Public traffic control system |
IPC classes for russian patent Public traffic control system (RU 2249525):
Proposed system that can be used for pieces of equipment whose parameters are unknown variables or those slowly varying with time has piece of equipment under control, three factor specifying units, five adders, eight multipliers, five integrators, three delay units, and differentiating unit.
The invention relates to the field of automatic control systems
The invention relates to the automatic digital control of two-dimensional objects with associated parameters and time-varying dynamic characteristics
The invention relates to the field of automatic control systems of dynamic objects with uncontrolled disturbances, unknown variable parameters and time delay in the control channel, in which the spectrum of natural frequencies of the control circuit exceeds the range of operating frequencies of the object itself
The invention relates to automatic control systems and can be used in the systems of control objects, the parameters of which are unknown constant or slowly time-varying values
The invention relates to automatic control systems and can be used for linear dynamic management objects with a wide range of unknown, constant or slowly time-varying parameters
The invention relates to the field of automation and can be used in the design of automatic control systems of nonlinear nonstationary technical objects
The invention relates to automatic control systems, particularly to systems for controlling the position of the inertial objects
The invention relates to automatic control and can be used to control bridge Converter with PWM and LC filter in the continuous part with a given shape of the curve of the output parameter (voltage or current)
The invention relates to automatic control, and is intended for controlled bridge converters with double-sided PWM and LC filter in the continuous part
Proposed group of invention relates to railway automatic controls and is designed for shunting of electric trains and complies with specific requirements to monorail transport system. Electric depot of monorail transport system consists of outer and inner parking tracks for electric trains before entrance and exit gates and inside depot and also transborder. Control line contains digital computer complex connected by communication lines with stationary and mobile control objects outside and inside depot and furnished with subscriber devices and transmit-receive antenna distributed along parking tracks and make in form of radio radiating cables, and stationary and mobile control objects state pickups, stationary and mobile devices generating control signals and system to determine position of electric trains. Stationary control objects are assembled into device representing mimic diagram of depot, alarm bell drive, gate and transborder drives, light signals. Mobile control objects are grouped in electric trains, on parking tracks outside and inside depot and on transborder. Stationary devices for generating control signals are grouped in workstations with stationary control panels, and mobile control signal generating devices, in carry-on remote control panels of depot operator on duty and control cabin of electric train. Stationary control objects, state pickups found of said objects, workstations and system to determine position of electric train are connected with computer complex by wire and/or wireless communication lines by means of access units, and mobile control objects are connected with computer complex by wireless communication lines through access units. Method to control shunting operations in electric depot of monorail transport system includes three steps: receiving of electric train at depot from route of monorail transport system, departing of electric train from depot to route of monorail transport system and re-positioning of electric train inside depot. Depot dispatcher, operator on duty and electric train driver are engaged in said operations.
The invention relates to railway transport and can be used in automated digital systems Supervisory control of railway transport
The invention relates to the field of control systems and can be used to control high-speed trains
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The invention relates to structural elements, intended for equipment of railway automatics and telemechanics
The invention relates to railway automatics and telemechanics, namely, devices for transferring information between subscribers of local shunting network: the engine-drivers, compilers trains, duty station and block posts during shunting movements at stations
The invention relates to railway automatics and is used in the management of vehicles
Proposed group of invention relates to railway automatic controls and is designed for shunting of electric trains and complies with specific requirements to monorail transport system. Electric depot of monorail transport system consists of outer and inner parking tracks for electric trains before entrance and exit gates and inside depot and also transborder. Control line contains digital computer complex connected by communication lines with stationary and mobile control objects outside and inside depot and furnished with subscriber devices and transmit-receive antenna distributed along parking tracks and make in form of radio radiating cables, and stationary and mobile control objects state pickups, stationary and mobile devices generating control signals and system to determine position of electric trains. Stationary control objects are assembled into device representing mimic diagram of depot, alarm bell drive, gate and transborder drives, light signals. Mobile control objects are grouped in electric trains, on parking tracks outside and inside depot and on transborder. Stationary devices for generating control signals are grouped in workstations with stationary control panels, and mobile control signal generating devices, in carry-on remote control panels of depot operator on duty and control cabin of electric train. Stationary control objects, state pickups found of said objects, workstations and system to determine position of electric train are connected with computer complex by wire and/or wireless communication lines by means of access units, and mobile control objects are connected with computer complex by wireless communication lines through access units. Method to control shunting operations in electric depot of monorail transport system includes three steps: receiving of electric train at depot from route of monorail transport system, departing of electric train from depot to route of monorail transport system and re-positioning of electric train inside depot. Depot dispatcher, operator on duty and electric train driver are engaged in said operations.
FIELD: public transport. SUBSTANCE: proposed system contains two control circuits, namely automatic and manual ones. Automatic circuit includes two on-board controllers, first data display device, speed sensor, position sensors, series interfaces and motor controllers. Manual circuit includes control panel with control outputs, series interface and second data display device. EFFECT: provision of centralized high-accuracy graph-and-internal traffic control of monorail trains, improved safety of passenger carriage. 3 dwg
The invention relates to control systems for vehicles and can be used for public transport such as light rail. Centralized, high-precision, grafico-interval regulation of trains monorail roads, the safety of passengers is the actual problem. Existing management systems do not provide a sufficient level of safety, since a significant exchange of information is carried out through the Manager, in addition, a significant amount of routine operations are carried out with the participation of the staff. A known vehicle administration system (a.c.CCCP No. 1837328, G 05 F 15/00 from 30.08.98)containing the servo unit determining the speed switching unit, three unit's permanent memory, three transmitter, two counters, two registers, trigger, four blocks comparison, clock, logic gates, two drive protomen and two lights. In the known system, the operator saved the functions of the control with the ability to intervene in the processes, and all the routine operations are carried out without human intervention and in a shorter time frame. Known information complex “Sputnik”, the decisive questions of navigation, information exchange, braking, control is about control: the gathering, transmitting, receiving, storing and displaying information about the movement of trains, the state of the block sections, tunnels, crossings, and-departure tracks, nodes automatics and telemechanics (“locomotive”, 1997, No. 6, p.32-35). You know the alarm signal device for a train dispatcher (U.S. Pat. Of the Russian Federation No. 2025363, B 61 L 27/04 from 02.03.92)containing memory blocks, the detector, the switch information input of which is connected to the outputs of memory blocks, and outputs to the inputs of the comparison, some of the outputs are connected to the inputs of the element OR unit determining the type of train, the timer unit calculating the difference, the sensor waking Manager, the decoder, the block fixing number of a train. A device for information systems of railway automatics (U.S. Pat. Of the Russian Federation No. 2094279, 61 L 27/04 from 30.10.97)containing information boards, which includes the blocks indicate the status of objects and numbers of trains, made in the form of serially connected shift register, a synchronization input and data input which is formed by the first and second inputs of the block, a signal Converter and display, the information receiver, the memory block information register and the driver control commands, connected to the encoder. A known method of controlling the movement of the electric rolling trains, monorail transport system is on the highway and driving (U.S. Pat. Of the Russian Federation No. 2196695, 61 L 27/04 from 20.01.03) prototype. Control system for implementing the method of controlling the movement of the electric rolling stock monorail transport system on the stretch of motorway provides Supervisory control system with pre-calculated phase coordinates of the boundaries of distinctive areas of the considered driving route that includes the coordinate of the point of termination characteristic of the k-th plot of Sk, the desired speed at the end of this section of the VTRKand the required arrival time of the composition at the end point of the characteristic plot of TTRKthe movement control system of the electric rolling stock, including the on-Board controller with memory blocks, processing, and comparison, the position sensors and speed, the driver control signals for traction drives of the composition. The control signal for the traction drive onboard controller generates depending on the calculated discretely with some tact TAS desired speed VTron the measured values of the traversed path S and the current speed of motion V position sensors and speed. The disadvantages of the known control systems are: insufficient hardware reliability of individual components and the entire system of governance as a whole; instability to two consecutive failures; low the I and robustness of control systems; inadequate protection from unauthorized or malicious acts; poor elimination of failures. The proposed motion control system of the electric rolling stock eliminates the above disadvantages. An object of the invention is the provision of centralized precision grafico - interval regulation of trains monorail and security of passengers, which is performed with appropriate support dispatching system (CDS) systems control stations (WMS) and systems Autolock (SAB). To solve this problem is proposed the motion control system of the electric rolling stock (SU EPS)containing sensors source of information, in the form of a speed sensor and position controllers engines, the outputs of which are connected to control inputs of the motors, the first onboard controller, the first device information display and control panel, characterized in that it introduced the second on-Board controller and the second display device information, formed independent from each other automatic control loops, in which the first and second side controllers connected to the group of outputs of the panel, the management, characterizing the values of the traction and braking, and connected via one of the serial interfaces with the speed sensor and position sensors, on the other serial interface with controllers, motors and between them control the second onboard controller functioning of the first onboard controller, and the Ethernet backbone with the first device information display and control system, and a manual control circuit, in which the controllers of motors connected to the groups of outputs of the control panel, which characterizes the sign of the regime and the values of traction and braking, and output speed sensors through the third serial interface is connected to the second display device information. Figure 1 shows a block diagram of a motion control system of the electric rolling stock (XPS); figure 2 - block diagram of the onboard controller (BC); figure 3 - block diagram of the motor controller (CH). Figure 1 shows the control panel (control Desk 1 incorporates thermal), the first display device (WA), the controller 3 engines (CH31,..., KDP), the first on-Board controller 4, the second on-Board controller 5, the serial interface M1, serial, M2, serial, M3, sensors, 6 speed DS1,..., DS, sensors 7 provisions APS71,..., 7j, the second display device (WA). The first and second BC and BC connected via serial interface M2 with DS1,..., DS and APS71,..., 7j and serial M1 - KD,..., CDP. The first group of control outputs of the control Desk 1 incorporates thermal connected with the first inputs CH31,..., CDP, the second group of control outputs of the control Desk 1 incorporates thermal connected with the second inputs CH31,..., CDP, control outputs which are control outputs for connection with n-motors electric rolling stock, the second group of control outputs connected to the control Desk 1 incorporates thermal inputs BK and BK, BK and BK and WE connected by Ethernet backbone, DS1,..., DS serial M3 is connected to WHO. Figure 2 shows the controller 9 Ethernet, the device 10 data WOD 10), port 11 input, the first serial port 12, the second serial port 13. The output port 11 input and first and second serial ports 12 and 13 connected in parallel with the inputs WAD, the output of which is connected to the input of the controller 9 Ethernet. Figure 3 shows: port 14 output device 15 data (WOD), serial port 16, the first port 17 is input to the second port 18 of the input. The outputs of the ports 16, 17 and 18 connected in parallel with the inputs WAD, the output of which is connected to the input port 14 and output. The system works as follows. In control mode, the movement of the EPS Automatic movement runs n the d is running BC without participation of the operator. The manual is designed for movement XPS running the driver in the event of a malfunction in the system, preventing automatic control, for the landing of passengers at the nearest station and to remove EPS from the road for repairs. Selection of control mode is carried out by the operator with control Desk 1 incorporates thermal. The characteristic mode comes on BC and BC, CH31,..., KDP to select the input control inputs from BC and BC or from the control Desk 1 incorporates thermal. The Auto Mode. Highway driving from station to station is divided into distinctive areas differing in plan (in horizontal plane) or profile (in vertical plane). Typical plots are characterized by the phase coordinates, including the coordinate of the end section, type plot (linear or arc, horizontal or slope), the turning radius for the curved section, the angle of inclination, the maximum allowable speed, the desired speed at the end of the plot, the required arrival time of the composition at the end point of the characteristic plot. Data specific areas - type of plot, the turning radius for the curved section, the angle of inclination, the maximum permissible speed on the plot, the coordinates of the boundaries of distinctive areas, is a constant part and stored in the memory on-Board controllers BK and BK. At the stop BC and BC get the missing data cher the C line from taxi dispatch system (CDS, not shown) for calculating the schedule on the stretch from station to station, namely the phase coordinates of the boundaries of distinctive areas of the considered driving route that includes the coordinate of the point of termination characteristic of the k-th plot of Sk, the desired speed at the end of this section InTRKand the required arrival time of the composition at the end point of the characteristic plot of TTRK The current value of the speed BK and BK get through the line M2 from DS1,..., DS. The coordinates of parcel boundaries and driving from station to station BC and BC get through the line M2 from APS71,..., 7j. BC and BC during the movement of the characteristic plot of the desired driving speed V compute discrete with some tact TAS, on the basis of conditions provide further motion of the structure in accordance with the expression V=(Sk-S)/(Ttrc-Tek). Upon reaching the edge of one of the characteristic plot of the driving as the coordinates of the target point BC and BC take the phase coordinates of the point of completion of the following are characteristic of the area and continue the process to calculate the desired speed V. BC depending on the value V and V defines the value of traction (braking), which passes in the controllers engines CH31,..., CDP and BC to control. CH31,.., CDP generates control signals for the respective engine (traction drive). The type and nature of the control signals is determined by the type of engine. One controller engine CD controls one motor. The number of engines is determined by the number of cars electric rolling stock. BC controls in each step of TAS functioning BK obtaining from him through the highway M1 calculated data and determines the reliability of BK by comparing the received design data from BC with their calculated values. In case of negative result, control BK gives this information on WHO the operator and CDS as a sign of “Failure”. The movement continues in automatic mode when the heightened vigilance of the driver. If you re a negative control in the next cycle traffic control BK generates a PP a sign of “Failure”, the driver switches on the control mode to “Manual”. Raising awareness of the driver is to control train situation (speed) on UA for making decisions about emergency braking. The Mode “Manual”. This mode is set by the operator with control Desk 1 incorporates thermal. The basis of “Hand” comes in BK and BK to prohibit their work and CH31,..., KDP to permit working with control Desk 1 incorporates thermal. The motor control is performed by the operator with control Desk 1 incorporates thermal (three characteristic values t the guy and the three characteristic values of inhibition). Velocity data come from DS1,..., DSithrough the highway M3 WA, which averages the values of speed and displays for the control of the operator. Bq represent a typical computing device with a set of ports (controllers, devices or adapters) I / o and contains the processing unit, two serial RS-485 port, the input port of discrete signals, the controller interface Ethernet 10 Base-T no IEEE 802.3. Controllers engines (KD) is a typical computing device with a set of ports (controllers, devices or adapters) I / o and contain a processing unit, a serial RS-485 port, two port input discrete signals, the output port of the analog signals. The failure of multiple KD (or engines) does not lead to loss of movement control, since the total loss of traction (braking) accounted for BC and is compensated by increasing values of traction (braking) on the remaining engines. DS1,..., DS, APS71,..., 7j redundant, their single failure does not affect movement control. Thus, the performance of the proposed system motion control EPS with two independent control loops provides: high hardware reliability of individual components and the entire system of governance as a whole; stable is epostl to two consecutive failures; increased survivability due to the reconfiguration and the availability of redundant channels, speed sensors and position sensors, controllers engines on the number of wagons; hardware and software protection against unauthorized or malicious acts; the parade of failures. The movement control system of the electric rolling stock, containing sensors source of information, in the form of a speed sensor and position controllers engines, the outputs of which are connected to control inputs of the motors, the first onboard controller, the first device information display and control panel, characterized in that it introduced the second on-Board controller and the second display device information, formed independent from each other automatic control loops, in which the first and second side controllers connected to the group of outputs of the control panel, characterizing the values of the traction and braking, and connected via one of the serial interfaces with speed sensors motion and position sensors, on the other serial interface with controllers, motors and between them control the second onboard controller functioning of the first onboard controller, and the Ethernet backbone with the first device the display information and control system, as well as manual control loop, in which the controllers of motors connected to the groups of outputs of the control panel, which characterizes the sign of the regime and the values of traction and braking, and output speed sensors through the third serial interface is connected to the second display device information.
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