbamide, Na-carboxymethyl cellulose, potassium chloride and, as natural additives, Conocephalum moss and Larix kamtschatica larch needles, and water. Other versions of quantitative compositions of the polymer-natural mulching composition are also disclosed. |
Mulching composition (versions) Mulching composition is characterised by that it contains lignosulphonate, carbamide, Na-carboxymethyl cellulose, potassium chloride and, as natural additives, Jungermanniales moss and Juniperus h. Glauca juniper needles, and water in the following ratios, wt %: lignosulphonate 0.1-0.4, carbamide 0.2-0.6, Na-carboxymethyl cellulose 0.3-0.4, potassium chloride 1-3, Jungermanniales moss 10-15, Juniperus h. Glauca juniper needles 8-9, water - the balance. Other versions of polymer-natural mulching quantitative compositions are also disclosed. |
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Method of obtaining humidified soil Method comprises the use of cellulose-containing wastes and soil, administration of microorganisms, moisturizing and incubation. At that the wastes are sorted and crushed into particles of 1-2 cm, then they are placed in layers in the fermenter, alternating with the ground, the height of each layer is 2-3 cm, and then treated with the suspension of the preparation Tamir obtained by cultivation of microorganisms without access of air at a temperature of 20-30°C with stirring once a day for 1-2 min with addition of water, sugar and the preparation of Urgas in a ratio of water: concentrate of Tamir: sugar: preparation of Urgas is 30:0.3:1:0.5. It is humified in mesophilic conditions at a temperature of 30-40°C for 120 days. |
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Method and installation of processing of poultry droppings Poultry droppings is dehydrated in a device of mechanical dehydration (1) which is connected by the collector of refined liquid (2) by means of sequentially located steriliser (3) constituting the autoclave, and a concentrator (4) through the saturation device (15) with the device of coal unloading. The resulting liquid is subjected to the 10-12 fold evaporation at a temperature of 130-140°C in the concentrator (4). The condensate deflected from the concentrator (4) enters the collector (5). The preliminarily dewatered droppings is supplied to the drier (6), where the drying agent is a mixture of passing through the heat exchanger (13) flue gases and air, formed in the device of preparation of the drying agent (14). Dry poultry droppings and a part of uncondensed fraction of the steam gas mixture, which is the heat conductor and the transport medium, is fed to the fluidised bed reactor (7), where the pyrolysis stage is carried out at a temperature of 450-550°C and a heating rate of 1000°C/s followed by separation of the degradation products on oil-carbon sludge and steam gas mixture. The oil-carbon sludge is separated from the gaseous products in a cyclone (8) and fed to the coal collector (11) from which the fine carbon is discharged and packed in the container cassettes. The container cassettes are saturated with the evaporated liquid in the saturation device (15) to a degree of saturation which does not exclude flowability. The steam gas mixture is deflected to the condenser (9). |
Method of treating sewage sludge Sludge with moisture content of 20-40%, which is fermented in natural conditions for at least three months, is mixed with a binder additive and mineral components, granulated at temperature of 45-95°C and the granules are then dried to moisture content of 8-16%. The binder additive - sodium humate - is used in amount of 2-3% of the dry mass of the sludge, and mineral components: nitrogen source - carbamide and potassium source - potassium chloride - are used in amount of 5-7% and 5-6% of the dry mass of the sludge, respectively. |
Method of maintenance of vineyard soil Invention relates to the field of agriculture, namely to viticulture. The method comprises initially single seeding in a row of vines on 3-year agro-technological cycles in inter-row spacing unsown in the previous cycle of winter triticale alternating in varieties cycles of selection of Krasnodar Research Institute of Agriculture n.a. Lukyanenko. Yearly in the cycles the green mass is trimmed at the stem elongation of plants in the spring. In the summer in the inter-row spacing soil the matured plant mass is embedded with ears of corn of triticale and agrobiological stimulant of effective microorganisms (EM) "Baikal EM-1" based on the special nutrient medium "EM syrup". At that together with the biomass of triticale and the stimulant EM in the inter-row spacing soil the organic matter of vegetable pulp (OP) is embedded at a rate of 380 kg/ha. |
Method for utilisation of sub-standard polymerised carbamide-formaldehyde resin via composting Sub-standard carbamide-formaldehyde resin after its service life with the help of composting in mixture with waste waters sludge - poultry manure, swine manure, cattle manure and wood chips can be used at the plants producing resins for chemical, wood-processing, furniture and construction industries. |
Universal soil mixture "plodorod-record" Universal soil mixture comprises lignin hydrolised, manure and peat, and the composition comprises pig litter or liquid manure of any freshness and additionally the mixture comprises urea hydrogen peroxide. All the components are taken at a certain ratio. |
Method of producing organic fertiliser Invention relates to agriculture. The method producing organic fertiliser involves fermentation of a raw product, removing biogas, separation, wherein the raw product used is in form of bird or animal excrement which undergoes preliminary fermentation; after fermentation and removal of biogas, the dense component of the raw product is separated from the fermentation product and the liquid component is mixed with a flocculant; the flocculation product is settled until achieving separation of the solid fraction and the liquid fraction in a ratio from 1:3 to 1:5; the liquid fraction is removed and the remaining product is decanted to moisture content of 40-50%; the liquid component is removed and the decanted mass is mixed with the dense component of the separation product and pressed with an auger device or is first pressed with an auger device and then mixed with the dense component of the separation product that has been pressed with an auger device, wherein at the outlet of the auger device, the product has moisture content of 20-30%, after which the product is heat dried at temperature of 40-60°C to moisture content of 10-15%. |
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Method of production of organic fertiliser and feed additives based on residual products of processing of fish scraps, in which a mixture of any fish scraps is crushed and milled to fractions with the diameter no more than 2-3 mm, the preparatory process is performed, comprising uniform mixing, thermal heating for not more than 5 hours at a temperature of 80°-90°C, cooling to a temperature not lower than 45°C, maintenance of humidity of the mixture not lower than 75%, then the process of anaerobic fermentation in the reactor at an optimal temperature of 60°C is carried out. At that in the fermentation process once the temperature jump to 105°C for 15-20 min is provided, the phosphoric acid solution and the enzymes of biological nature are added, the final product after the fermentation is subjected to separation of the liquid component and the biological sludge (centrifuge effluent), a mixture of low molecular weight fatty acids is added to the final paste granulate. |
Mulching composition (versions) Mulching composition is characterised by that it contains lignosulphonate, carbamide, Na-carboxymethyl cellulose, potassium chloride and, as natural additives, Pallavicinia moss and Larix ochotensis larch needles, and water in the following ratios, wt %: lignosulphonate 0.1-0.4, carbamide 0.2-0.6, Na-carboxymethyl cellulose 0.3-0.4, potassium chloride 1-3, Pallavicinia moss 10-15, Larix ochotensis larch needles 8-9, water - the balance. Other versions of polymer-natural mulching quantitative compositions are also disclosed. |
Mulching composition (versions) Mulching composition contains lignosulphonate, carbamide, NA-carboxymethyl cellulose, potassium chloride and, as natural additives, Takakiopsida moss and Larix kamtschatica larch needles, and water in the following ratios, wt %: lignosulphonate 0.1-0.4, carbamide 0.2-0.6, NA-carboxymethyl cellulose 0.3-0.4, potassium chloride 1-3, Takakiopsida moss 10-15, Larix kamtschatica larch needles 8-9, water - the balance. Other versions of polymer-natural mulching quantitative compositions are also disclosed. |
Composition of mulch cover (versions) Composition of mulch cover comprises lignosulphonate, urea, Na-carboxymethyl cellulose, potassium chloride, and as natural supplements the moss of species Jungermanniale and needles of larch Larix lyallii, as well as water in the following wt %: lignosulfonate 0.1-0.4, urea 0.2-0.6, Na-carboxymethyl cellulose 0.3-0.4, potassium chloride 1-3, moss of species Jungermanniales 10-15, needles of larch Larix lyallii 8-9, water - the rest. Additionally other versions of quantitative compositions of polymer-natural mulch cover are disclosed. |
Composition of mulch cover (versions) Composition of mulch cover characterised in that it comprises lignosulphonate, urea, Na-carboxymethyl cellulose, potassium chloride, and as natural supplements the moss of species Sphagnopsida and needles of juniper Juniperus Blue Pygmea, and water in the following wt %: lignosulfonate 0.1-0.4, urea 0.2-0.6, Na-carboxymethyl cellulose 0.3-0.4, potassium chloride 1-3, moss of species Sphagnopsida 10-15, needles of juniper Juniperus Blue Pygmea 8-9, water - the rest. Additionally other versions of quantitative compositions of polymer-natural mulch cover are disclosed. |
Composition of mulch cover (versions) Composition of mulch cover characterized in that it comprises lignosulphonate, urea, Na-carboxymethyl cellulose, potassium chloride, and as natural supplements the moss of species Pallavicinia and needles of juniper Juniperus Blue Alps, and water in the following wt %: lignosulfonate 0.1-0.4, urea 0.2-0.6, Na-carboxymethyl cellulose 0.3-0.4, potassium chloride 1-3, moss of species Pallavicinia 10-15, needles of juniper Juniperus Blue Alps 8-9, water - the rest. Additionally other versions of quantitative compositions of polymer-natural mulch cover are disclosed. |
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Non-traditional organic fertiliser Non-traditional organic fertiliser based on sewage sludge and conifer-hardwood sawdust. As a sorbent after the thermophilic stage it comprises additives of organic wastes in the form of waste of mushroom substrate or horticultural wastes taken in an amount of 10-12.5% by weight of dry matter. |
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Method of use of wastes of oil-extraction production as fertiliser for growing tomatoes in black soil lies in the application of fertilisers in the soil, and ash of sunflower husk is applied as fertiliser under every bush locally at a dose of 50 grams or manure and ash of sunflower husk, and the dose of application is 4.5 t/ha of manure and 50 g of ash locally under the plant. |
Mulching composition (versions) Invention relates to chemistry of synthetic substances - polymer substances in a mixture with organic and natural substances, for example, for urban and agricultural purposes, or to compositions for mulching different types of soil, lawn and parking areas. The mulching composition is characterised by that it contains lignosulphonate, carbamide, Na-carboxymethyl cellulose, potassium chloride and, as natural additives, Hymenophytum moss and Juniperus squamata Holger juniper needles, and water in the following ratios, wt %: lignosulphonate 0.1-0.4, carbamide 0.2-0.6, Na-carboxymethyl cellulose 0.3-0.4, potassium chloride 1-3, Hymenophytum moss 10-15, Juniperus squamata Holger juniper needles 8-9, water - the balance. Other versions of polymer-natural mulching quantitative compositions are also disclosed. |
Mulching composition (versions) Invention relates to chemistry of synthetic substances - polymer substances in a mixture with organic and natural substances, for example, for urban and agricultural purposes, or to compositions for mulching different types of soil, lawn and parking areas. The mulching composition is characterised by that it contains lignosulphonate, carbamide, Na-carboxymethyl cellulose, potassium chloride and, as natural additives, Pellia endiviifolia moss and Larix mastersiana larch needles, and water in the following ratios, wt %: lignosulphonate 0.1-0.4, carbamide 0.2-0.6, Na-carboxymethyl cellulose 0.3-0.4, potassium chloride 1-3, Pellia endiviifolia moss 10-15, Larix mastersiana larch needles 8-9, water - the balance. Other versions of polymer-natural mulching quantitative compositions are also disclosed. |
Mulching composition (versions) Invention relates to chemistry of synthetic substances - polymer substances in a mixture with organic and natural substances, for example, for urban and agricultural purposes, or to compositions for mulching different types of soil, lawn and parking areas. The mulching composition is characterised by that it contains lignosulphonate, carbamide, Na-carboxymethyl cellulose, potassium chloride and, as natural additives, Sphagnopsida moss and Larix lariciana larch needles, and water in the following ratios, wt %: lignosulphonate 0.1-0.4, carbamide 0.2-0.6, Na-carboxymethyl cellulose 0.3-0.4, potassium chloride 1-3, Sphagnopsida moss 10-15, Larix lariciana larch needles 8-9, water - the balance. Other versions of polymer-natural mulching quantitative compositions are also disclosed. |
Method of obtaining technogenic soil and technogenic soil Invention relates to field of agricultural production and can be applied in obtaining of soils. Method includes mixing of silt sediment with powder-like valley peat, introduction of natural soil, solid-phase fermentation and fractioning. As silt sediment applied is silt sediment of water preparation with humidity not more than 75% and milled to fraction 5-7 mm. Such silt sediment is preliminarily mixed with valley peat with humidity not more than 50%. Weight ratio silt sediment:valley peat, equals 1:(1.7-1.8). After that, fermentation of mixture is performed by its composting in piles with periodical tossing and mixing with obtaining biocompost with 50-55% humidity. Then, predrying of obtained biocompost to 20-25% humidity and its mixing with foundation pit soil based on integumentary and alluvial loam and fluvioglacial sends, are carried out. Weight ratio of foundation pit soil to the one, introduced for obtaining biocompost slit sediment of water preparing stations, equals (2.2.-2.3):1. Technogenic soil, obtained by claimed method, contains foundation pit soil in quantity 44-46 wt % and biocompost. Biocompost represents fermented mixture of valley peat and slit sediment of water preparing stations. |
Mulching composition (versions) Mulching composition contains lignosulphonate, carbamide, Na-carboxymethyl cellulose, potassium chloride and, as natural additives, Pallavicinia moss and Larix kongboensis larch needles, and water in the following ratios, wt %: lignosulphonate 0.1-0.4, carbamide 0.2-0.6, Na-carboxymethyl cellulose 0.3-0.4, potassium chloride 1-3, Pallavicinia moss 10-15, Larix kongboensis larch needles 8-9, water - the balance. Other versions of polymer-natural mulching quantitative compositions are also disclosed. |
Mulching composition (versions) Mulching composition is characterised by that it contains lignosulphonate, carbamide, Na-carboxymethyl cellulose, potassium chloride and, as natural additives, Polytrichopsida moss and Juniperus h. Glauca juniper needles, and water in the following ratios, wt %: lignosulphonate 0.1-0.4, carbamide 0.2-0.6, Na-carboxymethyl cellulose 0.3-0.4, potassium chloride 1-3, Polytrichopsida moss 10-15, Juniperus h. Glauca juniper needles 8-9, water - the balance. Other versions of polymer-natural mulching quantitative compositions are also disclosed. |
Mulching composition (versions) Mulching composition is characterised by that it contains lignosulphonate, carbamide, Na-carboxymethyl cellulose, potassium chloride and, as natural additives, Sphagnopsida moss and Larix kaempferi larch needles, and water in the following ratios, wt %: lignosulphonate 0.1-0.4, carbamide 0.2-0.6, Na-carboxymethyl cellulose 0.3-0.4, potassium chloride 1-3, Sphagnopsida moss 10-15, Larix kaempferi larch needles 8-9, water - the balance. Other versions of polymer-natural mulching quantitative compositions are also disclosed. |
Mulching composition (versions) Mulching composition is characterised by that it contains lignosulphonate, carbamide, Na-carboxymethyl cellulose, potassium chloride and, as natural additives, Pallavicinia moss and Juniperus virginiana Nana Compacta juniper needles, and water in the following ratios, wt %: lignosulphonate 0.1-0.4, carbamide 0.2-0.6, Na-carboxymethyl cellulose 0.3-0.4, potassium chloride 1-3, Pallavicinia moss 10-15, Juniperus virginiana Nana Compacta juniper needles 9.8-11, and water - the balance. Other versions of polymer-natural mulching quantitative compositions are also disclosed. |
Mulching composition (versions) Mulching composition is characterised by that it contains lignosulphonate, carbamide, Na-carboxymethyl cellulose, potassium chloride and, as natural additives, Pellia endiviifolia moss and Larix amurensis larch needles, and water in the following ratios, wt %: lignosulphonate 0.1-0.4, carbamide 0.2-0.6, Na-carboxymethyl cellulose 0.3-0.4, potassium chloride 1-3, Pellia endiviifolia moss 10-15, Larix amurensis larch needles 8-9, water - the balance. Other versions of polymer-natural mulching quantitative compositions are also disclosed. |
Mulching composition (versions) Mulching composition is characterised by that it contains lignosulphonate, carbamide, Na-carboxymethyl cellulose, potassium chloride and, as natural additives, Takakiopsida moss and Juniperus Blue Pygmea juniper needles, and water in the following ratios, wt %: lignosulphonate 0.1-0.4, carbamide 0.2-0.6, Na-carboxymethyl cellulose 0.3-0.4, potassium chloride 1-3, Takakiopsida moss 10-15, Juniperus Blue Pygmea juniper needles 8-9, and water - the balance. Other versions of polymer-natural mulching quantitative compositions are also disclosed. |
Mulching composition (versions) Mulching composition is characterised by that it contains lignosulphonate, carbamide, Na-carboxymethyl cellulose, potassium chloride and, as natural additives, Andreaeopsida moss and Larix komarovii larch needles, and water in the following ratios, wt %: lignosulphonate 0.1-0.4, carbamide 0.2-0.6, Na-carboxymethyl cellulose 0.3-0.4, potassium chloride 1-3, Andreaeopsida moss 10-15, Larix komarovii larch needles 8-9, water - the balance. Other versions of polymer-natural mulching quantitative compositions are also disclosed. |
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Method of making compost from sewage sludge using phototrophic bacteria Invention relates to public utilities and environmental biotechnology and can be used for bioconversion of sewage sludge with low content of heavy metals combined with brewery wastes - spent grains - into compost. The method involves mixing in a defined volume ratio dry sewage sludge with an organic component in form of spent grains and with a cellulose-containing component in form of saw dust, adding a compost ferment in amount of at least 15% of the volume of the mixture and subsequent aerobic composting of the mixture. After the high-temperature composting step, natural drying of the mixture which is placed in a layer of about one metre, is carried out while simultaneously adding a bioactivator in form of a liquid culture containing 109-1010 cells per ml of a suspension of anoxic purple phototrophic bacteria Rhodobacter capsulatus in volume ratio to the mixture of at least 1:50, respectively, and holding without compulsory aeration for 25-30 days, followed by stabilisation of the mixture in piles for 30-35 days. |
Absorber of gases and odor nuisances (versions) and organic mineral fertilisers Invention relates to compositions of multicomponent absorbers of gases and odor nuisances based on wood biomass, namely, needles of pine and other conifers. It can be used for sanitary purification of off-gases (hydrogen sulphides, methane an the like) at clearing equipment and deodorisation of toilets at garden-plots and rural sites, deodorisation of whatever excrements, manure, etc. Proposed absorber comprises softwood processing wastes and pine-needle oil at the ratio of 99.99:0.01-99.00:1.00. Besides it may contain some other wood wastes, that it, sawdust and/or bark, and/or peat at the following ratio of components in wt % softwood wastes - 40.00-60.00, pine-needle oil - 0.01-1.00, sawdust and/or bark, and/or peat making the rest - up to 100%. |
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Method and system for drying of material containing water Method of drying water-containing mass, such as manure, to obtain one final dry product, includes conditioning the air flow to give it the ability to take moisture, creation of the boundary line of mass/air flow to provide the ability to take using the air flow on the specified boundary line, moisture of the water-containing mass, thereby drying it, in which the air flow is heated; the water-containing mass is fed from the reservoir to the separator; the water-containing mass is separated into the fraction with a relatively high content of solids and to the liquid fraction; the fraction with a relatively high content of solids is used for creation of the first static boundary line of mass/air flow; the liquid fraction is used for creation of the second dynamic boundary line of mass/air flow; the air flow is fed to the first static boundary line of mass/air flow to dry the fraction of the water-containing mass with a relatively high content of solids, and then the air flow is fed to the second dynamic boundary line of mass/air flow for preliminary drying the liquid fraction of the water-containing mass; the preliminary dried liquid fraction is fed back into the reservoir; and the preliminary dried liquid fraction is mixed with the water-containing mass in the reservoir; and the dried mass at regular intervals of time is released from the bottom of the first static boundary line of mass/air flow, and the wet mass is added on top of this boundary. The system for drying a water-containing mass, such as manure, comprises a reservoir for water-containing mass, a fan to create air flow; air heating means for conditioning the said air flow; the boundary line of the mass/air flow provided with a reservoir for placing the water-containing mass and providing passing the conditioned air flow through the reservoir for giving the opportunity to the air flow to take moisture from the said mass, at that the system also comprises a pipe for directing the water-containing mass from the reservoir to the separator, the separator for separating the water-containing mass to the liquid fraction substantially free of solids, and to the fraction with a relatively high content of solids; the pipeline to transport the fraction with a relatively high content of solids into the press; the pipeline to transport the fraction with a relatively high content of solids from the press to the first static boundary line of mass/air flow; the press for forming the fraction with a relatively high content of solids; the first static boundary line of mass/air flow for drying the formed fraction of water-containing mass with a relatively high content of solids; the pipeline for supplying the liquid fraction from the separator to the second dynamic boundary line of mass/air flow; the second dynamic boundary line of mass/air flow provided along the process operation after the first static boundary line of mass/air flow for preliminary drying of the liquid fraction of water-containing mass; and the pipeline for supplying the preliminary dried liquid fraction back into the reservoir. |
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Method of producing biomass using red californian earthworm and apparatus for realising said method Invention relates to agriculture. The method of producing biomass involves worm composting of a substrate with red Californian earthworm Eisenia Foetida in amount of 250 thousand worms per cubic metre, the substrate used being cattle manure which is pre-neutralised to pH 7-8, the worm composting process being carried out at temperature of 15-25°C and substrate moisture content of 80-85%. |
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Method of processing domestic wastes in fuel briquettes Invention relates to sizing the domestic wastes into fuel briquettes. Proposed method comprises stock pre-grinding, its separation and mixing with fillers in forced-type mixer to produce homogeneous bulk. pre-grinding is executed by cutter-type grinder to particle size of 20-30 mm and, then, by brush grinder to particle size of under 6 mm. Note here that separate inclusions sized to 10-15 mm in amount of 10% of total bulk are permitted. Then, obtained pulp is fed to mixer for mixing with water, binders and wastes of fuel or food oils properly proportioned in amount of 5-6% of the pulp. Average moisture content in resultant pulp may not exceed 25-55%. Prepared pulp is fed after mixing into accumulation bin to be kept there in for 2-3 hours and, further, via bin proportioner it is fed by conveyor or manually by shovel into extruder loading cone. Pulp is homogenised, compacted and extruded at 150-200 kg/cm2 in extruder carrier. In extrusion, some portion of moisture is squeezed off in interflange gap of extruder carrier and housing to allow outlet extruded briquette moisture content 5-7% smaller than that of initial stock. Briquettes are dried at 50-60°C for not over 40-90 minutes at intensive hot air blowing or at good sunny weather on exposed rain-protected sites. |
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Method of producing humic preparations and ultra-humate substance obtained using said method Invention relates to agriculture. The method of producing humic preparations involves ultrasonic dispersion of humate-containing substances. At least one jet or vortex flow of humate-containing substances is created, which is treated with an air or steam stream using a jet-edge generator with ultrasonic radiation intensity greater than 10 W/cm2. |
Another patent 2513611.
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