Method for generation of control actions on spacecraft |
IPC classes for russian patent Method for generation of control actions on spacecraft (RU 2533873):
Result is achieved by increasing strength of connection of shunting diodes and solar elements, increased repeatability of the process of manufacturing of the solar battery of spacecrafts due to optimisation of the technology of manufacturing of shunting diodes and solar elements of the solar battery, and also switching buses that connect the solar elements and shunting diodes, which are made as multi-layer. The solar battery for small-size spacecrafts comprises the following: panels with modules with solar elements (SE) adhered to them, a shunting diode; switching buses that connect the face and reverse sides of the shunting diodes with solar elements, at the same time the shunting diode is installed in the cut in the corner of the solar element, at the same time switching buses are made as multi-layer, made of molybdenum foil, at two sides of which there are serial layers of vanadium or titanium, a layer of nickel and a layer of silver, accordingly.
Invention relates to spacecraft electric power supply with the help of solar batteries. Proposed method comprises definition of preset angle of solar battery orientation to the Sun by measured angular position of normal to battery working surface and computation of design angle relative thereto. Solar battery is spinned in direction of decrease in mismatch between preset and design angles. Solar battery acceleration angle (αAC) and deceleration angle (αDEC) are defined. Design angle is corrected when angle transducer readings vary by discrete sector of solar battery turn. Threshold of operation and drop-away (αT) and (αD) are set to terminate battery spinning if mismatch between preset angle and current angle increases but not over αT. Solar battery angular velocity is set or the order and larger than maximum angular velocity of spacecraft revolution around the Earth while discrete sector magnitude is set to smaller than αT. Solar battery working angle (αW) is set provided that αT < αW < (α"ГОР" - 2·(αAC + αDEC)). Angular position of closest beam of angle αW is assigned to preset angle if direction to the Sun in projection to the plane of spinning of said normal is located outside of αW. Is angular position of said normal is outside αW to vary in direction of increase of angle relative to nearest beam of angle αW, failure warning is generated to terminate control over solar battery.
Invention relates to spacecraft electric power supply with the help of solar batteries. Proposed method comprises definition of preset and current angles of solar battery orientation and solar battery angular velocity (ωSB). Design angle is computed to assign measured angle magnitude thereto and memorised prior to start of control over solar battery. Solar battery is spinned in direction of decrease in mismatch between preset and design angles. Defined are angles of solar battery acceleration and deceleration (tAC, αDEC) and threshold (tTHR, αTHR) and maximum tolerable angle of its deflection (αMAX) proceeding from minimum tolerable currents of solar battery. Said angles are used to set operation threshold (αS). The latter exceeded, said mismatch is generated. The latter is not taken into account if lower than drop-away threshold (αDROP). The latter reached, solar battery spinning is terminated. Solar battery design angle is corrected with the limits of one discrete sector of solar battery spinning circle. Discrete sector magnitude depends of angles αAC, αTHR and αS. Depending upon αS and ωSB threshold of the interval of control over continuous variation of data on solar battery angular position is set. Count of said interval is made if current measured angle differs from memorised one by more than one discrete sector and is terminated otherwise. Threshold of the time of control over solar battery spinning is set depending upon tAC, tTHR, αMAX, ωSB and discrete sector magnitude. This time is counted at zero time of control over continuity is sign of mismatch between measured and memorised angles dose not satisfy the solar battery preset direction of spinning. Otherwise, count is terminated to zero the time of control of spinning direction. Note here that when measured angle varies by one discrete sector, angular angle of boundary between discrete sectors is taken to be design angle to assign new measured angle to memorised angle. In case the time of control over continuity or that over spinning direction exceeds its threshold, failure signal is generated to terminate control over solar battery.
Invention relates to spacecraft electric power supply with the help of solar batteries. Proposed method consists in definition of preset angle of solar battery, measurement of its current angle and computation of design angle by angular velocity and spinning time. Solar battery acceleration angle (αAC) and deceleration angle (αDEC) are defined. Solar battery is spinned to threshold of drop-away (αDROP ≈ (αDEC) when mismatch between said preset and design angles is terminated. Before start of the control, preset angle is memorised to take initial preset angle as valid actual current angle. Mismatch threshold (αTHR) of said angles proceeding from angles αAC and αDEC, as well as minimum tolerable currents of solar battery. Angle transducer circle is divided into equal discrete sectors by magnitude a given the condition αAC + αDEC < σ < αTHR. Discrete sector bisectors are taken to be measured magnitudes. Period of valid current angle definition is set to the order and exceeding maximum duration of transducer data fault and smaller than minimum interval of faults train. Said interval is divided to four equal interval while analysis of measured and memorised magnitudes in said intervals are reset to generate validity signal. In the latter case, solar battery is spinned to mismatch between design and preset angles αDROP to set new preset angle magnitude.
Solar battery strut comprises two-link mechanism with common axle supporting torsion spring with cocking devices. One link is arranged at solar battery frame while another one is mounted at craft body. Spring-loaded rod to lock the link at end position is arranged at said link perpendicular to axis. Rocker is arranged at spring-loaded rod end to turn thereat. Antifriction bearings are rigidly secured at rod both ends to interact with cam taper grooves, said cams being rigidly mounted at the link opposite spring-loaded rod. Links of aforesaid mechanism have openings to link retainers threaded therein.
Set of intentions relates to space power engineering and may be used for transmission of electric power in the form of laser radiation to Earth surface and for high-accuracy measurements in space, data transfer, etc. Proposed station comprises base module 1, system of mirrors 2, laser radiation summator 3 directed to system 2 and photo converter panel 4 arranged outside of module 1. Every panel 4 consists of two types: photoelectric panels 5 and independent photo emitting panels 6. The latter are connected in chain for self-opening and arranging in closed flat zigzag-like figure. Panels 5 are mounted at the start of chain 5, 6. Note here that the first panel is connected with base module 1. Said module 1 comprises the following systems: control system 8, cooling system 11 and supply system 12. Every panel 5 is connected with supply system 12. Every independent panel 6 is composed of a carcass with Fresnel lenses are carcass end with photo converters (not shown) aligned therewith and located there above. Carcass bottom part base accommodates power accumulators, control unit of panel 6 and fiber lasers with pumping units and laser radiation summator. Aforesaid photo converters of panel 6 are electrically connected via power accumulators with pumping and control units. Summators of independent panels 6 are connected to aforesaid summator via FO 30.
Invention relates to space engineering and may be used in designing external structures of spacecraft, primarily, solar cell batteries. Solar cell battery comprises frame, articulated top and bottom flaps with torsions fitted on hinge pins. Opposite ends of torsions support brackets wherein fitted are torsion resetting mechanisms. Said brackets are secured at torsions and set to initial position, in symmetry about torsion axis. Note here that one of said brackets is fitted on top flap while second bracket is mounted at bottom flap to allow resetting mechanism to twist torsions in one direction.
Invention relates to ground tests of opening structures, predominantly solar batteries (SB) with null-gravity conditions simulation. The bench is designed for opening two dissymmetrical SB panels (1) and contains frame leg (2) on which weight-releasing device (3) is mounted and adapter frame (4) for spacecraft simulator (5). In the upper part of leg (2), bracket (6) is installed. The bracket is moved horizontally. In the lower part of leg, adjustable pillars (8) are installed. Device (3) is made as separate swivel links (9) where bracket (6) is rigidly connected with the first link. Rotation axes of links are coaxial to rotation axes of corresponding SB panels (1). The latter is provided by moving the bracket (6) manually along guides and by fixing it with special screw. In each link (9), two dampers in the form of rods (not shown) are fixed. During SB testing for opening connection with board (5) is released and SB (1) flaps begin to open under action of operational springs. As gap between SB (1) flaps and device (3) is limited (not more than 150 mm) the presence of the said dampers with hangers has little altering influence on calculated flap movement, and their rigid connection in the form of rods provides synchronous movements of SB (1) flaps and the device (3).
Proposed system comprises casing, hollow shaft with solar battery connection flange, solar battery rotation drive, power and telemetry current collection devices. Output shaft is made up of structural flange and shaft with power current collection device. Telemetry current conducting device is fitted on its shaft and engaged with output shaft. Output shaft flange is arranged in solar battery turning system casing to run in thrust bearing either with preload or pressed via thrust bearing against said casing.
Invention relates to electric power supply systems of spacecraft (SC). According to the method, SC solar battery (SB) is rotated at sustained design angular velocity by an order or more greater than angular velocity of SC circulation on orbit around the Earth. Angular position of direction to the Sun unit vector projection on normal to SB working surface rotation plane in coupled coordinates. Full circle of aspect sensor is split into equal discrete sectors each one of which has corresponding arbitrary value at sensor output. Preset angle increment divisible by discrete sector dimension is set. Preset angle is calculated as integer number of this angle increments in angular position of specified projection of normal unit vector. Thresholds of operation and release as well as initial SB angular position where the mentioned normal coincides with bisecting line of one of angular sectors are set. Initial value of design angle (as product of design angular velocity by rotation time) corresponds to angular position of this normal. At the moment when sensor readings change, design angle is assigned value equal to number of discrete sectors contained in it increased by half of sector. Threshold value of control time is set exceeding time of SB rotation by angle with maximum number of angular sectors with equal output values. During SB rotation, time of design angle correction is counted. Failure signal is produced if correction time reaches or exceeds threshold value of control time.
Invention can be used to move space debris from working orbits to recycling orbits. The method includes taking towing spacecraft and a self-contained docking module into the region of an orbit from which space debris is to be cleared. The sequence of removing space debris is selected by comparing a criterion, for example the probability of the space debris colliding with other space objects, for each space debris. Compensation for accumulated errors of motion parameters of the towing spacecraft during previous manoeuvres, as well as the pointing system is distributed between correcting pulses of the towing spacecraft at the long-range guidance step and of the self-contained docking module at the self-guidance portion.
Proposed method comprises generation of data signal in every channel corresponding to a definite combustion chamber as the difference between command signal and feedback signal, generation of control system channel cut-off signal as the signal of setting actuator rod on said channel to mid position. Channel cut-off signal is generated in case the data signal modulus integral calculated at preset-duration time interval exceeds the preset threshold. Note here that command signals of other channels are generated as sums of or difference in pitch, yaw and bank control signals and cut-off channel feedback signal with coefficients depending on cut-off channel number so that required summed pitch, yaw and bank control moments are actuated.
Invention relates to spacecraft (SC) motion control during placing it into orbit of planet artificial satellite using aeroassisted maneuver. In the phase of airbraking, following parameters are forecasted for the time of SC exiting planetary atmosphere: SC speed, angle to inclination to local horizon and altitude of transfer orbit apofocus. In this process in each of successive forecast points, SC motion is considered on remaining atmospheric flight segments for roll angles γ = 0 rad and γ = π. The mentioned above forecasted manoeuvring parameters are found for each of these angles. Their values are used during control of SC incidence change (close to its value corresponding to maximum quality) and issuing pulse of SC speed in transfer orbit apofocus.
Proposed method comprises generation of signals for estimation of: spacecraft orientation angle, spacecraft sing angle and control. Signal difference of said parameters and their estimates are defined. Several formulas are used to calculate the correction signals of setting and estimation of external interference. Said corrections are allowed for at correction of orienting angle estimate signals and angular velocity signal. The latter are applied in spacecraft orientation control circuit. Proposed device comprises the following extra units: memory, adders, amplifiers, integrators interconnected and connected with other elements via system of switches. Proposed device incorporates models of the spacecraft orientation main circuit and flywheel engine.
Invention relates to aerospace engineering, particularly, to spacecraft orientation. Proposed method comprises the steps that follow. Generation of angle estimate and spacecraft spin rate estimate signal are generated. Determination of difference in angle signal and angle estimate signal. Determination of difference in spin rate and spin rate estimate signal. Corrected angle estimate signal and corrected spin rate estimate signal are defined. Control signal is generated using said corrected angle estimate signal and corrected .spin rate estimate signal Proposed device comprises engine-flywheel model, four integrators, four adders, four normally closed switches and two normally-open switches. Output of 2nd adder is connected via engine-flywheel model, 1st integrator, 4th adder, 2nd integrator, 5th adder, 6th adder, 1st switch and 3rd integrator, all being connected in series, with 5th adder 2nd input. Output of the latter is connected via 1st switch with 2nd input of 1st adder. Output of 4th adder is connected via 7th adder, 2nd switch and 4th integrator, all being connected in series, with 4th adder 2nd input. Output of the latter is connected via 2nd switch with 3rd input of 2nd adder. Output of spin rate transducer is connected with 7th adder 2nd input and, via 3rd switch, with 2nd amplifier input.
Invention relates to aerospace engineering, particularly, to spacecraft orientation. Proposed method comprises the steps that follow. Generation of angle estimate signal and signal of spacecraft spin rate. Generation of control estimate signal. Determination of difference in angle signal and angle estimate signal. Determination of difference in spin rate and spin rate estimate signal. Determination of difference in control signal and control estimate signal and determination of corrected angle estimate signal, corrected spin rate estimate signal and outer interference estimate signal. Then, generated are control signal with corrected angle estimate signal, corrected spin rate estimate signal and external interference estimate signal. Proposed device to this end comprises five normally-closed switches, two normally-open switches, seven adders, model of engine-flywheel, two amplifiers and five integrators.
Device for control over spacecraft position in space with the help of orbital gyrocompass. Control device comprises local vertical plotter, adders, amplifier-converter units, integrators, compensation units and gyro meter of angular velocity, spacecraft position setting device, cosine angle transducers, sine angle transducers, spacecraft veering control unit and spacecraft bearing setting unit. Connection between device elements are configured to allow spacecraft turn the course through arbitrary angle without loss in orientation relative to orbital system of coordinates. Note here that contour of correction from local vertical plotter is in operating mode. Spacecraft can either spin along the course or stay in definite position relative to orbital system of coordinates with loss in precision of orientation.
Invention relates to aerospace engineering and may be used for descending space rocket stage separation parts (SRSSP) from orbits of payloads. SRSSP comprises propellant compartment and power compartment with bottoms. Upper bottom accommodates rotary chambers of rocket gas engine while lower bottom accommodates mid-fight engine (MFE) with elongated charge electrically connected via switchboard with power supply. SRSSP is oriented and stabilised by energy of liquid propellant gasified residues at application of velocity pulse defined by radii of SP MFE descending path apogee and perigee.
Proposed method comprises application of force to the fragment at its design points. Said force is created by air effects applied by gas flare to said fragment produced by satellite located nearby said fragment. Said gas flare can be generated by device, for example, various jet engines. Note here that space garbage fragment orbit can be changed simultaneously.
Proposed device comprises eleven adders, five amplifiers, two normally-open switches, five normally-closed switches, four integrators, two multipliers, spacecraft, flywheel engine, flywheel engine simulator, transducers of angular velocity and orientation angle, constant setter and memory. Signals of angular orientation and velocity are measured to generated spacecraft control signals, angular orientation estimation signals, those of angular velocity so that difference between appropriate signals and estimation signals is defined as well as those of spacecraft inertia and external interference estimation and for spacecraft orientation signal is corrected and generated.
Proposed method is performed by information of orientation unit to Sun by introducing the orbit parameters into on-board computer followed by calculating the Sun position in observation field of orientation unit for each point of orbit for orientation of axes in orbital coordinate system; search angular velocity is set for spacecraft to ensure capture of Sun by observation field of orientation unit, after which angular velocity is decreased to zero ensuring position of Sun in observation field of orientation unit. Then spacecraft is turned in such way that Sun should move to required initial point; turning the spacecraft to preset points is continued for each orbital point.
FIELD: transport. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to spacecraft (SC) motion control using solar radiation pressure forces distributed over SC working zones. The latter are formed as flat parallel optically transparent droplet flows. Distance between droplets of R radius in each flow in its lengthwise direction (Sx) and frontal-lateral direction (Sy) is divisible by EFFECT: increase of efficiency of light pressure distributed external forces usage by means of decreasing their disturbing effect on relative SC motion. 3 dwg, 1 tbl
The invention relates to the field of space technology and can be used in motion control systems SPACECRAFT). There is a method of generating control impacts on the SPACECRAFT by means of a power electrodynamic phenomena (C. P. Burdukov, Y. I. Danilov. Physical problems cosmic traction energy. M, Atomizdat, 1969, page 240). Traction force (F1) Lorentz occurs by the interaction of CA with charge Q moving with velocity Vawith the external electrostatic and magnetic fields In and is determined by the formula A device that implements the method can serve as an electric sail for the translational movement of the spacecraft (patent US 7641151 B2, 02.03.2006, B64G 1/22, 1/40). The device contains a number of electrically conductive elongated distributed elements radiating from the body due to its rotation. Generator mounted in the housing, charges elongated elements so that they all carry a positive charge. The nature of the generation of control actions for change is the orbit altitude, after "turning on" of the charge depends on the orientation angles in the geomagnetic coordinate system, the relationship of the charge to the mass of the SPACECRAFT and flight duration. The application of control actions performed by on / off charge, while the value of a single distributed power form by charge an individual item, and the amount of the total impact by forming the front of the electric field generated radially distributed elongated charged elements. The disadvantage of this method is the need to produce electricity costs, including ongoing additional charge elements, especially in low-earth orbits flight KA, where there is exposure to the atmosphere, leading to change in the shape of sails (supported by centrifugal forces), and to the discharge of its elements, interacting with the remnants of gases. In addition, the generated charge is necessary to protect the onboard equipment, as well as its interaction with onboard electrical devices can cause short circuits. Known selected as a prototype method for generation of control actions on the spacecraft, based on the effects of distributed external forces of radiation pressure on the SPACECRAFT (C. A. Griliches, p. P. Orlov, L. B. Popov. Solar is the first energy and space flight. M., "Nauka", 1984, page 155). The total pressure of solar radiation (Rwithper unit surface of the SPACECRAFT is determined by the formula where LçL - distance from the Sun to the Earth and to KA; ρç- mirror reflection coefficient; υ is the angle of incidence of the radiation on the working surface KA; Ec- the solar constant; C is the speed of light. As workers can be used the surface of the solar sail, consisting of separate elements formed of flexible parallel plates or strips located in the same direction to the specified plane and distributed by individual groups. When this tape or strips of one group are oriented to the Sun at the same time, but separately from the tapes and strips of the other group, around mutually parallel axes and given direction to the Sun. Thrust FPcreated flat solar sail area S set which is according to the formula To assess the effectiveness of using this method for generation of control actions on the SPACECRAFT performed a comparative evaluation of mass propulsion (actually sails) and the rest mass of the SPACECRAFT. The lower specific gravity of the propulsion device and more pressure solar radiation, the more effective application of the method of formation. In addition, the amount of the total exposure to regulate the increase in the size of the area of application of the external forces of radiation pressure, which leads to an increase in the size of the propulsion device and the inertial characteristics of SC as a whole. The distribution of the external force action is in the plane perpendicular to the direction of flux, with resultant located at a distance from the main Central axes of the SPACECRAFT. This leads not only to move the center of mass of the SPACECRAFT, but also the formation of additional control points, which you must fend off to maintain the required orientation of the exposed working surface of the Sun. The present invention is directed to a uniform distribution of inertial-mass characteristics of SC with respect to the axes of the associated basis KA is ri the formation of a single control actions through effective use of distributed external light forces to control the motion of the SPACECRAFT, as well as improving SPACECRAFT control. To achieve the technical result, in the formation method of control actions PA spacecraft, based on the effects of distributed external forces of radiation pressure on the spacecraft, distributed external forces shape by creating a zone of application of control actions of flat parallel optically transparent trickling streams, trickling streams which are exposed to solar radiation, while the distance between the drops of radius R in each flat flow along it (Sxand in its frontal-transverse direction (Sy) is a multiple of The technical result in the newly developed method of generation of control actions on the AC concluded in the formation of the control inputs from distributed external forces of radiation pressure due to solar light irradiation floating mass in the form of droplets from one part of the SPACECRAFT to another. The proposed technical solution, the AC and the drop radius R, is moved with a certain speed (V) from one point to another, constitute a closed system, and accordingly drop to create additional control action cannot. If a drop during the flight be exposed to the solar radiation, then it will operate, see (3), external power where pc0=(Lç/L)2(1+ρç)Ec/C - the value of the expression (2) when ϑ=0; Sk=πR2- the area of the midship drops. When the drops hit the point PA, the surface of the collection on the SPACECRAFT impacted the momentum of external forces where Δt - L/V - flight drops; L, V - distance flight and the speed drops accordingly. The jet is made up of individual drops, will operate at the point of application on the surface of the collecting continuous period of time Δτ. It should also be noted that the product of the interval time-of-flight drops on the power of the Fkacting perpendicular to the direction of flow of drops, eight to ten orders of magnitude smaller than the product of mass drops its speed (shown below). Therefore, when the migration BLOB and, therefore, the stream generally do not deviate from their original direction of motion. Thus, the jet assessement formation control on the SPACECRAFT. From jets are formed of flat optically transparent drip threads that are exposed to solar radiation. For solving the problem of formation control actions on the AC front is formed optically opaque surface drip flow. Diagram of the formation shown in Fig.1 and Fig.2. In addition to the previously introduced additional discussion: Sx, Sy, Sz- the distance between the drops along the flow in the frontal-lateral direction and in the direction of the plane perpendicular to the flow, respectively; OXYZ - designation build axes drip cloths; P1,2streams of drop cloths. Drip cover flow is formed from the condition of the existing constraints of the area with its integration into the overall design of the KA and the minimum required mass of a particular substance drops. I.e., given the size of the shroud should ensure that it is front-opacity minimum number of drops. As can be seen from Fig.1, 2, this condition satisfies the case when the distance between the centers of adjacent projections of Medela drops on the frontal plane XOY is To ensure the front optical opacity flow in the direction of flat optically transparent drip streams are shifted relative to previous planes at a distance of Another stream of drop cloths P2is offset from the axis of the shelter at a distance of General view of the drip shroud shown in Fig.3, which also presents a fragment of the plane on which the generated distributed control what their impact, sent to SC from drip jets. In addition to the previously introduced in Fig.3 presents denote the i-x jets (i=1, 2, 3...) forces and their effects (Fksi. The largest single force at fixed reflective properties drops (ρç=const) is directly proportional to its radius R, see (3), where S=πR2. In addition, the magnitude of the impact of the jet depends on the number of drops (nkin the point of its application, which is determined from the equation of motion of the jet where Vx- the speed of the jet, m/S. It is evident from Fig.3 shows that the total impact on the SPACECRAFT depends on the number of jets, which, in turn, depends on the size of the shroud in the frontal-lateral direction. The location of the surface of the collection drops on the SPACECRAFT determines the application of control actions. These effects can be used to control the movement of the center of mass of the SPACECRAFT, and around its center of mass by moving the surface of the collection drops in a given area. As an example, we can consider drip veil of liquid tin (ρ=6600 kg/m3) [5], moving with velocity Vx=5 m/s, while SEL is Ana parameters: R=1 mm; Sx=Sy=11,3 mm; Sz=10 mm Distance between the drops of the axes OX and OY is a multiple of The amount of motion drops Qk Mirror reflection coefficient of liquid tin at a temperature T0=1000K. equal to ρç≈0,7. Then the pressure of solar radiation at Ec=1360 W/m2ua geocentric orbit will be RC0≈7,7·10-6PA, and the force acting on the drop, see (4), Fk=2,418×10-11H. When the distance from the generator drops to the collection device Lx=1,13 m (Fig.3), the pulse power light effects on drop Thus, Qk>>Qcand deviation drops from the direction originally given movement under the force of light pressure will not occur. The number of drops in the alignment (between the generator and the acquisition device, L=Lx) jet Nkx=Lx/Sx=100. For further approximate calculation shroud set the size of the front (along the axis OY) Ly=1,13 m Then the number of jets in the same plane Nsy=Ly/Sy=100. The depth of the shroud Lz=Sz·nx·ny-1=0,63 (m). The pulse strength of the i-th droplet stream, where i=1, 2, 3,..., to the point its applications ΔWi=nkiΔpk. The number of drops in the jet is determined from the equation of motion (6) The value of Δpkis determined from the expression (5). Then if V=Vx=const, L=Lxusing (5) and (9)? get From (10) it follows that the impulse force drip jet is governed by the radius of the droplet, see (4), and the number of drops that come in the point of application of the jet per unit time (Δτ=1C). The more drip stream closes on the target area of the shroud, the greater the force impulse drip stream. The results of the calculation of the droplet stream (see Fig.3) are presented in table 1. Thus the values of Fkjcalculated taking into account the space Skj, j=1, 2, ..., 6 for the respective illuminated forms of Medela drops. The total momentum of the force generated from the number of jets The total momentum of the force from the flow drops As an example of the device for forming drip cloths can be considered a liquid droplet radiator (patent US 4572285, 10.12.1984; Liquid-refrigerator drip emitter system heat for efficient energy conversion in space. Astronautics and acetogenic, No. 2, 1983), containing the generator drops, drip guide the flow into the reservoir placed at a certain distance from the generator and receiving the drip stream. When this dies single drip cloths in the generator should be placed in a special way, according to the scheme shown in Fig.3 (a view along arrow M), where the point of projection of the nozzles holes on the surface of the collection. Further, sequential shift m-th nozzles single drop cloths along the axis OY, in which each shroud offsets at a distance of For comparative validation of the proposed method for generation of control actions on the SPACECRAFT with the method of forming the impact of solar on the effect on a flat surface KA, the frontal area of the shroud (SP) is equal to the surface area of the SPACECRAFT in the form of solar sails SPR, i.e., SP=SPR=Lx·Ly=1,28 (m2). The impulse force of radiation pressure on the surface of the sails of the specified area will be equal when RC0≈7,7·10-6PA, Δτ=1C Thus, the accuracy of the adopted computational approximations of the values of ΔPPRand ΔW are the same (see table.1). Will make the assessment of the mass of the working fluid (e.g., xenon)that can be saved when using the proposed method for generation of control actions. However, we must consider the motion control of SPACECRAFT using electric propulsion stationary plasma thrusters (SPT), with the maximum specific impulse among the used jet engines. For this we define the value of the characteristic velocity ΔVxthat can provide a device fo the formation of the impacts set the SPACECRAFT total mass M=2×103kg, for example, within 300 days of operation (number of seconds Nc=25,92×106) when the total impulse of the force on the shroud drops AW (see tab.1):
Next, you should determine the cost of fuel, such as SPD-70, ΔQ with a thrust P=4×10-2N. and second mass flow
It should be noted that in addition to the cost of fuel will also need the cost of electrical power to obtain the specified characteristic speed. If making a comprehensive use of the device formation with drip radiator, and on the additional mass of the SPACECRAFT in the formation of the proposed control actions is not required. From the point of view of dynamic traffic management KA, the proposed method for generation of control actions allows for more efficient management. It is primarily associated with the ability to change the design and management of the moments of inertia of the apparatus. The design of solar sails allows to distribute its mass relative to the same plane, perpendicular to the direction of movement of the apparatus. Equivalent to drip forming device control actions, implementing the proposed method allows to distribute its mass relative to several tens, or even hundreds of planes form a flat parallel optically transparent trickling streams. The number of planes are also perpendicular to the direction of movement of the apparatus will be determined by the parameters of the shroud Sx, Sy, Sz. Thus, it is possible to reduce the difference between the principal moments of inertia of the SPACECRAFT and thus reduce the effect of external gravitational torque, which is disturbing when stabilization of the angular motion of the device. If through the plane of the drip collection shroud passes a longitudinal construction axis KA, coincident with the direction of its movement, and the impulses of the forces apportioned on either side of the axis, the control points when formirovaniya impacts would not be created. This simplifies the task of stabilizing the angular motion of the SPACECRAFT during orbit correction using the proposed method for generation of control actions. LITERATURE 1. B. N. Burdakov, Y. I. Danilov. Physical problems cosmic traction energy. M, Atomizdat? 1969. 2. Electric sail for the translational movement of the spacecraft. Patent US 7641151 B2, 02.03.2006, B64G 1/22, 1/40. 3. C. A. Griliches, P. P. Orlov, L. B. Popov. Solar and space flight. M., "Nauka", 1984. 4. Spacecraft with a solar sail. Patent FR 2711111 A1, 12.10.1993, B64G 1/36, 1/44. 5. G. C. Konyukhov, A. A. Koroteev. Study of radiative cooling of the coolant space power plants in the drip refrigerators-emitters, " Izv. Russian Academy of Sciences. Energy. 2006. No. 4. 6. Liquid droplet radiator. Patent US 4572285, 10.12.1984. 7. Liquid-refrigerator drip emitter system heat for efficient energy conversion in space. Astronautics and acetogenic, No. 2, 1983. The formation method of controlling impacts on the spacecraft, based on the effects of distributed external forces of radiation pressure on the spacecraft, wherein the distributed external forces shape by creating a zone of application of control near the action of flat parallel optically transparent trickling streams, drip jets which are exposed to solar radiation, the distance between the drops of radius R in each flat flow along it (Sxand in its frontal-transverse direction (Sy) fold
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