Method of holding spacecraft in geosynchronous 24-hour orbit |
IPC classes for russian patent Method of holding spacecraft in geosynchronous 24-hour orbit (RU 2535353):
Invention relates to control of movement of space vehicle (SV). According to the proposed method, thrusts of correction engines (CE) (control accelerations) are determined as per total changes in a period of SV revolution from correction to correction. The latter are performed with one and the same CE and a thrust level of those CE is estimated. For reliable understanding of thrusts of a pair of mutually opposite located CE, series control activations of the same pair are performed from time to time with equal pulses. Discrepancy as to total pulse of thrust is entered in equal parts with an opposite sign to the implemented pulses. As a result, reliable thrust levels of CE in operation are obtained.
Invention relates to spacecraft (SC) motion control using solar radiation pressure forces distributed over SC working zones. The latter are formed as flat parallel optically transparent droplet flows. Distance between droplets of R radius in each flow in its lengthwise direction (Sx) and frontal-lateral direction (Sy) is divisible by
Invention can be used to move space debris from working orbits to recycling orbits. The method includes taking towing spacecraft and a self-contained docking module into the region of an orbit from which space debris is to be cleared. The sequence of removing space debris is selected by comparing a criterion, for example the probability of the space debris colliding with other space objects, for each space debris. Compensation for accumulated errors of motion parameters of the towing spacecraft during previous manoeuvres, as well as the pointing system is distributed between correcting pulses of the towing spacecraft at the long-range guidance step and of the self-contained docking module at the self-guidance portion.
Proposed method comprises generation of data signal in every channel corresponding to a definite combustion chamber as the difference between command signal and feedback signal, generation of control system channel cut-off signal as the signal of setting actuator rod on said channel to mid position. Channel cut-off signal is generated in case the data signal modulus integral calculated at preset-duration time interval exceeds the preset threshold. Note here that command signals of other channels are generated as sums of or difference in pitch, yaw and bank control signals and cut-off channel feedback signal with coefficients depending on cut-off channel number so that required summed pitch, yaw and bank control moments are actuated.
Invention relates to spacecraft (SC) motion control during placing it into orbit of planet artificial satellite using aeroassisted maneuver. In the phase of airbraking, following parameters are forecasted for the time of SC exiting planetary atmosphere: SC speed, angle to inclination to local horizon and altitude of transfer orbit apofocus. In this process in each of successive forecast points, SC motion is considered on remaining atmospheric flight segments for roll angles γ = 0 rad and γ = π. The mentioned above forecasted manoeuvring parameters are found for each of these angles. Their values are used during control of SC incidence change (close to its value corresponding to maximum quality) and issuing pulse of SC speed in transfer orbit apofocus.
Proposed method comprises generation of signals for estimation of: spacecraft orientation angle, spacecraft sing angle and control. Signal difference of said parameters and their estimates are defined. Several formulas are used to calculate the correction signals of setting and estimation of external interference. Said corrections are allowed for at correction of orienting angle estimate signals and angular velocity signal. The latter are applied in spacecraft orientation control circuit. Proposed device comprises the following extra units: memory, adders, amplifiers, integrators interconnected and connected with other elements via system of switches. Proposed device incorporates models of the spacecraft orientation main circuit and flywheel engine.
Invention relates to aerospace engineering, particularly, to spacecraft orientation. Proposed method comprises the steps that follow. Generation of angle estimate and spacecraft spin rate estimate signal are generated. Determination of difference in angle signal and angle estimate signal. Determination of difference in spin rate and spin rate estimate signal. Corrected angle estimate signal and corrected spin rate estimate signal are defined. Control signal is generated using said corrected angle estimate signal and corrected .spin rate estimate signal Proposed device comprises engine-flywheel model, four integrators, four adders, four normally closed switches and two normally-open switches. Output of 2nd adder is connected via engine-flywheel model, 1st integrator, 4th adder, 2nd integrator, 5th adder, 6th adder, 1st switch and 3rd integrator, all being connected in series, with 5th adder 2nd input. Output of the latter is connected via 1st switch with 2nd input of 1st adder. Output of 4th adder is connected via 7th adder, 2nd switch and 4th integrator, all being connected in series, with 4th adder 2nd input. Output of the latter is connected via 2nd switch with 3rd input of 2nd adder. Output of spin rate transducer is connected with 7th adder 2nd input and, via 3rd switch, with 2nd amplifier input.
Invention relates to aerospace engineering, particularly, to spacecraft orientation. Proposed method comprises the steps that follow. Generation of angle estimate signal and signal of spacecraft spin rate. Generation of control estimate signal. Determination of difference in angle signal and angle estimate signal. Determination of difference in spin rate and spin rate estimate signal. Determination of difference in control signal and control estimate signal and determination of corrected angle estimate signal, corrected spin rate estimate signal and outer interference estimate signal. Then, generated are control signal with corrected angle estimate signal, corrected spin rate estimate signal and external interference estimate signal. Proposed device to this end comprises five normally-closed switches, two normally-open switches, seven adders, model of engine-flywheel, two amplifiers and five integrators.
Device for control over spacecraft position in space with the help of orbital gyrocompass. Control device comprises local vertical plotter, adders, amplifier-converter units, integrators, compensation units and gyro meter of angular velocity, spacecraft position setting device, cosine angle transducers, sine angle transducers, spacecraft veering control unit and spacecraft bearing setting unit. Connection between device elements are configured to allow spacecraft turn the course through arbitrary angle without loss in orientation relative to orbital system of coordinates. Note here that contour of correction from local vertical plotter is in operating mode. Spacecraft can either spin along the course or stay in definite position relative to orbital system of coordinates with loss in precision of orientation.
Invention relates to aerospace engineering and may be used for descending space rocket stage separation parts (SRSSP) from orbits of payloads. SRSSP comprises propellant compartment and power compartment with bottoms. Upper bottom accommodates rotary chambers of rocket gas engine while lower bottom accommodates mid-fight engine (MFE) with elongated charge electrically connected via switchboard with power supply. SRSSP is oriented and stabilised by energy of liquid propellant gasified residues at application of velocity pulse defined by radii of SP MFE descending path apogee and perigee.
Invention relates to space engineering, particularly, to configuration of spacecraft. Vessel is made with three vapour discharge openings. Main of them features centre for vessel central axis to cross it parallel with satellite lengthwise axis directed to satellite centre of gravity. Two extra openings feature centres for another vessel parallel axis to cross, parallel with satellite axis directed in its flight direction. Said vessel is arranged at maximum possible distance of the centre of gravity in direction parallel with said satellite lengthwise axis. Note here that vessel central axis parallel with satellite lengthwise axis is located at minimum departure therefrom. At a time, second central axis of said vessel perpendicular to the former is parallel with satellite axis directed in direction of its flight in orbit. Three vapour discharge openings of said vessel are connected via electric valves with reducer.
Invention relates to space engineering. Shuttle tractor comprises airframe, instrumentation module with control system, engine, solar batteries, self-guidance head and garbage remote-control catcher. The latter comprises space finned harpoon, powder-charge engine, rope and casing, container with detachable cover, barrel, two-step pyro cartridge and drum with electric drive.
Proposed system comprises one to seven satellites with communication and surveillance hardware. Said satellites are placed in elliptic orbits with critical inclination and orbit apogee in hemisphere with surveillance area with orbital period depending upon duration of solar days and quantity of system satellites.
Invention relates to aerospace engineering and can be used in systems of artificial satellites (SAS). SAS includes at least two artificial panel-design satellites (ASP) integrated into multifunctional network (MN). ASP incorporates required equipment, data exchange and processing hardware, cells control equipment to configure cell power supply in said MN and heat tube to supply heat in MN.
Set of intentions relates to space power engineering and may be used for transmission of electric power in the form of laser radiation to Earth surface and for high-accuracy measurements in space, data transfer, etc. Proposed station comprises base module 1, system of mirrors 2, laser radiation summator 3 directed to system 2 and photo converter panel 4 arranged outside of module 1. Every panel 4 consists of two types: photoelectric panels 5 and independent photo emitting panels 6. The latter are connected in chain for self-opening and arranging in closed flat zigzag-like figure. Panels 5 are mounted at the start of chain 5, 6. Note here that the first panel is connected with base module 1. Said module 1 comprises the following systems: control system 8, cooling system 11 and supply system 12. Every panel 5 is connected with supply system 12. Every independent panel 6 is composed of a carcass with Fresnel lenses are carcass end with photo converters (not shown) aligned therewith and located there above. Carcass bottom part base accommodates power accumulators, control unit of panel 6 and fiber lasers with pumping units and laser radiation summator. Aforesaid photo converters of panel 6 are electrically connected via power accumulators with pumping and control units. Summators of independent panels 6 are connected to aforesaid summator via FO 30.
Invention relates to earth surface imagery means. Proposed system comprises space imagery segment 1, surface image processing and distributing segment 3 and communication segment 2. Space segment 1 consists of satellites 4, ground segment 3 comprises image processing and distributing devices 5 while communication segment transmits images from segment 1 to segment 3. Every satellite 4 is equipped with, at least, one imaging device focused to the Earth and having spatial resolution of, at least one metre. Devices 5 are connected by communication lines 8 with similar device 5 receiving images of adjacent areas of earth surface. These images when superimposed produce the picture of preset section (or the whole) earth surface. Every image processing and distributing devices 5 comprises image processing module, processed image storage and means to connect it to digital circuit (users).
Invention relates to systems of space objects with transmission of energy and pulses there between by laser radiation and may be used at space objects at space objects whereat microgravitation conditions are created at the level of ~ 10-7 …10-8 of acceleration at Earth surface. Proposed system comprises space power station (SPS) 1 with solar cells 2 and four laser radiation sources 4, and space object 7 with receive-convert unit 11, 12, 13 optically communicated with said sources. To orient, stabilise and keep SPS and space object in near-earth orbit low-thrust engines 3, 9 are used. Said receive-convert unit has two pairs of reception planes 12, 13 arranged in symmetry about space object lengthwise axis extending through its center of gravity. One pair of planes 13 controls space object yaw while another pair controls its pitch. Said planes do not extend beyond space object midsection. Any source 4 can vary radiation power or be reoriented to whatever reception pane 12, 13. That is, laser transfer of power (for example, constant for low-thrust engines) allows control orientation and stabilisation at a time. Besides, effects of disturbances (e.g. aerodynamic) are decreased in conditions of microgravitation.
Invention relates to control over flight of the group of spacecraft and may be used for tracking one spacecraft by another spacecraft at preset distance. Proposed method comprises measuring trajectories and making corrections, minimizing orbit eccentricity and defining position of subject spacecraft in inertial space. Note here that control and navigation system is provided with set of transceiving radio hardware and optical transducer of angles "Pole Star - subject spacecraft - object spacecraft". Distance to object spacecraft is measured to define is deviation from mean magnitude at measurement steps. At termination of every cycle of measurement steps, dynamics of variation of said mean magnitude is revealed to define increment of oscillation period of subject spacecraft relative to similar period of object spacecraft. In one orbital period, angle between planes of orbits of object spacecraft and subject spacecraft are defined as well as time of crossing of said planes by readings of angle transducer. In case said increment exceeds preset threshold, parameters of correction of said period are computed. At estimated time of orbit crossing, correction engines are initiated giving preference to engine of orbit inclination correction engine.
Invention relates to aerospace engineering and may be used for complex research of celestial bodies soils. Proposed device comprises hollow structural body with head and cylindrical tail parts. Said body accommodates ballast of medium density exceeding that of said body, openings made in head part and communicated with body inner space wherein located are said ballast and payload. Ballast or its part is made from material that can be extruded by gravity through said openings into ambient medium as a lubricant. Head part is composed of alternating four truncated cones and three cylinders. Fourth cylinder abuts by its larger base on cylindrical tail part. Radial grooves are made on said cylindrical tail part spaced from fourth cone base while lengthwise grooves are made right behind and spaced from the last radial groove. Aluminium straps are fitted in all grooves to extend beyond generatrix of cylindrical tail part. Openings communicated with body inner space are made in second and third cylinders and tail section between fourth cone base and first radial groove radially inclined toward tail part through 30-45 degrees to normal of cone generating lines that start at helical grooves made at cylinder surfaces.
Invention relates to aerospace engineering. Proposed method consists in placing spacecraft in point of near-Earth space with preset latitude and altitude so that angular velocity of spacecraft spinning complies with that of the Earth and maintaining it at said point by continuously operated engine with thrust equal to net of Earth attraction force and centrifugal force acting at spacecraft in opposite direction. Vector of thrust force cross the center of spacecraft gravity. Proposed device is composed of spacecraft comprising control system, orientation system, payload unit, and service systems. It is equipped with continuous-operation engine at swinging suspension electrically connected with control system of spacecraft center of gravity and system for provision of anticollineation of engine thrust vector with net of Earth attraction force and centrifugal force acting at spacecraft Continuous-operation engine is equipped with system for thrust throttling in the range of said net force.
Proposed method includes placing payloads on injection facility, launching the launch vehicle, separation of injection facility from launch vehicle and injection of injection facility into geocentric orbit where said payloads are separated from injection facility. Main payload is placed on injection facility directly of body of accompanying payload; this body combines its functions with functions of main load-bearing member of adapter system for placing the main payload. After separation of injection facility from launch vehicle, additional acceleration of injection facility is performed and injection facility is injected into reference orbit and then it is shifted to geocentric orbit where main and accompanying payloads are separated. Accompanying payload is separated from injection facility after main payload is at safe distance without waiting for complete turn of main payload. Spacecraft in facility injecting the artificial satellites into geocentric orbit are placed in succession on injection facility beginning with lower one. Main payload in form of one or several spacecraft is placed on body of lower spacecraft through separation device. Body of lower spacecraft combines its functions with functions of adapter load-bearing member for placing the main payload.
FIELD: transport. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to control over spacecraft, particularly, to holding of geosynchronous spacecraft in preset are of stay and collocation with the other geostationary spacecraft. Proposed method comprises determination and correction of initial inclinations and longitude of injection orbit ascending node with allowance for epoch of spacecraft placing in orbit and term of its active existence. Note here that the time of beginning of operation in geostationary orbit when spacecraft orbit inclination reaches maximum permissible value iper. area. The latter corresponds to permissible reach in latitude at the boundary of nominal spacecraft stay area in altitude. Stable and minimum eccentricity magnitudes are defined. Eccentricity vector is corrected so that it equals the nominal value for spacecraft collocation and spacecraft orbit apse line is aligned with that of nodes. Spacecraft active collocation is executed at changing the inclination from 0 to iper without interaction with adjacent spacecraft control centres. At inclination larger than iper , eccentricity is increased to minimum with setting of Laplace vector in direction from the Sun. Note here that eccentricity vector is not corrected unless the end of spacecraft active existence term termination. At inclinations larger than iper, eccentricity vector equals modulo and is spaced apart relative to eccentricity vectors of the other spacecraft. EFFECT: decreased power consumption for stay area and collocation of geostationary spacecraft. 9 dwg
The present invention relates to the field of space technology and can be used to keep the SPACECRAFT) longitude of the ascending node geosynchronous 24-hour orbit to keep the SPACECRAFT in a geostationary orbit, when the regulations retain the breadth and Greenwich longitude does not exceed ±0,05° relative to the working point of standing. It is considered that since Pets active existence SPACECRAFT into geosynchronous (inclined) 24-hour orbits, for such as fluctuations in longitude outside the scope of ±0,05° latitude, which are the regulations and goings of latitude beyond ±0,05° do not contradict international standards. In the book [1] ,M. Chernyavsky, B. A. Bartenev, V. A. Malyshev, "Control of stationary orbit satellite, M., engineering, 1984, pages 42, 43, 134-136 provides a method of using the gravitational fields of the moon and Sun for purposeful change of the inclination of the orbital plane of the satellite (KA), taken as a prototype. The essence of the method is that by orbit SPACECRAFT in geostationary otolarngology orbit, in a certain way located relative to the Sun and the moon, we can provide almost twice shorter change interval inclination orbit than taking it to a strictly Equatorial orbit. The same applies to the removal of on orbit and on what anenemy, measured in degrees, correct to assume that geosynchronous 24-hour orbits. According to this method: 1. Define initial parameters inclination i0and longitude of ascending node of orbit launch Ω0taking into account the age of the launch of KA D0the orbit and the period of its active existence (CAC) ta.with. Selected taking into account the specific locations of the orbits of the moon and the Sun at the epoch of the D0the initial parameter Ω0provides for 2. Determine the new value of i0decreasing the previous value of i0the value of the maximum error of deducing the inclination δi. 3. Predicted settlement is by the orbital inclination KA at the end of CAC with a maximum error of deducing the inclination and the longitude of the ascending node of the orbit ±δi, ±δΩ. 4. From the obtained variants of the calculation, given the option [δi=0; δΩ=0], define such initial values of i0and Ω0when implemented maximum initial inclination is equal to the maximum target inclination at the end of the SAS. The method involves no active correction of inclination. The optimal value for Ω0about 270°, the end is always about 90°. A method of using the gravitational fields of the moon and Sun for purposeful change of the inclination of the plane of the orbit should be considered the optimal helper method, which, coupled with practical tactics hold geostationary satellites longitude and latitude based on the data obtained by the trajectory measurements, is the strategy of keeping the SPACECRAFT in a given area standing (field of the operating point of standing). When calculating corrections retention geostationary satellites vector changes indicative Δi is directed into the center of the small area ε of radius r, if the vector inclination i is out of scope, and is directed in the opposite direction secular changes of mood, if i is inside this area. In the coordinates [i, Ω] iε=iopt; Ωε=270°, where ioptoptimal value of the "aiming point" is for example equal to half the area of standing on inclination. In cases of interruption of corrections NAC is onania this strategy ensures stay SPACECRAFT in a given narrow range of latitude [±(0,05 - 0,1)°] relative to the point of standing for 30 days or more. Hereinafter, for brevity, the expression "relative to the point of standing (orbital position)" is omitted. The method has none of the disadvantages. This paper describes a method of using a cyclic change of eccentricity within SAS using in full the above method is the passive control inclination of the orbit. Currently, in addition to actually hold geosynchronous SPACECRAFT in the specified area of longitudes, requires work on collocation (safe coexistence) spacecraft are in the same area standing. The collocation should be considered as a method of restraint. There is a method of cluster management are in geostationary orbit satellites (EN 2284950 C2). According to this method, including the measurement of the parameters of the orbit of each SPACECRAFT, determining them to the current values of the orbital elements of each KA, comparing them with the required and carrying out correction of the orbital period, inclination and eccentricity of the orbit maneuvers on each of the SPACECRAFT performed using thrusters, translating vectors indicative KA in spaced relation to each other [ring] the field of the allowable changes so that the angle between the line connecting the current position of the end of each vector with the center line is adequate to him annular area, and the Sun was equal increased by 180° the value of the right ascension of the Sun, at the same time carry out correction of the eccentricity vectors to translate these vectors are spaced from each other, the annular area of their allowable changes so that the line connecting the current position of each vector from the center of the annular region (hereinafter options): 1 - lagged from the direction to the Sun at half the angular distance when the motion vector of eccentricity around the circumference of natural drift within the annular area, then the entire flight produce a change in the relative distance between the SPACECRAFT in the required limits at the expense of compensation quasivector increment vector indicative of each SPACECRAFT in combination with correction of the eccentricity vector, in which at the moment of passing the vector eccentricity of the middle of the interval between the entry point of the circumference of natural drift in the annular region of permissible variation of the eccentricity vector and the exit point of the line connecting the center of the circle natural drift and the center of the annular region of permissible variation of the eccentricity vector, coincides with the direction of the Sun, thereby leading to the constancy of the relative vectors mood and eccentric is ricetta between the SPACECRAFT; 2 is coincided with the direction to the Sun, then the entire flight produce a change in the relative distance between the SPACECRAFT in the required limits at the expense of compensation quasivector increment vector indicative of each SPACECRAFT without correction of the eccentricity vector, thereby leading to the constancy of the relative vectors inclination and eccentricity between the SPACECRAFT. Here the circle of natural drift" - the circle of radius sustainable eccentricity (definition and derivation of the formula (14'), see below). The essence of this method is to synchronize the motion of the SPACECRAFT in the phase planes [ix; iy] and [ex; ey] where ix=i·cosΩ; iy=i·sinΩ; ex=e·cos(Ω+ω); ey=e·sin(Ω+ω); ω is the argument of latitude of perigee, and synchronize the motion of the SPACECRAFT in both planes, considering that the mutual orientation of the relative vectors of the eccentricity and inclination of ΔΕ and ΔI 2-3 KA is saved if you use the annual cycles of the natural drift of the vector of eccentricity and semi-annual periodicity vector indicative provided compensation secular component of the natural drift vector inclination. Both cycles owe their existence exclusively to the Sun, for the initial and ongoing orientation vectors inclination and eccentricity relative to the Sun is essential DOS is to achieve a technical result. We propose a method that does not require synchronization of the change vectors indicative (which is very important for geosynchronous SPACECRAFT without adequate energy supply) and does not require concerted action to control the movement of the SPACECRAFT. The aim of the invention is: a) in the absence of collocation - guaranteed retention of geosynchronous SPACECRAFT in the field of ±(0,1-0,05)° in longitude of the ascending node of the orbit without constraints on the inclination (variations in latitude from ballistics; b) guaranteed collocation KA with other SPACECRAFT in a narrow region; C) multiple fuel savings on hold in comparison with the cost of fuel on geostationary satellites, without loss of solution quality targets in orbit. Last may, when on Board the SPACECRAFT is the antenna drive system. But it is always there even on geostationary satellites for narrow beam antennas. The same in principle, the system features and tools, ground control and communications. You want only certain way to program it work turn on the motion of the SPACECRAFT. As for global antennas, each antenna drive system is not required in principle. Fuel on Board never never too much, the launch mass of the SPACECRAFT at altitudes of ~36,000 km tends to increase, therefore, the claimed method of deduction KA is relevant is diversified and even alternative in the choice of the existence of KA - or geosynchronous 24-hour orbit, or geostationary orbit. This objective is achieved in that in the method of keeping the SPACECRAFT in geosynchronous 24-hour orbit, including the definition of initial parameters inclination and longitude of ascending node of orbit launch taking into account the age of the launch SPACECRAFT into orbit and the period of its active existence, defining a new value of the initial inclination decreasing the previous value to the value of the maximum error of deducing the inclination, the prediction calculation, the values of the orbital inclination of the SPACECRAFT at the end of the active lifetime with a maximum error of deducing the inclination and the longitude of the ascending node of the orbit determination of the initial values of the inclination and longitude of ascending node, when implemented maximum initial inclination is equal to the maximum target inclination at the end of the active lifetime of the new transactions that determine the amount of sustainable eccentricity emouthfor AC output; determine a preliminary value of the minimum eccentricity eminas the sum of the maximum permissible eccentricity while keeping the SPACECRAFT longitude at zero inclination (geostationary orbit) and the relationship of the radius of the exclusion zone between the SPACECRAFT, occupying the same working the th position in orbit, to the radius of the geostationary orbit; determine the locus of the change of the eccentricity vector under the action of radiation pressure in the polar coordinate system [f, θ], where θ is the angle between the directions of the sun in the initial period (the end date of bringing into the area of standing) and perigee orbit, the polar axis is directed from the center of the Earth to the Sun and includes a radius-vector of eminwhere θ is zero, the polar distance equal to the eccentricity vector polar distances during the year, describes a circle of radius emouthand, knowing the amplitude of the oscillation angle θ, specify the value of eminand hodograph in General; after the SPACECRAFT at geosynchronous 24-hour orbit and determine the actual motion parameters define the term, "0", during which the actual initial inclination is reduced to zero; to determine the locus of the optimal value of the vector of initial eccentricity e0at the initial epoch at which the line of apses is aligned with the radius vector of the Sun, and annual cyclic evolution of the vector e [f,θ], in the absence of a negative impact on them active forces guarantee at maturity "0", the minimum difference between the vectors e and emin; at the stage of bringing the SPACECRAFT into the specified area of standing simultaneous correction of the orbital period and eccentricity bring the actual current C is Uchenie vector to the calculated eccentricity e 0; on stage, hold, closer to the deadline "0" conduct clarification-time mode of operation in geostationary orbit, when the inclination of the orbit of the SPACECRAFT will reach the maximum allowable inclination of ibeforeat which the output of latitude for the limit value for geostationary satellites is on the border of the nominal area of standing in longitude; correction of the eccentricity vector so that it was rated for collocation KA in the specified area of standing, and the line of apsides of the orbit of geosynchronous SPACECRAFT coincided with the line of nodes of the orbit; over time, while the inclination produces the evolution in the range [0-ibefore], are actively collocation KA without interaction with the control centers of adjacent SATELLITES; when greater inclination ibeforeincrease the eccentricity to eminwith the installation of the Laplace vector in the direction from the Sun and in the remaining time before the end of the active lifetime correction of the eccentricity vector is not carried out; in the absence of collocation at the stage of bringing the conduct simultaneous correction of the orbital period and eccentricity, so that the current eccentricity equal sustainable; smaller inclination to the value of ibeforespend correction of eccentricity to etechwas not more acceptable excentrica the ETA while keeping the SPACECRAFT longitude (≡PL.min longitude for areas of standing ±0,05°), with increasing inclination to the value of ibeforerestore the eccentricity to emouthwith the installation of the Laplace vector in the direction of the Sun and in the remaining time before the end of the active lifetime correction of the eccentricity vector is not performed. The essence of the method are as follows. 1. Collocation with geostationary satellites If we consider that in the interval between trajectory measurements 7 days the error in the determination and prediction of the position along the orbit δl is 4.5 km ([2] JSC "ECA". Scientific and technical report. The development of the technology and performance evaluation of navigation-ballistic ensure flight KA PM on the stage of flight tests, M.,2010, page 82), multiply it by two (have a bug positioning KA pairs) and add 1 km (warranty excluding any accidental), receive a guaranteed exclusion zone both KA Sz= 10 km on all key areas. The value of where ΔλMr.- half the width of the rated (this) area of standing in longitude; δλODA=δl/rarticle- the error in the determination and prediction of the motion of the SPACECRAFT along the orbit; δλpanelthe degree of freedom in managing retention in longitude, of the order of ±(0,01-0,015), get popular later minimum eccentricity eminfor SPACECRAFT in geosynchronous 24-hour orbit. For areas of standing ±0,05° fSS≤0,0003, and emin≤0,0006. An important value that gives the possibility to calculate the initial eccentricity vector e0. Up until the inclination of the orbit of geosynchronous SPACECRAFT will not fall from the initial (5-7,5)° (depending on CAC CA) to several minutes (for example - 4,5 coal.min for areas of standing longitude ±(0,1-0,05°)), it is possible not to take into account fluctuations in longitude due to the inclination and eccentricity. The latter is possible because the output of the nominal area of standing in longitude at latitudes greater than the norm for geostationary satellites, should not be considered a violation of international the underwater regulations, because at a certain time on orbit geosynchronous SPACECRAFT is unspecified by the rules of space and really doesn't hurt anyone. At the stage of bringing the SPACECRAFT into the specified area of standing in the very sparing mode, when only extinguished passive drift in this area (~2°/day), produces the pulse velocity increment of about 17 m/s For the creation of eccentricity from zero to (emin+2emouth)≈0,00150 required, based on the formula [3], Erica K. "Space flight", T. II, part 1, page 388, the velocity increment where Δε=emax=(emin+2Emouth)=0,0015; V is the velocity of the motion of the SPACECRAFT in a circular orbit, 3074 m/S. Correction of eccentricity, of necessity, combined with correction of the orbital period, so the energy consumption for the implementation of the initial eccentricity are not independent and the total energy consumption for conversion do not increase. 2. Hold geosynchronous SPACECRAFT relative to a given point of standing on the same terms on which the UD is Givaudan geostationary satellites, without correction of the inclination in General and with minimal correction of the eccentricity during the active lifetime. Due to the inclination, already 5 more coal.min, you can have a large orbital eccentricity, which gives the opportunity not to carry out correction of the eccentricity (see item 10, Fig.8). The energy consumption for the correction of eccentricity are not significant in the overall fuel budget and, if not urgency of implementation of these corrections, can be combined with the correction of the orbital period of the SPACECRAFT. We introduce the notion of sustainable eccentricity. The influence of small pulse velocity (velocity increment per second) where ϑ is the average speed of motion of the SPACECRAFT, 3074 m/s; η = α - θ is the true anomaly; θ is the angle between the direction of the Sun and the perigee of the orbit of the SPACECRAFT. Then, substituting the expression for η in (3) and using the formula for the difference of two angles, we obtain: The first component, at least two orders of magnitude smaller than the rest and is not a permanent member, then When θ = 0 Similar reasoning, we will have to speed (argument of latitude of perigee: When θ = 0 Next, where then Integrate on the day (on the circuit): Will assess where S is the power of the light wave incident on a 1 m2body surface, W/m2; And the reflection coefficient (A=0 for absolute black body); C - light speed, km/S. S=1,4·103W/m2. The value of a depends on the reflectivity of the details in the design of SPACECRAFT and in the context of this technical solution must include (conditionally) the gravitational influence of the Sun as "±" position, when the vector Laplace aimed at the Sun. For real KA at the height of the stationary orbit values And are within [of 0.28 to 0.44]. On the basis of A = 0,44, we will have R, R the main 6,72·10 -6n/m2. Because the force of radiation pressure F=S'·P, where S' is the area of the fuselage mid-section, then The ratio of The energy consumption for maintaining the emouthpractically absent: each year it is necessary to perform correction of the eccentricity on the value of its old care Δe = 0,000052 by decentralist the Earth's gravitational field. This is a very small value, commensurate with the daily care of the eccentricity due to the combined effect of all passive disturbing factors, however, if the age-old care not to compensate, the current eccentricity by the end of the CAC will be far from sustainable. Implementation of the proposed method involves the following sequence of operations: 1. Determine the initial values of the inclination and longitude of ascending node of orbit launch. This operation is similar to the total sequence of operations 1-4 prototype. 2. Determine the amount of sustainable eccentricity to be displayed on the orbit geesin the electronic KA. The operation is the calculation of emouthon the basis of the formulas (14', 15, 16) taking into account the real data on the reflectivity of the details of the construction of KA (mainly solar panels), the average square fuselage mid-section and mass of the SPACECRAFT. The influence of the gravitational effects on the SPACECRAFT, the Sun can not be considered at the annual interval, but at the end of the yearly period to adjust the position of the perigee in the direction of the Sun. To adjust will have no more than (4-5)°, which will require no more than to 0.055 m/s, which does not exceed 2% annual fuel budget restraint in longitude in the functioning of the AC for the intended purpose and 0.09% of the fuel of the annual budget when compared with geostationary satellites, held in latitude (inclination). 3. Determine a first approximation of minimum eccentricity, which is implemented on an annual interval. The minimum value of the eccentricity emindetermined from the relationship: as the sum of the maximum is about allowable eccentricity e SSwhen holding the SPACECRAFT longitude when the orbital inclination is close to zero, calculated by the formula (1), and the relationship of the radius of the exclusion zone between the SPACECRAFT in the state of collocation to the radius of the geostationary orbit. Since emin>emouththe center of the polar coordinate system made for great circle hodograph (see item 5). 4. Spend trajectory measurements. Trajectory measurement is carried out after the SPACECRAFT in geosynchronous orbit. This operation is typical for all SAS. 5. Define (build) the locus of the change of the eccentricity vector under the action of light pressure. Schematic diagram of the locus shown in Fig.7. Introduced the following notation: 1 - vector e; 2 is a vector of minimum eccentricity eminaimed at the Sun; 3 is a vector of maximum eccentricity emaxaimed at the Sun; 4 - the pointer movement direction counterclockwise vector emouth; 5 - a large circle described by the ends of the vectors e and emouth; 6 - current vector emouth. A large circle hodograph is divided into equal parts, representing time intervals (day, week). Knowing the current date and the value of e, you can always tell when we will have those or other real values of the eccentricity and the angle θ of deviation of the Laplace vector (direction of the perigee) from healthy lifestyles is to the Sun. The ratio of emin/emaxhodograph guarantees the amplitude Aθ= 48° oscillation angle θ (Fig.7) (fluctuations within ±24° relative to the zero - initial direction of the Sun), which corresponds to the same fluctuations in the line of apses relative to the line of nodes, ascending node, which is fixed in space, according to the prototype, first in the region of 270°, and from mid-CAC - around 90°, due to the choice of initial parameters excretion (operation 1). These oscillations is comparable with the access to care line of apses of the line of nodes of the orbit of the SPACECRAFT, which is in the state of collocation with other SPACECRAFT from the moment of bringing to the point of standing. In this regard, check the value of Δezfor dismissing the argument of latitude of perigee at 24°. In Fig.4, Fig.5 shows the worst ways of calculating the inter-satellite distances: Fig.4 - i1=30"; i2=30" (value indicative of no importance); Ω1=Ω2=0; ω1=336°; ω2=24°; e1=0,00068; f2=0,00030; Fig.5 - Ω1=Ω2=0; ω1=336°; ω2=90°; e1=0,00068; f2=0,00030, in which, however, the inter-satellite distance Sz is greater than 10 km. are Finally going to have Δεz= 0,00038 (which is optimal for operation at diametrically spaced perigee orbits: e1=e2=0,00019 and (Ω+ω)1=(Ω+ω)2±180°), emin=0,00068, emax≈0,00158 (depending on the particular meant is I e mouth), or, to be more precise (see page 7, 6. Define the term of "0" during which implemented the initial inclination will decrease to zero. This is a great period, calculated in years. Although we are actually interested in the period during which the inclination will decrease to a certain value of ibeforeaverage of several angular minutes, there is no need to define it at the initial stage of operation of the AC, because it still has to be clarified. 7. Determine the optimal value of the vector of initial eccentricity e0at the initial epoch. The hodograph at the inception of KA for the intended purpose defined two values: eminemaxdiverging 180° and satisfying the condition of alignment of the line of apses with the radius vector of the Sun. From these two vectors eccentricity choose one - e0whose evolution at maturity "0" guarantees the minimum difference between the current vector e and eminand will require carrying out correction of the current vector eccentricity up to par for collocation in C is this area of standing values (e Mr.) with the lowest energy consumption. Paragraphs 5-7 may require restrictions on launch date. Launches of satellites will probably be held in the "open" winter and summer solstices. However, placing restrictions on the starting date, for whatever reasons, is a common practice. So, the value of e0remove from seismic data. 8. At the stage of bringing the SPACECRAFT into the specified area of standing simultaneous correction of the orbital period and eccentricity bring the actual current value to the calculated eccentricity e0thus combining the line of apses with the line of nodes. 9. At the stage of retention spend clarification transfer time AC mode operation in geostationary orbit. The refinement is carried out towards the end of the period of "0". 10. Determine the limit value of the inclination ibeforeat which the output of latitude for the limit value for geostationary satellites is on the border of the nominal area of standing in longitude. The inclination of ibeforeyou need to know and achieve the indicative values of ibeforemove on hold (possibly collocation) in the conditions of active existence of geostationary satellites, because, if not in the specified area of standing in latitude and longitude, in related fields are (can be) geostationary satellites, and there is a norm (DHL is a COP) of the width of the field standing in a geostationary orbit. For arbitrary areas of standing in relation to the Central point where ±ΔφMr.and ±ΔλMr.respectively the nominal area of standing KA in latitude and longitude. The first element directly follows from the geometry of the total area of standing, the second takes into account variations in longitude due to the orbital inclination. For the region of ±(0,1-0,05)° ibefore=4,5 coal.min (see Fig.8). Correction Greenwich longitude of the ascending node (the same correction period KA) plan so that a graph of the vector eccentricity according to the hodograph strictly observed. 11. When reducing the current inclination to limit values Provo is Yat correction of the eccentricity vector. The current vector eccentricity transferred to the nominal vector eMr.. 12. Are actively collocation KA (unlike passive colocasia, when the combination of the line of nodes and the line of apses within ±24° occurred automatically without interaction with the control centers of adjacent SATELLITES. Typically, the active collocation KA spend on approved schemes. All schemes equivalents are reduced to ravnoudalenie aiming points of the vectors en[en,(Ω+ω)n] (n=1,2,...) and in[in,Ωn] (n=1,2,...) in the corresponding phase planes KA and maintenance of all vectors enand inwithin their respective areas of selected radii, the centers of which are appropriate aiming point. The ideal option is for the two SPACECRAFT separation longitude of the ascending node (Ωnand direct ascents perigee (Ω+ω)naiming points 180°, and the arguments of latitude of perigee KA should be close to zero. For three KA figure 180 replace 120. Operation 12 is an essential and distinctive feature of the invention. Its essence boils down to the following: a) for the purpose of active collocation does not need to do the correction vectors inclination nor geostationary satellites, neither of geosynchronous SPACECRAFT, it is sufficient to maintain the line of apsides of the orbit only geosynchronous SPACECRAFT in C the data within the line of nodes of its orbit carrying out correction of the eccentricity vector, i.e. or and, because the value of Δez≥eSSand more eMr.then the best option is active collocation will be the diversity of perigee orbits of the two SPACECRAFT at 180° (Fig.3, page 7), when (of Fig.9: i1=i2=1', Ω1=90°, Ω2=0°, ω1=45°, ω2=315°, e1=0,00019, e2=0,00019), despite the fact that active collocation current within not more than two months; b) there is no need for interaction with the control centers of adjacent KA, relatively simple because adaco explode eccentricity vectors (or vectors Laplace) can be solved by monitoring data on tactics and strategies to retain adjacent KA (for example, using the international system of tracking NORAD) and the adaptation control geosynchronous SPACECRAFT to the data that may be more effective than trying to establish close contact with the control centers of adjacent SATELLITES. 13. As soon as the inclination becomes larger ibeforeincrease the eccentricity to a value of eminwith the installation of the Laplace vector in the direction from the Sun and in the remaining CAC time correction of the eccentricity vector is not performed. 14. In the absence of collocation at the stage of bringing the conduct simultaneous correction of the orbital period and eccentricity, so that the current eccentricity equal sustainable. 15. With decreasing inclination to the value of ibeforecarry out correction of the eccentricity so that the current eccentricity was no more valid when you hold the SPACECRAFT in longitude. 16. With increasing inclination to the value of ibeforerestore the eccentricity to a steady value with the installation of the Laplace vector in the direction of the Sun and in the remaining CAC time correction of the eccentricity vector is not performed. Note that according to the prototype of the initial and final values of the longitude of ascending node of the orbit, respectively 270° and 90°, moreover, the transition from Ω0for Ωtooccurs abruptly, so the combination of n is all CAC line of nodes and the line of apses of geosynchronous SATELLITES (action on p. 13 corresponds to the given installation) guarantees the successful coexistence of multiple SPACECRAFT in a given area standing. Note again that the energy consumption for the correction of eccentricity are not independent and the total energy consumption does not increase. The proposed method of keeping the SPACECRAFT longitude in the geostationary 24-hour orbit provides: 1 - hold the longitude of the ascending node of the orbit without energy correction of eccentricity; 2 - guaranteed collocation KA with other SPACECRAFT in the field of the operating point of standing in longitude; 3 - reduction of the order of the inputs on hold against geostationary satellites due to the complete exclusion of corrections inclination; 4 is a principled alternative to the geostationary orbit. The way to keep the spacecraft (SC) into geosynchronous 24-hour orbit, including the definition of initial parameters inclination and longitude of ascending node of orbit launch taking into account the age of the launch SPACECRAFT into orbit and the period of its active existence, defining a new value of the initial inclination decreasing the previous value to the value of the maximum error of deducing the inclination, the prediction calculation, the values of the orbital inclination of the SPACECRAFT at the end of the active lifetime with a maximum error of deducing the inclination and the longitude of the ascending node of the orbit determination of the initial values of the inclination and longitude of ascending node, when the maximum real who organized the initial inclination is equal to the maximum target inclination at the end of the active lifetime, wherein the determining the magnitude of the steady eccentricityemouthfor AC output, determine a preliminary value of the minimum eccentricityeminas the sum of the maximum permissible eccentricity while keeping the SPACECRAFT longitude at zero inclination in the geostationary orbit and the relationship of the radius of the exclusion zone between the SPACECRAFT, occupying the same working position in orbit to the radius of the geostationary orbit, determine the locus of the change of the eccentricity vector under the action of radiation pressure in the polar coordinate system [e,θ], where θ is the angle between the directions of the sun in the initial period (the end date of bringing into the area of standing) and perigee orbit, the polar axis is directed from the center of the Earth to the Sun and includes a radius-vectoreminwhere θ is zero, the polar distance equal to the eccentricity vector polar distances during the year, describes a circle of radius emouthand, knowing the amplitude of the oscillation angle θ, specify the value of eminand hodograph in General; after the SPACECRAFT at geosynchronous 24-hour orbit and determine the actual motion parameters define the term, "0", during which the actual initial inclination is reduced to zero; at the specified locus determine the optimal value of the vector began the aqueous eccentricity e0at the initial epoch at which the line of apses is aligned with the radius vector of the Sun, and annual cyclic evolution of the vectore[e,θ], in the absence of a negative impact on them active forces guarantee at maturity "0", the minimum difference between vectorseandeminat the stage of bringing the SPACECRAFT into the specified area of standing simultaneous correction of the orbital period and eccentricity bring the actual current value of the eccentricity vector to the estimatede0,on stage, hold, closer to the deadline "0" conduct clarification-time mode of operation in geostationary orbit, when the inclination of the orbit of the SPACECRAFT will reach the maximum allowable inclination of ibeforeat which the output of latitude for the limit value for geostationary satellites is on the border of the nominal area of standing in longitude correction vector eccentricity so that the eccentricity equal to the nominal for collocation KA in the specified area of standing, and the line of apsides of the orbit of geosynchronous SPACECRAFT coincided with the line of nodes of the orbit, during the time until the inclination produces the evolution in the range [0,ibefore], are actively collocation KA without interaction with the control centers of adjacent KA, when the inclination is greater than ibeforeeminwith the installation of the Laplace vector in the direction from the Sun and in the remaining time before the end of the active lifetime of the correction vector eccentricity does not hold in the absence of collocation at the stage of bringing the conduct simultaneous correction of the orbital period and eccentricity, so that the current eccentricity equal stable, decreasing inclination to the value of ibeforecarry out correction of the eccentricity of the orderetechwas not more than the allowable eccentricity while keeping the SPACECRAFT longitude.
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