Paraffin deposit-preventing hydrophilic property imparting composition |
IPC classes for russian patent Paraffin deposit-preventing hydrophilic property imparting composition (RU 2244100):
The invention relates to the oil industry and can be used for dispensing reagents into the well and flow line
The invention relates to the field of oil production and is intended for cleaning of wells from asphaltene-resin and paraffin-hydrate deposits (ASPHO) generated during operation of wells
The invention relates to the oil industry and can be used for the dosing of liquid inhibitors in oil wells, technological and trunk water and pipelines
The invention relates to the field of oil production, in particular to solid reagents to prevent sediment asphaltene-maloperation substances (ASPV) in the extraction and transport of oil
The invention relates to the oil industry, in particular to methods for processing bottom-hole zone of the production well or wells, translated in the discharge of mining, which is complicated by the loss of asphaltoresinparaffin substances (ASPO) in the critical zone
The invention relates to the production of oil, namely, to prevent the deposition of mineral salts and iron sulfide in wells and oilfield equipment
The invention relates to the oil and gas industry, in particular, to a device for drilling wells from oil deposits, corrosion products, etc
The invention relates to the field of oil production, in particular to solid reagent complex impact on asphaltoresinparaffin deposits of sediment, and is designed to handle the infield and pipelines, mostly lined with polyethylene, for their comprehensive protection (simultaneous removal from the surface of sediment and prevent sediment asphaltoresinparaffin substances ASPV)
The invention relates to the oil industry and can be used for oil extraction
The invention relates to the oil and gas industry and can be used to combat deposits of insoluble inorganic salts accumulated in the pumping and oilfield equipment in the process of production, preparation and transportation of oil
Invention is intended to protect inner surface of transmission pipelines against asphalt-tar-paraffin deposits and provides appropriate composition containing 0.5-10% polyvinyl alcohol, 0.01-1% nonionic surfactant (FK 2000 PLUS), and water.
Composition for removing asphaltene-tar-paraffin deposits manifesting oil-field equipment corrosion inhibitory effect / 2244101
Composition according to invention, which can be used for asphaltene-tar-paraffin deposits from bottom zone of formation, discharge pipes, oil-collection reservoirs, and oil-field equipment, contains 1-5 vol % nonionic surfactant: oleic acid, С9-С12-alkyl-phenol, С9-С10-alkyl-phenol, or N-alkyl-3-methyl-5-ethylpyridinum bromide in solvent; 1-5% cationic surfactant: product of reaction of primary and secondary aliphatic amine mixture with industrial-grade dimethyl phosphite; and solvent (Absorbent A) in balancing amount. Composition can also be based on straight-run gasoline containing in this case 10 to 50 vol % Absorbent A.
Compound includes organic acidic reagent and cubic remains of amine production C17-C20, and as organic acidic reagent contains sulphamine acid with following ratio of components in percents of mass: sulphamine acid 20-70, C17-C20 the rest or mixture of sulphamine acid with nitriletetramethylphosphone acid with following ratio of components in percents of mass: sulphamine acid 10-40, nitriletetramethylphosphone acid 25-70, C17-C20 the rest.
Method includes examination of operation well for gas-condensation and periodical cleaning of face-adjacent well area from precipitating hydrocarbon condensate by pumping hydrocarbon condensate solvent into bed, exposure of well for period of condensate dissolution and following removal of received solution from face-adjacent area during well launch, as solvent binary mixture is used with unlimited mutual solubility of components, while at least one of them has unlimited mutual solubility with hydrocarbon condensate, and relation of binary mixture components is determined from previously built phase diagram of three-component system, formed during dissolution of hydrocarbon condensate. As binary mixture with unlimited mutual solubility of components a mixture of acetone and methanol is used, or chloroform and methanol, or chloroform and aniline, or chloroform and acetone.
Method includes injection of processing liquid into bed, which liquid contains solved or dispersed in water complicated ether and polymer destructor, selected from oxidizing destructor and ferment destructor in such a way, that complicated ether is hydrolyzed with production of organic acid for solution of material soluble in acid, present in filtering layer or adjacent to it or in other damage in productive bed, and polymer destructor destroys polymer material, present in filtering layer or bio-film in productive bed.
Compound has processed cyclohexane fraction, processed tallic or rapeseed oil, additionally has modified high-dispersion polysyl-grade silica with following ratio of components in percents of mass: processed cyclohexane fraction 69.9-78.0, processed tallic or rapeseed oil 20.0-30.0, polysyl 0.1-2.0.
Composition for prevention of asphalt-resin-paraffin precipitations on basis of liquid pyrolysis products, used in amount of 0.03-0.05 of oil mass, has following composition, %: dark oil polymer resin, received by oxidizing polymerization of heavy pyrolysis resin during blowing of air with flow 17-23 hour-1, temperature 145-155°C in presence of cobalt salts during 2-2.5 hours, 30-35, alkylaromatic hydrocarbons 65-70.
Gas well thawing method / 2254447
Method involves lowering flushing pipe string of lesser diameter into producing tube; flushing well bore with hot technological solution and lengthening flushing pipes as hydrate ice block damages, wherein potassium chloride electrolyte is used as the technological solution.
Method for removing paraffin precipitations in tubing pipes of oil wells / 2256064
Method includes washing tubing pipes using solvent - condensed light hydrocarbons, produced using centrifugal forces of hydraulic cyclone, with insertion of it through behind-pipe space into said tubing columns and circulation with down-pump operating in towards-self mode. Said solvent contains admixture in form of special surfactant, washing is performed at temperature close to temperature of melting of paraffin with loss of said solvent 5-10 m3 in one well.
Reagent contains fraction obtained in processing of liquid products from oil feedstock pyrolysis via rectification of these products within a temperature range of 28 to 150°C at atmospheric pressure and in presence of polymerization inhibitors; and optionally polyalkylbenzene resin in amount 0.5-5.0% separately or in mixture with α-olefin 2.0-8.0%), or with anionic surfactant (0.05-0.2%). Reagent may also further contain 0.5-5.0% α-olefins and 4.0-10.0% butylbenzene fraction. Method of treating well bottom zone comprises injecting hydrocarbon fluid containing above-indicated hydrocarbons, forcing it into formation with buffer liquid, holding it in bottom zone for a wale, and drawing off dissolution products.
FIELD: oil and gas production. SUBSTANCE: invention is intended to protect inner surface of transmission pipelines against asphalt-tar-paraffin deposits and provides appropriate composition containing 0.5-10% polyvinyl alcohol, 0.01-1% nonionic surfactant (FK 2000 PLUS), and water. EFFECT: prolonged pipeline protection effect of composition and manifested demulsification activity. 1 dwg, 5 tbl, 5 ex
The invention relates to the oil industry and can be used to protect the inner surface of the transport pipelines from the asphalt-resin-paraffin deposits. The mechanism of the protective action is to create a hydrophilic protective film on the surface of the equipment, preventing sticking of the paraffin crystals and the formation of a sediment layer which is firmly bonded to the metallic surface. Known composition for hydrophilization internal surface of pipelines, including,% wt.: carboxymethylcellulose 32 sodium hexametaphosphate 60 ethoxylated alcohol 8 used in working concentration of 3.2 g/l of water. (V.e.gubin, AMB. Pumping of high-viscosity oils with wall layer of the wetting composition.//Transport of oil and oil products." 1980 - No. 4. - C. 3-6). The disadvantages of this structure are: - protection of the pipeline from maloperation deposits for a short time; - negative impact on the primary processes of preparing water-cut oil. Thus, the composition contributes to the stabilization of water-in-oil emulsion, thus complicating the process of demulsification. Closest to the proposed invention is a composition for hydrophilization internal surface of pipelines, including, % wt.: polyacrylamide 0,02-2 CT is Oxymetazoline 0,1-0,5 nonionic surfactant 0,001-0,01 water the rest (Pagamento, Alimov, Weimarische, Pentosin. Composition for preventing deposition of paraffin// USSR Author's certificate No. 794193, E 21 In 43/00, 07.01.1981, 3). The disadvantages of this structure are: - protection of pipelines from maloperation deposits for a short time; - negative impact on the primary processes of preparing water-cut oil. The composition contributes to the stabilization of oil-water emulsions, complicating the process of demulsification. The present invention is the creation of hydrophilizing composition, ensuring the protection of pipelines from the deposition of paraffin for a longer time and at the same time exhibiting the properties of demulsifier. The problem is solved due to the fact that in hydrophilizing composition for preventing deposition of paraffin containing polymer, nonionic surfactant, nonionic surfactants and water, as a polymer it contains polyvinyl alcohol as the nonionic surfactants - additive FC 2000 PLUS in the following ratio of components, wt.%: polyvinyl alcohol of 0.5-10 additive FC 2000 PLUS 0.01 to 1 water the rest Additive FC 2000 PLUS is a composition of triglycerides, natural surfactants, saponified caustic to the Liem vegetable fatty acid and polyethylene glycol ethers of. As a main component hydrophilizing composition is used polyvinyl alcohol, the molecules of which form with water molecules strong hydrogen bonds. This explains the stronger retention of water film layer hydrophilicity compositions based on polyvinyl alcohol, which increases the protective properties of the composition. The auxiliary component that improves the wettability of the metal surface and detergent properties of the composition, is of nonionic surfactants - additive FC 2000 PLUS, does not cause sludge formation in water of any salinity. The proposed ratio of the components attributable to the following. When the concentration of the main component is polyvinyl alcohol is below 0.5% wt. it is difficult to process its adsorption on the metal surface and durable polymer protective film on the metal surface is not formed. The use of a solution of polyvinyl alcohol with a concentration above 10% by weight. it is impractical for economic reasons. Solutions of nonionic surfactants additives FC 2000 PLUS at concentrations below 0.01 wt.%. - does not have a noticeable detergent properties; the increasing concentration of nonionic surfactants above 1% wt. it is not economically feasible. In addition, concentrated solutions of the additive FC 2000 PLUS can help stabilize water-oil emulsion, which will reduce demolicious the properties of the composition. Thus, the set of essential features set forth in the claims, allows to achieve the desired technical result. Namely, the inventive composition provides protection of pipelines from the deposition of paraffin for a longer time and at the same time exhibiting the properties of demulsifier. Examples of specific implementations We conducted laboratory studies have compared the effectiveness of the developed composition and its prototype. Laboratory studies were carried out on the installation by examining the process of formation of paraffin sediments based on the known method of “cold core”. The scheme of the laboratory setup for studying the process of the paraffin method "cold core " is presented on the drawing: 1 - chemical glass; 2 - oven/magnetic stirrer; 3 - metal "cold core"; 4 - PEEN. In a thermostatted glass 1 was filled with 300 ml of condensate. The temperature was raised to 70°and 20 min were included mixing a magnetic stirrer 2. Then reduced the temperature to 60°and lowered into the condensate steel cylinder 3, the surface of which has been pre-sanded, degreased with hexane and ethanol, dried and treated the water with the polymer solution during 1 h Inside the cylinder was cooled with ice. Thus, was created on the cylinder wall temperature 60&x000B0; C. During the experience condensation in the glass was mixed with a magnetic stirrer for 15 min, after which the cylinder was removed from the glass, poured ice and poured water having a temperature of 25°C. the Mass remaining in the cylinder of the sediments was determined by the gravimetric method. To assess the effectiveness of hydrophilizing action of aqueous polymer solutions use the following formula: where m0is the mass of sediment in the control experiment; m1mass deposits on hydrophilizing surface. For tests used 20%oil emulsion artificially prepared from produced water and gas condensate field "Coastal" in the Krasnodar territory. Group composition of gas condensate and physico-chemical properties of produced water below. Group hydrocarbon composition of the gas condensate: Name fractions the fractions of,% wt. Petroleum fraction (MK-60) 2,0 Aromatic hydrocarbons 13,2 Paraffin hydrocarbons 58,0 Naphthenic hydrocarbons 26,1 Unsaturated hydrocarbons 0,7 Total 100,0 Paraffin wax content of 4.3 Physico-Himicheskaya brine: Indices Value indicators Density 1,1709 g/cm3 Hydrogen pokazatel is, pH 7,52 The rigidity of 1.4 mmol/DM3 Compared the efficacy of the following structures: Example No. 1 (prototype) 1.5 g of polyacrylamide is dissolved under stirring in 200 g heated to 50°With water. 0.9 g of carboxymethyl cellulose are dissolved under stirring in 97.6 g heated to 50°With water. The obtained solutions combine, add 0.015 g OP-10, are thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous liquid. Example No. 2 (proposed) 3 g of dry powder of polyvinyl alcohol are dissolved under stirring in 295,5 g heated to 50°With water, add 1.5 g of nonionic surfactant FC 2000 PLUS. The mixture was thoroughly stirred to obtain a homogeneous liquid. Physico-chemical characteristics of the reagents listed in table 1. Examples No. 3-5 perform similarly to example 2, changing the quantitative ratio of the components in the composition. The specific formulations hydrophilicity compositions and test results are presented in table 2. The influence of the studied compositions in the process of separating oil-water emulsions are presented in table 3. As can be seen from the test results of the inventive composition, the compositions more effectively protects the equipment from deposits of paraffin. In addition, it has pological the impacts on the process of separating the produced emulsion, that is exhibiting the properties of demulsifier. The advantage of the proposed structure is the use of components manufactured by the domestic industry.
Hydrophilicity composition for preventing deposition of paraffin in pipelines containing polymer, nonionic surfactant, nonionic surfactants and water, characterized in that the polymer it contains polyvinyl alcohol as the nonionic surfactants - additive FC 2000 PLUS in the following ratio, wt. %: Polyvinyl alcohol of 0.5 - 10 Additive FC 2000 PLUS 0.01 to 1 Water the Rest
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