The treatment for burn wounds

The treatment for burn wounds
IPC classes for russian patent The treatment for burn wounds (RU 2186563):
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Ointment for treatment of scars / 2281084
Invention relates to ointment used in treatment of scars by external using on a patient body. Ointment for treatment of scars comprises wax, vegetable oil, heparin, lydaze, glycerol and dimethylsulfoxide in the following ratio of components per 100 g: wax, 13-15 g; heparin, 5000-10000 U; lydaze, 64-128 U; dimethylsulfoxide, 10-15 ml; glycerol, 10-15 ml, and vegetable oil, the balance. Invention provides enhancing effectiveness in treatment of patients and the absence of adverse complications.
Method for complex treating ischemic variant of glaucoma in patients with myopic refraction / 2281759
The present innovation deals with medicinal treatment of ischemic variant of primary glaucoma in case of stable normalization of intraocular pressure (IOP) in patients with myopic refraction. For this purpose, it is necessary to carry out electromagnetic impact successively onto cerebral orbital, temporal and occipital areas, carotid sinuses of cervical autonomic plexus, and, also, one should additionally inject gliatilin per 1.0 in combination with instillations of 0.5%-betaxolol solution per 2 drops twice daily into ocular conjunctival cavity. Therapy should last for 10 d at repeating the course once or twice annually. The method provides stable normalization of IOP, improves cerebral and orbital hemodynamics and stabilization of visual functions.

(57) Abstract:

The invention relates to medicine, specifically to pharmacology. A new tool for the treatment of burn wounds. The remedy is a mixture of fatty alcohols with total content 5 - 100% of the following alcohols: octadecatetraenoic, eicosapentaenoic, docosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic. When using this tool was a clear inhibition of inflammatory processes, which reduced the severity of lesions and created conditions as to decrease the necessary reparations and its stimulation. In the end, all resulted in the near exclusion of scabs in the earlier stages of their formation in the complete healing without complications and associated side effects. The invention expands the Arsenal of the declared destination. 1 table, 6 Il.

The invention relates to medicinal preparations containing organic active ingredients, namely, higher fatty alcohols.

In Russia as burns tools used the following drugs and groups of drugs: sulfa preparty (streptocid, and others), an antiseptic agent (potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide solution, and others), nutrients (trypsin, chymotrypsin and others), as well as antibiotics, anabolic substances, vitamins and other (Mashkovsky I. D. Medicines. - Kharkov: Torsing, 1997. - So 1 and 2).

It is known that aliphatic compounds similar in structure to (but not identical), omega-3 marine fatty acids have a pronounced biological effect (Kinsella J. E., Lokesh C., Stone, R. A. Dietary n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and amelioration of cardiovascular disease: possible mechanisms// Am. J. Clin. Nutr. - 1990. - Vol. 52, N 1. - P. 1-28), including burn injury (U.S. Pat. 1805961 RF, MCI AND 61 TO 31/20. The tool, showing burns activity/ Latyshev N. A., Kasyanov S. P., Dobrynina I. C., O. Kirillov I. - 1993).

It is known the use of a mixture of higher fatty alcohols in the composition of the detergent (shampoo, soap, etc.,) as surface-active substances (Pletnev M. Y. Cosmetics and hygienic detergents. - M.: Chemistry, 1990. - 272 S.).

Up to the present time, no known application of products containing higher fatty alcohols omega-3 series in the treatment of burn wounds.

With a view to expanding the range of means of influence on a living organism as burns funds in the present invention is used higher fatty alcohols omega-3 series.

The use of omega-3 fatty alcohols Si result from the use of sales burn-drug "Lineal" (the drug based on the fatty acids of linseed oil, contains up to 55% - linolenic acid, a fatty acid omega-3 series of plant origin).

Linetol, as a drug, was selected as a comparison when testing the efficacy of omega-3 alcohols, as most similar to the chemical structure of the official drug recommended by the Pharmacopoeia for use in these pathologies.

A mixture of fatty alcohols, including omega-3 alcohols, are oily movable liquid slightly yellowish (to colorless) with a mild odor. The mixture loses its liquid consistency even at low temperatures; not flammable and does not contain any solvents. Hereinafter, the mixture of higher fatty alcohols omega-3 series will be referred to as a means of containing omega-3 fatty alcohols.

In the nature of omega-3 fatty alcohols were found, mainly in marine organisms (fish, plankton, and so on). Terrestrial animals and plants are, in this case, a rare exception. But even in offshore concentrations of these substances is negligible, as a result it is difficult to highlight any significant quantities of these alcohols. Therefore, in our work, we prepared them directly on the RF, MCI 11 WITH 1/00, WITH 11 IN 7/00. A method of obtaining a concentrate of ethyl esters of eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids/ Latyshev I. A., Kasyanov S. P., Glushchenko So Century - 1993; U.S. Pat. 1631067 RF, MKI WITH 11 1/02. The method of obtaining docosahexaenoic, eicosapentaenoic and arachidonic acids or their mixtures/ Latyshev N. A., Imbs A. B., Gaidai N. In., Kuklev D. C., Kasyanov S. P. - 1993). The obtained fatty acid was recovered in the alcohol standard operating procedure (Carrer P. a Course in organic chemistry. - Leningrad: State. nauch.-technology. ed. chem. literature, 1960. - S. 109-113). The General scheme of receipt:
< / BR>
The preparation is standardized by the sum of the four omega-3 alcohols: (1) octadecatetraenoic alcohol, (2) eicosapentaenoic alcohol, (3) docosapentaenoic alcohol, (4) docosahexaenoic alcohol. Below is the chemical formula:
< / BR>
CIS-6,9,12,15-octadecatetraenoic alcohol (alcohol 18:43)
< / BR>
CIS-5,8,11,14,17-eicosapentaenoic alcohol (alcohol 20:53)
< / BR>
CIS-7,10,13,16,19-docosapentaenoic alcohol (alcohol 22:53)
< / BR>
CIS-4,7,10,13,16,19-docosahexaenoic alcohol (alcohol 22:63)
Omega-3 or 3 indicates the location of the first double bond in the molecule from the terminal methyl group. The other connections are ordered and arranged through methylene bridges. Under the name of each of the alcohols (with Voynich links.

The content of the drug is effective beginning the amounts of these alcohols can vary from 5 to 100%. The lower boundary is defined on the assumption that the decrease of the total content of these alcohols below 5% significantly or completely reduces the efficiency of the funds due to the high "ballast" of the content of other fatty alcohols, does not have such effect. The upper boundary corresponds to the moment when the tool is practically contains only the specified alcohols. This tool has the most activity. However, due to certain difficulties obtaining highly enriched concentrates of omega-3 acids, of which prepare the corresponding alcohols, their concentration in ready-to-use tool is, on average, 20-40%, while the ratio of the alcohols in the mixture does not matter, because each of them has burnproof activity, comparable with others, and important only in the aggregate, equal 5-100%.

Under the action of thermal stimulus develops multi-phase inflammatory response (Cernoch A. M., Frolov, E. P. Skin. - M.: Medicine, 1982. - 336 S. ) and time of occurrence of some morphological elements and sequential change them on the other is the possibility of the ate, similar to human and is also a three-component system formed by the epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous fat, most pronounced in the back (p.p. Gambaryan, Dukelska N. M. A rat. - M.: Soviet science, 1955. - 197 C.), but the epidermis of the vast majority of the skin surface with densely growing hair, built less difficult and instead of five layers in humans, in animals consists only of three: basal, spinous and Horny (Ivanov, I. F., Kowalski P. A. Cytology, histology, embryology. - M.: Kolos, 1976. - 448 C. ). In this regard, when the evolution of burn wounds in rats was not observed the formation of such a very typical morphological element of the bubble. In addition, used in our experiments, the rats of Wistar line - albinos, whose specific function of melanocytes located in the basal layer of the epidermis, disturbed, with the result that they are unable to synthesize melanin pigment. However, and in these animals the area and especially the depth of the skin, like a human, depend on the parameters of the heat source (size, temperature, heat capacity, duration of exposure), and from the moment of active therapy, its effectiveness in combating R from the surface of the skin to its deeper layers and from the center of the burn area to the periphery.

Externally, the zone of coagulation necrosis immediately after exposure to the chosen temperature stimulus instantly becomes pale, and then stands out for its more pink color from the surrounding intact skin. By the end of the day, in the two-phase reaction surviving microvasculature, leading to enlargement of small blood vessels, increases their permeability, accompanied by the release in the extracellular space of the liquid portion of blood and its formed elements and protein (Cernoch A. M. Inflammation. - M.: Medicine, 1979. - 447 S.).

Released in this way (by diapedesis) erythrocytes emolicious that burns very typical, and released thanks to the hemoglobin, consistently translates into the number of products becomes hemosiderin. It is formed within the first 24 hours after hemorrhage, which gives the tissue a reddish-brown color (Bareev B. S., Burmistrov C. M. Burns. - L.: Medicine, 1986. - 272 S.). On the skin surface it appears as the primary morphological element - spot. Spots numerous, irregular in shape and have a tendency to gradually merge with each other, and the accumulation of hemosiderin leads to the formation of secondary morphological element decina, 1980. - S. 15-36). Since, in our experiments we used the rat, albino, which, as indicated above. the formation of melanin pigment violated, are more likely to say that hemosiderin determines the color of the resulting new pathological element.

In parallel, the output of the liquid portion of blood with extensive set of proteins leads to the saturation of the surrounding tissues, and increased in comparison with healthy skin 16-20 times the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the burn (Bareev B. S., Burmistrov C. M. Burns. - L.: Medicine, 1986. - 272 S.) causes desiccation or formed necrotic masses and the formation of another pathological element - light brown scab. Scab above the surface of healthy skin, palpation elastic.

Damage to the endothelium of a blood vessel initiates the process of hemostasis. The activity of cell populations is stopped, and the necrotic area is only slightly expands, but mainly deepens its size. The zone of stasis is shifted into the zone of hyperemia and in the process of exudate involving new larger blood vessels. Clinical manifestation of this is a significant darkening and thickening of the scab, which is pre ogah IIIa degree, and more dark, dry and dense scab (in rats, it looks like a coin), with a picture of the expanded blood vessels in a state of stasis and often Sanogo with the underlying tissues corresponds IIIB degree (Dolinin Century A. Thermal damage. In the book: Military-field surgery/ Ed. Lisitsyn K. M., Shaposhnikov, Y. G. - M.: Medicine, 1982 - C. 153-190). Theoretical extrapolation of pathological anatomy burns IIIB degree of human skin to the skin of rats suggests a lesion of the skin on his entire column, including the subcutaneous fatty tissue.

However, the formation of such a thick dark brown scab, though fraught secondary circulation in the surrounding tissue, but the rats albino marks the actual end of the pathological changes and the transition to a reparative processes. In principle, the cessation of the destructive process is possible at any stage, but almost was observed not earlier than the formation of scabs. This is preceded by a slow evolution of burn wounds, then stop at a certain pathological element, without appearing within the next one or two days. Then on the periphery of the scab is detached its edges from the underlying skin is olego exclusion.

Final resolution wounds believed that her condition, which under the scab was a clean skin surface with no visually detectable difference from the intact skin. But in some animals observed complications of burns, expressed in the emergence of secondary wounds and scabs, suppuration, considerable thickening of the skin at the injury site, as well as the formation of hypertrophic scarring, changes in skin color (pale, whitish areas, redness) and/or phenomenon atrophy of the skin (the disruption of the normal skin picture, thinning, stay-put her plots) on the first boot of a scab.

Ultimately, determine benchmarks were taken four of the most typical and successive stages in the study clinical picture:
I - the skin on the entire thickness of the elastic, there are spots due to hemolysis and the formation of hemosiderin;
II - the skin on the entire thickness of the elastic together with the existing on its surface soft light brown scab;
III - the skin on the entire thickness of the elastic together with the existing on its surface red-brown scab;
IV - dense, resembling a coin, dark brown scab, often with different designs dilated blood vessels in a state of stasis.

is Kandilov gg Medical morphometry. The leadership. - M.: Medicine, 1990. - 384 C.), used the proposed transparent grid with equidistant test points, according to which sarasmile on the affected skin surface area occupied sequentially successive pathological elements. The predominance of one of them, an animal with such a wound was referred to an appropriate stage. For the total data we have plotted the histogram, where the value of each column was determined by the number of rats with wounds in a particular stage of evolution, and the number of columns corresponded to the presence of specific stages in this experimental group. Rats were daily inspected and continued to reallocate in the usual manner as the evolution of their wounds. For clarity, the selected stage IV as the most unfavorable.

Statistical processing of histograms rats was performed using a criterion of consent 2(Rokicki P. F. Fundamentals of variation statistics for biologists. - Minsk: Publishing House. Belarusian state University, 1961. - 222 S.) by the formula:
< / BR>
where2- fit (goodness of fit);
f1and f2frequency of classes of the first and second rows;
n1and n2<//SUP> and the test of coincidence of the values of2. Statistically considered differences in P0,05.

Example 1. For the treatment of burn wounds, including fatty alcohols omega-3 series.

The experience was used 126 female rats of Wistar rats (from nursery RAMS "Pillar") weighing 130-150 g, which were divided into 6 groups 21 animal in each. Rats of all groups were in cages for 7 individuals. Animals the whole period were kept on a standard diet, adopted in the nursery, water ad libitum.

group 1 consisted of untreated rats, she served as a control for the 3rd (Linecol) and 6th (ballast alcohols);
group 2 rats after burn was processed medical vaseline, rats of this group served as a control for 4-th (omega-3 alcohols, 59%) and 5th (omega-3 alcohols, 100%) groups;
group 3 was treated burns sales tool Linecol;
group 4 was treated subjects by means of omega-3 alcohols of the following composition, %:
Octadecatetraenoic alcohol - 7
Eicosapentaenoic alcohol - 25
Docosapentaenoic alcohol - 5
Docosahexaenoyl alcohol - 22
The total content of 59%. Other fatty alcohols, as minor components, was 41%.

group 5 R> Eicosapentaenoic alcohol - 35
Docosapentaenoic alcohol - 9
Docosahexaenoyl alcohol - 44
The total content of 100%. Other fatty alcohols were absent.

This 5 group, like the subsequent 6 was taken in an experiment to determine the current concentrations of omega-3 alcohols in the product.

group 6 was treated with a mixture of "ballast" fatty alcohols with low content of active omega-3 alcohols of the following composition, %:
Octadecatetraenoic alcohol - 0,5
Eicosapentaenoic alcohol - 1,3
Docosapentaenoic alcohol - 0,3
Docosahexaenoyl alcohol - 2,9
The total content of omega-3 alcohols 5%. The rest of the "ballast" fatty alcohols was 95%.

Before the experiment under ether anesthesia, rats were removed the coat in the area of the middle third of the back with the area of skin the size 2525 mm Burn caused within 3 seconds, applying to the skin a massive (500 g) a metallic object having a place of contact of the circular flat surface with a diameter of 20 mm at a temperature of 80oC. To obtain surface thermal injury just before the burn with a syringe under obessolennuyu skin was introduced to 3 cm3air education IU the act with physical agent the source of excess heat. Thus, the temperature affected were only skin with all its appendages and systems, and underlying tissues remained almost intact. Upon removing the injection needle entered the air quickly went out and "pillow" was uncovered. After burn on the affected skin surface caused subjects remedies at room temperature in the amount of 150 mg per wound. To the complete absorption of drugs, the rats were kept separately from each other to avoid mutual licking of wounds. The experiment was carried out from 9 to 12 hours, re-preparations put in 18-19 hours In the following days processing time remained the same. Simultaneously recorded the time of detection at the site of injury identified visually and by palpation specific objective changes in the skin, the so - called morphological elements, which are the outward manifestation of relevant pathological processes in the skin.

The survey results provided in the digital material in the table, as well as for better clarity in the form of histograms in Fig.1-6. The shaded histograms IV stage as the most unfavorable.

The results of the research showed what their skin lesions. When using these tools was a clear inhibition of inflammatory processes, which reduced the severity and created conditions as to decrease the necessary reparations and its stimulation. In the end, all resulted in the near exclusion of scabs in the earlier stages of their formation, when fully wound healing without complications and associated side effects. Thus, omega-3 fatty alcohols should be considered as a highly effective means for the local treatment of burn injuries.

For the treatment of burn wounds, characterized in that it is a mixture of fatty alcohols comprising 5-100% - higher fatty alcohols omega-3 series with chain length from 18 to 22 carbon atoms and 4 to 6 double bonds.



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