Water-flooded reservoir development method (variants) |
IPC classes for russian patent Water-flooded reservoir development method (variants) (RU 2259473):
According to first variant of method, force and product wells are drilled, working agent is fed through force wells, oil is extracted through product wells, dome-like raised portions are marked out, which surpass absolute marks of bed, additional wells are positioned in these portions. Wells placement is planned at tops of dome-like raised portions even with breach of evenness of planned well mesh. After full drilling of wells mesh and in case of more accurate definition according to data of drilled wells of deposit of dome-like portions side shafts are drilled from adjacent wells towards more precisely defined tops of dome-like portions, controlling the deposit. In adjacent wells and side shafts, positioned on tops of dome-like raised portions , range of productive bed is opened between absolute mark of ceiling in this well and absolute mark, appropriate for ceiling in closest well. According to second variant of method practically analogical operations are realized as in first variant, except when absolute mark of ceiling of productive bed according to adjacent wells is lower than mark of sole of productive bed, whole bed is opened in side shafts.
Method for extraction of oil deposit / 2247829
Method includes drilling of deposit according to row-wise non-even grid of wells with distance from force to extractive rows, greater than distance between extractive rows, pumping of displacing gent into force wells, extraction of product from product wells and transferring of displacing agent pumping front to extraction area. According to invention, transferring of displacing agent pumping front to extraction area is performed by drilling side horizontal shafts in all wells of force row and directed towards extractive row by beds ad zones with most remainder oil saturation level. Then among these wells are singled out, horizontal shafts of which pass along beds and areas with lesser oil saturation level. Pumping of displacing agent is restarted, and other wells are transferred to product category. These wells are operated with face pressures lower than saturation pressure until reaching 98% water saturation level. After that pumping of displacing agent is restarted along all other wells of force row. During that, rows of extractive wells are operated in normal mode.
Method includes construction of wells and oil and gas collection system, forcing water from water-bearing level into oil deposits, flow of oil from oil deposits into secondary deposit and following extraction of oil from secondary deposit for useful implementation. Resources of deposit are separated on basis of natural energy characteristic on screened and having rigid water-forcing mode. Deposit is operated by three well types. Of the latter flow wells connect oil deposits to secondary deposit for flowing and collection of oil in upper bed under effect from gravitation. Balancing wells connect screened deposits and secondary deposit to water-forcing level for balancing of bed pressures and preventing loss of rocks stability. Extraction wells connect secondary deposit to oil and gas collection system. Selection of bed for secondary deposit is performed from number of highly penetrable beds, having maximally allowed excess over oil deposits.
Groups of high intake- and low intake-capacity injecting wells are chosen in a single hydrodynamic system and, for each well, oil reservoir properties and permissible degree of pollution of fluid received by high intake-capacity wells are determined. When fluid from low-permeable oil reservoir flows off through high intake-capacity wells, this fluid is cleaned to permissible degree of pollution.
Groups of high intake- and low intake-capacity injecting wells are chosen in a single hydrodynamic system and, for each well, oil reservoir properties and permissible degree of pollution of fluid received by high intake-capacity wells are determined. When fluid from low-permeable oil reservoir flows off through high intake-capacity wells, this fluid is cleaned to permissible degree of pollution.
Method includes construction of wells and oil and gas collection system, forcing water from water-bearing level into oil deposits, flow of oil from oil deposits into secondary deposit and following extraction of oil from secondary deposit for useful implementation. Resources of deposit are separated on basis of natural energy characteristic on screened and having rigid water-forcing mode. Deposit is operated by three well types. Of the latter flow wells connect oil deposits to secondary deposit for flowing and collection of oil in upper bed under effect from gravitation. Balancing wells connect screened deposits and secondary deposit to water-forcing level for balancing of bed pressures and preventing loss of rocks stability. Extraction wells connect secondary deposit to oil and gas collection system. Selection of bed for secondary deposit is performed from number of highly penetrable beds, having maximally allowed excess over oil deposits.
Method for extraction of oil deposit / 2247829
Method includes drilling of deposit according to row-wise non-even grid of wells with distance from force to extractive rows, greater than distance between extractive rows, pumping of displacing gent into force wells, extraction of product from product wells and transferring of displacing agent pumping front to extraction area. According to invention, transferring of displacing agent pumping front to extraction area is performed by drilling side horizontal shafts in all wells of force row and directed towards extractive row by beds ad zones with most remainder oil saturation level. Then among these wells are singled out, horizontal shafts of which pass along beds and areas with lesser oil saturation level. Pumping of displacing agent is restarted, and other wells are transferred to product category. These wells are operated with face pressures lower than saturation pressure until reaching 98% water saturation level. After that pumping of displacing agent is restarted along all other wells of force row. During that, rows of extractive wells are operated in normal mode.
According to first variant of method, force and product wells are drilled, working agent is fed through force wells, oil is extracted through product wells, dome-like raised portions are marked out, which surpass absolute marks of bed, additional wells are positioned in these portions. Wells placement is planned at tops of dome-like raised portions even with breach of evenness of planned well mesh. After full drilling of wells mesh and in case of more accurate definition according to data of drilled wells of deposit of dome-like portions side shafts are drilled from adjacent wells towards more precisely defined tops of dome-like portions, controlling the deposit. In adjacent wells and side shafts, positioned on tops of dome-like raised portions , range of productive bed is opened between absolute mark of ceiling in this well and absolute mark, appropriate for ceiling in closest well. According to second variant of method practically analogical operations are realized as in first variant, except when absolute mark of ceiling of productive bed according to adjacent wells is lower than mark of sole of productive bed, whole bed is opened in side shafts.
Method involves withdrawing oil through production wells and ejecting working substance through ejection wells. To prevent water ingress from well bore into oil-saturated formation area formation is perforated in water-oil interface zone so that lower part of oil-saturation formation interval and upper part of water-flooded formation interval are penetrated. This provides oil relative permeability retention in oil-saturated formation area. To prevent formation mudding during initial perforation thereof drilling is performed in depression, balance and repression modes with pressure of not more than 3 MPa. As far as oil is depleted perforation interval is extended towards oil-saturated formation area.
Method involves drilling injection and production wells; flooding oil reservoir and extracting oil out of well; defining more exactly geologic aspects on the base of drilling results; designing and drilling additional wells with horizontal bores or drilling horizontal bores from existent wells; determining location of reservoir drive zone boundaries; calculating volume of dead oil located near drive zones; drilling horizontal bores from existent wells located near drive zones and/or new wells with horizontal bores located in above zone, wherein horizontal bores are drilled in direction perpendicular to drive zone boundaries.
Method includes drilling vertical product and force wells, extracting oil from product wells, forcing working agent through force wells, making side horizontal shafts in force wells, forcing working agent through side horizontal shafts of force wells. Additionally, side horizontal shafts are made in extraction wells. Oil is taken through side horizontal shafts of extractive wells. With pressure in the well, decreased for 5-10% from hydrostatic pressure, all side horizontal shafts are made by washing away rock under pressure of fluid of around 15-20 mPa. Direction of all side horizontal shafts is set to be parallel to rows of wells.
Method involves drilling production and injection wells and maintaining formation pressure; performing seismic works to determine volumetric routing of natural macrocrack system with lateral and depth routing; forming production and injection macrocracks of above system; drilling wells to corresponding macrocracks and forming producing well-macrocrack systems for oil production and injection well-macrocrack for formation flooding or production well-macrocrack for oil production and system including vertical and/or horizontal multibranch wells for formation flooding or injection well-macrocrack system for formation flooding and system including vertical and/or horizontal multibranch production wells for oil production or production well-macrocrack system, injection well-macrocrack system and system including vertical and/or horizontal multibranch production and injection wells.
Method involves pumping working agent, namely water, in two stages. The first stage is performed with the use of power pumps. The second one is carried out by means of hydraulic measuring pumps, which are used to convert injection pressure created by power pumps. If it is necessary to increase pressure in water lines used to deliver water to separate injection wells pressure is regulated in accordance with necessary water volume to be injected in wells on the base of collecting properties of oil formations in bottomhole formation zones. This is performed by providing change in pump piston diameter and stroke ratios in the first and the second sections of hydraulic measuring pumps, which are selected on the base of hydraulic resistance variation depending on water flow velocity. Parameters characterizing injection system operation are simultaneously measured and efficiency of the method and equipment operation is detected from above characteristics.
Method involves flooding production bed through injection wells with the use of pump units. In the case of terrigenous porous productive bed flooding acoustical sound resonators with resonance frequency setting are installed in injection line. This eliminates amplitude of alternating low-frequency liquid pulsation sound generated by pump units. Method also involves providing constant compression mode in productive beds and frontal oil drive from productive bed.
FIELD: oil reservoir development, particularly for developing water-flooded ones. SUBSTANCE: method involves withdrawing oil through production wells and ejecting working substance through ejection wells. To prevent water ingress from well bore into oil-saturated formation area formation is perforated in water-oil interface zone so that lower part of oil-saturation formation interval and upper part of water-flooded formation interval are penetrated. This provides oil relative permeability retention in oil-saturated formation area. To prevent formation mudding during initial perforation thereof drilling is performed in depression, balance and repression modes with pressure of not more than 3 MPa. As far as oil is depleted perforation interval is extended towards oil-saturated formation area. EFFECT: possibility to retain oil relative permeability of oil-saturated formation area. 2 cl, 2 dwg
The invention relates to the oil and gas industry, and in particular to methods development of flooded oil fields. Known methods of development of flooded oil fields [1,2,3,4], including the selection of oil through the production wells and the injection of working agent through injection. With the aim of reducing water abstraction through production wells into injection pump water or sedimentation solutions for capping the most permeable or fractured porous portions of the formation or such operations are performed at the same time as through injection or through production wells. Also known the way of the development of oil deposits [5], including the injection of water into injection wells, oil extraction through dobyvaya wells and the hydrophobicity of the water of the reservoir, the injection into the producing well fluids to restore permeability oil reservoir, for example, selectively water isolating oil-based solutions, with subsequent change of direction of product formation during its selection. There is a method of developing oil deposits [6], including the injection of water into injection wells, oil extraction through mining, the hydrophobicity of the reservoir, and the oil is taken deep pumps. the rich for changing the direction of movement of the products in its selection down the shank below the perforated zone [prototype]. The disadvantage of the prototype is the need of the installation of the shank by hanging below the pump or below the packer. The present invention is the preservation of the relative permeability of the reservoir oil without the use of liners. Task one option is achieved by the fact that by way of development of waterlogged deposits of oil, including the injection of water into injection wells, oil extraction through production wells, preserving the relative permeability of oil, according to the invention a primary opening of the reservoir by drilling carried out in a mode of depression or equilibrium, and the selection of oil is carried out of the perforation interval width from 1 to 1.5 m, produced in the area of oil-water section, with the width of the perforation interval, coinciding with the oil-saturated part of the reservoir is not more than 75% and the rate of opening of the upper part of the oil-saturated interval of the reservoir, and the lower part - flooded reservoir interval, moreover, as reserves carry out the expansion of the perforated interval in the direction of the oil-saturated part of the formation. The task of another variant is achieved by the fact that by way of development of waterlogged deposits of oil, including the injection of water into injection wells, oil extraction through production wells, preserving the relative permeability of oil, which according to the invention a primary opening of the reservoir by drilling carried out in the mode of repression is not more than 3 MPa, and the selection of oil is carried out of the perforation interval width from 1 to 1.5 m, produced in the area of oil-water section, with the width of the perforation coinciding with the oil-saturated part of the reservoir is not more than 75 % and the rate of opening of the upper part of the oil-saturated interval of the reservoir, and the lower part - flooded reservoir interval, while as reserves carry out the expansion of the perforated interval in the direction of the oil-saturated part of the formation. The interval for perforation choose a width from 1 to 1.5 m and the width of the perforation interval, coinciding with the oil-saturated part of the reservoir is not more than 75%. When selecting products from the formation through the perforated intervals water from flooded (washed) of the reservoir, and the oil from the oil-saturated part of the formation. The oil received in the wellbore, due to the lower density POPs up and fills the annular space between the production column and deflated equipment above the suction products. The water in the wellbore accumulates below the point of suction products by gravity separation processes. Place suction supplied from the reservoir into the wellbore, is located in the lower part of the pump casing. And when deflated the shank place suction products serves as the inlet of the bottom h and shank (shank are called fixed below the pump tubing). Located in the borehole water in the process of stopping wells penetrating the perforation interval, reduces permeability of oil in the oil-saturated part of the reservoir. This increases permeability of water leads to the formation of a cone of water during operation and to decrease the content of the share of oil in selected products. But due to the fact that the width of the perforated interval in the oil-saturated part of the reservoir is insignificant, and the amount of lifting of the cone of water is insignificant and is reversible. The main effect is achieved by the fact that due to the small width of the perforated interval opposite the oil-saturated part eliminates the possibility of water ingress from the wellbore in the perforated part of the reservoir. This preserves the relative permeability of the reservoir oil. Graphic materials (figure 1 and figure 2) explain the essence of the invention, where figure 1 (prototype) shows the well - to-1 with the deep pump - 2 and shank - 3, launched below the perforated interval is 10. Filtering the oil comes from the oil-saturated part of the reservoir 5, and filtering water from the flooded part of the layer - 6, located below the oil-water section - 4. Above the bottom of the shank - 3 borehole filled surfaced with oil, while the perforation interval is also in contact with the oil, allowing you to maintain phase pron the water resistance of the reservoir oil. Below the bottom of the shank, the borehole is filled with water - 8. The arrow 9 indicates the direction of movement of oil and water from the perforated interval during operation of the downhole pump - 2. 2 shows the well - 1, pump 2 flow of oil comes from the oil-saturated part of the reservoir 5, and the water from the water content of the reservoir - 6. In the wellbore below the pump 2 is oil and water. But this water is not in contact with the oil-saturated part of the aquifer in the interval of absence of perforation and therefore does not reduce permeability in oil-saturated part of the reservoir. The arrow 9 indicates the direction of movement of oil and water from the perforated interval. For successful application of the present invention, it is necessary to observe two conditions: 1. As the selection of oil due to rising oil-water partition you want to make the expansion of the perforated interval in the direction of the oil-saturated part of the formation. 2. The primary opening of the reservoir during the drilling process is carried out in the mode of depression or equilibrium. In case of failure to fulfil this condition, the repression should not exceed 3 MPa. When repression more than 3 MPa, the clogging of the reservoir does not allow effective selection without clearing the bottom-hole zone, and this is impossible without the extension of the perforation interval. Sources of information 1. Description of the invention in which WCA No. 95103121, 6 E 21 In 43/22, 43/27, publ. in BI No. 35, 1996, "Method of developing multilayer oil fields". 2. Description of the invention the application No. 95108722, 6 E 21 In 43/20, publ. in BI No. 15, 1997, "the Way of the development of oil deposits". 3. RF patent №2103489, 6 E 21 In 43/22, BI No. 3, 1998, "Method development watered oil deposits". 4. RF patent №2113590, 6 E 21 In 43/22, publ. in BI No. 17, 1998, "a Method for developing multilayer oil fields". 5. RF patent №2085714, 6 E 21 In 43/22, publ. in BI No. 21, 1997 from 27.07.97, 6. RF patent №2173770, 7 E 21 In 43/20, publ. BI No. 26, 2001 from 20.09.2001, 1. Method development watered oil, including water injection into injection wells, oil extraction through production wells, preserving the relative permeability of oil, wherein the primary opening of the reservoir by drilling carried out in a mode of depression or equilibrium, and the selection of oil is carried out of the perforation interval width from 1 to 1.5 m, produced in the area of oil-water section, with the width of the perforation interval, coinciding with the oil-saturated part of the reservoir is not more than 75 % and the rate of opening of the upper part of the oil-saturated interval of the reservoir, and the lower part - flooded reservoir interval, while as reserves carry out extension the perforated interval in the direction of the oil-saturated part of the formation. 2. Method development of Obvodny is authorized deposits of oil, including the injection of water into injection wells, oil extraction through production wells, preserving the relative permeability of oil, wherein the primary opening of the reservoir by drilling carried out in the mode of repression is not more than 3 MPa, and the selection of oil is carried out of the perforation interval width from 1 to 1.5 m, produced in the area of oil-water section, with the width of the perforation coinciding with the oil-saturated part of the reservoir is not more than 75 % and the rate of opening of the upper part of the oil-saturated interval of the reservoir, and the lower part - flooded reservoir interval, while as reserves carry out the expansion of the perforated interval in the direction of net oil pay part of the layer.
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