Method for cultivation of soya for seed under clearly defined continental climate conditions |
IPC classes for russian patent Method for cultivation of soya for seed under clearly defined continental climate conditions (RU 2244394):
The invention relates to the agricultural industry and can be used for planting crops in areas with arid climate and strong winds
The invention relates to the agricultural industry and can be used for planting crops in areas with arid climate and strong winds
The invention relates to the agricultural industry and can be used for adesemowo seeding
The invention relates to the agricultural industry and can be used for sowing seeds in planters
The invention relates to forestry engineering and is intended for sowing bulk seeds, fruit and forest trees and shrubs
The invention relates to forestry engineering and is intended for line sowing bulk seeds of coniferous, deciduous and scrub forest and fruit trees in forest nurseries in the soil prepared for plantation
The invention relates to the field of agricultural engineering and can be used for seeding with simultaneous formation blagonamerenny recesses (holes)
The invention relates to the forestry industry, in particular to automatic control systems, measuring and control quantities of seed (oak, hazel), and can be used, for example, on wood planters
The invention relates to the agricultural industry and can be used for planting of row crops: sugar beet, corn, soy, etc
The invention relates to the field of agricultural engineering and can be used in machines for seeding small-seeded crops
Sandy land reclamation method / 2244393
Method involves applying lime and organic fertilizer into humus-depleted soil, said organic fertilizer being introduced in the form of ground plant remains and/or other forms in an amount of up to 40% the volume of ridges by distributing said fertilizer in furrows between ridges; forming ridges in the course of presowing treatment; applying layer of colmatant providing total volume of at least 20% the volume of pores of formed fertile layer; forming ridges with following breaking of formerly created ridges; embedding organic fertilizer and simultaneously applying biologically active preparation; 30-40 days later, reapplying organic fertilizer; reforming ridges and simultaneously irrigating ground organic with biologically active preparation; sowing seeds of cultured crops.
Method involves cultivating soil by forming ridges after germination of weedage and providing subsequent cultivation procedures by breaking formerly formed ridges and forming new ridges; providing presowing soil treatment by embedding germinated weedage, stubble and other plant remains axially of ridges and simultaneously introducing microbiological humus-forming preparation; 20-40 days after introducing of humus-forming preparation (according to first version), breaking formerly formed ridges and forming new ones and simultaneously sowing late crops; according to second version, providing sowing of farm crops simultaneously with embedding of germinated weedage and introducing of humus-forming preparation. Methods allow total of active soil temperatures during presowing period to be increased owing to composting effect.
Method for restoration of contaminated soil, ground and water / 2243638
Method involves mechanical removal of excessive contaminants from surface and reducing toxicity of contaminated soil; sowing green manure crops and perennial grasses; preliminarily removing taking soil samples from contaminated surface and separating native contaminant destructors therefrom; after mechanical removal of contaminant from soil surface, providing sequential treatment of plot soil with water-soluble humates and at least double treatment with native contaminant destructors; mellowing soil; applying lime with mineral fertilizers such as saltpeter, double superphosphate and calcium chloride. Green manure crops are sown after application of fertilizers. Method further involves grinding green manure crops, plowing into soil and covering with soil by means of covering roll.
The way of increasing the productivity of degraded rangelands / 2239967
The invention relates to agriculture, and in particular to methods of increasing the productivity of natural grassland, overused and degraded pastures
The invention relates to the field of agriculture, and in particular to methods of cultivation of perennial legume crops on irrigated lands in arid zone
The invention relates to agriculture, in particular to methods of planting crops
The invention relates to the field of agriculture
The invention relates to the field of agriculture, and more specifically to methods of cultivation of agricultural crops, particularly perennial grasses for seeds and food
The invention relates to agriculture, namely the technology of planting and growing
The invention relates to agriculture and can be used when seeding grasses in turf
Method for restoration of contaminated soil, ground and water / 2243638
Method involves mechanical removal of excessive contaminants from surface and reducing toxicity of contaminated soil; sowing green manure crops and perennial grasses; preliminarily removing taking soil samples from contaminated surface and separating native contaminant destructors therefrom; after mechanical removal of contaminant from soil surface, providing sequential treatment of plot soil with water-soluble humates and at least double treatment with native contaminant destructors; mellowing soil; applying lime with mineral fertilizers such as saltpeter, double superphosphate and calcium chloride. Green manure crops are sown after application of fertilizers. Method further involves grinding green manure crops, plowing into soil and covering with soil by means of covering roll.
FIELD: agriculture. SUBSTANCE: method involves sowing sorts of soya with different ripening time; simultaneously sowing sorts of soya of at least four different ripening time in adjacent rows, with early ripening sorts being combined with late ripening sorts; setting seeding norm for early ripening sorts of soya in the range of 600,000-650,000 pieces/hectare and for late ripening sorts of soya in the range of 400,000-450,000 pieces/hectare. EFFECT: improved quality of seeds and reduced seed losses. 4 tbl
The invention relates to agriculture, namely the technology of planting and growing of soybeans in the conditions of arid agriculture. There is a method of cultivation of soybean, including dense sowing, in which, with the goal of increasing productivity by creating the most favorable conditions for the ripening, the solid sowing is carried out not less than two soybean varieties with a difference in terms of maturing not more than 25 days. (SU, copyright certificate №1471969 A1. IPC7A 01 With 7/00. The method of cultivation of soybean. / Vmeoenc (USSR). - Application No. 4108226 / 30-15; Claimed 16.06.1986; Publ. 15.04.1989; bull. No. 14. // Opening. Of the invention. - 1989. No. 14). This method we adopted as naiblizhajshee equivalent. The disadvantages of the described method is applied to solve our problem in the cultivation of soybeans for grain in the Astrakhan region are large losses of grain from zavoianu with spontaneous opening of soybeans early ripening. The essence of the claimed invention is as follows. The challenge which seeks the application of the invention - to provide sustainable harvests of grain adapted soybean varieties in the Astrakhan region. The technical result improved grain quality and reduce losses of seeds. This technical result is achieved by the fact that in the known method of cultivation of soybean is but a grain in the Astrakhan region, including planting a soybean varieties with different ripening, according to the invention simultaneously in adjacent rows are sown the seeds of soybean, at least four ripening, combining varieties are early maturing varieties with late-ripening, while the rate of early varieties ripening is set to 600...650 thousand units per 1 ha, and varieties of late-ripening - 400...450 thousand per 1 hectare Information confirming the possibility of implementing the claimed invention are as follows. Technology of cultivation of soybean grain in Astrakhan region were worked out in the fields under irrigation. When developing technology, special attention was paid to the doses applied mineral fertilizers, sowing date and seeding rate. The authors studied the influence of mineral nutrition on the yield response of soybean and protein yield and fat with 1 hectare. Field studies confirmed through laboratory analysis of the composition of plants, seeds and soil. In a field experience in years passed irrigation regime soybeans with regard to fallen autumn and summer precipitation. A full economic analysis of the experiments with the cultivation of the best ones for implementation and broad industrial testing in the Astrakhan region. Field three-factor experiment was laid on light chestnut soils of semi-arid the ons loamy texture in the complex up to 25% of solonetzes with the content of the exchange of P 2O5- 8,05 mg/100 g soil; rolling potassium (K2O - 33,40 mg/100 g soil; humus 1,1-1,5% by the method of the split plots in triplicate. Were inoculated soybean variety Merit. Irrigation irrigation regime was maintained at 70-80% HB. The plots of the first order were four grades of doses of mineral fertilizers: 1. Control - no fertilizer; 2. P90To60; 3. N60P90To60; 4. N120P90K60; Plots of the second order - sowing time: 1. At a steady average daily soil temperature at the depth of sowing 12-14°C; 2. At a steady average daily soil temperature at the depth of sowing 16-18°C. The plot of the third order - seeding rate: 1. 450 thousand of viable seeds per 1 ha; 2. 600 thousand germinating seeds per 1 hectare The yield of soybean on average over 5 years of research, refer to the standard 14%humidity and 100%purity, were processed according to the method Bagasheva dispersion method. The results of mathematical processing are shown in table 1. The results show that the most significant gain is obtained from fertilization, the fertilized variants they were much higher than in the control. Introduction background (main) fertilizer dose of P90To60increases the grain 0.02-0,41 t/ha in comparison with the control. When applied to p is garmco nitrogen at a dose of 60 kg/ha A.I increase of grain was increased to 0.55 t/ha, and a double dose of nitrogen (N120- 0.56 to 1.04 million tons/ha of grain. Significant yield increase was obtained by sowing time, especially in combination with fertilizers. Advantages of the second, later period, especially significant in the years protracted cold spring. On the background of mineral fertilizers (P90To60) gain amounted to 0.55 t/ha, while the introduction of N120- to 1.04 t/ha of grain per 1 hectare The value of seeding rate was manifested in combination with a complete fertilizer when planting second planting period. This is the most effective combination of all of the factors studied. The increase of grain here amounted to 1.42 t/ha of grain. A full economic analysis of the results, as well as the costs associated with the production of soybean and mineral fertilizer application on its cultivation, are shown in table 2. Largest gain obtained on average for 5 years, it is possible to judge about payback 1 kg A.I fertilizers in real terms. The highest returns give variants with application of mineral fertilizers with a double dose of nitrogen at sowing in the second term of 3.1 and 3.8 kg Output per hectare of protein, feed units and Perevalova protein precedence over options with the introduction of M60and N120on the background of fertilizers. Increase protein in these variants compared to the control with the Tawil of 0.08 is 0.27 t/ha, fodder units to 0.21-1.08 t/ha The use of mineral fertilizers for soybean sowing in the second period would be reduced and the cost of 1 t of soy beans. In the best case (N120P90K60when the seeding rate is 600 thousand units per 1 ha) she was 4,35 rubles lower than on the control (in prices of 1990-ies). The level of profitability, which is the criterion of cost-recovery, confirms the advantage of the options with the introduction of high doses of nitrogen fertilizers in combination with a second time of sowing. When sowing in the first term on the background (P90To60the level of profitability was 38.1 per cent (seeding rate - 600 thousand units per 1 ha), and N120- 56%. On the irrigated lands of the Caspian depression when sufficient natural factors (light, heat, water) one of the major limiting conditions is the lack of promising high-yielding adapted to soil and climatic conditions of the region soybean varieties. Study of this issue is devoted to a study from 1998 to 2002 In the first year of studies in the study included 34 varieties of soybean grain and zernotorgovaj directions from different eco-geographical zones. From all of varietal diversity were selected only varieties had time to fully Mature to harvest. When selecting varieties prevailed main varietal characteristic is the duration of the vegetation is of eriod. To late referred soybean varieties Petrovka, Hodson, knight, Bystrica. The studies were studied and compared with control varieties Volgograde 1 on the following basic biological traits: - the duration of the vegetation period; - ability to conservation of moisture per unit of yield; the height of attachment of the lower beans; grain productivity; - yield of green mass and dry matter; the yield of protein and fat with 1 ha; - the nutritional value of grain and green mass. In addition evaluated for resistance to lodging, pests and diseases, suitability for mechanical harvesting (sapping). For the duration of the growing season varieties are divided into four groups of ripeness. 24 soybean varieties have the duration of the vegetation period 98-120 days. In the group of early maturing varieties (98-100 days) most productive showed himself soybean variety 43/90 - 4.8 t/ha with an increase of control 64,3%. Other sorts of information are presented in table 3. High productivity has been achieved by the maximum number of beans and weight of grain per 1 plant - 55,5 pieces and 14.0, the Yield of protein and fat on this sort 43/90 was the highest, respectively, of 1.86 t/ha and 0,86 t/ha among the studied varieties. Grain yield was observed in varieties sour 1, the camping, Sour 2/95 - 3.5 to 3.8 t/ha For variety soar 2/95 obtained maximum yield of green mass is 27.3 t/ha (6.3 t/ha dry matter). The output of fodder units were: grain - 5.0 t/ha of green mass - 5.6 t/ha, and the output Perevalova protein: grain - 1,11 t/ha; green weight of 0.95 t/ha Simultaneous sowing is late, early, sredneskorostnyh and medium maturing varieties of soybean seeds hold vosniadou drill SUPN -8 configured for planting with row spacing of 30 or 70 see seeding Rate of ripening and sredneskorostnyh soybean varieties set the rate 600...650 thousand pieces per 1 hectare. The seeding rate of soybean seeds with late-ripening or intermediate set within 400...450 per 1 hectare. Data on grain yield of soybean varieties in the joint crops are presented in table 4. The data indicate increasing soybean yields in wide-row sowing a mixture of four varieties differing in maturity, averaging 22.7...26,3%. In comparison with control at sowing most productive one varieties grain yield was 2.5 t/ha, i.e. by 12.6% lower. Increasing yields in a joint seed of four varieties with different ripening due to biological characteristics of soybean. The stems of soybean in the maturing soybeans dropping leaves. When joint vandelia the AI four or more varieties with different maturity and seeding rate more precocious grade drops leaves at maturity earlier than other varieties. Placement of soybean plants of different varieties in adjacent rows in the maturing create an edge effect. During maturation of soybean leaves early maturing varieties of free living space for more than late-maturing varieties, i.e. resolve intraspecific competition for factors of life. For more late-maturing varieties improve conditions for growth and seed ripening in beans: living space, light, mineral nutrition, availability of soil moisture, aeration, etc. that fuller use of plants to create crops with higher quality grain. Important biological feature of the culture are also nonsimultaneity flowering and ripening beans. First blooming flowers at the bottom, and then in the higher nodes. In the same way the maturation beans, i.e. before the ripen lower the beans. These data argue in favor of the claimed method of cultivation of soybean grain in arid agriculture. Increase in the crop yield in mixed inoculation of soybean seeds compared to the control (soybean variety Volgograde 1 delivers to 4.16 t/ha or 14,19%. The claimed method provides a guaranteed harvest released soybean varieties in the Astrakhan region. I
The method of cultivation of soybean grain in the Astrakhan region, including planting a soybean varieties with different ripening, characterized in that at the same time in adjacent rows are sown the seeds of soybean, at least four ripening, combining varieties are early maturing varieties with late-ripening, while the rate of early varieties ripening is set to 600÷650 thousand units per 1 ha, and varieties of late-ripening 400÷450 thousand per 1 hectare
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