Method of plotting sea bottom navigation chart |
IPC classes for russian patent Method of plotting sea bottom navigation chart (RU 2248007):
The invention relates to electrical engineering and can be used as a device adaptive filtering in medical imaging
The invention relates to sonar means of navigation, can be used in hydroacoustic complexes submarines and will increase the effectiveness of their combat use, which is achievable technical result
The invention relates to sonar means of navigation, as well as the detection and positioning of underwater objects
Proposed method includes running around preset area and radiation of acoustic pulse signal towards sea bottom for each point of navigation chart, forming directional pattern of receiving antenna, reception and conversion of acoustic pulse signals reflected from interface into electrical signals which are amplified and separation of the envelope of these signals; the envelope of electric pulse signals from output of receiving channel is transmitted to analog-to-digital converter which takes accesses of the envelope at digitization frequency equal to double bandwidth of receiving channel from moment of radiation of acoustic pulse signal to moment equal to time required for its passage through preset depth and vice versa; accesses taken in this interval are divided into maximum magnitude of access in this interval; magnitudes are placed according to geographic coordinated and are stored in digital form as digital navigation chart of sea bottom.
Method of visualization of navigational situation in ship handling / 2281529
Proposed method includes storage of electronic radar chart of terrain, determination of radar antenna position, correlation of specific features of terrain and points of interest; electronic radar chart of terrain is formed during processing radar information and is stored in form of sequence of radar images recorded during test run of ship equipped with surveillance radar, personal computer, equipment for tie-in of surveillance radar with personal computer and equipment of satellite navigational system. Then, present radar image is compared with electronic radar chart to estimate deviation of ship from preset route and reliability of information received from satellite navigational system and surveillance radar. Position of surveillance radar antenna, coordinates of radar image centers used for forming electronic radar chart of terrain and center of present radar image are determined by tie-in of surveillance radar with personal computer and satellite navigational system, with display of ship's position, her coordinates, heading and speed at superposition of present radar image whose center is tied-in to geographic coordinates determined by satellite navigational system, registration of image with navigational electronic chart on geospatial information carrier where visualization of change of actual depth in fixed point of water basin in time is carried out, isolines of maximum tide fluctuations and surface of tide fluctuations, height of tide are plotted. Some areas of water basin where actual depth is lesser than permissible magnitude (draft plus safe depth) are determined. Structure of storage of geospatial information includes conversion of flat scanning of Earth to multilevel embedded squares each of which is indexed by code which is just longer Guilbert's curve for this square. Index thus found is used for finding objects having index with prefix equal to index of preset area.
A matrix is formed that contains echo-signals from the target and from the surface sea waves, whose columns serve as radar observation rules corresponding to the angular positions of the radar antenna, a bipolar matrix of wavelet-spectra is obtained, the elements of the like polarity that don't contain wavelet spectra of the echo-signals from the sea vessel hull are excluded from the matrix of the wavelet-spectra, the value of the binomization threshold is determined, binomization of the matrix of the wavelet-spectra is accomplished, the vessel image is separated by processing of the binomized matrix of the wavelet-spectra by a morphological filter.
Invention may be used in executing meteorological interpolations including analysis of wind fields, radiological and chemical contamination, topographical interpolations and solving other problems, for example, research of ocean, applied problems caused by necessity in sea bed mapping to support research and design works in sea areas.
Sonar probing of the bottom is additionally carried out using a sonar sensor and/or surveying echosounder placed at different depth horizons from ship-borne hydroacoustic apparatus with possibility of movement thereof in the vertical and horizontal plane via sector scanning with scanning of directional characteristics in radiation mode of a parametric antenna with reception of reflected signals with an antenna of the same dimensions as the excitation antenna of the parametric antenna, wherein the width of the directional characteristic in reception mode is greater than the value of the angle of view, and the scanning plane of the antenna deviates from the vertical location position by an angle of 15 degrees towards the side of movement of the ship. A device for implementing method is also disclosed.
Disclosed method employs reference depths and coordinates (depths and coordinates on the surveyed water body) and calculation of increments of depths and coordinates as a difference between two adjacent distance vectors measured by a multi-beam echo sounder. That way, each depth and its geodesic coordinates are calculated as a sum of increments of adjacent depths and their geodesic coordinates, starting with the depth and geodesic coordinates of the point of the reference depth. A device for realising the method is also disclosed.
Apparatus has a multibeam echo sounder 1, a recorder 2, a control unit 3, a unit for determining corrections 4, a measuring receiving unit with an antenna 5, a transmitter with an antenna 6, sensors for measuring sound speed 7, 8, a measuring receiving unit with an antenna 9, a transmitter with an antenna 10, water temperature sensors 11, 12, hydrostatic pressure sensors 13, 14, a relay 15, a communication channel 16 of a satellite radio navigation system, horizontal and vertical displacement sensors 17, a magnetic compass 18, a stabiliser gyrocompass 19, a hydroacoustic communication channel 20, a relative velocity metre 21.
Hydroacoustic system for imaging underwater space has antenna units for the portside and the starboard 1 and 1', receiving amplifiers 2 and 2', analogue-to-digital converters 3 and 3', power amplifiers 4 and 4', a multi-beam echo sounder antenna 5, receiving amplifier units 6, analogue-to-digital converter units 7, a power amplifier unit 8, a roll measuring device 9, a depth measuring device 10, a module for generating, receiving and packing signals 11, an interface unit 12, a navigation system 13 and an on-board computer 14. The invention provides a continuous band for scanning the bottom owing to that the invisibility band of the antennae of the portside and the starboard overlaps with the multi-beam echo sounder; formation of the bottom relief in real time, higher accuracy and reliability of imaging the relief due to high accuracy and reliability of eliminating ambiguity when calculating phase shift on antennae.
Depth is measured with determination of an adjustment which is determined by the point where the hydroacoustic apparatus is installed. Vertical distribution of sound speed in water is determined from reflected signals. The sea-floor relief is reconstructed. The boundary zone which separates the continental slope from the shelf is selected from the obtained measurement results. The planetary structure of the sea-floor in the transition boundary zones between the slope and the shelf is determined by probing the sea-floor with acoustic waves and measuring the magnetic field. A tectonic map of transition boundary zones is constructed from the measurement results, from which the boundary of the continental shelf is determined by comparing planetary structures in transition boundary zones and planetary structures on dry land. The tidal level is additionally varied when measuring depth.
Wave recorder includes a piezoceramic emitter of sendings of carrier frequency, which are shaped by a heavy-pulse generator built on the basis of two SMD switches of complementary conductivity type and series resonance circuit. Acoustic sendings reflected from surface are received by reversible piezoceramic emitter, converted to digital form and processed by a microprocessor analyser provided with a correlation processing unit.
FIELD: hydro-acoustics; navigation of sea-going ships; determination of submersible vehicle position. SUBSTANCE: proposed method includes running around preset area and radiation of acoustic pulse signal towards sea bottom for each point of navigation chart, forming directional pattern of receiving antenna, reception and conversion of acoustic pulse signals reflected from interface into electrical signals which are amplified and separation of the envelope of these signals; the envelope of electric pulse signals from output of receiving channel is transmitted to analog-to-digital converter which takes accesses of the envelope at digitization frequency equal to double bandwidth of receiving channel from moment of radiation of acoustic pulse signal to moment equal to time required for its passage through preset depth and vice versa; accesses taken in this interval are divided into maximum magnitude of access in this interval; magnitudes are placed according to geographic coordinated and are stored in digital form as digital navigation chart of sea bottom. EFFECT: enhanced efficiency. 3 dwg
The invention relates to the field of hydro-acoustics and can be used for navigation of vessels and to determine the location of underwater vehicles. There is a method of constructing a navigation map of the seabed based on the measurement of depths bathymetric navigation (“Hydroacoustic technology research and development of ocean, Ed. by Its, L.: Gidrometeoizdat, 1984). Here form a narrow beam, radiate toward the bottom of the acoustic pulse signal, record the time of arrival of the reflected from the boundaries of the water-bottom acoustic pulse signal relative to the emitted acoustic pulse signal. On the basis of the received time values calculate the distance to the bottom at this point. The resulting value is correlated with geographic coordinates, which are determined by working with a given accuracy positioning and navigation systems. Sequentially traversing a given area, is its depth map. There is also known a method of mapping the seabed on the amplitude of the echo from the bottom of the acoustic pulse signal (“Acoustics of the ocean floor”, Ed. by Usepersonal, Pencina, M.: Mir, 1984, p.65-71). Here form a narrow beam in the direction of the seabed emit an acoustic pulse signal, Regis is their amplitude reflected from the boundary between the water-bottom acoustic pulse signal, the measured value of the amplitude is correlated with geographic coordinates, which are determined by working with a given accuracy positioning and navigation systems. Sequentially traversing a given area, make a map of the amplitude of the reflected pulse signal of the study area of the seabed. The drawback of both methods is the impossibility of mapping the seabed in areas with smooth topography. The last method as the most similar to that proposed by the technical nature selected as a prototype. The task, which directed the claimed technical solution is the compilation of the navigation map of the seabed at the smooth topography of the seabed. Technical result achieved when solving a task, expressed as the ability to use properties of the acoustic signal to penetrate into the seabed at some depth and be reflected from the boundary of the rocks of the seabed. As an illustration of the layer structure of the seabed unchanged, and the reflected signals unchanged to this area of the seabed. The problem is solved in that way build the navigation map of the seabed, comprising the sequential traversal of the given area, during which produce radiation in the direction of the seabed structures the practical pulse signal for each point make navigation maps of the seabed, the formation of a narrow beam receiving antenna, receiving and converting the acoustic pulse signals reflected from the boundary layers of the seabed, electric, their amplification and separation of the envelope of these signals, characterized in that the envelope of the electric pulse signals output from the receiving channel serves on the analog-to-digital Converter, which takes a sample envelope with sampling frequency equal to twice the bandwidth of the receive path from the moment of emission of the acoustic pulse signal until a time equal to the time of its passage to a predetermined depth and back, the values of the samples taken in this interval, divided by the maximum value of the sample in this interval, the obtained values set in accordance to the geographical coordinates of this area of the seabed and store in digital form, as digital navigation map of the seabed. Comparative analysis of the characteristics of the proposed solutions and prototype demonstrates compliance with the proposed solution the criterion of “novelty”. Distinctive features of the proposed solution perform the following functional tasks. Signs: “...the envelope of the electric pulse signals output from the receiving channel serves on the analog-to-digital Converter, which takes a sampling round is it with the sampling frequency, equal to twice the bandwidth of the receive path from the moment of emission of the acoustic pulse signal until a time equal to the time of its passage to a predetermined depth and back...allow you to convert the received analog signal into a digital code that gives you the ability to handle it using the computer. Symptom: “...the values of the samples taken in this interval, divided by the maximum value of the sample in this interval...” - provides independence of sample values from the power of the emitted acoustic signal. Symptom: “...the resulting values set in accordance to the geographical coordinates of this area of the seabed and store in digital form, as digital navigation map of the seabed...” - converts the received data into a form suitable for further use and reference to geographic coordinates. Thus the set of distinctive features of the proposed solution provides the ability to set up the navigation map of the seabed at the smooth topography of the seabed, using the properties of the acoustic signal to penetrate into the seabed at some depth and be reflected from the boundary of the rocks of the seabed. The proposed solution to the task is not known from the prior art, i.e. the solution meets criter the Yu of “inventive step”. The essence of the technical solution is illustrated by drawings. Figure 1 shows the block diagram of the apparatus for carrying out the mapping. Figure 2 presents the reflections of the acoustic pulse signal from the boundary layers of the seabed. 3 shows the waveforms of voltages in the circuit of the device. In the drawings denote: 1 - the transmit path; 2 - radiating antenna; 3 - antenna; 4 - the receive path; 5 - analog-to-digital Converter (ADC); 6 - computer (PC); 7 - navigation system; P[Izl].- emitted acoustic pulse signal; ROTR- acoustic signal reflected from the boundary water-soil; POTR- acoustic signal reflected from the boundary between 1 and 2 layers of primer; ROTR- acoustic signal reflected from the boundary between 2 and 3 layers of soil; POTR- acoustic signal reflected from the boundary between 3 and 4 layers of soil; U[Izl].the signal at the output of the transmitting tract; URef.the signal at the input of the receive path; UPfP.the signal at the output of the receive path; Up-p- signal reception-transfer. The method is as follows. The vessel bypass the specified area. During traversal, using the device for mapping (figure 1) for each given point make navigation ka is you, through the transmitting tract 1 form a rectangular pulse U[Izl].fill sinusoidal signal of the carrier frequency (figure 3). The repetition period, duration, frequency of fill-power rectangular pulse U[Izl].choose the best for this area mapping. U[Izl].served on the transmitting antenna 2, which converts the electric signal U[Izl].acoustic R[Izl].(figure 2) and emits it toward the bottom. By using the receiving antenna 3 having a narrow focus, take reflected from the boundary layers of the seabed acoustic signals ROTR, ROTR, ROTR, ROTR(2)transform the acoustic signal into an electric URef.(figure 3). In the receiving channel 4 their increase, there are the envelope of the reception signal UPfP.(figure 3), which serves to the input of analog-to-digital Converter 5. The latter converts the analog signal output from the receiving channel 4 into a digital code. Analog-to-digital Converter 5 has a sampling frequency f=2·Δf, where Δf is the bandwidth of the receiving channel 4. Code output from the analog-to-digital Converter is fed to the computer 6, which produces software processing of the digitized values. In addition, the transmit section 1 generates a signal Up-p(figure 3), adopted in which a first logical value 1 at the time of the radiation pulse U [Izl].and the logical value 0 in the rest of the time. The signal Up-pserved on the computer 6. The values of the current coordinates of the vessel i, j with navigation system 7, which determines the location of the vessel, also served on the computer 6. Differential signal Up-pfrom logical 1 to logical 0 take samples This solution allows to obtain navigation map of the seabed with smooth terrain, using the layer structure of the seabed. The way to build a navigation map of the seabed, including the traversal of a given area, during which produce radiation in the direction of the seabed acoustic pulse signal for each point make navigation maps of the seabed, forming a narrow beam receiving antenna, receiving and converting the acoustic pulse signals reflected from the boundary layer m is rskogo bottom, in electric, their amplification and separation of the envelope of these signals, characterized in that the envelope of the electric pulse signals output from the receiving channel serves on the analog-to-digital Converter, which takes a sample envelope with sampling frequency equal to twice the bandwidth of the receive path from the moment of emission of the acoustic pulse signal until a time equal to the time of its passage to a predetermined depth and back, the values of the samples taken in this interval, divided by the maximum value of the sample in this interval, the obtained values set in accordance to the geographical coordinates of this area of the seabed and store in digital form, digital navigation map of the seabed.
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