Control over orientation of supply spaceship with stationary solar battery panels at jobs under conditions of spinning |
IPC classes for russian patent Control over orientation of supply spaceship with stationary solar battery panels at jobs under conditions of spinning (RU 2539068):
Invention relates to controlling movement of a spacecraft fitted with a heat radiator and a solar panel. The method includes flying the spacecraft on an orbit around a planet and turning the solar panel in a position corresponding to the alignment of the normal to the working surface of the solar panel with the direction towards the Sun; performing orbital orientation of the spacecraft, where the plane of rotation of the solar panel is parallel to the plane of the orbit of the spacecraft and the solar panel is located relative to the plane of the orbit on the side of the Sun; determining the maximum value of the angle between the velocity vector of the spacecraft and the perpendicular to the transverse axis of rotation of the solar panel, passing through the surface of the radiator; determining the orbital altitude of the spacecraft and the angle between the direction towards the Sun and the plane of the orbit of the spacecraft; based on the orbital altitude and the angle, determining the orbit passes where the duration of the illuminated part of the pass exceeds the difference between the orbiting period of the spacecraft and the required duration of the heat release by the radiator on the pass; on the said orbit passes, when the spacecraft passes through the illuminated part of the pass, the solar panel is turned around the transverse axis of rotation until the intersection of the line passing through the region of the surface of the radiator facing the Sun and directed towards the Sun with the solar panel; turning the solar panel around the longitudinal axis of rotation until the angle between the normal to the working surface of the solar panel and the direction towards the Sun assumes a minimum value. The said solar panel rotations are performed within a calculated time interval.
Invention relates to controlling orientation of an artificial earth satellite with solar panels. The disclosed method includes performing necessary turning of the artificial earth satellite along with solar panels and, separately, the solar panels about a first and a second axis. The antenna of the artificial earth satellite is directed towards the earth and the normal to the solar panels is directed towards the sun. Independent programmed turns about the first and second axes of the artificial earth satellite are performed in intervals of uncertainty of orientation of the artificial earth satellite on shadow orbits. In different versions of said turns, after the first turn, the artificial earth satellite is held in an intermediate position and normal orientation of the artificial earth satellite is then restored. This improves the accuracy of predicting movement of the artificial earth satellite on shadow orbits and accuracy of measuring the range to the artificial earth satellite.
Invention relates to in-flight control over spacecraft equipped with heat radiator and solar battery. Proposed process comprises spacecraft flight in orbit around the planet with solar battery turn to position corresponding to normal to solar battery working surface directed to the Sun. Spacecraft orbital orientation is constructed whereat solar battery spinning plate is parallel with spacecraft orbit plane while solar battery is located on the Sun side relative to orbit plane. Spacecraft orbit altitude and angle between direction to the Sun and spacecraft orbit plane are defined. Magnitude of said angle (β*) is defined whereat duration of turn shadow section equals the necessary time of radiator heat release in said turn. Orbit turns are defined wherein current magnitude of said angle is larger than β*. In said turns, solar battery is turned around crosswise and lengthwise rotation axes unless shadowing of solar battery radiator. Note here that minimum departure of orientation of solar battery working surface to the Sun. Spacecraft orbital flight is conducted in near-circle orbit at altitude not exceeding a definite design value.
Invention relates to spacecraft (SC) motion control using solar radiation pressure forces distributed over SC working zones. The latter are formed as flat parallel optically transparent droplet flows. Distance between droplets of R radius in each flow in its lengthwise direction (Sx) and frontal-lateral direction (Sy) is divisible by
Result is achieved by increasing strength of connection of shunting diodes and solar elements, increased repeatability of the process of manufacturing of the solar battery of spacecrafts due to optimisation of the technology of manufacturing of shunting diodes and solar elements of the solar battery, and also switching buses that connect the solar elements and shunting diodes, which are made as multi-layer. The solar battery for small-size spacecrafts comprises the following: panels with modules with solar elements (SE) adhered to them, a shunting diode; switching buses that connect the face and reverse sides of the shunting diodes with solar elements, at the same time the shunting diode is installed in the cut in the corner of the solar element, at the same time switching buses are made as multi-layer, made of molybdenum foil, at two sides of which there are serial layers of vanadium or titanium, a layer of nickel and a layer of silver, accordingly.
Invention relates to spacecraft electric power supply with the help of solar batteries. Proposed method comprises definition of preset angle of solar battery orientation to the Sun by measured angular position of normal to battery working surface and computation of design angle relative thereto. Solar battery is spinned in direction of decrease in mismatch between preset and design angles. Solar battery acceleration angle (αAC) and deceleration angle (αDEC) are defined. Design angle is corrected when angle transducer readings vary by discrete sector of solar battery turn. Threshold of operation and drop-away (αT) and (αD) are set to terminate battery spinning if mismatch between preset angle and current angle increases but not over αT. Solar battery angular velocity is set or the order and larger than maximum angular velocity of spacecraft revolution around the Earth while discrete sector magnitude is set to smaller than αT. Solar battery working angle (αW) is set provided that αT < αW < (α"ГОР" - 2·(αAC + αDEC)). Angular position of closest beam of angle αW is assigned to preset angle if direction to the Sun in projection to the plane of spinning of said normal is located outside of αW. Is angular position of said normal is outside αW to vary in direction of increase of angle relative to nearest beam of angle αW, failure warning is generated to terminate control over solar battery.
Invention relates to spacecraft electric power supply with the help of solar batteries. Proposed method comprises definition of preset and current angles of solar battery orientation and solar battery angular velocity (ωSB). Design angle is computed to assign measured angle magnitude thereto and memorised prior to start of control over solar battery. Solar battery is spinned in direction of decrease in mismatch between preset and design angles. Defined are angles of solar battery acceleration and deceleration (tAC, αDEC) and threshold (tTHR, αTHR) and maximum tolerable angle of its deflection (αMAX) proceeding from minimum tolerable currents of solar battery. Said angles are used to set operation threshold (αS). The latter exceeded, said mismatch is generated. The latter is not taken into account if lower than drop-away threshold (αDROP). The latter reached, solar battery spinning is terminated. Solar battery design angle is corrected with the limits of one discrete sector of solar battery spinning circle. Discrete sector magnitude depends of angles αAC, αTHR and αS. Depending upon αS and ωSB threshold of the interval of control over continuous variation of data on solar battery angular position is set. Count of said interval is made if current measured angle differs from memorised one by more than one discrete sector and is terminated otherwise. Threshold of the time of control over solar battery spinning is set depending upon tAC, tTHR, αMAX, ωSB and discrete sector magnitude. This time is counted at zero time of control over continuity is sign of mismatch between measured and memorised angles dose not satisfy the solar battery preset direction of spinning. Otherwise, count is terminated to zero the time of control of spinning direction. Note here that when measured angle varies by one discrete sector, angular angle of boundary between discrete sectors is taken to be design angle to assign new measured angle to memorised angle. In case the time of control over continuity or that over spinning direction exceeds its threshold, failure signal is generated to terminate control over solar battery.
Invention relates to spacecraft electric power supply with the help of solar batteries. Proposed method consists in definition of preset angle of solar battery, measurement of its current angle and computation of design angle by angular velocity and spinning time. Solar battery acceleration angle (αAC) and deceleration angle (αDEC) are defined. Solar battery is spinned to threshold of drop-away (αDROP ≈ (αDEC) when mismatch between said preset and design angles is terminated. Before start of the control, preset angle is memorised to take initial preset angle as valid actual current angle. Mismatch threshold (αTHR) of said angles proceeding from angles αAC and αDEC, as well as minimum tolerable currents of solar battery. Angle transducer circle is divided into equal discrete sectors by magnitude a given the condition αAC + αDEC < σ < αTHR. Discrete sector bisectors are taken to be measured magnitudes. Period of valid current angle definition is set to the order and exceeding maximum duration of transducer data fault and smaller than minimum interval of faults train. Said interval is divided to four equal interval while analysis of measured and memorised magnitudes in said intervals are reset to generate validity signal. In the latter case, solar battery is spinned to mismatch between design and preset angles αDROP to set new preset angle magnitude.
Solar battery strut comprises two-link mechanism with common axle supporting torsion spring with cocking devices. One link is arranged at solar battery frame while another one is mounted at craft body. Spring-loaded rod to lock the link at end position is arranged at said link perpendicular to axis. Rocker is arranged at spring-loaded rod end to turn thereat. Antifriction bearings are rigidly secured at rod both ends to interact with cam taper grooves, said cams being rigidly mounted at the link opposite spring-loaded rod. Links of aforesaid mechanism have openings to link retainers threaded therein.
Set of intentions relates to space power engineering and may be used for transmission of electric power in the form of laser radiation to Earth surface and for high-accuracy measurements in space, data transfer, etc. Proposed station comprises base module 1, system of mirrors 2, laser radiation summator 3 directed to system 2 and photo converter panel 4 arranged outside of module 1. Every panel 4 consists of two types: photoelectric panels 5 and independent photo emitting panels 6. The latter are connected in chain for self-opening and arranging in closed flat zigzag-like figure. Panels 5 are mounted at the start of chain 5, 6. Note here that the first panel is connected with base module 1. Said module 1 comprises the following systems: control system 8, cooling system 11 and supply system 12. Every panel 5 is connected with supply system 12. Every independent panel 6 is composed of a carcass with Fresnel lenses are carcass end with photo converters (not shown) aligned therewith and located there above. Carcass bottom part base accommodates power accumulators, control unit of panel 6 and fiber lasers with pumping units and laser radiation summator. Aforesaid photo converters of panel 6 are electrically connected via power accumulators with pumping and control units. Summators of independent panels 6 are connected to aforesaid summator via FO 30.
Invention relates to aerospace engineering and can be used in spacecraft engines. Power plant comprises cryogenic tank with shield-vacuum heat insulation and channel with heat exchanger, flow control valve, booster pump, intake with capillary accumulator with heat exchanger and throttle and hydropneumatic system with pipeline. Channel cross-section sizes comply with maximum outer sizes of heat exchanger cross-section.
Invention relates to spacecraft control in atmosphere of planet by adjusting its aerodynamics. Spacecraft velocity in atmosphere at initial flight part increases (spacecraft flies toward conditional orbit pericentre). Atmosphere density is low yet to cause notable spacecraft deceleration. As spacecraft reaches atmosphere dense layers its velocity decreases to reach atmosphere enter velocity for angle of roll (γ) γ=π to be changed to γ=0. This manoeuvre allows changing the spacecraft to flight part with maximum aerodynamic performances. In flight with γ=0 continuous skip path is maintained whereat spacecraft velocity decreases monotonously. Maximum skip height reached, angle of attack o spacecraft increases, hence, spacecraft intensive deceleration occurs.
Invention relates to spacecraft control in atmosphere of planet by adjusting its aerodynamics. Proposed method consists in selection of conditions for changing the angle of roll to zero at changing the spacecraft from isothermal descent section (IDS) to skip path. With spacecraft in IDS, angle of roll (γ) is, first, increased to decrease aerodynamic performances and to maintain constant temperature at critical area of spacecraft surface. As flight velocity decreases angle (γ) is decreased from its maximum. In IDS, increase in aerodynamics does not cause further temperature increase over its first peak. Therefore selection of the moment of changing to γ=0 allows efficient deceleration of spacecraft at the next step of flight. The best option is the descent of spacecraft of IDS when γ reaches its maximum. Here, angle of attack is set to correspond to maximum aerodynamic performances. This increases the duration of final flight stage and deceleration efficiency. Increase in angle of attach after descent from IDS and completion of climb results in increased in drag, hence, decrease in velocity at initiation of soft landing system.
Invention relates to controlling movement of a spacecraft fitted with a heat radiator and a solar panel. The method includes flying the spacecraft on an orbit around a planet and turning the solar panel in a position corresponding to the alignment of the normal to the working surface of the solar panel with the direction towards the Sun; performing orbital orientation of the spacecraft, where the plane of rotation of the solar panel is parallel to the plane of the orbit of the spacecraft and the solar panel is located relative to the plane of the orbit on the side of the Sun; determining the maximum value of the angle between the velocity vector of the spacecraft and the perpendicular to the transverse axis of rotation of the solar panel, passing through the surface of the radiator; determining the orbital altitude of the spacecraft and the angle between the direction towards the Sun and the plane of the orbit of the spacecraft; based on the orbital altitude and the angle, determining the orbit passes where the duration of the illuminated part of the pass exceeds the difference between the orbiting period of the spacecraft and the required duration of the heat release by the radiator on the pass; on the said orbit passes, when the spacecraft passes through the illuminated part of the pass, the solar panel is turned around the transverse axis of rotation until the intersection of the line passing through the region of the surface of the radiator facing the Sun and directed towards the Sun with the solar panel; turning the solar panel around the longitudinal axis of rotation until the angle between the normal to the working surface of the solar panel and the direction towards the Sun assumes a minimum value. The said solar panel rotations are performed within a calculated time interval.
Invention relates to space cable systems (SCS) and can be used for the transfer of SCS to a spinning mode in the orbit plane without the application of jet engines. SCS development is executed from its initial compact state in the circular orbit by the repulsion of objects at a low relative speed. SCS end weights are connected by a cable, its length being varied by a cable feed-haul-in device arranged on one of the end objects. The objects are separated by a vector of local peripheral speed, for example, by a pusher. The objects are driven by a start pulse to separate the objects in practically free paths at the free feed of the cable. The cable development is terminated by the SCS transfer to a stable mode of associated pendulum motion at the stretched preset-length cable. At a definite range of angular phases of this mode the SCS objects are stretched by hauling in the cable at a definite constant speed. This results in changing the SCS into the spinning mode at a preset power integral and fixed final end of the cable.
Group of the inventions relates to control of angular motion of space vehicle (SV). The method includes additional generation of signals for assessment of orientation angle and angular velocity of rotation of space vehicle. Also the reference signals of the orientation angle, angular velocity and control assessment signal are generated. For the named orientation angle and angular velocity their differences with their assessed signals, and also the difference with their reference values are determined. The difference of control signal and its assessed value and, at last, the signal of correction of the signal of assignment of mathematical model and the signal of assessment of external noises using the respective formulas are determined. On this base the signals of assessment of orientation angle and angular velocity of space vehicle are determined, which are used for space vehicle control. The device in addition contains the reference model of the basic circuit of orientation of space vehicle and other necessary devices and connections.
Invention relates to controlling orientation of an artificial earth satellite with solar panels. The disclosed method includes performing necessary turning of the artificial earth satellite along with solar panels and, separately, the solar panels about a first and a second axis. The antenna of the artificial earth satellite is directed towards the earth and the normal to the solar panels is directed towards the sun. Independent programmed turns about the first and second axes of the artificial earth satellite are performed in intervals of uncertainty of orientation of the artificial earth satellite on shadow orbits. In different versions of said turns, after the first turn, the artificial earth satellite is held in an intermediate position and normal orientation of the artificial earth satellite is then restored. This improves the accuracy of predicting movement of the artificial earth satellite on shadow orbits and accuracy of measuring the range to the artificial earth satellite.
Invention relates to in-flight control over spacecraft equipped with heat radiator and solar battery. Proposed process comprises spacecraft flight in orbit around the planet with solar battery turn to position corresponding to normal to solar battery working surface directed to the Sun. Spacecraft orbital orientation is constructed whereat solar battery spinning plate is parallel with spacecraft orbit plane while solar battery is located on the Sun side relative to orbit plane. Spacecraft orbit altitude and angle between direction to the Sun and spacecraft orbit plane are defined. Magnitude of said angle (β*) is defined whereat duration of turn shadow section equals the necessary time of radiator heat release in said turn. Orbit turns are defined wherein current magnitude of said angle is larger than β*. In said turns, solar battery is turned around crosswise and lengthwise rotation axes unless shadowing of solar battery radiator. Note here that minimum departure of orientation of solar battery working surface to the Sun. Spacecraft orbital flight is conducted in near-circle orbit at altitude not exceeding a definite design value.
Invention relates to control over spacecraft, particularly, to holding of geosynchronous spacecraft in preset are of stay and collocation with the other geostationary spacecraft. Proposed method comprises determination and correction of initial inclinations and longitude of injection orbit ascending node with allowance for epoch of spacecraft placing in orbit and term of its active existence. Note here that the time of beginning of operation in geostationary orbit when spacecraft orbit inclination reaches maximum permissible value iper. area. The latter corresponds to permissible reach in latitude at the boundary of nominal spacecraft stay area in altitude. Stable and minimum eccentricity magnitudes are defined. Eccentricity vector is corrected so that it equals the nominal value for spacecraft collocation and spacecraft orbit apse line is aligned with that of nodes. Spacecraft active collocation is executed at changing the inclination from 0 to iper without interaction with adjacent spacecraft control centres. At inclination larger than iper , eccentricity is increased to minimum with setting of Laplace vector in direction from the Sun. Note here that eccentricity vector is not corrected unless the end of spacecraft active existence term termination. At inclinations larger than iper, eccentricity vector equals modulo and is spaced apart relative to eccentricity vectors of the other spacecraft.
Invention relates to control of movement of space vehicle (SV). According to the proposed method, thrusts of correction engines (CE) (control accelerations) are determined as per total changes in a period of SV revolution from correction to correction. The latter are performed with one and the same CE and a thrust level of those CE is estimated. For reliable understanding of thrusts of a pair of mutually opposite located CE, series control activations of the same pair are performed from time to time with equal pulses. Discrepancy as to total pulse of thrust is entered in equal parts with an opposite sign to the implemented pulses. As a result, reliable thrust levels of CE in operation are obtained.
Proposed method is performed by information of orientation unit to Sun by introducing the orbit parameters into on-board computer followed by calculating the Sun position in observation field of orientation unit for each point of orbit for orientation of axes in orbital coordinate system; search angular velocity is set for spacecraft to ensure capture of Sun by observation field of orientation unit, after which angular velocity is decreased to zero ensuring position of Sun in observation field of orientation unit. Then spacecraft is turned in such way that Sun should move to required initial point; turning the spacecraft to preset points is continued for each orbital point.
FIELD: aircraft engineering. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to aerospace engineering. Proposed method comprises supply spaceship spinning around perpendicular to solar battery working surface directed to the Sun at angular velocity of at least 1.5 degree/s. During said spinning at time interval of duration making at least one circuit supply angular velocity components are measured in structural system of coordinates. Measured magnitudes are used to define the directions of the main central axis of inertia of supply spaceship. Spaceship is turned to alignment of the central axis of inertia making the minimum angle with perpendicular to solar battery working surface with direction to the Sun. Spaceship is spun around spaceship around said axis to measure solar battery current. After current reaches minimum permissible magnitudes spaceship is, again, turned to align said axis of inertia with direction to the Sun. Again, spaceship is spun around said axis. EFFECT: higher power yield of solar batteries owing to radiation reflected from the Earth at spaceship gravity orientation with spinning with allowance for actual main central axes of inertia. 1 dwg
The invention relates to the field of space technology and can be used for attitude control of a SPACECRAFT (SC) in the works in terms of rotational motion. The rotary motion of the SPACECRAFT is used, for example, when conducting experiments and research in the field of microgravity and implemented spins around KA directions specified in the building coordinate system KA. Consider what type of vehicle cargo ships (THC), undertaking missions to the space station - for example, to the international space station. Data KA convenient to carry out research at the stage of their Autonomous flight after undocking from the space station. There is a method of attitude control of SPACECRAFT, including exhibition axes AC and maintaining the angular position of the engine orientation (Alekseev, K. B., byabenin,, office of space flight vehicles. M: Mechanical Engineering, 1974). However, to use this method you must consume a working medium, which causes, in addition, unpredictable microcornea on Board the SPACECRAFT. There is a method of attitude control of SPACECRAFT with a fixed solar panels when performing experiments on orbits with a maximum duration of shadow plot (Patent RF №2457158, priority from 22.09.2010, the PC (2006.01) B64G 1/24, 1/44), including the gravitational orientation of the SPACECRAFT and spin around its longitudinal axis corresponding to the minimum moment of inertia, when the Sun is near to the plane of the orbit combine this plane with the plane SAT by the passing of the morning terminator, measure and monitor the angle between the normal to the active (working) surface SB and the direction to the Sun, at the moment of passing of the morning terminator perform the spin of the SPACECRAFT in the direction corresponding to the reduction of the specified angle, and the angular velocity of the spin is chosen from a specified range of values. The method allows to provide some coverage of the SAT and the coming of electricity to conduct non-energy-intensive experiments. When solar radiation enters the SB with directions, substantially separated from the normal to the working surface SB, resulting generated by SB current is significantly different from the maximum current that can generate Coll. At the same time, while performing a number of experiments, including crystal growth, it is necessary to provide a large eat electricity SB, because for conducting such experiments used energy-intensive equipment. Closest to the proposed prototype is the way (Belyaev, M. Y. "Scientific experiments in space ships and space stations". M. Engineering, 1984), including the reversal of THC, the normal to the working surface SB of which coincides with one of the principal axes of inertia, to match the direction normal to the working surface SB with direction to the Sun and spin TGC around the given axis. Prototype method allows to provide the highest possible arrival of electricity from SAT to work with energy-intensive equipment. TGC is used for cargo delivery to the space station and to remove the goods from the station. The distribution of masses of disposable cargoes within THC is poorly predictable and loaded THC is not accurately known inertial characteristics - their actual values differ significantly from the design or theoretically predicted estimates. Prototype method does not take into account the mismatch between projected and actual inertial characteristics of THC, including to determine the actual inertial characteristics of THC after downloading it to remove from orbital space station cargo. This leads to a management orientation TGC his servants (i.e. unreliable) inertial characteristics. While unmanaged rotational movement of THC in the process of spin, made around inaccurately defined the main Central axes of inertia, will have indignation, the cat is who are undesirable for experimentation and research in the field of microgravity. In addition, in the General case, for a spin THC over time due to harmful effects on the orientation of THC external moments rotational movement of the THC will "fall apart", which will then decrease the advent of electricity from SB and worsen conditions for experiments. Task to be solved by the present invention is directed is to provide attitude control of THC with fixed panels SAT in the works in terms of the rotational motion of THC around its main Central axes of inertia. The technical result of the invention is to provide maximize energoprivod from SAT in the spinning mode is loaded deleted orbital space station cargo THC. The technical result is achieved in that in the method of controlling the orientation space TGC with fixed panels SAT in the works in terms of rotational motion, including the reversal of THC to match the direction normal to the working surface SB with direction to the Sun and spin TGC around a given axis, additionally produce spin around THC direction normal to the working surface of the security Council aimed at the Sun, the angular velocity of not less than 1.5 deg/sec, in this twist on the time interval of a duration of at least one in the TKA measure the components of the angular velocity of THC in the building coordinate system, on the measured values of the component of angular velocity of THC determine the directions of the principal Central axes of inertia of THC, deploy THC to match the main Central axes of inertia component of the minimum angle with the normal to the working surface SB, with the direction to the Sun and produce the spin TGC around this axis, in this twist measure the current from the SB, when reaching the measured value of the current solar minimum allowable values again deploy THC to align above the main Central axes of inertia with the direction to the Sun and re-produce the spin TGC around this axis. The essence of the invention is illustrated in Fig.1 which shows a diagram of the orientation of THC in the process of spin TGC around the main Central axes of inertia. In Fig.1 introduced the notation: 1 - the scope of the provisions of the normal to the working surface SB in the process of spin THC; N is the direction normal to the working surface SA; S - direction to the Sun; x1x2x3axis parallel to the main Central axes of inertia of THC; g is the angle between the normal to the working surface SB and the main Central axis of inertia THC minimum angle with the normal to the working surface SB. Explain proposed mode of action. Consider the Autonomous stage is on flight THC. In the proposed method, deploy THC to match the direction normal to the working surface SB with direction to the Sun and produce the spin TGC around the direction normal to the working surface SB with an angular speed of not less than 1.5 deg/sec. In this orientation provides maximum arrival power from the SAT required for charging rechargeable batteries, the power supply system of THC. In the course of execution of twist is measured components of the angular velocity of THC in the building coordinate system of THC on the time interval of a duration of at least one turn. On the measured values of the component of angular velocity of THC determine the current actual values of the directions of the principal Central axes of inertia of THC in the building coordinate system. The assay can be performed, for example, as follows. Use the following coordinate system. Building system1y2y3rigidly connected with the body of THC. Consider, for example, that the y axis1parallel to the longitudinal axis of the ship and sent from the docking station to the aggregate compartment, the y axis2directed normal to the working surface SB. Axis system x1x2x3parallel to the main Central axes of inertia of THC. The position of the system x1x2x3relatively systemyou 1the2the3will ask angles γ, α and β, which will enter through the following conditions. System1the2the3can be transferred to the system x1x2x3three successive rotations: 1) by the angle α around the y-axis2, 2) the angle β around the new y3, (3) the angle γ around the new y1coinciding with the axis x1. The transition matrix from system x1x2x3to the system in1the2the3let The components of the angular velocity of THC in the system x1x2x3denote ωi(i=1, 2, 3). To describe the time-dependent values of ωiuse dynamic Euler equations of a free rigid body, which is not acted upon by external mechanical things. These equations have the form
where Jithe moments of inertia of THC relative to the axes xi. The parameters µ, µ' and the angles γ, α and β for a particular phase of flight specific TGC have some project predicted values and actual values are determined from the data of measurements of angular velocity obtained during the execution of the spin THC. Solving equations (1), describes the change of variables ωiduring these spins, expressed approximate formulas ω1=λ[Asinv(t-t0)+Bcosv(t-t0)], ω3=Acosv(t-t0)- Bsinv(t-t0),
Here A, b and Ω are arbitrary constants. Formula (2) is the more accurate, the smaller the absolute value of the relationship A/Ω B/Ω. During the twist is measured angular velocity of THC. Measurement data have the form where
Here ωkcan be specified as formulas (2) and exact solution of equations (1). Processing of measurement data (3) is performed by the method of least squares is to minimize the expression
By using formulas (2) the minimization is performed on eight parameters: a, b, Ω, λ, ν, γ, α and β, which are considered to be independent. After evaluation of these parameters is found, calculated µ=λµ/Ω, µ'=ν/λΩ. While minimizing f on exact solutions of equations (1) (this gives a somewhat more accurate estimates) used other eight parameters: ωi(t 1) (i=1, 2, 3), µ, µ', γ, α and β. Characteristics accuracy of the found estimates are calculated under the standard assumptions of the least squares method. The described data processing method of measurement (3), obtained for a particular spin specific THC loaded removed from the space station with cargo and making Autonomous flight after undocking from the station, are mentioned sets of eight parameters, which determine the actual direction of the main Central axes of inertia of THC in the construction of the coordinate system and the dimensionless combination of its principal Central moments of inertia To obtain an acceptable accuracy of determination of the main Central axes of inertia angular velocity of spin THC, is used to determine the principal Central axes of inertia, must be large enough. High speed twist parries the harmful influence of external moments, because the higher the speed of the spin, the greater the time interval of movement of THC can be considered to be free and to obtain the necessary measurements for subsequent target processing. Calculations and numerical estimates show that the lower the guaranteed value of the angular velocity of the spin performed to determine the principal Central axes of inertia of THC, is 1.5 deg/sec in duration and the interval of measurements of angular velocity of not less than one revolution. Thus, the above computational algorithm determines the actual values of the directions of the principal Central axes of inertia of THC in the building coordinate system. After determining the actual values of the component directions of the main Central axes of inertia of THC in the building coordinate system define the main Central axis of inertia, which is the minimum angle with the direction normal to the working surface SB. Deploy THC to match this main Central axes of inertia with the direction to the Sun and produce the spin TGC around this axis. In the process, the twist angle between the normal to the working surface SB and the direction to the Sun coinciding with the axis of spin and videopreteen principal Central axis of inertia of THC, will have a constant value. The arrival of electricity from SAT for one revolution of the rotational motion of THC will be equal to the value of where g is the angle between the normal to the working surface SB and videopreteen principal Central axis of inertia TGK, K - coefficient characterizing the efficiency of solar cells SB. However, in this twist over time due to the influence of external moments rotational movement of the THC will evolve, resulting in the angle between the normal to the working surface of the security Council and the Sun will rise and the arrival of electricity from SB will decrease. During the spin measure the current from SB and compare it to the minimum allowable value of current. Upon reaching the measured current value from SB minimal value again deploy THC to align above the main Central axes of inertia with the direction to the Sun and re-produce the spin TGC around this axis. Describe the technical effect of the invention. The proposed solution ensures the maximum possible Energoproekt from SA loaded deleted orbital space station cargo THC with fixed panels SAT when performing spinning mode TGC around one of the actual main Central axes of inertia, namely, around the actual main Central axes of inertia of THC, nearest to but the Mali to the working surface SB, with the actual main Central axes of inertia of THC pre-determined by measuring the angular speed of rotation of THC. Performing a spin around THC actual main Central axes of inertia ensures that the perturbation of the rotational motion of THC that is required for conducting experiments and research in the field of microgravity, and the actual axis of inertia may differ significantly from their project estimates. This ensures both precision control of spin and control to ensure the necessary energoprivod from SB by measuring in the process of spin current on SAT and restore all settings to twist when the measured current value PV becomes smaller than the minimum value. The arrival of electricity from SAT for one revolution of the rotational motion of THC is determined by equation (4), any other orientation of THC relative to the Sun during a spin around the actual main Central axes of inertia of THC makes the smaller advent of electricity. So, for example, the arrival of electricity from SAT for one revolution of the rotational motion of THC, provided that in the beginning of the twist normal to the working surface SB is pointed exactly at the Sun, equal to K·2·π·cosg, less (4). Thus, in the process of twisting the provides the maximum possible arrival of electricity from SAT. The achievement of the technical result is achieved by constructing the proposed orientation of THC, in which the normal to the working surface SB is aimed at the Sun, and the proposed spin around THC direction normal to the working surface SB, the proposed measurement of the angular velocity of THC in the suggested times in the course of this twist and identify the current actual values of the inertial characteristics of THC, the construction of the proposed orientation of THC, which proposed a way selected the actual main axis of inertia of THC aimed at the Sun, and then perform a spin TGC around this axis, and by the proposed measure in the process of this spin current from SB and restore all settings to twist when the measured current value PV becomes smaller than the minimum value. Now technically ready to implement the proposed method to that of THC, as the ship "Progress". For the implementation of u-turns, spin THC and the necessary calculations can be used regular controls of the ship "Progress" - the standard sensors of angular velocity (VCS), the system control the orientation of the spacecraft "Progress", the orientation engines, on-Board computer. To measure and adlerian is I the angle between the normal to the surface SB and the direction to the Sun can be used in standard solar sensors and computing devices. The spin of the ship is for the time needed for experiments. The method of controlling the orientation of cargo transport vehicle with a fixed solar panels in the works in terms of rotational motion, including the reversal of the ship to match the direction normal to the working surface of the solar panels pointed at the Sun and the spin of the spacecraft around an axis, characterized in that produce the spin transport cargo ship around the direction normal to the working surface of solar panels aimed at the Sun, the angular velocity of not less than 1.5 deg/sec, in this twist on the time interval of a duration of at least one coil is measured components of the angular velocity transport cargo vehicle in the construction of the coordinate system, on the measured values of the component of the angular velocity transport cargo vehicle, determine the direction of the main Central axes of inertia of the cargo vehicle, deploy cargo vehicle to align a Central axis of the inertial component of the minimum angle with the normal to the working surface of solar panels, with the direction to the Sun and produce the spin transport cargo vehicle around this axis, within this takrut and measure the current from the solar battery, upon reaching the measured value of the current solar minimum allowable values again deploy cargo vehicle to align above the main Central axes of inertia with the direction to the Sun and re-produce the spin transport cargo vehicle around this axis.
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