IPC classes for russian patent (RU 2246744):
Invention relates to the field of repair and maintenance of complex technical products, for example locomotives, ships and aircrafts. According to the invention step by step information collection about the objects being repaired is carried out via diagnostics of objects of each specific group using measuring equipment, connected to the local server, which controls the process of measuring parametres of a preliminarily identified object. They provide the possibility of electronically processing the diagnostics results in two levels: the local server of a specific group and the mainframe, which collects information from local servers of all specific groups. Possibility of independent evaluation of the results of diagnostics, which also means maintenance standards, are provided due to the equipment and local servers of each of the groups of objects and computer system of an autonomous data base. Hardware-software complex includes a means of identification of the object and user.
Position of points on the surface of an object is determined and a computational model of the object is created from the obtained points. The direction of the velocity axis of the object is established provided that the lift force is equal to zero. Deviation of the principal axis of inertia at centre of gravity from the velocity axis of the object is then minimised, provided that lift force equals zero until attaining allowable values of deviation of the principal axis of inertia at centre of gravity from the longitudinal axis of the structural coordinate system given in the design documentation.
Device includes testing chamber, dust supply system, system for creation of the specified air humidity and temperature keeping, device for determining the degree of dust concentration, and measurement station. Measurement station includes in-series installed thermometre, flow metre, wind metre, and pressure metre. At that, device is equipped with gas inlet system, and testing chamber is of toroidal shape and represents tight closed air line having explosion proof design inside which there located are tested instruments and elements of systems of air-and-gas and dust control, and fan with controlled speed of air jet flow. At that, measurement station is also equipped with gas analyser, pitot tube, hygrometre and aspirator. At that, each of sensors of measurement station is installed inside testing chamber through the appropriate inlet devices having explosion-proof design.
Apparatus for measuring a variable quantity by converting the derivative of the quantity has a differentiating measuring transducer for said quantity, which is connected by its output to first and second input terminals of an active electric filter which is based on three-terminal device and an operational amplifier, capacitors of equal capacitance and resistors with equal resistance. Said apparatus also includes electronic switches with a control unit, a comparator, a time relay and a command device, as well as additional resistors. The method of measuring the variable quantity involves converting its derivative using a filter with a transfer function for which the numerator is of the first order and the denominator is of the second order. The output signal of that filter is measured, where all roots of the transfer function of such a filter are real and negative. Poles of said transfer function are multiples and the modulus of its zero is twice greater than the modulus of the poles. The variable quantity is measured with regular repetition of the beginning of the measurement process at zero initial values of the filter variables generated at the instant the output signal of the filter passes through the zero value. Each subsequent repetition of the beginning of the measurement process, except the first, is carried out at the moment when the number of passages of the output signal of the filter through the zero value, after the previous such passage, is equal to a given odd number.
Device to transfer measured values comprises a module of sensors, which comprises space-saving components, and a unit of assessment. Besides, the module of sensors has connections for various sensors. One or more sensors are connected to the module of sensors. Sensors register modes of device operation, which is a centrifugal pump comprising a pump and a driving electric motor, as measured values, and a module of sensors is connected to a source of supply and performs treatment of measured values. Also identification facilities are introduced, made with the possibility to determine those sensors, which are connected to the module of sensors. The module of sensors is made as a transmitter (1) of signals with a standardised output signal (10), with an inbuilt unit (2) of assessment, comprising a microcomputer (3), and with a display (4). The unit (2) of assessment performs measurement of measured values produced from sensors (7, 8), and displays measured values and/or calculated parameters on the display (4).
Cable circuitry comprises a contactless interface to transmit signals between a cable circuitry and a sensor module, besides, the sensor module is galvanically separated from the cable circuitry, and transmission of signals between the cable circuitry and sensor module is carried out by an optical, inductive or capacitance method. Besides, the cable circuitry comprises a unit of signal processing and a cable interface for connection of a cable connecting the cable circuitry with a metering converter. The unit of signal processing is integrated into a signal track. The unit of signal processing takes signals via the cable interface from the metering converter, processes it and sends via the contactless interface to the sensor module, and also takes signals via the contactless interface from the sensor module, processes them and transmits via the cable interface to the metering converter.
The known method tolerance control parameters based on the measurement results, which are as follows: - set the tolerance on the monitored parameter; - measure the physical quantity corresponding to this monitored parameter, with a quantitative characteristic values; - compare the measured value with the valid values (tolerances on the controlled variable); - make decisions about the degree of compliance measurements tolerances on parameter estimation accuracy, expressed in probabilistic measure. The disadvantage of this method is the inability to assess the validity of the conditions when the probabilistic model of the object of control is not adequate due to lack of statistical information. The technical challenge is to increase the reliability of the control parameters in the absence of sufficient statistics. This object is achieved in that in the method tolerance control parameters based on the measurement results, namely, that set the tolerance on the monitored parameter; measuring a physical value corresponding to this monitored parameter, with a quantitative characteristic values; comparing the measured value with the valid values (tolerances on to the control parameter) and make decisions about the degree of conformity of the measurement results the tolerance parameter; according to the invention, when determining admission to the controlled parameter specify the membership function statements “option on the measurement results in tolerance”, and when deciding assess the credibility of statements, expressed in fuzzy as the value of the membership function corresponding to the value of the measured parameter. The invention is illustrated by the following drawings. Figure 1 presents a probabilistic model of the control object in the form of laws of distribution of density of probability of the measured parameter and the uncertainty of the measurement means, the upper Xinand lower Xnmaximum permissible values of the parameter, which may be operable object and the top Yinand lower Ynthe limit values of the measurements of the parameter characterizing the error measurement means and control the tolerance parameter [1]. Figure 2 shows a variant of the membership function defined on the field of tolerance controlled parameter [Xn, Xin]. While the arrows show the conversion of the measurement result in the corresponding value of membership function μ(XISM 2)=μ(Xn, Xin, XISM). When approaching the values of the measured parameter to the boundary values of the field of tolerance the degree of truth should be iatse, and on the border of the state of the object it is impossible to say anything definite. When using the known method, to determine the probabilistic characteristics in some cases there is no possibility of a set of sufficient statistics. As noted in [3]: “the Concept of probability is statistical. The statistical meaning of the term appears multiple implementation of the conditions under which some event, and setting the frequency of occurrence of an event. Characterizing the probability of some number, it is impossible to give the number of different real values and other practical sense than the relative frequency of occurrence of a given event with a large number of experiments. Probabilistic methods are applied in order, bypassing the study of specific phenomena, to apply directly to the laws governing mass phenomenon”. Therefore, in many practical applications is an issue of feasibility of methods for assessing the reliability as the appropriateness of the expenditure of the available computational and time resources monitoring system. Consider this thesis as applied to the system of control of technical condition of remotely managed objects. First of all, we should note the unsteadiness of such objects running on a separate modes, each of which is its turn, consists of a set of individual algorithms and operations. The total number of States of the object is significantly increased, therefore, the number of models of control. In addition, for such objects, the source of the measurement data are telemetry, characterized by a number of basic features. First, the essential feature of telemetrically is a multistep transformation process measurement data, implemented in a spatially distributed system with non-stationary components in the conditions of constantly changing factors. Secondly, the vector of measured parameters is characterized by high dimensionality. However due to the limited bandwidth of the radio channel number telemetering parameters sample size does not exceed 3-5 measurements. Third, the processing of telemetry may be simultaneously conducted on a group of control objects, and in this case, the processing system is viewed as a queueing system with applications on input from units to tens. Fourthly, the requirement of immediacy of control leads to the necessity of its automation, which in turn affects the problem of interpretation of testing results, translation quantitative assessments of quality, expressed in natural language. Eventually there Probl the mA conservation of semantic validity. This poses the problem of feasibility of probabilistic indices of reliability for the decision of tasks of operational control, as the aim of the statistic and its subsequent processing can go to the category transmusicales. An alternative is the use of fuzzy measures of reliability. The degree of the truthfulness of the information will be given by the corresponding membership function. The described method is implemented as follows. Type of membership function is selected from a known set (see, e.g., [2]) on the processing results of the opinions of experts in this field. The increase in amount of information about the problem at hand allows to reduce the degree of subjectivity and to offer some recommendations on the choice of membership functions. Let the measurements at the disposal of the researcher has information on control box access and area health controlled parameter. In this case, the membership function can be constructed based on the known number by specifying the values of μ(Xn), μ(Xin), as well as μ(Yn), μ(Yin). For example, for a symmetric membership function μ(Xn)=μ(Xin), μ(Yn)=μ(Yin)=A, where A∈[0.5, 1], the level of confidence in the results is the ATA measurements on the boundary of the control field tolerance. Consider the factors that affect the value of the parameter A. the Analysis shows that when solving problems of control, the most significant of them are the following: confidence probability Pdwhich is defined average (confidence) interval [Yn, Yin] and the measurement error γ [4]. The condence probability is a measure of methodological validity, and to assess the instrumental component you can use the probability of a false rejection rate of Plo. In this case, the truth of the statement “option on the measurement results in tolerance will decrease with the increase of the error of the first kind, which is a function of Rlo{f(x), γ, Xn, Xin, XISM}. Other factors considered by the influence coefficient of the k≤1. Then based on these a priori data parameter And can be set in the following form: A=k•Pd(1-Plo). Literature 1. Savin S. Kaliev, Nikitin A.A., Kravchenko V.I. Reliability of complex electronic control systems of aircraft. M: mechanical engineering, 1984. 2. Reliability and efficiency in the technique: Ref. Volume 3 / edited by V.F. Utkin, Kryuchkov Y. C. - M.: Mashinostroenie, 1990. 3. Levin BYR Theoretical foundations of statistical radio engineering. - M.: Owls. Radio, 1969. 4. Potapkin A. Application neced the first steps in monitoring the technical condition of aircraft. // Measurement techniques, No. 7, 2002. A method of evaluating the reliability of tolerance control parameters based on the measurement results, namely, that set the tolerance on the controlled variable, is measured physical quantity corresponding to this monitored parameter, with a quantitative characterization of its value, compare the measured value with the valid values (tolerances on the controlled variable) and make decisions about the degree of conformity of the measurement results the tolerance parameter, wherein when determining admission to the controlled parameter specify the membership function statements “option on the measurement results in tolerance”, and when deciding assess the credibility of statements, expressed in fuzzy as the value of the membership function corresponding to the value of the measured parameter.
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