Data protection method and radio communication system of high intelligence protection |
IPC classes for russian patent Data protection method and radio communication system of high intelligence protection (RU 2253184):
FIELD: radio engineering; secret intelligence protected radio communication systems. SUBSTANCE: proposed radio communication system incorporating provision for suppressing enemy's radio communication means and radio control channels has information subsystem, noise jamming subsystem, noise memory subsystem, information subsystem elements, and subsystem elements interface unit; each element of information subsystem is made in the form of multichannel time-division radio station; each element of noise jamming subsystem is made in the form of time division multichannel radio station, and each of noise jamming subsystem elements is made in the form of barrage jamming transmitter built around noise signal generating driver; used as drivers are self-stochastic generator operating in different frequency bands. EFFECT: enhanced intelligence protection of communication channels, simplified design, enhanced reliability. 2 cl, 13 dwg
The present invention relates to the field of radio and can be used in the composition resizewindow closed radio system with suppression of radio communications and radio channels of the enemy. Resizewindow communication systems is their ability to resist unauthorized access to communication channels, the parameters of the signals, which leads to difficulty in creating the interference by the enemy. Known methods and means of information protection from leakage through side channels of electromagnetic radiation in computer networks [1], the paging systems [2]. Their disadvantage is the limited functionality. The closest in technical essence to the present invention is a method of protection of information exchange in the local system of radio communications for patent No. 2114513, N 04 To 3/00 from 27.06.98, bull. No. 18, adopted for the prototype. The method is based on the fact that the receivers who attempt unauthorized access to the communication system, creates a ratio s/n less than unity over the entire range of frequencies used in the radio system. This operation is performed for all points in the space surrounding the radio-communication system, which potentially can be receivers, performing unauthorized access. To do this, p is Rimer region, in which the system is operated radio, and up at all times during operation of the system is continuously radiated noise-like signals (PSS) in the whole frequency range of the radio system. The power of these signals is selected greater than the power that the worker signals may have on the perimeter of the system. The disadvantage of the prototype method is that its implementation requires that the spectral density of PSS was more spectral density of the information signal (s/n<1). This leads to high energy costs when working elements create a noise-like interference. To eliminate this disadvantage of the method lies in the decrease of the ratio s/W<1 at the receiver input, performing unauthorized access to the communication channel, the radiation noise-like signals, covering the entire range of frequencies used in the system according to the invention disguise the fact of termination of the individual channels and radio stations as a whole, including at this time the transmitters barrage interference (PPP) with a capacity equal to the signal power at the operating frequency band (s/n=1), fill the open spaces of the frequency-time domain, characterizing a communication system, noise-like signals, which form set automoatically generators operating to the to the frequency of the radio station, and beyond, this creates additional interference to Radiocommunication systems and radio channels of the enemy. The closest in technical essence to the present invention is a communication system implementing the method of protection of information exchange in the local system of radio communications for patent No. 2114513, N 04 To 3/00 from 27.06.98, bull. No. 18, adopted for the prototype. The system prototype is being implemented method of decreasing the ratio (s/n<1) for receivers that attempt unauthorized access to transmitted information by continuous radiation for the perimeter and up radio noise-like signal having a power, a greater power working signals, covering the whole frequency band used in the communication system. Topology construction of a prototype system presented in figa. On figb, presents the block diagram of elements of a prototype system. On figa, b, the following notation: 1 - the area served by subscribers; 2 - the perimeter of the local radio system; 3 - the territory occupied by the subsystem information exchange; 4 - elements create a noise-like interference; 5 - elements of information exchange; 6 - radio channels; 7 is the main receiver of the useful information signal; 8 - auxiliary receiver is moptophaha signal (PSS); 9 receiver performing an unauthorized attempt to access the communication channel. Local radio system prototype consists of two subsystems (figa): subsystem creation of noise interference, consisting of transmitters 4 and subsystem information exchange, consisting of stations 5. Both subsystems operate in parallel and independently of one another, but part of the energy of noise interference with any real directional antennas, transmitters, creating noise interference, inevitably gets in radio channels elements of information exchange 5. Subscriber stations are protected from noise exposure, using a priori information about the structure of the signals used to create interference. Subscriber radio station in addition to the main receiver of useful information 7 contains auxiliary receiver noise-like signal 8 (figb). The system prototype works as follows. When turning on the perimeter 2 transmitter noise interference 4 increases the share of the noise component at the input of the receiver 9, engaged in an unauthorized attempt to access the communication channel. This leads to the fact that when the ratio (s/n<1) in the whole range of operating frequencies of the communication channel is protected, however, to the input of the receivers 7 and 8 subscriber station 5 also will SHS mixture of signal and noise from the engine creating noise interference 4. After processing PSS auxiliary receiver 8 it is excluded from the mixture of signal and noise of the main receiver 7. The disadvantages of the prototype system, the following. Assuming as an information subsystem of a communication system is a code division multiplexing. This is the functional limitation of the prototype, as it is not applicable for systems with time division channels (WRC). In addition, in KB and VHF bands perimeter 2 may be hundreds of kilometers and accommodation at the perimeter of the 2 tens and hundreds of jammer that have even a minor radiation back chart orientation of their antennas, will result in a significant increase in the strength of interfering electromagnetic field within the area bounded by a perimeter of 2 and a possible appearance in her local areas with unacceptable levels of interfering fields (figa). In addition, to compensate for the complex photomanipulating (FM) signal that is used to generate noise-like interference, the required auxiliary receiver 8, which significantly complicates the subscriber station, and thereby reduces its reliability. It should also be noted that the parameters of the FM signal that is used as a noise-like interference, simply determined by means of radio and can be excluded from a mixture of field the signal and the noise-like signal interference outside the protected area. To address these shortcomings in the communication system includes an information subsystem and the subsystem of noise interference, as well as elements of information subsystems, elements, subsystems create noise interference, put the power coupling elements of the subsystem that provides the setting defensive interference in the free time and the allowed frequencies included between the elements of the information subsystem and subsystem creation of noise interference, the elements of the information subsystem and subsystem elements create noise interference integrated into a single mobile system, each element of the information subsystem is made in the form of a multi-station time division channels, and each element subsystem creation of noise interference is made in the form of k transmitters barrage jamming (PPP) - based automoatically generators. The interface block elements of the subsystem is based on a scheme of prohibition OR NO with two control inputs and included in the total or individual control circuit of the PPP in time, and the control signals of the PPP in time are formed in the modulator and clock radios. In addition, the interface block elements of the subsystem to control a group of k PPP on-time and number of the PPP group contains k of the same individual is the data control circuits, each of which consists of series-connected decoder, schema OR schema And schema ban OR NO, with two control inputs, the second control input signal generated by the synchronizer, and the first control input to signal formed in the modulator for a period of time prohibiting signal. Figure 2 shows the block diagram of the proposed radio system. It consists of n identical systems, each of which contains: 1 - multi-channel radio with m channels (WRC); 2 is a block mates WRC with the PPP (BS); 3 - k transmitters barrage interference (PPP); MCC(in)- leading station; pc n - slave stations. One complex is the leading (it contains leading station MCC(in))Ostalnye complexes slaves (they contain the slave station pc n). Radio system contains n identical systems, each of which consists of a multichannel radio station 1c m channels WRC; the connection unit 2 and the PPP 3. The relationship between the elements of the complex via a wired line and protected from the effects of intentional interference. Work together in a single complex multi-channel radio and the PPP assumes the identity of their antenna-feeder devices, which simplifies their implementation in KB and VHF bands, and the topology of the functional is of the radio system does not involve any artificial boundaries. Figure 3 presents a functional diagram of the shaper group digital signal to the station with the WRC, where indicated: 1-the device packaging, the compressive converted to digital information signals in m channels; 2 - modulator; 3 - synchronizer; (1-m) - information channels with analog-to-digital converters (ADCS). If the radio is leading, the synchronizer 3 defines and provides for the simultaneous operation of all the elements, as their complex and elements of other systems. As is known [4], the performance of multi-station WRC, m subscribers can operate in the same frequency band without interfering with each other, due to the tight synchronization of the system and the temporal reference of each channel to recruitment pulses available at the beginning of the information package. This is also true for the case when the information subsystem uses a narrowband communication system, in which the number of time channels is determined by the speed of transmission of the digitized speech signals, i.e. the characteristics of the vocoders. In modern radio systems with WRC in some cases (in particular, for their co-operation with programmable operating frequency tuning (frequency hopping)) perform simultaneous shutdown of all transmitters During pause reconfigure the antenna-feeder device (AFD) subsystems in accordance with frequency hopping, they also provide a panoramic view of the electromagnetic environment in the area of communication systems. On figa presents the timing diagram of signal synchronizer 3, forming a pause (FP), where the pulse duration determines the duration of a pause and a period of repetition - period of the vertical synchronizing. On figb presents a simplified timing diagram of the envelope of the group of the digital signal (ACC) at the output of the modulator 2 (3)where information packets with a duration TPAC are separated by pauses of duration of TPUs. This timing diagram corresponds to the case where all m channels are working and temporal position of the i-th channel in the package is fixed and supported with precision synchronization system. If you are not all channels, and for example, 1, 2, and the i-th, then the envelope of the group of the digital signal at the output of the modulator 2 (figure 3) has the form presented in figure 5, where in the information package came time intervals during which information is transferred, and that is unmasking factor. Filling time intervals in the envelope group digital signal noise emission on the one hand makes contact with WRC more resizewindow, and on the other, creates intentional interference with other communication systems. The main element of the PPP is the causative agent, FD is Marousi noise signal. Unlike the prototype, where the noise signal is complex, but deterministic FM signal, in the inventive system, it is proposed to use as pathogens Autologistics generators on different frequency bands [3]. Statistical characteristics of the generated noise is close to the statistical characteristics of white noise, and cannot be fully compensated in case of unauthorized access to the communication channel. Figure 6 shows the timing diagram (APSP) operating modes of the PPP (compatible communication system with WRC for the example shown in figure 5). The radiation of the PPP in the shared bandwidth communication system occurs only in the time intervals off channels. Figure 7 presents a functional diagram of interface block (BS) radio stations MSS(inand k PPP, operating in different frequency bands (F) - (F1, F2,...Fk). It management (activate or deactivate PPP in time) are carried out by the supply circuit, while the control group PPP carry out General power supply circuit (figb), and control of the individual PPP - individual supply circuit (figa). On figa presents a block circuit diagram of interfacing with enhanced functionality. It manages not only time enable or disable the PPP, but also the number of the PPP in the group. Depending on the ratio of the band of operating frequencies of the m-channel communication system (Fm) and the band of operating frequencies of the PPP (F) to choose a particular control algorithm of the PPP and accordingly variant of the block pair (BS) or (BS) radios and transmitters barrage jamming 1 algorithm. Fm<=Fj, that is, the frequency of the communication system is less than or equal to the frequency of the j-th PPP. In this case, synchronize only the j-th PPP, and the rest of the PPP work regardless of the communication system, not creating her interference (figa). For synchronization of the j-th PPP chain his power break and include logical element OR NO with a powerful output and two control inputs 1 and 2. On control input 1 signal corresponding to the envelope of the group of the digital signal (ACC) (see figure 5)taken from the output of the modulator 2 (see figure 3 - dotted arrow). 2 control input signal FP (driver pause - see figa), which is formed in the synchronizer 3 (see figure 3 - dotted arrow). If Fm>Fj, that is, the frequency communications system considerably more bands of operating frequencies of the j-th PPP, synchronous time management radiation group of the PPP can be carried out according to the scheme shown in figb, where the logical element OR NOT included in the total food chain group of the PPP. 2 algorithm. The number of the PPP in the group associated with cf is days working frequency of the generated noise. When Fm>Fj possible synchronous control of power on individual PPP in the group. To do this select team operational management of the radio signal-codogram to install the operating frequency in the channels of the communication system and to prevent radiation in the PPP, the band of which the frequency falls. Thus, the allowed frequencies of radiation of the PPP are those frequencies that lie outside the operating band information subsystems defined on the current time interval TPAC. On Fig presents a functional diagram of the complex radio system operating according to the second algorithm, and contains 1 - leading multichannel radio communication system with WRC, 2 - block pair (BS), 3 - band transmitters barrage jamming, consisting of PSP, PSP,... PSPC where K is the number of transmitters barrage jamming. Functional diagram (BS) consists of - j - decoder group codogram to install the operating frequency in the channels of the MSS(in) within the bands Δfj; - j diagram OR number of inputs equal to the number of operating frequencies in the band Δfj; - j diagram matches with two entrances; OR HETj - scheme of prohibition with two control inputs that are installed in the supply circuit j; - ⇒ - command bus station. The input desirat the RA On each control circuit is connected to the command bus station and has a number of outputs, equal to the number of decrypted patterns of operating frequencies. The respective outputs of the decoder j and inputs schema j interconnected. The output of the circuit j connected to the first input circuit j and second input circuits j connected with each other and with the output signal of the ACC radio 1. The output of the circuit j connected to the first input circuit OR HETj and second input circuits OR HETj connected with each other and with the output signal of the OP radio 1. The third circuit input OR-HETj connected to the power source UPete. Interface unit (BS)that implements the first algorithm works as follows. (Figa is a diagram for individual control circuits separate the PPP group, and figb General chain management group of the PPP. In both cases, the interface block BS radio and PPP works the same way). When the voltage of pathogens PPP (u n and m) and the placement scheme OR NOT only in the supply circuit of the exciter j all PPP (except j) continuously emit a noise outside the band of operating frequencies of the radio station. The state of the power supply circuit of the exciter j (closed or open) depends on the presence or absence of the control inputs of the circuit OR NO control signals, thus there are three possible cases: the absence of control signals, only the OP, the presence of AF and ACC. 1. The absence of signals on the control input 1 of the 2 schemes ban OR NO means, what MSS(in) is disabled, and j continuously emits a noise signal in the band of operating frequencies of the radio. 2. The presence of a signal FP at the control input 2 means that the radio station MSS(in) is enabled and synchronized with the other radio stations. For the period of inclusion of MSS(in) and its occurrence in synchronism need automatic shutdown j. Appearing with the frequency of the vertical synchronizing the control input 2 OR NO signal FP at the time of TPUs disables the power to the exciter j and thereby disrupts the generation of noise interference. This mode of operation j is saved and when the standby mode MSS(in). Thus, the signal FP synchronizes the work j with MCC () and disable it for a period of TPUs. 3. The appearance of the signal ACC in the form presented on figb, the control input 1 of the circuit OR NO means working all m channels and the duration of the envelope of the group of digital signal coincides with the duration of the package TPAC. As control inputs 1 and 2 schema OR IS NOT continuously present, or ACC, or AF signal, the power circuit j turns out to be broken, and there will be no radiation j during the entire period of operation MSS(C) in this mode. When bulk loading stations MSS(in) are only some of the channels and views of ACC on 1 input schema OR NOT corresponds to the timing diagram in figure 5. In gebaude the package group signal breached, during which the control inputs 1 and 2 schema OR NO there will be no banning signals and these intervals will enable j. Block mates BS (Fig), 2 implements the algorithm works as follows. When turned off the radio and power (u pit) group PPP them continuously generated in the frequency and radiates radio broadcast noise with a given spectral density. This is due to the fact that all the control inputs of the circuits ban OR NO missing prohibiting potentials, and the power supply circuit of each pathogen PPP connected to the supply circuit. When working radio in standby mode radiation noise of all the PPP periodically interrupted at the time of TPUs. This is due to the fact that on the second control inputs of the circuits OR NO signal FP from the radio station, which breaks the power circuit to all of the PPP at the same time. When working radio in normal mode (when connected to the radio channels subscribers) on the command bus station is codogram to install the operating frequency channels. If this frequency is within the band of radiation j, the corresponding codogram detectable j and on one of its outputs a signal of the ban, which passes through the scheme j and appears on p the moat input schema matching j. The circuit output matches j signal ban appears only when serving her second input signal ACC. Thus, the signal of the ban coincides in form with the envelope of the group of the digital signal (ACC) and appears in the control circuit only in the PPP, the in-band noise which is the working frequency of the radio station. This signal is applied to the first control input circuit of the ban OR HETj and closes the supply circuit of the exciter j. Radiation noise j occurs in free time and is determined by the signal ACC and the rest of the PPP is determined by the signal AF. This state remains until the arrival of codogram to install a new operating frequency. In the functional circuits control transmitters barrage jamming, for clarity, is on the food chain of the corresponding pathogen. Other variants are possible breakdown of the fluctuations of the PPP it is necessary that the response time of the PPP was significantly shorter than the duration of the pause (TPUs). It is known that radio system with WRC with a full load of channels, the encoding information and the use of the mode with programmable operating frequency tuning (frequency hopping) is fairly well protected from unauthorized access to information. However, when bulk loading channels enable or disable individual channels and radio is tanzihi is generally discloses a factor because it allows you to calculate the bandwidth utilization and, ultimately, the path of movement of individuals. In the inventive system serves to mask the fact of termination of the individual channels and radio stations as a whole, including at this time the PPP 3. In other words, it is proposed to fill the available periods of time-frequency region, characterizing a communication system, noise-like signals generated by the set automoatically generators operating in the band of operating frequencies of the radio station and beyond. In the proposed system not only increases resizewindow multichannel radio communication with time division channels, since for the same spectral densities of information and noise signals masked data channels (pigv), but at the same time is the suppression of radio communications and radio channels of the enemy. In addition, a relatively simple implementation of AFD PPP and block mates increase the reliability of radio systems in complex environments and complex electromagnetic environment. The sources of information. [1]. Weakyou, Nisemono. Methods and means of information protection from leakage through the channels of pre. - Security systems, and telecommunications. St., 1999, p.76. [2]. Laalou. For what it's information in the paging systems. - Security systems, and telecommunications. St., 1999. [3]. A.S. 1693712 A1, CL N 03 In 29/00 from 23. 11.91. Bulletin no.43. [4]. Vilance, Vimdiff - Digital techniques in satellite communications. - M.: Radio and communication, 1988. - 240 S. 1. Radio system with high resizedirection containing the information subsystem and the subsystem of noise interference, as well as elements of information subsystems, elements, subsystems create noise interference, characterized in that the input unit coupling elements of the subsystem that provides the setting defensive interference in the free time and the allowed frequencies included between the elements of the information subsystem and subsystem creation of noise interference, while the elements of the information subsystem and subsystem elements create noise interference integrated into a single mobile system, each element of the information subsystem is made in the form of a multi-station time division channels, and each element subsystem creation of noise interference made in the form of a transmitter barrage interference (PPP), the main element of which is the causative agent that generates a noise signal, the agents used Autologistics generators at different frequency ranges. 2. The communication system according to claim 1, characterized in that b is OK mates elements of the subsystem contains k identical control circuits, each of which consists of series-connected decoder D, schema OR schema And schema ban OR NO with two control inputs, and the input of the decoder j each control circuit is connected to the command bus station and has a number of outputs equal to the number of decrypted patterns in the frequency Δfj, the outputs of the decoder j connected to respective inputs of the circuit j, the output of which is connected to the first input circuit j, while the second input of the differential j each circuit is connected to the output of the modulator of the radio station, the output of the circuit j connected to the first input circuit OR j, the second input circuit OR j each circuit connected to the output of synchronizer radio stations, the output of the circuit OR j each circuit is connected to the input of the corresponding j.
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